Why do internal acne appear on the face?

A modern person always needs to look good. After all, today part of the saying “You meet someone by their clothes...” is so relevant. To be more precise, by the general appearance of a person. So, this is why the skin must be in perfect condition. What is the cause of internal acne on the face, and what ways can you cope with the problem? This will be discussed further.


Basic information about acne

Initially, I would like to note that this problem - acne - is typical not only for adolescents during hormonal changes (which, however, is most often observed), but also for adults. Essentially, this is an inflammatory process affecting the ducts of the sebaceous glands. A large amount of pus accumulates in the subcutaneous layer, which causes the formation of tubercles in various areas of the facial skin. It is noteworthy that these formations can be localized in any part of the body. The most favorite places for such pimples are the neck, cheekbones, chin, as well as the arms and back.

About the types of subcutaneous acne

It is also worth noting that subcutaneous pimples can be of two main types:

  1. White pimple. This is a pustule filled with pus, located under the skin.
  2. Red pimple. This is tissue inflammation. Due to edema, it often increases in size, after which it may disappear completely without outside intervention.


About the causes of such acne

It is imperative to consider the causes of internal acne on the face. After all, knowing why they arise, you can try to protect yourself from this scourge.

  1. The first and main reason is the improper functioning of the hormonal system, its failure, disruption. It most often occurs in three main cases: during teenage changes, pregnancy, and also during menopause.
  2. The next important and common cause of internal acne on the face is various skin diseases, as a result of which the production of subcutaneous sebum is disrupted. An example would be a disease such as seborrhea.
  3. Failure in the functioning of immune cells, as a result of which pathogenic microflora actively multiplies on the skin of various parts of the face.
  4. A very common cause of internal acne on the face is poor hygiene of the face and the entire body, incorrect selection of cosmetics, and increased sweating.
  5. Very often the cause is a violation of the integrity of the sebaceous gland due to mechanical reasons, for example, squeezing out pimples.
  6. A similar unpleasant phenomenon can also be caused by a subcutaneous mite called demodex. It is capable of parasitizing in the follicles of not only body hair, but also facial hair.
  7. And the last very common cause of internal acne on the face is poor diet. So, a similar phenomenon can be caused by fatty, salty or sweet foods if they enter the body in excess.

It should be noted that these are the most common and common reasons. However, some individual cases may not fall under this classification.


Localization of acne and main problems

Having understood why internal pimples can form on the face (the reasons were discussed above), I would also like to say that their localization can be directly related to problems of internal organs.

  1. Forehead area. In this case, doctors say that you need to make sure that everything is in order with the intestines. The cause may be problems such as colitis or dysbiosis.
  2. We further study the occurrence of such a problem as internal acne on the face and its causes. They can appear on the chin if there are disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs or reproductive system. The thing is that the hair follicles located on the chin respond well to changes in the level of one or another hormone.
  3. An internal pimple in the area between the lips and nose may indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.
  4. What other reasons are there that contribute to the appearance of internal acne on the face? They form on the cheekbones and cheeks if there are malfunctions in the stomach and liver. In this case, it is also good to further examine the intestines.


The main thing to remember!

When figuring out how to remove an internal pimple on the face, you need to remember the main rule: never, under any circumstances, squeeze out such pimples. It is strictly forbidden to do this with unwashed hands or on uncleaned skin. This can lead to the growth of the inflammatory process area, and in some cases even to blood poisoning. Improper handling of such formations can lead to the formation of scars on the skin, which is almost impossible to correct in the future. Scars remain for life, spoiling a person’s appearance.

Visit to the doctor

If a person is interested in how to remove an internal pimple on the face, you need to seek help from a doctor. Initially, you need to go to an appointment with a dermatologist. He will assess the condition of the skin, its damage, and possible problems. Most often, in this case, the doctor will refer you for tests to examine the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If everything is in order with the tests, the dermatologist delegates his powers to the cosmetologist.


