How to draw arrows like a cat's

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I often have to repeat in my posts (and especially in the comments) that I am not a makeup artist or even some homemade makeup guru; I don't know how to do very many things. This, in my opinion, is the value of blogs: here ordinary people with hands growing out of nowhere show what a mere mortal can do with cosmetics.

Recently I wanted to try making cat-eye arrows for myself. I had no confidence that I could do this. However, unexpectedly it turned out that it was actually very simple, and I was really hooked on these wide, curved, retro arrows. When I showed them on Instagram, some of the commenters complained about the difficulty of execution; but this is not at all true, and I now want to show you step by step how easy these arrows are to draw.

In general, there are many types of cat-eye arrows, often they are complemented with a contour along the lower eyelid, but I don’t like this option on myself, and besides, the task is to make everything as simple as possible, so we make an option approximately like the beautiful Bridget in the photo.

Here's what we start with: the eyes are not made up at all.

Now about the eyeliner. In my experience, the easiest to use is still gel eyeliner in a jar with a brush. It doesn’t blur, it’s easy to pick up the right amount, it allows you to interrupt the line and continue drawing (after all, the arrow “without lifting your hand” is not always given), it doesn’t freeze tightly, like liquid eyeliner, so the line is easy to adjust. Although, of course, this is a matter of taste, but I will show arrows drawn with just such eyeliner.

In order for everything to go smoothly, it makes sense to stock up on some simple accessories: a cotton swab, a toothpick with cotton wool, concealer, and, if you have one, a corrector pencil.

I have several of these, but for arrows I prefer Mavala - it has a sharp, beveled tip that is great for this.

Let's start drawing. There is a lot of debate about whether to draw the tail of the eyeliner first or the outline of the eyelid; in fact, in our case it does not matter at all, because they are drawn separately. I'll start now with the ponytail. And here’s what’s important: when drawing a ponytail, you need to continue the line of the lower eyelid.

The tail is still “rough”, the flaws can be corrected, but here’s the idea: it is in this position relative to the line of the eyelid that the tail will create a bend when we look up and a straight line when we look down.

Now we just take and draw the outline, connecting it to the tail. As you understand, you could start with the outline and then draw the tail - they do not depend on each other.

In principle, we already have a ready-made arrow, although for a thin one we should make the tail line a little higher so that there is no break.

But we have other tasks. Now we remember planimetry and draw such a simple thing as a triangle: we connect the upper tip of the ponytail and the middle of the eyelid.

Since the line will pass through the crease of the eyelid, it may be intermittent - no problem, we’ll finish it all. Now we need to paint this triangle from the inside. If we did everything correctly, then this is what we get:

And when we open our eyes, a straight line - voila! - turns into a beautiful curve:

In general, I’ve already done this many times, but every time I rejoice at the result, like a child. And it’s true - how simple and how beautiful!

The most difficult thing now is the eyelashes; You can’t see them behind such arrows at all, I paint them in almost five layers, but I’m not sure that this is a good solution. I added pink gloss to my lips (by the way, this is the new Givenchy from the summer collection) for a kind of retro-glamorous makeup. Although you can wear bright lipstick here, of course.

I tried to show these arrows in motion - I hope it worked.

As you can see, everything really turns out very simple; I will be glad if my experience helps someone.

We tell you how to do bold makeup for an evening event or a spectacular photo shoot

It will take 5 minutes to read

Text: Editorial staff of August 24, 2017

  1. Basic rules for cat eye makeup
  2. How to avoid mistakes when doing cat eye makeup?
  3. Step-by-step instructions on how to do “cat makeup”

Cat eye makeup is one of the most popular makeup techniques, in which a wide, playful arrow is created using eyeliner or shadow on the upper eyelid: this technique helps to create a mysterious and cunning “cat” look. As a rule, cat eye is used as an element of an evening look, but such makeup can also be used for daytime, just choose a not too bright shade of eye shadow or eyeliner and draw a delicate arrow.

Basic rules for cat eye makeup:

Do you think this makeup won't suit you? No matter how it is! Just take into account the structural features of your face when creating such a make-up:

  1. If you have close-set eyes, you can visually increase the distance between them by drawing an arrow not from the inner corner of the eye, but slightly retreating to the outer corner. It is better not to let down the lower eyelid.
  1. Wide-set eyes should be visually brought closer to the nose. To do this, draw the arrow to the border of the inner corner of the eye. The line along the lower eyelid can also be drawn a little closer to the nose.
  1. If you have round eyes, draw a thin line along the upper eyelid without emphasizing the lower eyelid. Narrow eyes will be visually “opened” by wide arrows along the upper eyelid, tapering towards the outer corner of the eye.
  2. For small eyes, use a soft eyeliner instead of eyeliner. You should also avoid clear lines and dark shades.