Anti-cellulite cream fitness body reviews


Negative reviews

Cream-active for cellulite - actually confused with another product (no less). So - a very strong smell of essential oils. The consistency is quite thick. III is very difficult to rub into the skin - you need to massage for about 5 minutes for it to rub in. Maybe this is intended so that clients do not forget about massage of problem areas.. But.. I don’t like this thing yet

Advantages: gives skin elasticity

Flaws: does not eliminate cellulite, is not economical

So we decided to buy an anti-cellulite cream; honestly, it didn’t take long to choose - I was attracted by the bright orange colorful tube and the tempting promise of making the silhouette more toned and the buttocks and thighs firmer. When I got home I tried it, you need to use it every day after taking a shower or bath, apply it with intense, circular, massage movements in the direction from the ankles to the hips, paying special attention to areas prone to cellulite. After completely rubbing in, I felt a slight cooling sensation at the application site and a pleasant tingling sensation. Then the cream was completely absorbed, without any traces on the skin and was not felt at all. The cream itself is light, white, and has a pleasant smell. The cream contains a complex of polysaccharides and minerals from White Sea algae, centella extract, camphor and a complex of essential oils.

In general, about the results after a month of use:

- not economical, 125 ml tube. It doesn't last long at all.

— it is not suitable as a remedy for cellulite, not at all.

- as a cream for skin elasticity, a good option.

Flaws: greasy, very poorly absorbed, consumption

I use this series often. I was pleased with the creams, but this one really disappointed me. Its texture had to be rubbed in for a very long time so that it was completely absorbed and did not leave marks on clothes!! It's not nice. I was hoping to see a cream or at least a gel, but there was some strange mass that didn’t smell very pleasant. I did not apply it for long, and after a few days I threw it away.

Didn't help, too runny, not a pleasant aroma, ends quickly

At one point I realized that my butt needed tone, otherwise I was a young girl and had no elasticity or gorgeous buttocks.

I studied at home. I did all sorts of exercises for my butt for 30 minutes every day and decided to try this cream.

The loads were not small, I even did a massage using silicone cups (sold at the pharmacy).

When applied, the skin becomes cold, but if you start massaging it feels like it is heating up inside, it seems that the cream is not absorbed at all, even if you massage it.

The aroma is not very good for me, the cream is quite runny and pink in color.

I respect the “fitness body” series, as I have used other products, but unfortunately this product did not give me any results. The skin remained as uneven as it was. I will not buy this cream again. It's good that it ended quickly. For me it was money thrown away.

General impression: Didn't help me at all

So I read a lot of your reviews, ran to the store, but didn’t get the expected effect. I’ve been using the spray for a month now. but there is no benefit from either the spray or this product. cellulite remains the same. I myself am a slim girl (I’m a fashion model) and I don’t have extra pounds. but these bumps on my butt won’t leave me. I don't know what to do anymore. Neither sports nor remedies help. and going on a diet is generally unrealistic - I’ll simply disappear.

I’ll be skinny all my life but still have a cellulite butt =(

a waste of money

I am 27 years old, and I do not have stage 4 cellulite, since before that I bought products from this series and they all turned out to be good and bring results, I also bought this cream.

I bought it. Started using it.

As written, I rubbed myself with cream at night. At first I felt coolness on my skin, then it warmed up, but not much. You can fall asleep without problems with such a slight warming up in winter; on the contrary, it helps to warm up faster. The main thing is that this cream does not get on the mucous surfaces, otherwise you will get itching and then you will definitely not have time to sleep.

The cream is homogeneous, slightly orange in color.

After a month of use, I didn’t see any results and just stopped using it. Its effect is 0.

General impression: my big disappointment from using it

Neutral reviews

Inexpensive, natural, accessible, pleasant smell

I constantly use some kind of body products, I like some, I don’t like others, I think that it is impossible to eliminate the problem of cellulite with one cream, you need to approach it comprehensively, but anti-cellulite cream is a good supplement to help with sports and diet.

Since I haven’t found the ideal cream for myself, I’m constantly trying something new. The cream from the Russian campaign Floresan, in principle, pleased me. I won’t say that I saw any super effect from it, but the skin is smoothed, tightened and becomes elastic. The manufacturer promises a natural composition, including seaweed from the White Sea.

