How to use peach oil for cosmetic purposes

In this article you will learn how peach oil is beneficial for the face and how exactly the composition of the oil affects the skin. You will find out how to use this oil correctly and what to watch out for when using it. You will learn how to use pure peach oil for your face, body and hair. In the article you will find several recipes for different face masks and tips from cosmetologists on the use of peach seed oil. You will also watch an educational video in which you will learn how to make moisturizer and makeup remover from oil.

How does peach oil affect the skin?

The first thing we pay attention to when we meet or simply see a person is his face. Well-groomed skin, of course, always looks impressive and fresh, and every girl and woman tries to keep her skin in good condition. And in fact, nowadays, taking care of yourself is not at all difficult - there are many stores around with cosmetics for every taste, and you can always choose what is right for you.

However Many people don't want to spend a lot of money on caring for their face., because you need to use creams and serums, washing gels and masks every day, and sometimes several times. This takes a lot of money, but what to do if facial care really requires regularity, and it’s not profitable to constantly buy expensive cosmetics? Someone will say that you can buy cosmetics cheaper, but this is not a solution.

There are really good representatives of skincare cosmetics for little money, but in most cases these are low-quality and ineffective products. And for some, only certain brands and brands are suitable, which are not cheap. What to do then? In fact, everything is quite simple. You can purchase several options of oils and make masks with them, add them to creams, or even use them in their pure form.

There are many different facial oils that can also be used on the body and hair. Each oil contains many vitamins, minerals and other components that have a positive effect on the skin. Most often, jojoba, grape seed, macadamia, olive or tea tree oil are chosen for facial care. Some moisturize, others dry, and others stabilize the water balance. There is also peach oil or, as it is also called, peach seed oil. This will be discussed in the article.

This is oil popular among girls and women with dry skin. Although, hydration and nutrition are far from the only positive properties of peach oil. It is extracted from peach seeds by cold pressing these seeds. The oil contains a huge number of different beneficial components that have a positive effect on the skin of the face and body.

Benefits of Peach Oil

Peach seed oil is actively used both in its pure form and as an additive to masks. You can often find this oil in creams, gels for washing and other cosmetics. Peach oil has many benefits:

  1. The oil contains vitamins A and E. Both vitamins help speed up metabolic processes, which allows the skin to regenerate and renew itself faster. Vitamin A treats acne and has antioxidant properties, and also promotes the production of natural collagen. Vitamin E, in turn, works with the condition of the skin; in addition to renewal and regeneration, the vitamin improves the skin, making it soft and smooth. This vitamin is often called the vitamin of youth and beauty, because its regular use makes the skin more fresh, radiant and toned. In addition, vitamin E removes toxins from the skin, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and fights rashes.
  2. Peach oil makes the skin soft and moisturized. The oil fights flaking and cleanses the skin of dead cells that clog pores.

  1. Oil normalizes blood flow in the skin, causing the skin to become more radiant and at the same time look fresh.
  2. Due to the penetration of fatty acids into places on the skin where there is not enough natural collagen, the skin becomes more toned after some time of regular use of peach oil. It also helps get rid of wrinkles and copes with even the deepest folds and microcracks.
  3. Peach oil not only restores the skin, but also soothes it. Irritations go away and wounds heal.
  4. The oil is considered one of the best remedies for preventing pimples and blackheads. It also treats skin conditions and is often recommended for those suffering from acne.
  5. Oil not only tones the facial skin, but also penetrates deeper, under the skin, thereby toning the entire body.

  1. This oil can be used without interruption as it is not addictive like most other oils.
  2. The oil also eliminates vascular fragility and improves complexion and tone. In addition, peach oil has a whitening effect on the skin.
  3. Peach kernel oil slows down skin aging, tightens it and makes it softer, smoother and more elastic.

