Massage with honey on the back video

Honey massage is one of the most popular cosmetic and wellness procedures. It gives a fresh look to the skin, tones, improves immunity and mood, relieves chronic fatigue, helps in the fight against cellulite, osteochondrosis and arthritis.


Honey as a massage product

To understand what results honey massage can achieve and how to do it correctly, let’s talk about the basic techniques and mechanisms of action on the body.

Preparation and technique

Like any intensive procedure, honey massage begins with preparing the skin. Before applying honey, the massage therapist strokes and lightly rubs the areas that will be worked on in the future.


Preparatory procedures

The type of honey is not of fundamental importance. A small amount is needed (for example, one small spoon for the back and each leg). The product is not smeared or rubbed into the skin; it is applied by lightly touching the patient's body. Then work begins with light patting movements. The specialist’s palms alternately touch the surface of the skin and immediately leave it.

It is important for anyone who is going to practice massage at home to know: the meaning of the positive effect is not valid. It is enough that the skin, sticking to the honey-covered palms, is pulled back. This is what triggers important processes in all its layers, including fatty tissue, as well as in blood vessels. Another rule: the massage therapist’s hands should be as relaxed as possible.

After the massage, you need to take a shower, you can lie down or sit quietly, leaning back in your chair; a cup of green or herbal tea will be beneficial.

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Processes and positive effects

In various descriptions, honey massage is endowed with many wonderful properties. Some of them have been proven by practice, others exist at the level of myths and speculation (more on this below). What exactly happens in the body during the procedure and why does it help with various diagnoses?


Sticky honey glues the patient's skin to the massage therapist's palms. It stretches when moving upward, pulling subcutaneous fatty tissue and blood vessels along with it. Increased blood flow is created. Sometimes the capillaries burst and microhematomas are formed. They should not be confused with bruises. Unlike large hematomas, they do not cause harm. On the contrary, their resorption triggers immune processes. The body begins to actively produce heparin, which thins the blood.

At the same time, honey helps remove old particles of the epidermis, and the upper layer of skin is regenerated. The unique natural composition nourishes tissues, soothes, and relieves irritation. Therefore, it is also used for masks and wraps using cling film.

Massage with honey provides both therapeutic and cosmetic effects. Separately, we can note the improvement in psycho-emotional state and mood after the procedure.

The aesthetic component is present in the form of tightened, smoothed, radiant skin. It is especially noticeable on the face. In this case, the easiest way is to master self-massage techniques and conduct useful sessions at home. Read more in the article: “Honey facial massage”

We often hear about the anti-cellulite properties of the technique. Indeed, stretching and stimulating subcutaneous fat, for example in the abdominal area, helps normalize tissue structure. To get rid of the orange peel effect, it is also recommended to work on the hips and buttocks. Such procedures are difficult to carry out independently.


Anti-cellulite buttock massage with honey

It is believed that honey massage is good for colds and bronchitis. This is true. Many patients with pulmonary problems have reported positive results. When coughing, massage the chest area directly. Along with the movements described above, tapping is used to help the patient clear his throat. The greatest effect is obtained from a session in a bathhouse. Sometimes eucalyptus and other oils that are beneficial for the respiratory system are added to honey. This medical procedure is recommended for both adults and children. But you need to remember that children's skin is very sensitive and work even more delicately.

The technique also shows itself well in the prevention of osteochondrosis. Under conditions of active exposure, the trophism of the tissues surrounding the spine, including the cervical region, improves. In addition, quality relaxation helps relieve back and neck pain.

Massage is effectively used in the prevention of joint diseases: arthrosis and osteoarthritis, which in everyday life is called salt deposition. This is also explained by the activation of metabolic processes around the joints. Let us emphasize that we are talking about prevention or the initial stage of the disease. It is impossible to correct complex cases with massage alone.

Honey procedures are good for health, they provide a complex positive effect. However, in advertising and online discussions it is credited with truly miraculous properties, not all of which correspond to reality.

Here are four of the most popular myths:

  1. Honey has characteristics close to blood plasma and is integrated into it, delivering vitamins and microelements to all organs.
  2. The bee product “pulls” toxins out of the skin.
  3. Significant pain is a sign of an effective procedure.
  4. Massage helps you lose weight.

