How to get rid of black circles around eyes

How often have you encountered the unpleasant phenomenon of dark circles appearing under your eyes?

Usually, women try to disguise this defect with cosmetics as quickly as possible and do not really think about the cause of its appearance. But the appearance of this symptom may indicate not only overwork or lack of sleep, but also disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and body systems.

When should you sound the alarm and what diseases can dark circles under the eyes in women warn of?

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin, sensitive and delicate. The collagen fibers in it are arranged in a mesh pattern, and this contributes to its increased extensibility. Due to facial activity, this area of ​​the face is constantly in motion and is prone to swelling. Immediately under the skin there are blood vessels that are translucent due to the small thickness of the skin and the accumulation of blood in them with an insufficient amount of oxygen.

As a result, dark circles appear under the eyes. This effect is further enhanced by the fact that the eyes are located in the area of ​​the orbital sockets and the manifestation of such shadows is enhanced. To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance, since the methods for eliminating them depend on this.

How to determine the cause by the color of dark circles

Experts testify that the shade of the circles can presumably diagnose the disease. Circles under the eyes, depending on the cause, are blue, brown, red, yellow.

Blue color
  1. disruption of the digestive system;
  2. disruptions in the urinary system;
  3. disruption of the functioning of the heart and blood circulation;
  4. fatigue;
  5. staying near the computer, prolonged use of gadgets;
  6. insomnia;
  7. alcohol and smoking.
Yellowish circles
  1. an increase in the amount of bilirubin due to impaired functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  2. consumption of large quantities of foods containing yellow coloring substances (carrots), while the pupils of the eyes remain clear and health remains normal;
  3. genetic predisposition;
  4. unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  5. unbalanced diet;
  6. transferred stressful conditions.
Red tint
  1. kidney disease (circles are associated with swelling);
  2. allergic manifestations;
  3. lack of exposure to fresh air;
  4. unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  5. problems with the brain (hemorrhage, meningitis);
  6. sensitive skin;
  7. suffered stressful conditions;
  8. the presence of helminths in the body;
  9. inflammatory processes of the eyes.
If the circles are brown
  1. improper daily routine: fatigue, lack of sleep;
  2. unbalanced diet;
  3. side effects of certain medications;
  4. alcohol abuse, smoking;
  5. spending a long time at the computer and using gadgets;
  6. heredity;
  7. hormonal imbalance;
  8. allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  9. presence of liver and gallbladder diseases;
  10. disorders of the urinary and digestive systems;
  11. endocrine imbalance, diabetes;
  12. dysfunction of the circulatory system, thick blood;
  13. lack of vitamins and microelements.

Physiological reasons

There are many more reasons for dark circles that are not associated with a pathological condition of the body. Many factors have a negative impact on the skin, especially on such sensitive skin as under the eyes.

  1. State of mind. General depression, chronic depression, attacks of causeless anxiety do not have the best effect on appearance.
  2. Physiological characteristics of the body. Mainly heredity. Remember how things are with your closest relatives. Age also matters - the skin of the eyelids and the tissue underneath gradually become thinner, “showing” capillaries.
  3. Diet. Frequent consumption of fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods, late tea drinking, insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals - all this negatively affects the overall health and appearance of the skin. Toxins that accumulate in the blood and tissues of the body can cause dark circles under the eyes. It is possible to get rid of such external manifestations of poor nutrition by revising the daily menu and replenishing the microelements and minerals missing in the body. To do this, you may need to consult a doctor or nutritionist.
  4. Lifestyle . Insufficient sleep duration has a very negative effect on the condition of the skin of the eyelids. Most people need 7–8 hours every day, but there are also people whose norm is significantly less or more. You only need to focus on your own body in this matter. Sleeping conditions are also important - lack of light, noise, room temperature, comfort of furniture, bedding, and so on. It is also important to be outdoors as often as possible. It is advisable to combine this with physical activity, but simple walking at a moderate pace is also suitable. And at night it is very useful to ventilate the bedroom.
  5. Work and leisure. Dark grayish-brown circles appear most clearly in the late afternoon. Regular overwork, chronic stress, general fatigue, work related to the computer, and watching TV provoke stagnation of blood in the capillaries. Excess adrenaline in it provokes vasoconstriction. If your job requires you to strain your eyes all the time, the appearance of dark circles is almost inevitable.
  6. Smoking and alcohol. Substances found in tobacco smoke and alcohol contribute to chronic intoxication of the body and have a destructive effect on all tissues. The skin of drinkers and smokers ages faster and is more susceptible to inflammation and swelling. Over time, it becomes impossible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes caused by constant intoxication. Only quitting smoking and frequent drinking can restore the beauty of your skin and eyes.
  7. Incorrect care. The eyelids are extremely sensitive and immediately respond to any “external aggression”. This could be hot and cold water, low-quality cosmetics, or incorrect application. Use only creams and cleansers intended for eyelids. Apply them with light pats of your fingers, without rubbing or stretching the skin. Leaving makeup on overnight is a strict taboo.

