Night face cream for young skin

Taking care of your skin up to 25 years old is not a difficult task, but it is troublesome only in one specific sense - regularity. For now, all your skin needs in a global sense is hydration and UV protection. Intensive nutrition and stimulation of processes, complex chemical procedures and a cosmetologist every week have not yet been prescribed to you. The thing is that cell work slows down mainly after 25 years (each case, of course, is individual): it is believed that it is after this age that the biological aging process begins, then you will have to think about a radical change in care for the first time, but for now, follow the following principles.

Basic care

There are only three cosmetic pillars: cleansing, moisturizing and protection.

Cleansing ─ twice a day, in the evening and in the morning, regardless of whether you put on makeup, walked outside all day, or spent it spying on Kendall Jenner's Instagram. In the morning, you can entrust your skin care to a soft cleansing foam that will wash away traces of dust, sweat, sebum and other impurities that have stuck to the skin overnight. In the evening we do the same if we didn’t apply makeup. When you have makeup on your face, first wash it off with makeup remover (micellar water or milk), and then wash with your favorite cleanser, but preferably something more serious (gel, cream). Attention: hydrophilic oil combines two-in-one principles.

Hydration. Its absence in a couple of years will come back to haunt you with the first wrinkles in the eye area and a dull complexion. The fact is that a lack of moisture affects the skin’s self-defense: it ceases to properly reflect the “attacks” of the external environment and ages faster. Apply moisturizers daily morning and evening, paying special attention to the area around the eyes, which is most susceptible to age-related changes (it requires special care).

Protection. Ultraviolet radiation is one of those external irritants that our skin cannot fully resist. UV rays not only dehydrate the skin, but also cause damage at the cellular level. Ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen and triggers processes that lead to various skin diseases (in the worst case scenario, cancer). Therefore, it is extremely important to use products with a protection factor every day (regardless of the time of year) ─ after 25-27 years this is highly desirable, and after 30 it is completely necessary. In the city it can be a product with SPF 8-15, but on the beach it should be at least SPF 20.

Fighting imperfections

Young skin is prone to imperfections - pimples, blackheads, enlarged pores and oily shine. If you have problem skin, it is better to immediately contact a cosmetologist and undergo a course of treatment. (it's time to admit that acne is a disease). Here, special emphasis needs to be placed on the word “course”, because a one-time visit is unlikely to solve the problem. The therapist will help you choose the right care so that you can continue to effectively combat skin problems at home.

What should “young” cosmetics be like?

A dozen simple recommendations will help you fill your makeup bag correctly without compromising your beauty.

Texture. Cleansers should not be sticky or cause discomfort. After cleansing, you should feel refreshed, not tight. Change the cleanser to another product if you feel something unpleasant. Note: foam is considered the most comfortable format to use!

Age. Don't be tempted to grab "something anti-aging" off the shelf. If the package says 25+, and you are at least a couple of years away from this date, put the box aside and look for a less obligatory product.

Share. It’s good if day and night creams are different: they have completely different functions (even in the “young” versions). For day care, choose a cream with an SPF factor, and for night care, any moisturizing or nourishing cream will do. Don't forget about eye cream. As we said above, it is this zone that is more susceptible to age-related changes than others.

Don't overdo it. Be careful with peelings: choose the softest and gentlest options (preferably with abrasive particles) that do not injure the skin. Be careful with acids - they can cause irritation, especially if the skin is dry.

Protect. Decorative cosmetics can also have a UV protection factor. If you have the opportunity to choose something with such an option, do not neglect it.

Treat. If your skin is prone to rashes or acne, pay attention to cosmetics with salicylic acid: it will not only correct existing problems, but also prevent their occurrence in the future. But keep in mind that over time, the skin gets used to this ingredient and stops reacting to it ─ over time, you will need to change the product to something else.

Lip care. They also need hydration and protection. Always carry a moisturizing lip balm with you, which in summer should be supplemented with sun protection.

Lighter is better. Young skin loves fluids, gels and mousses more than dense, heavy textures. They will not only cope with their simple tasks, but will also not overload the skin, allowing it to breathe.