It is better to use in combination with other products in the fitness-body series. The price for a 125 ml bottle is not at all high, about 110 rubles.

as it is written in the anatomy, apply the ointment before bed, it does not leave any traces on the bed linen) it smells, of course, specifically, some say that the smell is similar to pickles and some people cannot use this cream because of the smell)) I didn’t notice such a smell , it just smells like something incomprehensible and that’s all, the smell is not strong and does not bother me in any way. But this is rather individual. Regarding weight loss, I can’t say anything in particular, but the skin is just perfect after it (apply it on the body, of course; in my last comment I included my face for comparison)) It’s just that I personally always have a problem, the skin on my butt is somehow not smooth , even though I use all sorts of scrubs, creams and hard washcloths, but there is no use ((And here after this cream, the skin is as smooth as on the cheeks))

I bought this product before, fortunately it was not expensive at that time. I liked its use, I felt such a chill on my skin. Of course, its very use did not bring me the desired effect until I was prompted.

It turns out that the main thing is attitude and you won’t be lazy back.

After a contrast shower, you need to smear it on and do something like a massage for a long time in problem areas. I tried it, and it really works, BUT, there is always a but! After it ended, I continued to massage with regular cream in those places and achieved the final result.

In the end, I realized that it is not this fitness cream itself that works, but rather the effect of massage actions, although I really like the smell of the cream and this “chill” feeling.

There is no magic cream!! If you sit and eat everything!

When, about 3 years ago, I decided to completely take care of myself and lose 3-5 kg. I prepared carefully and decided to buy anti-cellulite cream. I saw this cream at the pharmacy and decided to buy it because... it's not expensive at all. I was on a very strict diet and didn’t forget about the cream. Every day, 2 times, I applied it to problem areas.

As a result, after about a month I saw the result. He was, but most likely from diets. The cream may have also given results, but not much. What I want to say is that this product is not for lazy people) It is not magical and will not help remove cellulite if you apply it and immediately eat bread and mayonnaise.

In general, I recommend it only to those who truly care about themselves!

Not useful for long, liquid

I recently bought an anti-celluite cream. After giving birth, I gained excess weight, extra pounds, and, of course, excess skin on my stomach and buttocks. As it is written on the tube of the cream, “TIGHTENED SILHOUETTE AND FIRMER BUTTOCKS.” Accordingly, I believed this. Activates cellular metabolism and improves skin structure. The cream fights visible signs of celluite and is a preventive measure against its occurrence. The delicate cream is saturated with polysaccharides and minerals from White Sea algae, which normalize water, salt and fat metabolism in the skin. After using it for some time, the silhouette acquires additional slimness and fit. For the best effect, it is recommended to use the entire range of Fitness Body products. But to be honest, after I stopped using this cream, everything came back, sagging skin and extra pounds.

General impression: There is a slight effect

Price, packaging, moisturizes the skin well.

Flaws: I did not notice the effect against cellulite declared by the manufacturer.

Probably, like many who play sports, are trying to lose weight for the summer, are actively fighting such an ailment as cellulite, and have tried creams from this line at least once. So I couldn’t ignore the bright packaging and loud promises.

Honestly, I didn’t expect any special effect, but somewhere inside me there was a flicker of hope: what if?

But suddenly this never happened. On my skin, it is normal, but there are signs of cellulite, slightly lumpy and soft sides. So I applied this cream to the skin steamed after a shower, then did a self-massage for about 15 minutes.

After 2 weeks of use, cellulite has not gone away, but the quality of the skin has improved a little: it has become more elastic and not so soft. Perhaps if I continued to use it longer, the cellulite would go away, but I ran out of cream, and I have no desire to buy a new one.

Flaws: Single effect

I used the cream after a bath. I rubbed it into problem areas with intense movements. After two weeks, I did not find that the effect was weak. And despite the fact that I visited the gym, I noticed the effect of the cream. I came to the conclusion that the Cream should be used in combination.

