How to get rid of redheads

From time to time, everyone gets red pimples on their face. With proper care, this unpleasant cosmetic defect goes away in 3-4 days. What to do if pimples appear regularly and in large quantities?

What causes skin rashes?

Single pimples often appear due to improper facial care. Pores contaminated with cosmetics or street dust become inflamed and form an abscess.

The reason for the appearance of regular scatterings of pustules may be:

  1. excess sebum on oily skin;
  2. hormonal changes (for example, in teenagers);
  3. poor diet (fatty and sweet foods) and other reasons.

How to care for your face?

Daily care

To prevent acne, it is recommended to cleanse your skin daily before going to bed:

  1. completely remove makeup;
  2. wash your face with a special soft gel or foam (it is not advisable to use soap);
  3. wipe your face with lotion/tonic.

After this, a nourishing cream is applied to the cleansed skin.

Thorough cleansing of the skin

The epidermis is deeply cleansed 1-2 times a week.

Step 1. Steaming the skin
The skin is steamed over a bowl of hot water, covered with a towel, for 7-10 minutes. Immediately after taking a bath or washing in a sauna, the skin is already steamed - it’s time to cleanse the face.

Step 2. Mechanical cleaning
The skin is treated with scrub or peeling.

Step 3. Mask or cream
As long as the pores are open, cleansing face masks will have an effective effect.
After all procedures, a layer of nourishing cream is applied to the epidermis.
Cleaning, scrubs and peelings are not used if there are inflamed acne on the skin.

Acne treatment

If several pimples appear, treatment must be carried out - otherwise the rash will continue to spread throughout the skin. It is best to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist (with a higher medical education).

Quite often there is simply not enough time and energy to visit medical institutions. How to get rid of red pimples on your face on your own?

An inflamed pimple is treated 2-3 times a day with a medicinal product (ointment, iodine...) and the skin around it is wiped with alcohol lotion.
When the pimple is ripe, the pus is removed and the inflamed area is wiped with medical alcohol.

Why shouldn't you squeeze a pimple?

While the pimple is inflamed, it should not be squeezed. It is quite understandable to want to quickly get rid of an ugly purulent growth, but it is better to wait 1-2 days. The pimple will mature and the contents will come out naturally.

What are the dangers of squeezing out an abscess?

  1. Formation of a scar, scar or dark spot on the skin;
  2. penetration of purulent fluid into the deep layers of the epidermis (fraught with extensive inflammation or the formation of a boil).

Acne ointments

The skin is cleansed (washed with foam or treated with lotion containing 15-20% alcohol) and ointment is applied pointwise.

What ointments help with acne?

  1. Ichthyol;
  2. sulfuric;
  3. heparin;
  4. zinc;
  5. Zenerite;
  6. Differin;
  7. Klindovit;
  8. Curiosin;
  9. Klenzit...

Cosmetic clay

Clay masks perfectly cleanse the skin and stop inflammatory processes. The choice of clay depends on your skin type.

  1. white clay - spoon;
  2. green clay - spoon;
  3. mineral still water;
  4. grape seed oil – 5 drops.

The clay is diluted with mineral water until it becomes sour cream, essential oil is added and stirred. This mixture is applied to the face in a thick layer. Wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes and apply cream to the skin.

Sensitive skin
Prepare a composition of 2 tablespoons of white clay and chamomile decoction.
For preparation and application, see above.

  1. blue clay - 2 spoons;
  2. badyagi powder – 1 spoon;
  3. water - as needed.

Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to the face for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water and apply cream.

  1. black clay – 2 spoons;
  2. decoction of the string - as needed.

The mask is prepared and used in the manner indicated above.


Streptocide has a pronounced bactericidal effect and dries out acne. The duration of treatment does not exceed 2 weeks - after this period, pathogenic microorganisms become resistant to the drug. In addition, streptocide penetrates into the general bloodstream and negatively affects kidney function.

Streptocide liniment 5% is used for a week - applied pointwise to pustules in the morning and evening.

Rubbing in.
Powder from streptocide tablets is mixed with calendula tincture and wiped over the face with this mixture 1-2 times a day.

  1. Streptocide tablets – 3 pcs.;
  2. baby powder - teaspoon;
  3. hydrogen peroxide 3% - bottle.

The powder from streptocide tablets is mixed with powder and diluted with hydrogen peroxide to form a thick paste. This mask is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, mouth and nostrils. Leave the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Make a mask 2 times a week with a break of 3 days.

Traditional medicine recipes for acne

Use aloe juice for severe skin rashes. It is believed that a 3-year-old plant has healing properties, especially if the leaves are kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Take a leaf and cut it lengthwise - wipe the face with it and leave the juice to dry on the skin.

It is enough to wipe your face with aloe juice once a day for a week.


The plant segments are ground into a paste. The skin in the area of ​​the pustules is smeared with a thin layer of Vaseline, and garlic mass is placed on top. Then cover your face with a gauze bandage and leave the garlic on the skin for 10 minutes. After this, wash your face thoroughly and apply cream.
This mask is made once a week - no more often.

Pimples for acne

Each time before use, shake the mash thoroughly. The composition is applied to the face and left to dry on the skin. After this, wash and apply cream.

  1. Levomycetin – 5 tablets;
  2. aspirin – 5 tablets;
  3. Alcohol tincture of calendula - bottle.

The powdered tablets are added to the bottle with calendula. Before applying to the epidermis, the composition is diluted by half with clean water.

  1. Boric acid – 25 ml;
  2. salicylic alcohol 1% - 25 ml;
  3. erythromycin tablets – 2 g;
  4. zinc ointment – ​​½ teaspoon.

The tablets are crushed into powder and the components are mixed. Apply a thin layer to the area of ​​the rash.

If red pimples regularly appear on the skin, it is recommended to check the functioning of the digestive tract and hormonal levels. No medicine will help get rid of acne that appears due to metabolic disorders. However, acne must be treated, as well as the disease that causes it.

In the fight against skin rashes, following a healthy diet (vegetables, fruits, grains, lean meat...), taking brewer's yeast and vitamin complexes helps a lot.

Redheads or papules on the skin are quite common. This problem can occur not only in adolescence, but also in adults who have an unstable hormone balance and other problems. That is why the question of how to get rid of red pimples is very relevant.

Causes of redness

The appearance of red pimples is a common disorder. These lesions may affect most of the face or cluster in a specific area.

Sometimes single rashes occur. In any case, such pimples look very unsightly and are difficult to disguise. To cope with the problem, it is imperative to determine the provoking factor.

The main causes of rashes include the following:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. This condition is typical during puberty. Also, changes in the balance of hormones are often observed in women during pregnancy, menopause and menstruation.
  2. Dietary disorders. The cause of the problem may be the predominance of pickles, smoked meats, and fatty foods in the diet. Red pimples can also appear with excessive consumption of sugary carbonated drinks.
  3. Violation of hygiene rules. The appearance of skin rashes is often associated with infrequent or frequent washing, the use of low-quality cosmetics, and thick creams. Touching your face with your hands is also a provoking factor.
  4. Too active work of the sebaceous glands. In this case, in addition to red pimples, black dots, white rashes, and seborrhea may appear.
  5. Disturbances in the genitourinary or endocrine system. Pathologies of the digestive organs are also the cause of problems.
  6. Worm infestation. A skin mite, demodex, can also be a provoking factor.
  7. Hereditary predisposition.
  8. Stressful situations.
  9. Use of certain medications.
  10. Allergy.
  11. Overheating or hypothermia.
  12. Unfavorable environmental conditions.

Preventive measures

To prevent your skin from suffering from the appearance of red pimples and other rashes, you need to provide it with careful care.

The main methods of prevention include the following rules:

  1. Do not touch your face with dirty hands. The appearance of acne is most often caused by this.
  2. Do not leave decorative cosmetics on overnight.
  3. Do not wipe your face with a common towel. For this purpose, you should use disposable paper napkins or a small face towel.
  4. Wash with special cleansers. It is strictly not recommended to use soap for this purpose.
  5. After washing, wipe your face with lotion designed for oily skin.
  6. Use infusions of mint, chamomile or calendula flowers for rinsing.

Correction of the diet is of no small importance. It is very important to analyze your menu and exclude foods that can cause acne. These include fatty foods, smoked meats, and spicy foods. You should also definitely take a walk in the fresh air.

How to completely get rid of red pimples

Many people are interested in how to get rid of red pimples. First of all, it is necessary to ensure deep cleansing of the skin.

This procedure involves performing the following steps:

  1. Steam the skin. This must be done over a container of hot water. The procedure should last 7-10 minutes.
  2. Perform mechanical cleaning. To do this, you should use peeling or scrub.
  3. Apply a mask or cream. It is best to choose cleansing and nourishing products.

