How to get rid of pigmentation on the face forum

After taking hormonal pills, pigment spots appeared on my face; they fade in winter and appear at the first rays of the sun. I can’t go outside without sunscreen. Please tell me how to get rid of this scourge, thank you. experts

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this is an imbalance of the endocrine system - I cured it with homeopathy (I think there are 3 drugs, one of them is white), go to a homeopath

Actually, there are peelings, laser resurfacing or something, but it’s probably expensive, who cares

Add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the clay (powder) and dilute with half a teaspoon of water, apply to the face for 20 minutes. Choose clay in the mask department, depending on your skin type. There are also special creams that lighten pigment spots, from Russians to clinics, etc.

I had a facial peeling in November. The doctor advised me to use Bioderma 50+ protective cream

Use whitening creams. I was once brought a cream from Germany, it was called “free light”, it was sold only in pharmacies, unfortunately I don’t remember the manufacturer. The spots disappeared after 2 weeks, I haven’t remembered them for 18 years.

I already wrote in a similar topic - I used a simple lemon. That is, every evening, sitting in front of the TV, I rubbed a slice of lemon over the spots. After a few weeks they began to lighten, then they went away. It took several months.

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Thank you very much, very good advice

I have the same problem on my face. For several years I have tried a bunch of different creams. Nothing helps. In winter they are not very bright yet. And when the sun comes out, the spots become even larger. I just don’t know what to do.

I myself can’t(((my face is stained, in the summer it’s just scary to look at, I just smeared it with everything, it has already turned into a mania of persecution, foundation is in a thick layer, I can’t take it anymore((((

Lemon helps for a while, but the spots fade immediately. I'll try the cream

I have the same problem, I can’t look at myself in the mirror,(((((

People, I’m giving away my “secret” recipe. Three percent boric acid (25 ml). Place 2 aspirin tablets and 2 chloramphenicol tablets there. Shake it. And a cotton swab on the face. Several times a day. Can be used under cream and makeup. 2 weeks and no problems.

Lina, thanks for the secret)

but you can’t burn the skin this way, I’m just curious, I have pigment spots for the first time under my nose, they look like a mustache - Karaul)))

After taking hormonal pills, pigment spots appeared on my face; they fade in winter and appear at the first rays of the sun. I can’t go outside without sunscreen. Please tell me how to get rid of this scourge, thank you.

You won't burn your skin. The acid is 3% (they don’t sell anything else in the pharmacy). And this recipe is a hundred years old, dating back to my grandmother. I even applied whitening cream on top. (for greater effect). It took me 2 weeks. My friend is a month old. And after giving birth, she looked like a snake with glasses, there were solid spots around her eyes. But everyone’s hormones “jump” differently, so everyone has their own time frame for the effect.

thank you Lina you are the best

I also read that Achromin cream helps a lot. Now it is called something else. And I can't find it anywhere. If anyone has used it, please write what effect it had.

I also read that Achromin cream helps a lot. Now it is called something else. And I can't find it anywhere. If anyone has used it, please write what effect it had.

Lina, please tell me, is the effect temporary or do the spots disappear completely?

Hello everyone, Cloctimazole ointment helped me, but my spots were not old. try it, maybe it will help someone, it’s not expensive in pharmacies.

Hi all. Such a horror, just a nightmare. pigment spots haunt me, especially in summer. Plz write recipes.

Thanks girls for the advice, especially Lina

I also read that Achromin cream helps a lot. Now it is called something else. And I can't find it anywhere. If anyone has used it, please write what effect it had.

I’ll try the recipe with boric acid, I’ve already tried everything. I was also thinking about chemical peeling from Faberlic, no one has tried it, they say it replaces the salon one

I mixed lemon and 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. The bandage is soaked in this composition and applied to the stain. Rinse off with warm water afterwards. The spots became lighter the first time. Also freshly squeezed cucumber juice with boric acid. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Girls, be careful with Qian Li - I read that it is banned in a number of countries, because they found an increased content of mercury in it. Also alarming is that this product is no longer available on Ali from any seller. On topic - now I’m trying Lina’s method, I’ll write about the results

Girls, be careful with Qian Li - I read that it is banned in a number of countries, because they found an increased content of mercury in it. Also alarming is that this product is no longer available on Ali from any seller. On topic - now I’m trying Lina’s method,
I'll write about the results
Tell me, did this method help you?

Good day everyone! Dear girls, I would like to recommend you a serum against rosacea and age spots. Now I will tell you about my new acquisition) Serum against pigmentation and rosacea Be Loved) I got acquainted with it a little less than a month ago, but I can already say that I see the result)
I am a “happy” owner of freckles) I have struggled with this problem since childhood in various ways, but little helped me (and so I came across this serum.
Many will say that freckles are cool and a highlight for a girl, but I still want to have an even skin tone without flaws, so as not to build up a thick layer of foundation.
I apply the serum morning and evening, its texture is light, the smell is very pleasant) it does not leave an oily sheen, after application the skin becomes soft and velvety.
People who see me every day have also noticed improvements) I no longer use foundation, there is no need for it now)
So, from my own experience, I can safely advise anyone who has encountered the same problem)
I bought it here, on the recommendation of my friend through an online store)))) price 1200 rubles.

After the sea and active tanning in August, pigmentation began to appear. The tan faded, but the spots remained on the cheekbones. It looked simply monstrous. I turned to my cosmetologist Lydia Kogan - they removed it using a Vbeam laser, it went away after 2 procedures!

I removed a pigment spot above my upper lip - it was just like a mustache)) I finally got rid of it, had it removed with a laser on Lesnaya, in a medical clinic - Beauty Trend.

Pigment spot corrector serum Vichy Idealia Pro corrects all types of spots (age, sun, post-acne, rosacea, hormonal changes). Visible lightening of spots is noticeable after two months of use, you need to apply twice a day. We must not forget that if age spots appear, this process cannot be stopped, but it can be prevented. To do this, be sure to use sunscreen with factor 50+. For example, Vichy Capital Soleil Corduroy Cream SPF50 - protection against age spots and premature aging of the skin, very light and comfortable, silk effect on the skin.

I have a classic - there was a spot above my upper lip. This is what ignoring SPF leads to (don’t take risks! Thank God they removed it well, efficiently, without traces. I went to the Beauty Trend clinic to see Dr. Yana Goryaeva. They removed the spot with a laser, unfortunately I forgot the name (((

I have a spot on my cheek, called chloasma, caused by hormonal hormones. Neither laser, nor peeling, nor mesotherapy helped. Just like that. such is the trouble.

I also read that Achromin cream helps a lot. Now it is called something else. And I can't find it anywhere. If anyone has used it, please write what effect it had.

I have had age spots for several years. After giving birth, some time later they appeared under the eyes. Achromin did not help, Lina’s recipe also did not help with boric acid (I used it for a whole month), and many other whitening creams did not help either, with chemical peels the same garbage. The only cream that helped was Astromin. It lightened it significantly, but didn’t completely remove it. The result is visible after a week of use.

I have had age spots for several years. After giving birth, some time later they appeared under the eyes. Achromin did not help, Lina’s recipe also did not help with boric acid (I used it for a whole month), and many other whitening creams did not help either, with chemical peels the same garbage. The only cream that helped was Astromin. It lightened it significantly, but didn’t completely remove it. The result is visible after a week of use.

Girls, I’ll share my experience. Pigment spots appeared all over my face about 7 years ago. I was checked by doctors inside and out - everything is normal. I suspect it's due to excessive sun exposure. At one time I really loved sunbathing, but without SPF protection - then I didn’t think about it at all. Over the years, I have tried a huge arsenal of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, lightening mesotherapy, and laser peeling. Nothing helped, not even a little. I was in despair, my face seemed dirty. Now the sun is active and for those who have such a problem, I strongly do not recommend even using whitening masks - it will only make it worse. If you are interested in procedures, leave this matter until the fall. And for myself I found such a way out. Self-tanning! According to all the rules for applying self-tanning, I apply it selectively to light areas of the skin of the face and neck, avoiding pigment spots. It is important to choose the right tone. Thus, unpigmented skin darkens, merging with the pigment. You have to do it regularly and always look tanned, but your complexion becomes even. I said “goodbye” to thick foundations with relief)) And of course I don’t forget about the cream with spf, I don’t go outside without it. I hope I help someone, because... I myself know how this problem ruins life) Be beautiful!

Girls, I’ll share my experience. Pigment spots appeared all over my face about 7 years ago. I was checked by doctors inside and out - everything is normal. I suspect it's due to excessive sun exposure. At one time I really loved sunbathing, but without SPF protection - then I didn’t think about it at all. Over the years, I have tried a huge arsenal of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, lightening mesotherapy, and laser peeling. Nothing helped, not even a little. I was in despair, my face seemed dirty. Now the sun is active and for those who have such a problem, I strongly do not recommend even using whitening masks - it will only make it worse. If you are interested in procedures, leave this matter until the fall. And for myself I found such a way out. Self-tanning! According to all the rules for applying self-tanning, I apply it selectively to light areas of the skin of the face and neck, avoiding pigment spots. It is important to choose the right tone. Thus, unpigmented skin darkens, merging with the pigment. You have to do it regularly and always look tanned, but your complexion becomes even. I said “goodbye” to thick foundations with relief)) And of course I don’t forget about the cream with spf, I don’t go outside without it. I hope I help someone, because... I myself know how this problem ruins life) Be beautiful!

Julia, there are many different ones. “Floresan” for the face and body suited me personally, in a flat yellow tube, it is very inexpensive and is often found on sale. Its shade is natural, and similar to the color of my pigment. I use it in the summer and on open areas - legs, arms. I no longer even tan my body under the sun - the pigmentation on my face immediately worsens, a kind of “leopard”. And so the situation becomes quite bearable)

Julia, there are many different ones. “Floresan” for the face and body suited me personally, in a flat yellow tube, it is very inexpensive and is often found on sale. Its shade is natural, and similar to the color of my pigment. I use it in the summer and on open areas - legs, arms. I no longer even tan my body under the sun - the pigmentation on my face immediately worsens, a kind of “leopard”. And so the situation becomes quite bearable)

I came across information on the Internet that “Ascorutin” (there are two vitamins: C and P) helps in the fight against age spots. In the form of masks and for oral administration. I won’t risk it in the form of masks now, because... the sun is very active - I’ll test it in the fall. And if I take the course internally, it won’t get any worse, that’s for sure. I no longer dream of getting rid of my long-term stains for good, but I try to restrain their growth and lighten them seasonally. I wonder if anyone has experience taking Ascorutin?

Take castor oil, add soda to it (per tablespoon of oil - soda on the tip of a knife). Apply this ointment to age spots. If we apply it at night, cover it with a bactericidal plaster on top. Over time, the skin becomes lighter and much softer. The recipe for the ointment was suggested by a woman who used it to remove warts. This ointment is generally good for the skin, but first you should try the ointment on the bend of your elbow and check for allergies. Continue reading →

Castor oil is a panacea for your skin Probably, if you ask what castor oil is for, almost everyone will answer without hesitation - for hair. But that’s not all of its properties, because castor oil is a wonderful remedy that will help get rid of many skin problems. 1.Castor oil copes wonderfully with warts and papillomas. Just rub it into the areas of warts or papillomas every evening until completely absorbed. 2.Castor oil also perfectly removes age spots. To do this, simply rub into the areas of these stains. Continue reading →

The spring sun pleased me with its warmth and saddened me with pigment spots. Well, okay, the cheekbones can still be disguised with blush, but the forehead! The cosmetologist did not offer anything in my “situation”. I'm already thinking about bangs. Share, BBshechki, maybe a good cream can remove these stains? Continue reading →

Pigment spots cause a lot of trouble to their owners. Daily toning and powdering of the face is very tedious and time-consuming. There are many ways to whiten your face, but most of them require significant costs associated with visiting special clinics. But you can still get rid of this problem even at home and without any special material costs. First of all, you need to remember that it is best to start getting rid of age spots when the sun is no longer very active - approximately in the middle of autumn. Also during procedures. Continue reading →


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Pigment spots have appeared, and as you know, they do not add beauty. Tell me, how can I get rid of them?

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