Facial massage for an adult woman lifting

The facial muscles are a kind of frame that supports the face. They are responsible for keeping the face elastic and toned. To always look great, you need to resort to lifting massage techniques.

The essence of lifting massage and its varieties

There are several types of facial massage, including lifting massage techniques:

The essence of lifting massage is the treatment of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and facial muscles. The result is improved blood circulation and lymph flow, muscles become toned. Collagen and elastin are actively produced. Excess fat deposits on the face disappear.

Lifting massage has a number of advantages that will be appreciated by every woman:

  1. There are no painful sensations,
  2. Massage can be performed both in specialized beauty salons and at home,
  3. The effect of the massage is noticeable after several sessions,
  4. The massage technique is easy and understandable.

Interesting fact! People living several centuries ago already noticed the benefits of manipulating the skin of the face with their fingers. They found that the facial massage technique helps to transform the appearance - reduce wrinkles, sharpen the contour of the face, and restore the skin to its former elasticity. In those distant times, the technology was not perfected. But from generation to generation, women passed on certain movements that led to facial rejuvenation.

Currently, massage techniques have been studied and refined to the smallest detail. Lifting massage is carried out strictly along massage lines. And its correct use allows the skin to noticeably rejuvenate.

Indications and contraindications

Many girls over 27 years of age begin to notice that the skin has lost its healthy tone, swelling and bruising under the eyes, unpleasant “crow’s feet” and nasolabial folds have appeared. Lifting massage can easily cope with these problems. It is recommended for girls over 27-30 years old. After several sessions, the skin is noticeably tightened, bruises and bags under the eyes disappear. The complexion is pleasing to the eye.

Lifting massage is compared to a circular lift, which is performed using surgery. Lifting massage is a safe, non-surgical rejuvenation procedure.

The lifting massage procedure should be used if the following indications exist:

  1. The contour of the face has lost its clarity
  2. An unpleasant double chin has appeared
  3. Bags and bruises are increasingly appearing under the eyes
  4. Pronounced nasolabial folds, emphasizing the lady’s age
  5. Change in complexion


If a woman has any of the contraindications described below, she should not resort to a massage session. Otherwise, it risks getting the exact opposite effect:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the skin. These could be minor wounds, herpes or allergic reactions.
  2. Cuperosis - dilated blood vessels
  3. Pustular inflammations on the skin
  4. Increased body temperature
  5. Dermatitis


It is important to remember that massage is carried out strictly along massage lines. If this key rule is not followed, or the execution technique is violated, the girl may cause harm to her face in the form of the appearance of more wrinkles. Instead of tightening, your facial skin will take on a dull, loose appearance.

Before starting the massage procedure, the facial skin must be perfectly cleansed. All makeup is carefully removed, the face is washed with a cosmetic product. Cosmetologists advise thoroughly ventilating the room before starting the session. But it should have a comfortable temperature.
The massage is performed using oil. Fingers should flutter gently over the skin. In addition, essential oils also have healing properties. Absorbed into the skin, they saturate the cells with essential vitamins and minerals and regulate metabolic processes.


Correct massage: with gentle circular movements of the right hand, massage the left side of the neck along the massage lines. The right side is massaged in a similar way, but with the left hand. The duration of the massage movements is about 30 seconds.

After 2 weeks of massage, experts advise increasing the pace, alternating fast movements with slow ones.

  1. Chin lifting massage: with the index fingers of both hands, movements are made from the center of the chin to the corners of the mouth. The movements are repeated 2 times. The speed of finger movement should be moderate. This procedure is carried out for 10 days, 5 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions up to 10 times.
  2. Lifting massage against the double chin: clasp the neck with the right hand so that 4 fingers are under the chin, the thumb is placed on the cheek. With light pressure, move the palm from the left side of the neck to the right earlobe. Repeat similar movements in the opposite direction and change hands. The procedure is carried out for 1 minute with alternate massaging of both sides.
  3. Lifting massage of the lower part of the cheeks: the index finger is in the middle of the chin and massaged in a circular motion towards the corners of the mouth, then to the earlobes. At a moderate pace, the procedure is repeated 7 times.
  4. Lifting massage of nasolabial folds: starting position – fingertips are on the corners of the mouth. Massage with light circular movements to the wings of the nose, then to the bridge of the nose. This procedure is carried out 3 times, followed by an increase in the number of repetitions to 10. Then the repetitions are reduced from 10 to 3. Experts recommend performing this technique once a week.
  5. Lifting massage of the upper cheeks: the tips of the index and middle fingers are on the wings of the nose. Slowly, in a circular motion, your fingers follow the top of the ears through the cheeks. Press lightly on the temples. Similar movements are repeated 5-7 times.
  6. Lifting massage of the brow ridges: the index finger of the right hand is placed on the center of the forehead near the bridge of the nose. With slow movements in a circle, moves along the line of the superciliary soul to the outer edge of the right eyebrow. The same is repeated with the left hand. The procedure is repeated 5 times with each hand.
  7. Forehead lifting massage: the fingers of the left hand are on the left temporal lobe. The right hand moves gently in a circular motion across the forehead from the left to the right temple. There should be 10 massage circular movements. Repeat by changing fingers.