Uniformity. It is best to take cosmetics from the same line: some products can “fight” with each other and cause irritation. This is not a rule, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Dose. If the instructions say “apply two or three drops”, you should not apply 10-15. This will not increase the effectiveness, and you will use up the product faster.

A woman's attractive appearance largely depends on proper care. The face cream for young skin that a girl will use will lay a solid foundation for proper nutrition of the epidermis. Why do you need such care at a young age? Having considered the information on this issue, it will be possible to draw certain conclusions.

Are creams needed at a young age?

The once popular opinion that girls under 25 should not use cosmetics is already outdated and has no scientific basis. However, some experts still believe that the cream can destroy the protective layer of the epidermis and deactivate its functions. There are other reasonable arguments that prove the opposite.

Cosmetologists believe that face cream for young skin provides some protection and helps maintain its youth. Their opinion is the following statement: “After hormonal levels have normalized and teenage skin problems are a thing of the past, care should be taken to properly care for the face to further preserve the skin.” But a balanced approach is important here. A huge role is played by what creams the young lady will use.


Benefits of Hydration

Proper skin care from 20 to 25 years will determine its further condition. Proper use of creams significantly slows down the formation of facial wrinkles, sagging cheeks and other unpleasant manifestations associated with the aging process.

Not every girl can boast of perfect skin. In addition, the epidermis of many adolescents at this age requires special care. Problems such as comedones, enlarged pores, acne and excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat, in most cases, leave a mark for a long time. To avoid these troubles, young cells need sufficient hydration.

Various negative manifestations on the face depend on skin type. In some young people, under the influence of external factors, the skin may become dehydrated and flaky. For others, on the contrary, an oily sheen becomes noticeable on it. Then rashes appear, which significantly change the attractive appearance. In both cases, a moisturizer for young facial skin can provide an invaluable service.


The best means

Below is an overview of face creams that provide proper care and help preserve the young epidermis. These are the most affordable and popular products that can be purchased in many stores.

Cream "Clean Line". The manufacturer offers a series of natural products designed to care for young skin. Moisturizing complexes are suitable for any skin type and are the most gentle products, as they do not contain alcohol or mineral oils. The creams contain plant components - aloe and strawberries. They provide good hydration and improve complexion. The products of this company have already been tested and are in great demand, so you can, without doubt, buy high-quality face cream. The price of the youth product “Ideal Skin” is 70 rubles. Natural-based cosmetics will not cause any side effects.

Nivea face cream. The series, designed specifically for young people, has a soft texture. In addition to moisturizing, creams give the skin external attractiveness. They have a pleasant smell and are easy to apply to the face. Nivea Young Control Shine is an excellent mattifying product and retains its effect for a long time. Such cosmetics are usually suitable for those with oily skin. In addition to the necessary nutrition, the product removes oily shine on the face.

Faberlic Young series. These creams have an enhanced moisturizing effect, as they help retain moisture in the cells of the epidermis. Thanks to this property, the product eliminates the tightening effect and flaking on dry facial skin. In addition, it serves as a suitable base for makeup and gives the skin a beautiful and even color. The products of this popular brand are moderately priced, so you can buy youth face cream inexpensively. The price of the moisturizer is 120 rubles.

Each girl chooses cosmetics for facial care at her own discretion. The main thing is that the products belong to trusted companies and are made from high-quality components, and also do not contain synthetic additives that will contribute to premature aging of the skin. The selected cream must also have a positive clinical trial result.


Criteria to help determine a quality product

It’s good if the manufacturing company pays special attention to age categories and skin type. Below are some factors to consider when choosing a face cream for young skin:

  1. it is important that the effect of the cosmetic product corresponds to the description contained in the annotation;
  2. the cream must have the ability to retain moisture and eliminate dryness and flaking;
  3. the presence of protective properties from external factors;
  4. smoothing facial wrinkles;
  5. normalization of subcutaneous fat production processes and narrowing of pores;
  6. UV protection for day cream;
  7. effects for skin tightening and elasticity, as well as the ability to maintain sufficient levels of collagen and elastin;
  8. the necessary complex of minerals and vitamins to nourish the skin at a young age;
  9. absence of allergens and harmful substances;
  10. medicinal properties that can overcome skin problems.