Face cleaning

If an internal pimple appears on the face, a cosmetologist will tell you how to get rid of it. So, first of all, most likely, he will recommend cleaning the skin. It can be of several types:

  1. Mechanical, when cleansing of pimples is done by the hands of a cosmetologist.
  2. Chemical, when skin cleansing occurs with the help of specially selected masks.
  3. Vacuum, which is carried out not by the hands of a doctor, but by a special apparatus. In this case, the pain is practically zero, and the person is not tormented by unpleasant sensations.
  4. Galvanization procedure. In this case, the human skin is exposed to a low-intensity current. This is necessary in order to enhance the effect of medications and masks previously applied to the patient’s face.


To cope with such problems, you can use a peeling procedure. However, conventional drugs are unlikely to help in this case. It is best to contact a cosmetologist for help. In this case, a specialist may recommend a hard peeling procedure called microdermabrasion. In this case, microcrystals are used that deeply cleanse the patient’s facial skin. Doctors also use acid peeling. The essence of this procedure remains the same - cleansing, but in this case the deeper layer of the epidermis is affected.


Other cosmetic procedures

Understanding what internal acne on the face is, the causes and treatment of these formations, I would also like to talk about other procedures that can also help cope with the problem.

  1. Cosmetologists often use laser facial resurfacing, when the top layer of skin cells is removed with special equipment.
  2. Doctors often also use mesotherapy. This is the introduction of certain medications under the skin of the face using a thin needle.
  3. To make the pimple ripen faster, doctors also use ozone-oxygen injections.
  4. The disincrustation procedure involves opening the pimple and thoroughly cleaning the cavity where the pus is located. This should only be done by a highly qualified specialist. Otherwise, you can significantly harm your body, and ugly scars will remain on your face.
  5. In beauty salons, Elos therapy is also used, when the foci of inflammation are exposed to light.

Severe cases

It often happens that skin lesions can be classified as severe. And the above procedures turn out to be completely ineffective. What to do in this case? The doctor may advise the following:

  1. Often, specialists prescribe antibacterial drugs. These could be medications such as Tetracycline or Unidox-solutab.
  2. If we are talking about women, they may have a lack of estrogen in their body. In this case, a specialist may prescribe medications that contain estradiol.
  3. Zinc preparations work well to combat the problem. These may be products such as Zincteral or Zinc Sulfate.
  4. Ointments that also contain antibiotics can be used locally. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Triclosan, Levomekol, tetracycline or syntomycin ointment.
  5. Doctors also attribute vitamins A, C, E and B, omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Brewer's yeast is effective in combating this problem.
  6. Experts may also prescribe a procedure such as autohemotherapy. In especially severe cases, the patient may be injected intramuscularly with his own venous blood.

Traditional medicine

If an internal pimple appears on the face, how to get rid of such a problem? If this is an isolated phenomenon, you can try turning to traditional medicine. Effective recipes:

  1. In this case, it is good to wash your face daily with an infusion of calendula flowers or St. John's wort herb. It’s simple to prepare the product: pour one tablespoon of the ingredient of your choice into a partial glass of boiling water.
  2. Calendula infusion sold at the pharmacy will get rid of subcutaneous acne. They need to wipe the affected areas of the skin every day.
  3. A lotion made from water and lemon juice, prepared in a 1:1 ratio, is effective. You need to wipe your skin with it twice a day.
  4. Aloe will also help get rid of subcutaneous acne. Its leaf needs to be cut lengthwise, beaten a little and applied to the affected area for half an hour.
  5. You can also make a homemade scrub. To do this, take one teaspoon of ground coffee and mix it with 25 ml of tea tree oil. This procedure can be performed no more than twice a week.


Preventive measures

Having considered such a pathology as internal acne on the face, the causes, photos of this problem, I would also like to finally talk about how you can prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant formations. So, you need to eat right and give up bad habits. It is important to get enough sleep without overloading the body. It is also necessary to promptly treat various diseases, paying attention to chronic ailments. It is strictly forbidden to injure the skin (this is especially easy to do if you squeeze out pimples)! And, of course, you need to regularly treat your facial skin thoroughly with well-chosen cosmetics or infusions for washing, prepared from a collection of herbs.