The most common cause of dark circles under the eyes is overwork and chronic lack of sleep. Lack of sleep makes the skin pale and dull, causing blood vessels to become more visible and purple shadows to appear under the eyes. Improper care (or lack of care) for the area around the eyes, poorly selected cosmetics, and the habit of rubbing your eyes with your hands also contribute to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Possible diseases

If all physiological causes are excluded, circles under the eyes indicate the presence of some disease. They must be accompanied by certain symptoms.

We list the possible diseases that cause circles under the eyes in women:

  1. Kidney diseases. The formation of circles is accompanied by the appearance of swelling and bags. Circles can be an indicator of infectious and non-infectious kidney damage. The disease is characterized by impaired renal function and fluid retention in the body. Since the kidneys remove toxins, metabolic products, and medications from the body, intoxication occurs when their functioning is disrupted. Most often, bags and dark spots appear in the morning.
  2. Liver dysfunction. Hyperpigmentation of the skin is observed, and it is most pronounced around the eyes. When an organ malfunctions, toxic substances accumulate and become intoxicated. Violations lead to an increase in the volume of bilirubin. The circles acquire an icteric tint, which depends on the degree of liver damage. Severe liver damage leads to jaundice throughout the face.
  3. Allergy. The circles can be caused by various allergens. In addition to circles, itching, redness, and swelling are possible. With constant contact with the allergen, circles are constantly observed as a symptom of atopic dermatitis.
  4. Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin levels. B vitamins are poorly absorbed and there is a lack of iron. It often occurs in women during pregnancy, but with an improved diet and the use of appropriate medications, the indicators are restored to normal. With anemia, dark circles are permanent and do not go away after rest. The condition is accompanied by dizziness and shortness of breath. The skin turns pale, the eyes become sunken. Due to a decrease in the volume of oxygen supplied to organs and tissues, oxygen starvation is diagnosed.
  5. Diabetes. There is an increase in glucose levels in the blood due to an insufficient amount of insulin, or it is produced in an increased volume, but the tissues have an increased sensitivity to it. In such a situation, tissue nutrition is disrupted, which causes the formation of dark circles.
  6. Impaired blood circulation functions. Circles are especially common in chronic disorders. The body experiences venous stagnation (slow movement through the veins). Such signs characterize vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is a consequence of stressful shocks and pathological fatigue. There are disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system and deviations from the norm in the functioning of the heart.
  7. Inflammatory processes. Circles occur with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, which occurs with swelling of the eyelids, redness, and itching.
  8. Infection with worms. Only consultation with a specialist will help to establish the cause of the occurrence with accuracy.

Dark circles under the eyes can appear due to certain infectious inflammatory processes (for example, sinusitis), headaches, diseases of the upper teeth and other diseases. It is possible to identify the true cause of their appearance only after consulting a doctor and carrying out the examination recommended by him. After diagnosis, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary, getting rid of which will also help eliminate dark circles under the eyes.


If dark circles appear under the eyes, you should not try to disguise them under a thick layer of decorative cosmetics.

This will not solve the problem, but will only worsen the cosmetic defect. The first step towards eliminating dark circles under the eyes should be to find out the reasons for their occurrence. If lifestyle changes have not led to an improvement in the condition of the skin in the periorbital area, you should consult a therapist (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist - if you associate the appearance of dark circles under the eyes with certain health problems).