You should know that young skin is more susceptible to allergic reactions. When choosing the properties of a cream and guided by the above factors, you must take into account your skin type. If this is not done, the remedy will be useless. There are four skin types: normal, combination, dry and oily. It is absolutely not difficult to determine. This can be done by paying attention to some features of your own skin.


Normal skin

This type of epidermis is considered ideal. A representative of the fair sex with such a face has practically no disturbances in the production of subcutaneous sebum. Her skin is elastic and firm. The normal type is not characterized by such manifestations as acne, oily sheen, enlarged pores, peeling and inflammatory processes. For such a girl, cream is needed only to maintain the excellent condition of her skin.



Skin with minimal oil production looks quite attractive when young, but ages too quickly. It is very vulnerable to external factors and needs protection from frost, sun and wind. People with dry skin need to use creams from childhood and be able to properly care for it. You should use special cleansers, since using regular soap leads to tightness and peeling.

The cream for dry skin should not contain any synthetic components. This type reacts more strongly to irritants that cause redness and itching. It is better to buy a long-lasting moisturizer for young facial skin, as it requires regular nutrition and care. In winter, additional care may be needed, so you need to purchase a special nutrient.



Those with oily skin most often suffer from skin problems at a young age. However, it ages much more slowly than dry skin. The purpose of the cream is to protect the epidermis from acne, since acne marks can remain forever. You need to make an effort to reduce sebaceous secretions. A properly selected face cream for young skin helps cope with negative manifestations and protects it from unwanted scars.


The name of this type of skin speaks for itself. It occurs quite often and requires separate care. Each section represents a separate type of epidermis, which has its own characteristics. The skin around the nose and chin may be oily, while the cheeks and around the eyes may be dry. Mixed care involves the presence of several cosmetic products.


The importance of proper care

Cleansing, moisturizing and protecting the skin from the sun are necessary procedures for young skin up to 25 years old. Cream, professional cleaning and ultraviolet protection will ensure its beautiful appearance for many years. All these components should be approached competently and thoughtfully:

  1. Cleansing. Timely regulation of subcutaneous sebum production helps to avoid pore enlargement. Regular facial cleansing prevents breakouts. But it should not be done on your own, since squeezing pimples can lead to infection. To cleanse the face, cosmetologists use chemical peels, ozone therapy, and also use ultrasonic and manual cleansing. Girls with oily skin should not overuse products with a drying effect.
  2. Hydration. As already mentioned, moisturizer for young facial skin regulates oil production, so it is necessary for all types of epidermis. It smoothes and slows down the appearance of the first wrinkles and eliminates dryness. After using the product, the skin looks fresh. You need to choose a water-based cream containing plant extracts and vitamins. Under no circumstances should you use age-related products that can cause serious harm.
  3. UV protection. It has been noted that people who are constantly exposed to the sun look older than their years in middle age. Therefore, you need to start protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation at a young age. The presence of wax or honey in a cosmetic product provides this effect.

Some tips

You should always pay attention to the annotation. It is good if the moisturizer contains the following components: plant extracts, essential oils, glycerin, olive oil, salicylic acid and bee products. Natural ingredients not only nourish the skin, but also provide reliable protection against inflammatory processes and sun rays. Cream "Clean Line" contains a complex of useful ingredients. The company conducts thorough research into the plants from which it makes its products. Such products are developed using the latest technologies and produced under the strict supervision of dermatologists.

When using decorative cosmetics, it is better to choose a non-comedogenic foundation. Such cosmetics to some extent protect the pores from pollution.

Before purchasing a moisturizer, you should consult an experienced cosmetologist.

It is important not to forget that a healthy lifestyle contributes to beautiful, young skin. For example, if a person eats large amounts of chocolate and coffee, his skin acquires a grayish tint.