Modern man cares about looking good. After all, now they really “meet people by their clothes.” Or more precisely, by the appearance of a person. That is why internal pimple is a problem that people try to quickly solve. It is important to know what causes this phenomenon and how to deal with it.

Basic information about acne

Such a problem as internal acne on the face is characteristic not only of adolescence and corresponding hormonal changes, but also of adults. This is an inflammatory process that affects the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The accumulation of a large amount of pus occurs in the subcutaneous layer, and because of this, tubercles form on different parts of the skin of the face and even on any part of the body. The most common places for pimples are the forehead, cheekbones, cheeks, arms and back. In some cases, skin formations hurt - this indicates a serious inflammatory process.

What is the difference between boils and internal acne?

Boils are a manifestation of infection entering the follicle. Pathogens are microbes that enter through the skin. To distinguish a boil from a pimple, just touch it. The first manifests itself in the form of painful sensations.

At first, the boil is small and dense, rising above the skin in the form of a red nodule. The pain will be present until the purulent contents are released. It usually ripens in two to three days. To speed up the process, you can use warm compresses.

You cannot get rid of boils on your own, as this can cause the infection to spread. In addition, it is easily transmitted to other areas. You can purchase a special bandage at the pharmacy that is impregnated with antibiotics. The skin around the boils is treated with tonic or medical alcohol. The skin around it is sealed with a plaster. This prevents the entry of contaminants and reduces inflammation.

There is a classification of what a subcutaneous pimple can be:

  1. White - a pustule that is filled with pus. It appears under the skin.
  2. Red - tissue inflammation. Due to swelling, it increases in size and may disappear on its own.


It’s worth understanding why internal acne appears, because knowing the reason, you can protect yourself from misfortune:

  1. The main reason why formations appear on the skin is improper functioning of the hormonal system . This occurs in three cases - teenage changes, pregnancy, menopause.
  2. Skin diseases - the next reason why pimples may appear. Because of this, the production of subcutaneous fat is disrupted. One example is seborrhea.
  3. Malfunctions in the functionality of immune cells , due to which pathogenic microflora multiplies in different parts of the face.
  4. Poor hygiene of the face and body in general , incorrect choice of cosmetics and increased sweating.
  5. Violation of the integrity of the sebaceous gland due to mechanical reasons. For example, squeezing pimples.
  6. Presence of subcutaneous mite called demodex. Capable of parasitizing in the follicles of body and facial hair.
  7. Poor nutrition . Due to excessive consumption of fatty, salty and sweet foods, formations will appear on the skin.

Individual cases may not fall under the listed classification.

What does localization depend on?

In addition to the fact that internal acne on the face has its own causes, it should be taken into account that their location depends on the functioning of various organs:

  1. If pimples appear on the forehead, you should find out if everything is okay with the intestines. The causes may be dysbacteriosis and colitis.
  2. If localization is on the chinMost likely, the reason lies in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Chin hair follicles respond to changes in hormone levels.
  3. If an internal pimple on the face appears in the area between the lips and nose , we can talk about the malfunction of the cardiovascular system and pelvic organs.
  4. Inflammation forms on the cheekbones and cheeks in the case where there are malfunctions of the gallbladder and stomach. In addition, it is advisable to examine the intestines.

Things to Remember

When figuring out how to get rid of an internal pimple, you should be aware of one important point - under no circumstances should you squeeze it. Moreover, you should not do this with unwashed hands and without first cleansing the skin. Due to such treatment, inflammation can grow in size, and in some cases, blood poisoning can even occur. If you do not deal with pimples at home correctly, scars may appear. Acne scars on the face are difficult to remove; they often remain for life, thereby spoiling your entire appearance.