Now the procedure was as follows: training, scrub, cream active. Only in this complex I was able to get a very good effect of the cream. All you had to do was prepare your skin for applying the cream.

After two weeks of use, I noticed that my skin became more toned. The figure is noticeably corrected and the result of physical activity increases.

Based on this, I can draw the following conclusions: Cream asset from the company Floresan has no effect when used alone, but is very effective when combined with physical activity and scrub

Positive reviews

I decided that I couldn’t fight cellulite on my own. First I decided to buy some inexpensive anti-cellulite cream. I saw a fitness cream in the store (it cost about 90 rubles). I bought two tubes at once. One tube with a “heat-cold” effect, and the second a night gel (weight loss while sleeping). First, I applied the cream with massage movements to problem areas of the skin, to enhance the effect, I put a rubberized belt on my waist and twisted a hoop or pumped my abs. I applied the night cream in the evening, after taking a bath or shower, rubbing it just as intensely onto my thighs and stomach. During sleep, the gel activates blood circulation in subcutaneous fat deposits. After two weeks of daily use of creams and short exercises at home, I noticed the result, I will continue to improve my body along with Fitness.

Advantages: good result, great price, economical

I don't usually use these types of products because I think they're a waste of money. Then one day I often began to come across positive reviews of the fitness body cream active for cellulite. And I still decided to try them, and only because the price of the cream was very low. Only 80 rubles, even if the cream didn’t work, I wouldn’t mind throwing it away.

After the first use I felt a chill. It felt nice to apply and smells good. Afterwards I wrapped myself up and started doing gymnastics. I don’t know if the cream burns fat this way, but the skin has definitely become more even.

Advantages: Low price.

Flaws: There is a slight effect, a smell.

Skin type: combination

I have bought this product many times. I've been using it for 2 years. Well moisturizes the skin, makes it soft and velvety. If you use it as an independent remedy, there is an effect, but it is small. Combined with physical exercise, it works quite well. Another product in this line, namely the gel, works much better for me. But for the price it is a very good product. I'll buy more.

Advantages: 100% helps, absolutely non-sticky, affordable price, cools and refreshes, gives skin elasticity, applies well, is used sparingly

I would like to share my impression of the product Floresan Fitness Body Cream-Active for Cellulite. It is produced in a 125 ml package. The only thing I didn't like about this cream was its packaging. When the product runs out, it is very inconvenient to squeeze it out of the package due to its shape.

The cream itself is medium thick, opaque, white with a pinkish tint. The smell of the product is neutral. For example, I really liked him. The cream-active is very light, fits well on the skin and is quickly absorbed. I applied it with intense massage movements. Three minutes after application, a tingling and pleasant cold sensation begins to appear on the skin. This sensation lasts about 10 minutes.

Of course, it is naive to expect that using only this cream you can cope with the problem of cellulite, but in combination with massage, sports and proper nutrition there is an effect. Within a month after use, the skin was noticeably tightened, cellulite began to disappear, and the size of the waist and hips decreased. Considering that the product is budget-friendly and its consumption is economical, this is simply my must have. I recommend.

Advantages: has an active effect, there is no unpleasant odor characteristic of similar products

Flaws: didn't notice any

Floresan Fitness Body anti-cellulite cream-active is an excellent remedy for cellulite as an additional treatment, for example, to training or massage, including anti-cellulite. Of course, I can’t vouch for whether it will help if used alone, without other anti-cellulite procedures. But I can say for sure that the Floresan Fitness Body Cellulite Cream-Active has an active effect. You can literally feel it right after application. You can also use other Floresan products, masks, etc. in combination.

Effective, corrects the figure, removes cellulite, reduces volume.

I recently went on a diet to lose the kilograms I had gained during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and since I decided to take on myself, I need to take on the whole thing at once. It’s not that cellulite bothers me much, but the skin on my body clearly needed to be tightened and returned to its previous appearance. So I decided to turn to the Fitness-Body line, as I read a lot of positive reviews about it. The only product I found at the pharmacy was an anti-cellulite cream. It was quite reasonably priced, so I decided to try it.