On the face

If acne appears frequently on your face, you should consult a doctor. The cosmetologist will select an effective treatmentwhich will help you get rid of the problem forever.

Special procedures will help you deal with acne in a salon - chemical or laser peeling, ozone therapy, ultrasonic facial cleansing.

At home, various ointments are usually used. However, such drugs can only be used as prescribed by a specialist.

The most effective agents include zinerite, curiosin, and differin. You can also use zinc, heparin or sulfur ointment.

You can also use folk remedies at home to help cope with small red pimples. These include lotions made from decoctions of medicinal plants - sage, chamomile, nettle, burdock.

How to use aspirin for acne on the face? Find it at the link.

On the nose

Quite often, doctors recommend taking trichopolum tablets for 10 days. In addition to this method, the external use of Metrogyl is used.

Special ointments for acne - skinoren and zinerit - are highly effective. They should be used locally, treating the affected areas of the dermis twice a day. This treatment requires 10 weeks.

In a salon setting, you can resort to effective cosmetic procedures:

  1. ozone therapy – involves treating the affected areas with ozonized distilled water or introducing an ozone mixture by injection;
  2. face cleaning – represents a mechanical or hardware elimination of rashes;
  3. peeling – involves smoothing the epidermis, helps cope with scars and post-acne;
  4. mesotherapy – consists of subcutaneous administration of drugs, which narrows the pores and prevents the appearance of rashes;
  5. cryotherapy – involves treating inflamed areas with liquid nitrogen.

Emergency methods

To quickly deal with acne, you can resort to a radical method - squeezing. Doctors do not recommend using this method, but sometimes you cannot do without it.

To minimize possible threats, you must carefully follow the rules of the procedure. First of all, it is worth understanding that only ripe pimples are allowed to be squeezed out. They do not provoke painful sensations.

To carry out the procedure you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol or another disinfectant, apply it to the area around the pimple and lubricate your hands.
  2. Press into the center of the pimple to pull out the purulent masses from the deep layers.
  3. After completing the procedure, this area must be treated with alcohol again.
  4. After 1 hour, the treated area should be lubricated with salicylic alcohol. You can also use levomekol or baziron.
  5. At night, apply a lotion of chamomile or celandine decoction to the area of ​​the squeezed pimple.

How to remove traces

After removing a pimple, a spot often appears on the skin. To cope with traces of acne, you can use effective folk remedies.

These include the following:

  1. Sandalwood paste – is considered one of the most effective means. To prepare this product, you need to take sandalwood powder, which should be soaked in water. It can be replaced with rose water or milk. Apply the paste to problem areas and wash off after drying - after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Lemon juice – an excellent remedy for scarring on the skin. To deal with them, just rub this product into problem areas and wash off after drying. This is usually done after 10-15 minutes.
  3. Parsley decoction. It must be placed in special molds and frozen. Then use it to wipe your face for 2-3 months. To get a healthy decoction, you need to chop the parsley, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour.


To deal with small red pimples, you need to take good care of your skin. You can also use effective home recipes.


The most effective means include the following:

  1. Paraffin mask. To use it, the composition is slightly heated in a water bath and applied to the affected areas. Before the procedure, the skin should be treated with a nourishing cream. After the paraffin has hardened, the composition can be removed.
  2. Clay mask. To deal with acne, you can use blue or green clay. Lemon should also be included. To prepare a useful product, you need to take 8 g of clay and add 10 ml of lemon juice. Add water to get a thick mass. It is applied to the face for 15 minutes.
  3. Vegetable mask. To prepare it, chop the tomato and cucumber. Mix vegetables with 8 g of potato starch. The resulting product is applied for 15 minutes.

Video: Face masks

Infusions and lotions

To cope with red pimples, you should use the following effective remedies:

  1. Aloe lotion. The lower leaves of the plant need to be cut off and placed in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Then they need to be crushed and squeezed out the juice. Wipe your face with the resulting product before going to bed.
  2. Calendula lotion. Take 1 tablespoon of dried calendula flowers, add 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Cool and strain the product. Wipe your face three times a day.
  3. St. John's wort tincture. Take a couple of tablespoons of St. John's wort and add a glass of alcohol. Infuse for 10 days. Then use for daily wiping of the skin.

If you are worried about red pimples on your face, which dot your skin in large numbers, you need to urgently take measures to get rid of them. Having identified the cause of their appearance, you need to eliminate it, and at the same time use various cosmetics to improve the condition of your skin.

