Neck and décolleté massage for wrinkles

Often women pay a lot of attention to caring for their facial skin, while forgetting about their neck.

But wrinkles appear on it quite early, which show age.

Modern cosmetology has reached heights in this area, but massage occupies an important stage.

There are many methods and techniques for performing massage; every woman can choose the best option for herself.

Does massage help with neck wrinkles?

Massage is a certain manipulation that is performed on the skin, so it requires maximum attention. Like any procedure, massage has contraindications.

Neck massage begins at different ages, it all depends on when wrinkles began to appear. On average it is 28-30 years old. If you start massage when the first wrinkles appear, you can significantly delay skin aging.

If there are any formations in the neck area, or there are problems with the skin, the massage procedure will have to be replaced with other rejuvenation methods. Massage is carried out only if the skin is healthy and you are feeling well.

The help of massage is as follows:

  1. During the massage, proper blood circulation occurs and metabolic processes are normalized.
  2. The skin becomes toned, massaging has a tightening effect.
  3. Puffiness is eliminated, which gives freshness to the skin.
  4. Very often, massaging will relieve rashes in the neck area.
  5. The contours of the face become clearer and slimmer.
  6. By relieving tension, the skin is smoothed and relaxed.

You can achieve good results without leaving your home.

Popular techniques

There are quite a few massage techniques that can help overcome wrinkles on the neck. The most common and effective:

  1. Lymphatic drainage.
  2. Taoist.
  3. Tibetan.
  4. Chinese.

The main rule of any massage is precise movements along certain lines.

Practically Each massage procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Initially cleanse the skin.
  2. Massage products are applied.
  3. The massage itself.
  4. Apply products that moisturize the skin.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is deservedly considered a breakthrough in the beauty industry and youth.

It activates the potential of tissues, which allows the body's processes to start in a new way.

One of the main advantages of this massage is its low cost.

And if you master the technique yourself, then you don’t need to waste money at all.

Effect of lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. lymph flow becomes much better.
  2. The skin rejuvenates and gains elasticity.
  3. The swelling goes away.
  4. Blood circulation improves.
  5. The double chin disappears.
  6. Folds disappear from the neck area.
  7. The body as a whole is strengthened.

Massage has the following contraindications:

  1. Massage is not recommended for persons under 16 years of age.
  2. Presence of injuries and wounds.
  3. Inflammations on the skin of the face and neck.
  4. Infectious diseases.
  5. Recent rhinoplasty.
  6. High pressure.
  7. Diseases of the lymph nodes.
  8. Viral diseases.
  9. Tendency to form blood clots.
  10. Depression.
  11. Pathologies of ENT organs.
  12. Problems with the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

Stages of implementation

Neck and décolleté

  1. Before starting the massage, you should warm up the skin of your face and neck. This is done using three fingers of both hands. They lead from the bridge of the nose and the inner corners of the eyes in a longitudinal direction to the cheekbones to the beginning of the ears, then down the neck to the collarbones. Repeat several times.
  2. You should warm up the neck area thoroughly by gently stroking it with both hands from bottom to top. The chin should be slightly raised, stroking the neck from the collarbones to the chin. You should feel warm during manipulations.
  3. Next, the tissues of the neck near the back of the head are stimulated. The movements are stroking, directed down to the collarbones and shoulder area. The manipulation is carried out with the side of the hand, applying little effort so that unnecessary lymph leaves the skin. This ensures blood flow. Soft tissues are saturated with blood, acquire elasticity, and a blush appears on the face.
  4. Be sure to warm up the chest area. Place your fingers on the solar plexus and gently move them vertically to the collarbones, heading towards the shoulders.
  1. Place the fingertips on the chin and run them along the face, moving from the jaw below to the cheekbones. Smooth the skin from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones, without bypassing the area under the eyes.
  2. Place your fingers at the base of the eyebrows, rising above the nose, and draw circles slightly touching the eyebrows. The skin on the forehead is slightly stretched towards the outer corners of the eyes.
  3. Under the eyes, lightly massage the skin in a circular motion. Lymph is drained to the ears, then along the neck to the collarbone.
  4. If wrinkles are present between the eyebrows, then the lymph is diverted to the side.