How to quickly get rid of an internal pimple? First of all, you should consult a doctor. A dermatologist will professionally assess the condition of the skin and any existing damage. Often, the doctor will order tests to examine the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In the event that painful acne on the face does not appear due to problems with the stomach and intestines, the dermatologist sends the patient to a cosmetologist.

Face cleaning

A cosmetologist will professionally tell you how to remove an internal pimple. First of all, he will recommend cleaning.

It can be of several types:

  1. Mechanical . In this case, internal acne on the face is eliminated with the help of a cosmetologist.
  2. Chemical . In this case, getting rid of the problem occurs thanks to special masks.
  3. Vacuum . This method of getting rid of internal acne involves not only the action of the doctor’s hands, but also the use of a device. There is practically no pain here, this treatment does not cause discomfort.
  4. Galvanization . This method involves applying a low current to acne. This is necessary to enhance the effect of masks and medications that are previously applied to the face.


Another way to quickly get rid of acne is a peeling procedure. The specialist will likely recommend a procedure called microdermabrasion. Microcrystals are used here to perform deep cleansing. You can also try the fight with the Jessner peel. The essence remains the same, but the deeper layer of the epidermis is affected.

Other cosmetic procedures

There are some other ways to treat skin lesions:

  1. Laser resurfacing . Using special equipment, the top layer of skin is removed.
  2. Mesotherapy . Medications are injected using a thin needle directly under the skin.
  3. In order for the internal pimple to mature faster, apply ozone-oxygen injections .
  4. Disincrustation is a procedure that treats pimples by opening them up and cleaning out the cavity where the pus is present. Must only be carried out by a qualified professional. Otherwise, you can provoke the opposite effect and harm the body.
  5. Elos therapy . In this case, acne is fought with the help of light.

Severe cases

It also happens that painful acne on the face reaches a serious stage. The above procedures do not help. What to do in this case, how to treat it?

The specialist advises the following options:

  1. Taking antibacterial drugs, including external use of antibacterial ointments .
  2. In women, there may be a lack of estrogen in the body. In this case it eliminates the problem a drug that contains estradiol .
  3. Taking zinc supplements .
  4. Taking vitamin complexes A, groups B, C, E, omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Brewer's yeast copes with the problem inside the pimple.
  5. Autohemotherapy — in order to combat internal acne, the patient is injected intramuscularly with blood taken from the veins.


If a couple of pimples pop up on your face, how to get rid of them quickly at home?

There are effective ways:

  1. Daily washing with infusion of calendula or St. John's wort . It is enough to take one tablespoon of the mixture and pour in an incomplete glass of boiled water.
  2. Another remedy for internal acne is a ready-made solution prepared in a pharmacy. . Every day, the areas of skin where formations have appeared are wiped. Often this “talk” contains salicylic acid - an excellent remedy to remove the redness of a pimple.
  3. The effectiveness of a lotion made from water and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio has been noted. . To remove pimples, you should use the solution twice a day.
  4. To remove painful subcutaneous acne, you can resort to aloe . The leaf is cut lengthwise, lightly beaten and applied for half an hour to the place where the eel has formed.
  5. It is acceptable to remove acne using homemade coffee scrubs. Take one teaspoon of ground coffee and mix it with tea tree oil (25 ml). Such procedures that relieve the disease can be carried out twice a week, not more often.


To prevent the appearance of permanent inflammatory formations from spoiling your appearance and life in general, you should adhere to certain measures. You need to eat right and get rid of bad habits. Also, the disease can be avoided if you sleep enough and do not overload the body.

It is necessary to eliminate the existing symptoms of various pathological processes in the body. Particular attention should be paid to all chronic diseases.

You should try not to injure the skin. Especially when pimples break out, you should refrain from the desire to squeeze them out.

Well, the last piece of advice on what to do to prevent acne: you need to carefully monitor your skin using high-quality cosmetics. To prevent suppuration from occurring, you can resort to infusions for washing, which contain herbs.