Facial lifting massage at home is carried out according to a similar scheme, using oil, which you can prepare yourself if you wish. To do this, you need to mix 20 ml of olive, soy or almond oil with 10 ml of essential oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath until it is lukewarm.

After completing the entire procedure, you can gently stroke your facial skin with your fingertips. Remove any remaining oil and apply nourishing cream.

Girls from 27 to 35 years old should have 2 massage sessions per week. For women over 35 years of age, the number of procedures should be 3 sessions per week. If the skin is in unsatisfactory condition, there are a lot of wrinkles and other problems, some cosmetologists advise massage sessions every other day. The lifting massage course consists of 15-20 procedures.

To achieve impressive results in rejuvenation, you should pay attention to a technique such as chiroplastic facial massage; it has proven itself well among cosmetologists around the world.


Using massagers

An excellent lifting effect can be achieved by using massagers - cosmetic devices to enhance the effect on the skin. These devices are based on ultrasonic, laser radiation, radio frequency waves, as well as simple mechanical action.

The procedure is carried out at home, is safe and comfortable for the person. Thanks to a more intense and deep effect on the epidermis, rejuvenation processes start much faster than with manual massage.

For at-home face lifting, the available options are mechanical massagers, which are rollers made of wood, plastic and even stone. They irritate the skin, cause a rush of blood to it, stimulate the restoration of collagen formation in it, and all this happens while the massager moves effortlessly along the massage lines.

The most popular hardware massagers are based on:

  1. Darsonovalization. The alternating current transmitted by the device irritates the dermis, improves its microcirculation and lymph flow, which makes the face more fresh and toned after the first procedure.
  2. Myostimulation. Low-frequency electrical impulses cause contraction of muscle fibers, which leads to the revitalization of regenerative processes in aging weakened skin.

Having studied the picture of the lifting, on which the lines and directions of movement are drawn, with the help of various attachments you can achieve an excellent result and again see a young, fresh, toned face in the reflection of the mirror.

Star secrets of rejuvenating massage

To look like a star from the cover of a glossy magazine, you don’t have to spend a lot of money and subject yourself to plastic surgery experiments. It is enough to be patient and also learn the secrets of proper massage. These are the rules:

  1. a one-time procedure will not bring the desired long-term effect;
  2. You need to do a massage with maximum relaxation of the facial muscles;
  3. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes - this time is enough to fully stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow;
  4. you cannot aggressively influence the skin with chaotic movements, this can aggravate the problem, movements should always start from the center, then to the earlobes in the lower part of the face and to the temples from the center of the forehead in the upper part;
  5. all movements should always aim upward along the lines, avoiding stretching of the skin;
  6. positive emotions contribute to transformation; before the procedure, it is necessary to create a comfortable atmosphere with the help of aroma candles and music that promotes relaxation.

After a massage session according to all the rules, the skin will look refreshed and more well-groomed, and after a month’s course, a lifting effect comparable to the manipulations of plastic surgeons will be achieved.

Special exercises, pressing, stroking and pinching are an opportunity to increase tissue tone, speed up blood circulation and lymph movement. A facial lifting massage will help keep your face toned, elastic, and correct age-related imperfections without resorting to plastic surgery. Having studied the intricacies of skin preparation and the technique of the procedure itself, the direction of movement and the sequence of actions, you will be able to perform a facelift massage at home.

Who needs the procedure

The appearance of the first creases, grooves on the face, a web of small wrinkles around the eyes, which only deepen over the years, significantly upsets women. This “bouquet” is complemented by less firm and elastic skin, sagging corners of the eyes and mouth, and loss of contour clarity. Everyone wants to extend their moments of youth by turning to innovative cosmetics, beauty injections, Botox, the introduction of gold threads as a frame, and even surgical intervention.


Lifting facial massage is a safe solution to age-related skin problems and an opportunity to delay its early aging. Indications for the procedure are:

  1. looseness, flabbiness of the integument;
  2. drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
  3. the appearance of new wrinkles, the deepening of existing ones;
  4. pronounced nasolabial folds, longitudinal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
  5. dull, gray skin tone;
  6. age-related hyperpigmentation;
  7. double chin;
  8. bags, swelling under the eyes.

Lifting facial massage can be performed on adult women and those who have just discovered unpleasant changes in their skin.

