How to treat an itchy scalp

Itchy scalp is a feeling of discomfort that makes you want to scratch the irritated area. This sensation can be either temporary or permanent, and can cause serious inconvenience to a person. Most often, the head itches due to exposure of the skin to some external irritant, although it is possible that the symptom was provoked by one or another disease.

Regular itching of the scalp cannot be ignored, as it indicates a problem in the body. A mandatory visit to a trichologist requires the appearance of rashes and peeling on the scalp.

Causes of itchy scalp

Pediculosis. Severe itching can result from head lice infestation. The parasite often passes from one person to another, especially when sharing personal items and when personal hygiene rules are not observed. In addition, lice can affect the mustache, eyebrows and beard. Itching occurs due to lice bites. These parasites use human blood to feed and reproduce.

Dandruff. This disease, in addition to severe itching of the scalp, is accompanied by the appearance of scales, which are desquamated epithelium. Hair loses its shine, becomes dry and brittle, or, conversely, becomes greasy. Dandruff is often a symptom of psoriasis, seborrhea, mycotic lesions of the scalp, vitamin deficiency and even problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, itching of the scalp accompanied by the appearance of dandruff should not be ignored.

Seborrhea. This is an inflammatory process that is caused by excess sebum production. Itching, peeling and thickening of the stratum corneum are the main symptoms of seborrhea. The disease requires consultation with a dermatologist or trichologist.

Allergic reactions. The scalp may itch when using new skin care products. This could be a mask, shampoo, conditioner, styling mousse, etc. If itching occurs immediately after the first application, it is best not to use the product. At the same time, it is worth noting new substances that could cause an allergic reaction. If, after eliminating the potential allergen, itching continues to impair the quality of life, then you should consult a doctor for advice. It is also worth paying attention to washing powders. The components they contain can cause allergies and itching if the bed linen has not been rinsed well. In addition, an allergic reaction can occur in response to ingestion of poor-quality food, as well as when undergoing therapy with inappropriate medications.

Dry scalp. Washing too often, using excessive styling products, or constantly using a hair dryer, curling iron or curling iron may disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, the scalp becomes dry, begins to flake and itch, and fine, dry dandruff may form. Too much sun exposure can lead to dry scalp.

Stress. The cause of itchy scalp can be excessive emotional stress, frequent stress, mental instability, and overwork.

Demodecosis. This is a skin disease that is caused by microscopic mites. They parasitize in human hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Various areas of the body and head may be affected. When infected, patients report severe itching of the scalp and hair loss.

General diseases of the body. Itchy skin on any part of the body can be caused by various diseases: liver and gallbladder damage, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus.

Psoriasis. This disease can affect the scalp. Most often, an itchy spot occurs in areas prone to oiliness. Sometimes psoriasis can be confused with seborrhea, since a large amount of dandruff forms on the head;

Eczema. Often, eczema on the scalp occurs as a seborrhea; it is possible to detect not only a fungal, but also a streptococcal infection. The disease causes itching of the scalp, neck and ears.

Muscle strain. Increased muscle tone in the back, shoulders and neck can lead to an itchy head. Itching occurs due to deterioration of blood microcirculation.

Insufficient hygiene. Itching can be caused not only by frequent hair washing, but also by neglecting this procedure. As a result, various impurities accumulate on the hair, causing irritation and itching.

Avitaminosis. The condition of the scalp is negatively affected by a lack of B vitamins. Vitamin deficiency can lead to itching, hair loss, increased fragility, etc.

Folliculitis. Pustular lesions of the scalp can also provoke itching. The more rashes, the brighter the symptom will be.

Exposure to chemicals. Itching is often caused by incorrectly selected hair dye or incorrect use of it. In order not to harm your own health, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test to determine the body’s sensitivity to a specific chemical composition. To do this, the product is applied to the elbow and left for several hours. If there is no reaction, then the paint can be applied to the scalp.

Perms can cause a burning sensation and itching. If undesirable reactions occur, it is better to abandon such procedures subsequently.

Treatment for itchy scalp

Treatment of head lice is based on treating the scalp with modern drugs, including Pedelin, Spray-lux, Para-plus and others. Most often, one application is sufficient, although sometimes repeating the procedure may be necessary. As for children, it is possible to simply shave the hair. This will prevent your baby's head from being exposed to potentially harmful chemicals.

