Thick skin on the nose

Girls! I want to have a nose operation. But I don’t just have aesthetics, I need to correct my nasal septum, I had an injury. So, I went to several clinics and they told me that they couldn’t vouch for the results, since I have thick skin on my face. Has anyone encountered this? Or is it just that I didn’t turn to a pro? experts

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Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

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Elena Basanova

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Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

. and here are the pros! look here

1 - I agree.
if the skin is thick, then no matter how well the cartilages of the new nose are formed during the operation, no matter how filigree work the surgeon does, still under the thick skin the nose will not be exactly the way the surgeon planned it, it will not be so graceful. But if you are only correcting the septum, then thick skin has nothing to do with it.

I have both a septum and aesthetics, since due to injury the appearance of my nose has changed. So what am I supposed to do now, walk like this for the rest of my life? With a crooked nose? How to thin the skin? Or they just don’t want to take on my case(((((((((((Maybe there is some way out?

I have thick skin, Otari told me that he would not narrow his wings because of this (well, I didn’t ask for it)
yes, there probably won’t be an elegant nose


but that's no reason not to do it

So I'm afraid it won't get worse ((

Related topics

Apparently there are not many people who have the same problem(((

I haven’t done rhinoplasty myself, but my friend went to the Speke clinic - and the result is a beautiful nose (before that she had a hump, although I even liked it))
I don’t know what kind of skin she had—thick or thin. but I see the result - the nose is perfect.. would you like to find out who she had the operation on?

8, yes, if it’s not difficult, with contacts. Two of my trips were unsuccessful ((

I’ll also vote for SPIC here, I had rhinoplasty 2 years ago, although I had it done in St. Petersburg, but it seems that surgeons periodically accept and operate in Moscow
Larisa Batrazovna Mouraova did it for me - a wonderful woman and an excellent surgeon!
go to the website
Good luck)

10, Thank you very much. I had a consultation yesterday. Now I’m thinking and deciding when to do it - before New Year’s Eve or after)))

Hello! I have the same problem. Yesterday I went to the doctor, he said that he couldn’t do it because... the skin on my nose is too thick. I sent him to a cosmetologist for ozone injections and intensive cleaning and was told to come back in two months. Before that, I was in another clinic, no one there scared me and they said that surgery was possible.
You probably need another consultation with the 3rd doctor.
What about you, did you have surgery or not?

you can also see it here

Rain, did you have surgery? I have the same problem, I did Rhino 2 times, it seemed okay, but still NOT THERE. When you smile, your nose spreads out over your entire face. write to me: [email protected]

I took the advice of the knowledgeable, went to, which is so obsessively recommended everywhere, and checked out all the surgeons based on their recommendations, but vice versa. Imagine, everything began to look more or less real. I recommend checking out specialists through this site, but in reverse order. You will see that almost reality will appear.

Nika, a rather interesting pattern emerges; I conducted an examination and compared it with my feelings. There is something in this.

And who is the best plastic surgeon?

Baban was appointed by Pipiskin's site, which means in real life he is the last. The rest must be determined by the pussy site.

I had a nose job 3 weeks ago. The skin on my nose is very thick. The result was quite good. I had surgery with Salas Orlando Moreno.
the best surgeon. I'm going to have his breasts enlarged!

I have thick and oily skin, but my nose turned out great. Yes, maybe not as small as I wanted, but I’m still happy. Alas, not every surgeon is able to work with such noses; I personally worked with V.V. Zholtikov. had surgery. In such cases, I advise you to contact more or less well-known surgeons who value their reputation)))

In short, there is such a topic as reducing the layer of skin. That is, they make a normal one out of thick skin on the nose.. but there is a possible risk that the nose will collapse.. and then you have to wear a prosthesis. Not every surgeon can do it and it costs a lot, but it does exist.

for a good surgeon this is not a problem!

Anyone who had their nose done by Wulf or Shikhirman, please share the result

the skin is very thick and problematic. I had rhinoplasty and septoplasty. The result is very different from computer modeling, but nevertheless very nice, much better than it was. The problem is that such skin is capricious - swelling lasts longer - sebum production after the operation is crazy, inflammation It developed under the plaster, now everything is fine - I put mud masks on my nose two or three times a day. You have to be prepared for problems after rhinoceros, then it’s not so scary =)

I also have thick skin on my nose and face, but this is not a bad thing; thin skin ages faster and is more susceptible to environmental influences! But for rhinoplasty, this is a significant disadvantage; they are doing the operation for the second time with Gaik Pavlovich, 1.5 months have passed, well, the nose is still swollen. I don’t know, I’ll go to him for an examination, he will give an injection in the nose for swelling.

If you do it with a good surgeon, in any case it will be better than before.

I have thick skin, Otari told me that he would not narrow his wings because of this (well, I didn’t ask for it)
yes, there probably won’t be an elegant nose


but that's no reason not to do it

Nose plastic surgery according to the social program. Perhaps it will be relevant for someone.

I had the operation 2 years ago, I also have thick skin, but everything turned out well! You just have to tell yourself that of course, with thick skin, you won’t get a nose like Heidi Klum’s! But still, thick skin is not a death sentence! I had it done in Ivanovo at the Grand Esthete clinic, they are pros! I guarantee it.