What effect to expect

Lifting facial skin massage is a kind of gymnastics, muscle training, only passive. The benefits of massage movements for the skin are multifaceted - these are:

  1. reduction of swelling due to increased circulation of lymph and blood;
  2. the appearance of a healthy, even complexion due to the enrichment of epidermal cells with oxygen;
  3. stimulation of intensive production of natural collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  4. increased tone and fiber turgor;
  5. the skin becomes more elastic, this is accompanied by a lifting effect;
  6. deep wrinkles are partially smoothed out, and small ones disappear altogether;
  7. normalization of metabolic processes in skin cells, strengthening them - this way they more actively fight infection, so inflammatory processes and acne fade away; As a result, the skin is resistant to new skin diseases;
  8. strengthening the facial muscles, which prevents early skin aging and the development of ptosis.

Interesting fact! Massage helps to quickly restore the patient’s emotional state after suffering stress. It has been proven that during the procedure the body relaxes and accelerated synthesis of endorphin (“the hormone of happiness”) occurs.

Features of the technique


A facelift massage involves detailed work on the facial muscles and affects the subcutaneous tissue. Active massage movements increase blood and lymph circulation, prevent stagnant processes, and saturate cells with oxygen.

Please note that massage movements help remove excess fat, modeling the oval line and eliminating the double chin.

Among the features and benefits of massage are the following:

  1. the procedure is painless, does not require rehabilitation or lengthy preparation;
  2. movements and actions are simple and understandable; if it is not possible to visit a specialist, you can do a facelift massage at home;
  3. special attention is paid to problem areas, deep wrinkles - they are worked on several times;
  4. It is necessary to perform the rejuvenation technique regularly, in courses; a one-time procedure will not give the desired, long-term effect;
  5. is not limited by age - massage is suitable for girls after 25-30 years of age as a preventive measure and in adulthood - to eliminate visible skin defects.

Massage techniques

The lifting effect can be achieved manually (by moving your fingers, palms) and using special equipment. Let's consider popular massage techniques that can be offered in the salon.

  1. Modeling 3D lifting facial massage - aimed at activating under-functioning facial muscles, forming a renewed muscle frame. During a 3D massage, the master affects the lymphatic and circulatory systems, stimulating the active removal of toxins, waste and enrichment of cells with oxygen.


  1. Darsonvalization — lifting massage by influencing problem areas with current pulses of a certain frequency. To carry out the procedure, a special device “Darsonval” is used. The duration of one session is up to 15 minutes. The darsonvalization technique is simple; you can buy a device and perform the procedure at home.


  1. Myostimulation or “gymnastics for the lazy” - based on muscle contraction through exposure to pulsed current. The current causes active muscle contraction, increases blood circulation and intercellular fluid, and helps increase tissue tone and elasticity. The Esma device is a muscle stimulator; you can purchase it and perform safe lifting at home.


  1. Chinese and Japanese Shiatsu massage - involve impact on biologically active points. Through simple massage movements, cell metabolism improves, muscle tension is relieved, toxins are actively removed and tissue regeneration is accelerated.


  1. Sculptural — combines the techniques of various massages (lymphatic drainage and Tibetan, Shiatsu, Asahi, Jacquet). The Joelle Siocco method is characterized by the intensity of its impact on the facial and neck muscles. It was first used to restore facial beauty in patients after a stroke. Sculptural massage is often called non-surgical lifting.


  1. Lymphatic drainage - can reduce swelling, pasty tissue, hide bags and blue under the eyes, correct oval shape, get rid of a double chin, smooth out facial wrinkles. Its essence is to ensure the outflow of venous blood, eliminate lymph congestion, remove toxins and enrich skin cells with oxygen. The procedure allows you to even out the tone and texture of the face, visually refresh and rejuvenate it.


Advice. Choose a massage technique based on your skin characteristics. For those with pronounced age-related skin imperfections, any version of the procedure is suitable, and for younger beauties (up to 40 years old), experts recommend soft massage techniques - Kantieni face-forming, acupressure, darsonvalization.

General rules

To fully enjoy the result obtained and avoid unpleasant consequences from the procedure, adhere to certain rules:

  1. Study the indications and contraindications for the procedure. If there are factors and restrictions for massage, it is better to refuse it and choose another, safe option.
  2. Master the massage technique, the order of movements during the session, if you decide to perform it at home. It is ideal to attend a master class from a professional.
  3. Take care to sanitize your hands, because they come into contact with your face.
  4. Do not deviate from the massage lines, watch the pressure applied so as not to stretch the weakened skin.
  5. Creams and natural oils are used for massage. Do an allergy test first to avoid irritation or rashes during the session.
  6. Periodically alternate massage techniques to avoid getting used to this procedure. Masters recommend that after 2 weeks of therapy you begin to alternate fast movements with slow ones.
  7. Movements should be circular, gentle, along massage lines.
  8. Massage movements are repeated 2–5 times at first, in subsequent sessions the number of repetitions is gradually increased to 10.

