How to get rid of a large pimple on the chin

A large pimple on the chin appears regardless of age and gender. Based on the location of the rash on a specific area of ​​the face, one can draw a conclusion about probable health difficulties.

There is even a known scheme for the concentration of the rash, to each area of ​​which the pathology of the corresponding organs is assigned. In this regard, when initial symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a doctor in order to establish the original cause.


Any rash on the face is always associated with a specific provoking factor. A subcutaneous rash on the chin is an inflammatory process of the skin, the result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pathology appears due to many reasons, external and internal.

The most common factors in the formation of large acne on the chin:

  1. hormonal imbalance in adolescence;
  2. disorders in the functioning of the ovaries;
  3. disturbances in the function of the digestive tract;
  4. hyperkeratosis;
  5. persistent acute respiratory diseases;
  6. endocrine disorders;
  7. self-squeezing acne;
  8. allergy;
  9. psycho-emotional shocks;
  10. subcutaneous mite;
  11. improper or excessive facial hygiene.

The gastroenterologist excludes the presence of pathogenic microorganisms inside the body. If the diagnostic result is positive, the specialist will prescribe antibacterial therapy. In such a situation, the rash will go away on its own.

The dermatologist prescribes complex treatment, which involves individual selection of the optimal cosmetic procedure.

Video: Useful information

In the chin area, as well as on the entire surface of the face, the following types of rash are observed::

  1. Subcutaneous or internal acne. They are characterized by: formation in the lower layers of the skin, painful sensations, prolonged “breakthrough”, long and difficult elimination. The provoking factors for the appearance of this rash are often associated with a disorder in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This is affected by: clogged ducts, many new cells, the activity of viruses, bacteria, increased sweating, disruptions in the endocrine system.
  2. Painful pimples. These neoplasms on the face include: acne, subcutaneous neoplasms, herpes. Each of these manifestations of a painful rash develops over a long period of time, so the seals they form cause significant discomfort. Pimples often develop into nodules under the skin. This is often observed during demodicosis. These are large growths that are difficult to treat. Herpes is also a painful rash because once it matures, there is severe discomfort when touched. The provoking factors for the appearance of skin pathologies are similar, except for the herpes virus.
  3. Purulent acne. Neoplasms of this type differ from others in their special suppuration, redness around them and slight swelling of the skin. It should be noted that the formation of such growths is no less painful than any other. Pathology of the skin is caused by harmful microorganisms that form pathogenic flora. These bacteria feed on the secretions of the sebaceous glands.

What not to do if internal

When large subcutaneous pimples appear on the chin, you need to follow several simple recommendations to help quickly eliminate this pathology:

  1. Do not press on the rash. After such a procedure, new acne appears on the surface of the face and scars remain, which will be a difficult task to eliminate. In addition, a skin lesion develops later - streptoderma, which has a long treatment period.
  2. You need to keep your hands clean and try to touch your face less to avoid introducing germs. After washing your face, dry your face with disposable paper towels.
  3. Do not use peeling or coarse scrubs on the chin, otherwise acne may spread over the entire surface of the face. You must be careful with peeling, as it dries the skin extremely, as a result of which the production of subcutaneous sebum is activated even more.

Causes of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks. More details here.

Treatment of a large subcutaneous pimple on the chin in women

When choosing therapy, doctors must take into account the patient’s age, the severity of the inflammatory process, the duration of the disease, and predisposition to allergies. After diagnosis, the specialist approves the therapeutic course for the patient.

The essence of the treatment of acne on the chin involves the following steps:

  1. Reduced activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Preventing the occurrence of secondary infection.
  3. Reduction of inflammatory foci.
  4. Restoring proper functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Elimination of chin rash is carried out through whole-body therapy. This is a complex treatment and it is impossible to get by with any one drug or technique.

Folk remedies at home

There are a large number of folk recipes on how to eliminate a deep rash on the chin in the shortest possible time.

The most common ones are:

  1. Grape. The berry is crushed and the pulp is used to rub the affected parts three times a day. The juice contains an acid that acts as a fruit peeling - it helps dissolve dead skin cells of the upper layer of skin and sebaceous plugs, dries out acne and tightens pores.
  2. Egg white and honey. A mask made from these ingredients effectively eliminates irritation and soothes inflamed skin. When there is an allergic reaction to honey, it is possible to apply whipped egg white to the skin. Effectively tightens and restores tone.
  3. Aloe. Plants are distinguished by their ability to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, and also have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the epithelium. It is permissible to wipe the dermis with juice and apply porridge from crushed pulp as a mask.


