How to deal with enlarged pores


Pores enlarge due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Subcutaneous fat provides a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria that cause inflammation. Every person has pores, but it is, of course, impossible to reduce their genetic size. But we have the opportunity to disguise them or reduce them visually. It is known that the largest pores are located in the T-zone. Such problems are familiar to many, not only those with oily skin types, but even those with mixed skin types.

What are the reasons why pores are enlarged?

Pores on the face become enlarged for various reasons. They can be like this not only due to hereditary predisposition, but also be a consequence of hormonal changes, sunburn and dehydration, improper or untimely cleansing of the skin from fat, dirt and dead cells, due to the action of low-quality, cheap decorative cosmetics. Pores also enlarge due to poor nutrition, bad habits, stress and many other factors.

For example, our skin is affected by ultraviolet radiation, because of which collagen production is disrupted, our pores become enlarged, and the skin simply does not have time to regulate their size. But still, according to experts, in almost 80% of cases, enlarged pores are caused by improper use of cosmetics.

When you choose the wrong cosmetics, forget or are too lazy to wash off your foundation before bed, and rarely use moisturizer or scrubs, you yourself allow the problem to go too far. In this case, all that remains is to eliminate the consequences and try to narrow the pores at least a little. How can this be done, you ask? We have answers to this question too.

1. The main method of dealing with enlarged facial pores is cleansing and exfoliation.

Every day you must wash your face twice, morning and evening, with special foams or gels that are suitable for your skin type. After washing your face, use special toners that are designed to tighten pores. They are produced by different manufacturers, choose one that is suitable for price and quality and does not cause allergies.

The use of exfoliating agents – scrubs – will also help to tighten the pores on the face. It is recommended to carry out this facial procedure 1-2 times a week. After washing, apply the scrub, gently massaging your facial skin for 2-3 minutes. Next, wash your face thoroughly with water. Scrubs are well suited for oily skin, gommages (products with the same purpose, only cream-based) - for mixed and sensitive skin.


2. Salon facial cleansing is an effective way to combat this.

There are several options for facial cleansing in the salon:

A cosmetologist performs mechanical facial cleansing by hand. First, your face will be steamed, then impurities will be removed from the pores. This procedure helps to reliably get rid of sebaceous plugs, but is a little painful, which is why it is not suitable for sensitive skin - traces of the procedure can last for 1-2 days. During the vacuum cleaning process, blackheads are removed using a special device with a tube. The fat seems to be sucked out of the pores. And finally, ultrasonic facial cleansing is carried out using high-frequency sound vibrations. It allows you to remove impurities from pores and smooth out fine wrinkles.


3. Masks for enlarged pores.

Cleansing and tightening masks are effective in combating enlarged pores on the face. You can buy them at the store or prepare them yourself at home. We will give you some of the simplest, in our opinion, recipes for natural masks.

Mask made of white or blue clay. Dilute the clay in warm water until it looks like sour cream. For oily skin, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask to cleansed skin, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Remove residue with tonic and apply moisturizer.

A protein-lemon mask is also used to tighten pores. Mix egg white with 10-15 drops of lemon juice, apply to skin, leave for 10 minutes. Wash thoroughly with cool water.

Enlarged pores are not very visually pleasing, so you will need camouflage skills. Remember that you can apply makeup only after cleansing your face. There are various cosmetics that help visually narrow the pores on the face. But, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of enlarged pores.

We wish you success in the fight against enlarged facial pores.


Many representatives of the fair sex carefully monitor their appearance. They pay due attention to their face. As sad as it may sound, people with unkempt skin alienate others and create a not very favorable opinion of themselves. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of your skin. Quite often, people are faced with the problem of enlarged pores on their face, which looks very unaesthetic.

General description of the problem

This problem is quite common. It is especially common in adolescence. Many people have complexes about this and try to get rid of such a cosmetic defect. But before you start fighting enlarged pores, you need to:

  1. Find out what it is.
  2. Find out why the expansion occurs.
  3. Apply the correct treatment method.

This mainly happens due to improper or irregular facial care. Of course, open pores cause a lot of problems:

  1. Ugly and unkempt appearance of the face.
  2. Uneven distribution of makeup.
  3. Reproduction of bacteria.
  4. Black dots.
  5. Acne.

Causes of cosmetic defect

Speaking about why pores can expand, form large clogged pits, inflammation, an uneven surface that looks unattractive, it is worth considering that there may be several provoking factors here. There are quite a few reasons why this expansion occurs. These include:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Alcohol consumption.
  3. Violation of the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Lack of facial skin care.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders.
  6. Diarrhea.
  7. Adolescence.

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    Genetic predisposition to a similar problem.
  9. Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  10. Sunburn.
  11. Frostbite on the face.
  12. Poor composition of cosmetic products.
  13. Excess ultraviolet rays.
  14. Lactation.
  15. Poor nutrition.
  16. Obesity.
  17. Drugs.
  18. Bad atmosphere.
  19. Stress.