From laboratory examinations, it is advisable to perform a general and biochemical blood test, a general urine test, a spectral blood test for microelements, a study of thyroid hormones, a stool test for helminth eggs and Giardia. Additional instrumental studies may include an electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, kidneys and retroperitoneal space.

If an in-depth examination did not reveal any health problems, then, most likely, dark circles under the eyes are a cosmetic defect that requires contacting a dermatocosmetologist.

How to get rid of dark spots under the eyes

You can cure black spots under the eyes in the following ways:

  1. Drug treatment. Indicated in cases where a woman is diagnosed with a disease. Having cured the main ailment with the help of medications, the chance to overcome the “bruises” is very high.
  2. General strengthening of the body. These include: quality sleep, walks in the fresh air, lack of stress and bad habits, exercise, and so on. All these measures will not only greatly improve your appearance, but also significantly improve your health.
  3. Local influencing methods. Used in various beauty salons. To completely remove stains, procedures are carried out to tone the vessels (biorevitalization, mesotherapy, lipofilling and others). Professional makeup will also help disguise skin imperfections.
  4. Use of cosmetics.

If you cannot remove the “bruises” for some reason, they can be disguised with the help of cosmetics. Foundation will be a good helper. Concealers and BB creams also do a good job of concealing. These products fill wrinkles around the eyes well, even out skin color, and also moisturize and nourish it.

Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the skin. This should be taken into account when choosing a face cream (the vitamin should be included in its composition).

Cosmetic procedures

If the cause of under eye rashes is not systemic infections, then you can limit yourself to cosmetic procedures. This refers to a genetic predisposition to hyperpigmentation of the skin around the eye socket.

Pay attention to effective procedures:

Name The essence Action Price, rub
Microcurrents Exposure of the skin to weak current pulses. Activation of regeneration processes, improvement of microcirculation, elimination of venous stagnation. 1500
Lipofilling of the tear trough Fat transfer to the area around the eyes. Smoothing wrinkles, eliminating dark circles. 80-100 thousand
Carboxytherapy Injection of a small amount of medicinal carbon dioxide under the skin. The surface layer of eyelid skin thickens, making the circles less noticeable. 1 thousand
Mesotherapy Injections of medicinal substances under the skin. Hyaluronic acid is often used. Removal of waste and toxins, rejuvenation, cell nutrition. 370 for 1 ml
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty Excision of excess skin. Elimination of drooping lower eyelid. 25 thousand
Dermotonia – vacuum facial massage Massage the skin of the face and neck. Improving lymphatic drainage, relieving swelling. 1 thousand


The appearance of circles under the eyes is a sign of overwork. You can help it recover faster and restore elasticity to the skin using the following medications:

  1. vitamins of group B, A, E, D, K or complexes;
  2. iron preparations (Sorbifer, Maltifer, Ferrum Lek);
  3. preparations of selenium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  4. general strengthening and stimulating drugs (tincture of propolis, eleutherococcus, ginseng root).

In addition to general restoratives, antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline), sleeping pills (Barboval, Midazol), and sedatives (extract of valerian, motherwort, peony) are used as prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

You can restore your skin condition using time-tested recipes. The best folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes that are easy to use at home:

  1. Gymnastics. This is a combination of eye exercises and light massage of the skin underneath.
  2. Rubbing with ice. It tones the skin, strengthens blood vessels and helps restore water balance. To do this, you need to wipe your face with ice cubes twice a day.
  3. Infusion of herbs for rubbing. For this purpose, it is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile, sage or green tea. To wipe the face, prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs per glass of boiling water.
  4. Oatmeal mask. The ground flakes are steamed with hot water. The resulting mass is cooled and applied to the area under the eyes. After 15–20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
  5. Mask of sour cream and eggs. Beat fresh sour cream, add the white of one egg, mix and apply to the face. Apply especially thickly to the area around the eyes. After 20–30 minutes, wash off.
  6. Cottage cheese mask. Fresh cottage cheese is whipped, squeezed and used for applications. Wash off after 15–30 minutes.

