How to put on beautiful makeup for beginners

Cosmetics can work wonders! The images created by makeup artists are often real works of art. But if you know how to properly paint your eyes with a pencil, then you can easily do good makeup for yourself at home. Let's learn about the main rules.

How to learn to paint your eyes beautifully with a pencil

When lining your eyes with pencil, try to keep them wide open and do not strain your eyelids. To do this, lower the mirror onto the table and look into it from top to bottom. If it is difficult for you to draw a line of the same thickness, start drawing it from the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And at the second stage, extend it to the outer edge of the eye. Don't be afraid to rest your cheek on your palm and use the little finger of the same hand to stretch the skin over your eyelids.

Black pencil - step-by-step photo instructions

Not every girl can line her eyes beautifully with a black pencil. But don't despair if you are one of them. The following photo instructions will help you quickly learn this simple art:

  1. First you need to apply foundation to your eyelid. Depending on the makeup style, neutral or, conversely, bright shadows are suitable.

  1. Before lining your eyes with a pencil, you should slightly pull back the skin of the upper eyelid. This will smooth out all the unevenness and small wrinkles that could interfere with drawing.

  1. To make the arrow even, make-up artists advise first placing several dots at equal intervals.

  1. Using smooth movements, combine all the points into one line. You need to start drawing it from the inner corner of the eye.

  1. Having reached the outer corner of the eye, draw the arrow a little further. Visually, it should resemble a small tail narrowed to the end. Try to draw subtly - you can make the arrow wider at any time, but narrowing it is very problematic.

  1. When applying the pencil to the lower lash line, you also need to slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers.

  1. When painting the lower eyelid, make a thin line and move it slightly upward. Blend the liner on the lower eyelid to make it look softer.

  1. Apply the pencil at a short distance from the inner corner of the eye - the lacrimal glands are located there. A few drops of liquid and the pencil will flow or smudge.

  1. For expressive make-up, professionals advise applying a thin line on the inner eyelid from above and below.

  1. Touch up your finished makeup. Small flaws can be corrected with a cotton swab.

White pencil below

A white pencil will help to visually enlarge your eye. On the inside of the lower eyelid, you need to carefully draw one thick line with it, and then shade it a little. When choosing a white pencil, look at the texture: it should be soft. To make your eye makeup last longer, choose waterproof pencils that can only be washed off with certain cosmetics.

With a kajal pencil

Kajal is used specifically for eyeliner along the line of the inner eyelid. It holds well and does not smear. And the presence of antiseptic substances helps not to injure the sensitive mucous membrane during the eyeliner process. Kayal has a creamy texture and is very different from regular pencils.

  1. Beige kajal allows you to visually make the eye larger and the look more fresh.
  2. Black kajal is perfect for creating a “smoky-eyes” effect. It makes the look expressive, although from the side the eye will look narrower.
  3. Kayals of bright colors emphasize the make-up, but they need to be carefully selected for a specific tone. For example, turquoise kajal looks great against a background of brown shadows.

How to put makeup on your eyes to make them appear bigger

It is known that women with big eyes are more attractive to men. But what to do if nature has not rewarded you with an enviable shape? Let's learn how to make your eyes bigger and visually “open” them with a pencil:

  1. The main secret is in the eyeliner. It should be done along the edge of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The closer to the outer edge, the thicker it is.
  2. Eyeliner inside the eyelid with a pencil of blue, white or another light shade will visually make the eye shape larger. Dark eyeliner, on the contrary, will narrow it down.

Making graceful arrows

Looking in the mirror at a right angle, extend the eyeliner line a little further than the end of the eye. Then gradually add thickness in its upper part. Remember that ideal arrows should be strictly parallel to the lower eyelid. If you do light daytime make-up, the line should be thin, if you do evening make-up, it should be more noticeable. Shading with a small brush will make the arrow less clear. And if you point it with a liner, it will stand out a lot. Find out more about how to draw arrows on your eyes.

Video: How to enlarge your eyes with a pencil

To draw arrows beautifully, you don’t need to have any special skills. Practice and within a few days your makeup will look much better, and your eyes will attract more attention. Finally, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates how to visually enlarge the eye using a white pencil.