When pathological processes inside the body have already been detected, therapy is prescribed according to the indications.

To correct internal problems, systemic medications are prescribed:

  1. estrogens or antiandrogens (to improve hormonal conditions);
  2. antibiotics (to kill the infection);
  3. retinoids (normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands);
  4. enterosorbents (to cleanse the body of toxic substances and remove them naturally).

It is prohibited to use such medications yourself since most of them have certain contraindications and side effects. Treatment must certainly be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

When the acne on the chin is not severe, then to get rid of the rash it will be enough to take a topical medication.

In addition, the following are used:

  1. The Baziron AS gel has proven itself to be good. The drug with benzoyl peroxide helps cleanse and narrow pores, eliminates the inflammatory process, disinfects and prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora. Apply up to 2 times a day to cleansed skin locally.
  2. Patients note the positive effect of the Zenerit solution with erythromycin and zinc and the antimicrobial agent Clindovit. However, only a specialist can prescribe them, since harmful bacteria quickly produce protection against aggressive elements. As a result, pimples initially disappear, and after a certain period of time they appear 2 times more.
  3. Chlorhexidine is used as a disinfectant, available in pharmacies for a low price. However, the remedy is not effective enough against the rash.


To prevent the formation of subcutaneous acne on the chin, it is necessary to follow preventive measures.

A balanced diet is important: eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, boiled and steamed food.

The consumption of fast food, sausages and smoked products, carbonated water, chocolate products and alcoholic beverages is excluded.

Subcutaneous pimples on the chin and their clusters are a significant problem for both males and females. This rash is the result of diseases of the internal systems, so you need to contact a specialist without delay.

When therapy is carried out in a timely manner, there is a chance of preventing adverse health consequences, as well as cosmetic complications (pigment spots, scars, etc.).

Internal acne on the chin. Find out further.

What to do if there are small watery pimples on your hands? The answer is here.

Greetings, dear readers. Surely, you won’t argue that every day thousands of people think about how to get rid of an inflamed pimple that appears on their chin. Psychologists say that people, on a subconscious level, tend to first evaluate the facial skin of strangers and only then do they look at other features of appearance.

Therefore, when you see a large pimple on your chin in the mirror in the morning, you immediately feel the desire to remove it as quickly as possible, or at least relieve the inflammation. In this article we will figure out exactly how to do this.


This remedy can be found in any pharmacy; it is one of the most commonly used drugs for inflammation of the skin. The medicine has valuable medicinal properties; it does an excellent job of stopping external inflammation.

Wipe the sore spot with the tincture as often as possible. You can also make lotions.

Calendula is an excellent drug for the prevention of inflammatory processes on the face.

This plant is familiar to many of us; we often keep it at home, as it is truly a very effective remedy for numerous ailments, including the hated pimples.

To relieve inflammation, apply an aloe leaf cut in half to the pimple. You should apply it with the inside of the leaf. By doing the procedure daily, you will significantly speed up your recovery.

The antiseptic qualities of iodine are no secret to anyone today. Most people use the remedy for abrasions and scratches, but not everyone knows that iodine can be a good help in the fight against acne.

If you notice inflammation on your chin, carefully lubricate the area with iodine. You can repeat until the pimple disappears.

When using an iodine solution, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to get a burn that worsens the situation.

Aroma oils

It is unlikely that it would occur to anyone that aromatic oil can help eliminate pimples. But in fact, tea tree oil, for example, is a very wonderful remedy.

To quickly get rid of blackheads, acne and pimples, as well as to rejuvenate your facial skin, we recommend that you read this effective remedy .

You will need to dilute it in one base or another. For example, mix 1 or 2 drops of aroma oil with 1 teaspoon of water.

The problem area can be wiped with tea tree oil quite often. With it, you can not only relieve inflammation, but also completely get rid of the problem.

Many scientific articles are devoted to the medicinal properties of honey, but it never ceases to amaze us with its amazing qualities.

Thus, honey can help eliminate painful pimples on the chin, as well as on the forehead and cheeks. Its miraculous properties make it possible to prepare special health masks.

By using them regularly on your face, you will bring great benefits to your skin; this is a wonderful prevention against any inflammation.

It is best to combine the product with other substances. For example, it is effective to combine honey with a mixture of pumpkin, potatoes, cucumbers, onions, and calendula tincture. Such masks can quickly solve the problem of hated ulcers and restore beauty to the skin.

