How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes in men at home

Until recently, wrinkles around the eyes of men were a sign of maturity and sophistication.

In the 21st century, male success and career advancement began to depend on a youthful and fit appearance.

While it is quite possible to tone up your figure in the gym, wrinkles around the eyes require an individual approach, since they can form for various reasons.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the causes of wrinkles around the eyes in men at different ages and methods of combating them.

At what age do they begin to appear?

Men have much thicker skin around their eyes than women. Nevertheless, the first “crow’s feet” in males also form by the age of 30. This is due to more developed muscles on the face and their high facial activity.

By the age of 40, wrinkles in the eye area deepen due to a decrease in the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the skin. At this age, ptosis (sagging of the upper eyelid) may appear.

After 50, the skin in the area in question may become flabby, covered with a network of wrinkles, due to an age-related decrease in testosterone levels in the body. This gives a man a tired look and creates a false impression of unkemptness.


After 30 years, all men develop wrinkles around the eyes, but they can arise for various reasons, including in connection with:

  1. congenital predisposition;
  2. prolonged stay in unfavorable climatic conditions (cold, heat, strong wind, dry air) due to work or sports;
  3. active facial expressions;
  4. poor vision with a constant habit of squinting;
  5. regular lack of sleep;
  6. stress;
  7. improperly organized nutrition;
  8. sudden weight loss;
  9. the presence of chronic diseases - in this case, the formation of wrinkles may be accompanied by edema, swelling and bags under the eyes.
  10. age-related changes;

Fighting methods

Methods for removing wrinkles around the eyes in men are aimed at a specific result of prolonged action. Cosmetologists recommend an integrated approach using massage, gymnastics, folk methods and professional methods for correcting skin defects.


These methods include introducing biologically active drugs into special points under the skin using injections or applying them to the surface of the epidermis.

Medicinal methods to remove wrinkles include:


This method consists of introducing a gel-like substance under the skin, which stimulates the cells of the epidermis, causing it to produce its own collagen and elastin.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to prepare for the session within a week, age restrictions (up to 50 years), and the recovery period is 7-10 days.

Bioreinforcement is carried out under local anesthesia. It is contraindicated in the presence of skin, colds and other diseases associated with impaired immunity.

Botox, Dysport or Xeomin injections

These drugs, when injected under the skin, lead to temporary immobility of the facial muscles responsible for the appearance of wrinkles.

All three products contain the main active ingredient botulinum toxin. But in the area around the eyes, it is recommended to use Dysport or Xeomin, as they maintain minimal natural facial movement. The composition of the drug Dysport, in addition to botulinum toxin, contains lactose, and not a saline solution as in Botox. And xeomin contains highly purified botulinum toxin in combination with sucrose.

The undoubted advantage of the method is its rapid effect. Disadvantages include a possible allergy to the drug.

Application of amino acid complexes

With this method of combating wrinkles, biologically active amino acid complexes are introduced under the skin, which tone the epidermis and increase its elasticity.

The advantage of the method is the absence of age restrictions and preparation period. The disadvantages include the slow, as it dissolves, results.

To apply to the surface of the skin to remove wrinkles, you can use products with peptides that slow down the impulses of nerve cells to the muscles responsible for the appearance of wrinkles. There are no contraindications to this method, but products with peptides are still not readily available in our country, despite the reasonable price.


Physiotherapeutic methods allow you to achieve results very quickly, within a few minutes, without side effects. But to get a lasting result, you need to undergo a course of procedures under the guidance of an experienced cosmetologist.

Physiotherapy methods include:

Electrophoresis — delivery of a drug under the skin using frequent electrical impulses.

In this method, the skin around the eyes is treated with a special gel, which is “sounded” with ultrasound for 10 minutes. An amino acid or other drug is then applied to the gel, resulting in smoothing out wrinkles and increasing skin tone.