Directions for use and precautions

Peach oil has no restrictions on skin type, and it is recommended to anyone who needs to improve their skin condition or simply wants to keep it in order. However, any product, especially something as “aggressive” as oil, has its own rules that are important to adhere to in order to get the effect for which you bought this oil. Here are the rules to help you understand how to use oil:

  1. Apply the oil once every day or every few days to achieve the desired result. You You can apply it all over your face, without avoiding the skin around your eyes.. Moreover, this oil can be applied to the eyelids, as well as to the eyelashes and eyebrows. After using this oil regularly, your eyes will look like you're always getting enough sleep every morning, even if you're not. The oil does an excellent job of eliminating bruises and circles under the eyes.

  1. Unlike other oils, this absorbs very quickly and leaves no residue. Moreover, this oil does not clog pores. Therefore, you can apply it pure, without diluting it with water or cream, and also use the oil as a base for makeup. The oil will form a light, invisible film, which will become a barrier for the penetration of the foundation into the pores and under the skin.
  2. If your skin is too flaky, apply the oil several times a day. For example, morning and evening.
  3. Apply the oil to cleansed skin without makeup. Immediately after washing with gel or foam, wipe your face dry and apply a little oil to your fingers. Massage the oil into the skin until completely absorbed. If necessary, remove excess oil with a cotton sponge. There is no need to wash off the oil from your face!
  4. Add oil to the creams, toners and serums you use. You can always apply a small amount of cream or other product to the outer part of your brush, add a couple of drops of oil and mix everything well. Then the resulting mass should simply be applied to the entire face, rubbing it well into the skin.

Use in its pure form

Of course, the use of some oils in their pure form is practically prohibited for many girls. Oil is a greasy product that the skin does not take well. This is why many oils need to be diluted, and they are not recommended to be used in their pure form. However, peach seed oil is completely harmless due to its pleasant and soft consistency.

Note! You can either add this oil to creams and other facial care products, or you can safely use it in its pure form.

It can be used not only for the face, but also for other purposes. Below you will learn how to properly use peach oil in its pure form.

Face cream

You can use peach kernel oil as a moisturizing and nourishing face cream. More precisely, it will rather be called an emulsion. Applying oil this way is not at all difficult. You just need to wash your face and pat your face dry.

Then apply a couple of drops of oil to your fingers and distribute the oil over your face with light, massage movements. After this, leave the oil to absorb. No need to rinse off the oil. If any excess remains, you can remove it with a cotton pad. You can apply peach kernel oil to your face as a cream once or twice a day, depending on the condition of your skin.

For hair

You can use peach oil not only for facial care, but also for hair care. There are several options for how you can use this oil. The first is as a hair mask in its pure form. You can apply the product to the entire length of your hair either before washing your hair (about 1-2 hours before) or to damp hair after washing. The second option is as a serum for ends.

Application is approximately the same as in the case of a mask - you simply apply peach oil to the ends of your hair either before washing your hair, or after on damp hair. The amount of oil should be small - just a couple of drops. Pay attention to how your hair will look - if they are greasy and sticky, then you have applied too much oil, and next time you will need to apply less.

And one more option that will help you comb your hair easier. Select an empty jar with a spray bottle, wash it of the product that was there before, and pour clean mineral water into it. Add a couple of drops of peach oil there at the rate of 2-3 drops per 100 milliliters. Before each use, shake the jar well and spray onto hair along the entire length, avoiding the roots.

For body

You can use the oil as a body moisturizer. To do this, apply the oil after you take a shower. If your skin is too sensitive and you often face the problem of rashes and irritation after shaving, you can use the oil as a soothing aftershave.

In addition, you can use the oil as a massage oil. For example, if you massage with your hands, apply the oil to the areas of the skin that you will massage and rub the skin well with the oil.

Note! If you prefer a massage with a dry brush, you can apply the oil either before the massage, 10-15 minutes, so that the oil is absorbed, or immediately after the massage with a brush.