To get rid of dandruff, you need to reconsider your diet and exclude fried, fatty and spicy foods. The use of shampoos that contain an antifungal component is also recommended. Such drugs are Nizoral, Climbazole and others. If the cause of dandruff is internal diseases, then it is necessary to identify them and promptly eliminate them. Physiotherapy, in particular cryomassage, darsonvalization, etc., can improve the nutrition of hair follicles.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp requires following a diet, using medicated shampoos, and rubbing products containing zinc and tar into the scalp. It is possible to use hormonal medications in the form of ointments. They are prescribed when treatment of seborrhea with antifungal therapy is ineffective.

If itching of the scalp occurs as a result of an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to exclude the allergen. If even after eliminating it, the itching does not go away, you should consult an allergist and trichologist to identify the cause of this condition. You may need to take antihistamines, including Zodac, Zyrtec, Cetirizine, Loratadine, etc.

If itchy scalp is caused by excessive dryness, it is necessary to exclude irritating factors. It is worth abandoning the too frequent use of tongs, hair dryers and other devices that have a thermal effect. Washing your hair should also not be frequent. Dry scalp requires washing no more than twice a week, always with specialized shampoos. It is also worth protecting your hair and scalp from exposure to ultraviolet rays. To do this, in sunny weather you need to wear a hat.

Treatment of scalp psoriasis should be comprehensive. Sedatives (Persen, Novo-Passit), antihistamines (Fenistil, Tavegil, Telfast), light diuretics and NSAIDs are used.

Treatment of eczema of the scalp is carried out using antimicrobial drugs, antihistamines, and sedatives. Local treatment is of no small importance.

If the cause of an itchy head is vitamin deficiency, then taking vitamin supplements and following a diet with the obligatory inclusion of foods rich in vitamin B are indicated. This can be fish, meat, Brussels sprouts.

To get rid of demodicosis, therapy with antiparasitic drugs, the use of local drugs based on Metronidazole, and essential oils is necessary. It is possible to undergo electrophoresis using moisturizing compounds.

When scalp itching is a symptom of a general disease, targeted treatment is necessary.

As for hair care rules, there are several basic points:

It is necessary to wash your hair as your hair gets dirty;

Do not use hard water or alkaline products to wash your hair;

Hair should be combed thoroughly, which helps improve blood circulation in the scalp;

It is worth protecting your hair from exposure to sunlight and cold. Headgear should be selected in accordance with weather conditions.

An itchy scalp can be a symptom of serious illnesses, so it should not be ignored. In addition, the stronger the itching, the more discomfort it causes a person. Therefore, it is worth visiting a trichologist or dermatologist if all the obvious causes of itching have been eliminated (allergens, insufficient or excessive hygiene), but the itching continues to persist.

Ointments to relieve itchy scalp

Nezulin is a cream-gel based on plant extracts, essential oils of mint, lavender and basil with the addition of D-panthenol. Nezulin can be used for allergic reactions and scalp irritation. The drug can relieve itching caused by insect bites.

Benzyl benzoate - available in the form of an emulsion for external use. Allows you to get rid of mite infestations, including the parasites that cause scabies.

Boric ointment is intended for the treatment of pediculosis. The product must be applied to the scalp and left for half an hour. Sulfur ointment has a similar effect.

Advantan – ointment, cream and fatty ointment. This remedy allows you to get rid of seborrhea and microbial eczema; it is prescribed for contact dermatitis and photodermatitis. I recommend applying a greasy ointment to very dry areas of the skin with severe itching.

Author of the article: German Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, especially for the site

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Itchy scalp is a temporary or permanent irritation of the skin that creates discomfort for a person.

This condition is facilitated by the influence of external negative factors. But in some cases, itching can signal the presence of serious diseases. Sometimes redness of the scalp is added to it.

This problem needs to be addressed in a timely manner. In most cases, home treatment will effectively relieve scalp itching. Most often, after eliminating the source of irritation, the itching itself disappears.

The development of the disease will lead to skin depletion and damage in the form of cracks. In turn, this can provoke infection and cause inflammation.

Causes of itchy skin

It is important to identify the cause of itchy scalp. Only after this can you get rid of this problem forever.