The massage ends with soothing movements.

Tibetan dot

Tibetan face and neck massage is gaining increasing popularity. It consists of stroking and pressing on certain points. In this case, no stretching of the skin occurs.

The effect of Tibetan massage is noticeable after 10 procedures. It is easy to do and learns quickly. It not only removes wrinkles from the neck area, but also gets rid of a sagging chin, makes facial contours clearer, and eliminates puffiness and swelling under the eyes. And most importantly, it relieves headaches.

The technique has its contraindications:

  1. diseases that are chronic.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Increased, even slightly, temperature.
  4. Bronchial asthma.

To enhance the effect of the massage, you should use essential oils. Avocado and jojoba are considered the main ones.


  1. Gently rub the fingertips along the neck from top to bottom. The thyroid gland area is not affected.
  2. The palms are folded into a “boat” and thus passed from one ear to the other.
  3. Lead your hands from the area under the nose to the ears, then smoothly lower to the cheekbones.
  4. Apply a little pressure on the wings of the nose from top to bottom.
  5. Fingers press on the base of the eyebrows, moving along the forehead to the temples.
  6. Use your fingertips to gently rub around the eyes. Pressing a little from above, stroking from below.

Taoist technique

Exactly Taoist massage technique is the most interesting a technique for getting rid of wrinkles both in the neck and face. Its main rule is not massage movements, but the exchange of energy. It is directed through all channels of the body, giving youth and longevity.

There are also contraindications:

  1. oncological diseases.
  2. Diseases of an infectious nature.
  3. Aggravated diseases.
  4. Inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  5. Skin problems.

Taoist massage technique:

  1. You should stand up straight, extend your right arm with your palm up. Imagine that a strong flow of cosmic energy is passing through your hand. The left hand is lowered and the palm is facing the ground. Then rub your palms one against the other.
  2. Palms are brought to the face. Movements are performed in a circle, right - up - right - down; left – up – left – down. It will take 24 repetitions.
  3. The thumbs rest on the cheekbones, the index and middle fingers move around the eyes, alternately drawing large and small circles. Start from the nose and move towards the temples. It will take 22 laps.
  4. Fold your palms into “cups” and cover your eyes with them. There should be a feeling that your eyes are filled with energy. Next, they do ordinary eye gymnastics, moving them 12 times in all directions. Apply light pressure to the eyes with your palms, also 12 repetitions.
  5. Use three fingers to press on the eyebrows and hold for a count of 36. They also press on the bone of the eye socket from below, counting to 36.
  6. The middle and index fingers are placed along the wing of the nose. They move across the bridge of the nose, above the eyebrows to the temporal region. Gradually move higher, reaching the area of ​​hair growth.
  7. Gently tap with your fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then back.
  8. The edges of the palms are pressed to the outer edges of the eyes. They are passed to the temporal part. It will take 16 repetitions.
  9. Gently massage the cheek area with your fingertips, following the direction from the nose to the ears. Then they go down to the chin and return up again. Do 8 repetitions.
  10. The index finger is placed above the upper lip, the ring finger - in the center under the lower lip. They move their fingers to the temporal area, drawing an invisible smile. Do 22 repetitions.

Chinese massage with spoons

Chinese massage is a whole philosophical science. The procedure tunes the entire body to relaxation. To master the technique completely, you need to have a huge amount of knowledge. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a good specialist in this field.

Chinese massage with spoons is often practiced, which you can do at home yourself. The execution technique depends on the goal being pursued:

  1. to get rid of from a double chin and wrinkles in the neck area You should use hot spoons, which are pre-lubricated with oil. They are applied to the neck in the décolleté area, leading towards the chin, pressing slightly.
  2. For wrinkles Alternating hot and cold spoons will help get rid of it. Initially, use hot oil spoons, moving clockwise, then use cold spoons without oil in the same direction.
  3. From nasolabial folds Patting with spoons will help get rid of it. They are dipped in hot oil, their cheeks are puffed out, and spoons are patted on their puffed up cheeks for 10 seconds.
  4. For bags under the eyes Applying cold spoons dipped in the broth will help.

