How to cleanse your face with oil

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Proper facial skin care begins with mandatory cleansing. Today in cosmetic stores you can find all kinds of products that help cleanse the skin and cope with many problems. But even cutting-edge gels and lotions wash away not only dust and dirt from the skin, but also the lipid layer with natural moisture and fat. They are necessary to keep your face soft and without irritation.

Today, facial cleansing with oils has become a popular procedure that can be performed both in the salon and at home. Thanks to this cleaning method, you can effectively combat various types of impurities without drying out the skin.


If you dream of beautiful and elastic skin, a natural complexion, and want to get rid of acne, redness and other unpleasant problems forever, then cleansing your face with oils is exactly what you need. You need to understand that not all oils are suitable for every girl. You should choose a product for your skin type. In addition, some oils (especially essential oils) help get rid of problem skin even in adolescence. A variety of oils can also be used to treat herpes, acne, pimples, dermatitis or burns on the facial skin.


First of all, you need to choose the right composition of oils for cleansing your face. Castor oil today is considered the most versatile and popular care product for all skin types. However, you can use it alone or in combination with other oils. To prepare a custom mixture you can use:

  1. Oily and acne-prone skin feels great after cleansing with jojoba oil, almond oil or linseed oil.
  2. For aging and dull skin, you should use apricot kernel oil, avocado, argan or peach oil.
  3. Those with dry skin should pay attention to grape seed, wheat germ, cocoa or walnut oils.
  4. But for the combined type, corn or sesame oil is perfect.

If you have already selected the optimal oil mixture for yourself, you can begin the cleansing procedure. The preparatory stage is steaming the skin and gently heating the oil.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many people are distrustful of oil cleansing of their facial skin.

Especially often skeptical reviews can be heard from owners of problematic and oily skin. But you should understand that cleansing your face with oils has many benefits:

  1. First of all, such tools are universal. They are suitable for almost any skin type, even those that are prone to acne.
  2. Oil cleansing is great for facial care during the off-season and cold season. It helps save the skin from the negative effects of cold, frequent temperature changes and frost.
  3. This procedure is multifunctional. It helps to thoroughly remove makeup, deeply cleanse the skin and moisturize it. After using oils, many do not even use moisturizers.
  4. This method is safe and completely natural. Thanks to it, the protective lipid layer of the epidermis is not destroyed.
  5. Oils for cleansing the face are affordable - they can be purchased at any cosmetic store or pharmacy.

Of course, this method also has disadvantages:

  1. It takes a long time for the skin to adapt to cleansing with oils. It will take at least 10 days for the skin to fully get used to this procedure.
  2. This process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming than washing with regular gel.
  3. It is necessary to buy towels and special napkins more often, as oil spoils them faster.



  1. The main step is to pour a small amount of oil warmed to room temperature into your palms. Rub into facial skin with soft and light movements. Please note that this massage should last no more than two minutes. Leave the oil mixture on your face for another half a minute.
  2. The final stage is to soak a flannel napkin or towel in hot water (up to 38 degrees). Use it to remove any remaining oil from the skin. When the napkin has cooled, dip it in water again. Continue the procedure until there is no oil left on the skin.

Facial cleansing with castor oil

Due to its special composition, castor oil is considered one of the most effective means for cleansing facial skin. It can be applied quickly and without problems, it is well absorbed, helps to moisturize, soften, cleanse, whiten, soothe, smooth the skin and remove fine wrinkles. After the first month of use, you will be able to see the effectiveness of castor oil.

Among other things, the product actively fights warts, scars, moles and other defects. It is suitable for any skin type, but is usually used for dry and flaky skin. If you have oily skin, it is better to apply castor oil in small quantities to avoid clogging your pores.

Castor oil is used to cleanse the facial skin of freckles, age spots, and acne. To whiten the skin, you need to mix it with other oils (sea buckthorn, grape seed, wheat germ, rose hips). The resulting mixture can be applied to the face up to three times a day for 15 minutes and then washed off. Use it for a week. It is worth performing this procedure at least once every two months. After the first 7 days, you will see that the skin has become noticeably cleaner and more beautiful, and has acquired an even tone.