General strengthening of the body

Doctors, when asked how to quickly remove skin lesions, answer that drug treatment alone is not enough.

Inflammation should be eliminated by following these rules:

  1. It is necessary to normalize nutrition . The diet should contain the “right” foods - those that contain large amounts of vitamins and microelements. Due to this, pimples will appear less frequently, as normal metabolism will be restored and the sebaceous glands will function normally.
  2. Another way to get rid of the problem is to drink more fluids. . This removes all infectious agents from the body.
  3. Strengthening the immune system - an important point on how to get rid of acne. If the body's defense system is weakened, then harmful bacteria and viruses are big problems for it. Various diseases “stick”. This may include the appearance of a large internal pimple, and more than one.

You should not look for a way to remove the formation yourself; it is better to contact a specialist. Once you get rid of a pimple at home, there is no guarantee that you won’t have to deal with this problem again. It is better to find out how to cure the pathology with the help of effective remedies from a dermatologist or cosmetologist. If a pimple hurts and interferes with your peaceful life, this is a reason for consultation. It is possible that the problem is not as easy to solve as it seems at first glance. Many women often boast: “I fight acne myself and it’s always successful.” But the phenomenon normally should not be permanent, and even more so, the pimple should not hurt.

Under the influence of various provoking factors, inflammation of the ducts of the sebaceous glands develops. As a result of swelling of the tissues that are localized in this area, the outflow of sebum is disrupted.

Its excess amount with dead cells accumulates in the deep layers of the dermis. As a result, pink or red lumps with a hard consistency appear on the surface of the skin. Typically, an internal pimple is between 1mm and 1cm in size.

As inflammation progresses and the affected area becomes infected with pathogenic bacteria, a purulent pustule forms under the skin. Outwardly, it resembles a growth that rises above the surface of the dermis. Since the pus is completely covered by a layer of epithelium, dealing with such a pimple is very problematic.

Sometimes the accumulation of an impressive amount of pus provokes a rapid increase in the size of acne. In severe cases, large nodes make the skin more bumpy and give it a red tint.

Why do they appear?

To cope with a problem, you need to establish the reasons for its occurrence. The formation of internal acne is most often caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Provoking factors for the development of pathology include the following:

  1. violation of sebum secretion;
  2. clogging of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  3. development of an inflammatory process on the face due to metabolic disorders;
  4. activation of bacterial microorganisms;
  5. pathologies of the digestive system;
  6. acceleration of hair follicle development;
  7. endocrine pathologies.

Types and their features

There are several types of such formations on the skin, each of which is characterized by certain features.


Large formations under the skin appear under the influence of the following factors:

  1. disturbance of the outflow of sebum;
  2. blockage of ducts;
  3. violation of hygiene rules;
  4. development of hormonal imbalance;
  5. activity of pathogenic bacteria.

A large pimple under the skin appears gradually. Small lumps form first. When palpating these areas, a person feels discomfort. When inflammation develops, pain increases significantly.


Small internal pimples often form on the face. As a rule, there are quite a lot of them.

This problem is due to the influence of the following factors:

  1. contamination of facial pores;
  2. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  3. disorders of the thyroid gland;
  4. stomach pathologies;
  5. hormonal disorders;
  6. frequent climate changes;
  7. eating disorders.


White pimples are often called millet pimples. They look very unattractive, significantly disrupting a person’s appearance. The formation of such pimples should not be ignored, as they indicate damage to the body.

Such formations are most often localized on the eyelids, forehead, and under the eyes. They can also affect the cheekbones and lips.

White nodules that appear through the skin are an accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Initially, sebaceous secretions clog the skin. Then dead cells and bacteria are involved in the abnormal process.

Vishnevsky ointment for acne on the face. Details here.

How to treat internal acne on the face

A dermatologist should select the treatment for such acne. Using some products on your own can be harmful to your health. During the examination, the doctor must determine the causes of the problem.