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For girls who are just learning how to wear makeup, the process of applying makeup can seem daunting due to the huge selection of makeup products available. Step-by-step instructions for beginners in this case will help to structure information both about the purpose of each stage and about their correct sequence.

Makeup stages

To create a harmonious makeup, you need to follow the steps in a strict order so that each layer does not overshadow or blur the previous ones, but serves as their complement.

Some can be skipped in cases of light makeup, but not swapped.

  1. Cleansing the face from the remnants of old cosmetics and sebum; toning. This way the makeup will fit much better.
  2. Applying moisturizer and base. This item is not required, but is desirable to maintain skin health and evenness.
  3. Applying foundation for a uniform skin color; eliminating defects with concealer.
  4. Face sculpting - emphasizing the desired features with blush, highlighter, etc.
  5. Eyebrow shaping.
  6. Applying makeup to the eyes in this order: eyelids (base, then shadows), wings/liner, eyelashes.
  7. Shaping lips, applying lipstick.
  8. Consolidation.

Facial preparation and toning

Many people don’t know how to apply makeup correctly (for beginners, applying makeup step by step is the best option).

Inexperienced and even experienced girls often forget about the preparatory stage:

  1. Wash with warm water. It is possible to use moisturizing/cleansing lotions or special milk for washing.
  2. Apply a tonic to a cotton pad (available in most cosmetics stores for different skin types) and rub evenly into the skin with massaging movements. You don’t have to use tonic, but it will make your face look fresher.
  3. Apply a thin layer of moisturizer.
  4. Wait a few minutes to allow the products to absorb and begin to work.

Applying base and foundation

At this stage, a “background” is created for subsequent makeup:

  1. Distribute the base for cosmetics over the skin of the face. If the skin is of normal type, then you can limit yourself to cream; in other cases, a base is desirable.
  2. Apply foundation to face and a little to neck for an even transition. The foundation can be thick or light, depending on the purpose of the makeup and skin defects.
  3. Remove excess cream.
  4. Use concealer to hide pimples and other minor imperfections.

Step by step eyebrow shaping

There are several eyebrow products:

All of them have their place, but for beginners, a pencil or lipstick is recommended, as they are easier to adjust.

The shadows are more durable, but if the stroke is unsuccessful, it will be more difficult to correct the makeup:

  1. Remove excess hairs near the eyebrows.
  2. Smooth with a special brush.
  3. Outline the edge of the eyebrow.
  4. Paint the interior using the hatching method.
  5. Use a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover to remove excess.
  6. Brush your eyebrows again with a brush.

Eye makeup with shadows, mascara and eyeliner

Experts tell you how to apply makeup correctly (for beginners, step by step, you should consider complete eye makeup, which will be described below).

60% of girls start their first makeup, paying more attention to the eyes:

  1. Apply the base to the eyelids, and secure on top with light shadows of a crumbly structure.
  2. Apply a layer of shadows of the main color, if desired, add darker shades closer to the outer corner of the eye. Shadows for this stage do not have to be crumbly; you can also use a creamy structure.
  3. Shade.
  4. Line the upper eyelid with a pencil, marker or eyeliner. You need to apply the product along the lash line or as close to it as possible. You can also line the lower eyelid, but this does not suit all girls and makes the look heavier.
  5. Mark the position of the end of the arrow with a dot and connect it to the place where the eyeliner ended.
  6. If necessary, make the arrow thicker.
  7. Remove excess.
  8. Apply mascara to the eyelashes using gentle movements from top to bottom, starting from the inner corner of the eye and moving towards the outer corner. You can make a twisting motion at the ends.
  9. If necessary, apply 2 layers of mascara.
  10. Comb your eyelashes with a dry brush (if available).

Lip makeup for beginners

You can apply gloss (light version) or lipstick to your lips.

If choosing gloss is much easier, then the overall impression of makeup depends on the color of the lipstick:

  1. Do not combine too rich a tone with bright shadows.
  2. Shades of orange and brown are not suitable for yellow teeth.
  3. When choosing lipstick in a store, do not hesitate to use a sampler to see how well it matches your face and eye color.

A pencil is also useful for drawing the outline of the lips, which will give them a pleasant shape. In cases of light makeup or with fairly voluminous lips, you can do without it.