To eliminate or make freckles less noticeable, you need to make a special mask based on castor oil. To do this, take one teaspoon each of oil, chopped cucumber, lemon juice (can be replaced with sea buckthorn oil). To make the mask thicker, you can add a little honey. Apply to skin for 15 minutes and then rinse. Also use for a week.

You can clear acne by preparing the following mixture: mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of calendula tincture, crushed aspirin tablet and egg white. The mixture should be applied to the skin in layers. Each new one on a slightly dried old one. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Castor oil is great for caring for aging skin. This can be explained by the fact that it can penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen fibers there.

Essential oils for facial cleansing

Along with natural oils, skin cleansing products can also be supplemented with essential oils. They will help enhance the effectiveness and properties of such a wash, and also give the skin a pleasant aroma. Essential oils for facial cleansing are selected according to skin type.

If you have normal skin, it is best to use essential oils of bergamot, orange, and lemon. They should be added no more than 1 drop per 15 ml of base (other oils).

To moisturize too dry skin, you can make masks based on neroli or rose essential oils. It is also worth adding one drop per 15 ml of base.

Oily skin, prone to pimples and blackheads, especially needs proper cleansing. To achieve an effective result, it is recommended to use, along with natural oils, essential oils - rosemary, lavender, tea tree.

Essential oils of sandalwood, geranium, patchouli and palmarosa will help make aging skin more elastic.

But frankincense, fennel, myrrh and pine help rejuvenate.

When using essential oils to cleanse your skin, you need to be extremely careful. They can only be applied in combination with base foundations. Only lavender and tea tree oils are used in their pure form directly on problem areas.

Cleansing your face with olive oil

Olive oil is a natural source of nutrients for the skin. This product is considered unique because it contains a huge amount of moisturizing components. For cosmetic purposes, only extra virgin olive oil is used.

Cleaning the skin with olive oil is carried out using the classic method. First you need to apply a small amount of the product to a slightly wet and warm cotton pad. Use gentle massage movements to move the disc over the entire surface of your face. This way, you can quickly get rid of makeup and dirt. Don't be afraid to use olive oil on oily skin as it never causes irritation or breakouts.

Cleansing your face with oil at home

So, you decided to use oil cleansing on your face, but you don’t want to waste your time going to a beauty salon. This procedure can be carried out without any problems at home, but you need to know exactly what type of skin you have. In accordance with this, the optimal cleaning agent is selected. So, for example, if you have dry skin, it is better to add a small amount of castor oil to the mixture.

Mix and store the product in a clean container that has a convenient lid. Before refilling it with the mixture, it must be thoroughly washed with laundry soap. Do not overuse facial cleansing oils. It is best to do such procedures no more often than once every one and a half to two months.


As such, there are no contraindications to the use of facial cleansing with oils. Thanks to only natural ingredients, they do not irritate the skin, do not lead to redness or allergies. In addition, after the first procedure you will be able to notice a positive result. The skin becomes soft, tender, sufficiently moisturized, excess fat, dirt, dust are eliminated and problems such as acne go away. But cosmetologists warn that you should carefully select the oil for your individual skin type. It is also not recommended to use such products if you are individually intolerant to the components of the oils.



If everything is done correctly, then after the first procedures you will be able to notice an improvement in complexion, remove problems in the form of pimples or blackheads, whiten freckles or age spots. After oil, the skin becomes more elastic, moisturized, cleansed, soft and beautiful.

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Sometimes after cleansing your face with oils, you may feel that your skin has become tight. In this case, you can once again apply a little oil mixture to a slightly damp face and pat it with your palms. Wait until the product is completely absorbed, and then remove the excess.

If this does not help, you can use any moisturizer that suits your skin type. But usually no additional care is needed after such procedures.

