Recipes for face mask with yeast against wrinkles

Beautiful skin with a delicate blush, even tone and perfect smoothness is the dream of many girls, but it is very rare to meet the happy owners of such a face. However, you can improve the condition of the dermis and achieve good results with the help of natural remedies that our grandmothers used.

Yeast face mask for wrinkles

The mask is a unique tool in the fight against aging and premature aging of the skin. Today there are many mixtures for all skin types that allow you to maintain youth and beauty of the face. This is especially true for women who have crossed the 25-year mark.

First of all, the skin of the face undergoes the aging process, as a result of which the owner develops visible wrinkles and pigmentation. Over the years, the skin fades, and it is easy to determine the real age of a woman by its condition, no matter how she hides it. With the help of masks you can prevent this unpleasant process.


To achieve the desired result, it is not necessary to buy expensive products and regularly visit beauty salons. The best option would be yeast face masks for wrinkles. It is not difficult to prepare such a mixture at home.

The most important thing is to use fresh ingredients and have knowledge about the characteristics of the skin. However, you should not hope that a one-time use of the mask will immediately give an effect. but regular use, proper care and respect together will help make the skin not only young, but also fresh, elastic and smooth.

Yeast masks for the face against wrinkles, the best recipes for which can be found in this article, contain active substances that, penetrating into the pores of the skin, help restore fat balance and metabolic processes. In addition, the skin receives all the necessary nutrients.

After 25 years, facial skin and the body as a whole require special care. Age and negative external factors affect the state of appearance. A yeast face mask (for wrinkles) is a faithful assistant for every lady.


Benefits of yeast masks

Yeast is a collection of yeast fungi that have a unique composition: a variety of vitamins (B, D, E, C and PP), amino acids, antioxidants and minerals. Thanks to this accumulation of beneficial substances, this natural remedy is indispensable in skin care.

Objectives of yeast masks:

  1. nutrition and toning of the skin;
  2. regulation of fat metabolism;
  3. improved blood circulation;
  4. stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  5. improvement of elasticity and protective properties;
  6. increasing the energy of skin cells.


To prepare masks, as a rule, yeast is used in baking cubes. You can also buy dry and granular ones, but the effect will be slightly worse.

To improve the effect of using masks, you need to steam your facial skin before applying, and then the beneficial substances will have better absorption.

A yeast mask for the face in the fight against wrinkles also improves skin color, removes redness and pallor. Thanks to this, you can look more natural and avoid using foundation and powder.

Recommendations for using masks


If you do not follow the basic rules, then the desired effect will not be achieved soon. A few recommendations will help make your skin young and beautiful. Just be sure to pay attention to them:

  1. products must be fresh, so always check the expiration date;
  2. The mask should be applied only to cleansed skin;
  3. test for an allergic reaction, since yeast-based preparations can cause side effects;
  4. make masks for dry and normal skin daily, for aged and sensitive skin – once every three days;
  5. The mask must be applied immediately after preparation, since the yeast quickly loses activity.

Contraindications to the use of masks

When using any cosmetic products, you should pay attention to contraindications. Each person is individual, and what suits one may not suit another.

The use of masks is excluded if:

  1. skin is damaged;
  2. there are fungal infections and other diseases of the dermis;
  3. Allergic reactions occur in the form of redness from the mask.

Mask for oily skin

Those with oily skin complain of excessive shine and rashes. A homemade kefir-yeast mask will help eliminate this drawback.

To do this you will need two tablespoons of yeast and a spoon of kefir. It is necessary to stir the ingredients to a thick paste and apply on the face in a circular motion for half an hour.

Also, a mask based on sour cream is suitable to combat excess fat secretion.

Mask for combination skin

Signs of combination skin type are shine on the chin and wings of the nose and dryness on the cheeks. To combat this deficiency you will need a tablespoon of yeast, a banana and two tablespoons of olive oil.


To prepare the mask, you need to peel a banana, mash it, add yeast, oil, stir until smooth and apply to the skin for half an hour.

Another anti-wrinkle yeast face mask for combination skin is prepared on the basis of milk. It is necessary to break the yeast, dissolve it in warm milk and apply for half an hour.

