How to get rid of rosacea on the cheeks

If the skin on a person’s face is susceptible to external factors, then it quickly reacts to them with inflammation or redness. Those with sensitive skin, even with minor temperature changes, experience burning, itching, and tingling in the nose and cheeks. In the future, rosacea develops on the face, which leads to constant redness caused by fragility of blood vessels. The problem is more familiar to women with fair skin, and the male half of the population suffers from dilation of small vessels much less often.

What is rosacea of ​​the facial skin?

Cuperosis is a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin. If the blood stagnates, it constantly puts stress on the walls of the capillaries, which causes their fragility and fragility. At first, rosacea manifests itself as severe redness of some areas on the face, and if this stage is skipped, then a vascular network appears in the places of burst capillaries, called telangiectasia by doctors.

Causes of spider veins on the face

In addition to genetic predisposition, rosacea is provoked by many other factors that should be avoided so that capillary blood flow is not disturbed:

  1. Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, especially red wines, have a vasodilating effect on the skin, which will sooner or later affect the condition of the epidermis.
  2. Smoking. This habit negatively affects the functioning of the entire circulatory system, causing rosacea.
  3. Hot, spicy food – ally of capillary fragility.
  4. Temperature changes. In order not to provoke rosacea on the skin, you should not live in an aggressive climate, wipe your face with ice, jump into wormwood from a steam room, and so on.
  5. Ultraviolet. Direct sunlight and solariums damage the capillaries on the skin.
  6. Hot chocolate, coffee. These foods have a stimulating effect on blood circulation, so it is better to exclude them from the diet altogether.
  7. Stress. Emotional changes and nervous breakdowns provoke an increase in pressure, which disrupts the normal functioning of blood vessels, and sooner or later will lead to rosacea.

How to get rid of rosacea using modern methods

The main stage in the treatment of capillary stars is the diagnosis of rosacea. In order to identify the disease, you need to visit a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, or dermatologist. If the cause of rosacea of ​​the skin is diseases of the internal organs, then the patient is prescribed drug treatment aimed at eliminating this problem. In other cases, modern medicine offers getting rid of spider veins using hardware cosmetology. But before going for the procedure, it is advisable to do ultrasonic facial cleansing so that the skin is renewed.

Laser treatment

Laser removal of rosacea is a procedure that leaves no traces and does not require special facial skin care. The laser beam instantly heats and solders the vessel. With its help, large areas of skin are quickly treated, and after the session the patient can calmly go to work without spider veins on the face. But after laser treatment, there is a possibility of rosacea returning from any provocation: stress, alcohol, etc. To prevent this from happening, the patient should avoid all factors that provoke this vascular disease for at least 2-3 months.


The essence of the photorejuvenation method is that the specialist selectively affects areas of the skin affected by rosacea with high-intensity light pulses. In this case, the property of human cells to absorb light in separate parts, rather than the entire surface, is used. No load is applied to all other facial tissues, including thermal stress. For rosacea, a photoflash is the most effective method, which in most cases eliminates not only the visual manifestations, but also the cause of the disease.


This method is based on the targeted administration of microinjections under the skin with a specially selected medicinal composition into the problem area. The drugs administered subcutaneously retain their effect for a long time, so there is no need to undergo the procedure frequently for rosacea. Mesotherapy is not only a drug treatment. During the session, the skin is exposed to biologically active points, which solves not only the problems of spider veins, but also helps eliminate sleep disorders, headaches and other painful manifestations.

How to treat rosacea on the face at home

Couperosis on the face can also be treated at home. It is difficult to get rid of this vascular disease on your own, but with regularity and in combination with medications, this is quite possible. In the fight against rosacea, it is important to know how to care for your skin, what causes the problem, and to choose the right cosmetics. If there is a vascular network on the skin, you should wash only with warm water, since temperature changes are contraindicated. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to wipe your face with ice if you have rosacea, the unequivocal answer is no.

If you have rosacea on your face, you should carefully study the composition of cosmetic products before using them. You need to completely avoid soap, because it contains sodium sulfate, which dries out the skin, which worsens the disease. Among the prohibited ingredients in cosmetics are:

  1. oils: clove and eucalyptus;
  2. aloe, honey;
  3. alcohol, menthol, camphor;
  4. flavorings, dyes, preservatives.


When treating capillary mesh, taking vitamins is a must. This is ascorutin, which contains vitamins C and P. It should be taken after meals with water. The tablets should not be dissolved or chewed, because ascorbic acid will have a negative effect on tooth enamel. The therapeutic dose for rosacea for an adult is 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the severity and nature of this vascular disease.

In some cases, doctors prescribe vikasol for rosacea, a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, which is responsible for skin elasticity and blood clotting. The body's need for this vitamin is small, so a single dose of Vikasol 15-30 mg is enough to restore the skin. Troxevasin capsules are prescribed for cases of rosacea affecting large areas of facial skin. They should be taken in combination with an ointment of the same name, 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals for 14 days.

External treatment: ointments and creams

Face massage

For rosacea, you should not use rough towels, steam inhalations with essential oils, manual cleansing of the facial skin and various cosmetic massagers. The exception is Darsonval, a device designed for rejuvenation and treatment of problem skin. It affects vascular areas with pulsed currents passing through a glass vacuum electrode, promoting improved metabolism, restoring the elasticity of the epidermis, and activating the protective properties of the skin.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps greatly in reducing blood pressure in blood vessels. It will help relieve redness and promote blood flow. But what is not allowed for rosacea is lymphatic and Japanese massage, which are performed under pressure. Gymnastics for the face, which includes exercises to strengthen the facial muscles, will be a great help, for example, gymnastics from Carol Maggio or beauty yoga from Lourdes Doplito Sebuk.


Nutrition for rosacea must necessarily include foods rich in vitamins in order to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The beauty of your skin largely depends on your diet, which means you need to include in it every day:

  1. vitamin P, which increases the tone of blood vessels in connective tissues, and is found in buckwheat, parsley, red pepper, asparagus, carrots;
  2. fish fat, which is a source of omega-3, which is obtained from fish and seafood;
  3. green tea, which is a champion in the content of catechins - elements that have a positive effect on blood vessels and slow down the formation of rosacea on the skin;
  4. protein, of which you need to eat 150 g daily to strengthen the muscles on your face, and these are eggs, turkey, chicken, legumes, low-fat hard cheese;
  5. linseed oil, slows down skin aging.

Black tea, coffee, and semi-finished products that contain preservative additives that negatively affect the condition of the skin should be excluded from the diet. Pates and smoked meats also contain preservatives and flavor enhancers, which gives impetus to the development of rosacea. It is advisable to reduce your consumption of red meat. Pork, beef, veal, and lamb increase the risk of developing spider veins on the face.

Folk remedies

  1. Ginger face mask. This unique product is able to slow down aging, strengthen skin immunity and stimulate blood circulation in blood vessels. To make a mask, take 5 grams of ground ginger, dilute with 100 ml of hot water, cool and apply to problem areas with a cotton swab daily.
  2. Apple vinegarhas a nourishing, cleansing, antiseptic and regenerating effect on the skin. To prepare facial lotion, you need to mix vinegar with water in proportions of 1:4 and lubricate the spider veins 1-2 times a day.
  3. Green clay - This is a miraculous natural remedy. For rosacea, it helps to narrow pores, improve metabolism, relieve swelling of the skin and redness of blood vessels. To make a face mask, dilute 1 tablespoon of green clay with water to a thick sour cream and rub the mixture into problem areas of the skin with light massage movements for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Lemon face mask normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates cell regeneration, saturates the skin with vitamin C and essential inorganic acids. Squeeze the lemon and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the juice. Soak a gauze pad with the mixture and apply it to your face, leaving the areas around the mouth and eyes free. After 10 minutes, rinse your skin with warm water. Use a lemon mask to eliminate spider veins no more than once every 10 days.

Photo: what rosacea looks like on the face

Every woman dreams of beautiful, clear skin and rosy cheeks. But sometimes small vessels on the face expand, and spider veins or spider veins appear on the cheeks, which terrifies their owner. The skin becomes hypersensitive, becomes irritated, dry, reddened - these are manifestations of rosacea. Look at the photo to see what this vascular disease looks like:


The early appearance of rosacea signals to us that the body is predisposed to vasodilation, and the risks of varicose veins or even stroke increase. Therefore, prevention of this vascular disease is important. To prevent the appearance of capillary networks on the skin of the face, you need to give up alcohol-containing and abrasive cosmetics, use moisturizers and sunscreens, eradicate bad habits, eat right, and then rosacea can be easily avoided.