I apply the cream to my thighs, stomach and, in general, to all those areas of the body that can cause the most concern. I usually take a shower first, scrub myself well with a washcloth, and then with a scrub, and only then with a cream. Moreover, I apply it with intense massage movements, as recommended by the manufacturer. After applying the product, a slight burning sensation is felt on the skin for some time. The only thing I didn’t like was that after the first use my skin turned out red. But they quickly passed and did not appear the next time.

As for the effect, it appeared the very next day - the skin became more elastic and toned. This inspired me to continue using the cream.

After a week of use, the silhouette of the figure was noticeably straightened, and all manifestations of cellulite disappeared completely. In addition (I don’t know, though, what helped more was the diet or the cream), my legs and waist became noticeably thinner.

After two weeks of use, I started home wraps with this cream, and it still continues to please me, as it copes with its functions perfectly.

I also like the packaging of the cream. Conveniently, the lid is located at the bottom, and it is also quite stable.

That’s how I tried the figure correction and weight loss products from Floresan on myself, and I was very pleased with my purchase. If the need arises, I will be happy to try other products from this company.

General impression: Effect after the first use

It’s so good that today there is an opportunity to choose effective cosmetics for modeling your figure! And it’s especially nice when these products are produced in Russia, since there is an opinion that it is domestic products that are suitable for the residents of our country. In this regard, we can note the Russian Fitness Body cosmetics series, about which there are many rave reviews. Let's look at the most popular products separately.

Line of Fitness Body products

What is good about the Fitness Body series

Products from this line have a wide range of anti-cellulite and caring properties:

  1. provide a warming effect, which allows the active components to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and reduce subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  2. have a cooling property, which reduces tissue swelling and also trains the walls of blood vessels;
  3. increase blood circulation in problem areas, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  4. reduce defects.

1. Hot scrub Fitness Body

Hot scrub Fitness Body is the first product with which it is recommended to start getting acquainted with the Floresan series. It contains substances that complement each other’s actions:

  1. capsicum cayenne or chili, which has been known since ancient times for its properties: heating, melting and destroying fat deposits;
  2. cinnamon essential oil helps enhance tissue metabolism, its aroma helps relieve nervous tension and improves mood;
  3. caffeine is a substance that tones the entire body and tightens the figure;
  4. Diatoms help soften and smooth the skin.

According to the recommendations of product developers, it is better to distribute this scrub to areas that require attention after taking a shower and rub into damp skin with massaging movements for several minutes. After this procedure, it is necessary to rinse off the residue with warm water.

Many consumers of this product, in their positive reviews about it, note the bright aroma and effectiveness of the product:

  1. the scrub is well distributed over the surface;
  2. exfoliates and warms it up;
  3. leaves a feeling of lightness and delicate softness.

2. Active fat burner Fitness Body

Also receiving well-deserved attention is a cream in the form of a gel from the company Floresan - an active fat burner Fitness Body. This product has a powerful cooling property, which leads to increased blood flow and active utilization of subcutaneous fat and waste by the body.

It can be noted that the cream contains substances with beneficial properties:

  1. extract from fucus and kelp - seaweed helps smooth the skin;
  2. green tea and papaya extracts stimulate the process of getting rid of excess fluid and toxins;
  3. Eucalyptus oil extract effectively and powerfully cools, which triggers the processes of increased blood circulation.

This gel must be applied to areas of the skin that require increased attention, rubbing very vigorously; there are recommendations to use special massagers for greater effectiveness.

3. Anti-cellulite drainage massage cream

Almost everyone knows that the so-called “orange peel” consists of altered fat cells, accumulated toxic substances and fluid. Metabolism and nutrition are disrupted in such tissues. But there is also an effective way to combat the lumpy surface - massage.

It is for this procedure that Fitness Body massage anti-cellulite drainage cream was created, containing many extracts:

  1. red pepper;
  2. mustard seeds;
  3. nicotinic acid;
  4. caffeine;
  5. compositions of essential oils.

This combination warms up and gradually breaks up the tubercles with deposits, with mechanical action the fluid is drained, the extracts contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, their toning and the lipolytic process.

Massage cream must be applied to areas of skin affected by cellulite and an intense kneading massage must be performed; this type of skin treatment must be carried out up to four times a week. Thanks to this, lumpiness and swelling disappear, the skin becomes tightened, rejuvenated, acquires a healthy color and radiance.

