How to get rid of dry lips

The skin of the lips is so thin, delicate and sensitive that it reacts sharply to any irritants, including allergens and stress, weather and temperature changes. That is why she needs special attention.

  1. Causes of dry lips
  2. Features of lip care
  3. Precautionary measures
  4. Vitamins against dry lips
  5. Review of lip care products

Causes of dry lips

Dry lips can be caused by many factors.

Sunburn. In the summer, we don’t even notice that the skin of our lips receives hefty doses of ultraviolet radiation.

Intense thirst. You can check it yourself: coffee lovers who drink little water and a lot of cappuccino have chapped lips.

Increased body temperature during illness. It is no coincidence that the most famous recommendation from doctors is to drink as much water as possible when feeling unwell.

Intoxication of the body. During poisoning, the body experiences an acute lack of moisture, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin of the lips.

Severe stress and habit of licking lips. Without noticing it, we provoke dryness by licking or biting our lips.

Allergy to cosmetics. A reaction to lipstick that is not suitable for you will immediately manifest itself in the form of peeling of the skin of the lips.

Lack of vitamins. Strict diets, vegetarianism and other reasons for refusing animal products rich in fat-soluble vitamins do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin of the lips.

Bad habits. Constant contact with an absorbent cigarette filter deprives lip tissue of already deficient lipids.

“Dry lips can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. For example, the only sign of early stage diabetes or kidney disease. If neither lip balm nor taking vitamin E helps, see a doctor immediately,” warns Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy.

Causes of dry lip skin include weather conditions, UV radiation, bad habits, and diseases © iStock

Signs of dry lips:

We tell you how to forget about the problem of dry lips forever and learn how to treat them correctly

takes 3 minutes to read

Text: Editorial staff of January 12, 2017

If your lips become dry and cracked, then first of all you need to find the reason why this happened:

  1. You often lick your lips. For some girls this becomes a habit. Saliva seems to “absorb” moisture and a protective fatty film, making the skin of the lips susceptible to external factors: wind, cold, dryness, and infections.
  1. You drink too much coffee, and caffeine dehydrates your lips.
  1. You do not cover your face with a scarf when you are outside in cold and windy weather.
  1. You are using a low-quality lip balm that contains alcohol, carbolic acid and/or menthol.
  1. You brush your teeth with a toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate (look for the name Sodium Lauryl Sulfate on the packaging).
  1. You are allergic to metals, such as cobalt or nickel.

If you see your lips starting to dry out and crack, start treating them right away. And you can do this quickly and at home using one of the following means:

Apply castor oil to your lips using a cotton swab and spread a thin layer of Vaseline on top. Your lips will begin to heal, and in a maximum of a week the problem will disappear altogether.

Using a finger moistened with water (so that the honey does not stick), apply a little honey to your lips. It has antibacterial properties and also moisturizes and nourishes sensitive skin.

Glycerin helps increase the percentage of moisture in the skin of the lips and is considered one of the best natural moisturizers. It will relieve you of dry lips by restoring damaged tissue and speeding up the healing process. Glycerin also protects lips from unsuitable climatic conditions - stuffiness, cold, wind. Just apply a couple of drops to your lips before bed.

Lip balm is a product that can be found in almost every woman's bag. It is very convenient to carry with you, so your lips will always be protected. It can also be used as a base for lipstick. Take a closer look at the lip balms that we wrote about in this material.

This herbaceous plant is known for its medicinal properties that help heal dry and sunburned skin. You can apply aloe vera gel to your lips or apply a fresh leaf to them.

Butter is an excellent natural moisturizer for lips. Rub your lips with a piece of oil twice a day, but make sure that the composition does not contain salts: they can further harm the skin.

Dry, chapped lips can be caused by dehydration throughout the body. This means that you are not drinking enough clean water. Remember that soda drinks, soda, juices, coffee and tea are not substitutes for it, and sometimes even cause dehydration. Drink at least a liter of water a day to quickly rehydrate. Place a glass bottle next to your computer and take a few sips periodically.

Avoid direct sunlight, and if you go to a hot country or to the mountains where it can be very sunny, take SPF with you: make it a habit to apply it to your lips every day.

A humidifier is one of the most needed items for the home these days. Clean and humidified air in the house is what will save you from dry lips.

If you have tried everything but nothing helps, consult a doctor. You may be anemic or your body may not have enough iron. This often happens to vegetarians and vegans, since meat is the main source of iron. Headache, fatigue, severely chapped and dry lips are a few symptoms of this problem. You need to take dietary supplements (dietary supplements) and vitamins to compensate for the lack of iron.

How do you take care of your lips? Tell us in the comments.

Lips, like facial skin, require careful treatment and regular care.

Author: Svetlana Ivanova

Agree that dry lips, especially those with cracks and ulcers, don’t look very nice

What causes cracking and peeling of the skin of the lips?

Before you begin treating chapped lips, you must understand the root causes of this phenomenon. There are many factors that have a bad effect on beauty and among them:

  1. Allergy to facial skin care products
  2. Dehydration
  3. Excessive licking and biting throughout the day
  4. Long exposure to the sun
  5. Excessive smoking
  6. Mouth breathing
  7. Lack of vitamins

Video. Why do lips dry out? Alarm signal about possible health problems

Now you know your enemies by sight, and krauzer presents to your attention a guide on how to quickly cure dryness with simple home remedies, which will certainly restore their softness and healthy appearance.

There are a lot of care products on the market, but why spend money on them if you can find the best options, including those recommended by traditional medicine, in your kitchen?

Restoring healthy skin on the lips: the best home remedies and traditional medicine recipes

Sugar and Honey: Home Remedies for Softening

This scrub makes your skin softer and healthier.

The easiest way to treat lip skin is a scrub made with your own hands from sugar and honey.

To prepare it, mix 2 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. honey Apply this mixture with gentle massaging movements and leave for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Use this simple and natural honey paste at any time convenient for you.

Glycerin: magic for severely chapped skin

It is well known that glycerin is an excellent moisturizer.

Mix it with honey and apply this mixture before going to bed. Leave it overnight and in the morning they will become elastic.

Cucumber juice to treat dryness and deep cracks

Another pet favorite is the cucumber; its fresh juice will perfectly soothe all irritations.

Squeeze fresh cucumber juice and rub it in gently. It softens dry skin. For best results, repeat the process several times a day.

Rose petals: an excellent remedy for sore and dry skin

The beautiful rose flower will also come to your aid in treating chapped lips.

How? Everything is very simple. Soak rose petals in raw milk for 3-4 hours. Make a smooth paste. Apply this composition 3-4 times a day. Glycerin can be used as a substitute for raw milk.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Dry Lips at Night

Mixed with other natural ingredients, it is an excellent treatment for chapped lips.

You can use castor oil alone, but the best option is to mix it with 1 tsp. glycerin and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Apply this mixture before going to bed and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse your lips with warm water. It is recommended to repeat this process as often as possible.

Video. Protecting lips from wind and cold: recipes for lip care in the autumn-winter period

Natural oils are great for care

Natural oils can be pure coconut, mustard and olive. Any of them can be applied several times a day with massaging movements. The result will not be long in coming.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Fast Treatment of Chapped Skin

Aloe Vera, Krauzer is sure of this, is found in almost every home. Take a small leaf and squeeze out the medicinal juice, which you apply to your chapped lips. At first it will be unpleasant for you, but then you will notice that they begin to live

Aloe Vera may taste harsh, but this does not deny its beneficial qualities. To get rid of the soreness, simply tear off a leaf of the plant and apply the gel from it.

Cream for healthy pink color

Cream may contain a high percentage of fat, but this also makes it an excellent moisturizer.

Apply fresh cream to flaky skin. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Their daily use promotes rapid recovery.

We treat with Vaseline

Vaseline is also quite effective for treating chapped lips.

Apply it 2-3 times a day. You can try another remedy: first, lubricate your lips with a small amount of honey and let it dry, and then apply Vaseline and leave for a few minutes, then rinse everything off with warm water.

The last but very effective remedy for pink lips is to stay hydrated.

The simplest thing is to drink lots and lots of water every day. This action will keep the whole body sufficiently hydrated, which will be reflected on the lips. Start and end your day with at least 1-2 glasses of water.

Everyone knows that a healthy body needs water, but how often do we remember this? Drink at least 1-2 glasses of water a day in the morning and evening and you will not have problems not only with your skin

Krauzer has listed all the basic and easy-to-follow home remedies for chapped lips.

For them to really help, follow them and avoid the causes that lead to dryness. Stick to a healthy diet and don’t lick your lips, then they will remain beautiful for a long time!