Applying lipstick:

  1. Use a pencil to outline your lips, starting from the dimple in the middle of your upper lip. Then outline the center of the lower lip, and then the edges. The line should not deviate from the natural contour, but emphasize it.
  2. Blend the pencil using movements from the edges towards the lips.
  3. Apply lipstick. As with a pencil, first apply color to the center of the lip, and then spread the lipstick to the corners. It is more convenient to start with the lower lip.
  4. Remove excess with a napkin.
  5. You can apply 2 layers.

Sculpting, blush application

Proper sculpting plays a significant role, so beginners should practice doing it:

  1. Using the corrector, draw 2 lines on both sides of the bridge of the nose - from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. The lines can start a little higher or lower, depending on how much you want to lengthen the nose.
  2. Determine the hollow under the cheekbone by drawing an imaginary line from the ear to the lips. The recess should be somewhere on this line.
  3. Use bronzer to darken the cheekbone and areas near the upper eyelids. They also outline the oval of the face: from above along the forehead along the hairline and from below along the chin.
  4. Using a highlighter, lighten the bridge of the nose (between the already prepared lines), the center of the forehead, the inner corners of the eyes and cheekbones.
  5. Blend everything with brushes.
  6. Apply a little blush to the area above the previously darkened hollow with a brush to complete the contouring.

Setting makeup

How to apply makeup correctly (for beginners, the step-by-step process was described above) is not the only question girls have. There is a lot of interest in how to fix makeup.

To make the cosmetics last longer, you need to apply a layer of powder at the end using a brush or sponge. During the day, you can powder your face again if you feel like your makeup is starting to smudge.

Another way to fix is ​​to use thermal water. You need to spray it near your face and plunge into this cloud so that the product covers the skin. It is necessary to remember that thermal water is used before applying mascara. For extra durability, you can sprinkle it on every layer of makeup.

Features of makeup for square, triangular, round faces

It’s easy to change your face shape for the better thanks to contouring.

The face often looks round because of the cheeks, so you need to spend time on the cheekbones - clearly draw them, make the side lines a little longer. Vertical lines make the face narrower, so for a round type, applying highlighter to the bridge of the nose (a light stripe from the middle of the forehead to the tip of the nose) will help.

Correct makeup will help you to choose the right makeup for your face shape.

With a “square” shape, it is best to darken the side areas of the forehead and chin to make the shape visually smoother.

A similar situation with a triangular face: it is recommended to reduce the forehead by darkening its side zones. The difference is that the chin should not be touched, since it is already quite narrow with such a facial structure.

Features of applying makeup for freckles

Putting on makeup when there are a lot of freckles on the face is more difficult, both for women who do not like this feature of their appearance, and for those who would not like to hide it.

It is especially difficult for beginner girls to do makeup, because usually step-by-step instructions do not contain items on the correct correction of a face with freckles.

Just a few tips can help:

  1. When the goal is to leave freckles, but at the same time even out the complexion and hide imperfections, light BB creams will come to the rescue. If the tone suits you, but there are minor defects, for example, pimples, they can be disguised with a thin brush with a corrector applied to the tip. In the fight against dark circles under the eyes, it is better to use a reflective concealer.
  2. Girls with freckles look good with natural lipstick colors.
  3. Eyebrows that are too dark and clearly defined should be avoided.
  4. This eye makeup option pleasantly sets off freckles: thin arrows; shadows smoothly transitioning from light to dark tone in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.
  5. If you don’t like freckles at all, there is always the option to hide them with a long-lasting and dense foundation.

How to visually widen narrow eyes

Makeup allows you to make significant adjustments to facial features, including visually changing the shape of your eyes.