4. Thermal mask Fitness Body

The next product, unique in its properties, is the Fitness Body Thermo Mask. The composition is based on Dead Sea mud, the benefits of which are legendary. Mud wraps using heating:

  1. activate vasodilation, a rush of blood to the upper layers of the skin;
  2. provoke the process of sweating and emptying of fat cells.

In addition to dirt, the components of the thermal mask also contain potent substances that provide:

  1. powerful thermal effect - caffeine, hot pepper extract and nicotinic acid;
  2. allow you to create a “greenhouse effect”, since the combination of the entire complex of active ingredients is correct;
  3. at the same time, the skin does not overheat and a significant healing result is achieved;
  4. It’s nice that there is no need for wrapping with film;
  5. no need to use special clothing to achieve results.

This mask is applied in a thick layer to problem areas of the thighs, legs, abdomen, then left for up to 20 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm water.

After applying the mask, redness of the skin areas to which it was applied is possible, which is caused by the high activity of the incoming components and local effects in problem areas.

5. Gel elastic Fitness Body

Algae-silt gel elastic Fitness Body is made in the form of a delicate balm similar to a creamy pudding and contains silt deposits from the bottom of a freshwater lake and components contained in algae: kelp and fucus from the White Sea. A mandatory element used in the gel recipe includes the protein elastin, which effectively structures the skin, changing its relief.

Sapropel is bottom sediments in the form of silt, which:

  1. gently envelops the body;
  2. nourishing the skin with active substances, organic elements and minerals;
  3. giving elasticity and firmness.

The plastic mass penetrates into every unevenness on the surface of the skin, moisturizing it, smoothing out defects and smoothing it out.

To experience this effect, the gel must be applied in a thin layer through a light massage. If it remains on the skin, it is recommended to blot off the excess with a napkin.

If there are scars or stretch marks on the surface of the skin, then under the influence of the gel they gradually shrink and lighten. To do this, apply the product as a mask for 15 minutes in a thick layer.

Due to the fact that the product contains mint oil, the gel refreshes and tightens the figure, giving a chiseled silhouette and velvety elasticity to the skin.

6. Ice wrap

How wonderful is the old Russian tradition of rubbing yourself with fluffy cold snow from a steaming hot bath. This entertainment has a colossal healing effect, since at contrasting temperatures, blood vessels are trained, blood circulation improves, the body rejuvenates and the skin becomes elastic. It is on this principle that the action of the Fitness Body Ice Wrap gel-mask is based.

Powerful instant cooling of tissues occurs due to the high content of menthol extract and peppermint oil.

Subjected to this effect, blood vessels and lymphatic channels sharply narrow, excess fluid and fat leave the edematous tissues, the skin tightens, becomes denser, saturated with algae extracts.

The application of this product has its own characteristics:

  1. the skin should be well cleansed and moisturized with water;
  2. the mask should be applied in a thick layer and left for up to half an hour;
  3. After the procedure, you need to rinse off the remaining product with warm water and rub the problem areas with a hard towel.

It is recommended to use the ice pack at least once or twice a week.

Secrets of using Fitness Body products

The entire line of products discussed above undoubtedly has a greater effect if used in combination. Also, to lose weight and get smooth skin, they should be used in conjunction with a sports regimen and a healthy diet.

  1. do not consume large amounts of sweets;
  2. eat often, but in small portions;
  3. eat more vegetables and fruits;
  4. include proteins and a small amount of fat in the diet;
  5. give up refined, overcooked and very salty foods;
  6. observe the drinking regime.

According to reviews from some consumers of Floresan products, the Fitness Body hot scrub is best used after exercise and showering, rubbing problem areas with massaging movements in a circle. It is also recommended to do body wraps using a hot scrub.

After washing off this product, to maintain the effect of skin elasticity, you can nourish the skin with elastic gel, as its effect is comparable to algae wrap, and additionally forms distinct body contours.

There are tips that, for greater effectiveness, it is advisable to apply a fitness body cream active against cellulite before starting training, as it has a cooling effect and provokes physical activity.