Mask for problematic pale skin

For girls with such skin, a face mask with yeast against acne and wrinkles with the addition of grapefruit (you can add any other citrus) is perfect.

To prepare, mix a spoonful of yeast with water, mash the citrus into a paste, mix the ingredients and apply to the face for half an hour.

Earthy skin mask

To eliminate the unpleasant earthy complexion, you need to mix half a spoon of yeast with grated carrots and apply to the skin for 20 minutes.


This anti-wrinkle yeast face mask has a self-tanning effect, making it suitable for these purposes as well.

Mask for dry skin

You can rid your skin of wrinkles and at the same time moisturize it by preparing a paste of yeast and sauerkraut. You need to chop the cabbage finely, mix with yeast, add any essential oil and apply to your face.

Another option for a moisturizing mask is a mixture of yeast, grated apple and beaten egg. Apply the paste to your face for 20 minutes. With regular use for two weeks, you can notice the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

A yeast mask for the face against wrinkles with the addition of cottage cheese, milk and honey will also help whiten the skin. It is necessary to knead the cottage cheese, heat the honey, dilute the yeast in the milk and mix everything thoroughly. Apply to skin for half an hour.

Rejuvenating mask for all skin types

To prepare the mixture you will need half a packet of yeast, two tablespoons of rye/oat flour and three tablespoons of warm milk. Mix all the ingredients, leave overnight and apply to your face in the morning. After the yeast mask for the face (for wrinkles) dries, rinse with water.


Skin mask 40+

Dissolve half a packet of yeast in a spoonful of milk, add two tablespoons of sugar and honey, apply with gentle movements. After applying the mask, you can notice a mattifying effect and the elimination of blackheads.

Traditional methods bring undeniable benefits with a competent approach. Skin at any age needs to be nourished with nutrients and constant care. Natural ingredients cope with this task in the best possible way. However, it is worth remembering both the advantages and contraindications if you use a yeast face mask (anti-aging) for wrinkles in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Using regularly described recipes that are suitable for your skin type, you can see noticeable changes in a positive direction within a period of two weeks. Remember: it is easier to prevent wrinkles than to get rid of them. Be young and beautiful!


It is very difficult to stop the natural aging processes, but with the help of proven alternative cosmetology products they can be slowed down. A yeast facial mask against wrinkles is available to everyone at home. The result of regular sessions is as follows: facial wrinkles, crow’s feet, deep folds are smoothed out, and problematic skin will regain its former firmness and elasticity and receive the necessary vitamins.

Recipes for anti-aging face masks made from yeast at home

Folk remedies have become a worthy alternative to cosmetic procedures in beauty salons. Before preparing anti-wrinkle masks at home, it is important to decide on natural ingredients, eliminate the risk of allergic reactions, and choose an easy and affordable recipe. This is the only way to hope for the expected result.


A mask for a youthful face should be selected individually, depending on skin types. Natural yeast is a healthy product with regenerating, anti-inflammatory, nutritional, rejuvenating and tonic properties. If you include it in cosmetic products, with regular use you can tighten the contour of the face and eyelids, smooth out wrinkles, relieve irritation and inflammation, remove pimples, acne and acne.

For dry skin

If it is difficult to hide the signs of aging of the dermis, it’s time to choose a super anti-wrinkle product for yourself. The cosmetic product from dry yeast is prepared in a few minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure up to 3 times a week, but the result is noticeable after the second session. The dermis becomes smooth, the feeling of dryness and flaking disappears, and the complexion evens out.

A simple beauty recipe with the following ingredients will help revitalize sagging, dry skin:

  1. powdered yeast – 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. oil of choice – 4 tbsp. l.


The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Combine all components in one container.
  2. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Distribute the paste onto the aging areas of the face.
  4. Do not rinse off the product for 12-15 minutes.
  5. Wash thoroughly with warm water.
  6. Use any moisturizer.

After 40 years

There comes a period in a woman’s life when the approach of old age is especially acutely felt. In this regard, anti-aging face masks after 40 years are in demand in folk cosmetology. After the procedure, a slight dullness of the face appears, small folds disappear. It is recommended to use a yeast mask for the face against wrinkles up to 3 times a week. To prepare one of them you will need:

  1. powdered yeast – 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. protein – 1 pc.;
  3. baked milk – 2 tbsp. l.;
  4. Melted honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
  5. wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  6. oil of choice – 1 tbsp. l.