In addition, they help lighten the skin, making it velvety and more natural.


Aspirin can be found in any home. If you notice a terrible pimple on your chin, take the most common aspirin and prepare a mask from it, this will help reduce skin inflammation.

At the end of the procedure, it is better to apply zinc ointment to the pimple.

Nasal drops

Popular vasoconstrictors for the nose can also cope with acne on the chin. It’s incredible, but drops such as Visine or Naphthyzin really quickly remove redness.

However, you need to understand that this method is only suitable for this. The problem of inflammation will still remain, although one cannot but agree that disguising a pale pimple will turn out to be a much simpler procedure.


There is no doubt that everyone will have toothpaste in their home. Apply a tiny pea-sized amount of toothpaste to the problem area and wash off after 1 hour. The pimple will turn pale and dry out slightly.

However, you do not need to resort to this method often so as not to dry out the skin. It is best to use the method when the pimple is inflamed.


With them, you eliminate pimples quickly enough, in just a couple of hours. Antibiotics remove inflammation by suppressing the outbreak inside, which allows them to achieve an excellent effect.

Alcohol antiseptics

An alcohol-based antiseptic can also be tried when trying to remove a painful pimple. Any alcohol-based product is suitable here: hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol, salicylic acid, etc.

Steam cleaning

Buy dry chamomile at the pharmacy and brew a handful of the product in 0.5 liters of boiling water, wait 15 minutes and put on low heat so that the signs of boiling are barely noticeable. Let it simmer for 10 minutes, that will be enough.

Clean your face first and tilt it over the container with the product. Cover yourself with a towel to achieve the steam bath effect. The procedure should be performed no more than 15 minutes.

Sebaceous formations are perfectly removed from open pores, which can be easily removed with a cotton swab or bandage swab. At the end, don’t forget to lubricate your chin with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic.

This cleaning is recommended once a week for a month.


To prepare the mask you will need vegetable oil and small oatmeal. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the pimple, waiting for half an hour.

Remove the product with a cotton swab soaked in warm water. Can be repeated every hour.


Make a chamomile tea and freeze it into cubes. To prepare this mask you will also need cherry juice and starch.

So, mix fresh cherry juice with starch, you need the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply to the sore area and wait 20 minutes. Rinse and wipe the pimple with an ice cube from a pre-prepared decoction.

If you want to speed up results, do the mask several times a day.

Tar soap

This soap can easily be found in a pharmacy or household chemicals store. Birch tar has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural product.

If the pimple is large, lather the soap and gently apply it to it. It is more convenient to apply a soap solution to a small pimple with a cotton swab rather than with your fingers. Keep it on for about 1 minute, then rinse off with cool water.

Is it possible to squeeze out?

Many people prefer to solve their pimple problem by simply squeezing it out. However, resorting to this is strictly not recommended, it is quite dangerous!

It must be said right away that the procedure is always painful and there is a high probability of infection in an open wound.

And, if you remove a pimple incorrectly, an ugly scar may remain in this place for life. It is better to refrain from squeezing, even if your “hands are itching.” It’s safer to use one of the above methods; all of them have proven themselves well.

Now you know that the problem of a large pimple on the chin can be solved by a variety of methods and many of them are available to each of us.

Clean skin is a reason to be proud; it is a good indicator of health. People with beautiful skin always look younger and more attractive than those whose faces are marred by acne. Therefore, upon noticing a problem, it is necessary to respond as quickly as possible.

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For the treatment of pimples, acne, acne, blackheads and other skin diseases caused by adolescence, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hereditary factors, stressful conditions and other reasons, many of our readers successfully use Elena Malsheva's method . After reviewing and carefully studying this method, we decided to offer it to you.

Today we will talk about how to get rid of acne on chin. This problem is most often encountered by teenagers and young women. Such rashes are especially noticeable and greatly spoil the appearance. But before you start fighting them, you should understand why they appeared.


The main reason for the appearance of acne on any part of the body is blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. This inflammatory process looks like a small area of ​​redness, which is often quite painful to the touch.

Let's look at the main causes of acne on the chin.

  1. Changes in hormonal levels in women during different phases of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Hormonal changes in adolescence.
  3. Prenatal period.
  4. Postpartum period.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. Immunity impairment. At the same time, microbes and bacteria that were previously suppressed by the immune system begin to activate on the surface of the skin.
  7. Incorrect shaving of the chin, or even an incorrectly selected razor wall.
  8. Poor nutrition.
  9. Stress.
  10. Use of cosmetics of dubious quality.
  11. Improper facial care.