There are several tricks that can make narrow eyes wider:

  1. Arrows. The best way to give your eyes the desired shape. You will need any tool for drawing arrows: a pencil, marker or eyeliner. You can experiment with colors, but it is best to take black - a classic option. The secret is that the arrow is drawn expanding towards the outer corner of the eye. The thicker the line, the more your eyes will open. A pleasant effect can also be achieved in combination with a slight upward bend of the end of the arrow.
  2. Lightening. There are special white eye pencils on the shelves of cosmetics stores. If you use this in the inner corners of the eyes, their cut will become visually wider. A small light spot is enough to open up the look; it should look natural, slightly shaded. Besides. You can lightly line your eyes with the same pencil for lightness and shine of the eyelid contour.
  3. Mascara. Volume and long eyelashes will enhance any eyes. For greater effect, you can apply 2 layers. The recommended color is black, like the hands.
  4. Shadows. Applying 2-3 shades of eyeshadow to the entire area of ​​the upper eyelid makes the eyes appear larger. The main thing here is to follow the rules for makeup with shadows already given above.
  5. Matching eyebrows. Narrow eyes appear wider if the eyebrow tone is slightly lighter than the eyeliner tone. Raising the end of the eyebrow will also improve the situation. It is also worth remembering that eyebrows that are too thick put pressure on the eyes, so they are not suitable for a narrow cut.

How to hide a drooping eyelid, what not to do

Disguising a drooping eyelid is a little more difficult, but it can be achieved

  1. The ends of the arrows should bend upward.
  2. Avoid wearing bright or sparkling shadows. This will only draw more attention to the drooping eyelid, but will not solve the problem. You can apply a catchy shade only if you shade it very well, as a result of which the shadows cover not only the eyelids, but also the area around the eye.
  3. A drooping eyelid can be the cause of eyeliner running down or a pencil falling off. To avoid this, a base is always applied to the eyelids, and at the end the makeup is fixed with powder, or very durable products are used.
  4. As with a narrow incision, brightening the inner corners of the eyes will work.
  5. When applying shadows, you should not limit yourself to the crease of the eyelid - the cosmetics should also be above it to smooth out the border.
  6. For most of your makeup, keep your eyes open and relaxed, looking ahead of you best. In this case, at some point you will have to cover your eyelids and paint over the crease.

Makeup artist tips for beginners

Makeup artists know best how to apply makeup correctly (the whole process was previously described step by step for beginners).

Who sometimes share interesting secrets:

  1. Makeup is applied in good, uniform lighting. At the same time, if you plan to attend an indoor event, it is better to apply makeup in artificial light. If you need daytime makeup, it is better to turn to natural light sources whenever possible.
  2. When using a large amount of cosmetics every day, experts advise spending more time on facial care: making masks, peeling, washing thoroughly in the morning and evening, and never going to bed with makeup on your face. This will avoid skin problems and, as a result, masking these problems with even larger layers of foundation.
  3. It is necessary to select cosmetics according to your skin type. It is also best to choose natural hypoallergenic products rather than purchasing the cheapest products.
  4. Any makeup artist chooses makeup tones in accordance with the purpose of its application. For evening looks, more rich, heavy shades are used, when, as in daytime makeup, the main thing is minimalism and naturalness.
  5. Experts advise never to forget about your neck. It needs care just as much as your face, and can also look out of place if you forget to apply a little foundation or powder on it.
  6. For makeup, only special brushes, brushes, and sponges are used. Applying cosmetics with your hands should be avoided.

Applying makeup correctly is not at all difficult, even for beginners. You just need to practice a little - practice plays the same role in this matter as step-by-step application of cosmetics.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about how to apply makeup correctly

Makeup for beginners:

Makeup Nude. Step by step training:

Makeup helps girls emphasize all the advantages of facial beauty and hide certain flaws. If you know how to paint your eyes correctly, you can highlight their depth and brightness, make your look more languid or dramatic.

How to apply eye shadow correctly

The first thing that is important to remember is that you need to use high-quality cosmetics. Any cheap shadows (regardless of whether they are liquid or pressed) tend to crease in the folds of the eyelid. This looks extremely sloppy and spoils the overall image. The second thing you need to focus on is the base. Without foundation and powder coating, the colors of the shadows will be inexpressive.

