How to get rid of papillomas on the head of the penis?

Papillomas on the head of the penis

The content of the article:
  1. Why do papillomas appear on the head of the penis?
  2. Symptoms and diagnosis
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal of papillomas on the head of the penis
    3. Folk remedies
  4. Prevention of papillomas

Papillomas on the head of the penis are an important sign of a man’s health problems. And we are talking not only about the appearance of benign formations caused by HPV activation, but also a general decrease in the body’s protective functions, the prevalence of stress, overwork, bad habits, and possibly other factors that negatively affect health. The disease is treatable, but cannot be completely eliminated from the body. That is why it is so important that a man who has once encountered such a pathology knows how to identify the appearance of pathogenic formations, how to get rid of papillomas on the head of the penis, and how to prevent their reappearance.

Why do papillomas appear on the head of the penis?

HPV 3d model

The development of papillomas on epithelial tissues is caused by the action of the papilloma virus, which, in order to enter the body, only needs a microcrack in the skin. Due to the physiology of the process, sexual intercourse without a condom with an infected partner is the most common reason for the virus to reach a man.

It is not at all necessary that the pathogen penetrate through microcracks in the reproductive organs; penetration can also occur through other parts of the body, for example, through kissing, through wounds on the legs.

The genotype of the virus that provokes papillomas on the glans penis, regardless of the place of entry into the body, is localized in a favorable environment. Self-infection due to failure to comply with basic hygiene rules also plays an important role in this process.

At the same time, infection is not the only reason why papillomas appear on the head of the penis. When the immune system functions normally, viral pathogens are suppressed. As soon as the body's defenses fail, the virus alters the process of normal division of epithelial cells, which manifests itself in the development of growths.

Such failures are possible for various reasons:

  1. chronic diseases;
  2. sexual infections;
  3. stress, fatigue, constant nervous tension;
  4. bad habits.

Thus, those at risk of finding papilloma on the head of the penis are men who often change sexual partners and neglect the use of barrier contraception, as well as those who are susceptible to systemic diseases or stress.

Note! The virus is significantly smaller in size than latex pores, which means that contraceptives cannot completely prevent infection, but they still somewhat reduce this likelihood.
  1. Read more about the causes of papillomas on the penis

Symptoms and diagnosis of papilloma on the head of the penis

What do papillomas look like on the head of the penis?

Photo of papillomas on the head of the penis

Pathogenic microorganisms can remain in a latent state for a long period, during which time a person does not even suspect that he is a carrier of an unpleasant disease. However, even before the growth of papillomas on the head of the penis, there may be a suspicion of HPV activation.

The first symptoms of pathology may be:

  1. increased secretion production;
  2. narrowing of the foreskin;
  3. inflammation of the tissues of the reproductive organ;
  4. erosive processes.

Such symptoms can appear independently or in combination, preceding the formation of papillomas on the head of the penis. Subsequently, small formations form on the genital organ, first on the foreskin, gradually growing throughout the entire anogenital area. The color of the growths can range from pale pink to dark beige.

At first, such formations resemble elastic pimples, but as they grow, the structure becomes denser.

As soon as the first symptoms of papillomas on the head of the penis are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a full diagnosis. The disease can spread inside the urethra, and can also be complicated by injuries, inflammation, and oncological transformation.

Correct treatment of papilloma on the head of the penis is possible only after an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Visual examination is not enough, since the growth of formations can be caused by several genotypes of the virus at the same time, including such genotypes as 16, 18, 33 - potentially dangerous for oncological degeneration. Improper treatment of such growths will accelerate the negative process of malignancy.

To clarify the diagnosis, a man must undergo a series of tests:

  1. PCR test to determine the genotype of the active virus;
  2. Digen test to calculate the concentration of viral cells in the body;
  3. Cytology of a smear from the urethra to study the cellular composition of tissues.

It will also be necessary to establish the presence of chronic diseases in the body, inflammatory processes, and concomitant sexually transmitted infections. To do this, the patient is sent for a series of specialized tests, and possibly for additional consultations with an oncologist, immunologist, and other specialists.

  1. See also what papilloma on the scrotum looks like

Methods for treating papillomas on the head of the penis

How to treat papillomas on the head of the penis should only be determined by the attending physician. Self-medication is fraught with injuries to formations and aggravation of the situation. In this case, therapy should be comprehensive and include the use of medications internally, hardware removal of formations, and, if necessary, external use of medications. We should also not forget about the need to radically change the rhythms of life - avoid stress, eat right, and give up frequent changes of sexual partners.

