Zorka cream with floralizin reviews for people

If you read the conflicting reviews of women about the Zorka face cream, you can think about its effectiveness. It is not intended for the care and treatment of human skin, but thanks to Floralizin it fights eczema, psoriasis, dermatosis, and dryness. The product nourishes and moisturizes the dermis well, preventing the appearance of new wrinkles. But in some cases, the dense consistency clogs the pores.

What is in the Zorka cream and who is it suitable for?

Cream "Zorka" is a good remedy for restoring the skin of animals. Most often it is used in the presence of cracks and erosions in the udder of cows and goats. It is also applied to insect bites to speed up regeneration and relieve swelling. The composition eliminates peeling and prevents the development of seborrhea.

The effectiveness of the product is ensured by a unique ingredient - Floralizin. It is developed on the basis of a whole complex of useful substances:

  1. coenzyme Q10 and other elements that are aimed at rejuvenating the skin and restoring collagen production;
  2. mushroom extract;
  3. antioxidants necessary to protect damaged skin from the influence of an aggressive external environment;
  4. vitamins A, B, E, D, which are intended to maintain health, metabolism, and beauty of the skin;
  5. amino acids, polysaccharides and other useful microelements.

The cream is made on the basis of water. Also, to increase the protective properties and improve the consistency of the product, it contains Vaseline. A homogeneous composition is ensured by an emulsifier. To prevent the contents from spoiling, after removing the protective membrane, natural preservatives are added to it.

"Zorka" is a therapeutic and prophylactic cream that is used by people to combat the following skin problems:

  1. thermal or ultraviolet burn;
  2. frostbite;
  3. peeling, dryness, dehydration of the skin;
  4. hematomas, bruises, scratches;
  5. eczema, psoriasis;
  6. cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  7. thinning of the skin, appearance of wrinkles.

Important! To treat psoriasis, in addition to topical application of Zorka, it is necessary to change your lifestyle. Be sure to stick to your diet, stop drinking alcohol and smoking, and be less nervous.

We invite you to look at the review of the Zorka cream:

Zorka can be used by women over 40 years of age who suffer from thinning, dry skin, decreased turgor, and changes in facial contour. The cream is not suitable for those with oily or combination skin types. It clogs pores, provokes the appearance of rashes, and increases sebum production.

Reviews from experts on face cream “Zorka”

“The cream is good because it is made from natural ingredients. The product rarely causes side effects if used correctly. Be prepared for the fact that “Zorka” takes a long time to be absorbed and is difficult to distribute.”

“This product is intended for treating animals, so it has a very thick and greasy consistency. Most of the doctors' comments about the use of Zorki cream for the face say that it can lead to a worsening of the condition. Therefore, it is better not to use this remedy without indications. If you have severely dry skin or signs of eczema or psoriasis, consult a dermatologist.”

“Floralizin is a unique complex that includes components that improve the metabolic and regenerative processes of the skin. Before use, make sure that you are not intolerant to the ingredients of the cream. The effect of face lifting is controversial; to reduce wrinkles, purchase anti-aging cosmetics. It is best to use this remedy to treat cracks, corns and calluses on the feet.”

“I would recommend using an analogue of this cream that uses flavoring. "Forest Power" has the same properties and is more tailored for use on human skin. “Zorka” has a strong specific odor, which complicates its use on the skin of the face. If you have dryness or skin diseases, pay attention to medications with vitamin D.”

“Any cream purchased at a veterinary pharmacy will not help cure human skin. It must be remembered that the consequences of applying too oily composition to the face can be different. Most often, after using Zorka, professional cleaning is required. You should not use the product in the summer, when the sebaceous glands are more active.”

“The product is very nutritious, so it is only suitable for treatment. I do not recommend using it on mature skin that lacks moisture. Use only after doctor's recommendations. If used as a face mask on an ongoing basis, it can provoke the development of acne.”

Reviews from people who have used the Zorka face cream

“I saw the advertised Zorka on beauty forums. It is cheap, effective, therapeutic, suitable for any skin type. In fact, it turned out that the product is difficult to apply, is practically not absorbed, and smells terrible! Still, a woman’s face is different from a cow’s udder.”