How to paint eyes with shadows

  1. The base is applied to the skin first. Instead, you can use nude shadows or powder. Let us immediately note that by base we mean a foundation or a special base for makeup; Makeup with smoley eyes shadows
  2. Next, white shades of shadow are applied to the skin of the moving eyelid, and they should also be applied under the eyebrow. This will make the eyes more expressive and all other colors that will be painted on top of the light layer will look brighter;
  3. If you use shadows with shimmer, you should not just shade them, but work them into the skin. It is most convenient to use a flat shadow brush. To work with classic pressed shadows, a regular small sponge will do. They need to apply the base color to the upper eyelid;
  4. To visually make your eyes more expressive and give your eyes an open look, you need to add a little shine to the corner. This could be a touch of highlighter or just a drop of white eyeshadow;
  5. Regardless of the shape, it's important to darken the outer corner to add drama without making the look too busy. To do this, combine two dark colors (brown and black, blue and black, etc.), and apply them strictly along the eyelash growth line with a beveled thin brush. Afterwards, like a liner, a thin tail is drawn beyond the movable eyelid; Shading shadows
  6. All that remains is to apply mascara and fill in your eyebrows.

Shadow application scheme

Why should you mix two dark colors rather than just one? Most drama shades look garish on their own, and some (brown) can even add age or redness. To avoid this, they are combined with each other.

How to apply makeup with a pencil

If previously it was recommended to paint your eyes with either a white or black pencil, now it is correct to use any shades. The brighter it is, the more interesting it is. This is a huge scope for imagination, because you can choose the right option for any color. But the most popular ones are still black, brown and dark blue.

How to apply makeup with a pencil step by step:

  1. The pencil is used in almost the same way as the liner. Under no circumstances draw one line from the inner corner to the outer one. It is unlikely to turn out smooth and neat, much less symmetrical;
  2. The pencil is applied only with thin, light strokes. The tail is removed at the end of the process, so first all attention is paid to the thin line of eyelash growth. Try to work with a sharpened pencil to make it as invisible as possible. Later you can give it the required thickness; Lining the upper eyelid with a pencil
  3. To ensure that pencil strokes look uniform, they must be lightly shaded with an angled brush. And only after this the tip of the arrow is extended; Lower eyelid lining
  4. To open up the look, apply a little highlighter to the lower eyelid. As an alternative, you can use a white or shiny light pencil (in this case, its pigment will need to be thoroughly rubbed); Eyeliner with light pencil
  5. After applying mascara, the hollow at the inner side of the upper eyelid is emphasized with shadows, and the line of the eyebrows is highlighted.

It is not recommended to apply a dark color to the bottom - this will make the look tired, and the eyes will visually narrow unattractively. The only option when this is acceptable is with oriental themed makeup.

How to paint wings on your eyes correctly

Classic arrows suit almost all girls. They are the basis of the favorite makeup of Marilyn Monroe, Dita Von Teese and many other symbols of seductiveness. Despite its apparent simplicity, a clear line with an elegant tail is quite difficult to draw.

Schemes of arrows on the eyes

Instructions on how to make arrows in the style of Kylie Jenner:

  1. You need to apply a light base to the upper eyelid. We recommend using dry eye shadow or powder. To make the eyes appear more open, shadows of a darker color are also applied to the hollow of the upper eyelid. After this shadow is shaded;
  2. Pearlescent shadows are applied to the main part of the eyelid over the base. They should also be applied to the corner of the bridge of the nose and under the eyebrows. This will make the image more harmonious;
  3. The liner is used to paint the eyelash growth line. To do this, use the edge of the brush to apply thin small strokes up to a third of the eyelid. To learn how to draw arrows beautifully, you need to do them exclusively with your eyes open. This way, the curvature or unevenness will be immediately noticeable;
  4. The ponytail is drawn at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the lash line. Then a thin line is drawn from its extreme tail up to a third of the century. It is painted over with eyeliner or pencil;
  5. The rest of the eyelid is also painted over with thin strokes. The most inconspicuous lines should be in the corner of the eye;
  6. Next, eyelashes are painted. But Kylie often uses extensions (by the way, they can also be painted with mascara). Then they will look very natural.

How to draw arrows Draw arrows on the eyes

Learning to apply eyeliner

With eyeliner you can draw not only thin “cat-like” arrows on yourself, but also spectacular art. They are fundamentally different from thin and ultra-thin in their shape and size. Considered incredibly popular thanks to the style trend of the 80s and 90s.