Treatment methods

To get rid of enlarged pores on the face, first of all, you need regular skin care. Every day, without being lazy, you need to wash your face three times.

General recommendations


In the morning, it is advisable to do this with a special foam. During the daytime, you should wash your face with plain water. It should be at room temperature. In the evening, you can use soap to wash your face. It should be non-liquid and contain vitamins.

Be sure to use only high-quality and natural cosmetics. You should also always have a face cream: nourishing, day or evening. You need to use it once a day. Cosmetologists say that it is best to use such a cream two to three hours before bedtime so that the product can be better absorbed into the skin.

When the problem is deeper, you can use facial peeling. This procedure consists of deep cleansing, while part of the keratinized or dead skin comes off the surface, which makes it possible to rejuvenate the skin and begin proper regeneration. In other words, he simply begins to breathe calmly.


In stores you can purchase a special mask for treating enlarged pores on the face. They use it once or twice a week and after it apply a cream, which every girl or woman should have.

It is imperative to replenish the vitamin composition in the body. To do this, you need to buy vitamins at any pharmacy and take a course of them for a month.


Before you deal with enlarged pores on your face, you should pay attention to your lifestyle: stop drinking alcohol and smoking, and also create the right diet. Of course, with a normal diet and the absence of bad habits, you can still notice open pores. It is best to go to a highly qualified doctor who will prescribe tests that will help discover the real cause of the problem, because it could also be a malfunction of the internal organs. Open pores in this case are just a signal from the body about an existing illness. This should not be ignored.

3% of people who have open pores have stomach and duodenal ulcers. Therefore, when the whole problem lies precisely in internal dysfunction of the organs, unfortunately, various manipulations, even in the most expensive salons, will not help. They will only mask the cosmetic defect for a while, but it will return again. It is imperative to begin treatment with full confidence that the main cause of the problem has been identified.

Traditional methods of treatment

Of course, in the 21st century, there are various salon procedures that can remove and tighten pores in a short time, but not every person can afford it. Many people are starting to look for advice in traditional medicine, wanting to get rid of large pores on the face.

This problem is not new, so there are many recipes that can save you from it.


It is imperative to remember that such remedies are effective and safe, but they should not be abused. And their incorrect use may either not give positive dynamics in treatment, or worsen the condition of the skin. For this reason, it is worth following the procedures strictly according to the advice of our ancestors. Be sure to choose a product specifically for your face type.. Tips and recipes:

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    You need to take laundry soap, cut it or grate it on a fine grater. Then add mineral water, but without gas. Mix everything thoroughly and turn into a thick foam. After this, thoroughly rub the composition onto a clean face in a circular motion, but only into problem areas of the skin. Then rinse everything off well. Be sure to have a nourishing cream on hand. Immediately after the procedure, apply it to the surface of the skin. You can repeat the procedure twice a week for one month. This mask is suitable exclusively for normal skin types that are not prone to peeling. After two weeks, the pores will be completely visually invisible, but the full course of therapy is one month. You should not stop the procedure as soon as you notice an improvement.
  2. Regular ice is another way to get rid of enlarged pores on the nose, cheeks, forehead or other area of ​​the face. To do this, you need to pour water into ordinary molds; it can be boiled or regular, even with gas. Cosmetologists recommend using carbonated mineral water. Leave for a day so that the liquid freezes well. Use light, circular movements to wipe your face with ice cubes. This procedure can tighten pores and significantly rejuvenate the face. It is worth doing such manipulations every other day and only in the morning; they especially awaken from sleep not only the person himself, but also the entire body, charging it with vigor. It is recommended to do the procedures for one month, after which you should take a short break.

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    You can also take a regular ascorbic tablet, drop a couple of drops of water so that it turns into liquid form, add honey or a simple face cream, then apply to the skin for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. This procedure is suitable for normal and oily skin types. The duration of treatment is two months, it needs to be done five times a week, after each manipulation, apply cream.
  4. A honey-lemon mask will help tighten open pores. To prepare, you need to take a small plate, preferably a plastic one, add a few drops of lemon, add honey and olive oil. Use three times a week as a mask. Apply to the face for 10 minutes. Suitable for all skin types. The course of treatment is one month.
  5. Once a week you should make a mask of toothpaste. This is a fairly old but proven method. Apply your regular toothpaste to clean skin for 15 minutes. It is best to wait until it dries completely. Next, rinse everything thoroughly and rub the skin with fruit ice in a circular motion. It's very easy to make. To do this, you will need the juice of any fruit: strawberries, raspberries, you can take mint. Brew the fruit in a regular mug and let it cool, after which you need to pour it into molds and freeze in the refrigerator. This method is also suitable for all skin types. It must be treated for one month.
  6. To prepare the mask you will need the simplest ingredients. Take two teaspoons of soda and dilute with ordinary, unboiled water until a paste forms. Apply the mixture to your face for five minutes, then rinse everything off and apply a nourishing cream. The procedure is suitable for normal and oily skin. It needs to be done twice a month for six months.
  7. You can make a mask from regular honey. Just apply it on your face for half an hour and wash off with warm water. Suitable for all skin types, can be used once a day for two months, after which you should take a short break.