To get the maximum effect from masks, it is recommended to do them in the evening before bed and in the morning, after steaming your face. You need to lie down, relax your facial muscles, and not move during the procedure.

Diet Basics

A balanced diet is the key not only to good appearance, but also to overall health.

  1. include protein and plant foods in your diet. This will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, and fiber will contribute to normal metabolism and the removal of toxic waste from the body;
  2. increase the consumption of foods that alkalize the body and thin the blood;
  3. include fiber-rich foods in your diet. This will help saturate the body with the necessary components and remove waste products and toxins;
  4. reduce consumption of salt, fried, spicy, smoked foods.
  5. drink enough liquid, vitamin teas, juices. In the morning, it is recommended to add lemon juice to a glass of water.

How to disguise circles at home?

If an annoying symptom appears on the eve of an important event and you need to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes, decorative cosmetics will come to the rescue - using a corrector or concealer, you can quickly and very efficiently disguise the darkening under the eyes. You can also use foundation, but keep in mind that when applied to dark skin it can become noticeable, so your usual tone may not suit you.

Today, ladies are offered to disguise circles under the eyes with the help of permanent tattooing of the paraorbital area. It is very important to choose an experienced specialist, otherwise the consequences of the procedure can be catastrophic.

In general, it is best to take care of your eye skin daily, applying nourishing cream and special eyelid products - then you will not have to suffer from the appearance of terrible bruises under your eyes.


To prevent the appearance of circles under the eyes, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, get proper rest, spend more time in the fresh air, eat a balanced diet, take breaks when working at the computer, perform simple eye exercises and pay attention to other alarming symptoms in time, and if any appear – see a doctor on time.


I need good sleep to avoid dark circles. To care for the area around the eyes, I use Vegetable Beauty Serum with a phyto-complex, it just reduces puffiness and makes darkening around the eyes lighter

Today I will tell you how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, which have such a negative impact on our appearance. How to disguise dark pigmentation and bruises, what products to use to solve the problem? Should you rely on cosmetics or do you need an urgent examination to identify a disease, a sign of which may be dark circles around the eyes, which can only be eliminated by medications and procedures prescribed by a doctor? How to hide bruises?

Hello my dear! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Everything in our body is connected, and often changes in appearance tell about internal problems that you need to be able to recognize at the very beginning, without waiting for the problem to go too far. Therefore, before we talk about how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, we need to touch on the reasons for their occurrence.

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Where do they come from?


Despite the fact that we all carefully monitor our appearance, we tend to sometimes not pay attention to obvious changes in the mirror. We only realize it when the eyelids and the area around the eyes begin to stand out brightly against the background of the rest of the face. You can read more about this in the article “Dark circles under the eyes,” but here I will just briefly remind you of what causes this.

The defect in women can provoke:

  1. long-term work on a PC;
  2. overwork, stress;
  3. physical inactivity, lack of movement;
  4. internal diseases, hormonal imbalance;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. menstrual cycle;
  7. genetic feature;
  8. age-related changes.

With the exception of pregnancy and menstruation, the reasons for a man or a child will be the same.

Circles are different.

What the skin of the eyelids and eye sockets can tell you:

  1. cyanosis in the eye sockets may indicate heart failure, poor lung function, gastrointestinal disorders, alcohol abuse;
  2. yellowness on the eyelids is sometimes inherited, but may indicate problems with the liver, gall bladder and pancreas;
  3. a green color may indicate that the frame of your glasses is oxidizing, but it can be a dangerous symptom of some diseases in which cyanosis simultaneously develops, giving a blue tint, and yellowness from an increase in bilirubin in the blood;
  4. redness around the eyes indicates allergic reactions, intoxication or disease of the respiratory system;
  5. “bags” in the area of ​​the upper eyelid - insufficiency of the kidneys;
  6. swelling in the lower eyelid area is cardiac edema, which indicates problems with the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Your doctor will prescribe treatment for your underlying disease.

What means to combat the defect

General recommendations

Before determining how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to rule out serious diseases.

If we don't sleep enough and get very tired, our eye sockets can acquire a dark, brownish tint and our eyes become sunken. If the pillow is too thin and low, as well as spending more than 9 hours in bed every day, the orbital area may swell and swell due to moisture infiltration into the subcutaneous tissue.

