Manual anti-cellulite massage reviews effect


Negative reviews

I’ve never written reviews, but I always read them. Now it’s my turn to educate the girls who have decided to have a manual anti-cellulite massage. The master has been chosen, I'm going for a massage. I plan 10 sessions, every other day. After the massage you can see the picture for yourself. I write to the master, refuse the massage, I receive an answer immediately, this is how it should be.

This is after the massage

It's up to you to decide whether to go or not! But this happens. Especially if the skin is prone to hematomas. I'll add a photo in the morning. I'm still waiting for it to pass.

And then we'll see, I'll go back to Vitex.

Getting rid of cellulite is the dream of my whole life (and I always remember it on myself from adolescence). I won’t describe everything that I tried in order to, if not get rid of it, then at least make it less noticeable. And you can throw slippers at me that I need to eat less and exercise more, eat right. Yes, I know everything, but I can’t. I can't for the life of me. I am prone to obesity, I gain weight from everything, but that’s not the point.

This summer I finally decided to visit a professional massage therapist to get in shape a little before the summer season. To do this, I found a massage therapist, talked to her, I liked everything and it suited me. I was very determined, although I had heard that the procedure was far from pleasant. And then a two-week nightmare began in my life.

First session. I am joyful, cheerful with the thought that soon my volume will decrease, cellulite will smooth out, and maybe even go away altogether, and lay down on the table. The massage therapist said that today the first session will work at half strength so that it doesn’t hurt too much right away. Girls, it was very painful, but I endured it, I thought I would get used to it with time, and she calmed me down with the same words. In general, at the end of the session my body hurt as if I had been kicked for a long time and hard. Already when I was getting dressed, I saw that bruises were appearing on my body. My skin is sensitive and bruises form quickly. But when I came home and decided to take a shower to wash off the oil, I was afraid of my image in the mirror. The stomach, thighs, butt were a complete bruise. Okay, it’s all for the sake of beauty, they’ll pass!

It gets worse. We sat down for lunch about two hours after the massage. I’m sitting, I feel bad, my head is spinning, my vision is getting dark and my ears are blocked. I tell my parents that something is wrong with me, I’ll go to bed. And that’s all, according to my mother, I turned white as a white sheet, I didn’t hear anything. Fortunately, my parents are doctors and brought me to my senses. I lay there for several hours and couldn’t walk. I called the masseuse and said that most likely the lymph flow had increased, which is what caused the fainting. Cool, yeah! Fainting after the first massage procedure! At the same time, I want to note that I am not a muslin young lady, I endure pain well, I gave birth to two children by natural birth. And here it is!

In general, I didn’t go for a massage for two days, my body hurt, I couldn’t touch it, I couldn’t sit. But two days later I went for a massage again, I’m strong, persistent, and soon I will have a smooth butt and thighs!

The second session was even worse, imagine a massage on a tortuous body, it was brutal! Even though the massage therapist practically stroked me, the pain was terrible.

Then I started going for massages every other day. The body did not get used to it, the pain did not become less, old bruises turned yellow, new ones appeared. At the sixth session, I lay and cried, persuading myself to come to the seventh. But I didn’t go anymore, I couldn’t!

As a result, in six sessions I saw some results, of course. My cellulite stage is very strong, so 6 sessions are like a poultice for me, but the skin has begun to smooth out a little, the bumps are going away. But it was a drop that I could instill in myself.

Analyzing the situation later, I came to the conclusion: either I got a bad, unprofessional massage therapist, or anti-cellulite massage is not for me. It’s better that I fight it myself at home, quietly and carefully.

I am in no way dissuading you from the procedure, but know that it also happens like mine. After all, if you are reading this review, it means you are looking for a means to combat cellulite. Therefore, I recommend choosing them very carefully and carefully, without repeating my mistakes. As for the rest, think for yourself, decide for yourself, as the famous song says!

And I’m attaching a few of the most harmless photos from my summer collection, which I took as a souvenir, so as not to repeat this experience again when the sensations are forgotten!

I took the course, there was no effect at all, although the masseuse assured me that the progress was excellent! Well, I understand, she needs to secure a permanent income for herself, for the sake of money I can’t even say!

Good afternoon, if it’s not difficult for you, please send me your phone number and the area where the masseuse lives. Thank you! ¶

I did this once in my life, 6 years ago, that is, one course of 10 massages. Manual - belly, legs, butt. What can I say – it hurt, almost to the point of tears, I didn’t really understand the effect.


The fight against cellulite requires a comprehensive approach. To get rid of it, you need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, maintain a drinking regime, and devote time to physical activity. Manual anti-cellulite massage also gives excellent results. Reviews about this procedure, as a rule, confirm its effectiveness. How to properly perform such a massage and what features need to be taken into account before performing it? Let's talk about this.



Manual anti-cellulite massage warms up tissues, promotes the breakdown of fat deposits, has a lymphatic drainage effect, removes lymph stagnation, and relieves swelling. The procedure helps to launch metabolic processes in the body, enhances blood circulation through the vessels in the subcutaneous fat, strengthens capillaries, and activates the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

Massage allows you to transport substances contained in anti-cellulite creams and oils into the deep layers of the skin.

Massage has the following indications:

  1. obesity;
  2. metabolic disorder;
  3. swelling;
  4. stagnation in tissues;
  5. all degrees of cellulite;
  6. poor lymph flow;
  7. looseness of tissues;
  8. saggy skin.

Preparation for the procedure


If you follow the basic rules of manual massage, it will be gentle and painless:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to apply a scrub to your body and take a shower.
  2. For several days before the massage, you must refrain from physical activity and visiting the solarium. It is important that the body is in a relaxed state, otherwise the procedure will be too painful and ineffective.
  3. Before taking a course of manual massage, it is advisable to consult a specialist about this. As for performing an anti-cellulite massage on yourself, it is acceptable if you have certain skills. Carrying out the procedure yourself will save time and money. The first few procedures can be performed in the massage therapist’s office or take a training course.
  4. To massage problem areas in order to get rid of cellulite, you need to use special products (creams, lotions, oils). This will make your skin smoother and more hydrated.

Is manual anti-cellulite massage dangerous?


Such a procedure will not cause harm only if it is carried out correctly. It is also important to familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications. The process itself involves working on problem areas in order to remove the subcutaneous fat layer. Reviews of manual anti-cellulite massage say that it does not injure the skin and does not cause damage to health.

Contraindications and precautions

Anti-cellulite massage is a procedure that should be carried out in the absence of contraindications. Before you begin, you must study them. These include:

  1. Pregnancy. During this period, the woman’s body is in a weakened state. Carrying out such a procedure may negatively affect her health.
  2. Infectious diseases. Before you start a massage, you will have to get rid of such ailments.
  3. The presence of ulcers, wounds and other damage on the skin. In this case, you need to wait until the wounds on the skin are completely eliminated and only then begin the massage.
  4. Fever. At the time of massage, a person’s body temperature rises, so it can only be performed if it is within acceptable limits. Otherwise, there is a high risk of dizziness and other adverse reactions.

In order for the massage to bring exceptional benefits, you need to consult a doctor before performing it.

Execution technique


If there are no contraindications to manual anti-cellulite massage, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, you can proceed with the procedure.

  1. First you need to pay attention to warming up. The skin needs to be stroked intensively. Sliding, smooth movements can be carried out until redness appears on the skin. It is permissible to knead the skin only with your hands; no additional equipment is required for this.
  2. The next stage involves rubbing. Problem areas should be rubbed with your palms. If the skin is prone to swelling, rubbing can be combined with pinching.
  3. Next comes vibration. This could be claps or slaps.

The technique of performing manual anti-cellulite massage itself does not imply any difficulties. However, not all areas of the body can be treated independently. It is advisable to entrust massage to the back of the thighs, buttocks and back to a specialist.

Manual anti-cellulite massage lasts about an hour. It must be performed competently, paying due attention to each problem area. The procedure should be carried out every other day so that the skin has time to recover.

Post-procedure care

Reviews of anti-cellulite manual massage say that after the procedure, hematomas may appear on the skin. This phenomenon is quite natural, because at first it will not be possible to independently calculate the pressure force. Troxevasin ointment and other compositions with an identical effect are suitable for removing hematomas. Immediately after the massage session, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water, herbal or green tea and lie down for about half an hour.

Possible complications


In reviews of anti-cellulite manual massage, you can hear about the appearance of complications after the procedure. They are often caused by incorrect technique and the use of inappropriate means.

Side effects include:

  1. allergy to components contained in products with anti-cellulite effect;
  2. hematomas;
  3. skin soreness.

Bruising and short-term redness of the skin are temporary and acceptable phenomena. Moderate pain both during and after manual anti-cellulite massage is also considered acceptable.

Useful tips


Before you start a massage, you need to consider a number of the following recommendations:

  1. Anti-cellulite massage will be effective and useful only if there are no contraindications to its implementation. For people with a weak circulatory system, such manipulations can cause significant harm.
  2. To enhance the effect of manual anti-cellulite massage, you need to use cosmetics in the form of creams and oils.

What is the difference between hardware and manual massage?

You can also fight the hated orange peel using hardware procedures. Which anti-cellulite massage is better - manual or machine? A procedure such as vacuum massage is carried out using a special device.

The specialist, holding the device in his hands, moves it in a circular motion with light pressure over the skin in problem areas. The suction cups with which it is added pull and release the skin. The same effect is achieved with regular manual massage.

Both options have the same contraindications:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. damage to the skin;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. postoperative period.

It is worth noting that hardware massage has an additional contraindication. It is prohibited to perform it in case of weak capillaries, rosacea and spider veins. In this case, a gentle manual technique is acceptable.

What else are the similarities between both techniques? In hardware and manual massage, you can adjust the pressure force. However, in the latter case, you can control the pressure depending on the place where the massage is performed. In the case of a device, everything is somewhat different - the device functions according to a given program. The effectiveness of manual massage depends on the skills of the person performing it.

Vacuum massage is prohibited on swollen tissues, because this can cause hematomas. Manual lymphatic drainage can help relieve swelling. Excess water can be removed either by manual massage or using a physiotherapy device. This method has a small list of contraindications.

Number of procedures, expected effect


How many anti-cellulite massage sessions will it take to get rid of the “orange peel”? The number of procedures depends on the severity of cellulite. The entire course usually consists of 10 sessions.

After the first procedures, the opposite effect may be observed - the skin will become more bumpy. However, these phenomena are temporary, and after a few days cellulite will become less pronounced, and the skin will acquire elasticity. Reviews of anti-cellulite massage say that it is possible to get rid of the “orange peel” for 6-12 months. To consolidate the result, you need to strictly monitor your diet, devote time to physical activity and drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

I am 25 years old, mostly lucky with my figure, only there are small ears on my hips. I read that it is easier and faster to remove them when, in addition to sports and diet, you undergo a course of anti-cellulite massage. Tell us, who did it, how many sessions and with what frequency, and what was the effect? experts

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Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

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Krasnoborova Varvara Sergeevna

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Grib Lyudmila Nikolaevna

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

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Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

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Svetlana Mikhailovna Belova

Psychologist, Children's psychologist Occupational therapist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Apremova Eva Alexandrovna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Muratova Elina

Psychologist, Help comes from within. Specialist from the site

Since my friend, a masseuse, specializes in this particular massage, I know everything first-hand. This massage should be constant; if you have started, you won’t be able to remove everything with one course. Even if you remove it later, you still need to do it at least once every two weeks just for prevention

support 1
This massage is only effective if you visit it regularly, then it really works, you need to take a course, and then you can do it once a week. I personally don’t have time for this, where I live, everything is closed on weekends, it’s just tough, but there’s no time for weeks, which is a pity

While taking OK, cellulite began to form on the buttocks. After stopping drinking OK, I went for a massage. After 7 sessions there was no trace of him. To maintain it, I did body wraps and smeared myself with creams. It's been approx. 4 years already, only now several dimples have appeared. So it's very effective. It would take hundreds of times longer to achieve such results through sports. So do it. Ideally, after the course, to maintain the effect, the procedure should be repeated once a month.

It definitely helps! It saved me after giving birth, but at the same time you yourself must help the body, namely, sports and moderation in diet.

I took the course, there was no effect at all, although the masseuse assured me that the progress was excellent! Well, I understand, she needs to secure a permanent income for herself, for the sake of money I can’t even say!

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I took the course, there was no effect at all, although the masseuse assured me that the progress was excellent! Well, I understand, she needs to secure a permanent income for herself, for the sake of money I can’t even say!

7, and ate right, and just then was actively involved in sports, but. Nothing. Maybe you need to go there every day, like going to work, for many years in a row, then there will be an effect? But, alas, I don’t have time for constant massages.

How can anti-cellulite massage help if the fat from the body does not go anywhere?
They crushed the fat, and that’s all.

7, and ate right, and just then was actively involved in sports, but. Nothing. Maybe you need to go there every day, like going to work, for many years in a row, then there will be an effect? But, alas, I don’t have time for constant massages.

Of course, you don’t need to go every day, but the effect will be if you do the massage constantly; here, as in sports, systematicity is important.
What if you massage yourself, at home, with a massage brush and anti-cellulite cream? will there be an effect?

What if you massage yourself, at home, with a massage brush and anti-cellulite cream? will there be an effect?

How can anti-cellulite massage help if the fat from the body does not go anywhere?
They crushed the fat, and that’s all.

God! Save this country from idiots!

You need to be careful with massage and only do it with a good master. A massage alone will not help, you need sports, proper nutrition, and body wraps. I do all this, except for massage, I go to the gym, I watch my diet, I also do body wraps only with good, natural ingredients, now I have Lunden Ilona and everything together gives a good result.

helps with proper nutrition and exercise, but nutrition + exercise also give the same result, it is better to rub yourself with a brush before the shower.