Most often, olive oil is used for massage, and a decoction is prepared from chamomile.

Massage with spoons is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. skin diseases.
  2. Problems with the lymphatic system.
  3. Cuperosis.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Problems with the nose and nasopharynx.

To have a youthful and radiant look and say goodbye to wrinkles on your neck and face, you don’t have to visit expensive salons. It is enough to take time for yourself at home. Massage will always help in the fight against aging and also strengthen the entire body. But you don’t need to hope for a lightning-fast result, show a little patience and you will see a wonderful effect.

Useful video

Watch a video on the topic:

Appearance of wrinkles

Over the years, the skin loses moisture and becomes drier. Collagen and elastin begin to be produced in smaller quantities, and physiological changes in the skin appear. If a woman sleeps on a high pillow, is overweight and has bad habits, loves to visit the solarium and sunbathe, aging occurs faster. To prevent the early formation of wrinkles on the neck, it is better to reconsider your lifestyle and diet and eliminate harmful factors.

A set of procedures will help eliminate wrinkles on the skin of the neck and chest. They will also help for preventive purposes and will give the skin an attractive appearance if wrinkles already exist. Procedures include:

  1. special gymnastics;
  2. masks;
  3. compresses and wraps;
  4. massage.


Why do a neck massage?

The effect of massage is as follows:

  1. metabolic processes at the cellular level and blood pressure are stimulated and stabilized;
  2. the level of synthesis of elastin and collagen increases;
  3. tension is relieved, the skin relaxes, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  4. redness and acne disappear due to good functioning of capillaries;
  5. swelling subsides, muscle tissue strengthens;
  6. nutrients begin to flow to all cells;
  7. the skin acquires elasticity and the contour of the face is drawn.

Sessions should be held regularly. Massage is a preventative procedure for preventing all types of wrinkles. You can start the course from 28 to 30 years old.

Features of the skin of the neck and décolleté

The skin of the neck and chest has a special structure. Inside, there are multiple lymph nodes located under the skin. Improper execution can lead to inflammation and health problems. Therefore, for a safe neck massage, it is better to consult a specialist.

Complex massage is considered the most effective and beneficial for these areas. For the procedure, you should take a comfortable position and perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. apply moisturizer to the skin;
  2. warm the skin with light stroking movements in the direction from the ears towards the chest;
  3. tap the entire area with your fingertips;
  4. massage the cervical spine with the backs of your hands.

This massage can be performed independently. To avoid injury, hematoma and unnecessary stretching of the skin, do this lightly, without pinching or pressing.



The correct technique will help eliminate existing wrinkles on the neck and prevent the appearance of new ones.

  1. The procedure can be carried out only if you feel well.
  2. If the skin is inflamed, it is better to postpone the session until complete recovery.
  3. The skin should be clean. Before visiting a massage therapist, you should remove all cosmetics from the surface of the skin.
  4. A massage session lasts no more than 10-20 minutes.
  5. A hot compress is recommended to relax the muscles.
  6. Massage should be performed only along special lines and with certain movements, so as not to worsen the condition of the skin of the neck.

Methods and techniques of execution

There are several neck massage techniques: lymphatic drainage, Taoist, Tibetan and Chinese. All of them are aimed at smoothing out wrinkles.

Lymphatic drainage

Allows you to restart all processes in the body. Lymph flow improves, the skin rejuvenates, swelling goes away. The technique allows you to remove the “double” chin, wrinkles and folds on the neck. The whole body is strengthened.

Each massage movement is repeated several times.