Mask recipes

Using the oil in its pure form does not require additional effort - it is quick, easy and simple. However you can achieve even greater effect if you add oil to homemade face masks. They are very easy to make, you just need a few ingredients you can find around your home and peach seed oil. Below you will find recipes for face masks with oil that you can easily repeat at home.

Anti-wrinkle mask

  1. Dilute 6 grams of sodium alginate in 50 milliliters of distilled water and leave the mixture for 5 hours.
  2. After 5 hours, add 15 grams of bodyaga powder and 14 drops of peach oil. Stir the mixture well.
  3. Apply the mask from bottom to top - from the chin to the forehead - with a special spatula. The thickness of the mask should be uniform over the entire face, approximately 3 millimeters per layer.
  4. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
  5. Carefully remove it after time.

Acne mask

  1. Mix 14 grams of chickpea flour, 8 drops of peach oil and 1-2 drops of tangerine essential oil in one bowl.
  2. Steam your face with a herbal compress (5-8 minutes).
  3. Apply the mask all over your face and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the product with warm water.

Anti-pigmentation mask

  1. Mix 15 grams of yellow clay with 12 grams of cocoa powder and add 12 drops of peach oil.
  2. Add a couple of drops of calendula infusion there. Mix well.
  3. Apply the mask along the lymphatic lines and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with warm water and moisturize your face with nourishing cream.

Mask for dry skin

  1. Grind 24 grams of kelp and add distilled water.
  2. Add 1 ampoule of retinol and 18 drops of peach oil. Mix the contents of the bowl well.
  3. Apply the mask to a clean face with a soft brush.
  4. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash off the mask with a herbal decoction of chamomile.
  6. Instead of face cream after a mask, it is better to apply olive oil all over your face.

Mask for oily skin

  1. Remove the skin from one tomato and make a paste out of the vegetable.
  2. Add 12 grams of yeast and 7 drops of peach oil. Mix everything well.
  3. Apply the mask to clean facial skin and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. You need to wash off the mask with clean warm water.

Anti-rash mask

  1. Grate the lemon zest (about 4 grams).
  2. Add 12 grams of blue clay, 15 drops of peach oil and 4 grams of lemon zest to the bowl. Mix everything well.
  3. Apply the mask for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off the mask with clean water and cleansing gel.
  5. Moisturize your face with hyaluronic acid cream.


Using peach kernel oil will help in the following cases:

  1. with sagging skin;
  2. for dry skin;
  3. for rashes and irritations;
  4. with gray face;
  5. if there is a yellow tint on the face;
  6. with pigmentation;

  1. for acne;
  2. for acne;
  3. with scars;
  4. for bruises under the eyes;
  5. for microcracks;
  6. for skin diseases;
  7. with wide open pores;
  8. in the presence of wrinkles.


Peach oil has virtually no contraindications. This product should not be used by those who are prone to allergic reactions, or are intolerant to peach extract or other components in the oil. In addition, peach oil should not be used by people with problems with the nervous system or easily excitable people. Before using the oil, it is better to check it for an allergic reaction.

To do this, do a test on the skin of your hand - apply the oil for half an hour and watch the reaction. If irritation and inflammation do not appear, you can safely use the oil as a face cream. To avoid any side effects, follow the rules described in the instructions for the oil. Each manufacturer may have different instructions! Be careful when reading the instructions.

Tips from cosmetologists

It is difficult for many girls and women to make a decision without making sure that experts in their field - dermatologists and cosmetologists - fully support this or that product. You can check out the tips and tricks below. These tips belong to highly qualified specialists who are considered true masters of their craft. Below you will find out how cosmetologists feel about the use of peach oil for the face.

Many people believe that oils, which are very light and weightless in consistency, can be used regularly without interruption. Yes, manufacturers of many oils claim that this is true, but there are still other facts that indicate that it is better to periodically give the skin a rest. And here we are not talking about the fact of the ban on the use of oil. It's important to take a break from everything when it comes to facial care.