And who is the best plastic surgeon?

I made rhino with thick skin from Grigoryants, it turned out very well))) I’m satisfied. But as was said earlier, you won’t get a straight doll nose like Heidi Klum’s.

Khasan Ordashev is doing a good job. All his work is excellent

Morozov did a terrible job on my thick skin((

Morozov did a terrible job on my thick skin((

hi.guest message 37, when did you do it? I did the same, the result is still unclear

Morozov, with his thick skin, gave me a 4+. Now it’s true that I’m only 3 weeks after the operation, but I’m very pleased with the result. He said that his skin had become very thin. Not exactly the ideal that I wanted, but firstly, maybe the nose will get thinner, and secondly, even if it stays that way, the difference is like heaven and earth, and the look has even changed.
Although I must admit that he does not stand on ceremony with patients)))))) but I believe that a surgeon must do his job competently, and there are nurses for babying.
Most of all, I am glad that I am breathing after the operation, that there are no complications, because no one is immune from them! Anything could have happened. And no one is insured against medical errors, the doctor is not God, he has the right. (although looking at people with disabilities from birth, you get the feeling that he’s messing up too, just God)
So I'm incredibly happy. )))))))))
And it’s not expensive: 160 nose + 40 septum.
It's not 500 like it is in some places.
Although when Morozov removed the cast and began to put an adhesive plaster on my nose, I caught a glimpse in the mirror and was horrified, the tip of my nose was like a chicken butt! A week later, when I took off the adhesive plaster, it became much better, much better! And since then, and this has been a week, a little more, nothing seems to have changed. But I’ll be fine if it stays that way. I don’t want to go to Miss Russia, I just want to have a normal nose, that’s all.

What role does skin thickness play in rhinoplasty?

The thickness of the skin on the nose can range from 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm and be uneven. Most often, it is thinnest on the bridge of the nose, and at the tip and at the forehead it has the greatest thickening, which can be caused by the hypertrophied function of the sebaceous glands in these areas. Sometimes, due to too much coarsening, weak cartilages are practically not palpable.


During the consultation, I always conduct a thorough assessment of the texture and condition of the skin, paying attention to its mobility. These parameters greatly influence the choice of surgical technique, predicting its results and the final outcome. In this regard, it is most convenient to work with a medium thickness, and approaches to correcting a nose with thinning or overly thick skin will vary.

Differences between rhinoplasty with thin skin and nose correction with thick skin

Thin skin requires maximum care during surgery. The slightest mistake by a doctor can lead to the formation of an extensive hematoma or necrosis. Even the smallest irregularities of the back and asymmetry of the tip will be noticeable through the thin epidermis. At the same time, thin skin contracts better and allows for significant correction of the shape and size of the nose. It is extremely difficult to reduce thick skin during rhinoplasty, therefore all flaws and the desired relief will be hidden under it, as if under a thick carpet. The tip will be slightly rounded and will most likely remain wide.


However, thickening is not a contraindication for surgery, as it was a couple of decades ago. Modern techniques in this case allow the surgeon to improve the existing supporting structure as much as possible, but one must be prepared for the fact that the appearance of the nose will not change dramatically. Sometimes, at the preparatory stage, the patient is prescribed cosmetic procedures that improve the characteristics of the skin and increase its elasticity, for example, laser resurfacing. In addition, you need to take into account that natural thickening of the skin and a slowdown in regeneration processes occurs in all people from the age of 45, so it is better to plan correction before this age.

Difficulties of rhinoplasty of a nose with thick skin

  1. Limited amount of correction;
  2. difficult to predict result;
  3. inability to achieve a pronounced relief;
  4. longer recovery period;
  5. less noticeable result from the operation as a whole.

Features of rehabilitation

In general, recovery follows the same scenario as in patients with medium-thick skin. The first days after surgery are the hardest, as tampons make breathing difficult. The cast needs to be worn for about a week on average. For about 2-3 months you will have to give up glasses, visiting the bathhouse, sauna, some cosmetic procedures and active physical activity. A peculiarity of rehabilitation in patients with thick skin on the nose is that swelling often lasts much longer. To minimize them, as a rule, additional physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: phototherapy, microcurrents and gentle massages using medicinal creams and gels.


Result of rhinoplasty of nose with thick skin

Despite the fact that in general the visual effect of rhinoplasty in people with thick skin is less pronounced, especially in the case of correction of the tip of the nose, the operation is successfully performed on such patients and helps eliminate nasal septum defects, functional breathing problems, get rid of hump and other defects .

To summarize, I would like to note that rhinoplasty can be performed on any type of skin and get good results. During the consultation, it is necessary to discuss with the patient his expectations from plastic surgery, take into account individual anatomical features and use their advantages during surgery.

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Surgeon information

Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko is a doctor with 10 years of experience in plastic surgery. During his extensive practice, plastic surgeon Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko repeatedly performed rhinoplasty on people with thick skin on the nose. Thanks to three medical specializations and deep knowledge in maxillofacial, plastic and general surgery, the doctor takes into account all anatomical nuances and masterfully uses techniques to obtain the best possible result in each specific case. Maxim Leonidovich often appears as an expert on television and gives interviews to glossy publications and online portals. The doctor regularly undergoes training and participates in master classes in various areas of aesthetic surgery.

