Cream after facial peeling reviews

What creams does your cosmetologist prescribe for post-peeling care? And what else do you use as additional care in the intervals between peelings? experts

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Cream of the same line as the peeling, I don’t do anything additional

post-peeling cream is a lifesaver, panten, and the main moisturizer. then any creams

There are no girls here. Stupid.

There are no girls here. Stupid.

Cream of the same line as the peeling, I don’t do anything additional

post-peeling cream is a lifesaver, panten, and the main moisturizer. then any creams

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I don't want to answer. I cannot tolerate such primitive illiteracy. Get out.

Neoton serum (I read a lot of good reviews about it).
And the cosmetologist recommended a whitening cream from the Hydropeptide series (I didn’t like it, and it was twice as expensive as the serum.

This is what the cosmetologist told you?

Well, naturally a cosmetologist. Is Bepanten heavy? It is even prescribed for babies. Peeling is an injury, a burn of the skin, the top layer, of course healing is needed. And you use the rescuer for 2-3 days after the procedure so that the injured skin heals. What peelings are you talking about? They are different. I did medium and grape acid peeling for 3 years in a row. I have an excellent cosmetologist and the result is excellent. I did it in two different salons, and cosmetologists always talk about creams - bepanten, panthenol, rescuer, which heal the skin, which nourish and deeply moisturize it. This is important, because the skin can go uneven. Excuse me, where did you come from? What are you doing to yourself? peeling, if not, then why didn’t the cosmetologist tell you what to do next? Look on the Internet, there’s a lot of information there. You cannot apply any face care creams after acid peels; there must be healing. And then please use your own face cream.

Bepanten was prescribed to me after peeling. I did peeling all last winter, in general, I didn’t like the effect, I won’t do it again. I walked around with a shabby red face for half the winter, but in the end I didn’t notice any improvement in the spring.

Bepanten was prescribed to me after peeling. I did peeling all last winter, in general, I didn’t like the effect, I won’t do it again. I walked around with a shabby red face for half the winter, but in the end I didn’t notice any improvement in the spring.

Bepanten was prescribed to me after peeling. I did peeling all last winter, in general, I didn’t like the effect, I won’t do it again. I walked around with a shabby red face for half the winter, but in the end I didn’t notice any improvement in the spring.

You're still in luck! After winter peeling in the spring, yellowish pigment spots appeared on my cheekbones :(((And the fine capillary network became more visible! My personal opinion: if the skin itself is thick and dark, peelings can be done, if thin and light, then simply categorically it is forbidden! :((

Is it possible to use depilatory cream instead of peeling? In theory, it also burns the skin, plus it will also remove fluff from the face

Cosmetologists prescribe Bepanten and panthenol for only one reason - because it is cheaper. In general, each peeling has its own special post-peeling care, professional, but it naturally costs more. And so that clients don’t faint from the price of all these “creams,” they offer this method of post-peeling care.

Cosmetologists prescribe Bepanten and panthenol for only one reason - because it is cheaper. In general, each peeling has its own special post-peeling care, professional, but it naturally costs more. And so that clients don’t faint from the price of all these “creams,” they offer this method of post-peeling care.

Bepanten was prescribed to me after peeling. I did peeling all last winter, in general, I didn’t like the effect, I won’t do it again. I walked around with a shabby red face for half the winter, but in the end I didn’t notice any improvement in the spring.

Is it possible to use depilatory cream instead of peeling? In theory, it also burns the skin, plus it will also remove fluff from the face

I did an unsuccessful peeling, immediately changed my cosmetologist, another one says that you can do injections and the skin will recover faster, advises this Meso-Xanthin? Will he really help? Otherwise I’m already afraid of all these cosmetic procedures.

I did an unsuccessful peeling, immediately changed my cosmetologist, another one says that you can do injections and the skin will recover faster, advises this Meso-Xanthin? Will he really help? Otherwise I’m already afraid of all these cosmetic procedures.