Couperosis can be effectively treated only with an integrated approach. This includes vitamin therapy, masks, facial massages. In the early stages of the disease, creams enriched with essential oils of mint, rosemary, and lemongrass in a ratio of 1 tsp will help relieve inflammation of the vascular network. cream 5 drops of aroma oil. Watch the video for advice from a cosmetologist on how to properly treat rosacea at home:


Olga, 27 years old: “I have been struggling with rosacea since childhood, but recently I found an effective cream “Stop Cuperoz SOS intensive.” I don’t want to say that the disease disappeared completely, but after short-term use I was no longer ashamed to go out in public: the blood vessels on my skin became very light and I can even put on makeup.”

Natalya, 44 years old: “I’m always looking for some new remedy for rosacea, because I’ve been suffering from this disease since adolescence. I knew about Troxevasin as a drug for varicose veins, so I used it. But one day I read that the gel is used for rosacea, and applied it to problem areas of the skin, and, lo and behold! They instantly brightened up! Now I only use Troxevasin.”

Evgeniya, 34 years old: “I have been using the “Bark” cream for rosacea for a long time. It suits my skin, and with systematic use it completely removes redness, leaving only a slight vascular network that is not noticeable. The cream contains rutin, shea butter and soybean butter, which makes it an excellent opportunity not to take an additional vitamin complex.”

Couperosis occurs in both women and men. It does not cause its owner any harm to health, except for cosmetic discomfort. Women feel it especially painful when the spider veins are located on the face. Such a defect on the skin is difficult to disguise with cosmetics. Therefore, the topic “how to get rid of rosacea on the face” is very relevant for women.

What is rosacea

Cuperosis is caused by poor circulation in capillaries located close to the surface of the skin. The walls of the vessels expand, creating a pattern in the form of stars or a web. They are more noticeable on fair skin because they are colored red, blue or purple. Such a mesh can be in any part of the body. But most often it occurs on the legs, thighs, and face. When pressed, the venous network turns pale. In scientific circles, the syndrome of dilatation of the walls of small vessels is called telangiectasia. Outwardly, it is similar to varicose veins, only without inflammatory processes.

According to the form, telangiectasia is divided into:

  1. Tree-like – most often such rosacea occurs on the legs and has a dark blue color;
  2. Star-shaped – usually red in color, diverging from the lesion in many capillaries;
  3. spotted – spotted telangiectasias are often accompanied by collagenosis and other tissue diseases and are bright red in color;
  4. Linear (they are also called simple or sinusoidal) - on the face and cheeks, can be either red or blue.

Possible locations for the dislocation of capillary networks on the face are on the nose, cheeks, and chin. Despite the fact that mesh on the face is not a disease, but a cosmetic defect, before treatment, be sure to determine the cause that caused its appearance.

Causes of couperosis on the face

According to statistics, 25-30% of men and women under 45 years of age are affected by rosacea. Most often, spider veins occur in the fair half of humanity. Women who have undergone childbirth almost all suffer from capillary dilatation in one form or another. Telangiectasia occurs even in children and infants.

The causes of spider veins on the face may differ from rosacea on other parts of the body. Its main causes are considered to be:

  1. Venous deficiency - caused by a violation of the reverse flow of blood in the veins from prolonged inflammation, high blood pressure, obesity, deep peeling of the skin with damage to the capillaries;
  2. Age - over time, blood vessels become weaker and thinner, more fragile;
  3. Rosacea - this disease has a negative effect on blood vessels, causing rosacea;
  4. Free radical damage;
  5. Lifestyle - stress, insomnia, junk food, alcohol and smoking make blood capillaries more visible:
  6. Prolonged exposure to the sun;
  7. Temperature changes;
  8. Pregnancy;
  9. Hereditary predisposition;
  10. Use of contraceptives;
  11. Some vascular diseases;
  12. Endocrine diseases.
  13. Causes may also include dry, thin skin, poor nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs.