“I often use the cream, especially after professional or home peeling. The product soothes and regenerates the skin well in winter. In the summer I apply it to my heels and arms. To avoid staining the bed sheets, I wear socks. By morning the skin is soft, and after a few weeks of regular use, cracks and calluses disappear on the feet.”

“I like to experiment, so I decided to purchase the Zorka. The jar is cute, with cartoon cows and milkmaids. It is written that the product has a good effect on the beauty of women's hands. So it's not harmful. Apart from preservatives, I didn’t see anything terrible in the composition. Of course, it doesn’t smell like violets, but rather like diesel fuel or oil. But it looks very nice. The color is light beige, the consistency resembles a regular nourishing cream. After a week of use, the peeling on the forehead and cheeks disappeared, the skin is soft.”

“The reviews from specialists about the cream “Zorka” are most often negative. But we women really like it because of its economy and practicality. I apply the product in a thin layer on the face, neck and décolleté, arms, elbows, knees, feet. The skin became softer and wrinkles on the face decreased. I advise you to keep the cream in the refrigerator, otherwise it begins to disappear within a month after opening.”

“I read that Zorka has a specific smell, but you can get used to it. I used it for two weeks and couldn’t stand it on my face for at least 5 minutes. Then I wanted to get rid of the manifestations of eczema on my hands during an exacerbation. I applied it twice a day, but after 5 days nothing has changed. Perhaps this product is not suitable for me, it’s a shame.”

“Great lineup! All ingredients are natural, even natural preservatives. That's why I've been using Zorka for several years now. As soon as peeling begins after chapping or frostbite. I treat myself, my husband, and my children with it. No one had any allergies or rashes. The main thing is not to overdo it. Apply the cream in a thin layer to problem areas for no longer than two weeks, and after the course take a break for at least a week.”

Zorka cream with floralizin is a domestic product with an interesting name, interesting packaging, and unusual composition. The products are manufactured by the Horse Force company. A universal remedy for the whole family. Suitable for any skin type. Initially it was not made for humans at all.


Description of the cream

It is a veterinary drug for the treatment of skin diseases in animals. It is often used to restore the skin on the udder of cows and goats. Eliminates cracks in milkings, inflammation, scratches, helps with insect bites.


Available in 200 ml jars with a cartoon image of the sun and cows. The product meets all quality requirements; the company has repeatedly received awards. Zorka cream is awarded the Gold Quality Mark. The composition contains no chemical components, fragrances, or fragrances. Because we are talking about milk, which people and small children will then drink. The consistency of the cream is thick, oily, and takes a long time to absorb. This creates a protective film on the skin.

Due to its high efficiency and environmental friendliness, women began to use the cream. The product is very popular and competes well with modern cosmetics from domestic and foreign brands. Moreover, its price is the most affordable.

Useful qualities of the cream

The universal product increases the protective functions of the skin and eliminates existing problems. Due to its versatile action it is suitable for the skin of children, women and men. We can say with confidence that this is a product for the whole family and household.

  1. intensively moisturizes;
  2. eliminates dryness, peeling, red spots;
  3. nourishes the skin with beneficial microelements;
  4. eliminates pain;
  5. heals wounds, cuts, cracks, abrasions;
  6. restores the elasticity of the skin, smoothes wrinkles;
  7. removes inflammation, helps get rid of acne;
  8. resumes metabolic processes, stimulates blood circulation;
  9. smoothes scars, removes marks after acne, pimples;
  10. treats stretch marks after childbirth;
  11. activates regeneration processes;
  12. protects from environmental influences;


  13. accelerates the process of skin regeneration during thermal and sunburn;
  14. relieves irritation and itching after insect bites;
  15. has antiseptic, antibacterial properties;
  16. prevents early skin aging;
  17. treats and prevents bedsores in bedridden patients;
  18. copes with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

Use the cream on different parts of the body, apply a thin layer. Suitable for hypersensitive, allergy-prone skin.

Composition of Zorka cream

To produce the product, we use natural ingredients that are safe and environmentally friendly. The active ingredient is Floralizin. Complex of emollients and vitamins.

