Dry skin with acne what to do

Greetings, dear readers! It is not always only the excessive work of the sebaceous glands that leads to clogged pores and the appearance of acne and acne. Acne on dry facial skin is not so common, but those with dull and dehydrated dermis already experience a lot of problems.

Let's find out what are the reasons why you get upset when looking in the mirror, and what effective methods and products for caring for problematic facial skin can overcome this flaw.

Do acne occur on dry facial skin? ↑

Oily skin with acne is not uncommon, but only a small percentage of people suffer from acne while also having dry skin. And for those unfortunate few it is a frenzied struggle. Trying to find a moisturizer that meets the needs of dry skin without clogging your pores or causing more breakouts can be difficult. After all, most cosmetics and medications that are produced to control acne often make dry skin even drier. This can be a real dilemma when shopping for skin care products!

But here it is important to first understand your actual skin type.

Do you really have dry skin or is it just dehydrated? First, let's make sure that you actually have dry, acne-prone skin on your face, and not dehydrated skin, because these concepts are often confused. If your dermis is both oily and dry, prone to flaking and pimples at the same time, then you are actually struggling with dehydrated skin. Dehydrated (dehydrated) dermis is most often the result of improper care or even excessive care.

Products containing harsh and aggressive ingredients or that are not suitable for your skin type may be to blame. Some beauty products can easily dry out oily skin—scrubs, stiff-bristled scrubbing brushes, dry cleansers, and products with harsh ingredients like denatured alcohol, mint, menthol, eucalyptus, and lemon.

So, your skin is not truly dry - it is simply dehydrated, but pimples continue to appear even in this case. If this is the case, then taking care of dehydrated acne skin requires a completely different treatment. In this case, it is recommended to immediately stop using products designed to combat acne, as they will aggravate existing problems and bring the dermis to a deplorable state. Before treating pimply dry skin, it is necessary to restore life-giving moisture to it and eliminate the cause of dryness.

Care for acne-prone skin ↑

What to do if dehydrated skin peels and new rashes appear on it? Start with a soothing cleanser - CALM Redness Relief - so that your skin is completely cleansed but begins to rehydrate and feel softer. This product is formulated for the most sensitive skin and is gentle enough even for eczema-prone skin.

Find the perfect balance in a moisturizer or serum that visibly nourishes the surface of the epidermis without causing clogged pores. You want a moisturizer that contains anti-aging and skin-renewing ingredients, but also has enough hydrating power to nourish dry skin and restore its strength.

Daytime moisturizers: ↑

Daytime moisturizing balms with SPF 30 or higher are good (dehydrated skin needs enhanced protection as it is very sensitive to sunlight):

  1. RESIST Youth-extend Daily Fluid SPF 50 (light, fluid formula with essential antioxidants).
  2. CALM Redness Relief SPF 30 Mineral Moisturizer for Normal to Dry Skin (Creamy formula combines a gentle mineral sunscreen with soothing botanical extracts to minimize redness).

Night moisturizers: ↑

  1. RESIST Anti-Aging Skin Cleansing Hydrate;
  2. RESIST Strengthening barrier moisturizer with retinol (a moisturizing cream that restores the skin's natural balance and stimulates anti-aging effects).

It is necessary to avoid frequent washing and cleansing of the face with any harsh and unsuitable products for your skin type that remove the top protective layer, as this leads to worsening acne. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, we recommend seeking help from a dermatologist - he will help you choose suitable care cosmetics to return life-giving moisture to the skin and at the same time rid it of acne.

Facial products for acne ↑

Peeling rollers are excellent against inflammation on oily and combination skin - they contain AHA acids that gently remove excess sebum, thereby depriving pathogenic bacteria of a nutrient medium. There are both domestic budget funds and more expensive analogues on the market. It’s worth noting right away that this measure is not suitable for dehydrated skin, since despite the gentle ingredients, peeling rollers have a noticeable drying effect.

It is believed that with open and pustular inflammation, caring for the problematic dermis is even more aggravated - in this case, the convenience of a peeling roll can hardly be overestimated, because the product does not contain scrubbing particles, and therefore does not injure the surface of the skin and can be used even for acne.

It is necessary to systematically care for acne-prone skin - for this you will also need a special gel or foam for washing, since ordinary soap can dry out the skin, which often causes the problem described at the beginning of the article. The domestic product PROPELLER has a budget price - it allows you to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and fights the inflammatory process.

Among the effective products for powerful fight against acne are Curiosin, Baziron, Zinerit, Cynovit, Visibly Clear, Dalatsin and others. Along with local treatment of the skin for acne, a special diet is also indicated - you need to give up sweets and fatty foods, reduce the consumption of sugar, fried foods, black coffee and carbonated sweet water.

Anti-acne masks for oily skin ↑

You can prepare an anti-acne mask at home with your own hands - it’s not difficult at all. However, it is worth remembering that during treatment for acne and acne you should refrain from using cosmetics - powders and foundations clog pores and are fertile food for pathogenic bacteria, which can cause even more inflammation on the face.

Laundry soap mask ↑

Cut a small piece of soap and grind it (you can do this in a special mortar). Add a little water to create a thick lather. Add a little fine salt to it and apply this composition to a clean, washed face for half an hour. This mask is good at killing bacteria and microorganisms that cause acne.

Kefir mask ↑

Mix oatmeal with kefir to form a medium-thick paste. Apply it to clean facial skin for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with cold water. This mask must be repeated every other day for four weeks.

Ointments and herbs ↑

Don't forget about pharmaceuticals. One of the best and time-tested is zinc ointment. It copes well with inflammation and quickly stops it, cleansing the skin. To do this, the ointment is applied pointwise to the inflamed areas and left for a period of half an hour to a couple of hours. Also for oily problem skin, washing with herbal decoctions - for example, chamomile and oak bark - is suitable. These plants contain beneficial substances and have a natural antibacterial effect.

Acne on dry facial skin can be treated with tea tree oil - it not only softens and soothes the skin, but also restores moisture balance. But for those with oily skin, it is better not to use this measure - the oily texture of the preparations can cause a feeling of discomfort and clogged pores.

How to disguise acne on the face (video) ↑

And at the end of the article, I suggest you watch a video on how to disguise problematic facial skin.