Tips on how to paint with liner for beginners:

  1. Regardless of the type of eyeliner (matte, glossy, liquid, pencil, etc.), it is applied only to a powder base. Otherwise, the line will be smeared and imprinted on the upper fold of the eyelid;
  2. All girls face problems with “different” arrows. To avoid this, you need to apply makeup only with your eyes open. Please note that even templates will not help in this case: the eye sockets have different shapes, which are especially noticeable when painting the arrows;
  3. To properly apply liner to your eyes, you cannot draw one continuous line. The strokes are painted first, and only then are they connected to each other;
  4. The most important rule when working with eyeliner is that the first line should be as thin as possible. If necessary, it can be thickened, but it cannot be made thinner. You will have to completely wash off your makeup.

How to paint with mascara

Without applying mascara, eye makeup will not be complete. This is a unique cosmetic product that, even on its own, can make your eyes look spectacular and bright. It is best to use black and brown mascara, although you can adapt to using brighter shades: blue, green, purple.

How to apply mascara to your eyelashes step by step:

  1. The hair needs to be curled. To do this, you can use tweezers, but if you don’t have them at hand, you can even put them on your finger. To do this, the index finger is applied horizontally to the upper eyelid and the eyelashes are smoothed in its direction;
  2. It is important to color the hairs on the inside of the eye first. The brush with mascara is directed parallel to the eyelash growth line and drawn from the very roots to the tips. Depending on the consistency of this cosmetic, two or more layers may be required; The principle of applying mascara step by step
  3. The lower eyelashes must be painted. To do this, make progressive circular movements with the brush. From roots to ends, the paint is applied with gentle movements;
  4. Finally, you need to apply an additional layer of mascara to the roots - this will extend the “durability” of the curls. If some hairs are stuck together, they are simply combed out with a brush or tweezers. Curling the ends

Step-by-step instructions on how to apply makeup for different eye shapes

Depending on the shape, there are different technologies for applying shadows and liner. Small manipulations will allow you to create first-class makeup yourself. Any master can, with the help of small strokes, emphasize the most advantageous features of the eyes and hide any imperfections.

Video: how to paint your eyes correctly, says an expert

Makeup for drooping eyelids

When the eyelids droop, the eyes immediately become visually smaller, this gives extra age and creates the effect of “chronic” fatigue. By carefully darkening the problem area, you can not only immediately become younger and refresh your image.

Master class on how to apply makeup to drooping eyes:

  1. The base is applied to the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid is lined with a light pencil or highlighter. The fold of skin at the outer corner is carefully shaded with brown shadows or liner;
  2. The brown shade is stretched to a third of the lower eyelid; a tail is made at the corner to create a small arrow. Professionals shade the shadows or pencil with a brush, but at home you can use a sponge;
  3. To beautifully darken the overhanging part of the eyelid, apply a dark shade of eyeshadow on top of it, as close as possible to the natural palette. It blends out very well. Beige light shadows are applied to the outer part and also blended;
  4. To make it look as natural as possible, the shadows of the two shades are gently mixed together. This will ensure a transition from light to dark;
  5. Only after this is an arrow drawn on the outer corner. To do this, it is best to use a dark shade of eyeshadow: brown, graphite gray or another of your choice;
  6. If the eyelids droop a lot, but you also need to create a reflective accent on top of the darkened crease. To do this, pearl-colored shadows or shimmer are applied under the eyebrows and before the beginning of the darkened area;
  7. A thin line of black eyeliner is drawn along the lash line. The lower eyelid can be tinted with a bright liner. It is selected depending on the color of the eyes;
  8. The corners are brightened with highlighter. It also tints the area under the lower eyelid.

Protruding and large eyes

If almond-shaped eyes do not cause their owners any problems at all, then girls with convex and overly large eye sockets have to visually narrow them all the time.

Makeup for big brown eyes Makeup for big blue eyes

How to properly make up bulging round eyes:

  1. A clear black outline is applied to the cream base. The easiest way to create it is with eyeliner. The liner line is shaded with a beveled hard sponge or brush to create a spectacular tip;
  2. The moving part of the eyelid is covered with a matte, calm shade of shadow. Additionally, the fold under the eyebrow is lightened;
  3. Afterwards, just a little dark is applied on top of the light color. You shouldn’t completely darken your eyes - this will give extra emphasis to the convex part;
  4. Only after this is the classic arrow drawn with a dark liner. Some makeup artists use black shadows for such purposes, which are applied with a very small and thin moistened brush;
  5. Using a brush, small upward strokes are made, the shadows seem to stretch towards the middle of the eye. This will darken the moving eyelid and make it as neat as possible;
  6. Apply highlighter or shadows with shimmer to the corners;
  7. Now a light natural eyelash shadow is created from the middle of the lower eyelid. This is most conveniently done with the same shadows that were used for the base on the upper part. Be sure to emphasize the lower rim of the eye. To do this, you need to outline it with a gray or dark beige pencil. It is unacceptable to use light shades.

