Why does the skin on my fingers become rough?


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Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:24 + to quote book

Rough hand skin or calluses. Cracked hand skin


Rough skin or calluses

The skin of the hands loses elasticity and becomes rough, usually as a result of exposure to any active agents. Coarsening of the skin can also be caused by disease, metabolic disorders or vitamin deficiency. In this case, if the methods we suggest do not help, consult a doctor.

The cause of hardening of the skin can even be the cleaning and processing of berries and fruits, which is so often done in the fall. You can soften the skin of your hands by soaking your hands in warm mashed potatoes for 10 minutes. After this, rinse your hands in water acidified with vinegar.

You can apply this mixture to your hands: grate a potato, add 1 tsp. honey, a few drops of lemon or any other vegetable or fruit juice. You can put slices of raw potatoes on your hands. Do this procedure periodically and your skin will soften and become whiter.

After washing, rough flaky skin can be wiped with cucumber, and then with a mixture of glycerin and lemon, taken in equal proportions. You can wash your hands with a decoction of oatmeal.

It is also good to soften rough skin of the hands with the help of a fresh, juicy apple. Massage your hands vigorously with a piece of peeled apple for several minutes. After this, wash your hands and apply cream.

Baths of sauerkraut, potato broth and whey are great for rough skin, after which you need to lubricate the skin with a rich cream and put woolen gloves on your hands. For baths, you can use vegetable oil, the same portion each time, and then blot your hands with a napkin.

It is better to do all these procedures before going to bed.

If the skin is roughened not on your hands, but on your elbows, we recommend that you proceed as follows: heat vegetable oil to body temperature and dip your elbows in it for 5 minutes. Then rub your elbows with a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells. After this procedure, apply a rich cream or the same vegetable oil to the skin of your elbows to restore softness and smoothness to the skin.

For a bath, you can also use a mixture consisting of 1 liter of hot soapy water in which 50 g of soda is dissolved. After the bath, rub your elbows with pumice and repeat the procedure a couple more times.

It is not recommended to use glycerin to soften hands. As a rule, it is used in a mixture with other substances, since in its pure form it gives a short-term false effect and is removed from the skin the first time you wash your hands. In addition, one of the unpleasant consequences of using glycerin can be yellowing of the skin.

If calluses on your hands bother you, you don’t have to wait for their natural demise, so to speak. This process can easily be accelerated. Firstly, we recommend eating more foods rich in vitamin A, as it helps reduce horn formation.

If the calluses are small, a warm soap-soda bath (1/2 tablespoon of soda per 2 liters of soapy water) can help, which softens the horny layers, and they are easily removed with pumice. You can add chamomile infusion (1:10) to the soap-soda composition. To completely remove calluses you will need 6-10 procedures.

In the form of a poultice, crushed marigold flowers can be applied to calluses, which helps soften the callus and makes it easier to remove. To achieve maximum effect, this procedure is carried out 10–12 times.

One of the drugs whose healing properties have already become legendary is propolis. Even if not everything that is said about this product is true, it is successfully used to remove calluses even in its pure form. To do this, you need to steam your hand in warm water for 10–15 minutes, then wipe it dry and apply a thin layer of a heated piece of propolis on the callus. Bandage the callus and leave it like that for 5 days. A similar procedure must be repeated 3 times, after which you can safely remove the callus, again after steaming your hand.

If you urgently need to get rid of an unsightly lump on your hand and you are not afraid to use rather radical methods, we can recommend removing the callus using trichloroacetic acid. It is a fairly strong acid and requires some care when handling it. You need to take a piece of plaster and cut a small hole in it. Place the patch on your hand so that the edges of the hole coincide with the root, and lubricate the callus with acid, being careful not to get it on the healthy skin of your hand. Cover the top of the callus with a continuous piece of adhesive tape. After a day, remove the patch and remove the root of the callus.

As a preventive measure during the day, it is useful to sprinkle calluses with baby powder or a powder consisting of equal parts of boric acid and talc. At night you need to lubricate the calluses with a nourishing cream.

In pharmacies you can find enough drugs that will help you fight calluses. The most common is a corn patch, which contains salicylic acid, rosin, paraffin and petroleum. The patch is stuck on for several days, and if it does not help, the procedure is repeated. Another remedy for calluses is the so-called “callus liquid”, consisting of salicylic, lactic acid and collodion, which is the binder base of the ointment. This liquid is applied to the callus until the skin regains its healthy appearance.

All the remedies that we recommended for getting rid of warts can also help with calluses: onions, celandine, garlic. Finely grated garlic or onion should be applied to the callus, previously steamed in soda water. This procedure is best done before bedtime. When you repeat it 12-15 times, you won’t have to think about calluses anymore.

But this, of course, is not the end of the first aid kit of natural remedies.

If you have tree aloe growing at home, you have every chance to get rid of even the most stubborn calluses. Apply an aloe leaf cut lengthwise to the callus overnight. It’s better to steam your hands before doing this, even in plain water. But it is much more effective to use oat decoction. More precisely, the straw of seeded oats. By brewing 1 part straw with 10 parts water, you will get an excellent decoction, even a 15-minute exposure to which will be enough for the surface of the callus to begin to peel off.

Plantain has long been used to get rid of calluses. Moreover, both fresh leaves and their juice and dried leaves are used with no less effect. The latter must first be soaked in water before applying to the callus.

Dandelion juice is quite effective in the fight against calluses. It is the juice from the plant stem that is needed. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the juice and apply to the callus for 20 minutes. After this time, change the fleece. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. Recovery occurs in 2–3 days.

Apricots will also help in the fight against calluses. Make a paste from the pulp of 4–5 apricots. To do this, it is not at all necessary to grind the fruits on a fine grater or chop them with a mixer. Simply mash the apricots. Then add 1 tsp. olive or vegetable oil and place over low heat, constantly stirring the mixture. After 3 minutes, remove the mixture from the heat and cool. Apply the warm mixture to your hands for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water and lubricate your hands with fortified cream.

Let's not ignore vegetables and talk about the benefits of zucchini. The following mixture of them will help soften the skin on your hands. Grate the zucchini, put the pulp in cheesecloth and apply to your hands for half an hour. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with rich cream. Do this procedure once a week.

Now let's talk about night compresses that will relieve you of calluses. At night, you can make a compress from a 2% solution of boric acid or from bread crumb moistened with vinegar. Before going to bed, you need to steam your hand and tie a lemon on the callus. Repeat this procedure for 2-3 days. After this period, steam your hand and carefully remove the callus.

The next method may cause some inconvenience during sleep, but we think that for the sake of beauty you will not make such sacrifices. For this compress you will need dry onion peels. You will have to calculate the amount of husk yourself, since it is difficult to measure it in volumetric or weight units. There should be enough husk to completely cover your hands. Pour table vinegar over the husks and leave for 2-3 weeks. After this period, before going to bed, put a layer of onion peels on your hands, wrap your hands in gauze so that the peels fit tightly to your hands, and put plastic bags on your hands (you can hardly do without an assistant). In the morning, rinse your hands with water and a small amount of baking soda. Repeat the procedure until the calluses disappear.

A decoction of clover leaves and flowers softens calluses well. The decoction should be soaked into gauze and applied daily as a compress to the callus.

Cracked hand skin

Cracks in the hands occur due to increased dryness of the skin, which entails a loss of elasticity of the surface of the hands. They appear, as a rule, in areas subject to constant stretching and in places of natural folds of the skin. Most often, cracks appear on the palm and back of the hands. This is due to the constant exposure of these areas to external factors. So, washing your hands with soap, especially with hard water, dries the skin, causing cracks. Cracks also occur due to careless drying of hands after washing, insufficient protection of hands in cold and windy weather, and during industrial contact with substances harmful to the skin. In terms of depth, cracks can be superficial or deep.

The depth of surface cracks lies within the epidermis. With proper treatment, they quickly pass without leaving a trace. Deep cracks involve the lower layers of the dermis, and after healing of these breaks, scars may well remain.

In any case, no matter how advanced the process of cracking of the skin on your hands is, you need to urgently begin treatment, for which we recommend several recipes. They do not contain exotic ingredients, and you can prepare the compositions yourself.

An effective remedy for healing cracks are decoctions of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can prepare them yourself. But you need to know when and where you can collect them. It is best to plant the medicinal herbs you need in your dacha.

For cracked hands, it is recommended to make baths of 2 tbsp. l. crushed nettle leaves and 1 tbsp. l. marigold inflorescences. They are filled with 1 liter of water. After a 15-minute bath, hands are dried, lubricated with nourishing cream and given a light massage.

To heal cracks, you can also use ready-made creams with herbal additives. A list of them is given in the section on the use of creams for the care of dry hand skin.

It is necessary to carry out preventive measures that reduce dry skin and, accordingly, prevent the formation of cracks. In addition to the above methods of softening the skin and eliminating dryness, we can recommend other products that help eliminate cracks.

The easiest way to care for chapped hands: rub syntomycin emulsion or Calendula anti-inflammatory cream into the crack at night. Repeat the procedure every evening.

If your hands are very sensitive to any external influences, such as frost, and quickly crack, then you can prevent the appearance of cracks by washing your hands daily in warm water mixed with ammonia. Alcohol is added at the rate of 1–2 tsp. for 1 glass of water.

If the skin on your hands is already cracked, you can use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to disinfect and heal small cracks. For deep cracks, before going to bed, immerse your hands in a warm solution of starch (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) or boiled flaxseed for 10–15 minutes, then, without rinsing your hands, lubricate them with fish oil. At night, apply glycerin or lanolin cream to your hands and wear breathable gloves, preferably wool.

Of course, you can’t do without honey. To soften the skin and speed up the healing of cracks in the skin of your hands, mix 2 parts honey with 1 part pork fat and apply this mixture to your hands daily. Hold him in your arms for 2 hours a day.

The use of onions is quite effective. Steam your hands in water, after adding 2 tsp. soda Then put mashed onions on your hands, wrap your hands in plastic and leave the compress overnight. In the morning, wash off the onion and lubricate your hands with rich cream. We won’t reassure you in advance, but usually 2-3 procedures are enough.

Apples also help heal cracks. Boil an apple in a small amount of milk, grate it, add half a glass of kefir and apply the resulting mixture on your hands for 30 minutes. Do this daily until you notice improvement.

A mixture of starch and tomato juice will also help tidy up your hands. To begin, dilute half a glass of starch with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. You should not use wide dishes to prepare the mixture; it is better to do everything directly in the glass. The water should be cold or, at least, room temperature. After you dilute the starch, add 2-3 tbsp. l. tomato juice and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting paste to your hands for 20–30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

If you trust traditional medicine, we can recommend you the following recipe: take a raw chicken egg, put it in a glass and pour vinegar essence so that the egg is completely covered with liquid. After 2-3 days, when the vinegar dissolves the eggshell and the egg remains in a thin shell, pour half of the essence from the glass, add 100-150 g of butter and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your hands, wrap your hands in plastic and put on warm mittens. It is better to apply this compress before bed and leave it overnight. In the morning, make a soda bath for your hands and lubricate them with nourishing cream. According to traditional healers, 2 such procedures are enough for cracks on the hands to not only heal, but also completely disappear.

To get rid of cracks, traditional healers strongly recommend using pork fat. Lubricate chapped skin with it at night and put on gloves, preferably cotton ones. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, during which this procedure must be done daily.

The next recipe is, let’s say, more “tasty”. You will need 30 g of softened butter. To soften the butter, you just need to take it out of the refrigerator and wait until it comes to room temperature. Do not try to speed up this process by heating the oil over a fire. In this case, it will simply melt and lose the consistency necessary for preparing the mixture. Beat the softened butter with a whisk, add 1/2 cup of yogurt to it and mix everything thoroughly. Before applying the resulting mixture to your skin, steam your hands in calendula infusion, for the preparation of which add 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 20–30 minutes. Rub the mixture of yogurt and butter into the skin of your hands in a circular motion.

Cracked hand skin can also be treated with rye bread. You will need half a loaf of bread. Cut off the crust from the bread and soak the crumb in warm milk until a paste forms. Coat your hands with the resulting mixture. After 20–30 minutes, rinse off the composition with cool water.

For prevention, you can wipe your hands with hazelnut seed oil several times a day.

Do these procedures separately or combine them, which will not be superfluous at all, and soon you will forget what pain is in chapped hands.


Hello, dear readers! Today in our article we will discuss the secrets of healthy and well-groomed hands. We will tell you what to do when the skin on your fingers constantly cracks. We will tell you what the causes of this problem are, give recommendations for care and effective recipes.

Causes of cracks

  1. High humidity. Not only low, but also high humidity levels in the air can have a negative impact. In combination with low temperatures, the skin will suffer a double blow.
  2. Low temperature. It makes your dermis more fragile and promotes the appearance of cracks on it.
  3. Hand washing. If you go a little overboard with hygiene procedures, namely hand washing, the soap will instantly dry out your skin. And running water will add problems, because it contains heavy impurities.
  4. Exposure to household chemicals. Various chemicals that you use during cleaning to wash floors, windows and mirrors have a rather aggressive effect on the epidermis.
  5. Exposure to ultraviolet rays. Being in the sun always makes itself felt in open areas: arms, neck, face. In addition to the fact that over time, the sun's rays cause aging of the skin, they also instantly dry it out.
  6. Antiseptics. If you always have a special antiseptic hand gel or spray in your purse, know that this product is not only beneficial, but also harmful. Any antiseptic contains alcohol. And alcohol dries out our skin. That is, in order to destroy microbes, you voluntarily sacrifice your beauty.

We have listed for you the known causes from outside. What about internal factors? Do they really exist? Undoubtedly!

  1. Lack of vitamin B. If your body does not have enough of this vitamin, then you will immediately notice this by manifestations on the skin, the condition of which will noticeably worsen.
  2. Lack of protein. Protein is important for the body. And if you are on a diet and limit yourself in its consumption, then your dermis will soon become quite problematic.
  3. Hormonal disbalance. Hormone fluctuations always affect the skin, so in adolescence, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and after childbirth, this is more noticeable. Not only rashes appear, but also dryness.
  4. Diseases. In addition to the above reasons, there are also diseases that can cause serious problems with the epidermis. For example, eczema, mycosis.

The most problematic areas

Friends, now we will look in more detail at the places where cracks occur.

  1. Fingers. Cracks can appear at the tips, phalanges, folds, pads, knuckles, knuckles, corners of the fingers and between them. These are the most vulnerable places that suffer from dryness and cracks, because our fingers daily encounter various harmful environmental factors: low temperatures, exposure to household chemicals and water. Also, the appearance of cracks may be due to a lack of vitamins or fungus.
  2. Around the nails. The problem arises from improper nail care, for example, after exposure to irritants. The reason may also be a lack of vitamins.
  3. Under the nails. The appearance of painful wounds in this place is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a consequence of endocrine diseases, hormonal imbalance or metabolism.
  4. On the thumbs. Cracks and peeling in these places are the most common manifestation of fungus.


How to deal with such a problem?

Skin treatment


It largely depends on your diet. The menu must contain the necessary vitamins and microelements.

  1. Vitamin A. Sweet peppers, spinach, beets are all sources of carotene. You can eat all this even raw.
  2. Vitamins B1, B2, B9. The beauty of our skin directly depends on the listed vitamins. They are responsible for a fresh complexion and protect against negative external factors.
  3. Vitamin C. Sources – bell peppers, citrus fruits. They should preferably be consumed fresh.
  4. Vitamin D. It helps skin regeneration. Vitamin D is produced when exposed to sunlight, which means it is important to be in the sun. Sources: cheese, eggs, fish.


Dear readers, first of all, it is important to seek qualified medical help. The most common drugs that help get rid of this problem:

  1. Dry Heel Eliminator Cream.
  2. Bepanten and depanthenol. An excellent healing agent that will help you due to its large amount of vitamin B. You should smear the affected areas several times a day. Suitable even for children.
  3. Actovegin. The hormonal drug improves metabolism and tissue regeneration.
  4. Radevit. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps heal wounds, contains vitamins A, E, D. Used a couple of times a day.

Healing hand baths

In addition to medications and good nutrition, you need to carry out caring procedures for your hands that will give the skin special softness, heal all wounds and cracks on it and make it more attractive. Do you think this effect can only be achieved in a beauty salon? Not at all! There are many homemade and healthy recipes.

With vitamins

  1. vitamin A, E – 1 capsule;
  2. olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  3. lemon juice - a few drops.

How to cook: Heat the oil, pour in vitamins and lemon juice. Mix it all.

How to use: hold your hands in this bath for about 15 minutes, and then lightly wipe with a towel.

Result: The skin will become pleasant and soft. The process of its regeneration will improve.

With oatmeal

  1. oatmeal cooked in milk - 1 tablespoon;
  2. vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon;
  3. honey 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Pour oil into the prepared oatmeal and add honey. Stir.

How to use: Immerse your hands in the resulting bath for 10 minutes, then rinse them. Moisturize with cream.

Result: relief of inflammation and pleasant skin.

You will find other hand bath recipes in this article.

Folk recipes

Friends, many useful folk beauty recipes for hands can be prepared at home.

Beeswax Recipe

How to cook: melt the wax in a water bath.

How to use: Dip your fingers into the melted wax. When it hardens, put gloves on top and leave them on your hands until the morning. In the morning, remove gloves and wax, which will be useful for reuse. Repeat the procedure daily until the wounds heal.

Result: soft and undamaged dermis.

Celandine ointment

  1. fresh celandine plant - a handful;
  2. vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon;
  3. beeswax – 20 grams.

How to cook: Place a handful of celandine and oil in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool and add beeswax. Place the pan on the fire and bring until the wax is completely dissolved.

How to use: Apply to cracked skin several times a day until it heals. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Result: healthy and soft skin of your hands.


  1. High humidity and low temperature are the main enemy of your healthy hands. Don't overcool your hands.
  2. Don't overdo your hygiene. Choose soap that contains glycerin. And give up antiseptics, they are too aggressive on the skin.
  3. When cleaning, washing dishes, and windows, be sure to wear gloves. This will protect your skin from chemicals and water.
  4. Eat right. Your menu should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat meals in small portions so as not to disrupt your metabolism. Include enough vitamins in your diet: A, E, C, D and group B.
  5. If cracks and lumps appear on your hands, consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
  6. Electronic dryers are evil! Even in public places, try not to use them. In addition to the fact that this is a breeding ground for bacteria, hot air also dries out the epidermis of your hands. Bring and use paper towels or napkins.
  7. Moisturize your skin with cream daily.
  8. Don’t forget about hand baths and folk recipes, all of this will help a lot.

Dear readers, this concludes our article. We will be grateful for your feedback: click on the social media button below and share your experience in getting rid of skin cracks on your fingers in the comments. And we will know that our efforts for you are not in vain.


In the article “How to remove rough skin on your fingers,” we will tell you how to make your hand skin beautiful. Our hands are one of the most attractive and beautiful parts of the body. They are always on the move, always in sight. A woman caresses and hugs men with her hands, and nature has taken care that a woman’s hands become a strong sexual stimulus.

Photo gallery: How to remove rough skin on fingers?

But our hands are our working tools. We use our hands to cultivate garden beds, clean dishes, carry heavy bags of groceries, and wash things. How can we not worry about keeping our hands beautiful and well-groomed? What needs to be done to make them remain beautiful longer? Taking care of your hands is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance, and we will be happy to share the secrets of hand care so that the skin on your hands is not rough, but soft and velvety.

Rules for hand care at home
In order for the skin on your hands to remain healthy and youthful longer, you need to learn a few rules.

1. Don't skimp on gloves. If your hands come into contact with cleaning products (cleaning tiles, hand washing, washing floors and dishes) and come into contact with water, you should wear rubber gloves. This way, you will protect the skin of your hands from chemicals and from corrosion by water. Gloves should be a little big so they don't pinch your skin. And before putting them on, you need to pour a little talcum powder inside the gloves, then they can be removed without much difficulty. In addition, before putting rubber gloves on your hands, you need to lubricate them with a protective or greasy cream, because rubber has a bad effect on the delicate skin of your hands.

2. Gloves are a useful thing for life. They work well in the garden, and if you rub a piece of soap with your nails before working in the garden, the dirt from your hands will be washed off in no time.

3. Don't forget about gloves when it's cold outside, and not only in winter. In the spring, when
There is a cold wind outside, humid weather in the fall, all this can do a disservice to the delicate skin of your hands. Those who like to walk without gloves in winter will experience redness, an untidy appearance, dry, rough palms and skin discomfort, and do not forget about this.

4. Don't buy cheap soap. A good option is liquid soap with the addition of cream, antibacterial soap, and soft toilet soap. After washing, you need to wipe your hands dry so that tap water does not remain on your hands, which tightens the skin.

5. Several times a day you need to lubricate your hands with moisturizer, and this should be considered the norm. If you go out into the sun, you need to cover your palms with sunscreen, otherwise after a while the skin on your palms will look darker than your body color.

6. At night, lubricate your hands with cream containing lactic acid or urea (they have the ability to retain moisture in the body). Sometimes before going to bed you can lubricate your hands with Vaseline; the next day they will delight you with soft to the touch and velvety skin.

7. Hands need to use a scrub. You can use home remedies that are always at hand. This could be honey, sugar and salt added to sour cream, coffee grounds. Do not refuse to do this procedure for your hands, once or twice a week, it is best to do it while taking a hot bath. Don't forget to do this procedure for the elbow area.

For dry hands
If you have dry, rough skin on your hands, here are a few tips:
1. Take warm baths with added salt or aromatic oils. They will add velvety and tenderness to the touch. Essential oils moisturize the skin well, and salt removes the upper layers of the epidermis, revealing smooth, renewed skin. After the baths, dry your hands, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream to them. While applying the cream, you can give your hands a good massage.

2. During the massage, blood flows to the skin, blood circulation is stimulated, the skin is nourished with oxygen, and its appearance improves. There are many points on the hands; if you stimulate them, you can have a positive effect on the body.

3. Stretch your fingers every day, do gymnastics for them.

4. It's a rare beauty who can go out without a manicure. A manicure is the finishing touch to the beauty of your hands.

How to soften and smooth the skin on your hands
Softening skin with oatmeal
Oatmeal mask
- This is a good skin softener. This mask has a delicate consistency that can be applied to the face. Place a little more than ¼ cup of oatmeal or oatmeal in a mixer and grind into flour. You should have ¼ cup oatmeal. If it turns out a little smaller, add a little more. Pour the flour into a large bowl and add one tablespoon of aloe juice or melt water and knead.

Apply this paste to your hands and rub well into the skin. We also apply the oatmeal mask to the wrists, cuticles, and finger joints. Rub the paste in for 3 or 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry your hands well.

Olive oil and corn flour mask
Masks help exfoliate dead skin cells and are usually not used where the skin is thin on the back of the hands. But this mask is an exception, it improves blood circulation, causes tissue rejuvenation, and softens the skin.

Place a quarter cup of corn flour, an oil solution of vitamin E, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a deep plate and mix. We hold our hands over a plate, apply the paste to the surface of the hands, wrists, cuticles, and to each joint. Rub the mass especially well into those places where there are pigment spots on the skin. After 5 minutes, wash your hands with warm water and soap, preferably liquid, and dry them well. We make this mask once a month.

Their papaya mask
The enzymes contained in papaya help smooth the skin and remove dead cells that are on the surface of the skin. If someone has very sensitive skin, if someone suffers from dermatitis, or hangnails have formed on the cuticles, then there is no need to make a papaya mask.

Grind a small piece of papaya until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take one tablespoon of the mixture and apply it to the surface of your hands, not forgetting the cuticles. After 1 or 2 minutes, wash your hands. We make this mask twice a month.

Intensive hand skin hydration
When exposed to wind and low temperatures, the skin becomes sore, cracked and dry. Sometimes cracks in the hands bleed. Especially in winter, you need to intensively moisturize your hands.

Mix 1 tablespoon of Vaseline and 1 tablespoon of lanolin. Then apply the mixture to your hands and rub well into the skin of your hands, especially on your finger joints and cuticles. Leave this ointment on your hands for 20 minutes, under the influence of body temperature, this ointment will melt and be absorbed into the skin. Then we wash our hands with liquid soap. During the cold winter months, we carry out this procedure daily.

Hand baths
Two teaspoons of baking soda per glass of water will make rough skin beautiful and smooth. If we add a little sea or table salt to the water, this will strengthen the nails and relieve the skin from redness. And if there are scratches, cuts, abrasions and cracks on your hands, soak your hands in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. And for excessive sweating of the palms, a bath of 3 teaspoons of vinegar per glass of water will help.

Plant baths
— Inflamed skin is soothed and well softened by baths made from decoctions of nettle, linden or chamomile.
— A decoction of oak bark helps with redness of the skin.
— A bran bath will make it silky and soften the skin
Pour a glass of boiling water into a large bowl, then add half a glass of bran. Let's wait until the bran reaches body temperature and lower our hands there for 4 or 5 minutes. After completing the procedure, wash your hands in warm water and dry well.
— If the skin of your hands turns red due to the fact that the temperature outside is low, it is useful to use potato decoctions. If you take baths with potato decoction every day, you can quickly restore skin color. The duration of the bath is 20 or 30 minutes.

— To soften and nourish rough areas of the skin, we use starch baths. Brew a tablespoon of starch with a liter of boiling water, use this liquid warm. We do the procedures every other day. The wellness course consists of 15 or 20 sessions.

— Apply the mixture to your hands: grate a potato, add a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of fruit, vegetable or lemon juice. Place slices of raw potatoes on your hands. We do this procedure periodically and your skin will turn white and soften.

— For rough skin, we make baths from whey, potato broth, and sauerkraut. After such baths, lubricate the skin with a rich cream and put woolen gloves on your hands. We use vegetable oil for the baths, the same portion, then blot our hands with a napkin.
We take these baths before bed. Then we apply a rich cream or vegetable oil to the skin to restore smoothness and softness to the skin.

Now we know how to remove rough skin on our fingers. Hand skin care needs to be given more time and attention, done often, and best of all, daily. By following these tips, you can ensure that your hands no longer have rough skin, but become soft and pleasant. Your hands should look great and your skin should feel nice and soft to the touch. This is a must if you want men to want to kiss hands and women to have a feeling of white envy.