If the defect arose due to sleep disturbances, overwork or poor nutrition, the first thing you need to do is normalize your life:

  1. eat 4-5 times a day, excluding unhealthy foods, fast foods, soda, margarine, excess salty, spicy and rich foods;
  2. go to bed at the same time, setting aside at least 7 hours and no more than 9 hours for sleep;
  3. sit less at the computer, do not read in poor lighting;
  4. quit smoking and drinking alcohol;
  5. do not squint in the sun; if you have such a habit, you should wear dark glasses;
  6. Raise your pillows so that your head is not in a horizontal position.

If, in addition to all this, you start regularly walking in the fresh air, doing gymnastics and avoiding stress, the problem may solve itself.

Variety of means

It happens that we need to correct our appearance as quickly as possible, find something to cover up a defect in order to look decent. To do this, there are a number of techniques that will help us deal with excess pigmentation, swelling or inappropriate skin coloring.

Compresses and lotions

Thermal water or green tea. Mode of application:

  1. moisten cotton pads;
  2. put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  3. apply to eyes for 10-15 minutes.

The procedure can be performed every evening before bed. You can use disused tea bags and apply them to your eyelids.

Potato compress:

  1. Grate small raw potatoes on a fine grater;
  2. wrap the resulting pulp in several layers of gauze;
  3. apply for 15-20 minutes.

At the same time, we nourish the skin with vitamins and moisturize it.

Ice from herbal infusions or tea. We apply it like this:

  1. Freeze green tea or decoctions of chamomile, mint, calendula in an ice tray;
  2. Gently wipe the area around the eyes with a piece of this ice for 2-3 minutes.

You can do this in the evening before going to bed or in the morning before applying makeup.

Healing masks for pigmentation and swelling

Everyone's favorite cucumber:

  1. mix grated cucumber with a spoonful of sour cream;
  2. you can add grated parsley;
  3. apply to the desired area;
  4. keep for 20 minutes and wash off.


  1. Chop and grate a slice of lemon and a slice of tomato;
  2. apply to the skin and lie down so that the juice does not flow into the eyes;
  3. keep for twenty minutes and wash off.

The substances contained in lemon juice will whiten your skin. Tomato mass is a good supply of vitamins.

Moisturizing and softening:

  1. mix a spoonful of full-fat cottage cheese with a spoonful of green tea;
  2. apply to the eye socket area;
  3. keep for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Especially suitable for ladies over 40, when the epidermis needs stimulation and restoration. But it is also suitable at a younger age to combat pigmentation and bruises.


Some people are worried about how to cover up unwanted marks so that they look good in ten minutes. If you use foundation cosmetics, cream-corrector or concealer (necessarily with a creamy texture) to temporarily hide a defect, select the tone according to the color of your skin and make sure that the cream contains vitamins, moisturizing and nourishing components.

To choose the right cream for our defect, you need to carefully read the composition. To achieve a whitening effect, the cream contains citrus extracts.

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Compositions with vitamins C, B, caffeine and proteins are suitable against brown circles and dry skin.

Blue and purple shades require vitamins that strengthen blood vessels, such as A and K.

Compositions with parsley, chamomile extract and other natural ingredients are good for everyone. The composition should also include water, collagen, natural oils and retinol.

Cosmetic procedures

There are many methods to rid you of dark circles around your eyes. They are expensive and involve deeper intervention in your body. A cosmetologist can offer you the following effective remedies:

  1. laser whitening (effect after two weeks, repeated procedures may be necessary);
  2. mesotherapy - injections of vitamins and other useful substances.

You can also use ready-made eye masks, choosing a composition that will give you the desired effect.

Gymnastics and massage

If you want to know how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes without harming your health, you can use accessible methods such as massage and gymnastics.

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Bruises under the eyes, swelling, bags are quite a common problem for modern people, and the question arises of how to quickly remove them. Many believe that these minor changes are not serious.

People don’t even think that this phenomenon indicates problems in the body, attributing everything to fatigue. Doctors are confident that the causes of the disorders lie much deeper.