See more before and after photos on Dr. Nesterenko’s Instagram.

Make an appointment for a consultation by calling 8(495)649-98-86, 8(800)775-93-49 or on the website.

Oily nose occurs when the sebaceous glands produce excessive amounts of sebum (oil), causing the skin to look shiny within an hour of washing your face and applying powder.

With this problem, the pores are also usually enlarged, acne, pimples and even deep cysts are often observed, although it may simply be oily skin without signs of acne.



This trouble may be related to genetics. If the father or mother in the family has excessively oily nose skin, it is likely that the children will also have the same problem.


According to the Acne Resource Center, hands touch the face both intentionally and accidentally throughout the day. Even if you wash and clean your hands regularly, they are not always sterile and grease-free. For example, touching the hair and then the nose transfers the oil from the hair to the nose respectively.

Environmental factors

Hot and humid seasons can increase sebum production. At the same time, during the winter months the skin becomes dry and excess oil is produced to compensate for its decrease.


The production of sebaceous gland secretions is caused by sex hormones known as androgens. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands to grow and become active, which in turn helps produce more natural oil. During puberty, the body produces more of it, especially in the nose.


If you are under the influence of stress, the body begins to secrete more androgens, which, as stated above, leads to increased fat content.

Sun exposure

Excessive exposure to UV rays increases the amount of sebum produced to protect the skin from the bad effects of UV rays. If you spend a lot of time outdoors or frequently sunbathe, the skin on your nose may become sticky and oily.

Sebaceous glands

According to SkinCareRx, the sebaceous glands are larger and more active on the nose, which leads to more oil. This is due to the fact that they protect the face from adverse environmental factors, as well as provide lubrication and exfoliation.

Oiliness and enlarged pores

According to the British Journal of Dermatology, there are three notable causative elements that contribute to enlarged pores on the nose, namely oiliness, age and gender.

Sebaceous glands produce sebum, an oily substance that keeps the skin moisturized, which often mixes with dust and clogs hair follicles, causing pores to appear larger.

Also, as a person ages, the skin tends to lose its ability to produce collagen and therefore lose elasticity. This, coupled with cumulative sun damage over the years, also often causes pores to appear larger.

In terms of gender, men tend to have larger pores than women, but women tend to have larger pores during their female cycle due to the hormonal changes associated with it.

Hereditary factors additionally play a role in causing this problem. In case any of your relatives have enlarged pores, you may also be exposed to this nuisance.

Black dots

Blackheads are oil that accumulates in the pores of the skin. The moment the actual yellowish sebum comes into contact with air, it oxidizes and turns dark. This is how so-called blackheads appear.

The dark color of clogged pores can make them appear enlarged. Cleaning your nose to get rid of excess sebum can reduce the number of clogged pores and reduce their size. But excessive cleansing is counterproductive, meaning it may not be beneficial and may even cause harm, since it activates an increase in sebum production.

Nasal skin infections

The nose is the leading area of ​​the body where infected pores can be found. This happens because there are a large number of sebaceous glands and enlarged pores.

If skin cleansing is not taken for a long time, contamination often leads to bacterial infection.

You can prevent clogged nasal pores by using the right cosmetics. That is, they do not contain oils and other components that can penetrate into large pores on the nose.

Infected pores on the nose can often be seen in young people as a result of hormonal changes that occur during puberty. People who suffer skin injuries additionally tend to have a shiny T-zone. Accordingly, it is not uncommon for a person with inflamed skin to have clogged pores.

Itchy nose with oily skin

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, some of the main allergens that can cause an itchy nose are dust, animal dander, and pollen.

Airborne allergens are destined to cause nasal irritation as they land directly in the nostrils. The body's immune system identifies allergens as foreign bodies and begins releasing histamines to fight them.

An itchy nose is just one of the symptoms of allergies and colds. They may also cause itchy eyes, itchy throat, runny or stuffy nose. In some cases, the skin may develop hives, rashes, and redness.

Home Remedies


Rinse your nose with water frequently throughout the day. This keeps the skin hydrated and at the same time clears away accumulated dirt and oil.

Honey and orange peel

You can prepare a mixture of one teaspoon of honey and chopped orange zest. Apply to the surface of the nose and hold for a while. Then clean with a clean cloth or towel and rinse with water. Apply the product twice a week, which will help remove dirt and excess sebum.


Vinegar is effective in cleaning procedures. You need to dilute apple cider vinegar in water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and wipe the surface of the nose. Leave the product to act for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Vinegar helps remove excess oil and also prevents dirt from reaching the surface of the skin.

Lemon juice

You can also cleanse the surface of your nose with lemon juice. In fact, any citrus fruit will help remove excess sebaceous gland secretions.

Corn starch

Cornstarch is effective in absorbing fat. Make a thick paste of cornstarch by adding water. Apply it to the problem area and leave until the paste dries. Rinse your nose with warm water. The product must be used at least three times a week.