Remedies for rosacea on the face are not only external agents (ointments and creams), but also vitamin complexes. Their components strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

How to treat rosacea on the face at home

Modern medicine and cosmetology offers many remedies for the treatment of rosacea. Before buying expensive drugs and going for cosmetic procedures, you should try to get rid of rosacea at home. Moreover, the choice of such products is not inferior to those offered by cosmetologists and pharmacists.

Treatment of rosacea at home is carried out using traditional methods and folk remedies, depending on the condition of the face. For sensitive skin, homemade masks for rosacea and lotions are used. Masks for rosacea on the face not only help the affected areas recover, but also make the skin clean and healthy. Masks for rosacea at home can be made from ordinary products.

Masks against spider veins on the face for home use

  1. Apple vinegar is one of the best natural remedies for spider veins. You can either take apple cider vinegar internally once or twice a day by adding 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water, or make masks with it. For a mask, soak a piece of cloth with natural apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area. Session time is 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to make masks twice a day until the blood vessels disappear, for at least two months.
  2. Face mask with acorutin helps get rid of vascular network within 1-1.5 months. Combine powder from 15 tablets of ascorutin with 10 g of cosmetic clay, add 20 drops of linseed oil. Apply the mask to the skin, wait until it dries, and rinse carefully. A mask with ascorutin for rosacea also removes unwanted pigment spots. By the way, clay for rosacea can be used as an independent mask with a therapeutic effect.
  3. Potato mask for the face against rosacea nourishes the skin. Peel a medium raw potato and grate finely. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, you can cover it with a thin layer of gauze so that all the juice is absorbed into the skin. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes and wipe your face with chamomile decoction.
  4. Oatmeal mask. 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1 tbsp. l. Grind chamomile flowers into flour in a coffee grinder. Add a little olive oil to a paste consistency. Apply to face, rinse with cool water after 15 minutes. This mask can be used daily until the veins on the skin completely disappear.
  5. Mask against rosacea made from berries. Take 1 tsp. potato starch, pureed apple, lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn. Mix well. Apply for 20 minutes to cleansed face, then rinse.
  6. Anti-rosacea tonic. Brew 20 g of chamomile flowers in 500 ml of warm water, cool the resulting infusion, strain, and dissolve 2 Ascorutin tablets in it. Wipe problem areas with a cotton pad soaked in tonic 2 times a day.
  7. Horse chestnut tincture. Horse chestnut is a flowering plant, and extracts from its seeds are widely used to treat circulatory problems, including varicose veins. Horse chestnut tincture can also be used to remove spider veins. It contains escin, a compound that helps strengthen blood vessels. In addition, chestnut fruits are rich in tannins and saponins. After its use, there is an improvement in blood circulation and vein tone, and restoration of their elasticity. The tincture relieves swelling, itching, pain and fatigue in the legs. It can be taken orally as a prophylactic. But there is another way to use it. Mix chestnut tincture with grape seed oil in a 1:1 ratio and gently massage the mixture into the skin. Leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse with water or remove with a napkin.

Masks for rosacea on the face, when used regularly, bring a noticeable effect.

Oils for rosacea

  1. Mustard and sesame oil. Both these oils are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve blood flow to the affected part. They effectively reduce unwanted red and blue lines of the spider veins. To use this natural remedy, you need to take a few drops of mustard or sesame oil and apply it twice on the veins. You can use essential oils of mustard and sesame. In this case, they need to be diluted with a carrier oil.
  2. Grape seed oil. Grapeseed oil is the ideal remedy you are looking for to cure rosacea. This oil acts as a very deep moisturizer. It can treat acne, which can be one of the causes of rosacea on the face, as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Grape seeds contain vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and antioxidants. These substances are also found in the skin of grapes. All these compounds relieve inflammation, improve the structure of blood vessels, ensuring their protection from damage by free radicals, improve elasticity, and enhance the synthesis of vitamin C, which is involved in the production of collagen. The oil can be applied directly to the affected area twice a day and kept on for at least an hour.
  3. Rosehip, olive, calendula, comfrey, arnica oil - they have almost the same effect against rosacea at home as grape seed oil.
  4. Anti-rosacea oil. Take thyme, rosemary, grape seed, Japanese mint oil and mix in equal proportions. Apply this mixture only to redness; after 15 minutes, remove any remaining oil with a damp cotton pad.

Pharmaceutical products for rosacea on the face

At the pharmacy you can buy ready-made remedies for rosacea, which will help quickly solve the problem. The rosacea cream specifically eliminates irritation, relieves inflammation, strengthens blood vessels, and improves blood circulation. To get rid of the defect, use the right method - drugs for the treatment of rosacea on the face.

Drug treatment and prevention of rosacea are based on the use of three forms of external agents: ointment, cream, gel. These funds differ in their basis. It is necessary to understand the difference in order to choose the right product for your skin type: ointment for dry skin, gel for complex and problematic skin, cream for any skin.

  1. Troxevasin for rosacea on the face. The active substance in this medicinal product is troxerutin (a derivative of rutin). Troxevasin is produced in the form of a gel and has high permeability: after 30 minutes it penetrates into the dermis, after 2 hours into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Used to treat varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, edema after injury. Use 2 times a day, apply to the problem area with a gentle massage until the product is completely absorbed. Using it regularly against rosacea, the first changes are visible on days 6-7. If they are not, then you should consult a dermatologist.
  1. Diroseal cream for rosacea. Diroseal is a brand of the French laboratory Avene, specially designed for skin suffering from rosacea. The French product Avene Diroseal has been discontinued. He was replaced by the even more effective Avene Antirougeurs. In addition to thermal water, the composition includes safflower extract, butcher's broom root extract (ruscus aculeatus), which has the ability to powerfully affect blood vessels, cleansing and improving their functioning. The Swiss ointment Stop Cuperoz Cream (Stop Cuperosis) is also made with it.
  2. Doctor Taffy cream for rosacea. A cosmetic line from an Italian who managed to make his products a standard of quality - a leader in the world of essential oils (along with Vivisan). The company produces only 100% natural products. Dr. Taffi also has a series of remedies for rosacea and rosacea. Couperosis cream contains: shea butter (shea butter), avocado, immortelle, calendula. The line also includes a cleansing milk and toner.
  3. Cream Bark. Capillary protector cream Cora from a Russian company is intended for the prevention of rosacea, whitening and strengthening of the skin. In the official description of the product there is no promise to remove existing vascular networks. The cream should prevent rosacea. The product contains: thermal water, vitamin C, phytoextracts specially selected to strengthen skin tissue, rutins and oils that relieve irritation and inflammation. Reviews are contradictory: there are high marks, but criticism prevails.
  4. Heparin ointment for rosacea. An antithrombotic drug for the treatment of any external manifestations of vascular problems: from hemorrhoids to subcutaneous hematomas. The ointment has no direct purpose to eliminate rosacea. Reviews note its effectiveness against bruises, hemorrhoids, swelling, blood clots, varicose veins, and swelling under the eyes. There are some reviews about quick results in the fight against spider veins on the face, which are visible after three days of regular use.

Vitamins for rosacea

To cure rosacea, it is equally important to strengthen the walls of blood vessels from the inside. This requires vitamins and vitamin complexes. Anti-rosacea drugs for external use are obviously weaker than drugs taken orally. This is due to the difficulties of transporting active substances to blood vessels through the layers of the dermis. At

  1. Ascorutin for rosacea on the face. It is a tablet for oral administration. This vitamin complex contains only rutoside (rutin) and ascorbic acid. These two components strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have an antioxidant effect, and reduce allergies and age spots. Vitamins are taken 2-3 tablets 3 times a day. Do not vary the dose depending on the size of the spots. Vitamin C is well excreted by the body, but even its excessive consumption can lead to menstrual irregularities and digestive problems.
  2. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Constricts blood vessels and participates in the process of collagen synthesis.
  3. Vitamin P. This is the general name for a group of vitamins. Each of them increases the elasticity and density of tissues. Works great in combination with ascorbic acid.
  4. Vitamin K. Its deficiency leads to thinning and fragility of the walls of blood vessels.

Pay attention to dosages! You cannot exceed the amount of vitamins. The use of drugs can be replaced with natural products containing the necessary substances.

Cosmetic creams for rosacea

Professional cosmetics give more contradictory results. Cosmetics must be tested so as not to worsen the condition of the skin. If pharmaceutical products act purposefully, then cosmetic products must be selected individually. The advantage of such products is that they also relieve other skin problems.