Dark circles and bruises under the eyes in an adult: what to do, treatment

There are various ways to solve the problem of bruises. Most often they are associated with the normalization of lifestyle and daily routine. The treatment involves the use of medicines, cosmetics and traditional medicine.

The appearance of circles under the eyes indicates that abnormalities have occurred in the body, so immediately you need to change your daily routine to remove them faster:

  1. The main thing during treatment is healthy sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day in a ventilated room.
  2. Maintaining water balance is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. 2 liters of water is a mandatory fluid requirement.
  3. Stop smoking, drinking and using drugs immediately.
  4. Eat meat, fish, and carbohydrates that contain vitamin B.
  5. Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed. Cosmetics should be selected according to age and skin type.
  6. Walk every day for at least 2 hours.
  7. Provide the workspace with the right amount of light.
  8. After every half hour of watching TV, do eye exercises.

How to quickly remove bruises, dark circles and swelling (bags) under the eyes.


Home treatments cannot always help cope with such a problem as dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetologists will tell you how to quickly remove this problem. Modern cosmetology offers various ways to solve the problem of bruises.

Mesotherapy is the best remedy for bruises, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes

Mesotherapy is a complex of various procedures that eliminate puffiness under the eyes. It is performed using injections, which are selected individually by cosmetologists depending on the client’s skin condition.


  1. Various useful microelements: zinc, magnesium. They enrich the skin, maintaining its health, youth and elasticity.
  2. Hyaluronic acid needed to maintain water balance and moisturize the skin.
  3. Vitamins – B1 improves blood circulation in the body, B6 reduces puffiness, moisturizes the skin, H gives a healthy appearance and fills the skin with radiance.
  4. Collagen, which fights skin aging and wrinkles.

Mesotherapy is not a pleasant procedure; it is quite painful and requires several sessions. It may leave marks from injections, so it is especially important to choose a competent professional cosmetologist who will carry out the procedure.

Vitamins for bruises and dark circles under the eyes

Restoring vitamin balance is an important point in solving problems such as dark circles under the eyes. How to quickly remove bags - make up for the lack of vitamins. Insufficient intake of vitamins causes bags to appear. The main ones are vitamins C and K.

Vitamin C is designed to reduce the concentration of degraded red blood cells. To solve the problem of vitamin C deficiency, you can use creams with this substance, as well as eat foods enriched with the vitamin.

Vitamin K visually hides the capillaries that are located near the surface of the skin. It also soothes the skin, relieves puffiness and gets rid of spider veins. The use of creams enriched with vitamin K is considered to prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes. The element exists in capsules.

Lymphatic drainage massage for circles under the eyes

Lymphatic drainage is carried out in specialized beauty salons. It normalizes the circulation of blood and subcutaneous fluids, which allows you to quickly remove bruises under the eyes.

There are two types of massage:

  1. Hardware massage. There are several options for its implementation - vacuum lymphatic drainage and exposure using microcurrents. Before performing the procedure, you should definitely get permission from your doctor, as it has contraindications.
  2. Manual lymphatic drainage. The specialist massages the eyelids, using special cosmetic oils and creams. As a result, excessive swelling is removed and blood circulation improves. The procedure is not very complicated, and if you learn it, you can do it at home.

Lymphatic drainage lasts 10-20 minutes, swelling usually goes away after 10 daily massages.

How to get rid of blue circles under the eyes at home: folk remedies

Folk remedies help the skin remove faster bruises under the eyes. Only your skin can tell you how to quickly remove this problem., its type and cause of bruises. Treatment requires medicinal herbs and creams based on natural ingredients that can be made at home. The main thing in treatment at home is the regularity of procedures. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures per week for 20 minutes.

Eye lotions for swelling and bruising

Since ancient times, people have been tormented by such a problem as bruises under the eyes. People found how to quickly remove them from nature. Lotions can be made from a variety of natural ingredients, depending on the reason that caused the appearance of puffiness under the eyes.

The compress is applied to a face cleansed of makeup. The mixture itself is placed in cheesecloth, then a decoction is made.

