Stomach tattoo on scar

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It is not uncommon to practice tattoos for girls on the stomach. This is a convenient way to hide traces of operations and emphasize femininity.

Placing a woman's tattoo on her stomach has a sacred meaning - protecting sexual health. Thus, when choosing a plot for your next tattoo, think over the semantic content.

What explains the tattoo on the stomach?

Stomach tattoos have practical and aesthetic uses. In the female body, this is an area where subcutaneous fat is deposited.

During the process of gaining and losing weight, delicate skin can become covered with stretch marks. Such a defect can easily be covered with a tattoo.

In addition, tattoos in the lower abdomen are performed over scars after operations or caesarean section.

Doctors rarely care about the aesthetics of the skin stitching area. As a result, disfiguring scars prevent a woman from revealing her charm.

A tattoo in the navel or bikini area has an erotic look. A skillfully executed image creates an attractive image. This is a chance to create a unique touch, spurring your partner's imagination.

How to choose the right drawing according to your style

When choosing a tattoo on the lower abdomen for girls, it is worth considering the temperament of the owner. Inscriptions, images of plants and flowers will suit gentle young ladies.

Placing the pattern along a “V” shaped line will help visually elongate the contours of the body.

When choosing a tattoo, it is best to pay attention to the shape of the abdomen, the presence of folds and volume. The drawing should hide defects and emphasize advantages.

The pattern can cover all spaces, be symmetrical or one-sided.

The lower the image is located, the more intimate the message it carries.

Women aged 25 to 55 can choose color images with a large number of elements. It won't look rough if the lines are done gracefully.

The tattoo artist will help you make the right choice. He will guide you according to your skin condition and select the best option according to your preferences.

The most popular tattoos on the stomach of girls

Popular tattoos for girls on the stomach include:

  1. peacock tail;
  2. butterflies;
  3. roses;
  4. dolphins;
  5. with various inscriptions;
  6. bows;
  7. phoenix;
  8. birds;
  9. stars;
  10. crystals.

Traditionally, flower tattoos signify femininity, the desire to give life and joy. These designs are perfect for any age.

Placing a pattern around the navel is best done in the form of a mandala or oriental patterns. Separate large drawings on the side of the abdomen adorn girls with a strong and strong-willed character.

The smaller the tattoo, the more delicate the design on the stomach looks. The sides of the abdomen can be decorated with ornaments and patterns. This will highlight the beauty of the body and create an original exterior.

Tips from tattoo artists

One of the main tips from tattoo artists for girls is that when creating a design, tattoo sketches should not be chosen that are posted on the Internet. It is better to draw up a sketch individually, based on the body shape and quality of the client’s skin.

  1. Tattoos applied to stretch marks will hide the defect, but healing requires strict adherence to the instructions.
  2. Stretching is a scar, without care after the session it can become inflamed.

Recommendations and advice boil down to the fact that you should choose a salon with good craftsmen. A competent tattoo artist will be able to understand which image will look better. Will give advice or dissuade you from an erroneous option.

Will a stomach tattoo stretch after pregnancy?

Tattoos for girls after childbirth can be a hassle. The condition of the drawing will depend on individual characteristics. The size of the abdomen during pregnancy, its shape, and the load on the skin are important.

Immediately after giving birth, you should not take any steps. During pregnancy and about 1 year after it, a woman’s body releases a large amount of hormones. Only when they reach a balanced state can the fate of the tattoo be decided.

Very often the skin is completely restored and minimal correction is required. But in some cases it is necessary to hide stretch marks and correct colors.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tattoo on the stomach

The advantage of a tattoo on a girl’s stomach is beauty and emphasized femininity. Thanks to the pattern and the chosen style, an additional accent appears.

With the help of a tattoo you can hide defects that have arisen for various reasons.

The disadvantages include the pain of the process. This is an area of ​​thin skin and a large number of nerve endings. The delicate structure is prone to stretching.

Over the course of her life, a girl may gain or lose weight, which will affect the condition of the drawing. If you take into account the nuances of your body, timely correction will preserve the beauty of the image.

Stomach tattoo on scar

Scar removal has become an effective method of dealing with blemishes. Numerous photos before and after the procedure prove that this is the best way to get rid of negative consequences.

In addition to aesthetics, a woman regains confidence and comfort. Because even after the appearance of a flaw, she continues to look seductive and attractive.

With the help of a tattoo, both small and raised scars are covered. Working with this type of damage requires skill so that the added paint does not become a source of inflammation. That is why, before going to the salon, carefully choose a specialist.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your stomach?

You should be patient before the procedure. Masters use anesthetic ointments. However, this does not eliminate all discomfort.

Since many nerve endings are accumulated in the abdominal area, sensations can range from itching to aching pain.

In addition, the soft structure of muscles and tissues creates complexity. If the abs are not trained, the work will take longer.

The master will have to carefully go through each line. However, these nuances are not scary if your tattoo artist has experience working with similar areas.

Video on the topic

Stomach tattoos for girls always look elegant and feminine. This tattoo emphasizes the slender figure of its owner and adds a touch of piquancy and sexuality to her image.

Fans of body painting are increasingly choosing this particular part of the body, since, if necessary, the drawing can always be hidden under clothing. But in the summer on the beach you will certainly attract the attention of the opposite sex. However, stomach tattoos for girls have many disadvantages that you should know about before visiting a tattoo parlor.