As a rule, healthy skin does not need additional regular moisturizing. For such skin, it is better to use light creams with a basic set of vitamins that will help maintain its condition, rather than treat and nourish the skin even more. Therefore, when you use oil regularly, while also using creams and serums, your skin gets tired of the amount of products on it, and it needs to be given a rest.

Give your skin a detox day once a week - on this day, do not apply any products to your skin, including foundation. Wash your face with just water and you can use toner or micellar water.

Important! It is better to store oils in the refrigerator or in a cool place. When you apply cool oil to your skin, especially under your eyes, the skin is not only hydrated but also cooled.

Peach oil can be used as a lip balm. If your lips are constantly dry and flaky, apply one drop of oil to your finger and massage into your lips. After regular use, you will notice how moist and shiny your lips will become.

You can use peach oil regularly, without changing or alternating it with other oils. However, if you still decide to choose several basic oils for care, make sure that they are both combined with each other and suitable for your skin type. Try to alternate them every other day or every week so as not to overload your skin with different products and compositions.

Always monitor how your skin reacts to a particular product.. If you notice that your skin is changing and getting better, that's great! This means this oil is right for you and your skin accepts it. If you do not notice any changes or see that your skin is getting worse, you need to look for a replacement for this oil.

Useful videos

To learn even more useful information about peach oil, watch these videos. They describe the benefits of this oil, and also tell what components are contained in the composition and how exactly they affect the skin. There you will also find several recipes for masks and learn how to make a face cream or makeup remover using peach seed oil. Enjoy watching!

Every girl and woman should have oil in her cosmetic bag for face and body care, which can be used both in pure form and as an additive to masks and creams. Peach oil is an ideal option for those who want their skin to be always moisturized and nourished, without peeling and irritation.

The beneficial properties of cosmetic oils for the skin have long been known. So peach oil for the face is a real lifesaver. With regular use, facial skin becomes velvety, elastic, its color improves, and existing problems, including acne, disappear.

Beneficial properties of peach kernel oil.
Peach oil (peach kernel oil) is isolated from the seeds of the fruit (peach) through mechanical pressing followed by filtration. Despite its high nutritional value, this oil is very light in consistency. In addition, this oil is absolutely non-allergenic, which is why it has found its use in medicine, but most of all in the cosmetology field. Thanks to its rich vitamin composition (vitamins B, A, P, E, C), peach oil has a beneficial effect on facial skin. This oil, as well as any other type of plant group, contains huge quantities of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids (in particular, palmitic, linoleic, stearic, oleic, etc.) that are vital for the normal functioning of skin cells. as well as useful micro- and macroelements.

Peach seed oil is beneficial for absolutely any skin, but it is especially recommended for dry and aging skin with wrinkles, as well as sensitive face types prone to various types of inflammation and allergic reactions. Systematic use of peach oil in skin care perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, softens, tones and gives an overall rejuvenating effect. Regular use of this miracle product for the face for a month tightens the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, supplies it with vitamins and microelements, eliminates dryness and flaking, evens out complexion and smoothes out wrinkles, giving the skin a beautiful and healthy color and significantly improving its external condition. . In addition, the oil effectively eliminates various inflammatory processes on the skin, relieves irritation, and also has regenerating properties. It helps accelerate the healing process of damaged skin and mucous membranes. This oil is one of the few that all pediatricians, without exception, recommend for caring for the delicate skin of babies. It is also worth noting that it is also recommended for caring for the delicate skin of the lips and skin around the eyes, and if you apply it to your eyelashes at night, you can prevent their loss, make them elastic, strong and fluffy, accelerating their growth.

Very often, peach oil is included in medicinal ointments, baby oils, cosmetic creams, oil balms and masks for dry and extremely sensitive skin, as well as eye makeup removers.

