How to Treat Oil Burns

Author of the article: pediatrician Valentina Razheva

The content of the article

Hot oil burns refer to thermal damage to body tissue caused by high temperatures applied to the surface of the skin. Typically, injuries obtained in this way are more dangerous than an ordinary household burn with boiling water. Why?

Oil burn: what to do?

The fact is that the boiling point of oily liquids exceeds that of water. Thus, boiling olive oil reaches a temperature of 180 0 C, purified and frozen sunflower oil boils at 260 0 C. Contact of even a small amount of hot oil on the skin leads to serious burns, not just blisters and blisters.

In addition, oily liquids have a thick consistency and, because of this, have high heat transfer. For an oil burn victim, this physical property means the following: when hot oil comes into contact with the skin, it creates a film on the surface that will not allow the skin to cool naturally. On the contrary, remaining on the skin, the substance will contribute to the spread and “deepening” of the burn.

What to do if you get an oil burn?

First of all, you need to understand the extent of the damage. In domestic conditions, there is a possibility of receiving thermal burns of three degrees:

  1. 1st degree - the skin turns red, swelling forms at the burn site. Such damage occurs as a result of short-term exposure and heals on its own after a few days.
  2. 2nd degree - blisters containing clear liquid appear at the site of the oil burn. Such burns occur when oil comes in direct contact with the skin and are accompanied by swelling and redness. They are quite painful and healing can take up to several weeks.
  3. 3rd degree - deep burns, in which tissue necrosis and the appearance of a wet gray or dry brown scab are observed.

There is another 4th degree of burns with damage to bones, muscles, and organs. The likelihood of such serious injury from a hot oil burn at home is fortunately minimal.

Oil burn: first aid

Regardless of the degree of the burn received, it is necessary in any case to provide assistance to the victim. And the sooner the better.

The most important thing for a burn is to cool the damaged skin and remove hot oil from the surface so that it does not aggravate the condition.

Keep the burned part of your body under running cool water for 20 minutes. Cold will stop the spread of the burn, slow down tissue destruction and relieve inflammation.

When cooling, adhere to the following rules:

  1. The water temperature must be at least 15 0 C, otherwise hypothermia may occur. This is especially true for children who quickly lose heat. Wrap the victim in a blanket while they cool the burn.
  2. If the victim is unconscious, a basin of water in which the injured limb can be immersed, or wrapping in a wet sheet will do.
  3. You can try to remove the clothes remaining at the burn site after soaking. This can only be done if it is not “welded” to the skin. Otherwise, it’s better to leave this to the doctors: otherwise you risk damaging the wound.

After cooling, cover the burn site with a sterile, damp bandage to prevent infection.

What kind of oil burn is strong and serious?

It is necessary to assess the extent of the damage: a victim with 2nd and 3rd degree burns needs medical care. Minor 1st degree burns and small 2nd degree oil burns can be treated at home.

A burn is considered significant if it occupies more than 10% of the total body area. You can determine the size using the “rule of the palm” or the “rule of nines”.

In the first case, the unit of measurement is the palm, the size of which is equal to 1% of the total body area. So, a burn that takes up 10 palms, or several scattered burns the size of a palm, is serious.

According to the “rule of nines,” different parts of our body occupy an area that is a multiple of nine (as a percentage of the total area of ​​the body). If any limb is injured, for example, a hand was burned with oil, then it is easier to determine the severity of the injury in this way:

  1. Chest and back – 18% each;
  2. Legs – 36% (18% each);
  3. Head and neck – 9%;
  4. Hands – 18% (9% each).

In what other cases should you immediately call an ambulance?

  1. A child, an elderly person, a pregnant woman or a seriously ill person was burned.
  2. 3rd degree burn
  3. A 2nd degree burn covering an area of ​​more than 1 palm of the victim.
  4. 1st degree burn over 10% of the body surface.
  5. Received an oil burn on the face, head, groin area, joints, hands, and feet.
  6. The victim feels very unwell or is unconscious.

While waiting for an ambulance, you should stay close to the victim at all times and give him something to drink. In case of severe pain, the victim can take a painkiller if he does not have allergies.

If you notice that the burn site begins to swell, try to place the burned part of the body above the level of the heart and check the bandage. A bandage that is too tight should be loosened to improve blood circulation.

What to do in case of an oil burn is not recommended

  1. Remove stuck clothes.
  2. Pop the bubbles that appear from the oil burn yourself.
  3. Bandage the burn tightly.
  4. Apply oil, sour cream, kefir to the burn site: you have just cleaned the burn from the oily environment, so you should not introduce microorganisms into it that can cause the development of infection.