Moreover, it is quite difficult to understand exactly what caused the appearance of a pimple on the chin, since not one, but several factors at once can have an influence.

Types of rashes

A large number of small red pimples often appears as a result of improper skin care or dietary errors.

Purulent acne appear when an infection joins the inflammatory process.

Internal acne the most dangerous. This means that staphylococci or streptococci have penetrated into the sebaceous duct, which form one large subcutaneous pimple, very painful and very ugly. Your doctor can tell you in detail how to get rid of such large pimples on the chin.

But what should those who do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor do, but want to get rid of acne quickly? Here you can use popular medications, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Treatment with drugs

Any treatment of pimple with medication is the most effective. In the pharmacy today you can find many different medications for acne, each of which is considered effective to one degree or another. We would like to provide a list of the most popular and actually effective drugs:

  1. Gel baziron AC.
  2. Salicylic acid.
  3. Skinoren.
  4. Differin.
  5. Roaccutane.
  6. Zenerite.
  7. Klenzit.
  8. Calendula tincture.

Both men and women can get rid of acne on the chin with these remedies.

All medications can be divided into several large groups. So, for example, the first will be called drugs with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and drying effects, which help get rid of painful acne on the chin. These include:

These are the cheapest, but at the same time effective drugs that anyone can buy.

The second group includes antibacterial agents that help get rid of internal and purulent acne in the chin area. These medications include:

It is not recommended to use these medications on your own, as they have their own contraindications, so you should definitely consult a specialist.

The third group of drugs is retinoids. This is already “heavy artillery”. These medications allow you to get rid of purulent acne in the chin area, and eliminate the very reason for their appearance - clogged skin pores. Drugs in this group include:

And finally, the fourth group of drugs will help you answer the question of how to get rid of deep acne on the chin. These will be anti-inflammatory drugs with a pulling effect, and ichthyol ointment should be considered one of them. This group also includes:

  1. Levomekol.
  2. Vishnevsky's liniment.
  3. Syntomycin emulsion.

These medications are ideal when you need to quickly get rid of large, painful pimples.

Acne is unpleasant, but not at all fatal. Today there are many medications that can help you:

Cosmetic preparations

IN at home Cosmetic preparations will help solve the problem of acne. For example, cosmetic products from the “Propeller”, “Clerasil”, and “Clean Line” series are very popular. They are ideal for young skin and allow you to solve the problem of acne once and for all with regular use.

But how to get rid of acne on the chin at 30 years of age and older? In this case, a visit to a cosmetologist can help, who, after a careful examination of the skin, may recommend peeling, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, or laser treatment.

Other methods

You can get rid of acne in the chin area using other simple methods. For example, proper skin care is of great importance. Cosmetologists recommend paying special attention to the following rules:

  1. You should wash your face in the morning and evening. And do this not just with water, but with foam or milk. The same cosmetic preparations should be used in the evening. To avoid possible addiction, cosmetic products should be changed from time to time.
  2. If you are prone to acne, it is not recommended to use foundation or powder, as this will further aggravate the situation.
  3. Day face cream should be very light and gentle. It is advisable that it bears the inscription “non-comedogenic”.
  4. Never squeeze pimples, especially purulent ones!

Proper nutrition plays a huge role in getting rid of acne on the chin, both white and red. To achieve good results in a short time, you need to minimize or completely abandon the consumption of foods such as:

  1. Confectionery.
  2. Bakery.
  3. Fatty meats.
  4. Spicy seasonings.
  5. Marinades.
  6. Alcohol.
  7. Coffee.

But you need to add vegetables, fruits and dairy products to your diet.

Traditional methods

If desired, you can also use traditional methods. The easiest and most affordable way is aloe juice. Using this product is very simple - all you need to do is wipe the problem areas of the skin with this juice several times a day.

You can make a lotion from green tea and mint, which will quickly get rid of pimples on the chin. To do this, pour boiling water over three teaspoons of tea leaves and one small spoon of mint leaves and leave for infusion. Then strain, cool, and use as a cleanser.

Or you can use the simplest method - wipe your face with a piece of fresh pumpkin every morning and evening.

Author - Anna Mikhailova, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the first category, specialist at the Academy of Scientific Beauty. Especially for the site “Treating Acne”.

Video: acne on the chin