Young girls can use masks made from fruits and vegetables to refresh their skin.


The procedures mentioned in the article are aimed at protecting the epidermis from further withering. A face cream for young skin will only be useful if it is chosen correctly. When choosing a product, it is important to consider your skin type and also consult a specialist.


Depending on what type of skin a girl or boy has and in what capacity a particular cream is intended to be used (prevention or treatment), a more specific choice is made.

When choosing an eye cream, you should consider the following: There are day and night creams against wrinkles - the first protect delicate skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, the second actively restore the level of moisture; the product must contain elements to solve a specific problem - puffiness, dark circles, crow's feet; The presence of fragrances and fragrances is not allowed.

The following remedies for wrinkles around the eyes for young skin are popular:

  1. "Luxury nutrition" from L'Oreal. The cream is used in the evening, it maximally moisturizes, nourishes and restores the protective barrier. The main task is to eliminate excessive dryness of the skin around the eyes, flaking and a feeling of tightness.
  2. AOX + EYE Gel – the composition contains a high concentration of acids, which helps to actively fight dark circles around the eyes, excessive dry skin and wrinkles. Can be used at any time of the day, but is especially effective in the evening.
  3. "With Avocado" from Kiehls – has a powerful moisturizing effect, nourishes the skin around the eyes. With it, swelling and dark circles disappear, permanent prevention of the appearance of wrinkles. Can be used in cases of early crow's feet.

Skin structure

The most popular brands for the face:

  1. L'Oreal – characterized by affordable prices and high efficiency, creams are intended for people aged 25 years and older, and are available for different skin types.
  2. Vichy – cosmetics for very young people, from 20 years old. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the dermis at the cellular level, relieves fatigue, and has a slight tightening effect. Can serve as protection against UV rays and can be used as a base for makeup.
  3. Ligiuskin – accelerates the regenerative abilities of the skin, nourishes cells and promotes better synthesis of its own collagen, normalizes facial skin tone.
  4. Oley – expensive cosmetics, but very effective. The anti-wrinkle cream for the 25 years + category contains amino acids, vitamins E and B. It has a complex effect and can eliminate wrinkles and prevent their appearance.

Moisturizing face creams:

  1. Moisturizing from Clean Line – effectively moisturizes and ensures the preservation of moisture in the dermal cells for several hours. Designed for daytime use.
  2. Trio active Ultra-hydration from L'Oreal – belongs to the category of moisturizing and nourishing. Can be used at night, but is also suitable as a makeup base in the morning.
  3. Avocado moisturizing from Organia – has a sweet aroma, but has powerful moisturizing properties. Additionally nourishes dermal cells with vitamins, accelerates regeneration and increases the amount of collagen produced.

The following tonal options are distinguished: Vitalumer Aqua from Chanel, Fluid Camera Reed from BB, foundation from Vichy.

Read more in our article about all popular creams depending on the problem.

Read in this article

The best cream for young skin

It is not possible to name any specific cosmetic product - creams perform different functions and should be used only for their intended purpose. Depending on what type of skin a girl or boy has and in what capacity this or that product is supposed to be used (prevention or treatment), a more specific choice is made.

For wrinkles around the eyes, for the face

At the age of 25–30 years, you should not overload your facial skin with biostimulants, because this can lead to a worsening of its condition. But it’s time to take care of preserving its beauty, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of early age-related changes. You need to understand that you cannot use the same cream for the face and the area around the eyes. The latter option has its own selection criteria:

  1. There are day and night creams around the eyes against wrinkles - the former protect delicate skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, the latter actively restore the level of moisture;
  2. the product must contain elements that specifically affect the solution of a particular problem - puffiness, dark circles, “crow's feet” (expression wrinkles in the corners of the eyes);
  3. The presence of fragrances and fragrances in the cream is not allowed - such aggressive chemical substances can provoke severe irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

Of all the anti-wrinkle creams around the eyes for young skin on the market, the following are especially popular:

  1. "Luxury nutrition" from L'Oreal – contains shea butter, bee jelly and glycerin. The cream is used in the evening, it maximally moisturizes the dermis, nourishes and restores the protective barrier. The main task of this product is to eliminate excessive dryness of the skin around the eyes, flaking and a feeling of tightness.
  2. AOX + EYE Gel – the composition contains a high concentration of acids, which helps to actively combat dark circles around the eyes, excessive dry skin and existing wrinkles. Can be used at any time of the day, but positive results appear especially quickly if the gel is used as an evening care product.
  3. "With Avocado" from Kiehls – has a powerful moisturizing effect, nourishes the skin around the eyes. Swelling and dark circles disappear from young skin, and thanks to the high level of hydration, the appearance of wrinkles is constantly prevented. Can be used in cases of early crow's feet.

The main reason for the appearance of wrinkles on young skin (we immediately exclude the hereditary factor) is its low moisture content. Therefore, the prevention of such unpleasant manifestations of age-related changes will be the use of creams with powerful moisturizing properties. Additionally, such products should nourish the cells of the dermis and protect them from the harmful effects of the external environment - the best ones are those that are universal.

Many brands produce similar cosmetics, but the most popular and effective are:

  1. L'Oreal – characterized by affordable prices and high efficiency, creams are intended for people aged 25 years and older, and are available for different skin types.
  2. Vichy – cosmetics for very young people over 20 years old. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the dermis at the cellular level, relieves fatigue, and has a slight tightening effect. Can serve as protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and be used as a base for makeup.
  3. Ligiuskin – accelerates the regenerative abilities of the skin, nourishes cells and promotes better synthesis of its own collagen. Additionally, the skin tone of the face is normalized.
  4. Oley – expensive cosmetics, but very effective. The anti-wrinkle cream for the 25 years + category contains amino acids, vitamins E and B. The product has a complex effect and can be used both as a prevention of the appearance of wrinkles and as a therapy for existing age-related changes.

You can only make the right choice of cream for young skin against wrinkles on the face and area around the eyes with the help of a specialist. A consultation with a cosmetologist will take no more than 15–20 minutes, but the use of the product will be competent and safe.

And here is more information about how to choose a cream to moisturize your skin.


At a young age, hydration is the main principle of maintaining the beauty and health of facial skin. This is what will serve to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles. Typically, all creams with a moisturizing effect are enriched with vitamins and minerals; the composition may also contain extracts of medicinal plants, so there will be an additional nutritional effect.

At the age of 20+, you can and should begin to carry out daily caring procedures using such products. It is desirable that they are daytime and can be used as a base for makeup. Often such products are universal, suitable for any skin type and can be used at any time of the day. The most popular include:

  1. Moisturizing from Clean Line – effectively moisturizes and ensures the preservation of moisture in the dermal cells for several hours. Intended for daytime use, but practically does not protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
  2. Side effects include the appearance of a rash on the skin of the face, but only with long-term use of the product - cosmetologists recommend not using the cream if the dermis is hypersensitive or prone to allergies.
  3. Trio active Ultra-hydration from L'Oreal – the composition is enriched with vitamins, so this cream belongs to the category of moisturizing and nourishing. Can be used at night, but is also suitable as a makeup base in the morning. It is quickly absorbed, saturates cells with moisture, nourishes and creates excellent protection from the harmful effects of the environment, including sunlight. Indicated for use from 20 years of age and older.
  4. Avocado moisturizing from Organia – has a sweet aroma, but has powerful moisturizing properties. Additionally nourishes dermal cells with vitamins, accelerates regeneration and increases the amount of collagen produced.

Any cream for young skin with a moisturizing effect must be tested first - its composition may turn out to be an allergen even in the absence of an inadequate reaction in the past.