One of the most common types of acne rashes is red pimples on the face, called papules. Small, but very numerous, they can cause a lot of pain and ruin the entire appearance.

They are difficult to disguise with tonal means, since the damage to the facial skin in this disease is most often more than 50%. And yet, you cannot give up even with advanced forms.

Causes of red pimples on the face

To get rid of red pimples on the face, you first need to try to determine what factor provokes their appearance. Having eliminated the root cause of the disease, you can begin to cosmetically “repair” the appearance. It can be:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. improper functioning of the stomach;
  3. a lot of fatty, fried and spicy foods in the diet;
  4. smoking;
  5. daily consumption of alcohol, even in small quantities;
  6. stress;
  7. improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  8. contaminated pores.

Having found out the cause of red pimples on the face, you can devote all your efforts to comprehensive treatment. The doctor will prescribe oral medications or injections, and cosmetologists will take care of your appearance.

Red pimples on the face: methods of getting rid of them

In search of methods to get rid of red pimples, many limit themselves only to cosmetic products, and this is fundamentally wrong: they will only alleviate the condition of the skin, but will not stop the course of the disease. So you will definitely have to see a doctor. Cosmetologists, in parallel with treatment, can offer the following procedures.

  1. Beauty salons will help remove not only small, but also large red pimples on the face using ozone therapy, chemical or laser peeling, as well as ultrasonic facial cleansing.
  2. At home, you can use all kinds of ointments (only after consulting a doctor): “Retinoic”, “Curiosin”, “Clindovit”, “Klenzit”, Zinerit”, “Differin”, zinc, sulfuric, ichthyol or heparin.
  3. At home, you can also use traditional medicine that will help eliminate small red pimples on the face: lotions and compresses from decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, birch buds, nettle, dandelion root, burdock, wild rosemary.

Knowing how to remove red pimples, you can choose the most suitable options for you. Many cosmetic products that will help soothe irritated skin, relieve terrible redness and somehow limit inflammation, can be prepared with your own hands from readily available ingredients.

The best recipes for red pimples on the face

In order for small red pimples on your face to stop bothering you, you need to properly care for your skin. Disinfecting lotions for daily wiping your face and anti-inflammatory masks for use once a week will help you cope with this scourge if you undergo a course of treatment in parallel with them.

  1. 1. Aloe lotion

Cut off the lower aloe leaves, put them in the refrigerator, after a couple of weeks, chop them, squeeze out the juice and, if red pimples appear on your face, use at night instead of lotion.

  1. 2. Calendula lotion

Pour boiling water (2 cups) over dried calendula flowers (a tablespoon), leave for half an hour, cool, strain, and can be used three times a day as a lotion.

  1. 3. Lemon applications

Apply lemon circles once a day to the cheeks and forehead affected by red pimples for 10 minutes.

  1. 4. Soda lotions

Dilute baking soda with plain water or washing gel, mix the mixture thoroughly, turning it into a thick paste, which should be applied to the most inflamed areas of the skin for a minute once a day.

  1. 5. Protein mask

Beat 2-3 egg whites with a mixer, apply the resulting foam to your face for 15 minutes. Do it every other day.

  1. 6. Green tea compress

Soak gauze in steeply brewed green tea and apply to the entire face.

  1. 7. Honey mask

Bring honey to a liquid state using a steam bath and apply warm to the skin for 15 minutes.

  1. 8. Potato juice lotion

Grate raw potatoes, squeeze out the juice, which can be used to wipe the skin 3 times a day.

  1. 9. Cosmetic clay masks

* WHITE CLAY (for sensitive skin)

Mix white clay (2 tablespoons) with chamomile decoction to obtain a paste.

* BLACK CLAY (for any skin type)

Mix black clay (2 tablespoons) with decoctions of string and mint (take in equal proportions) to make a paste.

* BLUE CLAY (for dry skin)

Mix blue clay (2 tablespoons) with bodyaga powder, dilute with cold water until mushy.

* GREEN CLAY (for oily skin)

Mix green clay with white clay (a tablespoon at a time), dilute with mineral water until mushy, add essential oil from grape seeds or jojoba (5 drops).

If you want to know how to quickly remove red pimples, and you are only interested in speed in this matter, the only thing you will find are foundations that mask skin defects only for a while. Until you understand that this is a disease and it needs to be treated comprehensively, you are unlikely to be able to clear your face of this scourge