How to treat a burn from boiling oil

The healing time depends on how timely and correctly first aid was provided, as well as on the further actions of doctors and the victim.

Oil burn: first aid

Severe 2nd and 3rd degree burns with boiling oil are treated exclusively in burn centers. Doctors remove dead skin, give anti-inflammatory drugs and make sure that the wounds do not develop infection.

  1. 1st degree burns can be treated at home. If you quickly cool the damage and immediately apply Panthenol or Olazol, the recovery time will be reduced to 3-4 days. However, it makes sense to use these anti-burn agents only before blisters form. For 2nd degree burns this is no longer effective.
  2. Small 2nd degree oil burns can also be treated independently with outpatient medical supervision. The fact is that the blisters that appear from an oil burn contain liquid (exudate), which means an inflammatory process. Blisters will not resolve on their own; they need to burst for the burn to heal.

Only a physician can do this under sterile conditions, leaving the skin to protect the burn site from infection. The burn can then be treated at home.

Healing may take several weeks and, with proper care, will not leave scars.

It is important to remember that the skin formed at the burn site is especially thin and needs additional protection. Therefore, during and after healing, it is recommended to lubricate it with emollients and moisturizers. La-Cri cream is perfect for these purposes.

La-Cri cosmetics are sold only in pharmacies. It does not contain preservatives, hormones or fragrances. The cream contains only natural ingredients that have a truly miraculous effect:

  1. Seed and licorice extracts relieve inflammation;
  2. Violet extract and bisabolol (the active ingredient of chamomile) soothe delicate skin;
  3. Panthenol and avocado oil have a regenerating and softening effect, nourish and moisturize the skin;
  4. Walnut extract fights germs and promotes rapid healing.

If you are looking for something to anoint an oil burn, La Cree Revitalizing Cream is perfect for this purpose.

Clinical researches

Clinical trials conducted by the company prove the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of TM “La-Cri” products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis. As a result of therapy, the following effects of the La-Cri cleansing gel were noted:

  1. Gentle skin cleansing;
  2. Relieving redness and itching;
  3. Skin restoration;
  4. Skin nutrition.

Consumer Reviews

Netizens highly appreciate La-Cri cosmetics. For example, the author of the site under the nickname tanI writes about a cream for sensitive skin:

“Good day, I want to share my emotions from using La Cree cream, cream for sensitive skin 0+. It is no secret that children in the first year of life are prone to all sorts of allergic reactions, and even if you follow a diet, rashes and scaly spots appear. Well, I came across a miracle cream that doesn’t smell wonderful at all and its color is so-so.

The cream is easy to apply and absorbs well, however, immediately after application it stains clothes, but, again, it washes off perfectly even from white things. The smell of the cream disappears quickly and does not bother the child. The flaky spots went away within a week. The composition of the cream is herbal, so everything is individual. He helped my child wonderfully.”

Consumers also highly value La-Cri cream for dry skin. For example, user of the site Olivia Tarkh writes about the cream:

"Hello! I want to tell you about my experience using La Cree protective cream for dry skin. Previously, I rarely wrote reviews on cosmetics, since the site’s traditions require large texts on this topic with 100,500 photos of packaging, analysis of the composition on Ecoholic and many quotes about the manufacturer’s promises. There is neither time nor ability for such volumes. Therefore, I decided to write as best I can, that is, briefly and with a minimum of photos. The cream was purchased at one of the local pharmacies….

...Everything looks solid and stupid. There is a lot of information about the cream, but the font on both the box and the tube is very, very small.

Inside the box, like all La Cree products, is a traditional A4 sheet. There the font is a little larger, you can find out detailed and exciting information about the product about the active ingredients, action, area and method of application. On the back is an advertisement for other manufacturer's products. White cream with a thick consistency. There is a faint sweetish aroma that does not last long.

... I took out the once abandoned cream from the bins and simply applied compact powder on top of it with a large soft brush. And a miracle happened! The oily shine disappeared and didn’t bother me until almost the end of the day!

I've been using this cream again for almost a month. She noted that there was no peeling on the skin. The skin on my face can tolerate frosty weather much more comfortably. Yes, this cream really protects her from wind and cold.”

Folk remedies for oil burns

SOS tools

Can be used immediately after cooling the burn to relieve symptoms. Suitable only for 1st degree burns without blisters or wounds!