I do my own peels. I do it on Thursday evening, peeling begins on Friday evening, and on Monday it’s beautiful again. I make strong bhas. I apply moisturizer from Barts Bees. Inexpensive American organic brand. I rarely do peelings, as it’s torture IMHO, several minutes of hell (mine are severe). In between, I maintain a low percentage of tretinoin cream.

I did coral peeling and really liked it. And after the procedure, I used a special post-peeling foundation from the company Christina - a very cool cream. The cosmetologist gave me a sample to cover up the redness, but I just fell in love. And my friend, with whom I rented an apartment together, tried it and bought it for herself. It is very economical, 1 can for 6 months of active use.

I did coral peeling and really liked it. And after the procedure, I used a special post-peeling foundation from the company Christina - a very cool cream. The cosmetologist gave me a sample to cover up the redness, but I just fell in love. And my friend, with whom I rented an apartment together, tried it and bought it for herself. It is very economical, 1 can for 6 months of active use.

Girls, I want to share my secret to flawless skin. I use the FACE-FINE complex (, the result is instant! I recommend it to everyone))

Girls, tell me! I want to go to Semyonova in the medical center of the city for peeling. Tell me, how do they do TCA there?

Now I have made a series of acid peels based on pyruvic acid and Sicilian orange extract. I did 6 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. The result was visible after the third time. The skin was somehow gray, loose, flaccid, but it became so fresh, smooth, pink, like an apple. After the procedure, slight redness remains on the skin, which disappears within half an hour. There was almost no peeling. The cosmetologist did not recommend any special care, only care and moisturizing a week after the last peeling. I asked about the sun, he said that no special protective creams are needed, sun spots will not appear. That is, you can do it in the spring. We'll see how it goes, but for now I'm happy.
It should be noted that this peeling does not remove wrinkles and nasolabial folds. It generally improves the outer layer of the skin, making it look healthier.


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After peeling cream is a real salvation and medicine for skin that has been subjected to acid, hardware or mechanical effects. In the first week after peeling, maximum skin activity, cell division, and the formation of new fibers are observed. Your task is to fill the cells with moisture and beneficial components that will facilitate the rapid healing of formed wounds and voids, and also fill the fibers weakened by cleaning with strength and energy, prevent tightness and calm inflammatory processes.

Important steps in post-peeling care

The chemical peeling procedure does not end at the beauty salon. After a visit to a cosmetologist, the skin faces a complex and painstaking recovery process, and even complications are possible.


In the first week after chemical peeling, visible changes occur on the face:

  1. Skin redness (erythema) of varying degrees. The duration and intensity of redness is affected by the type of cleansing and its depth. A red face can be observed from several hours to several days.
  2. Peeling. Its intensity also depends on the cleansing technique used. For example, after glycolic peeling, peeling is pronounced; it appears on the 3rd day after exfoliation and will last up to 7 days. And after peeling with lactic acid, severe peeling is not observed, the recovery process proceeds gradually, without the formation of a film or crusts on the face.
  3. Swelling of soft tissues. This defect is typical for those with very sensitive skin types. Swelling often appears in the neck and décolleté, under the eyes, where the skin is thinner and more sensitive to aggressive acid exposure.
  4. Skin pigmentation. One of the side effects after medium and deep peeling with acids is darkening of the skin. Once the peeling is complete, the problem will go away on its own.

These side effects are quite expected. To ensure that the rehabilitation period is limited only to them, it is recommended to follow the cosmetologist’s instructions for skin care after exfoliation and use special cosmetics with moisturizing, bactericidal and wound-healing properties.

Is it possible to use cream after peeling?

Extensive damage to the integument, removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis causes tissue dehydration, you feel a strong feeling of tightness and discomfort. To eliminate and smooth out this phenomenon, it is important to ensure maximum skin hydration. To do this, use a moisturizer or serum based on natural ingredients.