Sometimes internal acne is a consequence of the activity of the subcutaneous mite. It causes a pathology called demodicosis. The disease has similar manifestations, but requires different treatment methods.

Most often, ointments that contain antibiotics are used to combat internal acne. Before starting to use this product, you should consult your doctor.

One of the most effective remedies is erythromycin ointment. The medicine has a pronounced bactericidal effect and copes with pathogenic microorganisms. With its help, you can eliminate inflammation and redness and speed up wound healing.

In simple cases, the drug should be used for 5-7 days. It is recommended to apply the product 2-3 times a day. In more complex situations, when large areas of skin are affected, a systemic antibiotic will have to be used. However, this can only be done as directed by a specialist.

Another effective drug is tetracycline ointment, which successfully copes with most bacteria. It effectively eliminates pain, skin hyperemia, and inflammation. With the help of the product it is possible to significantly accelerate the restoration of the dermis.

Tetracycline ointment should be applied 1-2 times a day. Small pimples should be treated spot on. When inflamed subcutaneous acne appears, use a compress with tetracycline. Before using it, be sure to wipe the skin with an antiseptic.

Heparin ointment is actively used for swelling and bruises. Due to the presence of anticoagulants, it is possible to reduce blood clotting. This helps improve microcirculation, supply cells with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the product has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

This composition should be applied pointwise or to cover small inflamed areas of the dermis. The drug is used 2-3 times a day. During therapy, it is recommended to minimize the use of cosmetics. The use of the product is strictly contraindicated for people with bleeding disorders.

Streptocide ointment has pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal characteristics. With its help, it is possible to achieve rapid healing of wounds, cope with pain and inflammation. Thanks to the use of this product, it is possible to dry out acne and cleanse the skin.

This drug should be applied twice a day, covering the affected areas of the dermis. This should be done only after thorough cleansing of the epithelium. This ointment can also be used as a compress. This is usually required when deep internal pimples or infected wounds appear.

In addition, if internal acne appears, you can use zinc or ichthyol ointment. Vishnevsky ointment is no less effective. All these agents have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. They eliminate pain and help draw out purulent contents.

An effective remedy

When internal acne appears, the doctor should select the most effective remedy. Often, specialists prescribe complex preparations for external use.

These include differin, klenzit, adapalene. They have a gel-like consistency, and therefore quickly penetrate the skin structure and help quickly achieve the desired effect.

For serious skin lesions, the following medications should be used:

  1. systemic antibiotics - most often prescribed drugs from the category of tetracyclines or macrolides;
  2. systemic retinoids, such as isotretinion, and local agents - isotrexin, effezel;
  3. hormonal agents containing estradiol;
  4. local external agents – levomekol, clindamycin;
  5. zinc preparations – zincteral, zinc sulfate;
  6. 3% salicylic acid;
  7. vitamins A, C, E, B.

Video: Useful information

Is it possible to squeeze out

As a rule, squeezing out internal pimples on your own provokes a worsening of the situation. In this case, there is often increased inflammation or infection in healthy areas of the dermis. If you squeeze a pimple, there is a risk of pigment spots or scars appearing in this area.

In addition, this procedure is fraught with the development of deep inflammation. This disorder can only be cured in a hospital setting. Therefore, you should not take risks and try to cope with the problem yourself.


When internal acne appears, a person must adhere to a special diet. It involves excluding smoked meats, spices, pickles, fatty foods and sweets from the diet. It is also very important to completely avoid alcoholic beverages and coffee.

It is recommended to consume all food boiled. Avoid eating fried potatoes and white rice. Also, you should not eat fatty fish, as it has pronounced allergenic properties. Instead of sweets, it is recommended to eat dried fruits.

Photos before and after

Proper care

Inflamed skin needs careful care. Experts recommend strictly following hygiene rules. You should wash your face several times a day. This is due to the fact that many bacteria accumulate on the face. At any moment they can provoke inflammation.

Find instructions for the Instant Effect acne cream. By following the link.

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