The main reasons include:

  1. How to treat an itchy scalp
    1. Using onion and garlic juice. They contain sulfur and acid, which effectively removes itching and dandruff caused by hair coloring. To prepare, add lemon juice and vegetable oil to freshly squeezed onion or garlic juice. Take all ingredients in equal quantities. The resulting composition should be applied to wet hair and left for half an hour. After this, rinse with warm water, after adding vinegar or lemon juice.
    2. An apple-based scalp mask against itching and flaking is effective.. To prepare, you need to chop one medium apple on a coarse grater. Apply the resulting mass to the scalp before washing. Put a cotton cap on top, leave for half an hour and rinse. You need to make this mask twice a week.
    3. Olive-lemon mask moisturizes the scalp, fights dandruff, cleanses. To prepare, you will need 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Heat the oil in a water bath and add lemon juice. Rub the resulting composition into the scalp, put a plastic bag and a towel on top. After 20 minutes, rinse with any medicated shampoo.
    4. For increased dry scalp you can use a mask of flaxseed and olive oil. Mix the oils, a tablespoon of each, heat in a water bath and rub the finished mixture into the scalp. Put a hat on top and insulate with a towel. Wash off after half an hour.
    5. Oatmeal mask perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses the skin. To prepare it, you will need a herbal decoction of nettle, chamomile, sage or plantain - 6 tablespoons. Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons. Initially, you need to prepare a decoction by brewing a medicinal herb. Then pour this product over the oatmeal and let it swell. Rub the resulting mixture into the skin and hair roots with massage movements. Place a plastic bag on top and wrap with a towel. Leave for two hours and rinse with neutral shampoo.
    6. An effective way to soothe the scalp is dandelion flower lotion. Fresh dandelion flowers need to be crushed, placed in a container and filled with 50 ml of vodka. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and a teaspoon of liquid honey to this mixture. Mix well and leave for two weeks. After this, strain the tincture and apply to the skin and hair half an hour before washing. Put on a hat or scarf on top.
    7. Helps with itchy skin banana mask. To do this, mix half a banana, a teaspoon of onion juice and a tablespoon of warm honey. Apply the mask to your hair and leave for 40 minutes, then rinse.

Using Shampoos to Treat Itching

In today's world, people are overly busy. They don’t have time to prepare traditional recipes if there is an itchy scalp and what to do when your head itches, because it’s difficult to tolerate.

In this case, it is wise to use a special shampoo against itchy scalp. It may have other positive properties.

Such funds are divided into 4 groups:

  1. antibacterial;
  2. sebum cleansers;
  3. antifungal;
  4. exfoliating.

You can buy shampoos at the pharmacy. The most popular of them:

  1. Nizoral - antifungal shampoo, manufactured in Belgium. The product effectively combats the symptoms of the disease. Kills fungus, painful itching and peeling. If you use it twice a week, then after a month the problems will disappear.
  2. Sebozol - has a healing effect and restores fungal-affected skin areas. It should be used for at least a month, twice a week.
  3. Sulsena is a popular shampoo that has proven itself well. Removes itching and flaking.

Special shampoos should be used strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse.

Essential oils to combat dandruff and itching

There is another effective way to treat itchy scalp and dandruff. It is based on the use of essential oils. They are included in many shampoos with cosmetic and therapeutic effects.

The most popular in folk medicine is tea tree and burdock oil.. At home, they can be used in their pure form. They will not only help get rid of itchy scalp and dandruff, but will also make your hair look healthy.

Using essential oils is quite simple. You just need to rub them into the scalp and hair roots, leave for a while, wrapping your head in a plastic bag and a towel.

The main medicinal properties of oils:

  1. Burr oil - eliminates dandruff, reduces hair loss. After use they become strong and shiny.
  2. Tea tree oil - removes dandruff caused by fungus within 7 days after starting use.
  3. Lavender oil - helps accelerate hair growth, eliminates dandruff and gives hair shine. Mix a few drops of oil with shampoo and wash your hair.
  4. Castor oil - relieves itching, dandruff and prevents hair loss.
  5. Coconut oil - has a remarkable antibacterial effect, strengthens thinning hair. Prevents the appearance of dandruff and gray hair. Can be added to shampoo.
  6. Almond oil - nourishes hair roots, eliminates split ends and dandruff. Can be used several times a day by placing a few drops on the comb.
  7. Flaxseed oil, jojoba oil and sea buckthorn oil - effectively eliminate dandruff, strengthen and nourish hair.

Diet for treating scalp itching at home

Nutrition affects the condition of hair and scalp. Unbalanced and unhealthy food provokes itching, flaking and inflammation of the scalp.

To avoid such problems, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. Introduce liver, yeast, eggs, and almonds into your daily diet.
  2. Make it a rule to regularly consume dairy products.
  3. Do not eat sweets and fatty foods.
  4. Drink plenty of clean water.
  5. Eat foods that contain fiber.
  6. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

If the problem already exists, then using a diet along with treatment will speed up the healing process.

Basically, folk recipes and special products do a good job of eliminating itchy scalp and dandruff.

But if there is no positive result, you should consult a doctor. This will prevent the occurrence of serious problems and diseases.

