How to wear makeup to look cute

Makeup with a drama effect or the image of a cute girl with a “doll” look? For those who choose the latter, it is enough to master the simplest makeup techniques. We will talk about them

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Text: Editorial staff of March 10, 2018


Thanks to makeup, any, even dramatic, changes in appearance are possible. It all depends on your desire. If today, for example, you want to be cute and charm with a naive “doll” look, you just need to create the appropriate image - with the help of cosmetics it will not be difficult to achieve the desired effect.

Characteristics of cute makeup

To slightly enhance the natural beauty, emphasizing the advantages, to make facial features more expressive - ordinary basic makeup can cope with this. If the task is more specific - to give the image a touching girlish charm, then you will have to master the “doll” elements of makeup. They form the basis of cute makeup, which makeup artists classify as a separate category. What are its main features?

  1. Impeccable tone. You need to achieve the effect of velvety skin, shining as if from the inside.

Dolce e Gabbana © imaxtree

  1. Blush. It should look as if you have just returned from the winter forest - fresh, cheerful and bright enough, but not too much. It is important to pay attention to shading the blush so that, despite the richness of the color, they still look as natural as possible.
  2. Eyes wide open. “Cute” makeup uses techniques that visually enlarge them, due to which the look becomes naively surprised - like a doll.

  1. Long eyelashes. Falsies will help you get the desired result, but you can do without them if you take mascara with the effect of lengthening your eyelashes and apply it in two layers.

Isola Marras © imaxtree

  1. Pink lips. The color should slightly shade the natural one, as if the lips are like that on their own, by nature.

How to do cute teenage makeup: photo instructions

Cute makeup suits most girls, but most often makeup artists recommend it to very young people - those who are just starting to wear makeup and, moreover, cannot afford bold beauty experiments, since school or university imply some restrictions. This kind of makeup would be an ideal choice for a teenager, especially since it’s so easy to do.

Apply moisturizer and, if desired, primer. Next, using a tapping motion with a brush or sponge, spread the foundation over your face. It is important to create a slight glowing effect on the skin. For example, Luminous Silk Foundation from Giorgio Armani is suitable. Don't forget to also cover dark circles under your eyes, redness and other skin imperfections with concealer.

In cute makeup, you can do without contouring, as it makes the facial features sharper. It is enough to use blush (for example, the Infaillible stick in the shade Pink Piсasso from L’Oréal Paris) - apply it to the “apples” of the cheeks and blend thoroughly so that the product literally merges with the skin.

Blush in Infaillible stick, shade Pink Piсasso, L’Oréal Paris ©

  1. Prep your eyelids with a primer like Yves Saint Laurent Beauté Couture Eye Primer.
  2. Next, apply translucent pink shadows with shimmer over the entire surface of the eyelids. Pay attention to the shade M >
  1. And don't forget about eyebrow shaping. When creating a cute image, you don’t need to put a clear emphasis on them. It will be enough to “comb” them using a special mascara, which will also slightly color the hairs.

Instead of a dense, rich color, cute makeup requires a translucent coating, which can be created by a tint or, for example, a tint balm. A light product like Tint in Gelato from Shu Uemura will do, which, by the way, can also serve as blush.

Cute makeup with blush for girls with blue eyes

It is not difficult to do makeup taking into account your facial features, the main thing is to choose cosmetics in the appropriate shades. For blue-eyed people, for example, it is better to make the main element of the makeup a haze of pink shadows on the eyelids. Instead of the usual shadows, you can use blush. No more is required: full-fledged smoky eyes will deprive cute makeup of the charm of naturalness.

Cute makeup for girls with brown eyes

Brock Collection © imaxtree

Brown-eyed people should choose not candy pink, but peach or coral shades - they should be warm in order to better match the eye color. The contour of the eyes should be emphasized with a brown or black pencil. And on the cheeks and lips use soft pastel colors.

Cute makeup for girls with green eyes

Tony Ward © imaxtree

To give the image a girlish charm, green-eyed people are also recommended to apply makeup using shades from the coral range. Focus on the lips, and emphasize the eyes only slightly, trying to visually “open” them. To do this, you can slightly darken the crease with the help of shadows, while maintaining the translucency of the coating on the eyelids.

How to make a cute face with makeup: life hacks

Brock Collection © imaxtree

It is not necessary to do full-fledged make-up “a la doll” - you can use one or two techniques in your usual make-up to add naive charm to it.

  1. A slight glow effect will help the matter - if you add, for example, a little liquid highlighter to your usual foundation.
  2. When applying color to your eyelashes, don't forget about the lower ones. Try to “pull” them out from the roots with a brush. Pay more attention to the eyelashes in the center - this will “round” your eyes and give your look a doll-like naivety.
  3. Another technique that will visually enlarge the eyes is treating the mucous membrane of the lower eyelids with white kajal. This is what they do in Japanese and Korean makeup: this trick seems to widen the eye contour.

  1. Avoid clear, sharp lines. Do not emphasize the shape of the eyebrows, do not highlight the cheekbones with bronzer, otherwise the image will cease to be cute and turn into a more serious, “adult” one.

Have you ever tried to look cute with makeup? Write a comment.

How to look cute

She is so cute! How I wish they would say this about you. Of course, it’s interesting to be a vamp, a sex bomb or someone else so extravagant, but it quickly gets boring, both for the woman herself and the man who is nearby. And here honey, will always be in fashion, will always warm the soul, and they always return to it if they have the courage and strength to leave for a while. So who is she - a nice girl or a woman?

Cute appearance

A cute appearance is the absence of everything pretentious and provocative. Modest, but fashionable and modern makeup, hairstyle to suit the face and, always with clean, well-groomed hair, clothes that are fashionable, but not provocative, depending on the weather and the occasion. The sweet girl always knows what is appropriate to wear and where; she will not look strange either at the theater or at a picnic.

Video on how to be cute?