The cooking sequence is as follows:

  1. Combine the indicated ingredients in one container.
  2. Leave the composition for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Apply the natural composition to the face for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash thoroughly and dry the treated skin.

After 50 years

Every year the aging process of the dermis accelerates. Facial care after 45 years of age should be intensive, using natural substances. It is recommended to perform up to 3 procedures per week, but after the third session the result is obvious. Yeast is suitable for any skin type, it is recommended to pay attention to the following recipe.

  1. warm milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
  2. powdered yeast – 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. Linden honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
  4. olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.


To ensure the lifting effect, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Dilute the main ingredient in milk.
  2. Wait until a homogeneous mixture forms.
  3. Add honey and oil, mix the mixture.
  4. Apply only to clean skin, keeping the mask on the face for up to 20 minutes.

For wrinkles around the eyes

Fading facial skin spoils your mood and causes an inferiority complex. Dry yeast helps with wrinkles under the eyes; the main thing is to prepare it correctly. The effect after the procedure is immediate, the anti-wrinkle eye mask is suitable for oily and combination types for regular care. Up to 2 sessions per week are allowed.

To create an anti-aging mask you will need:

  1. powdered yeast – 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. egg white – 1 pc.;
  3. fresh lemon – 1 pc.


During the cooking process, the following sequence must be observed:

  1. Squeeze a third of the lemon by hand.
  2. Beat the egg whites separately and add lemon juice.
  3. Pour the main ingredient into the resulting liquid, forming a homogeneous mass.
  4. Distribute the composition under the eyes for 5-7 minutes.

Video about a folk remedy for wrinkles

If the first signs of aging are visible on your face, do not hesitate. It is recommended to choose homemade yeast masks for the face against wrinkles. For clarity, watch the video, which will tell you how to quickly and effectively deal with the approaching signs of old age. This valuable information will save the family budget and eliminate unnecessary expenses on visiting a beauty salon.

Reviews of yeast face mask

Marina, 37 years old My skin began to fade at the age of 30, so I started fussing. I tried various ways to get rid of this problem, but to no avail. Friends recommended a remedy made from dry yeast with lemon. I used to do the procedure three times a week, now I do it once. Additionally, the mask cleanses the skin of acne.

Svetlana, 36 years old I removed all the unevenness and folds from my face using a recipe made from brewer's yeast. I prepare this mixture every weekend, a tablespoon at a time. After the third procedure, I saw that the skin became smooth and even, pigmentation went away.

Anna, 44 years old I don’t have age-related wrinkles on my face so much as severe peeling. When I prepare a recipe using yeast and vegetable oil, after each procedure the skin becomes even, smooth and elastic. Ideally, 2–3 sessions are required; I only need one per week.

What do you associate yeast with? The first thing that comes to mind is fragrant and airy pastries. But along with gastronomic pleasures, one should not forget about beauty. A yeast face mask is a remedy for youthful or age-related skin problems. What beneficial cosmetic properties does yeast have? What effective masks can be prepared using them?


Yeast is a product of fungal origin. Fungi are perhaps the first microorganisms that people began to purposefully cultivate for a variety of needs. Of course, the main area of ​​application of dough is cooking. But even in folk cosmetology, the properties of this product are highly valued.

Why yeast


A yeast face mask can save beauties from many skin problems: wrinkles, acne, oily sheen, pigmentation, clogged pores. This is the most universal remedy in folk cosmetology. The fungal substance contains a lot of components, each of which can bring invaluable benefits to the skin, even individually.

Useful composition

Why is a face mask with yeast so valuable? Here is a list of the main beneficial substances that make up the dough.