It is recommended to apply anti-cellulite massage cream with a drainage effect under the film, while intensively kneading the tissue, and additionally wrap yourself in a blanket for 20 minutes to obtain a greater warming effect.

To obtain a temperature contrast, you can apply an ice wrap gel after the drainage cream, which will enhance the effect of all components.

With regular use of a complex of cosmetics and the right approach to nutrition and exercise, in most cases a positive, long-awaited result is achieved.

Reviews from girls about the Fitness Body line

Having tried almost all the products from this company, I realized that for weight loss you can’t do it with just a gel or scrub - you need a complex, well, at least three or four products. Then there will be an effect. By the way, I like that all Floresan stuff is quite inexpensive. I started using a thermal mud mask when I saw, horror of horrors, cellulite on my butt. This is all my sitting with books and eating tasty treats.

I learned about the thermal mask from a friend who also began to struggle with flabbiness and weight.
In general, I liked the effect, because I felt like it was hot and warm and my cellulite began to give in. Plus I used an ice wrap and a hot scrub. After such alternations of heat and cold, the effect is noticeable. Then I began to try other means on myself - it’s interesting, well, I need to maintain the result.

I really liked the active fat burner, firstly, what a name, and secondly, it cools the skin so pleasantly, especially if you cover yourself with something after applying the gel. I started using it when, putting on shorts, I saw the damn dimples on my thighs. My horror knew no bounds, and I ran to read reviews about all sorts of similar products.

I usually apply this burner in the evening after I take a shower. I rub it with a massage mitt for about 15 minutes over the entire surface of the thigh, and then under the blanket and go to sleep. I also liked the cream for elasticity, I use it to consolidate the effect, I usually smear it on in the morning. It is better to use these products regularly, otherwise they will not be effective.

I would like to share my opinion about some body skin care products.

First, a little about myself (or rather, about the condition of my skin). I have a problem with the letter “C” in the first degree, that is, bumps on the skin are visible if you squeeze the skin with your hands. This occurs on the thighs and buttocks. I exercise, but I decided that this is not enough for beautiful skin and that it would be useful to use skin care products. After reading all the reviews about anti-cellulite products on my favorite website, I decided to choose Floresan products. Below is my opinion about these products.

1. Floresan Fitness Body Cream-active against cellulite


Compound: Aqua, Mineral Oil, Glycine Soja Oil, Propylene Glycol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Centella Extract, Abies Sibirica Extract, Laminaria Digitata Extract, PEG-9 Stearamide, Lanolin, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Camphora, Mentha Leaf Oil, Juniperus Communis Fruit Oil, Methylparaben (and) Ethylparaben (and) Propylparaben (and) Butylparaben (and) Phentoxyethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Parfum, CI 15980.

Expanded opinion:
I bought this cream “for company” with other products. Its texture is dense, its color is peach, and it smells like mint caramel. When applied to the skin, it leaves a pleasant cooling sensation and an unpleasant sticky film due to the propylene glycol content in the cream (a substance that forms a film on the skin and retains moisture). It also spreads very poorly on the skin and is poorly absorbed.
Overall, the cream did not make any impression, I would not recommend it and will not buy it again.

Price: 5 dollars

Testing period: 1 month

2. Floresan Fitness Body Algae-silt gel-elastic


Expanded opinion:
A very interesting name, right? :) Gel texture that promises to make the skin elastic and get rid of stretch marks. Of course, I couldn’t resist and bought this original product.
Its texture resembles pudding, smells pleasantly of mint, is the same color as the cream, and is just as poorly distributed and absorbed. It has zero effect, and even unpleasant sensations when applied. I won’t buy it again and wouldn’t recommend it to my friends :)

Compound: Aqua, Kaolin, Glycerin, Sapropel, Fucus Extract, Laminaria Digitata Extract, PEG-4 Rapeseedamide, Sodium Alginate, Elastin, Acrylic Acid Copolymer, Triethanolamine, Hydroxyethylated Lanolin, Xanthan Gum, Collagenasum, Mentha Leaf Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia Fruit Oil, Hyaluronic Acid, Parfum, Methylparaben (and) Ethylparaben (and) Propylparaben (and) Butylparaben (and) Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone.