Your youth and beauty depend on how well you cleanse your skin correctly, removing metabolic products, fat secretions and cosmetic residues. According to cosmetologists, cleansing the skin with oils helps retain moisture in the epidermis and prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles. In addition, oils effectively nourish the skin, saturating them with healing compounds and biologically active components that activate the production of collagen fibers and elastin.

We are talking about all skin types. Even if you have increased fat content of the epidermis, then with proper selection of oils and compliance with a certain technology of manipulations, the procedure brings undoubted benefits.

Cleansing facial skin with oil is a pleasant and beneficial procedure in all respects, so beloved by most women. We can say that this manipulation combines three methods of facial care - thorough makeup removal with dissolution of persistent chemical components of cosmetics, deep cleansing of skin secretions and dust, intensive moisturizing and enrichment of surface tissues.

After oil cleansing, the skin is so enriched with valuable lipids, vitamins, essential acids and microelements that it does not even need a moisturizer. However, if you have excessively dry or thin skin, then it makes sense to apply a nourishing mixture of vegetable oils or a night cream.

Daily makeup remover with herbal elixirs is beneficial not only for the skin, but also for eyelashes/eyebrows. The fact is that the beneficial components of oils improve hair structure, nourish hair follicles, prevent hair loss and activate growth processes. For the skin of the eyelids, oil cleansing is an indispensable procedure, since there are no fat glands in this area of ​​the skin, which makes them primarily vulnerable to the appearance of wrinkles.

Oil cleansing is carried out with a frequency that is individual for each woman. The skin itself will tell you whether it needs the procedure daily or whether 2-3 times a week is enough. If you are bothered by a feeling of dryness and tightness in the morning, then cleansing with oil should be done less often, but if the skin looks healthy and well-groomed, then you are doing everything right.

Essential oils for skin cleansing

Naturally, ethers in their pure form are not used for application to the skin. Enriching base oils or finished cosmetics with a few drops of essential oil greatly increases the efficiency of cleaning and allows you to introduce essential biologically active phytonutrients into the dermis, normalizing the natural biological processes occurring in the body.

Experienced aromatherapists claim that cleansing the skin before bed with a mixture of oil balm and essential oil is a relaxing and soothing procedure, during which unique ether compounds penetrate into the blood that washes all organs, and healing phytoncides enter the body through the respiratory system.

To cleanse oily skin, it is best to use essential oils that have powerful drying, pore tightening, antiseptic, antimicrobial and sebaceous gland regulating effects, for example, tea tree, cypress, juniper, sage, chamomile, patchouli, lemon, ginger.

To cleanse dry skin, use esters that are rich in nourishing and moisturizing components and have regenerating, toning and lifting properties, for example, immortelle, neroli, rose, oregano, mimosa, frankincense, geranium, lavender, and carrot seed essential oil.

Cleansing dry skin with oils

Dry, dehydrated, flabby, aging skin responds gratefully to cleansing with vegetable oils. The following emulsifiers are especially useful for dry skin: olive, avocado, apricot or peach kernels, sea buckthorn, argan, shea butter, and pumpkin oils.

You can find out more about the properties of these oils and recipes for use in the table

Cleansing oily skin with oils

After a make-up removal procedure using alcohol-based cosmetics, the fat-free sebaceous glands begin to intensively produce secretions in order to create a natural protective layer on the surface. Oils, while removing dirt naturally, do not cause drying and dehydration of the skin.

For oily and combination skin types prone to rashes, a combination of castor oil based oils is suitable. Castor seed oil (castor oil) is thick and viscous, it perfectly dissolves dirt, sebaceous plugs and draws out decay products from the pores, without increasing the oiliness of the skin, and also heals microdamages, softens and nourishes.

Coconut oil has a drying effect, so it is recommended to combine it with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. In addition, the following vegetable oils have a beneficial effect on oily skin: flaxseed, grape seed, sweet almond, jojoba. According to reviews from owners of skin prone to the formation of blackheads (comedones), black cumin oil perfectly dissolves sebaceous plugs and removes dirt.