  1. Fresh potatoes: grate, place on gauze or bandage and apply as a compress to the burn. Instead of potatoes, you can use carrots or add cabbage leaves.
  2. Tea leaves: brew a bag and cool to 13-15 0 C. Dip gauze into the tea leaves and apply to the burn site. Excellent for relieving swelling.
  3. Aloe leaves: wash the aloe leaf thoroughly, cut lengthwise and apply to the burn site. You can also rub aloe and squeeze the juice out of the leaves to make a compress.

Treatments for healed burns

Used to treat 2nd degree burns after the blisters have healed.

  1. Fir and sea buckthorn oils: mix in equal parts and smear the burn area until completely healed. Perfectly soften the skin and prevent the formation of scars.
  2. St. John's wort herb: pour half a glass of St. John's wort herb into 1 glass of vegetable oil and leave for 21 days in a cool place without access to light. Then strain and lubricate the burn site several times a day.
  3. Dairy products: 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of vegetable oil with 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and 1 egg yolk. Apply the mixture to damaged skin and cover with a bandage. Change 5 times a day.

A burn from hot oil can cause serious health damage. This liquid causes injury more severe than that caused by water or volatile substances. This is due to the higher boiling point of oils and it will not be possible to remove them quickly. To minimize the consequences, you need to be able to provide assistance.

Oil burns usually occur at home when cooking. Small drops that splash from dishes are not capable of causing much harm. You just need to quickly wash them off your body. When a large amount of this liquid comes into contact with the skin, in addition to severe pain, significant violations of the integrity of the epidermis occur. If a burn occurs with hot vegetable oil, what is the best way to treat it and how to do it?

Infographics on the degrees of skin damage

Burns from boiling oil are a common injury among women. It cannot be ignored. If help is not provided in time, the damage progresses to a higher degree and provokes the development of complications.

A sunflower oil burn can be one of 4 degrees. Each is characterized by its own characteristics and has some features that distinguish it from the other:

  1. Easy. The epidermis becomes red. Swelling may occur in tissue exposed to thermal factors. For this reason, quite pronounced pain occurs. But such damage is treated quite easily and disappears completely after a couple of days. They can be treated at home.
  2. Average. Blisters filled with intercellular fluid form. In this case, necrosis of the upper tissues develops, which brings severe pain to the patient. After the bubbles open, an open wound forms at this site, which heals in about two weeks.
  3. Heavy. With the third degree of severity, extensive necrosis of all tissues in the affected area occurs. In this case, sensitivity is lost. Cells that die quickly dry out and form a scab. Such serious injuries are treated in a hospital. The tissues surrounding the injured area become inflamed. Touching them brings severe pain to the victim. Such injuries require urgent surgical intervention, as this condition can cause blood poisoning.
  4. Extremely severe. It is usually impossible to get a fourth-degree oil burn at home. But there are also exceptions.

Boiling oil causes damage on contact with skin; a minimal amount is sufficient. Light damage occurs. Severe injury can only be caused by spilling a large amount of liquid.

First aid

A burn with vegetable oil is a type of pathological process that develops as a response to an external factor. The severity is determined by the size of its distribution on the body and its depth. If you get an oil burn, first aid should be provided promptly.

So what should you do if you get an oil burn? It is necessary to begin providing assistance immediately. They try to reduce the temperature of the skin and remove the formed film from the epidermis as quickly as possible. At the first stage, it will be enough to soak the affected area with any water for a long time. A compress of crushed ice will be more effective. Such manipulations will help neutralize the pain caused by a burn with hot oil.

If parts of clothing are in contact with the wound, do not try to tear them off. Such interference further damages the skin. Remains of matter can only be removed if the injury is mild. In a more serious case, all manipulations should be carried out only by a specialist.

After cooling, it is necessary to remove any remaining fluid from the wound using a soft cloth. It is better not to use materials made from cotton wool; its fibers easily get into the wound.

If there are blisters on the wound, it is advisable to apply a clean bandage. This measure is important and will help protect against the development of infection. After providing assistance yourself, you must seek qualified help.

What to do if you receive this injury and what folk remedies will help?

How to treat a burn from boiling oil? For healing I use the products prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes they resort to folk remedies. They are as effective as pharmaceutical drugs. It is better to use compresses. The most popular recipes are:

  1. Fresh grated potatoes. This mask copes well with healing wounds of various natures. To do this, just grate the tuber on a coarse grater and distribute it on gauze. This compress is applied to the wound. Instead of this vegetable, you can use carrots or cabbage.
  2. Strong tea. Brew tea leaves and leave to cool at room temperature. The tea leaves are used as a compress; a clean cloth is moistened with it.
  3. Onion clover. The solution of this plant has reparative properties. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to take about 3 tablespoons of flowers and pour over hot water. The compress is applied through gauze.
  4. Aloe. You can use extracts, juice and the plant itself. This is the best folk remedy for oil burns. The medicine is applied directly to the site of injury. You can achieve quick healing by using a cut from a fresh plant. It is applied to the epidermis and left to act overnight. A mixture of sea buckthorn and St. John's wort fruits. Parts of the plants must be mixed with each other in equal quantities and the burnt area should be lubricated with this mixture for several weeks.
  5. Medicine from St. John's wort. Take half a glass of herbs and pour in any vegetable oil and infuse for 3 weeks. The mixture is stored in a dark and dry place. Afterwards it is filtered and applied to the affected area. Burns from hot oil heal quickly when using this product.