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Itching of the scalp is a permanent or temporary sensation of irritation of the skin area, causing us a lot of inconvenience. In most cases, itching manifests itself as a response of the body to an irritant, but in some situations this phenomenon may indicate the presence of any diseases. Severe itching of the scalp in a constant form can lead to thinning of the skin, scratching can lead to damage in the form of cracks, as well as inflammation if infection occurs.

It should be noted that skin itching cannot be ignored, especially in cases where it is accompanied by severe hair loss or the appearance of sores or red spots on the skin. It is important to identify the cause of this phenomenon, for which you should consult a dermatologist and trichologist, who, after diagnosis, will prescribe optimal therapy. In most cases, itchy scalp can be successfully treated at home. As a rule, after eliminating the source of irritation (irritant), the itching itself goes away.

Causes of skin itching.

In medical practice, the most common causes of itchy scalp are:

Parasites (lice, ticks, etc.).
To exclude the possibility of a parasitic infection (for example, pediculosis (lice) or demodicosis (acne)), you should visit a dermatologist. At home, just in case, you can ask your loved ones to look at the skin and hair at the roots using a magnifying glass.

The occurrence of dandruff often leads to severe and debilitating skin itching. To eliminate it, they often begin to use any available methods and methods, which often do not alleviate the condition, while the underlying disease (dandruff) in most cases is not taken into account, which is completely unacceptable, since the source of its appearance is a violation of the process of sebum formation. This, in turn, without proper treatment can lead to the development of a more serious disease - seborrheic eczema. Therefore, if dandruff appears accompanied by itchy skin, you should consult a trichologist, who will prescribe appropriate treatment, including diet, immunomodulators, medicated shampoos, and medications.

Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis).
This skin disease is caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands: dry seborrhea is a consequence of decreased activity of the sebaceous glands, oily seborrhea occurs against the background of excessive secretion of sebum with a disturbed chemical composition. Dry seborrhea is accompanied by dandruff, severe itching of the scalp, and acne on the skin.

Allergic reactions to shampoo and other hair care products.
Often the skin begins to itch severely when changing hair care products or products (mask, conditioner, shampoo, conditioner, styling or coloring products). If itching appears immediately after using a new care product, it is recommended to return to the previously tested old one, or try another product that does not contain substances such as, for example, sodium laureth or sodium lauryl sulfate (usually the packaging of such products says “hypoallergenic”). . This is often the source of itching. If the itching does not disappear after changing shampoo, you should consult a trichologist who will diagnose the scalp and test for allergic reactions.

Hair dye allergies are also common and can cause itchy skin. Typically, paints containing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide cause an allergic skin reaction. Therefore, to prevent this phenomenon, it is recommended to give preference to tinted shampoos and ammonia-free paints. But even in this case, no one is immune from allergies. I would like to add that before any procedure, be it hair coloring or a cosmetic procedure, always do an allergy test. If the scalp is still itchy and itchy after dyeing, you can use special dye-neutralizing shampoos; they are applied after washing off the dye. It is recommended to wash your hair with them after washing off the dye.

An allergy to detergent (washing powder) or fabric softener can also cause irritation and, accordingly, itching of the scalp.

Frequent washing and use of hair drying and styling devices.
Many women, without knowing it, provoke the appearance of itchy skin. And frequent hair washing is no exception. In addition, regular use of hair dryers, straighteners and many other hair devices not only dry out the skin, but also negatively affect the condition of the hair itself.

In such cases, it is necessary to avoid frequently changing brands of hair care products, use proven products, and always monitor the condition of the scalp. At the slightest hint of itching or burning, you should immediately stop using them.

Dry skin.
With an insufficient amount of sebum, hair becomes dry and brittle, begins to become very electrified, frizzy, difficult to style, and quickly absorbs moisture. It happens that an excessively dry scalp suddenly begins to produce more oil. This is just a protective reaction of the skin from possible negative influences from the outside, but it is often taken as excessive oily roots, as a result of which they begin to use oily hair care products. All this makes hair and skin even drier. In this situation, experts insist on the use of special moisturizing shampoos, balms, masks and intensive moisturizing creams.

Also, itchy skin can occur due to a lack of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and microelements in the body.

Fungal diseases of the scalp.
Fungal infections also cause severe itching. In this situation, experts recommend doing a fungal culture, according to which a course of treatment is prescribed, including the use of medicated shampoos and lotions, as well as antifungal drugs (Clotrimazole, Griseofulvin, Miconazole). In addition, patients are recommended to use a special Ketoconazal shampoo when washing their hair, which contains selenium sulfide. In some cases, drugs to strengthen the immune system are also prescribed. If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a specialist, pharmaceutical antifungal drugs, which contain components such as piroctone olamine, zinc pyrithione, climbazole and others, will help you cope with a fungal disease of the scalp.