Indications for using peach oil for facial skin:

  1. skin aging, sagging skin, wrinkles;
  2. “crow’s feet”, dry skin around the eyes, cracks on the lips, so-called jams in the corners of the mouth;
  3. the presence of eczema and various types of dermatitis;
  4. loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  5. the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin;
  6. dull and gray complexion.

Ways to use peach oil.
The light texture of the oil allows it to be absorbed very quickly into the skin of the face without leaving behind an oily sheen. That is why in facial care it is used in its pure form and in combination with other cosmetic and essential oils. Very often it is added to the composition of medicinal creams and ointments, since it facilitates and accelerates the penetration of medicinal substances into the skin.

Peach oil is an excellent base for massage mixtures. Even children can massage with this oil. It is effective for everyday skin care, especially in the autumn-winter period. In this case, the oil should be slightly warmed up, this will improve its penetration. The skin becomes velvety and healthy in color. For those with very dry, sensitive, and aging skin, it would be a good idea to use this oil daily instead of a nighttime cosmetic product. On a previously thoroughly cleansed face, apply a cotton pad soaked in oil evenly over the skin. This procedure must be carried out in combination with self-massage. If there are various types of damage or inflammation on the skin, it is recommended to apply peach kernel oil directly to the damaged areas, and this procedure must be carried out several times a day.

It should be noted that this oil can be enriched in cosmetic products for skin care and cleansing. A few drops per serving will be enough. Peach oil is very effective in caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids, especially those with crow's feet. You can use it as an independent product, or you can add it to ready-made gels and creams for this area. It is best to apply it at night using light patting movements with your fingertips.

It should be noted that this cosmetic miracle effectively cares for eyelashes, being a means of preventing their loss, as well as a means of accelerating their growth. Every day at night you should distribute a small amount of oil along the entire length of the eyelashes.

Thanks to its excellent regenerating properties, peach oil perfectly softens and nourishes dry and chapped areas of the lips, and heals cracks.

Peach seed oil is an excellent base for making homemade creams, masks, lotions and scrubs.

Recipes for face products based on peach oil.
Homemade facial care products based on peach oil are in no way inferior to ready-made ones. For example, this mask recipe is suitable for nourishing and toning normal, dry, combination and sensitive facial skin. To prepare it, you need to wash one ripe peach fruit and extract the pulp. Take two tablespoons of the obtained and crushed pulp and grind with a tablespoon of peach oil. Next, add half a tablespoon of heavy cream to the mixture. Mix the mixture thoroughly to form a mass of homogeneous consistency, which is applied to a previously cleansed face. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask with boiled water at room temperature. It is recommended to do this mask twice a week.

To soften and soothe sensitive skin, it is effective to use this mask recipe: add a tablespoon of peach oil to a tablespoon of grated cottage cheese and rub thoroughly. Apply a homogeneous composition to the face and leave for fifteen minutes. Remove the mask with water at room temperature. Do the mask two to three times a week.

To get rid of dryness and flaking, which often happens with dry skin, it is effective to make the following mask: heat a tablespoon of peach oil in a water bath and combine with the same amount of almond bran. Wait two minutes, then apply to a moistened face with light massaging movements. Then leave this mixture on your face for about fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

For daily cleansing of dry and aging skin, you can prepare a lotion based on peach oil. Take two glasses of rose petals (you can use rosehip leaves). Place the petals in a separate bowl and pour in the peach seed oil so that the petals are completely immersed in the oil. Place this mixture in a water bath. It must be heated in an already boiling water bath until the petals lose color. After this, the mixture along with the petals must be poured into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid and kept in a dark place for a day. Then strain all this and use it daily to wipe the skin.

To lighten the skin and relieve inflammation, it is recommended to make applications with peach oil enriched with lemon (or grapefruit, chamomile) essential oil (two drops of essential component per tablespoon of base). Soak cotton napkins with the resulting mixture and apply to the face. After twenty minutes, remove the napkins. Such applications are recommended for problem areas of the body.

For daily skin care around the eyes, it is recommended to massage peach oil into this area, undiluted or in combination with jojoba (avocado) oil. It is better to do the procedure at night. You can also mix a tablespoon of base with a couple of drops of essential oil (rose, lime, santhal). This procedure nourishes the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

To care for the skin of the lips, especially in the autumn-winter period, mix peach oil with jojoba and wheat germ in equal proportions. The base can be enriched with essential oils (one or two drops of lemon balm, rose and lime per tablespoon). This care with oils helps to heal damage to the lips, making them elastic and elastic, increasing the brightness of the lip border. Apply the composition to the skin of the lips in combination with a light massage.

In general, you can create a lot of all kinds of skin care recipes. Don't be lazy and always be beautiful and healthy!

Peach oil has long been widely used in various fields, from cooking to medicine and cosmetology. It is obtained from seeds by cold mechanical pressing. The raw materials are cleaned and the final result has a characteristic odor, pleasant taste and light yellow color. For use in cosmetology, the product is usually enriched with an additional complex of vitamins.

Product composition and beneficial properties

Peach oil is rich in beneficial substances, which determine its active use in cosmetology to preserve beauty and health.

  1. E and C – natural antioxidants prevent and slow down skin aging;
  2. Group A maintains the integrity of skin cells;
  3. P groups prevent fragility of blood capillaries;
  4. group B, essential components of effective skin whitening products;

Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  1. linoleic;
  2. oleic;
  3. stearic;
  4. palmitoleic;
  5. palmitic acid and other fatty acids.

The human body is not able to synthesize fatty acids on its own and is forced to obtain them in sufficient quantities from the outside. Fatty acids are essential for improving blood circulation and nourishing the skin and tissues. They effectively protect the epidermis from dehydration, thin the lipid layer and promote better penetration and absorption of nutrients.

  1. iron increases hemoglobin levels, strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, fights dry and pale skin;
  2. potassium increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, prevents the appearance of capillary stars on the face, and helps improve skin nutrition;
  3. calcium and phosphorus promote tissue regeneration, fight hair fragility and dullness, giving it elasticity, shine and vitality;
  4. zinc promotes skin regeneration and has antibacterial properties;
  5. Iodine improves the growth of skin cells and hair.


Carotenoids are pigments that give color to fruits. Carotenoids help prevent many diseases caused by poor environmental conditions, poor diet, stressful situations, and cleanse the skin of toxins, having antioxidant properties. Carotenoids are widely used in cosmetology and the perfume and cosmetic industry.

The use of peach oil in cosmetology

Peach oil is a hypoallergenic product suitable for all skin types. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and hair, which makes it an excellent and convenient means of use both in pure form and as part of various cosmetic products.

Facial care

Cosmetic products containing peach oil provide gentle and comprehensive facial skin care. It has the most beneficial and noticeable effect on dry, aging, and problem skin. In addition to eliminating dry skin, the product smoothes out small wrinkles, makes the skin elastic, tightening it, restores elasticity, improves complexion, and effectively relieves various inflammations.

This mask will help a lot: mix peach oil and green clay to a creamy consistency. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse. It is also a good remedy for acne. But it is not recommended to use the mask too often, as otherwise it may clog the pores.

  1. For eyelashes. The following composition can accelerate their growth: mix peach oil (4 parts) with one part castor oil, lubricate eyelashes generously in the evening before bed. If you experience any discomfort, you can leave the mixture on your eyelashes for an hour and rinse off.
  2. For eyebrows. Daily application of a mixture of equal parts of peach, burdock and castor oil promotes growth and gives color richness.
  3. For eyelids. An eye care product made from sandalwood, lime, peach and rose oils taken in equal proportions will help cope with fine wrinkles, relieve fatigue from the eyes and tone the skin. It is enough to apply one drop of the product to each eyelid. In addition, peach oil is good to use when removing makeup: it helps to gradually smooth out and give elasticity to the skin of the eyelids.
  4. For lips. A composition of peach oil and jojoba oil applied to the lips at night will help restore softness and elasticity to the rough skin of the lips and heal microcracks.