Electroporation - treatment of the area around the eyes with high-frequency current for the purpose of the deepest penetration of medicinal components. Laser photothermolysis, under the influence of which microfoci appear, where a young healthy epidermis is formed. After several sessions, you can really get rid of the deepest wrinkles. Thermage - treatment of a skin area with radio waves that affect the deep layers of the dermis, actively stimulating collagen synthesis.

The disadvantages of physiotherapeutic methods include the impossibility of carrying out the procedure:

  1. on the upper eyelid;
  2. with dark skin or tan (pigment spots may appear).

Hardware methods are contraindicated for:

  1. dermatological diseases and allergies;
  2. the presence of birthmarks at the treatment site;
  3. rosacea.

Massages and gymnastics

Massaging around the eyes can help get rid of fine wrinkles, if you do it three times a week. Sessions can be done in a beauty salon or at home. To remove and prevent wrinkles around the eyes, two types of massage are used:

  1. manual;
  2. hardware.

Manual can be done at home in the morning or evening in the following sequence:

  1. Stroke the skin under the eyes from the outer corners of the eyes to the nose - 5 times.
  2. Do the same on the upper eyelid, but from the inner corner to the outer - 5 times.
  3. Likewise in the eyebrow area.
  4. Repeat all movements using pressing and then pinching techniques. Number of repetitions - 3 times.
  5. The short massage should be completed with initial strokes.
  6. At the end of the session, press the points on the temples where the eyebrows end with your middle fingers. Exposure time - 5 seconds. There is a center here, when pressed after a massage, rejuvenation processes in the facial skin are launched.

To carry out a hardware procedure, you need to purchase a device for facial massage, and then conduct a session similar to a manual one, using the appropriate attachment.

Gymnastics is an effective method of preventing and smoothing out wrinkles, but it needs to be done every other day.

Experts have developed many different techniques for tightening the skin around the eyes using exercises. If desired, it is not difficult to find them in literature or on the Internet. You can also perform the following simple complex:

  1. Open your eyes as much as possible for 3 seconds, and then close them tightly for the same time. Repeat 3 times;
  2. Do the same exercise by pressing the skin with your fingers on your temples;
  3. blink as often as possible for 30 seconds;
  4. place your palms on your closed eyelids and try to open your eyes, overcoming resistance. Repeat 5 times;
  5. fix the skin on the forehead with your palms and try to raise and lower your eyebrows - 5 times. This exercise prevents the formation of ptosis.

You can complete the exercises with a massage.

Folk remedies

Men are very reluctant to resort to products that require a large number of ingredients and long preparation. Traditional medicine in this case can offer the following methods to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. wipe your skin with a slice of fresh cucumber after washing your face in the morning;
  2. at night, lubricate it with jojoba or avocado cosmetic oil;
  3. before going to bed, put tampons soaked in green or mint tea (without sugar) on your eyes;
  4. mashed plantain leaf in the area under the eyes will also help get rid of bags and swelling;
  5. Tampons soaked in milk or cream, when used regularly, will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes.


To avoid the appearance of early wrinkles, you must:

  1. Wear dark glasses or safety glasses when playing outdoor sports.
  2. If myopia develops, choose lenses or glasses that will successfully complement your image.
  3. Finish washing with cold water.
  4. Apply creams and serums with hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen in the area around the eyes, starting from the age of 30. This will stop the skin aging process.

You should also not forget about organizing a healthy, nutritious diet and playing sports at least twice a week to activate blood circulation in the body.

In this case, it is advisable to stop:

  1. smoke;
  2. regularly drink alcoholic beverages;
  3. lack of sleep;
  4. Drink more than one cup of black coffee per day.

Regular exposure to fresh air, positive emotions, a positive attitude combined with methodical self-care are the best prevention of skin aging.

The fight against wrinkles around the eyes in men requires an integrated approach that combines physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics and daily cosmetic care, including folk remedies.

A sign of age-related changes in women and men are wrinkles that form around the eyes and in the corners of the eyelids. In this area of ​​the skin there are too few sebaceous glands that produce sufficient moisture. Due to the fact that the eyes are in constant motion, folds and depressions form in the skin around them. To combat wrinkles at home, both pharmaceutical medications and folk remedies are used. In some cases, they resort to the use of surgery.

All wrinkles that form around the eyes are divided into types depending on the reasons for their appearance:


Short description

Caused by a weakening of intercellular metabolism within the epidermis, as a result of which the muscles weaken, change structure, and lose moisture. Usually formed at age 45 or later

They are formed as a result of a person’s individual facial expressions, when the skin contracts or expands. Gradually become static

Formed on the upper eyelid when the muscles weaken and less and less hyaluronic acid and collagen are synthesized

The development and spread of wrinkles is significantly accelerated in the presence of the following factors:

  1. bad heredity;
  2. bad habits;
  3. skin care mistakes;
  4. frequent stress, depression;
  5. wrong lifestyle;
  6. vitamin deficiency;
  7. specific skin type.


Most often, the first wrinkles around the eyes form approximately at 30 years old. During this time, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Use quality skin care products.
  2. 2. If possible, give up bad habits.
  3. 3. Control facial expressions.
  4. 4. Protect skin from frost and direct sunlight.

Problems with wrinkles at this age can be avoided if the body produces a sufficient amount of collagen. To speed up and increase the level of its synthesis, you need to consume the appropriate products:

  1. turkey meat;
  2. vegetable salads;
  3. citrus;
  4. blueberries;
  5. seaweed;
  6. rose hip;
  7. Bell pepper;
  8. fatty fish.

By the age of 40 skin restoration noticeably slows down, it becomes dull and dry, and ptosis forms. In some cases, these changes begin at age 35 or earlier. During this period, it is necessary to resort to the use of special masks. Ideally, you should completely abandon bad habits.

At 45 years old wrinkles become deeper and more visible. Emphasis should be placed not only on proper skin care, but also on proper rest, walks in the fresh air, and a more active lifestyle.

A person is often under the yoke of established stereotypes. This is why some men feel awkward at the thought of visiting a beauty salon. But you need to forget about natural modesty and shyness. After all, skin defects do not decorate a representative of the stronger sex; they reduce his confidence in his own attractiveness. In this regard, a reasonable question arises: how to remove wrinkles on the face of men? It is quite difficult to answer this unequivocally. Much depends on the age of the stronger sex, the condition of the skin, and the severity of the problem.

Skin features and the main causes of wrinkles in men


Men's skin is noticeably different from women's. Manufacturers of special cosmetics intended for the stronger sex also take this circumstance into account:

  1. Men's skin is denser and more elastic. It contains a lot of collagen, so men rarely develop stretch marks on their bodies.
  2. The blood vessels of the stronger sex are quite small. Therefore, some men have an unhealthy, reddish complexion.
  3. Men's skin is more resistant to adverse weather conditions (frost, high air temperature).

Many representatives of the stronger sex complain about irritation that appears after shaving. It occurs due to the fact that men's skin is characterized by increased oiliness.

For some men, wrinkles appear quite early. Their occurrence is associated with the influence of various provoking factors:

  1. Bad habits.
  2. Eating unhealthy foods.
  3. Sudden weight loss.
  4. Chronic diseases of internal organs.
  5. Sleep disturbance.
  6. Emotional instability.
  7. Increased activity of facial muscles.

Wrinkles in men usually appear after 40 years. After all, at this age the amount of collagen in the skin decreases, it gradually loses elasticity and firmness.

How to eliminate facial wrinkles in men?


Wrinkles on the face of the stronger sex can be removed not only with the help of various care products. In some cases, a man is recommended to consult a cosmetologist. Deep lines on the face can be eliminated with plastic surgery.

Young men should pay close attention to cosmetic anti-wrinkle creams. They contain substances that increase skin moisture and accelerate the process of collagen production.

Cosmetics that help get rid of skin blemishes

You need to purchase cosmetic creams that contain hyaluronic acid, elastin, and sodium hyaluronate. Many anti-aging products also contain the following components:

  1. Medicinal plant extract.
  2. Mineral mud.
  3. Algae extract.
  4. Vitamin supplements.

These ingredients help smooth the skin. Ointments containing retinol are excellent for treating facial wrinkles in men. They should be applied shortly before bedtime.

Men's anti-wrinkle face cream contains more substances with antiseptic properties. They are necessary for healing small cuts that remain after shaving.

Salon treatments for wrinkles in men

Cosmetic procedures improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels. They enrich facial tissues with important biologically active substances. The table below shows the main advantages of cosmetic techniques.

Procedure Effect Features of the technique
Biorehabilitation Biorevitalization of the skin promotes its hydration and increases elasticity. It is a safe procedure. During a biorevitalization session, preparations containing hyaluronic acid are injected under the man’s skin. Usually 1 to 5 procedures are performed.
Contour plastic Helps restore skin texture, perfectly smoothes wrinkles, and restores skin elasticity. Typically injections are given to patients over 25 years of age. High-quality gels are used for cosmetic procedures. That is why side effects after contouring are quite rare.
Plasmolifting It is called “express rejuvenation”. After plasma lifting, the face becomes smoother, the procedure reduces the number of wrinkles on the skin and gives it a healthy glow. During plasma lifting, a special solution is injected into the patient’s body using a thin and flexible needle. It is made from the patient's blood enriched with platelets. The average duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

You can also get rid of facial wrinkles with Botox or Dysport injections. Botox injections allow you to correct the shape of your face and eliminate age-related changes in the skin. The required number of Botox units is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Radical methods for eliminating facial wrinkles


In modern medical institutions, endoscopic lifting of the upper face is performed. It can be done even on young patients.

There are the following indications for endoscopic facelift:

  1. Flabbiness of the skin.
  2. Eyebrow drooping.
  3. The presence of deep folds in the skin.

Endoscopic lifting of the midface or other area cannot be done in case of severe kidney disease, acute infectious process in the body, or diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Blepharoplasty is also used to remove facial wrinkles. It helps get rid of bags under the eyes and eliminates age-related changes in the skin of the eyelids. Blepharoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. Before surgery, it is recommended to undergo an appropriate medical examination, including a visit to an ophthalmologist.

The most effective remedy for wrinkles in men

Laser nanoperforation is one of the major achievements in cosmetology. This cosmetic procedure can rightfully be considered the most effective means of combating wrinkles. Laser nanoperforation eliminates age-related changes in facial skin.

During the procedure, the human body’s own resources are activated. Using laser nanoperforation, you can remove both expression wrinkles on the face and unsightly folds on the hands.

Laser nanoperforation goes well with procedures such as:

Laser nanoperforation is prohibited if you have diabetes mellitus or hemophilia. People suffering from cancer should also avoid undergoing cosmetic procedures.

Prevention of wrinkle formation in men


A person’s lifestyle plays an important role in preventing the formation of wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise representatives of the stronger half of humanity to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You need to eat right. Fried foods and fatty foods have a negative effect on the condition of the digestive organs and slow down the rate of metabolic processes in the body. Ultimately, poor nutrition provokes the appearance of skin defects.
  2. We must give up alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
  3. A man should take proper care of his face. He should regularly use aftershave products with moisturizing properties. To wash your face, you need to use a gel consisting of ingredients of natural origin.
  4. Prolonged exposure to the scorching rays of the sun contributes to the appearance of wrinkles, so in hot weather you should wear comfortable hats with a visor.

Once every 7 days it is recommended to cleanse your face with a scrub. This procedure improves the regeneration process of skin cells and accelerates the rate of metabolic reactions. Clinique's Face Scrub is designed specifically for men. It removes dead skin particles in a matter of moments. The product contains menthol. Therefore, the Face Scrub from Clinique gives a man a lasting feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Here’s a super effective anti-wrinkle mask for men’s skin that you can prepare yourself:

You can also remove wrinkles that appear on the face of the stronger sex with the help of cosmetic creams. But if there are deep folds on the skin, it makes no sense to use such products. In this case, it is worth turning to radical methods of combating skin problems.

You can find more information on this topic in the Wrinkles section.