What is not recommended to do

After treatment, there may still be painful effects such as blisters in the wound area. A blister is the body's response to help protect tissue from spreading injury. It looks like a neoplasm that rises significantly above the skin. There is a light liquid inside it. The surrounding skin becomes red and swollen. These symptoms indicate the severity of the damage. Healing takes several weeks.

What not to do:

  1. You cannot use improvised properties to pierce the bubble and release the liquid. This will provoke an infectious process;
  2. Do not smear with alcohol-based solutions;
  3. if the blister is damaged, apply a bandage to the open wound; to speed up skin restoration and prevent infection, it is necessary to use antiseptics;
  4. It is necessary to constantly moisturize the oil burn. A specialist is consulted in case of severe damage, when the injury brings pain and severe discomfort or there is a risk of infection.

Among all household thermal injuries, the most common are burns from boiling water and oil. A burn with vegetable oil is more dangerous than exposure to boiling water on the skin - the injury is not only accompanied by unbearable and prolonged pain, but also more often provokes various complications. Only high-quality and timely pre-medical care and competent further therapy minimize the risk of developing unpleasant consequences.


The danger of burns from hot oil is due to its physical properties. Oils:

  1. boil at high temperatures (olive oil - at 180° C, and peeled sunflower oil - at 260° C);
  2. characterized by high heat transfer due to the high density of the liquid;
  3. getting on the skin, they form a film on its surface that prevents the natural cooling of burned tissues.

Contact of even a small amount of boiling oily substance on the skin can cause severe burns with damage to the deep layers of the dermis.


There are 4 degrees of oil burn based on the depth of tissue damage.

  1. The superficial tissues of the skin are damaged, which is manifested by pain, redness and swelling of the burn area. As a rule, tissues are restored within a few days even without special treatment.
  2. The damage affects the deeper structures of the skin and is accompanied by unbearable burning and pain, swelling and hyperemia, and the appearance of blisters filled with transparent serous content in the burn area. After opening the blister, a wound remains on the skin, healing on average in 2 weeks.
  3. Deep damage accompanied by necrosis (death) of tissue. In this case, a dry scab (crust) forms on the surface of the affected area. Since, in addition to the dermis, nerve fibers are destroyed, pain sensitivity at the site of injury is reduced or completely absent. But the skin around the wound becomes inflamed, and the slightest touch to the area next to the burn causes severe pain.
  4. The most severe lesion, in which pathological processes spread to the subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue, and sometimes bones. It is almost impossible to get such an injury in everyday life.


As with other types of injuries, with an oil burn the following is noted:

  1. hyperemia and swelling of the skin;
  2. pain and burning;
  3. blisters filled with serous or hemorrhagic fluid (depending on the degree of injury);
  4. decreased pain sensitivity of the skin (with deep damage);
  5. tissue necrosis, formation of a dry scab (with a 3rd degree burn).

With timely and competent treatment, damaged tissues are gradually restored. But if a burn with hot vegetable oil (especially 3rd degree) is not treated, various complications may arise - infection and the development of a purulent process, sepsis.

The development of pathological processes is indicated by:

  1. bluish discoloration of the skin around the wound;
  2. bleeding of the wound surface;
  3. itching, twitching sensations in the area of ​​injury;
  4. discharge of purulent contents from the wound;
  5. increased body temperature;
  6. signs of intoxication - weakness, nausea, dizziness.

Typically, such symptoms develop due to improper treatment or lack of treatment for a 3rd degree burn and require immediate consultation with a doctor.

First aid

According to doctors, high-quality, timely first aid for burns with vegetable oil reduces the degree of damage by one, and illiterate actions, on the contrary, increase it.