  1. Warming up the skin. Using three fingers, make gentle movements in the following order: inner corner of the eye – cheekbones – neck down – collarbone. Repeat several times. Warm up your neck by gently stroking it from bottom to top. The chin is slightly raised. Your fingers should feel warm.
  2. Neck massage in the back of the head with stroking movements. Move the edge of your palm, with little effort, directed from the back of the head along the neck to the collarbones. This will allow blood to flow to the soft tissues for the appearance of blush on the cheeks.
  3. Warming up the chest area. Place your fingers in the solar plexus area and, holding them vertical to the collarbones, point towards the shoulders.
  4. Massage the face with your fingertips, starting from the chin, gradually moving higher and higher, and ending with the forehead. All movements are directed from the middle of the face towards the cheekbones. Under the eyes, make movements in a circle. Lymph is diverted to the side to the ears, along the neck to the collarbones.
  5. The session should be completed with soothing strokes. There should be no pain during the session.
  1. age up to 16 years;
  2. inflammation of the skin of the face and neck;
  3. presence of wounds;
  4. high blood pressure;
  5. various infections;
  6. diseases of the lymph nodes;
  7. blood clots and the tendency to form them;
  8. ENT diseases;
  9. recent rhinoplasty;
  10. diseases of the circulatory system;
  11. diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  12. depression.



The most interesting and effective massage for both the neck and face. It consists of the exchange of energy and information that is transmitted through the channels of the body. Longevity and youth are extended without massage movements, with the power of thought.

  1. Stand up, left hand down, palm down, right hand up, palm up. Imagine a powerful energy flow from space that passes through your palms and body to the ground.
  2. Rub your palms 5-7 times, bring it to your face without touching it.
  3. Perform circular movements, similar to washing, 24 times. Right hand: up, right, down; left: up, left, down.
  4. Place your thumbs on your cheekbones, your middle fingers with your index fingers around the eyes, from the nose to the temples in large and small circles, 22 times.
  5. Fold your palms into a cup shape and place them over your eyes. Feel the energy entering your eyes. Move your eyes left-right-up-down 12 times, as in regular gymnastics. Next, press on the eyes with light movements 12 times. The center of the palm should be opposite the center of the eye.
  6. Press lightly with three fingers on your eyebrows and hold for a count of 36.
  7. Place two fingers of each hand (index and middle) to the wings of the nose. Make circular movements along the bridge of the nose - above the eyebrows - to the temple, increasing the circles each time. The last circle should describe the area where the hair grows. Do 16 times.
  8. Using tapping movements, move your fingers along the forehead, from the center to the temples and back. 16 reps.
  9. Place your palms with their edges on the outer corner of your eyes. Lead to the temple 16 times.
  10. Using tapping movements with your fingertips, massage your cheeks towards the ears, chin and nose, 8 times.
  11. Exercise "smile". Place your index fingers above your upper lip and your ring fingers under your lower lip. Move your fingers towards your temple 22 times.

The result of constant exercise will be a youthful face and neck without wrinkles. The body will feel a positive charge of energy overall.

  1. any disease during the period of exacerbation;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and skin;
  4. oncology.


Dot Tibetan

Tibetan massage will help smooth out wrinkles on the neck. It consists of pressing on certain points and gentle stroking. The skin does not stretch. To enhance the effect, you can use avocado or jojoba oil.

  1. Gently stroke the neck from top to bottom with your fingertips, without touching the area where the thyroid gland is located.
  2. Fold your palms into a boat shape. Run your folded palms from ear to ear.
  3. Apply strokes in the direction: upper lip – ears – cheekbones.
  4. Press lightly on the wings of the nose from top to bottom.
  5. Press your fingers on the base of the eyebrows, moving from the center towards the temples.
  6. Gently move your fingertips around the eyes, pressing the upper eyelids, stroking the lower ones.

At the moment this is the most popular technique. Recommended course: every other day for several months. Wrinkles on the neck will become less noticeable after 10 sessions. The contour of the face will tighten, swelling and swelling will go away. The main advantage is that the technique helps treat headaches.

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. chronic diseases;
  4. bronchial asthma.

Chinese spoons

A complex massage that smooths out neck wrinkles, but not every massage therapist can perform it correctly. The technique allows you to completely relax the body. Spoons are used for different movements, depending on what result is needed.

  1. Place the spoons on your décolleté and move them from your chest to your chin, applying gentle pressure. The spoons should first be greased with butter and heated.
  2. To remove nasolabial folds, you need to pat with hot spoons. Puff out your cheeks. Dip spoons into hot olive oil and pat on cheeks for 10 seconds.
  3. Move hot and cold spoons alternately. For contrast, first take hot spoons dipped in oil and move them clockwise. Cold spoons are applied and guided along the same path. They are not dipped in oil.
  4. Bags under the eyes will be removed with cold spoons of chamomile infusion. Wet the spoons and apply them to the bags.