  1. Vitamin B1. Normalizes cellular metabolism, makes tissue elastic.
  2. Vitamin B2. Accelerates the process of cell renewal and regeneration.
  3. Vitamin B5. Strengthens skin immunity and protects against harmful external influences.
  4. Folic acid . Relieves inflammation, dries out rashes, and inhibits the spread of acne.
  5. Amino acids. Act as a catalyst for the process of producing your own collagen.
  6. Vitamin E. Awakens frozen cells, which helps smooth out wrinkles and creases, strengthening the facial contour.
  7. Niacin. Gives the skin an even, healthy and fresh tone.
  8. Biotin. Intensively moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, eliminates flaking.
  9. Minerals. Normalize the amount of sebum produced.


5 Skin Problems That Yeast Solves

Using a product such as a yeast face mask at home, you can solve a number of skin problems. No expensive cosmetics, no salon procedures. Here are five main tasks that yeast solves.

  1. Fat content. Yeast helps tighten pores and suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Transitional age . Opara deeply cleanses the skin, drawing out impurities and pus from it, which prevents the further spread of pimples, blackheads and inflammation.
  3. Withering. The process of producing your own collagen and elastin is resumed, which gives the tissues elasticity and smoothness.
  4. Dryness. If the mask contains moisturizing components, fungi enhance their effect.
  5. Sick color. After a course of yeast masks, the skin will acquire a natural, healthy color with a pearlescent tint, and a blush will appear.


Since the dough mask is a specific product, there are a number of restrictions on its use. Here is a list of main contraindications:

  1. presence of wounds, scratches, fresh burns on the skin;
  2. recent chemical peeling, laser resurfacing and other cosmetic procedures;
  3. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  4. skin diseases of infectious or fungal nature;
  5. increased sensitivity of the dermis.

Yeast face mask: a variety of recipes

Homemade yeast cosmetics have quite a rich history. Recipes were passed down from generation to generation, which helped women maintain beauty and youth for a long time in the absence of industrial cosmetics and salon procedures. A huge number of recipes have survived to this day, which, although they have undergone changes, have not lost their effectiveness.


Recipe table “just in case”

Yeast is suitable for any type of dermis. There are a number of proven and popular recipes for solving a variety of problems - from whitening to rejuvenation. Instructions for preparing these mixtures are given in the table below.

Table - Recipes for yeast masks

Purpose Compound
Anti-fat - Yeast;
- warm low-fat kefir (the mass should have the consistency of sour cream)
Whitening - Brewer's yeast;
- 3% hydrogen peroxide (the mixture should have the consistency of sour cream)
To cleanse pores - 10 g yeast;
- a tablespoon of warm water;
- a teaspoon of lemon juice;
- egg white (pre-beat)
Nutritious - 10 g yeast;
- a tablespoon of watermelon juice;
- tablespoon strawberry puree
For pigmentation - 20 g yeast;
- a quarter glass of cucumber juice
For dryness - 10 g yeast;
- three tablespoons of olive oil (heat in advance);
- a teaspoon of honey;
- egg yolk
Cleansing - Dry yeast;
- warm milk (the mass should have the consistency of sour cream)
For a healthy complexion - 20 g yeast;
- two tablespoons each of lemon, grapefruit and currant juice (heat in advance)
For acne - 20 g yeast;
- 20 g oatmeal;
- a quarter glass of warm low-fat kefir;
- egg white (pre-beat)
Peeling - 10 g yeast;
- two tablespoons of water (heat in advance);
- 5 g sugar;
- three drops of camphor oil


Anti-aging masks: 5 options

A rejuvenating yeast face mask is a salvation for mature skin, on which the first signs of aging are already visible. Beneficial microorganisms activate restoration processes in cells, which allows the dermis to become smooth and elastic again. Five of the best recipes will help restore youth and health to your skin.

With flour

  1. Mix 50 g of yeast with 25 g of flour (rye works best).
  2. Mix with warm water until the mixture resembles sour cream and cover the container with a towel.
  3. Before using, let the dough ferment for about a day.
  4. After washing, apply AEVIT.


With onions and honey

  1. Combine 10 g of brewer's or dry yeast with a quarter glass of onion juice.
  2. Add a little honey.
  3. The procedure time is ten minutes.


  1. Brewer's yeast and sour cream are mixed in equal quantities.
  2. Leave the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour.
  3. If the mask dries out during this time, before removing it, you need to soak it with a damp cotton swab or spray it with water from a spray bottle.


Milk-honey with fish oil

  1. 20 g of yeast should be combined with a spoon of warm milk and allowed to ferment a little.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey into the mask.
  3. Squeeze a couple of fish oil capsules.

With cabbage

  1. Grind a large cabbage leaf in a blender, squeeze out the juice and heat it slightly.
  2. Add yeast and honey (one teaspoon each).
  3. Soak gauze or cotton napkin in the mixture and apply to your face for ten minutes.

Preparation for the procedure: 3 stages

The final result of using a mask largely depends on the quality of preparation. There are three stages.

  1. Cleansing. Remove makeup and additionally treat the skin with baby soap.
  2. Steaming. Give your face a steam bath by bending over a container of hot herbal infusion. For dry skin, use linden, rose petals and chamomile. Oily epidermis responds well to oak bark and St. John's wort. For problematic dermis, plantain, calendula and raspberry leaves are suitable.
  3. Mechanical cleaning. Use a gentle scrub to remove dead skin cells that may interfere with the yeast's ability to function.

10 tips on how to achieve a pronounced effect

If you want to get the most out of a yeast face mask, you will find a lot of recommendations in the reviews of cosmetologists and ordinary women. Take ten basic tips into account.

  1. The right water. To make the fermentation process faster, the yeast must be filled with warm liquid, but not boiling water, otherwise the beneficial fungi will die. It is better to use filtered, bottled or settled water.
  2. Stir the dough. Otherwise, lumps may form.
  3. Full course. For a pronounced and sustainable effect, you need to undergo 10-15 procedures. Depending on the type of epidermis and the severity of the problem, the mask is applied once or twice a week.
  4. Exposure time. The vital activity of fungi lasts about 15 minutes - this is the optimal duration of the procedure. Later, the mask may begin to harden on the face, making it much more difficult to remove from the face.
  5. Wash your face with cool water. High temperatures can be stressful for the skin.
  6. Use fresh product. There is no need to prepare the mask for future use, because fungal activity is short-term.
  7. Listen to your skin. If you feel burning, itching or any other discomfort, wash off the mask immediately.
  8. Use fresh yeast. A face mask made from dry yeast will be less effective, since the powder is obtained as a result of heat treatment.
  9. Give your skin a rest. On the day of the procedure, do not use decorative cosmetics.
  10. Relax. Facial muscles should not be strained during the procedure. Therefore, it is better to spend it lying down, without talking.

Yeast is more than just an ingredient in homemade baked goods. This is a “vitamin bomb”, thanks to which the skin is literally transformed, regardless of type. A yeast face mask against wrinkles, oily shine, peeling, acne and other troubles shows excellent results where professional cosmetics may not be effective.


“No more enlarged pores or inflammation,” girls’ reviews of yeast cosmetics

I really like the mask based on yeast, honey and olive oil. Thanks to its use, my expression wrinkles smoothed out and my complexion improved.

I had acne, and my doctor prescribed me a yeast mask as an addition to complex treatment. The result is obvious. After 3-4 procedures, facial skin becomes soft and smooth. I still make masks like this for myself and am happy with the results.

Why I love yeast masks is that they are always available, and every housewife has yeast in her kitchen. Such masks are easy to prepare, and the result pleases the owner of any skin. I have a combination skin type, so I make the most basic mask - I dilute yeast with boiled water and a drop of lemon juice. The mask is mushy and easy to apply to the face. I apply it to my face. I wash it off after 20 minutes - the skin is fresh, clean, smooth. No enlarged pores or inflammation. I definitely wipe my face with tonic.

I really love various face masks and make them often. I have also made yeast ones many times. The effect is clearly visible. I have skin with an oily T-zone, enlarged pores, and inflammation. After using a yeast mask, the pores narrow and shine is removed. The skin becomes matte and looks refreshed. Before applying, I always steam my face with a decoction of herbs; chamomile works well for me. The only thing I don’t like about the yeast mask is the smell. But you can easily put up with it, because the results do not disappoint.

I have problem skin that periodically becomes inflamed. I used medicinal cosmetics, which resulted in more peeling. A yeast mask with kefir helped cleanse pores, reduce their appearance and improve the overall condition of the skin.