Be careful; to eliminate dryness and tightness after peeling, it is not recommended to use conventional creams. These should be special, hypoallergenic and completely natural products, preferably from a professional line. The cosmetologist himself prescribes them for skin care during the rehabilitation period.

You can apply regular face cream after eliminating visible post-peeling effects and complications.

Choosing the right cream

Moisturizing and soothing creams are an important part of mandatory skin care after peeling. The speed of restoration of the skin and the relief of uncomfortable sensations largely depend on their choice.


When choosing moisturizers for post-peeling care, follow the following recommendations from cosmetologists:

  1. The composition should soothe and intensively moisturize the skin, and not irritate it with chemical components. Make sure the product is natural and hypoallergenic.
  2. Choose creams according to your skin type.
  3. You can use several products from the same series; they will complement each other and provide a comprehensive effect on weakened skin.
  4. Use cosmetics from the professional segment or medicinal cosmetics. Products from the mass market can only do harm.
  5. Skin care after exfoliation is characterized by the use of soft cosmetic products filled with vitamins and nutritional ingredients. During this period, scrubs and mixtures with abrasive particles are excluded.

Moisturizing creams during the post-peeling period should include 3 groups of components:

  1. substances that promote rapid restoration of the skin barrier;
  2. components that guarantee rapid wound healing and activate fiber regeneration;
  3. antioxidants.

You can use creams and various cosmetic products only after consulting your cosmetologist. It is also important to test for an allergic reaction before using the product.

Top creams for post-peeling care

High-quality and effective cosmetics, devoid of aggressive ingredients, chemicals and fragrances, will help you care for skin weakened by chemical exposure. We bring to your attention several worthy options for creams that are useful during a difficult period for the skin:

  1. Probiotic Balancing cream from Holy land cosmetics is a product from the professional cosmetics segment that perfectly soothes inflamed areas, enhances regeneration and protects cells from the aggressive effects of external factors. Its composition is filled with probiotics. The product should be used in the evening after washing. The cost of the drug is from 1700 rubles. Additionally, you can purchase a moisturizing cream from this series (PROBIOTIC Hydrating Cream). Just keep in mind that it contains milk protein and lactose.
  2. Kanebo Sensai Silk Soothing Cream - a silk complex filled with mineral enzymes, kakiyoku and white lupine extract soften, moisturize and nourish weakened areas of the epidermis, filling them with vital energy. The product is fluid in lightness, absorbs quickly and does not weigh down the skin. The purchase will cost between 1200–1500 rubles.
  3. Sisley Confort Extreme Night Skin Care is an elite French cosmetics that will provide high-quality care after the peeling procedure. Using the drug, you will eliminate the unpleasant consequences of cleansing in the shortest possible time. The products are expensive, but the results according to consumer reviews are also excellent.


For those who cannot afford expensive cosmetics, you can use medicinal ointments. They are cheaper, but they effectively treat the problem and do not cause irritation. These products include:

  1. Panthenol ointment, spray and cream are a budget option. Using the product, you will relieve discomfort, eliminate dry skin, accelerate the regeneration and healing of damaged tissues. The price of the drug in different pharmacies can vary from 37 to 585 rubles, this is also influenced by the form and dosage of the drug.
  2. Bepanten cream or ointment fills cells with vitamins. The product is recommended for the treatment of abrasions, cracks and burns. Apply the product up to 5 times a day in a thick layer. Some patients complain that the ointment is not absorbed. Despite this drawback, the product has a significant effect on weakened fibers, stimulates regeneration and intensively moisturizes the skin.

Proper care after chemical peeling is the key to the success of the cosmetic procedure and rapid restoration of the skin. The cosmetologist will tell you which cream to use, in what quantity and how often. Follow his instructions without question to achieve the desired results.

There are many cosmetic techniques that allow you to look young and attractive. But, skin care can be quite painful. A particularly traumatic cosmetic procedure is peeling (exfoliation). To restore the skin and minimize negative consequences, cosmetologists recommend using cream after peeling. This is a specialized tool that complements the procedure and makes the rehabilitation process more effective.