There are various decoctions for lotions:

  1. Chamomile decoction. To do this, take a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, place them in a gauze bag and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Wait until the compress cools down a little and apply it to your eyes. You can keep this lotion for 15-20 minutes.
  2. 2% boric acid can also be used as a compress. Keep lotions from it on your eyes for 15 minutes. This recipe must be used very carefully. The acid should not get into the eyes, otherwise irritation may occur.
  3. Grated potatoes most commonly used to treat swelling. It is applied to the eyes for 15 minutes. You can make another recipe for a potato-based compress - you need to mix potato pulp, raw egg yolk and ¼ teaspoon of olive oil. The lotions are also kept on the eyes for 15 minutes.
  4. Lotions from tea bags, perhaps the easiest way. You just need to brew the tea, wait for the bags to cool a little and put it on your eyes for 20 minutes.
  5. Will help get rid of swelling cabbage juice, which is applied using a piece of gauze.
  6. Made for long-term use ice cubes with medicinal herbs. You need herbs like lemon balm, chamomile and others; they are crushed, filled with water and placed in ice trays. In the morning, use this cube to wipe the area around the eyes.

Eye mask for dark circles and bruises

Masks are more effective than lotions, but you need to know how to prepare them. It is important to choose the right ingredients so that they do not injure the skin or cause an allergic reaction.

You need to keep the mask for no more than 10 minutes - this time is enough for the active components to start working.

With the correct selection of elements for masks, dark circles under the eyes will quickly disappear.

Basic requirements for preparing a mask:

  1. Elements should be taken in small quantities and applied immediately after preparation.
  2. For mixing you need to choose wooden or glass dishes. A metal container will cause the components to oxidize and ruin the mask.
  3. All liquid components must be warm; it is important not to allow their temperature to rise.

There are many combinations of different elements, but you need to check whether something will cause an allergic reaction. Most The following mask options are common:

  1. Grate the potatoes into 1 tablespoon, add half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. In 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp of sour cream is added. chopped dill.
  3. Add parsley to melted butter (1 tbsp) until creamy.
  4. A morning mask of aloe juice, grated potatoes and two drops of lemon is added to the cucumber mixture, sprinkled with a pinch of spinach and basil.

Experts advise applying homemade masks an hour before bedtime. Before application, the face must be cleansed; during the procedure, you should not strain your eyesight (watch TV, read a book).

After removing the mask, you can apply cream to your face.

You cannot make the same mask for more than 2 months, as the body gets used to the components and stops reacting to them. Masks help remove dark circles under the eyes quite quickly, without harming the skin.

Heparin ointment is an effective remedy

Heparin ointment is very effective if you need to remove bruises under the eyes. It is used in the absence of contraindications for use and allows you to quickly remove swelling. The basis of the drug is sodium heparin. It keeps the skin youthful and elastic, moisturizes and strengthens it.

The ointment should be applied twice a day, applying it in a thin layer. The course of treatment is prescribed for no more than 10 days, then you need to take a break for a month. Used as a mask, which is applied for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed with an alcohol-free tonic or lotion.

Often the ointment is used as a compress. To do this, apply the ointment to the eyes and apply cotton pads on top for 20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure every day for a week.

This medicinal ointment should not be used in the following cases:

  1. if there are open wounds or scratches on the face;
  2. for problems with blood clotting;
  3. allergic reactions to the entire ointment or its components;
  4. taking antibiotics, non-steroidal drugs or tetracycline ointment;
  5. menstrual period;
  6. pregnancy.

Heparin ointment is an effective remedy for bruises and black circles under the eyes

When purchasing a cream, it is important to pay attention to its composition. Active components should moisturize and tighten the skin, reduce swelling and the formation of wrinkles. These elements are:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. collagen;
  3. vitamin C;
  4. natural elements – chamomile, tea, ginseng;
  5. caffeine;
  6. vitamin A.

The cream is selected based on your skin type.

Oily skin requires a light cream consistency that will have a mattifying effect. For dry skin, thick creams with increased nutrition and moisturizing effect are perfect. For sensitive skin, you should purchase hypoallergenic preparations.

Apply the drug to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. It is recommended to keep the cream for no more than 60 minutes, optimally 40-45 minutes. There is no need to apply a large amount of cream, because this can harm thin and delicate facial skin. If you follow all the instructions correctly, dark circles under the eyes can be removed quickly and for a long time.