  1. Face cream “Uriage” for rosacea Roseliane company. Buyers rate the product a solid three. It helps about half of the buyers, others note a complete lack of effect even when used for a long time (more than six months).
  2. Ruboril Expert. A line of products at a relatively low price. Reduces vascular networks, strengthens blood vessels. SPF 50+ sunscreen is praised.
  3. Anti-rosacea cream. Take a regular cream for sensitive skin that suits you best and suits you best. Add the Ascorutin tablet, crushed into powder, to it. Apply to face as usual.

Preventative agents for rosacea

Prevention includes lifestyle changes and cosmetic measures:

  1. Proper nutrition, with the exception of foods containing a lot of spices and herbs, salty, too hot and alcohol. Vegan recipes often lead to recovery, and with such nutrition you can get rid of pressure. Include in your menu foods rich in vitamins K, C, P, E. Monitor the uniformity of physical activity.
  2. Do not expose skin to hot water, air or steam. Likewise - cold. Avoid thermal masks. Treatment masks with ingredients such as fresh cucumber, melon, chamomile, and raw yolk are shown.
  3. Eliminate aggressive cosmetics from your care and do not use rough mechanical scrubs.
  4. Approach natural preparations with caution. For example, tea tree oil (to relieve inflammation) dries out the skin greatly.
  5. When massaging your face, it is better to do acupressure or special therapeutic massage.
  6. Do not go out in the sun without protective covering. Choose a sufficiently strong cream (SPF level from 50).
  7. Look for any cosmetics, including foundation, labeled “for sensitive or hypersensitive skin.”
  8. In addition to special products for rosacea, provide high-quality general facial care: sufficient hydration (this is important!), protection in winter (special creams against frost) and in summer.
  9. It is not necessary to select special anti-rosacea agents. It is enough to properly organize care to strengthen the skin and blood vessels. These can be tonics, lotions, masks and creams with vitamin C, rutin, niacin, vitamin K, E.
  10. Be sure to check products for allergenicity; you should choose cosmetic lines for sensitive skin with a soothing effect (for example, cream and essence from TianDe with hydrolyzed collagen).
  11. For washing, you should use soft milk or cream; products with alcohol are excluded. For toning - micellar water.
  12. Remove peelings and scrubs - mechanical effects on the skin should be excluded.
  13. Use oils (for example, Santal oil for dry and sensitive skin from Clarins) and cosmetic clay - red strengthens well.
  14. The day cream must have good UV protection and be ideally suited to your skin type: it can be a pharmacy cream Bark, which strengthens blood vessels, an emulsion for sensitive skin from Swissline, for the night - horse chestnut oil, tamanu.

Reviews of products for rosacea

It is not easy to choose the most effective remedy based on reviews: almost all of the above drugs are available, and there are many reviews. Approximate average scores are:

  1. Askorutin - Great. Removes small vascular formations on the face, eliminates even clearly visible redness. Negative reviews are rare; almost all of them are associated with contraindications that were not taken into account in time.
  2. Troxevasin - Great. For some reviewers, this turned out to be the best remedy after numerous and unsuccessful attempts with luxury cosmetics.
  3. Avene Antirougeurs – rating good. An effective remedy. Most reviewers liked the cream. The downside is the high price. In some cases, it caused a strong negative inflammatory reaction.

You should definitely consult a dermatologist! Even such a simple remedy as ascorutin can cause harm instead of benefit. During treatment, be sure to follow general recommendations: avoid visiting the sauna, steam room, solarium, avoid cosmetics containing alcohol, and follow a diet.

You should also understand that the appearance of fine vascular network may be the first sign of another more serious disease that has been slowly developing in your body for a long time or simply a circulatory disorder, which can be treated with the above home remedies.

Therefore, it is always useful to visit a dermatologist, a doctor who will identify the problem and, if he sees a more serious disease, promptly refer you to the appropriate specialist.

Although home remedies are considered safe, there may be allergies to some of them that you may not be aware of. Therefore, test any product on a small area first before using it. If home treatment does not bring results, then laser removal of rosacea on the face will be effective.

Share your useful tips on how to get rid of rosacea on your face. Our readers will greatly benefit from your experience.