You can replace the butter with warmed natural honey. The effect will be no less.

  1. rosacea;
  2. diseases of the nasopharynx and nose;
  3. skin problems;
  4. diseases of the lymphatic system;
  5. temperature.


Chinese with tingling

The technique smooths out wrinkles, the skin of the neck becomes elastic, and improves the contour of the face. Suitable for daily 5-minute sessions. You can do it yourself. It consists of lightly frequently pinching the skin without pulling.

  1. Make pinching movements with both hands along the lower part of the face, from the middle of the chin towards the ears.
  2. Next, work this area by stroking.
  3. Go to the neck. Tilt your head to one side and stroke from top to bottom on the other side. The left hand smoothes the right side of the neck, the right hand, on the contrary, the left.
  4. Contraindications: diseases and inflammations of the skin.

Massage for wrinkles on the décolleté and neck (video):

Massage of the face, neck and décolleté (video):

While focusing on facial beauty and postponing age-related changes for years, many women forget that the neck and décolleté area more accurately indicate age. You can make up wrinkles on your face with cosmetic creams and decorative cosmetics and look attractive. But nothing will help remove wrinkles and sagging under the face if this area has not received proper timely care.

The neck and décolleté area should not be left without attention. You need to engage in useful procedures, daily care, lead a clear lifestyle and eat natural products throughout your entire life cycle. Then in return the body will thank its owner with beautiful, fresh skin and a well-groomed appearance.

How to remove wrinkles on the neck and décolleté? A common question asked by female readers of the Over 30 club. And rightly so! You need to take care of your skin to look fresh at any age.

The appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of firmness and elasticity of the décolleté area - all this often reveals age.

Causes of rapid skin aging

Relatively elastic body skin – and sagging neck and décolleté. Why is that?

The structure of the skin in these areas is comparable to the area around the eyes. Similarly, the same problems arise - sensitivity, dryness, dehydration.

So little attention is paid to caring for this area. For example, when making a mask for wrinkles on the face, we don’t always remember about the extra portion for the neck and below. Not to mention peeling or other procedures. Before going to bed, rarely does anyone apply cream to the décolleté area.

There is no need to talk about factors such as poor nutrition, hormonal changes and simply age. You already know this very well.

Well, having found out why, let’s now talk about what to do, how to remove sagging and wrinkles. Next, the club will offer some methods on how to remove wrinkles in the décolleté area.

Approach to the problem

It is important to accustom yourself to daily actions and perform them almost like rituals. So, among them:

  1. cleansing,
  2. toning,
  3. food (at night),
  4. hydration (in the morning).

In addition, you should pay attention to gentle exfoliating treatments weekly. Of course, scrubbing will not lead to the fact that you will be able to immediately remove wrinkles (especially since harsh exposure will only aggravate the problem!), but soft peeling will bear fruit when used systematically.

Soft peeling

For peeling, mainly natural scrubs are used with:


An anti-wrinkle mask for the neck and décolleté twice a week is also an excellent intensive care method. It is worth taking natural substances as a basis, such as oils, herbs, vegetables, dairy products, fruits.

Parsley mask

To prepare the composition you will need to take:

  1. a bunch of fresh herbs,
  2. 130 g milk,
  3. thin fabric.

Boil the milk and pour it into a glass with 2 large spoons of chopped parsley. The mixture should sit for about five more minutes. Then the fabric is soaked in this mixture and wrung out. And the neck and décolleté area receive a kind of compress. After 20 minutes they are removed. The procedure should be done regularly, but not daily.


To get rid of wrinkles, you can try a recipe with protein.

  1. 1 egg,
  2. 1 tsp oil (vegetable, preferably olive),
  3. half a lemon,
  4. gauze.

Mix egg white, lemon juice and oil in a container. Then gauze is moistened with this composition, then a mask is applied by analogy with the previous recipe. The neck and décolleté area should be wrapped. After 10 minutes we remove it.