To smooth out wrinkles and even out complexion. A nourishing mask made from peach oil, its pulp or cucumber with the addition of cream (or sour cream) will cope with this task perfectly. The ingredients are taken one tablespoon at a time and the product lasts 10-15 minutes.

Hair care

Peach oil is an excellent product in cosmetology for generally improving the condition of hair of any type, stimulating growth and giving it a luxurious look. It relieves itching and eliminates irritation from the scalp, restores hair damaged after dyeing or perming.

You can use peach oil in its pure form for hair and scalp massage, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair follicles and blood circulation. Directions for use: Massage your scalp thoroughly using oil and after an hour wash your hair with your regular shampoo.

You can add the product to your usual shampoo, mixing the ingredients before directly applying to your hair. It is better to carry out this procedure in courses, taking short breaks.

Hair masks

  1. For dry and brittle hair. Mix 2 tbsp. l. peach oil and 4 drops of any essential oil. Rub the composition into the scalp, wait half an hour, rinse. After 1.5 - 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. For oily hair. Add to 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal 1 tbsp. l. peach oil and 1 tsp. cognac, stir thoroughly. Apply the composition to the scalp, leave for half an hour, then wash your hair using shampoo. It is not recommended to use the mask more than twice a month due to the drying properties of cognac.
  3. For growth. Mix the following components:
  4. peach oil (4 tsp),
  5. dry mustard (1 tsp),
  6. yolk of one egg,
  7. sugar (1 tsp),
  8. warm water (50 ml).

Distribute the mixture over the roots and the entire length of the hair, wrap the hair in a plastic bag and tie a towel on top. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash off using shampoo.

  1. Recovery. To prepare the mask you need:
  2. 0.5 tbsp. l. peach oil,
  3. 4 tsp. (preferably fatty) cottage cheese,
  4. 1 tsp. honey (optional).

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth and apply to the entire length of the hair. Leave for half an hour, then wash your hair using regular shampoo. Regular use of the mask guarantees a noticeable improvement in hair condition.

Body care

The product is widely used in cosmetology for body care, both independently and as part of various products.

  1. To combat cellulite. Use pure peach oil as a massage product or add a few drops of any essential oils (preferably citrus oils) to it.
  2. For stretch marks. An excellent preventive measure against the appearance of stretch marks, as well as helping to reduce them (provided that the stretch marks are at an initial stage and have a pinkish color). Rub in a mixture of peach, grape and lemon oils (8 drops each).
  3. In the composition of scrubs. Before you shower, you can perfectly cleanse your body with a homemade scrub made from a glass of sea salt, half a glass of cream and a tablespoon of peach oil.

Hand care

With the help of peach oil, it is easy to achieve the ideal condition of the skin of your hands, which is an indicator of a well-groomed woman at any age. Considering that the hands bear the most intense and regular load, the skin requires special care accordingly. A product made from equal parts of peach and jojoba oil will help restore softness and velvety to the skin and smooth it out. It is good to rub your hands with this mixture in the evening before going to bed. To improve the effect and achieve the fastest results, special cosmetology cotton gloves are used.

Nail care

A mixture made from peach, orange and sesame oils perfectly strengthens nails and improves their general condition (take 2 tbsp for each product). It is recommended to use warm sea salt baths daily and then rub the mixture into the nail plate. You will be pleased with the visible result after just a week of using this simple recipe.

When using oil in cosmetology, do not forget about some precautions:

  1. Using peach oil for the first time, you need to test your skin for sensitivity to this product. To do this, apply a few drops to a small area of ​​skin and wait to see if it causes a reaction, despite its hypoallergenicity.
  2. The use of peach oil is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the product.

Video: Peach oil will solve your HAIR problem