Dilated blood vessels that form an unsightly “mesh”, “stars”, nodules become an unpleasant surprise and cause a lot of serious distress, especially for women. Treatment of rosacea on the face using modern methods is possible quickly and painlessly, but in the initial stages you can get by with home remedies.

Symptoms of rosacea

In frosty weather, during stress and after certain cosmetic procedures, small blood vessels dilate and become noticeable. The mesh pattern is visible for some time, after which the capillaries return to normal and the redness disappears.

However, as a result of pathological disorders occurring in the muscle layer of blood vessels, they lose their elasticity and, having expanded, remain in this position.

The influx of blood and the pressure exerted on the walls of the capillaries stretch them even more. As a result, signs of rosacea are clearly visible under thin skin - reddish veins intertwining with each other, forming nodules and “stars”.

If we talk about the face, rosacea most often appears on the nose and cheeks. The skin in these places is dry, prone to irritation, itching and burning, and a feeling of discomfort.

By and large, rosacea is not a disease, but rather a cosmetic defect, but this does not make the desire to get rid of it any less.

Causes of rosacea

  1. Hereditary predisposition;
  2. Thinning of the skin, accelerated aging of cells as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight;
  3. The influence of very high and dangerously low temperatures (hot air, steam, frostbite have a harmful effect on the health of blood vessels);
  4. Alcoholism. Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels, and their constant use makes the process chronic and irreversible;
  5. Smoking has a detrimental effect on small (and not only small) blood vessels;
  6. Microtraumas, thinning of the skin as a result of frequent, aggressive, illiterate cosmetic procedures;
  7. Diseases of internal organs:

In addition, other causes of rosacea can be:

  1. hormonal imbalance in combination with a sharp change in body weight, mood swings, sleep disturbances;
  2. dysfunction of the gonads;
  3. increased blood pressure, initial stage of hypertension;
  4. inflammation of the sinuses (chronic swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, snoring appears);
  5. liver diseases;
  6. disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis);
  7. allergic manifestations;
  8. stressful situations;
  9. reduced immunity

In the latter case, before removing rosacea, it is necessary to restore overall health and eliminate the cause, since otherwise the external manifestation in the form of a vascular network will appear again and again. The same can be said about smoking and alcohol.

Treatment of rosacea at home

Loss of tone in blood vessels leads to disruption of cell nutrition. This prevents their renewal and regeneration, as a result of which the skin begins to peel, irritation, wrinkles appear, and color deteriorates.

Skin care

In order not to worsen the general, existing or possible clinical picture, when caring for skin with a tendency to rosacea, one should not allow injury, stretching of blood vessels, or a sudden rush of blood to them.

The following cannot be used for this type of skin:

  1. products containing alcohol, salicylic acid, which reduce oiliness and have a drying effect;
  2. creams, masks, scrubs, peelings, which contain fruit acids;
  3. ice, contrast washes, hot steam baths for the face;
  4. care products with honey, menthol, eucalyptus;
  5. essential oils of anise, eucalyptus, dill, cloves;
  6. bath, sauna, hot inhalations;
  7. facial cleansing with chemical peeling;
  8. masks with clay;
  9. vacuum and manual massage

Protective creams required:

  1. with a high SPF factor in summer to neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  2. fatty in winter to prevent frostbite from cold winds

To care for skin prone to rosacea, herbal infusions, essential and base oils are recommended:

  1. for washing – chamomile, calendula, horsetail, yarrow;
  2. for cleansing – grape seed oil, avocado;
  3. useful ginkgo biloba, cypress, mimosa, blueberries, olives, horse chestnut, lemongrass, green tea


Particular attention must be paid to food products. The diet should contain substances that help strengthen the weak walls of blood vessels.

  1. Vitamins, among which ascorbic acid ranks first. It is found in many foods, including citrus fruits, rose hips, sorrel, cabbage, horseradish, red pepper, garlic, and apples. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, increases their elasticity, reduces permeability;
  2. Potassium protects capillary walls, increases skin elasticity. Herbs (thyme, basil, marjoram, parsley), celery, cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes, green beans, prunes, strawberries, kiwi, plums, blackberries, lettuce, rye, oats, olive oil, green tea are rich in potassium;
  3. Rutin increases the mobility and elasticity of red blood cells, protects blood vessels, reduces their fragility, thins the blood. It is found in currant berries, sea buckthorn, pomegranates, rose hips, rowan berries, bananas, walnuts, and buckwheat. The pharmacy sells Ascorutin tablets, combining rutin and ascorbic acid.