Mask containing gelatin

  1. gelatin (1 tbsp) mixed with water (2 tbsp),
  2. This composition is heated in a water bath until the crystals dissolve,
  3. you need to add 2 tbsp to the existing one. starch (choose corn or potato).

An anti-wrinkle mask is suitable for the neck and décolleté, but be sure to use it warm.


With systematic use, this procedure will also help remove minor manifestations of wrinkles. For this mask, take oils: 1 tablespoon each - jojoba, peach pits, wheat germ. Other ingredients in the composition include a spoonful of citrus juice and the same amount of salt (take sea salt, but not large).

Preparation: mix the oils, pour lemon juice into the same bowl, add salt. After stirring, the neck and the area slightly lower are treated with this mixture. Then cover with cling film and a warm cloth on top. We wait fifteen minutes, maybe a little longer.

Aloe based care

Another recipe with natural ingredients will help you get rid of wrinkles:

Aloe must be finely chopped to obtain a mushy consistency. Mix the yolk in there, add honey, and stir thoroughly too. Apply to problem areas, then leave for 15 minutes and rinse.

Gymnastics for smooth skin

You can also do exercises if you want to remove skin folds. Special gymnastics, if performed regularly, gives results. Small folds almost disappear, deep transverse wrinkles are also no longer so obvious.

  1. So, the order of the first exercise. The starting position is sitting on the floor. You need to relax your back as much as possible. Position your legs so that it is more comfortable. We raise our heads and throw them back. Be sure to do this smoothly and not allow the slightest sudden movement.. Wait 5 seconds, return to the starting position. And these are 10 repetitions.
  2. Second. The starting position is unchanged. Just tilt your head to the maximum, first to the right side and fix it in this position for up to five seconds. Now we return to the starting position, and do the same on the other side. For each side - 10 approaches in the same way.

Below we present another complex of cervical gymnastics, which allows you to prevent the appearance of deep folds and remove small ones.

  1. Sitting with a straight back on a chair, you need to perform 5 circular movements with your head in 2 directions. Then pull your chin as close to your chest as possible, try to press it towards your body. You need to stay in this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  2. You need to tense your muscles, tilt your head first to the left, then to the right. 4-5 repetitions on each side. Then do 8-10, gradually speeding up the pace.
  3. The fingers should be placed on the back of the head, closed in a lock. Create resistance with your hands, and pull your head down, then sharply back. This should be done six to eight times. The stronger the hand resistance, the higher the effectiveness.
  4. You need to sit on a chair with a straight back and tilt your head back onto the back. Look up and make movements with your jaw as if chewing. In this case, the mouth must be closed. One minute is allotted for this exercise, then the starting position.

Simple daily neck and décolleté massage for wrinkles

As a rule, such a massage does not take more than thirty seconds a day.

  1. You need to raise your head.
  2. Use the back of your hands to massage the skin, moving from bottom to top. Hands must be alternated.
  3. At the end, you can make patting movements on the chin with the backs of your hands.

Anti-wrinkle massage of the neck and décolleté area is well performed in salons, especially those using traditional oriental techniques. In addition, a cream is used that smooths out wrinkles and at the same time tightens, soothes and cares for the skin.

Important! Any manipulations with the neck, be it massage or exercises, should be carried out after cleansing; you can also apply cream beforehand. This makes the skin more susceptible to the effects.

Salon techniques

Wrinkles in the neck and décolleté areas can sometimes be removed using salon rehabilitation programs.

  1. Photoporation, phototherapy. The use of devices based on the action of light leads to the smoothing of wrinkles, removes age spots and is aimed at healing capillaries.
  2. Laser techniques that also affect sagging skin.
  3. Radiofrequency lifting. Method for tightening and rejuvenation.
  4. Mesotherapy. Involves injections based on hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, vitamins, etc.
  5. Botox in the neck is done relatively rarely, but it allows you to remove vertical bands of muscles and wrinkles associated with them. The skin on your neck becomes much smoother and looks younger. However, there may be temporary difficulties in speaking and swallowing.

Sometimes they even resort to plastic surgery to restore the youth of the neck and décolleté. The choice of how to maintain your attractiveness and beauty is yours.

The article was verified by an expert - beauty blogger @lil4olga.