The composition of the cream is as follows:

  1. Floralizin;
  2. purified water;
  3. petrolatum;
  4. emulsifier;
  5. natural preservative.

Floralizin has no analogues, is a patented complex, includes:

  1. Substances that activate collagen synthesis to increase skin elasticity and rejuvenation. IN


    including coenzyme Q10
  2. An extract obtained from mushrooms.
  3. Natural antioxidants that protect the skin from the destructive effects of free radicals and environmental factors.
  4. Vitamin complex A, D, E, to increase the stability of the skin, improve metabolism, and activate rejuvenation processes.
  5. Amino acids, trace elements, phospholipids, polysaccharides.

Vaseline provides the skin with quick hydration and creates a protective film. An emulsifier is used to ensure a uniform consistency of the cream. A natural preservative allows the product to be used for 6 months after removal of the protective membrane. When unopened, the shelf life is 2 years. It is recommended to store the natural product in a cool place. It can be on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The cost of a 200 ml jar of cream is about 80 rubles. The universal remedy is sold in veterinary pharmacies everywhere. Buying it won't be difficult. In addition, you can easily order online.


It is recommended to apply the cream to clean skin in a thin layer. Suitable for daily use. But since the drug is a therapeutic and prophylactic drug, it must be used if there are existing indications.

  1. Thermal and solar burns. Apply to affected areas of skin several times a day. The cream takes a long time to absorb, about 20 minutes. But in these cases, it is not recommended to remove the remains.
  2. For the treatment of chapping, frostbite. Apply a thin layer twice a day until the skin condition improves. To prevent such situations, the skin is treated 30 minutes before going outside. Cracks on the lips are treated in the same way.


  3. Zorka cream helps women get rid of cracked nipples while breastfeeding. A small amount of cream is applied after feeding. Before it, wash off with warm water. Be sure to lubricate your nipples before going to bed.
  4. To eliminate dryness, flaking, red spots on the face, and dehydration, you should distribute the cream in a thin layer onto the skin before going to bed. Overnight, the product will be completely absorbed, saturated with useful substances, and the cells will begin the processes of renewal and rejuvenation.
  5. The product starts rejuvenation processes, but for these purposes it is recommended to use the cream for women with dry, aging skin. You can use it twice a day, depending on the initial condition of the skin. There will be no immediate rejuvenation effect. The results will appear gradually. Smoothing of wrinkles occurs due to the normalization of water balance and activation of collagen synthesis.
  6. In the presence of scratches, abrasions, hematomas, bruises in adults and children, the product is applied to the damaged areas of the skin until the condition improves. Usually, small wounds heal the very next day.
  7. To treat deep cracks on the hands and heels, it is recommended to apply the cream liberally after water procedures before bedtime.
  8. For owners of oily and combination skin, it is recommended to use the product in the presence of inflammatory processes, damage to the integrity of the skin, or irritation. For rejuvenation, it is better to choose another cream, since Zorka’s consistency is too oily, which can lead to clogged pores. Or use it once a week.

For eczema, psoriasis, pathological dry skin, use the cream twice a day and treat problem areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the natural composition, fast effectiveness, versatility, uniqueness, and accessibility. Anyone can afford such a product. If we consider the cream from the point of view of its use for animals, there are no disadvantages. When used by people they are available. The cream does not spread well and is absorbed slowly. Excess product is removed with napkins. If used incorrectly on the skin of the face, it clogs pores and causes inflammation.


Reviews from women

You can leave your reviews about Zorka cream in the comments to the article, they will be useful to our readers!


“The cream is just a miracle. Firstly, it’s natural, they didn’t do anything for animals in the Soviet Union. Now the composition has not changed. Secondly, it acts quickly. Hydrates the skin in seconds. I use it all year round. In winter, the skin of the hands and feet becomes very dry, itching, roughness, and red spots appear. I use it twice a week after a shower. In the summer it saves me from sunburn, cracked heels, calluses, and rough skin. It softens the skin so much that it feels like a baby’s. I can’t get enough of its action, despite all this, it’s worth a penny!”


“The child had skin problems for a long time. At first they said diathesis, then allergies, after a while they diagnosed atopic dermatitis, but I myself thought psoriasis. The red spots and inflammation did not go away, and weeping eczema appeared. I changed hormonal medications one after another. Then I realized that it was useless. I began to reduce the dosage and turned my attention to non-hormonal drugs. I studied what women were saying on forums, one wrote that she uses Zorka veterinary cream. I bought it too. In general, things are slowly getting better for us. There have been no severe exacerbations for a whole year now. If they appear, they go away quickly. I think Zorka plays an important role.”