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    Masks are the main thing in the fight against enlarged pores. Therefore, they should be given due attention. The garlic composition is especially good at cleansing the skin, but it is suitable for normal to oily skin. You need to take five small garlic cloves, peel them and turn them into a paste, add a little soda and fir oil, then apply to your face for no more than five minutes. Rinse thoroughly, preferably with facial foam. This procedure should be done once a week for a month.
  9. It is very useful to wipe your skin with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. These products perfectly soothe the skin, fight acne, pimples and even blackheads. At the same time, they perfectly nourish the epidermis
  10. It is very useful to steam your face, then apply a thick layer of soap to the steamed skin and rub it into your face with light movements, then rinse everything off with warm water, and at the end of the procedure, rinse with ice cold water. This manipulation can be done every day, but do not forget that after each procedure you need to apply a nourishing cream to the surface of the skin.
  11. It is very useful to wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide, but you should not apply it too much or too often. This product can get rid of blackheads, tighten pores, clean and whiten the face, and remove age spots. Great for all skin types, after one month of use you need to take a break for two or three months.

There are small tricks, perhaps few known. There is a myth that the water when washing your face, especially in the morning, should be ice cold. This is an absolute misconception, since the liquid when washing the skin of both the face and the entire body should be completely comfortable for the body.

The body of any person is purely individual and therefore, for some it is convenient to wash with cool water, for others with warm water. But the best washing liquid is one that is at room temperature.


It is necessary to wash your face three times a day, and this also has its own nuances. In the morning you need to wash your face with foam or just plain water. During the night, the skin rests and practically does not secrete oil and for this reason remains clean. During the day, you can simply refresh your face with water.

But in the evening you need to wash your skin with soap. After all, a lot of dirt has accumulated on it throughout the day and it is best to get rid of it with the help of a cleanser. It should be cream based. There are many capillary vessels in the face area, which are responsible for the condition of the skin, and if it is too dry, it can cause premature aging.

It is best to perform facial manipulations in the form of masks in the evening. The most favorable time is 19:00.

Enlarged pores are a problem that many of us face. It would seem that there’s nothing wrong with it, but it still looks ugly and no amount of powder can hide it... We decided to talk to a cosmetologist and find out how to narrow pores at home and what salon procedures to do to cope with enlarged pores on the face.

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If you also think that you have enlarged pores on your face, then follow the advice of a cosmetologist.

Pores on the face become enlarged for various reasons. This can be caused not only by hereditary predisposition, but also by hormonal changes, sunburn and dehydration, untimely and improper cleansing of the skin from dirt, fat and dead cells, poor-quality decorative cosmetics, poor diet, bad habits, stress and many other factors.

As for treating enlarged facial skin pores at home, then, of course, the first thing that is necessary is cleansing the skin.

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How to get rid of enlarged pores

Wash your face properly

Skin cleansing procedures should be carried out not only in the evening, but also in the morning. What are we doing? We wash ourselves with special products - soft gel scrubs containing acids.

Use tonic

People with enlarged pores on their face simply need to use a toner or lotion daily - this will help tighten the pores after the cleansing procedure. It is best to give preference to specialized professional cosmetics. Pore-tightening tonics contain astringent components: extracts of birch, calendula, lemon, hawthorn, rosemary. And if the lotion contains zinc oxide, then with its help you can not only narrow the pores of the skin, but also remove excess sebum. After toner, apply a daily sebum-regulating moisturizer to the skin.

Make masks from clay, starch, eggs

It is also necessary to use masks 1-2 times a week to cleanse and tighten pores. The most effective masks at home are those made from white and blue clay. Both of these clays are famous for their ability to cleanse, disinfect and restore the skin. Regular clay masks eliminate skin unevenness, improve blood circulation, smooth out wrinkles, tighten pores and tone. In addition to clay masks, masks made from starch and egg whites are good.

Dealing with enlarged pores is even easier if you contact a cosmetologist and undergo a course of effective procedures. Here are some of the most popular treatment methods:


There are chemical peels with fruit acids, glycolic peel, salicylic peel, retinoic peel, TCA peel, milk peel. The essence of chemical peeling is that the drug acts on the skin at different levels, which makes it possible to solve the problem of enlarged pores and give the skin a healthy color and even tone.


The liquid nitrogen cryomassage procedure helps reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and tightens the pores.


Microdermabrasion, or micro-resurfacing using a special brush, microcrystals, diamond attachments.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a procedure that removes and renews the surface layer of skin, and also affects the deeper layers of the epidermis, which helps reduce collagen fibers. Thus, the skin is tightened and the pore diameter is reduced. The procedure is considered the most effective.

In any case, if you have enlarged pores, it is worth visiting a cosmetologist who will help you choose the right care for problem skin at home, and will also tell you which method of treating enlarged pores will be most effective specifically for the individual characteristics of the body and medical factors.