Skin reaction to peeling

Cleaning the skin by mechanical, chemical or laser methods damages the epithelium and deep layers of the dermis, which causes various skin reactions, which can be divided into three groups.

Expected reactions

Such manifestations are a common consequence of skin exposure. These include:

  1. erythema (redness) of the skin, which lasts up to 12 hours, depending on the intensity of exposure;
  2. skin itching that accompanies the process of restoration and renewal of tissues of the epithelial layer and deep layers of the dermis;
  3. dehydration and concomitant peeling of the epithelium.

These physiological effects are not dangerous. Proper skin care during this period, using cream after peeling, allows you to quickly get rid of such manifestations.


Side effects

The reaction of the dermis depends on the type of peeling and the individual characteristics of the skin. In some cases, after deep or medium peeling, reactions such as:

  1. swelling that occurs during deep cleansing or increased sensitivity of the skin;
  2. focal pigmentation, which accompanies a change in the surface skin, and disappears with the end of peeling.

Hyperpigmentation often occurs in the spring and summer. This time is not the most favorable for medium and deep cleansing, since solar activity increases and contact with ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin. To avoid the spread and intensification of swelling, you should not drink a lot of liquid in the first 3 days. You should also refrain from eating spicy, salty and spicy foods, marinades, coffee and carbonated drinks.


ADVICE! To avoid post-peeling hyperpigmentation, you should prepare the skin for the procedure. During the preparation period, it is not recommended to use essential oils of bergamot, orange, cinnamon, and also avoid products made from clover and St. John's wort.



The wrong time of year chosen for peeling, as well as gross violations with which the skin is cleaned, can lead to serious complications. Such problems include:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. spider veins that occur after prolonged redness of the skin;
  3. acne;
  4. chemical or thermal burns that leave scars after the regenerating crust disappears.

Complications may also appear if skin care during the rehabilitation period was carried out in violation of the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Preventing negative consequences is quite simple. For facial cleansing, contact only a trusted cosmetologist with a medical license, experience and good recommendations. Carefully follow all skin care procedures prescribed by a specialist.

Using cream after cleansing your face

Renewal of the skin after cleansing involves the regeneration of the treated skin. Since peeling damages the epithelium and dermis during the treatment process, its regeneration is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. There is a feeling of tightness, itching, and the face becomes covered with a characteristic crust. During the rehabilitation period, the skin must be intensively nourished and moisturized. For this purpose, there are special medicinal and cosmetic products that have the required effect.

ATTENTION! Conventional cosmetics are not suitable for caring for skin that has been exfoliated. Experts recommend using professional products after peeling.

Types of post-peeling products

To achieve a lasting refreshing and rejuvenating effect, after peeling cleansing, it is imperative to use products that provide intensive and gentle care. The post-peeling cream should have the following characteristics:

  1. anti-allergenic effect;
  2. moisturizing and softening the skin;
  3. regenerative and antibacterial effect;
  4. intensive nutrition and antioxidant effects.

The composition of post-peeling products includes substances such as waxes, phospholipids, protein hydrolysates, ceramides, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, bisabolol, natural oils, polyunsaturated omega-6 acids, placenta, retinol, trace elements (copper, zinc, calcium, selenium), vitamins E and C. Products should have a light texture (gel, foam, light cream) so as not to damage the skin when applied.

Choose post-peeling cream

The final result of the procedure depends on the correct choice of cream that protects and restores the skin after cleansing. Care products are recommended by the cosmetologist who performed the procedure, depending on the depth of cleaning, and guided by the expected consequences. When choosing a cream, experts recommend paying attention to the following parameters:

  1. Choose a cream that suits your skin type.
  2. The cream should contain a minimum amount of chemical additives and fragrances. Preference should be given to natural hypoallergenic creams based on plant or animal ingredients.
  3. Use professional cosmetics or certified medicinal products.
  4. It is desirable that all professional cosmetics for comprehensive skin care be of the same brand.