Drug treatment

The effect of pharmaceutical drugs in the treatment of rosacea is aimed at narrowing blood vessels and strengthening the walls, maintaining their tone.

  1. Troxevasin contains the above-mentioned rutin as an active ingredient. The cream or ointment is applied with light massage movements to the facial skin. Regular use improves blood microcirculation and reduces vascular permeability and fragility. The drug can be taken orally and is available in capsule form. You can’t count on a quick effect; the course of treatment can take about a year.
  2. Heparin ointment It is widely used to eliminate skin defects, be it bruises, hematomas or rosacea. It improves microcirculation in blood vessels and relieves congestion. However, the drug has a number of contraindications; it is used only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  3. Cream "Bark", which contains vitamin C, rutin, green tea extract. The cream has a light texture, does not leave an oily sheen, but is more of a cosmetic product than a medicine; a noticeable effect appears in the initial stages of rosacea.
  4. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, accelerates metabolism and improves blood microcirculation Avene Diroseal cream. The cream, in addition to its therapeutic effect, provides color correction to the skin: a greenish tone helps to naturally hide redness from rosacea. The course of treatment lasts about three months and requires daily application in the morning or evening.
  5. The venotonic effect is provided by the gel against rosacea Troxerutin. From the name it becomes clear that the active ingredient of the drug is rutin.
  6. A series of products for the treatment and care of facial skin "Stop rosacea» allows you to get rid of not only vascular skin lesions, but also pigmentation. The series includes a cream for daily use, a gel and toner for cleansing the face, an intensive cream and serum. Reviews from people suffering from rosacea indicate the high efficiency and high speed of action of medicinal cosmetics in this series.
  7. Protects against aggressive sun rays, reduces redness, evens out skin color emulsion and face cream Anti-rouger. Recommended for the prevention of rosacea formation in the initial stages.
  8. Couperosis cream "Doctor Taffy"contains jojoba oil, avocado, calendula, and is suitable for caring for irritated skin prone to flaking. Relieves redness, tones blood vessels, removes manifestations of rosacea.

How to treat rosacea with folk remedies?

  1. Lotions from herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, horsetail. 1 tbsp. raw materials are poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water and simmered over low heat or a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, filter, and also use for washing;
  2. Linden flowers, chamomile, calendula are mixed in equal parts, crushed and olive or sea buckthorn oil is added (1:1). Apply to the skin of the face, after 10 minutes rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with a rich cream. It is important to consider that sea buckthorn oil stains the skin yellow, so you should not make a homemade mask with it the night before leaving home;
  3. 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, crushed into powder, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. kefir and apply to the site of rosacea. After 10 minutes, wash off with warm water. This remedy should be used with caution by people prone to bleeding and allergic reactions.

Hardware methods

  1. Laser removal – the procedure is painless, allowing you to selectively act on rosacea without affecting the surrounding tissues. As a result of the manipulation, the vessels are excluded from the microcirculation bed, the pathology disappears;
  2. Coagulation flash photography may require repeating the procedure several times. On the Internet you can find quite contradictory reviews about this method. After exposure to the affected areas, the skin peels off and redness persists for some time;
  3. Mesotherapy – administration of medications in the area of ​​rosacea by subcutaneous point injections. For treatment, complex drugs are used that eliminate redness and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Despite the relative availability and popularity, this method is not the main one in the treatment of rosacea; it is more often used for prevention;
  4. Darsonval – an electrical device that affects areas of the skin with current pulses of low strength, but high frequency and voltage. With its help, microcirculation in the vessels of the facial skin improves, vascular spasms are eliminated, and blood pressure is reduced. The device can be used at home.

Cuperosis is an unpleasant skin defect that can develop into a serious skin disease. The appearance of a vascular network signals problems in the body.

For treatment in the initial stages, you can use pharmaceutical or folk remedies; to eliminate large areas of rosacea, you should contact a medical clinic. In each specific case, specialist advice is required.