Preparing for a massage


Any cosmetic procedure, including massage, requires preparation before it is performed. To do this, clean your face of makeup, dust particles and sweat. Water alone will not be enough; use a mild cleanser (milk, tonic).

Massage movements are performed using natural oils (olive, almond, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential extract to the base). The oil will help your palms and fingers glide over the skin, preventing it from stretching.

Pay attention to the microclimate of the room: the temperature should be comfortable for the client, the air should be clean. Therefore, before the procedure, ventilate the room and turn on relaxing music.

It is recommended to perform the massage while lying down, then the muscles are relaxed. Talking and smiling are not recommended. The mood should be good, without negativity and anger.

Instructions for implementation

Classic lifting massage consists of the following elements:

  1. stroking - accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, affects the upper layers of the skin;
  2. rubbing - allows you to smooth out facial wrinkles, have an effect on the epidermis and deep dermal layers;
  3. vibration - helps to increase tissue tone;
  4. kneading, pinching - used to model the contour of the face, combat deep wrinkles, creases, and a double chin.

We recommend combining massage elements of the procedure in the following exercises:

  1. For forehead: Place the fingertips of your left hand at your left temple. Perform circular strokes on the forehead towards the right temple. Then back, from the right temple to the left, only do this with the fingers of your right hand. Repeat massage movements 5–10 times.
  2. For brow ridges: starting position: index fingers in the center of the forehead. Using circular movements, move your finger above the eyebrow to its outer edge, and do the same with the other finger above the second eyebrow. Do the exercise 5 times.
  3. For the top of the cheek: Place your index and middle fingers near the wings of your nose. Smoothly, in a circular motion, bring your fingers closer to the tops of your ears. Then in the opposite direction. Stroking can be replaced with light pats, but do not deviate from the massage line. 5-7 repetitions are enough.
  4. For the lower cheeks: Place your index finger in the center of your chin. Move your finger to the left to the corner of your mouth, then to your earlobe. Perform a similar procedure on the right side. The exercise is done 5 times.
  5. From nasolabial folds: visualize a line from the corner of the mouth to the bridge of the nose through the wings of the nose. Massage it in circular motions. Repeat the exercise 3 times, then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 10.
  6. For the chin: Place your index fingers in the middle of your chin, then move your fingers in a circular motion to the corners of your mouth. Repeat the procedure 2 times, increase the number of repetitions up to 10 times.
  7. For double chin: Position your right hand so that your thumb is on your cheek and 4 fingers are under your chin on the left side. Apply light pressure with your fingers, moving towards your right earlobe. Do the same in the opposite direction with your left hand. Do the exercise for 1 minute, alternating hands and directions.
  8. Complete the facelift by patting and tapping the area under the lower jaw. Do this not with your fingers, but with the back of your hand.


Attention! Follow the massage lines strictly. Violation of the direction of movements, excessive efforts can lead to even more wrinkles, stretched, loose skin.

How many sessions will it take?

Professional lifting massage is performed in courses every 3–4 days. After 10–12 procedures, you need to take a break (1–2 weeks), and then resume the massage. It is better to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure after a month.

To consolidate and enhance the results of massage procedures, it is recommended to adhere to simple preventive measures:

  1. use high-quality cosmetics appropriate to the client’s age and skin type;
  2. do not forget to make homemade masks with a lifting effect;
  3. restrain emotions to reduce the activity of facial muscles;
  4. relax more, rest;
  5. eliminate overwork and stress;
  6. review your diet, supplementing it with healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetable salads;
  7. get rid of bad habits;
  8. Drink about 2 liters of water (preferably mineral) per day.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the procedure in the salon varies from 500 rubles to several thousand rubles. It depends on the location of the cosmetic center, its rating, the chosen massage technique and the complexity of the skin problems.

It is much cheaper to perform a facelift massage at home. The only thing you will have to spend money on is buying massage or vegetable oil. You can additionally buy a device for darsonvalization Gezaton (2-3 thousand rubles) or an Esma 12.01 device. for myostimulation (about 15 thousand rubles).


This massage has contraindications. It is important to adhere to them so as not to aggravate the situation with new health problems.

General contraindications:

  1. inflammatory processes on the face, acne, dermatitis;
  2. allergy to the product used, oil;
  3. herpes, injuries and wounds;
  4. rosacea, vascular problems;
  5. elevated body temperature.

For hardware rejuvenation procedures, the list of restrictions is supplemented by diabetes, oncology, problems of the cardiovascular system, the presence of implants and pacemakers.

You can prevent early skin aging, sagging and waste on plastic surgery in a simple, safe way, with the help of massage. The procedure requires only 30 minutes per week. In return, you get a firm, youthful and fresh face.

Useful videos

Lymphatic drainage facial massage. Margarita Levchenko.