Tips from tattoo artists

The main purpose of a woman is motherhood. That is why the female body is designed in such a way that subcutaneous fat accumulates in the hips and abdomen. This is necessary for bearing a baby under any external conditions.

This physiological feature forces girls to constantly struggle with excess weight and exhaust themselves with diets. Not all representatives of the fair sex who are prone to being overweight manage to keep themselves in good physical shape. Fluctuations in weight cause tattoos on the stomach to become deformed and lose their former attractiveness. As a result, the girl develops additional complexes, a feeling of discomfort and self-doubt.











Before giving birth

The owner of even the most slender figure in her youth will become a mother over the years. Due to hormonal changes, the body may also behave differently, and it will no longer be possible to maintain control over weight on its own. In addition, during pregnancy, extra pounds cannot be avoided. Sometimes a caesarean section is performed during childbirth. It is difficult to imagine what a tattoo on the lower abdomen will turn into after surgery. The situation cannot be corrected in the near future after childbirth, since body drawings are strictly prohibited during the first two months of motherhood. This is due to the fact that the uterus needs to recover. Tattoos on the abdomen after childbirth, even without surgical intervention, are still distorted as the skin stretches. And the appearance of stretch marks, atrophic scars, is guaranteed to spoil the picture.

All this can be easily avoided if you follow the advice of experienced professionals.

  1. You should not get tattoos on your stomach in your early youth. This option is suitable for more mature women who are no longer planning to have a child.
  2. Tattoos for girls are a great incentive to keep themselves in good physical shape. However, you should go to the salon only when you have lost extra pounds and are at the optimal weight for your body.
  3. Girls who really want to get body jewelry before pregnancy are recommended to choose small and simple designs for women’s stomach tattoos. Complex large-scale compositions with many small elements and details are guaranteed to lose their former attractiveness, but miniature drawings can be corrected.


After childbirth

Sometimes tattoos on the stomach for girls after childbirth are the only possible option to hide stretch marks or scars after a cesarean section. Such a disguise will help a woman get rid of postpartum depression and regain confidence in her own irresistibility, especially if an experienced professional gets to work. However, one should take into account the fact that during lactation, experts strongly do not recommend visiting a tattoo parlor. The fact is that after applying a body pattern, inflammatory processes begin in the body, so you may need to take medications. Such drug treatment can have a detrimental effect on the health of the nursing baby.

The procedure itself is one of the most painful, especially if the tattoo is done in the lower abdomen. To be fair, it should be said that in most cases it all depends on the individual level of pain threshold. Those girls who already have tattoos can more easily endure unpleasant sensations. Beginners are advised to refrain from large-scale compositions, so that going to the salon does not turn into real torture.


How to choose a sketch

The choice of women's tattoos on the stomach should be determined by the girl's build and the purpose of the design. Short women should avoid large tattoos so as not to visually weigh down their figure, especially if they tend to be overweight.

Tattoos under the breasts can help reduce wide hips. Slender girls with narrow hips, on the contrary, can add volume with large patterns located on the side or below the navel.

Vertical inscriptions or floral patterns will help to indicate the waist. Tattoos on stretch marks are best done in the form of symmetrical three-dimensional compositions, and tattoos on a scar are best done in the form of black and white images, various symbols and inscriptions.

Top 5 best sketches

When choosing a design, you should be guided by your preferences, since a tattoo is a decoration that remains for life. It is recommended to choose drawings that will not lose their relevance over time. Otherwise, you will have to resort to laser removal or look for another way to reduce or correct the tattoo.

  1. tatu-na-zhivote-na-shrame-mAzeDO.webp

This topic is very popular among fans of body painting. Tattoos with flowers on the stomach of girls, in addition to aesthetic appeal, carry a special symbolism. The meaning of the picture directly depends on the selected sketch. For example, jasmine symbolizes beauty and mystery, peony - longevity, lotus - overcoming life's difficulties, pansy - heartfelt melancholy and memories of the past. A tattoo with a rose on the stomach is in particular demand among girls because it is identified with love, romance, and purity. The drawing is endowed with a special philosophical meaning in combination with other elements (for example, a dagger). Flower bouquets made in black and white are often made on scars. Such beautiful tattoos help hide skin defects.


Birds and animals
This category is conventionally divided into real and fictional creatures. The latter include the dragon, personifying strength and power, the firebird (wisdom and rebirth), etc. The image of a tiger is also often found - a symbol of strong-willed character, a bee, identified with hard work, thriftiness and diligence. It is believed that a tattoo with a hare helps to experience the joy of motherhood and even makes childbirth easier, since the animal is associated with the feminine principle.


A tattoo with an inscription on the stomach of girls reflects the inner world of its owner, her life values ​​and priorities. Often they write phrases in a foreign language (for example, English, French, Latin). Hieroglyphs and prayers in Sanskrit, which simultaneously serve as a talisman, are no less in demand.


Mini drawings
Miniature tattoos on the lower abdomen in the form of hearts, butterflies, cat footprints, and stars look piquant and seductive. The images look equally attractive in both color and black and white.


Ethnic patterns and compositions in the Baroque style emphasize the grace and fragility of their owner. Photos of finished works and interesting sketches presented on the site are proof of this. In order for the composition to look organic and focus attention on the advantages of the figure, you should take into account the recommendations for choosing a design in accordance with the girl’s build and height.

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