Of course he helps! Don’t listen to anyone!! You need to look after yourself and take care of yourself, and this is naturally hard work. We have very few well-groomed beautiful women, let alone girls. Few people have been taught to exercise and eat properly since childhood, so everyone justifies their laziness in their own way. It doesn’t help only those who don’t do it or don’t watch their diet, but eat everything in a row at midnight, and then shout ah yay yay- massage didn't help.

I massage myself with cups periodically with anti-cellulite massage oil, alternating day/day and so 10 massages, it helps me. but I was lucky with my figure, it’s heredity)) I have two children, with a height of 178, I didn’t gain much (about 8 kg during pregnancy). I massage my thighs and buttocks before the holidays. I start a month in advance, plus I reduce calories per day to 800-1000 no more)) and basically I buy vegetables, fruits and vitamins. I don’t have time for sports (work 5/2 and without my husband), I just walk a lot, walk along escalators, walk several stops instead of the bus, etc. I try not to sit still)) I want to try it with a brush, but I won’t buy it.
So, girls, it helps. but as it was said above, consistency is necessary! One massage will not remove anything, you need to release the lymphatic flows, and without a healthy diet and exercise this cannot be achieved

There will be only one effect; the manufacturers of massage brushes and anti-cellulite cream will receive more money.

You are so young, maybe you can start with something simpler - exercises, remedies, massage yourself. The only thing I would advise is a comprehensive approach, maybe with wraps, for example. But proper nutrition is paramount.
Try natural oils, they have different effects and enhance fat burning, making the skin smoother

It helped me a lot, although not right away ((at first I went to a regular salon not far from home and all my efforts were in vain .. and only then, on the advice of a friend, I turned to Frau Clinic. Then I realized that everything depends on the specialist!! I saw the result after 3/4 visit))

I did it at the home of a masseuse! Very painful - but effective! I did 10 sessions, my legs decreased in volume, cellulite also went away. Of course, you need to maintain the result, and it’s better to repeat the procedure, but there are no such budgets .. in the end I use the same massage cream (Belitovsky in green packaging) and ask my husband to knead my thighs


he has strong hands - there is an effect)

massage must be done constantly, one or two courses is nothing, so my husband learned the technique of general massage and does it for me constantly, oh yes, men’s hands have a strong effect.

It definitely helps. The body tightens, centimeters go away, cellulite disappears, BUT! only with proper nutrition, and if you add sports, the result will be even better.

Hi all. After giving birth, my belly sagged and ears grew on my sides. I walked around completely depressed. A boy's friend recommended a massage therapist to me. I doubted it, but I called. After ten procedures, waist size decreased by 4 cm. Girls, it’s like I was born again! So it’s very effective, the main thing is to find a good specialist.

Oksana, please write the phone number of this “miracle boy”

Natalya, the massage therapist’s name is Alexey, phone number 89265439743. He came to my house with his massage table and all sorts of gadgets.

I am 25 years old, mostly lucky with my figure, only there are small ears on my hips. I read that it is easier and faster to remove them when, in addition to sports and diet, you undergo a course of anti-cellulite massage. Tell us, who did it, how many sessions and with what frequency, and what was the effect?

Konanevich took an excellent massage course on shaping a beautiful figure. At first it was surprising to me that the doctor not only does manual massage, but also uses machines. I had a blast during the procedures! And I got a chic waist and no cellulite! A real miracle of massage. This specialist in Celine accepts.

While taking OK, cellulite began to form on my buttocks, which I really didn’t like, and by the summer I decided to get rid of it. I went for an anti-cellulite massage and yoga. In 7 sessions everything tightened up and my appearance improved significantly. To maintain it, I also do body wraps in the salon. I do all my girly things at the SunnySpa salon on Kutuzovsky. By the way, they also have a hammam for those who want to relax.

I took a course of therapeutic massage with Konanevich. A doctor with talented hands! And besides the manual massage, I liked the hardware massage! My skin became toned, my figure became more beautiful with smooth lines (without folds in the waist area;))) I didn’t expect such an effect from the massage that in addition to a feeling of lightness in my back, I would also get a beautiful body and skin! He is a professional, a very good specialist. There is a reception at Bolshaya Kondratievsky.

Natalya Kron is the best in her business! I recently took a course of lipoplasty with her. It’s simply impossible to describe in words all the sensations after her work on the body! You need to try it and feel it for yourself! If you still can’t decide whether it’s worth it or not, then take the risk at least once and you’ll understand everything yourself. The body is changing rapidly and, of course, for the better. She is an excellent master, and just a sincere person to whom it is pleasant to return))

Sign up for courses with Natalia Kron. Her methods of lipoplasty, myoplasty, anti-cellulite massage are very effective. Useful. The result will not keep you waiting.
You can also get training from Natalia in her popular massage techniques.
I recommend girls.
I took a course of lipoplasty, I am delighted. Thanks to the master and her golden hands!
Instagram nat_kron


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