How to quickly remove dark, black circles around the eyes, how to hide dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetics

Cosmetics can hide visible skin imperfections in the eye area. They are perfect if you need to remove dark circles under the eyes. How to quickly remove swelling will be determined by your ability to use cosmetic devices.

What concealer can be used to disguise dark circles under the eyes?

The color range of correctors allows you to take into account all the features of a woman’s face. Working with corrector is more difficult than working with concealer; it requires care.

If bruises appear due to insomnia, it is advised to choose a blue corrector. It will hide dark circles under the eyes and remove redness.

If there is a purple tint around your eyes, you can use a yellow corrector. Blue bags under the eyes are perfectly removed by an orange product.

Experts recommend using liquid and cream correctors, as they have a moisturizing effect.

It is better to use pencils as little as possible - they lead to dehydration of the facial skin and can injure delicate areas.

How to choose a good concealer for dark circles

The concealer is easy to use, but it does not cure the problem, it only masks it.

There are several types of this tool:

The choice of one product or another is determined by the characteristics of the skin. The choice of colors is the same as that of correctors. It is advised to choose a product that is slightly lighter than the base. Concealer should be applied to the face after cream or gel, with light massaging movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

If after this there is excessive shine, the skin can be powdered or foundation applied.

Bruises around, in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose: causes

Before starting treatment for puffy eyes, you need to identify the cause of its formation. The most common causes are poor lifestyle, lack of sleep and stress.

In order to solve these problems, you need to adjust your rhythm of life. But if the bruises do not go away, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause.

Why do bruises and dark (brown) circles appear?

You can select Several main causes of bruises in women:

  1. Stress and lack of sleep deplete a person and can lead to serious illnesses. If you cannot cure stress on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Poor nutrition can lead to an imbalance of essential microelements and vitamins. This, of course, will affect the skin, swelling or hyperpigmentation may occur.
  3. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
  4. Age, heredity.
  5. Low-quality cosmetics. Causes skin changes, dryness and loss of elasticity.
  6. Diseases. Liver and kidney diseases and allergic reactions can also cause swelling on the face. If brown circles under the eyes are found on your face, you should immediately consult a doctor. This color indicates that there are disturbances in the functioning of internal organs in the body.

Dark (blue) circles under the eyes in men

Men also suffer from dark circles under the eyes. Ways to quickly remove swelling are similar to those advised to women. The cause of blue puffiness is severe overwork, stress, and lack of sleep.

If the bags are dark blue, then the cause may be a disease - hypoxia, poor functioning of the heart or blood vessels.

What causes bruises under a child's eyes?

Bruises in young children cause concern for parents. Their appearance requires a visit to the doctor. Most often doctors call the following Causes of children's circles under the eyes:

  1. infections and parasites in the body;
  2. bad ecology;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. heredity;
  5. overwork;
  6. allergy;
  7. poor blood circulation.

The bluish tint of the skin under the eyes is most noticeable in one-year-old children, because it is delicate, light and thin. In the case of a clearly unhealthy shade of blue under the child’s eyes, consultation with a specialist is required.

What works best for bruises and dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern for people, and it is important to learn how to get rid of them quickly. Swelling under the eyes indicates that there are disorders occurring in the body that need to be treated. You can use cosmetic procedures - they will remove puffiness, enrich the skin with vitamins and moisturize it.

This is done in a salon by a cosmetologist, but you need to be prepared for the costs. A budget-friendly method of treatment is folk remedies, which are applied in the form of masks and compresses.

Medicinal herbs are less effective than cosmetology, but they are safer and have virtually no contraindications. Correctors and concealers are great for hiding bruises, but they do not heal the skin, so it is better to use them together with a medicinal product.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes: video

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes at home:

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes using cosmetics:

Black circles and bruises under the eyes occur as in most adults, and sometimes in children. According to doctors, the causes of swelling and darkening around the eyes can be completely different. To eliminate black circles around the eyes, you first need to find out the nature of the disease, and then engage in complex treatment depending on the main etiology of the disease.

The best way to remove dark circles under the eyes is to get a good night's sleep, but this is not always possible. So I use chamomile lotions or green tea bags. It helps me.