Medicines for papillomas on the head of the penis

Medicines for papillomas on the head of the penis

Photos of drugs for the treatment of papillomas on the penis

Drug treatment of papillomas on the head of the penis includes taking the following medications:

  1. Isoprinosine to normalize the dysfunction of cellular immunity. The price for a package of 500 mg tablets No. 20 is 305 hryvnia in Ukraine, 639 rubles in Russia. If necessary, other antiviral agents may be prescribed. Analogs of the drug are Groprim, Panavir, Groprinosin.
  2. Allokin-alpha acts as an additional stimulator in the recognition of defective cells by lymphocytes. The drug is quite expensive, in Ukraine it costs from 2050 hryvnia, and in Russia - from 3750 rubles, so its analogues are often used - Arbidol, Vilozen, Galavit.
  3. Viferon, Cycloferon or other immunomodulators. The drugs cost about 200 hryvnia in Ukraine and from 200 rubles in Russia.

External products can also help get rid of papillomas on the head of the penis:

  1. Epigen-intim - an antiviral agent available in the form of a spray or gel. It can be purchased at the pharmacy at a price starting from 242 hryvnia in Ukraine and 1005 rubles in Russia.
  2. Aldara - an immune response modifier, thanks to its properties it effectively fights viruses. The product costs from 1319 hryvnia in Ukraine, 5095 rubles in Russia. The price is due to the high effectiveness of the drug.
  3. Salicylic acid used as a local antiseptic. The solution costs only 5 hryvnia (9 rubles) and is perhaps the most affordable on the list of necessary drugs. However, when used, an unpleasant burning sensation may occur on the sensitive skin of the genital organ.
Note! The list of medications used, their dosage and frequency of use are prescribed by the doctor, based on the reason why papillomas appeared on the head of the penis. Failure to comply with medical recommendations will negate treatment.

Removal of papillomas on the head of the penis

Removal of papillomas on the head of the penis with liquid nitrogen

Removal of papillomas on the glans penis can be performed:

  1. Radio knife. A directed high-frequency beam allows you to remove formations almost painlessly. The procedure is highly effective, but also pricey. A session can cost 1,300 hryvnia in Ukraine and from 1,000 rubles in Russia.
  2. Laser. Papillomas are removed under high temperature. During the procedure, the growth is removed layer by layer, so removal may take several sessions. Such a visit to the doctor will cost 1200 hryvnia, 1600 Russian rubles.
  3. Electric shock. Removing papilloma on the head of the penis will be quite painful, but the procedure guarantees the absence of relapses. Such destruction, among other things, is quite budget-friendly - a session costs 150 hryvnia, 400 rubles.
  4. Liquid nitrogen. The so-called cryodestruction also guarantees the absence of relapses. Removal is carried out under the influence of low temperatures on the growth tissue. The cost of one procedure is 350 hryvnia in Ukrainian clinics, 600 rubles in Russian ones.
  5. Scalpel. Today it is rarely used due to the protracted recovery process, as well as the scars that remain after surgical excision. However, this method is the only acceptable method for oncological transformation of formations. The price of the operation depends on the complexity of the work and a number of related factors.

The doctor recommends how to get rid of papillomas on the head of the penis, based on the patient’s condition.

  1. Read also about methods for removing papillomas on the frenulum of the head

Folk remedies for papillomas on the head of the penis

Egg white for papillomas on the head of the penis

Alternative medicine methods for papillomas on the head of the penis are chosen because of their accessibility and ease of use at home.

The most popular recipes are also the simplest:

  1. lubricate the growth several times a day with egg white;
  2. rub in fresh rowan juice;
  3. carry out regular lotions with ammonia;
  4. cauterize the growth with vinegar twice a day;
  5. rub in tea tree oil.

Such treatment can give results within several weeks if the procedures are repeated at least 2 times a day. Traditional medicine methods are effective in the early stages of the disease, when papillomas on the head of the penis have formed dense structures or grown into large groups, such measures will not bring the desired result, and time for effective treatment will be lost.

Important! The use of folk remedies must be agreed with the attending physician. The genital organ has increased sensitivity, and the action of untested concentrated folk formulations will only aggravate the situation.

Prevention of papillomas on the head of the penis

At the doctor

Rather than worry about how to treat papilloma on the head of the penis, it is better to take care of preventing the disease. To avoid infection, it is recommended to observe personal hygiene rules and use protective equipment during sexual contact. If infection cannot be avoided, it is necessary to take measures to maintain immunity in order to prevent activation of the virus.

Such measures include:

  1. proper diet;
  2. systematic moderate physical activity;
  3. daily regime;
  4. fight against bad habits;
  5. using contraceptives and avoiding casual sex;
  6. regular visits to the doctor.

Read also: How is HPV transmitted through sexual contact?

How to treat papillomas on the head of the penis - watch the video:

Papillomas on the head of the penis are characterized by a high probability of oncological transformation and can cause psychological discomfort. If a man is attentive to his own health, he will consult a doctor at an early stage of primary implicit symptoms. However, even in later periods of pathology development, professional treatment will help get rid of the problem. To date, a number of medications have been developed, as well as hardware procedures for the removal of papillomas. Therapy selected by a doctor will allow you to get rid of unpleasant formations, avoiding serious complications, as well as the cause of psychological discomfort.

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