Various stress factors.
Stressful situations (psychological pressure, mental or physical stress, emotional instability, illness or death of loved ones) have already been proven to also be a source of itching of the scalp. Due to stress, the body experiences excessive production of adrenaline. To remove the latter from the body, physical activity is necessary. If there are none, adrenaline begins to accumulate in the blood, which leads to debilitating itching of the skin.

Dermatophytoses (lichen).
Ringworm is a contagious fungal skin infection. This problem is common among children who are in contact with children's groups or infectious animals. The main signs of lichen are the appearance of severely itchy lesions on the scalp, in the area of ​​which the hair is broken off or completely falls out.

Muscle tension.
Itching of the skin can also be a consequence of excessive muscle strain. Most often, itching is provoked by tension in the muscles of the back, shoulders, and neck, against the background of which blood microcirculation also deteriorates. In addition, constant tension in the head muscles can provoke microtraumas of muscle fibers, which can result in an inflammatory process, which is also accompanied by intense and incessant skin itching.

In especially severe cases, itching occurs due to intense hair loss. In this case, the doctor will be able to provide assistance through special intensive therapy aimed at relaxing the muscle fibers of the head.

Treatment of itchy scalp.

Since itching is just a consequence or a symptom, to treat it it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause that caused it. In this case, you need the help of a specialist who, after a complete diagnosis (various studies taking into account clinical manifestations and the specific case), will prescribe the optimal treatment.

If the cause of the itching turns out to be elementary parasites (for example, lice), then to remove them you should purchase modern effective remedies for such parasites at the pharmacy (Nittifor (solution or cream), Para Plus aerosol, Pediculen lotion.). After removing lice, you should also get rid of nits by using a fine comb. It is also recommended to check other family members for the presence of lice, and the patient’s clothes and bedding should be boiled and ironed with a hot iron. In this case, I would not recommend resorting to traditional methods (using, for example, kerosene), they not only will not help, but can also cause harm. Unlike lice, it is somewhat more difficult to determine the presence of demodicosis, but the doctor will do it in a matter of seconds. To treat demodicosis, you must consult a doctor; only he can prescribe medications.

Treatment of seborrhea is a long and complex process. Proper nutrition, avoidance of stress, hormonal balance (disturbances can provoke seborrhea), adherence to sleep and rest schedules are important in the treatment of the disease. In addition, it is important for patients to keep their scalp clean.

For dry skin, nourishing masks will be useful; they will have a softening effect and improve microcirculation. It is also of great importance to adhere to the drinking regime (at least one and a half liters of water per day), which will prevent dehydration.

If the itching is caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements, you should take a course of vitamins (Vitrum, Complivit, Alphabet, Centrum, etc.).

Treatment of itching with folk remedies.
Herbal medicine and massage are especially effective for treating the scalp. Decoctions of medicinal herbs have long been used to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Decoctions and extracts of nettle, oak bark, and chamomile are especially beneficial for the skin. Massage activates blood circulation, which, in turn, improves skin nutrition.

Onion and garlic juice, due to their sulfur and acid content, effectively eliminate dandruff and relieve itching caused by hair coloring. Add lemon juice and vegetable oil (preferably olive) to freshly squeezed onion or garlic juice; take everything in equal proportions. Apply the resulting composition to wet hair and skin and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water adding a small amount of lemon juice or vinegar.

For the same purposes, it is effective to use an apple mask. Grind one medium-sized apple on a coarse grater. Grate a large apple and apply the resulting mixture to your hair and scalp before washing. Put a cotton cap on top. Leave the mask on for half an hour and wash off. Recommended for use twice a week.

Dandelion flower lotion is also effective in relieving itchy scalp. Grind a handful of fresh dandelion flowers and place in a glass container. Pour this herbal mass with 50 ml of vodka, the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon and a teaspoon of honey, preferably in liquid form. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse for two weeks. After the specified period, the resulting tincture must be filtered. Half an hour before washing, apply the infusion to the skin and hair, and put on a cotton cap or scarf on top. After the time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo.

Onion peels are also good to use for the same purposes. Wash the peels from four onions and place them in an enamel bowl with a liter of boiling water. Place the mixture on the fire and simmer for an hour over low heat. Use this decoction as a rinse after washing your hair. The decoction helps after two or three times of use.

If these simple methods do not relieve the itching, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to rule out more serious skin problems and diseases.
