Minolexin for acne reviews, how long does it take to effect

Girls. Well, what is it like - 27 years old, and acne like a teenager?? That being said, I suspect that my battle with acne will gradually turn into a battle with wrinkles. How do you deal with such problems.

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

It is necessary to check the internal organs. The stomach, liver, thyroid gland, everything for a woman.

It is necessary to check the internal organs. The stomach, liver, thyroid gland, everything for a woman.

get tested for demodicosis

Buy Dena Kern products. It helped me 100%

The projective helps;) But it’s not cheap.

try mechanical cleansing + 3 coral peels, it has already saved many people

Related topics

I also constantly have acne on my chin. Tortured. And I'm 28 years old. There is nothing like that in gynecology. Donated blood for hormones. I don’t know the result yet.

cured gastritis, it helped me. I was also afraid of acne on my wrinkles =)

The projective helps;) But it’s not cheap.

I’m already 34, and I still struggle with them. Until I was 30, zeneritis helped, I got pregnant - everything came out, it was terrible. In general, everything turned out unsuccessfully with the pregnancy, I recovered, took Yarina for half a year, and was clean. Just as I stopped, it started again. I’ve already visited all the dermatologists and gastroenterologists, and took a killer course of antibiotics for Chilacobacter. The result is zero. Now I’m using zenerite again, but it doesn’t have the same effect as before. So I’m thinking: what’s next? I used to think it wouldn’t happen after I turned thirty, but no, when will it all end. tired

If there are no problems with internal organs, I advise you to monitor your diet, exclude sweets, fatty foods, fried foods, take a cold shower in the morning and evening, as this is simply a necessary procedure for women, do physical exercises, yoga and walking.

For all the time that I have been struggling with my skin, I have tried a lot of all sorts of products (both expensive and cheap), and my skin is all like me - just as harmful and with a character =) oily, pimples often appear, blackheads. but I’m not the only one)) so, I tried and experimented for a long time and finally found my ideal recipe!! Once a week I make a mask of green clay (which for some reason is actually dirty orange.) it acts as a gentle peeling, cleans incredibly well! I alternate this clay with a scrub (namely Garnier for combination skin. I don’t like anything else) + tar soap in the morning and evening. oh yes, I also smear my pimples with gel after shaving every evening before going to bed.. yeah! They gave it to my husband, and he doesn’t use it, so I spend it, why waste it, especially since the product is very cool! believe me! the skin really has become cleaner!!

Yes, male hormones are everything. Grinding in won't help. Research your testosterone.

Daily face mask: honey + acetyl - simple, cheap and effective! It helped me a lot, on the third day the number of acne noticeably decreased, on the 7th I forgot what it was. In addition, a chic, even complexion after it.
link to detailed description of the mask


who said enemas? I'm here!

check your testosterone levels. I have high blood pressure and have been suffering from this for a month now, even more. I go to the endocrinologist and drink Biyaz (Yarina in Russian)

Peeling helped me, it lasted for seven months

Hello!! The reason must be determined!
I had the same problem! We spent a long time looking for the source of my troubles.
Even before taking the tests, the doctor advised me to change my cleanser to Aknenon! It clears up pimples very well and makes the skin smoother! I still use it, try it!

Girls, thanks for the answers and advice!
Peeling, by the way, cannot be done with acne, you can do it after, and if you do it with acne, it will spread even worse!
I'm afraid to try Dr. Kern! They told me so many bad things about him!
This is the first time I’ve heard about acnenon, but what is it?
Yes, I checked my hormones, everything is fine with them! This is what infuriates me!!(((I wish I knew the reason.

Aknenon is a series of products for problem skin! cleansing gel, tonic, cream.
Give it a try, it costs pennies.
I just recently found matting products from them - also excellent, by the way!

Peeling helps with the effects of acne, scars and blemishes, and not with the acne itself.
Regina, what did they tell you about Kern? I was just thinking about buying it.
Dana Scully, have you tried Aknenon tablets? Are they hormonal or not?

Yes, I tried Aknenon capsules, along with the wash and cream. They are not hormonal, but based on herbs and vitamins. The combined use of these funds produced a very quick and good effect.
There were no side effects

Dana, I bought them today at the First Aid pharmacy, it’s a pink box with a girl on it, right? But for now I’m afraid to drink. Please tell me exactly how many of them you took? And how good is the effect? Is everything really gone? How was your skin before this? Sorry, for God's sake, for being meticulous, but I really want my skin to become normal! I dream about this so much, but I’m afraid to take pills. Thank you very much in advance!!
And also, girls, does anyone know what kind of peeling is best? Yellow, fruity or something else??

I took them for 2 months, with a short break, and for a long time I also didn’t dare to take the capsules, since it’s one thing to have a cream on the outside, and another thing to take pills))) So I understand you in this regard.
I've always had problem skin! First one thing, then another. now acne, now redness, now peeling, in general I wanted to put a bag on my head and walk around like that.
I’ll return to acnenon capsules, etc. The effect quickly appeared for me, i.e. Those pimples that existed quickly went away, and there were fewer and fewer new ones. In general, I liked that I finally felt that my skin was clean and breathing.
So don't be afraid!!
I can’t say anything about peeling, I only did fruit peeling.

I’ve been taking it for almost 2 weeks now, Dana, it’s terrible. There are actually fewer of them, especially on the forehead and chin, there are just spots, but there are almost no nasty pimples, but there are some on the cheeks, but they dry out.

What are you talking about, if it’s not a secret, what helps so much?

Type Aknenon on the Internet or read the comments above

Girls, I have a question, Aknenon helps with acne, this is understandable, I already bought it for myself, the old ones really go away faster, I’ve tried a lot of things before, but how can you remove scars after acne, or does Aknenon also remove or reduce them over time?

Girls, I have a question, Aknenon helps with acne, this is understandable, I already bought it for myself, the old ones really go away faster, I’ve tried a lot of things before, but how can you remove scars after acne, or does Aknenon also remove or reduce them over time?

Girls, I had the same problem since I was 18, I suffered until I was 23, I tried everything, no results. I took tests, my testosterone was increased, the doctor prescribed Yarina (a contraceptive + positive effect on the skin), I drank for 5 years, I quit a month ago . Acne popped up during this time, but much less. I recently did a course of salicylic peeling in honey. center. Very cool, the result was simply beyond all expectations, the skin was cleared, there were no blackheads or inflammations. Let's see, maybe we can use the Elos device with a cosmetologist (it also fights acne well + rejuvenates). The other day I took a test for dysbacteriosis, most likely the intestinal microflora is disturbed, then I’ll drink what the doctor prescribes. I also wanted to say about creams, I use expensive professional products that are sold in clinics, I realized a long time ago that not a single cream will help if there are internal problems. Girls, check your hormones, cat, stomach, liver. One hundred percent the problem is in the body, and acne is only an external manifestation. And even more so, they should not exist at 25-28 years old. Good luck to all!

I have acne and I’m already 37 years old. My skin is like an orange peel and flakes off often. I’ve tried expensive creams and diets. To no avail.

The same garbage, girls(((It’s unbearably simple. Because of these acne, life is really worthless. Complete lack of self-confidence, timidity, eternal embarrassment. I can’t look people in the eyes at all when talking. It seems to me that the whole world is just looking at my acne. I tried all sorts of remedies. There was no result. Nothing helps. I’m already thinking, maybe I should do plastic surgery? Ahaha. But I’m serious. Is there such an option? I also heard about Minolexin tablets. They say that it’s a very effective remedy. But it’s an antibiotic, and you have to drink it for a long time, it seems. In America it is very popular. Has anyone used it?? Let me know who heard what. And also, how many times I looked. Everywhere they write that it is available in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. You can’t buy it anywhere without a prescription at all ??

Why is it so difficult to go to the doctor and prescribe this drug? I drank it for 2 months, 2 tablets half a year ago. The result is still lasting, there were no side effects.

Awesome! This is exactly the effect?! I don’t believe in anything anymore, it seems to me ((despair((
Should I prescribe it to a dermatologist?

You can buy it from them, or you can just buy it at the pharmacy. but they really help for a long time. It’s also good that you can take these tablets in the summer (some of the same series are antibiotics with a high degree of photosensitivity)

Why is it so difficult to go to the doctor and prescribe this drug? I drank it for 2 months, 2 tablets half a year ago. The result is still lasting, there were no side effects.

I also heard about Minolexin tablets. They say it is a very effective remedy. But this is an antibiotic, and you have to take it for a long time. It is very popular in America. Has anyone used it?? Subscribe who heard what. And how much I watched. Everywhere they write that it is available in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. Is there no way to buy it anywhere without a prescription??
No, these tablets have now appeared in the Russian Federation, so you can buy them without problems, but like any antibiotic, they are only available with a prescription. Therefore, first see a doctor for a prescription, and then get treatment.

Fasting helped me. I had small pimples on my neck for three months. suffered.


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To combat acne on the face and body, various topical products can be used - creams, ointments, gels and lotions.

However, external exposure is not always sufficient.

Moderate to severe acne, purulent rashes and extensive skin lesions may require treatment with systemic antibacterial drugs.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

In such situations, dermatologists often prescribe Minolexin for acne.

Release form

Minolexin contains minocycline hydrochloride, is an antibiotic of the tetracycline group, available in the form of capsules (20 pieces per package).

The dosage of the active ingredient can be 50 mg or 100 mg.

Photo: Minolexin is available in capsules

How it works

Minolexin quickly helps get rid of acne (patient reviews confirm this) by inhibiting pathogens that cause rashes.

The drug is characterized by a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, affecting most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

But if the rash is caused by hormonal imbalances or disruption of the sebaceous glands, then treatment with Minolexin will not achieve positive treatment results.

Among other things, the tablets have the following positive properties:

  1. well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. do not interact with foods and drinks;
  3. the active components of the drug can accumulate in the sebaceous ducts, providing a therapeutic effect directly in the problem area.


In dermatology, Minolexin is used for severe acne on the face, back and shoulders.

Photo: acne

In addition to fighting acne, Minolexin can be prescribed to treat:

  1. infectious dermatological diseases;
  2. anthrax;
  3. acute tonsillitis (angina), respiratory tract infections;
  4. fevers of various origins (cyclic, typhoid, spotted, tick-borne);
  5. pneumonia;
  6. urethritis, cervical canal infections;
  7. inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis);
  8. sexually transmitted diseases.

As you can see, Minolexin is a fairly serious drug used in the treatment of various diseases, and in some cases can replace strong antibiotic injections.

Video: “How to get rid of acne”

How to take Minolexin for acne

Your doctor should tell you how to take the drug for treatment.

But if you cannot visit a dermatologist, then it is recommended to adhere to the standard doses indicated by the manufacturer’s instructions.

To combat acne, it is recommended to take 1 capsule of the drug at a dosage of 50 mg once a day. On the doctor's recommendation, the dosage can be increased to 100 mg per day.

But in any case, the maximum permissible daily dose should not exceed 200 mg.

Capsules are drunk after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid - this will help avoid irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

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How much to treat acne should also be determined by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the inflammation.

Therapy can last from 6 to 12 weeks. It is not recommended to exceed the prescribed dose - this will not help get rid of rashes faster, but will lead to an overdose and provoke the development of side effects (dizziness, nausea and vomiting, headaches).

If such symptoms develop, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

In most cases, along with taking antibiotics orally, local treatment with various anti-acne agents (paint, lotion, ointment, gel or cream) is prescribed.


Like other antibiotics, Minolexin has a number of contraindications. This:

  1. dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  2. hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the product;
  3. lactose deficiency and intolerance;
  4. children under 8 years of age;
  5. pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Photo: Doctors do not recommend taking the drug during pregnancy

Side effects

In rare cases, after using Minolexin, the following is noted:

  1. dizziness, hearing loss, convulsions, numbness of extremities, increased intracranial pressure;
  2. dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  3. dysfunction of the hematopoietic system;
  4. digestive disorders, more often – diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  5. pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  6. enterocolitis (inflammation of the intestines);
  7. liver failure, hepatitis;
  8. kidney inflammation (nephritis);
  9. itching and rashes on the skin, the appearance of age spots, urticaria;
  10. arthralgia (muscle pain), arthritis;
  11. stomatitis, change in the shade of tooth enamel (when using Minolexin in childhood);
  12. shortness of breath, bronchospasm.

Side effects most often occur from the digestive system.

Therefore, you may additionally need to take medications that normalize the intestinal flora. These can be Bifi-Form, Linex, Narine capsules or Hilak liquid solution.


The cost of the drug may vary depending on the dosage of the drug, the location and status of the pharmacy.

The average price in rubles for Minolexin fluctuates from 500 to 1,000 rubles

Cost of Minoleksin in some Moscow pharmacies

Minolexin caps. No. 20/Pharmacy Zdrav Zone Liquitoria Europharm
Dosage 50 mg 573-00 868-00 699-00
Dose 100 mg 949-00 1063-00 1070-0

Questions and answers

Are there any analogues

Complete structural analogues of Minolexin containing minocycline hydrochloride do not exist on the pharmaceutical market today.

However, other tetracycline antibiotics have a similar effect. This:

  1. Doxycycline;
  2. Vibramycin;
  3. Unidox Solutab;
  4. Rondomycin;
  5. Monocline;
  6. Dovitsin;
  7. Xedocin.

Despite the large number of drugs with similar effects, it is better not to replace one drug with another without first consulting a doctor.

These drugs are similar in action, but differ in the list of side effects, the ability to interact with other drugs, contraindications and other characteristics.

Photo: antibiotics used in dermatological practice

Compared to other drugs of the tetracycline group, Minolexin differs:

  1. well tolerated;
  2. low risk of side effects;
  3. highly effective (within 1.5 months of treatment, the number of rashes is reduced by at least 50%).

How long does the treatment last?

It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take for the effect to occur after the start of treatment.

It all depends on the severity of the inflammatory processes in the skin, previously used products, the individual susceptibility of the body and other characteristics. Therapy can last from 1.5 to 3 months.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

Minolexin is contraindicated for use against acne and in the treatment of other diseases in a pregnant woman, especially in the later stages.

The active substance penetrates the placental barrier and can cause disruption of bone tissue formation in the fetus.

What doctors say about drug treatment

Many doctors use Minolexin in therapeutic practice, including the drug in treatment regimens not only for acne, but also for other serious diseases.

Photo: According to doctors, the drug effectively fights acne

Experts note the higher effectiveness of Minolexin compared to other tetracycline antibiotics and the absence of cross-resistance.

Regarding the treatment of acne, dermatologists say that the antibiotic has been tested many times.

  1. And in 98% positive treatment results are achieved: the face becomes clear on average a month after the start of therapy.
  2. And since Minolexin destroys all types of bacteria that cause acne, the treatment results last a long time.


Reviews about the effectiveness of Minolexin vary.

  1. In many cases, the drug helped to cope with even severe rashes, and this can be confirmed by the photos before and after using the antibiotic, presented on the Internet.
  2. However, there are also negative reviews with complaints about the lack of results or the worsening of inflammatory processes after treatment with Minolexin.

It is important to understand that the drug helps only if the cause of acne is pathogenic flora.

If the rash is caused by hormonal imbalance, increased oiliness of the skin, or diseases of the endocrine system, then Minolexin is unlikely to help, just like any other antibiotic.

Why do red pimples on my hands itch? Find out here.

How to get rid of acne spots on your back? Read on.

This is an effective drug that helps fight skin imperfections.

At the same time, Minolexin is a serious antibiotic that has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

Before starting treatment, it is important to visit a dermatologist, who will make an accurate diagnosis, evaluate the advisability of using Minolexin, and advise how to deal with acne.

Video: “How to get rid of blackheads and pimples using folk remedies”

There are an incredible number of remedies available today to get rid of acne. Not all of them are intended for topical use. There are also a sufficient number of medications taken orally. Particularly advanced cases of acne treatment often involve the use of antibiotics. Among their representatives, there is great interest in Minolexin. It has a wide range of applications.

Along with pimples and subcutaneous acne, indications for the use of Minolexin can be various infectious diseases, intestinal infections and even syphilis. We can conclude that this is a fairly strong drug. What happens if you use it to fight acne? Reviews can best show how effective Minolexin is for acne. Therefore, it is worth turning to their consideration to get a complete impression.

Reviews of Minolexin for acne

Angelina (24 years old, cook in a restaurant)

Trying to get rid of acne, I read a lot of reviews on a variety of products. In particular, I came across a description of Minoleksin. To be honest, I was afraid to take the drug at first. After all, these are antibiotics, and experimenting with them is dangerous. Nevertheless, I decided to try to get rid of acne using this method, so to speak, to kill it “from the inside.” I took Minolexin for 3 months. This time was enough for my face to become completely clean. Now it feels like I never had any acne. Only sometimes I still do cleanings, just in case. I leave a positive review!

Victoria (29 years old, lawyer)

I have suffered from acne since I was 18. Moreover, I was only able to get rid of it now. I’ve tried everything during this time, and I’ve scrolled through so many reviews. Some remedies helped, but not for long. If acne disappeared, it was for a short period of time. Moreover, noticeable defects remained, especially around the nose and on the chin.

Somehow, out of habit, looking through reviews, I saw good recommendations regarding Minolexin. I’m not used to trying such things, so I didn’t expect anything serious. However, after two months of taking it, my facial skin was literally transformed. There are no rashes or acne now. The effect has lasted for six months now. I wonder what will happen next. Hoping for the best.

Marina (20 years old, tattoo artist)

I took Minolexin as prescribed by the doctor. The doctor said that the problem of my acne on my neck is not related to the skin, but to some kind of bacteria. But it's not that important. Most importantly, Minolexin for acne, as it turned out, receives almost entirely laudatory reviews. As a result, only 6 weeks were enough for the acne to disappear. The doctor also said that if any part of the rash remained, it would be necessary to continue taking it. But it’s good that this was not required, because I also saw in the reviews that the product can cause harm. After all, we are talking about antibiotics. However, I am very pleased.

Natalya Valerievna (38 years old, accountant)

I haven’t taken Minolexin myself, but I can write a review based on the example of my daughter’s use of it. They didn’t go to the doctors, and perhaps in vain. Based on other reviews, I decided to try giving my daughter Minolexin. After three days of taking it, she developed swelling on her arm, right in the elbow joint. They didn’t pay attention then, so they continued to use Minolexin. But a day later, swelling appeared on the other hand... After that, they immediately stopped taking the pills.

As a result, everything returned to normal. I think it’s better to walk around with acne than to suffer from such problems. If you decide to use any antibiotics to fight acne, check reviews about them first. This helps prevent such complications.

Yulia (22 years old, sports dance coach)

Fighting acne on my face was once almost a profession for me. I managed to try many medications. But among them I think Minolexin is the most effective. At least in the entire group of tetracyclines it had the best effect. There were also reviews about Minolexin for acne with such content that it is necessary to additionally carry out deep cleansing of the face. That's exactly what she did. In total, my course lasted a month. I took 2 tablets. After about 10 days, the result was already noticeable. That is, I can praise such a drug in a review, but I’m not sure that pimples on my cheeks will no longer appear.

Alexandra (20 years old, student)

To everyone who is looking for reviews on treating acne with any methods, I would like to first of all tell you not to count on quick results. I know this from my own experience. Even such effective antibiotics as Minolexin cannot provide an effect in a short period of time. But still, Minolexin helps quite well. Only a specialist prescribed it for me. The course lasted 2 months. Total – 1 tablet per day. True, there were no particularly severe acne. It took about a month for the skin to completely clear. And, believe me, it's very fast. But I would also like to note in my review that the results from taking Minolexin still disappear too quickly. In particular, after about 3 months, acne began to appear again. I'm not going to take pills again for now.

Alina (23 years old, florist)

I know that Minolexin is often praised in reviews. But in my case a very serious problem occurred. I can’t say whether it helps with acne or not, but it definitely makes me feel worse. The acne was severe, so the doctor prescribed a fairly large dosage. But about Minolexin for acne, reviews often contain a warning that it is an antibiotic. About 5 days after I started taking it, I felt very dizzy. That's why the nausea occurred. I read in the instructions and reviews: all these are side effects. That is, I want to say that it is dangerous to treat acne with Minolexin. At the very least, you should be prepared for problems.

Should I take Minolexin or not?

Like any other strong antibiotic, Minolexin should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. You shouldn’t rely solely on the reviews that are left about it. Otherwise, you may not only not get rid of acne, but also harm your own health. And these are already quite serious problems.