Many people believe that it is better not to use foundation at all when you are young - it only clogs the pores and dries out the skin. But the modern cosmetology industry produces a variety of foundations that not only even out facial contours and hide imperfections, but also care for the dermis. These include:

  1. Vitalumer Aqua from Chanel – expensive, but effective. It looks so natural that it is not perceived as foundation - some women call it “second skin”. The cream contains hyaluronic acid and dark seaweed extract, which allows the product to be included in the care category.
  2. With regular use, it nourishes cells, has a slight rejuvenating effect and a powerful moisturizing effect. Can be used on dry and hypersensitive skin.
  1. Fluid Chamber Reed from VV – the thin consistency of the cream allows it to be quickly distributed over the surface of the facial skin. The composition contains quite a lot of pigment, so all flaws become almost invisible. You can blend the product with your fingertips; there are no fatty components in the composition, so there is no shine after application. Maintains skin moisture balance throughout the day.
  2. Foundation from Vichy is a cocktail of vitamins that nourish the skin throughout the day. This product has a powerful protective property, so it can be used in the hot season - harm from ultraviolet rays is excluded.

Watch this video on how to choose a foundation:

Effective night and day

If the skin is normal or combination, there are no visible problems (acne, acne), then you can limit the choice of care creams to only two criteria - day and night. It is highly advisable to choose daytime products that can be used as a base for makeup. These include:

  1. Nourishing day from Nivea – a dense structure implies economical use of funds. Apply a thin layer to pre-cleansed facial skin with light movements; after 10 minutes, remove the residue (with a napkin). The cream provides nutrition to the dermis and protects it from ultraviolet rays for 8 to 10 hours.
  2. From Clean Line – labeled “daytime with Rhodiola rosea”, it has a high content of medicinal plant extracts, so it can cause an allergic reaction. Moisturizes the skin, helps maintain elasticity, reduces pores and eliminates excessive sweating in this part.
  3. Daytime from Natria Siberica – a favorite of women who prefer to use natural products. The cream has a light mattifying effect, which allows you to do without foundation, provided there are no acne or other blemishes on your face that need to be hidden. The manufacturer claims that the unique composition of its products slows down aging and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.

Night creams should have a more powerful composition, containing vitamins, microelements and plant extracts for aggressive nutrition of dermal cells during night rest. Cosmetologists do not recommend using such products before the age of 25, but if you have dermatological problems, then you should consult a specialist - in some cases, only such an effect on the skin will help restore or maintain beauty and health in your 20s.

The most effective night creams for young skin include:

  1. Oley — moisturizes the skin at the cellular level and restores water balance, vitamins increase the elasticity of the epidermis and nourish it;
  2. Skin Rest – the multi-component composition of the product ensures relief from fatigue on the face, the return of the natural color of the skin and a light, “natural” blush, the restoration of water balance occurs literally in 6 – 8 hours;
  3. Mary Kay – is called “Timewise”, contains a complex of vitamins A, C, E and B. Thanks to its light structure, it is quickly absorbed and promotes deep penetration of nutrients.

Night creams for young skin are applied only to a previously cleansed face and 1 hour before going to bed.

How to choose a cream for young skin depending on its type

There are a number of recommendations from cosmetologists that will help solve the problem of choice, focusing on facial skin type:

  1. Ifdry skin, there are areas of peeling on it, and after washing with water a feeling of tightness appears, then you need to use a cream with a powerful moisturizing effect. But you will need to consult with a specialist to determine the duration of the course of using the cream - too long can cause a “side effect”: the dermal cells will get used to outside help and will no longer independently produce and retain the required amount of moisture.
  2. Pimples, acne, areas of inflammation and redness, oily sheen – these are all signs of oily facial skin. And in this case, a nourishing cream is optimal, which will not only support the skin, but also normalize its metabolism. For young skin, it is advisable to use creams with a high content of medicinal plant extracts; it is better to avoid chemical components.
  3. Small expression wrinkles – evidence of age-related changes that have already occurred. You can use any specific creams labeled “for the age category 25+,” but you need to understand that you won’t be able to completely get rid of the problem. Cosmetologists claim that the maximum ability of anti-aging creams for young skin is to reduce the severity of wrinkles.

And here is more information about why you should use night cream for your face.

Young skin needs care with cosmetics - this is an axiom that does not need to be proven. But it will take smart choices to have a truly positive effect.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to choose the right face cream: