How to use acne powder

Acne powder sometimes turns out to be much more effective than modern medications for the treatment of pimples, acne and acne, and is also affordable for everyone. The composition of the mash is selected only by a dermatologist individually for each patient, taking into account the specific problem and individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, the same formulation will not be effective for all patients.

Anti-acne powder can be purchased at a pharmacy, where it will be prepared for you according to the prescription prescribed by your doctor. You can cook it yourself using the same recipe, the effect is the same, but the cost will be much lower. The components for preparing the composition can be purchased at the same pharmacy.

When and how to use acne powder.
The mash is effective in the presence of small rashes on the skin of the face or individual pimples; the composition does not help get rid of advanced forms of acne. The use of the medicinal composition must necessarily be combined with a special two-month diet that limits the consumption of fatty, sweet, salty, smoked and spicy foods. The diet also provides for a specific diet, including five meals in small portions.

In addition to its therapeutic effect, chatter helps prevent acne and has good tonic properties, so it may well become an excellent alternative to your facial tonic. To achieve a visible result without drying out the skin, since the composition often contains alcohol, it is recommended to use the mash once, at night. This is explained by the fact that talkatives usually contain components that increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Using the mash is very simple, you should first shake it: moisten a cotton pad in it and carefully wipe only the affected areas of the skin of the face (trying not to affect the area around the eyes and lips) with rubbing movements to accelerate the penetration of medicinal components deep into the epidermis. After the procedure, the skin requires sufficient hydration, so you should apply a cream with a good moisturizing effect.

Before using the acne mash, you need to cleanse your face using tar soap or a cleanser based on milk casein. This will protect the skin from excessive dryness. The use of cleaning agents containing alcohol is prohibited. If during the use of the mash the skin becomes excessively dry, it is recommended to stop using it for a while (until the skin recovers).

During pregnancy, mash bottles containing sulfur, alcohol, and menthol are contraindicated for use. In any case, the use of talkers, and, in principle, any medicines, should be carried out exclusively with the permission or prescription of a doctor.

How to prepare acne mash, effective home recipes.
The composition of the mash is selected taking into account the skin type and the nature of the rash. I will write the most effective and frequently prescribed formulations. In some cases, dermatologists may prescribe several formulations of talkers at once, the use of which must be alternated.

Anti-acne cream to improve skin condition.
Fights acne on oily skin, treats teenage acne.

Boric acid - 50 ml.
Pure medical alcohol (90%) – 50 ml.
Salicylic acid (2%) – 5 g.
Levomycetin tablets - 5 g.

Combine the components, wipe problem areas (pre-cleanse the skin) at night using rubbing movements. After five minutes, apply moisturizer.

Chatterbox with streptocide and sulfur.
Eliminates large red pimples, subcutaneous pimples, pustular rashes, pimples caused by lack or insufficient cleansing, helps in the treatment of demodicosis.

Salicylic acid (2%) – 50 ml.
Streptocide - 7 g.
Sulfur – 7 g.
Boric alcohol – 50 ml.

Combine the components, wipe problem areas (pre-cleanse the skin) at night using rubbing movements. After five minutes, apply moisturizer.

Chatterbox with erythromycin and zinc oxide.
Clears and fights acne caused by stress during menstruation, helps with moderate rashes. The product perfectly cleanses and refreshes oily skin, normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Salicylic alcohol – 50 ml.
Erythromycin – 4 g.
Boric acid – 50 ml.
Zinc oxide or zinc oxide – 4 g.

Combine the components, wipe problem areas (pre-cleanse the skin) at night using rubbing movements. After five minutes, apply moisturizer.

Chatterbox with chloramphenicol and aspirin.
Dries and reduces inflammation, prevents further growth of bacteria.

Levomycetin – 2 tablets.
Sulfur – 2.5 g.
Boric acid – 50 ml.
Ethyl alcohol – 50 ml.

Grind the tablets into powder, add the remaining ingredients. Use the resulting mixture to wipe problem areas (pre-cleanse the skin) overnight using rubbing movements. After five minutes, apply moisturizer.

Chatterbox with trichopolum.
Perfectly dries out acne and relieves inflammation.

Trichopolum - 4 tablets.
Medical alcohol (90%) – 250 ml.

Crush the tablets to a powder, pour in alcohol and leave in a dark, warm place to infuse for three days. Shake the mixture daily until the powder is completely dissolved. Use the prepared product to wipe problem areas (pre-cleanse the skin) at night using rubbing movements. After five minutes, apply moisturizer.

Chatterbox with camphor alcohol.
Effectively fights acne and minor rashes.

Camphor alcohol - 80 ml.
Streptocide – 10 tablets.
Salicylic acid (2%) - 30 ml.
Levomycetin - 4 tablets.

Combine the components, wipe problem areas (pre-cleanse the skin) at night using rubbing movements. After five minutes, apply moisturizer.

Video: Making mash with your own hands.

Chatterbox with clindamycin and aspirin.
Prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the sebaceous glands, reduces inflammation, and dries out acne.

Acetylsalicylic acid – 4 tablets.
Clindamycin – 4 tablets.
Boric alcohol – 50 ml.
Ethyl alcohol – 50 ml.

Grind the tablets to a powder. Mix ethyl and boric alcohol in a clean tonic bottle, add powder to them, shake everything thoroughly. Use the prepared mixture to wipe problem areas (pre-cleanse the skin) overnight using rubbing movements. After five minutes, apply moisturizer. For age spots and post-acne, it is recommended to replace ethyl alcohol with calendula tincture.

Contraindications to the use of acne talkers.
During the period of treatment with talkers, it is important to refrain from using decorative cosmetics (lubricate the skin with Panthenol or baby cream), limit the skin from exposure to dust and sudden changes in temperature. During pregnancy, talkers should not be used, only as prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects of acne talkers.
Failure to follow the rules for using talkers can lead to increased skin dryness, peeling, and irritation. Let me remind you that you can wipe your face with them once a day, not more often! Otherwise, you can only worsen your skin condition.

The range of products to combat pimples is varied: ointments, creams, lotions, mash. A dermatologist can advise how to make an anti-acne mash from available medications, but more often he will write a prescription, according to which an acne mash can be prepared at a pharmacy. After all, it is important not only to know the composition, but also to follow the mixing technology. However, everyone can master making acne mash at home.

Why chatterbox?

This is what is commonly called a suspension, a suspension of active components in a liquid medium. Some of its ingredients do not completely dissolve, they precipitate, the composition must be shaken, hence the name. Typically, acne powders are prepared directly at the pharmacy according to a dermatologist's prescription, although a number of drugs are produced by pharmaceutical or cosmetic companies. These include salicylic suspension with the addition of zinc Boltushka TM Propeller and Tsindol - suspension with zinc oxide.

Why is this acne remedy so popular?

  1. consists of inexpensive ingredients available at any pharmacy;
  2. easy to prepare at home;
  3. simple and convenient to use;
  4. we will quickly feel the effect.

Pharmacy mash is more expensive than homemade, not everywhere there are departments where it is prepared, you have to go there twice: first to give the recipe, then to pick up the prepared drug. Ready-made preparations - Boltushka from Propeller, Vidal's Milk, Tsindol - are not always suitable. Sometimes topical antibiotics are necessary, and these products do not contain them. Therefore, many are interested in how to prepare acne mash on their own.

Drug components

Acne creams may contain the following components:

  1. boric or salicylic acid (the latter is the basis of the Propeller suspension) - antiseptics for skin disinfection. They have a weak antibacterial effect;
  2. acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) – anti-inflammatory;
  3. ethyl alcohol – antiseptic, natural preservative, dries out the skin;
  4. camphor alcohol has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, local irritant effect, helps to activate blood circulation in tissues;
  5. Trichopolum is an antimicrobial drug that is also active against protozoa and ticks;
  6. chloramphenicol, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin - antibiotics that destroy pathogenic microflora;
  7. streptocide is a sulfonamide drug, similar in action to antibiotics;
  8. dimexide - a drug with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties, promotes deeper penetration of other components;
  9. calendula tincture, chlorophyllipt - antiseptics of plant origin with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  10. zinc oxide – antiseptic, reduces skin irritation, dries, promotes wound healing, forms a protective barrier;
  11. medical sulfur – regulates skin oiliness, promotes regeneration.

If the anti-acne face wash contains a drug that is sold in tablet form, the tablets must be thoroughly crushed and ground to form a powder. Dimexide is used in the form of a concentrated solution. Salicylic and boric acid - in the form of alcohol solutions of 2% and 3% concentration (sometimes called alcohol).

For demodicosis (skin damage by the Demodex mite, which is often accompanied by rashes), sulfur ointment with antibiotics and salicylates is effective. Sulfur acne powder containing purified sulfur powder has a similar effect. Zinc oxide in powder form is also sold in pharmacies.

Homemade recipes

Below are a number of recipes for chatterboxes for acne-prone skin.

Before choosing one of the recipes and preparing a medicine according to it, keep in mind that only a dermatologist can select the optimal composition. It takes into account specific problems, severity of the disease, causes of acne and skin type.

You also need to take into account the possibility of hypersensitivity to the components. The same anti-acne pill helps some people, other patients who use it do not notice any effect, and still others may develop an allergy with profuse rashes.

Anti-acne powder with chloramphenicol:

  1. 50 ml of 90% alcohol and boric acid, 5 g of salicylic acid and chloramphenicol tablets. Effective for acne in adolescents due to hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  2. 50 g of ethyl and boric alcohol, 2 tablets of chloramphenicol, 2.5 g of sulfur powder. Dries, soothes, prevents further skin infection.
  3. 3 tablets of chloramphenicol, acetylsalicylic acid, 40 ml of calendula tincture, leave for a day. It is recommended to apply the calendula mixture only to spots on pimples; to wipe the face, the alcohol tincture must be diluted in half with water. In addition to treating acne, talkative whitens age spots.

Levomycetin is also included in the mixture with streptocide; for a package of streptocide, take 4 tablets of chloramphenicol, 80 ml of camphor alcohol and 30 ml of salicylic alcohol. This face wash is useful for minor rashes. But due to the irritating effect of camphor alcohol, it cannot be used for eczema, dermatitis, or the presence of wounds on the skin. Streptocide is also combined with sulfur; the medicine is made from a mixture of salicylic and boric alcohol (50 ml each), sulfur and streptocide powders (7 g each). This remedy is used for large rashes, pustules, and decomedosis.

A mash with trichopolum consists of only 2 components - 4 tablets (1 g) of trichopolum are dissolved in 250 ml of medical alcohol. Feature: the composition should be infused for 3 days in a dark place, and the bottle should be shaken periodically. To prepare an acne remedy with dimexide, you will need a bottle of concentrate and 1% alcohol tincture of chlorophyllipt. First, the dimexide concentrate is diluted with water 2:5, and an equal volume of chlorophyllipt is added to the resulting solution.

In addition to chloramphenicol, erythromycin and clindamycin are often used among antibiotics for the production of talkers:

  1. 4 tablets of clindamycin, aspirin, 50 ml of ethyl and boric alcohol. First, the liquid components are mixed, then a mixture of powders from tablets is added to them and everything is shaken.
  2. 50 ml of boric and salicylic acid, 4 g of erythromycin and zinc oxide.

Ready-made drugs

A few words about ready-made suspensions, their composition and purpose. The most famous talker drugs:

  1. Vidal's milk - ethyl and camphor alcohol, boric and salicylic acid, glycerin, precipitated sulfur;
  2. Zindol – zinc oxide, distilled water with the addition of ethanol, glycerin, starch, talc;
  3. Boltushka from Propeller – salicylic acid, natural salicylates from willow bark, zinc oxide, lactulose.

Vidal's milk is prescribed for decomedosis: sulfur has antiparasitic activity. Restrictions on use are associated with the content of camphor alcohol. Tsindol is an absolutely safe drug that is suitable even for pregnant women; it is used to treat heat rash in infants; cases of individual intolerance to the components are extremely rare. But it is very easily soiled; after applying it to your face, you should not show it in public for a couple of hours. Another disadvantage is that when treating acne, Tsindol greatly dries out the skin, but this is a disadvantage of all alcohol-containing talkers.

Tsindol and Vidal's milk are sold in pharmacies and are intended for use for a wide range of dermatological problems. Propeller is a cosmetics company that specializes in the production of acne products, so its products can also be bought in supermarkets, they are not medicines.

The company's product range includes creams, gels, scrubs, lotions, tonics, cleansing strips, as well as Boltushka suspension. It belongs to the Immuno line for problem skin. Judging by the reviews, the suspension helps with small rashes, but with large pimples with severe inflammation it is ineffective.

Treatment rules

The rules for using almost all formulations are the same: shake the bottle, moisten a cotton pad generously and apply to the face or problem area on the back, chest, legs, buttocks, rubbing lightly. You need to wash your face first. If the mash is concentrated and intended for spot application, use a cotton swab. In order not to harm the skin, you need to use the talker correctly:

  1. Be sure to conduct a skin allergy test before first use;
  2. Keep refrigerated;
  3. 30-40 minutes after treatment, apply moisturizer;
  4. Apply once a day, preferably before bed, and for dry skin – not daily;
  5. If irritation or peeling occurs, stop treatment;
  6. do not use decorative cosmetics, do not visit the solarium, avoid sunlight and other atmospheric influences;
  7. Do not use continuously for more than 2 months, and if the product contains antibiotics, it is better to limit it to 2 weeks.

Sometimes women complain: they used the talker for six months, and when they stopped, their skin became oily. Chat is a rather aggressive product that dries out the skin greatly; in response, the sebaceous glands can be activated, this is a protective reaction. After prolonged use, withdrawal syndrome occurs, problems return and get worse.

Antibiotics weaken the protective functions of the skin; they should not be overused. It is safer to be treated with short courses, repeating them as needed. It’s even better to consult with a dermatologist, who will select the composition, develop a treatment regimen, determine the optimal frequency of use, and the duration of the course.

Amina Pirmanova / article author

Problems associated with acne are familiar to most people. Such rashes can take a long time to heal, become inflamed, fester, hurt and itch, and they also cause psychological discomfort when they appear on visible parts of the body.

How is chatter beneficial for the skin?

There are many different recipes for making mash; using different components allows you to achieve the necessary results depending on the specifics of the problem that has arisen.

Among the positive properties that the product has are:

    1. Shredder with salicylic acid

      If it is impossible to use Levomycetin, it can be excluded from the composition, making salicylic acid the main component.

      There are various ways to prepare such a mash; one effective recipe is described in detail below:

    2. Side effects of acne talkers

      In some cases, the use of talkers to treat acne can cause the following side effects: