How to dye eyebrows for school

September 1 is coming soon, and for every schoolgirl this day is special. We have already prepared manicure ideas for you for school and for September 1, and today we’ll talk about makeup. What school makeup should look like on September 1, and how to do it - read our material.

Makeup for school and on September 1 should be light, natural and subdued. So that you can repeat it yourself. We have prepared for you the best natural makeup ideas that are ideal for school time. Get inspired!


Step 1. Preparing the face

Before applying makeup, it is important to prepare your face for its application: cleanse it, apply toner and moisturizer.

Step 2. Apply the base

Remember, you're going to school, so don't wear heavy foundation on your face (get rid of it). Choose regular powder, light foundation or BB cream. If you have small rashes, use concealer: apply it to the pad of your finger, gently apply it to the area you want to conceal, and then blend the borders around the rash.

Step 3. Emphasize the eyebrows

To make your makeup look neat on September 1, don’t forget to highlight your eyebrows. First, comb them with a brush, then style them with eyebrow gel, and then emphasize your shape using any eyebrow product convenient for you - pencil, marker, powder, etc.

Step 4. Paint the eyes

For makeup on September 1, as well as for school makeup in general, natural eye makeup is ideal. Volumizing mascara will be enough, but if you want to make your eyes brighter, use shadows in brown or bronze natural shades. Apply shadow to the eyelid and blend the edges well. Then apply mascara. You can also use a brown eyeliner: draw a thin line along the lash line of the upper eyelid. This trick will make your eyes look bigger and more expressive.

Step 5: Add Glow

Everyone knows about this step. In order to create the effect of a face illuminated from the inside, use a highlighter for the face: apply it to the most prominent areas - cheekbones, bridge of the nose and the tick above the upper lip. Don't forget to blend everything thoroughly.

Step 6. Paint your lips

As we have already said, make-up for school on September 1 should be as natural as possible, so to give the colors a light color, it is enough to highlight them with colored lip balm. If you still want to use lipstick, then choose neutral nude shades and apply it to your lips with your fingertips. This trick will highlight your lips, but at the same time they will look as natural as possible.

Watch an online video about how to do light everyday makeup for school in 5 minutes

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We told you how to do light school makeup, and also shared the best ideas for such makeup. Follow our advice and be irresistible every day!

Makeup: Ksenia Glodina, eyebrow artist, makeup artist-stylist at Allmakeup studio

Makeup for teenagers is also a way to increase self-esteem. If a girl likes to put on makeup, help her learn how to do it correctly: use cosmetics as needed and give preference to products that unobtrusively highlight her beauty.

Eyebrows are precisely those lines on the face that can express our emotions and character traits. They set the tone for the entire face. Letidor is told how to properly design eyebrows in makeup for teenage girls professionals from the Allmakeup makeup studio: Ksenia Glodina, eyebrow artist, makeup artist-stylist, and Olga Red, makeup artist.

The work of a professional: first eyebrow correction in the salon

Eyebrow correction and modeling should be entrusted to a professional makeup artist, eyebrow master. This is especially important during primary depilation. The consequences of illiterate plucking of eyebrows at home can be pain shock, inflammation, improper hair growth in the future, or a complete cessation of hair growth.

The specialist individually selects the depilation method, prepares the skin, and, if necessary, can apply local light anesthesia. Compliance with hygienic requirements, artistic taste and experience of the master are the main indicators for a high-quality correction procedure.

In adolescence, eyebrow correction can only be recommended to those girls who have eyebrows:

  1. very thick,
  2. grow low,
  3. fall out a lot,
  4. asymmetrical,
  5. invisible,
  6. have an inharmonious shape.

Many girls start wearing makeup in middle school. If you are at this age, you need to wear makeup in such a way that your appearance remains natural, beautiful and not provocative. Remember, even if you are in high school, makeup is not what you need! Apply makeup to highlight your natural beauty! And always remember: less is more! However, the choice to decorate your face or not is entirely up to you.