Painting narrow and small eyes

Slanted or narrow eyes most often have a small shape. But despite this, with the right makeup they look incredibly impressive and beautiful.

Makeup for narrow eyes

How to properly make up oriental eyes at home:

  1. The entire moving eyelid is worked on with the lightest shade. Ideally, it should be close to porcelain or white;
  2. After this, the skin is covered with mother-of-pearl or shimmer;
  3. A thin line is applied with a liner to the inner corner of the eye and the outer part. Next, select a cool shade of brown and apply it to the upper fold of the eyebrow;
  4. Now the most interesting point. The painting scheme for narrow eyes is radically different from all those described above. In particular, the fact that the fold between the movable eyelid and the eyebrow is emphasized by a thin line of dark color. It needs to be created with the eye open, so at first you will have to practice a little;
  5. This “bird” stretches the tail, it remains open. Then a second arrow is drawn from the middle of the eye to the outer corner, and its tail will cover the upper eyelid. Naturally, the lines are shaded according to the growth of the eyelashes;
  6. Afterwards, the eyes are lined in a classic (cat-like) way with liquid eyeliner. All that remains is to add a little mascara and gloss under the lower eyelid.

Evening smokey eye is done according to the same scheme, but brighter colors are selected for it.

Creative eye makeup Smokey eyes for small eyes Peachy smokey eyes for small eyes

Deep-set eyes

The main problem with deep-set eyes is excess volume above the upper fold. If the eyelids are sunken, then the eye socket is “lost” under them. Here it is important to darken not the fold itself, but the space above it.

Deep-set eyes

Instructions on how to do daytime makeup for deep-set eyes:

  1. For this type, the optimal color scheme is beige-brown with a small splash of red. This will create the most natural shadow;
  2. A dark shadow is applied over the problematic crease. It is shaded at a slight angle, as if stretching the eye. The same shade is applied in very small quantities under the lower eyelid;
  3. To prevent your eyes from looking tired, a thin classic liner is painted along the eyelashes. This subtle outline will also help lift the outer corner, giving it a slight stretch;
  4. For the winged line on the upper eyelid, it is best to use liquid eyeliner, but do not extend the tip. This will only emphasize the hollowness. Leave it sort of uncovered. Emphasize the lower lash line from the middle to the edge with a dark shaded line;
  5. A small amount of glitter is applied to the inner corner. For deep-set eyes, we recommend working exclusively with matte shadows in natural tones - this will make you look much more natural than when using flashy shades;
  6. Afterwards mascara is applied and eyebrows are drawn in. Please note that the eyebrow area should not be highlighted either. Leave it practically untouched (except for foundation).

Shadows according to eye color

According to all the laws of color, if you use the “correct” shades in the shadows, you can achieve an incredible effect: the color will become bright, expressive, and deep.

Shadows according to eye color

Brown eyes

Dark, cool shades suit brunettes very well. These are purple, lilac and the whole range of blue. For daytime makeup, we recommend paying attention to delicate lilac tones and matte beige (they are natural and suitable for everyone).

Eyeshadow palette for brown eyes


For girls with such a unique color, shadows with a reddish pigment are suitable. These are brown, red, peach and other “warm” shades. Red and pinkish palettes look especially cool.

Palette for green eyes

Gray and gray blue

These are almost perfect colors. Almost all shades are suitable for their owners, including black and dark gray.

Shadows for gray and gray-green eyes


Light gray shades of eyeshadow, yellowish, beige and pearlescent are suitable for all blondes. Black and dark gray liners would be ideal for eyeliner. But it is better to avoid brown and bright shades.

Eyeshadow for blue eyes