Olive oil for skin cleansing

The product is universal and suitable for any skin type. Olive oil is a proven source of vitamin E and antioxidants necessary to neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals on epidermal cells. Washing with olive oil not only thoroughly cleanses the surface layer, removing impurities and dead cells, but also protects the skin from drying out, making it elastic, silky and firm.

Olive-based oil balm is especially valuable in caring for the delicate skin around the eyes. The procedures help smooth out existing wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, popularly called “crow’s feet,” by effectively moisturizing problem areas.

How to properly carry out the oil cleansing procedure?

It is believed that cold-pressed unrefined vegetable oils are much healthier for the skin, since they contain a very high concentration of biologically active substances. Give your skin youth with natural oils and always be irresistible!

Skin cleansing with oil: how does it work?

Cleansing the skin with oil is still a method of facial care that often causes skepticism and mistrust. And in fact, personal feelings tell us that we will not cleanse the skin in this way, but on the contrary, we will clog the skin with droplets of fatty oil. But personal feelings are not always correct. Don't be afraid to apply oil to your face. It will not cause acne on its own. Pimples, blackheads, comedones, and acne are formed as a result of many different factors: hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells, and a combination of these factors. Our skin produces oil itself because it needs it. This is inherent in nature. Oil lubricates, protects, and moisturizes the skin so that it can look beautiful, clean, and radiant.

What oils can be used for cleansing? Why not run to the refrigerator for sunflower? Good fit:

  1. jojoba oil, it is suitable for all skin types, and is especially desirable for acne-prone skin;
  2. sweet almond oil, suitable for all skin types, especially oily;
  3. grape seed oil, suitable for all skin types, especially oily;
  4. avocado oil, for dry and aging skin;
  5. sunflower seed oil, for all skin types;
  6. olive oil, for all skin types;
  7. apricot kernel oil, for dry, aging skin, as well as normal skin;
  8. argan oil, for all skin types, especially aging skin.

However, the base oils for cleansing are extra virgin olive oil (used for moisturizing) and castor oil for cleansing. Castor oil is thick, dense, penetrates into pores and pulls out stubborn dirt. Olive oil is high in antioxidants and castor oil is great for cleansing and healing.

How to properly cleanse your skin with oil

Here is a program you can follow every day using a mixture of castor and olive oils:

  1. Apply a small amount of the mixture along the massage lines to the face and neck, massage the face and neck;
  2. take a cotton cloth, or better yet terry or flannel - for example, a towel, moisten it with hot water, wring it out and place it on your face to warm up your face and open the pores that need to be cleaned;
  3. when the towel begins to cool, remove the oil with gentle movements - this will remove dead cells;
  4. rinse the cloth in hot water and remove any remaining oil and dirt from your face - you will have to repeat this two or three times to remove all the dirt and remaining oil, but after this your skin will definitely glow;
  5. Splash your face with cold water to tighten pores;
  6. If you feel tightness, drop moisturizer onto your palm, rub between your palms and gently massage into damp skin.

Several recipes for other mixtures based on castor oil:

  1. for oily skin: 2 tsp. castor oil and 1 tsp. additional oil (for example, jojoba, almond, grape, olive);
  2. for normal: 1.5 tsp. castor and 1.5 tsp. apricot kernel oils;
  3. for dry skin: 1 tsp. castor and 2.tsp. extra oil, such as avocado.

Cleanse your skin with oil as often as your sensations dictate. This could be every day, or maybe 2-3 times a week.

Cleansing the skin with oil - advantages and disadvantages

What is good about this kind of cleansing?

  1. It is suitable for all skin types, oil cleansing is suitable for acne-prone skin, the skin gets rid of dryness and gains radiance and shine.
  2. In addition to cleansing the skin, the oil mixture can be used to remove makeup.
  3. With this cleansing, we do not deprive our skin of its own protective layer.

What inconvenience does cleansing our skin with oil bring us?

  1. The skin will not immediately get used to such a procedure.
  2. It will take a little longer to cleanse.
  3. Towels will need to be changed more often as oil does not help them last long.