The texture of the cream after peeling should be soft so that the product applies easily. It must contain wound-healing, moisturizing and antioxidant components.

Review of cosmetic products after peeling

There are many products on the market that can be used in the post-peeling period. The most popular creams, devoid of aggressive components, are presented in lines of professional caring restorative products and in the form of pharmacy products.

Panthenol and Bepanten

The most famous pharmaceutical creams with wound healing effects. These products are affordable and very effective in the presence of skin lesions, crusts, and burns. Creams moisturize the skin, retaining moisture in the epithelial cells, eliminating the feeling of tightness. Thanks to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components, they are successfully used in the treatment of acne that occurs after unsuccessful peeling.



The action of the cream is to activate the regenerating properties of the skin. As a result, the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced, without negative consequences. The use of Solcoseryl after cleansing the face allows you to avoid the formation of scars in case of significant damage from burns, acne or a burst protective crust. The cream also fills the skin with collagen, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles.


Holy land cosmetics products

This is a line of professional skin care products. For post-peeling care, it is recommended to use Probiotic Balancing cream. It contains probiotics that repair, nourish and soothe the skin. The cream also accelerates regeneration. Its effect is most effective in the evening, after washing.


Phytocosmetics from Sisley

Manufacturer of elite French cosmetics Sisley offers Confort Extreme Night Skin Care cream for sensitive skin. This night remedy not only helps restore the skin, but also relieves discomfort, thanks to its unique composition containing natural ingredients.


Home Remedies

8-10 days after peeling, you can resort to folk remedies. It is recommended to speed up and improve the process of regeneration of tissues that have undergone exfoliation using masks made from natural ingredients. Before starting treatment with folk remedies at home, consult your cosmetologist. He will help you choose the right components and the optimal time for the procedures.

The most effective means for restoring skin after peeling are masks made from natural plant ingredients that moisturize and nourish the skin. Most often, experts recommend masks made from aloe leaves, banana pulp, herbal masks from plantain, currant leaves and birch buds. The latter have an enhanced regenerating effect, but require pre-treatment with coarse particles to avoid damage to the surface epithelium. Masks are made using honey, egg yolk or olive oil.

IMPORTANT! Before applying the mask, consider your skin type and the degree of damage.

General recommendations for skin care after peeling

The skin becomes especially sensitive after cleansing. Caring for her during the rehabilitation period should be as gentle and careful as possible. There are several general rules for caring for damaged skin:

  1. You can wash your face only with soft boiled water, carefully blotting it with a napkin. The first wash is acceptable 12 hours after the procedure.
  2. Intensive impact on the epidermis (massage, rubbing) and removal of a dense crust that has not exfoliated from the epithelium is prohibited.
  3. During the first days, you should apply light care products with a delicate texture (gel, foam). Post-peeling cream is used starting from day 5, after the facial cleansing procedure.
  4. Apply the cream with light movements to avoid additional damage and to prevent premature peeling of the crust.
  5. During the rehabilitation period, the use of scrubs, alcohol lotions and tonics, everyday creams and decorative cosmetics is prohibited.
  6. If acne or scars appear, be sure to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe remedies designed to get rid of these consequences.
  7. An allergic reaction, which can occur to both peeling preparations and cosmetic care products, requires immediate consultation with a doctor to determine the source of the reaction and prescribe appropriate drug treatment.

After cleansing your face, it is recommended to protect your skin from exposure to the sun and artificial ultraviolet rays. When the skin healing process is complete, experts advise using sunscreens with a high degree of protection (SPF 50) for six months.

Skin peeling and subsequent rehabilitation measures are a complex cosmetic complex that requires a careful and careful approach during the procedure and during the recovery process. If you follow all the recommendations, the effect will meet your expectations.