To provide first aid for an oil burn, you must:

  1. rinse the burned area under running cool water for at least 20 minutes so that the hot oil is completely removed from the surface of the skin - this will help cool the tissue and stop its further destruction;
  2. free the burned area from clothing (the fabric must be cut and very carefully removed from the wound; if some particles are not removed, leave everything as is);
  3. after washing, treat the oil burn with Panthenol or Olazol spray (for mild damage not accompanied by the appearance of an open wound);
  4. cover the damaged area with a sterile bandage;
  5. wrap the victim in a warm blanket and give him plenty of fluids to drink (preferably alkaline water without gas) - this will help eliminate the symptoms of intoxication that inevitably occur with deep thermal damage;
  6. to relieve pain, give the victim any painkiller (Analgin, Ketanov);
  7. call emergency medical assistance.

Calling doctors is mandatory if:

  1. the burn is severe or covers a large area;
  2. the face, head, feet, and groin area were burned;
  3. the victim feels unwell or is unconscious;
  4. an elderly person, a pregnant woman, and a child were injured.

What not to do if you get an oil burn:

  1. cool damaged skin with ice or too cold water (less than 15 ° C), otherwise thermal damage will be complemented by hypothermia and frostbite of tissues;
  2. tear off stuck clothing from the wound;
  3. apply a tight bandage (this will impair blood circulation and cause additional tissue damage);
  4. touch the wound with your hands;
  5. open blisters that appear;
  6. cover the wound with a plaster;
  7. use cotton wool to treat the burn area;
  8. treat the burn site with oil, rich cream (they cover the wound with a greasy film, which slows down tissue restoration), fermented milk products, egg whites and other folk remedies (you can introduce bacterial flora, thereby triggering the development of infectious complications).


A 3rd degree burn with boiling oil or damage to a large area of ​​skin is treated in a hospital setting. Therapy includes antiseptic treatment and cleansing of the wound from necrotic tissue. Antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Dioxyzol) are used for primary treatment of burns. In the future, their use is impractical, since the products dry out quickly, which requires frequent changes of dressings. Subsequent therapy includes the use of various local agents and systemic drugs.


To speed up wound healing and prevent infection, ointments for burns with oil with antibacterial and regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties are prescribed:

  1. water-based (Levosin, Levomekol, Oflocain) - used in the initial stages of treatment, as they quickly penetrate the tissues and prevent them from drying out;
  2. fat-based (Bepanten, Streptocide ointment) - improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, accelerate healing, and are used at later stages of healing.

Most often prescribed:

  1. Levosin. A combined drug based on methyluracil (promotes healing, reduces inflammation), chloramphenicol and sulfadimethoxine (have an antibacterial effect), trimecaine (pain reliever). Prescribed for wound healing after a burn, including the development of purulent complications.
  2. Levomekol. A combined ointment based on chloramphenicol and methyluracil suppresses the development of infectious flora in the lesion, accelerates healing, reduces inflammation, swelling and pain. It is used for various degrees of burns, including severe injuries accompanied by tissue necrosis and suppuration.
  3. Oflocaine. A combined drug based on ofloxacin (antibiotic) and lidocaine (anesthetic). It relieves pain well and prevents the development of infectious complications. Can be used for any degree of damage.
  4. Bepanten. The drug based on dexpanthenol has a pronounced regenerating effect and promotes rapid tissue healing. Used in late phases of regeneration.
  5. Streptocide ointment. Broad-spectrum antibacterial ointment based on sulfonamide. Used in the treatment of burns of any degree, not prescribed to children.

For deep oil burns accompanied by the formation of a scab, salicylic ointment is used to accelerate the rejection of necrotic tissue.

How to apply sunflower oil burns is decided by the doctor in each situation, taking into account the extent and depth of tissue damage, the possibility of complications, and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Local burn therapy is supplemented with the use of systemic agents:

  1. painkillers – relieve pain;
  2. antibiotics – prevent the development of infectious processes or are used to treat already developed purulent inflammation;
  3. infusion solutions and vitamins (glucose, B vitamins, ascorbic acid) - restore the loss of protein and fluid, eliminate symptoms of intoxication in severe extensive injuries.

Folk remedies

For mild injuries, when the damage is not accompanied by the appearance of blisters, various alternative medicines are used to heal the wound:

  1. as compresses – fresh grated potatoes, white cabbage leaves, tea leaves, aloe leaves;
  2. for treating the source of damage - fir or sea buckthorn oil, St. John's wort oil.

In everyday life, 1st-2nd degree burns can be obtained when even a few drops of boiling oil come into contact with the skin. Such injuries cause severe pain, but are quite easy to treat - the lesions heal quickly and the skin is restored. If you tip over a large container of hot oil, the injury will be deep and extensive and will require hospital treatment. But high-quality and timely first aid and competent further therapy will allow you to quickly recover and prevent the development of complications.