Various medications are used to treat various skin ailments. One of them is Zorka cream with floralizin. Reviews from doctors indicate the benefits of this product. Moreover, it is used not only for veterinary purposes, but also for cosmetic ones. Many women note the effectiveness of the product for human skin.

The cream is a domestic product with unusual packaging and original composition. The product is produced by the company “Horsepower”. This product is universal and can be used for different skin types. Initially, it was not produced for people.


According to doctors, Zorka cream with floralizin is a veterinary remedy for the treatment of skin ailments of animals. It is effective for improving the epidermis on the udder of cows and goats. It will help you get rid of cracks, inflammation, scratches, and insect bites.


The product meets quality requirements. The Horsepower Company has received numerous awards. The products are awarded the Gold Quality Mark. There are no chemical components, fragrances or fragrances. The consistency of the product is thick, greasy, and takes a long time to absorb. This creates a protective film on the skin. Due to its effectiveness and environmental friendliness, the cream is used by many women. In terms of quality, it is no worse than cosmetics from well-known Russian and foreign companies.


If we take into account the reviews of doctors, Zorka cream with Floralizin is one of the available products that increases the protective functions of the epidermis and eliminates various problems. It can be used on the skin of children, women, men. Suitable cream “Zorka” with Floralizin is suitable for the face, hands, and feet. Its properties include:

  1. intensive hydration;
  2. elimination of dryness, peeling, red spots;
  3. nourishing the skin with useful components;
  4. relief from painful sensations;
  5. healing of wounds, cuts, cracks, abrasions;
  6. restoring skin elasticity, smoothing wrinkles;
  7. elimination of inflammation, acne;
  8. resumption of metabolism, stimulation of blood circulation;
  9. smoothing scars;
  10. treatment of stretch marks after childbirth;
  11. acceleration of regeneration;
  12. protection from environmental factors;
  13. acceleration of treatment of burns;
  14. relieving irritation and itching from insects;
  15. antiseptic, antibacterial effect;
  16. protection against early skin aging;
  17. treatment of bedsores;
  18. elimination of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

The cream is used for different parts of the body. It is applied in a thin layer. It can be used for sensitive and allergenic skin.


What does it consist of?

The composition of Zorka cream includes natural, safe, environmentally friendly substances. The active ingredient is Floralizin. There is also a complex of emollients and vitamins. The composition is presented as follows:

  1. Floralizin;
  2. purified water;
  3. petrolatum;
  4. emulsifier;
  5. natural preservative.

Floralizin has no analogues; it is considered a patented complex. The substance contains:

  1. components that activate collagen synthesis to improve skin elasticity and rejuvenation (for example, coenzyme Q10);
  2. extract obtained from mushrooms;
  3. natural antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals and environmental factors;
  4. vitamin complex (A, D, E), which is necessary for the stability of the skin and restoration of metabolism;
  5. amino acids, trace elements, phospholipids, polysaccharides.

Vaseline is necessary for the skin to quickly moisturize and create a protective film. An emulsifier is needed to obtain a uniform consistency. Thanks to the natural preservative, the product can be used for six months after the protective membrane is removed. When unopened, the shelf life is 2 years. The product should be stored in a cool place. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable for this.

Cost of the product

The price of Zorka cream with floralizin is approximately 80 rubles per 200 ml. This is a fairly low cost compared to other drugs. You can buy the product at a veterinary pharmacy or order it online.



Instructions for using Zorka cream are simple. Apply the product to clean skin in a thin layer. It can be used daily. But since the drug is considered therapeutic and prophylactic, it should be used if there are indications:

  1. Sun and thermal burns. Painful areas should be treated several times a day. Absorption takes a long time, about 20 minutes. Residues should not be removed.
  2. Chapping and frostbite. The cream must be applied 2 times a day until the skin recovers. To prevent such unpleasant consequences, the product should be used half an hour before going outside. Cracks on the lips are also treated.
  3. Cream helps against cracked nipples when breastfeeding. A little product should be applied after feeding. Before this, you should rinse your breasts with warm water. Be sure to lubricate before bed.
  4. To get rid of dryness, flaking, red spots, dehydration, apply the cream in a thin layer to the skin before bed. During the night, absorption and saturation with valuable components occurs. Cells will be renewed and rejuvenated.
  5. The cream has a rejuvenating effect, but for these purposes it is advisable to use the cream for women with dry, aging skin. It should be used 2 times a day. You should not expect immediate results; everything will happen gradually. Wrinkles are smoothed out due to normalization of water balance and activation of collagen synthesis.
  6. If there are scratches, abrasions, hematomas, bruises, the cream should be applied to the sore spots until they are eliminated. Small wounds usually heal over the next day.
  7. If there are deep cracks on the hands and heels, apply the product after bathing before bed.
  8. If your skin is oily or combination, you should use the product for inflammation, damage, and irritation. For rejuvenation, it is advisable to take another cream, since “Zorka” has a greasy consistency, which causes clogging of pores.

For eczema, psoriasis, and pathological dry skin, apply the cream 2 times a day. A few procedures are enough to noticeably improve the condition. But it is still better to consult a doctor to prevent adverse consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to doctors, Zorka cream with Floralizin can cope with many skin problems. The advantages of the product include natural composition, effectiveness, and versatility. This cream is available to everyone. If you use it for animals, then it has no disadvantages.


Cream "Zorka" with Floralizin for people has some disadvantages. The product is difficult to grind and absorbs slowly. Its excess is removed using napkins. Due to improper use on the facial skin, pores become clogged and inflammation occurs.


There are no strict contraindications for the cream. The main thing is not to use it if you have an individual intolerance or an allergy to the components of the drug. Do not use the product for severely damaged skin, as well as for wounds and injuries.

It is not advisable to use Zorka on very oily skin, especially on the face. Vaseline and other components can cause clogged pores and acne, and other unpleasant consequences.

Interactions with drugs

Based on the studies performed, it was found that the cream is safe for use, and it interacts well with other medications. Moreover, this applies to internal and external use. Adverse reactions with combination therapy are excluded.


In terms of effectiveness, “Zorka” is considered a favorite among products used for external use for skin diseases. In addition, the cream combines low cost and high efficiency.

For psoriasis

Although the original purpose was in the veterinary field, the cream can still eliminate skin diseases in humans. With psoriasis, inflamed areas of the skin hurt, itch, and itch. The Zorka cream will help eliminate painful symptoms. It should be used on cleansed and dried body skin. Painful areas are treated 1-2 times a day.


Apply the product in a thin layer, carefully rubbing it into the inflamed areas. Regular procedures can improve skin condition. Itching and pain disappear. For a long period of remission, you need to use the drug constantly, and in addition use drugs with systemic effects.

Treatment tips

Even given the positive reviews about the cream, it should be used after consultation with a specialist. There may be negative consequences due to self-medication. You can achieve a lasting effect if you follow some rules:

  1. stick to a diet;
  2. lead a healthy lifestyle;
  3. to refuse from bad habits;
  4. exercise;
  5. eliminate stress;
  6. have healthy sleep and rest.

Only through systemic treatment will it be possible to get rid of skin diseases. And the cream will be an assistant in eliminating such ailments.


There are also analogues of the product, the composition of which is similar. Moreover, they act in almost the same way. Instead of Zorka cream, Power of the Forest is often used, which, compared to a veterinary drug, is prescribed for human use. This preparation contains flavorings, but its price is higher - approximately 500 rubles.


In addition to “Forest Power”, there are other analogues of “Zorka” that are used to treat psoriasis:

  1. "Lyubava."
  2. "Burenka".
  3. "Tenderness".
  4. Baby creams with celandine, chamomile and calendula.
  5. Retinoids – “Tazorak”, “Tazarotene”, “Zorak”.
  6. Preparations with vitamin D - "Daivobet", "Calcipotriol", "Davonex".

Although there are many analogues, many prefer to use Zorka cream. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can make ointment for psoriasis yourself. You need to mix birch tar with extract of vitamins E and D.

Thus, Zorka cream is an effective remedy, but still, it is better to consult a specialist before use. If it is suitable for treating a specific skin problem, then the procedures will be safe. Several procedures have already produced excellent results.