Price: $8.75

Testing period: 1 month

We're done with the C students, now let's move on to the good students


3. Floresan Fitness Body Anti-cellulite hot scrub


Expanded opinion:
The scrub smells pleasantly of cinnamon and contains small particles that gently massage the skin (the particles are smaller and more pleasant than those in the famous “Clean Line” scrub with apricot kernels). Overall, I liked the product; for the price of $8 for 500 ml it’s pretty good, and I believe that the scrub should not perform any supernatural functions other than removing impurities from the skin and preparing for further procedures. I didn’t notice the warming effect that cinnamon and red pepper oil were supposed to give.
Not a bad product, I recommend it.

Compound: Aqua, Isopropyl Palmitate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Coconut Oil, Capsicum Annuum Extract, Propylene Glycol, PEG-400 Stearate, Glyceryl Monostearate, Emulsifying Wax, Diatomaceous Earth, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Caffeine, Collagenasum, Cinnamonum Zeylanicum Oil, Benzyl Alcohol , Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylparaben (and) Ethylparaben (and) Propylparaben (and) Butylparaben (and) Phenoxyethanol, Parfum, CI 15980.

Price: 8 dollars

Testing period: 2 months

4. Floresan Fitness Body Thermoactive massage oil for cellulite


Expanded opinion:
I still can’t understand why I bought this product :) I read in the store that mineral oil is in second place, propylene glycol is in fourth place, but that still didn’t stop me.
The oil is two-phase, you need to shake it before use. Has a light citrus scent.
I apply it to my skin before scrubbing, massage it with my knuckles, and then scrub my skin. The order is this way because if you do not remove the oil from the skin, it will be absorbed for a long time and will not allow the skin to breathe (hello, propylene glycol).
I, of course, will not buy this product again, both because of the composition and because it is absolutely useless in my opinion. It would be much better to buy high-quality oil, for example, green coffee, add citrus essential oils to it and massage without fear that this mixture will be absorbed into the skin. On the contrary, it would be very useful :)

Compound: Aqua, Mineral Oil, Glycine Soja Oil, Propylene Glycol, Capsicum Annuum Extract, Ananas Sativus Fruit Extract, Citrus Sinensis Extract, Vitis Vinifera Seed Extract, Urea, Abies Sibirica Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Chloride, Citrus Paradisi Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia Fruit Oil, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, CI 15980.

Price: $6.25

Testing period: 1 month

And now about the only excellent student :)

5. Floresan Fitness Body Thermal mud mask


Expanded opinion:
This is my favorite product of all the ones I have purchased. I recently purchased a second half-liter jar :)
The mask smells pleasant of citruses. The consistency is very pleasant, similar to melted butter, and is easy to apply to the skin. The color of the mask is gray-beige.
I use the mask like all products of this kind: I distribute it over problem areas, wrap it in cling film, put on a warm robe and sit for 40 minutes to an hour, waiting for pleasant warmth. This mask is truly thermoactive, unlike other products in the series, which claim this, but in fact do not. Using this mask, I noticed that my skin was toned, smooth and elastic.
The mask is good, I will buy again and recommend it to everyone.

Price: 8 dollars

Testing period: 2 months

Compound: Aqua, Kaolin, Peloid, Cetearyl Alcohol, Mineral Oil, Capsicum Annuum Extract, Caffeine, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Paraffin, Emulsifying Wax, Coconut Oil, PEG-9 Stearamide Carboxylic Acid, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Niacin, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia Fruit Oil, Citrus Sinensis Oil, Collagenasum, Hyaluronic Acid, Parfum, Methylparaben (and) Ethylparaben (and) Propylparaben (and) Butylparaben (and) Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone.

I haven’t used the entire “Fitness Body” series from Floresan, because there are quite a lot of products in it, but I tested the main products and concluded for myself that I would only use the scrub and thermal mask. I will make the massage oil myself (especially since I haven’t used industrial cosmetics on my face for a long time, so what’s worse about the body? :)
And I would also like to note that without sports, without strength training, these remedies are unlikely to give any effect :)