The first myth must be recognized as untenable. It is the different concentrations of substances in the blood plasma and honey that make it possible for the latter to penetrate into tissues.

A useful product nourishes the skin itself, giving it a blooming appearance. Transport of vitamins to internal organs does not occur.

Honey remaining on the skin at the end of the session is often demonstrated as proof of the second statement. It changes its color from golden to white or gray. Supposedly it is toxins and impurities coming out. In fact, this shade appears due to saturation with air bubbles, as well as mixing with dead skin cells and impurities located in the pores. The latter is very good, because delicate peeling promotes tissue renewal and rejuvenation.

The origin of the third myth is difficult to explain. In reality, the severity of the impact is not a criterion for effectiveness. A massage therapist who hurts a patient most likely does not have a good grasp of the technique. Painful sensations that are difficult to cope with occur in rare individual cases: when the skin is too sensitive or abundantly covered with hairs.

As for weight loss, massage can be used in a set of techniques aimed at combating excess weight. It improves the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat, is used to get rid of cellulite (lipodystrophy), and prevents the formation of stretch marks. At the same time, massage treatments alone do not help get rid of extra pounds. Activation of processes in adipose tissue gives only a short and insignificant effect of weight loss.

Recommendations and contraindications

Like most techniques, honey massage has indications and contraindications. Among the first:

  1. osteochondrosis (including prevention);
  2. lung diseases (except the acute stage);
  3. arthritis and arthrosis;
  4. cellulite;
  5. decreased immunity;
  6. the period after suffering stress, depression;
  7. physical fatigue, mental overload.

Contraindications to massage are:

  1. blood clotting disorder;
  2. open wounds, burns, skin diseases;
  3. heat;
  4. allergic reaction to honey and propolis;
  5. cardiovascular diseases (massage is allowed no earlier than 6 months after a heart attack or stroke);
  6. fractures and other injuries (recovery period).

Pregnancy imposes certain restrictions. On the one hand, it is not an absolute contraindication; on the other hand, it requires caution. All manipulations are performed without pain, without affecting the thyroid gland, breast, or location of the lymph nodes. The decision on such procedures must be agreed with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy.

Do a honey massage often, but not every day. The top layer of skin that is peeled simply does not have time to recover in 24 hours. There should be at least two days between sessions.

By following the recommendations and listening to your body, you can truly enjoy the massage without any side effects.

Video tutorial on anti-cellulite procedures

Back massage with honey is one of the types of therapy in the treatment of various diseases. Massage has an effective effect on the body’s conditions, and honey has healing properties that increase the benefits of the procedure. There are many indications for prescribing massage sessions, and the list of contraindications is quite short. This technique began to be practiced in ancient times, and modern doctors have scientifically confirmed its benefits.


Benefits of the procedure

The range of beneficial effects of honey on the human body is quite wide, and if we take into account the number of massage techniques, the range of positive properties will increase several times. Honey can be absorbed very quickly into the skin, transferring its healing elements to it. When they enter the blood, they spread throughout the body and begin to participate in metabolic processes.

Honey contains many beneficial bacteria and vitamins. The human body does not have to make any special efforts in order for them to be absorbed - the bees have done this work in advance. From the results of clinical trials, it turned out that the compositions of honey and blood plasma are similar, which leads to rapid absorption.

The effect of the massage is aimed at improving blood circulation processes and increasing its outflow in the area of ​​influence.

  1. Be sure to read: massage for osteochondrosis.

Reflex processes are activated, which guarantees a positive effect and improves the functioning of internal organs.


Among other things, honey back massage has a number of special beneficial properties:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the skin - this is due to the content of many elements useful for the epithelium in its composition;
  2. Honey is able to extract toxins and other harmful substances from subcutaneous tissue;
  3. The use of honey rubbing has a positive effect on the condition of the joints. If you carry out the massage procedure regularly, then there is a chance of getting rid of the symptoms of osteochondrosis;
  4. Honey improves the condition of the nervous system, relieves sleep problems;
  5. Ventilation of the bronchi and lungs improves, blood circulation improves, and chronic cough disappears.


Honey therapy is prescribed in the presence of such ailments as:

  1. Neurological problems - headaches, sciatica, sciatica and others;
  2. Therapeutic diseases - influenza, problems with the functioning of internal organs, reduced immunity, arthritis;
  3. Cardiovascular diseases;
  4. Problems in the field of psychology - stress, depression, emotional exhaustion;
  5. Body correction – losing weight, getting rid of cellulite.



Unfortunately, even such a useful substance as honey has a number of contraindications for use. It is not recommended to do a honey massage in the following cases:

  1. Oncological diseases;
  2. The presence of fungal skin diseases;
  3. Tuberculosis;
  4. Impaired functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  5. Heart failure.

Another popular reason for not getting a back massage is an allergic reaction. Before you do a massage at home, you need to check your body for such allergies. To do this, spread honey on a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction.

Another nuance that can be considered as a contraindication is the abundance of hair on the back of men. Honey sticks to the hair, and performing a massage becomes a very painful experience.

Execution technique

Each type of back massage is beneficial for the human body. However, the correct execution technique allows you to increase efficiency. To do this, you need to know what techniques you need to use when performing a massage with honey for osteochondrosis.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the general rules of massage, which should be followed to ensure a positive result and eliminate the possibility of harm to the human body:

  1. Massaging should not be very strong and fast. If the patient feels pain, this can become a danger to his health;
  2. Movements should be soft and careful. It is necessary to carry out actions in the direction of the lymphatic pathways;
  3. Do not actively massage the spine and lymph nodes.

To perform a massage using honey, you will need additional skills and knowledge. Before you start massaging, you need to warm your back with light movements. Then honey is applied to the skin of the back. For better results, you can add a few drops of essential oil (about five drops per teaspoon). Next, honey is rubbed into the skin with gentle movements.

It is worth noting that an overdose of essential oils can lead to skin burns. Over time, honey becomes thicker, depending on its variety. After thickening, the main process begins; it consists of smoothly alternating application of hands to the back and their leisurely lifting from its surface. Movements can be fast with a gradual slowdown - it all depends on the person’s sensations.

The duration of the procedure is about fifteen minutes until the honey is completely absorbed into the skin.

General recommendations

A back massage with honey will not cause any harm if done correctly. It is best that the sessions are carried out by a qualified specialist.

It is necessary to consult with your doctor in advance to identify any contraindications and determine the advisability of massage sessions.

If massage is one of the components of complex treatment of ailments, then complete healing can be achieved. Try to use fresh honey that has not started to become sugary. Honey should not contain chemical additives or flavorings.


Performing a honey massage helps improve the condition of muscles and joints. If you do not have specific indications for its use, you can carry out procedures for the purpose of prevention and improvement of your overall health. After a few sessions, you will feel relief in the spine area.

Back massage is a time-tested remedy and one of the best methods of therapeutic and health effects on muscle tissue, joints and spine. This procedure, enhanced by the healing properties of honey, gives good results in the treatment of many diseases. Massaging the back area relieves pain and improves the overall health of the body, eliminating the effects of fatigue and stress.

What are the benefits of honey back massage?

Honey back massage, thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of honey and certain massage techniques, successfully copes with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system: it helps in the treatment of spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, diseases of the joints and nervous system, diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

Honey back massage is necessary, first of all, for people with diseases of the spine and joints, suffering from frequent colds and rheumatic attacks, as well as for those who move little and sit a lot at work, as a result of which the load on the back and muscles increases. After such procedures, symptoms of depression, insomnia, stress and chronic fatigue go away, immunity and performance increase, and headaches disappear.


The essence of a massage with honey comes down to its ability to warm up the body and force blood and lymph to circulate in problem areas with a vengeance, which leads to a reduction in fat deposits. In addition, by irritating the receptors present in the skin, reflex processes are launched that actively affect the functioning of internal organs.

Beneficial substances from honey, quickly absorbed from the surface of the skin, penetrate deep inside, enter the blood, quickly spread throughout the body, anesthetize nerve endings, cleanse pores, tone muscles and participate in metabolic processes.

Why is back massage with honey so beneficial at home?

Any massage procedure aimed at one or another part of the body, in any case, in addition to solving a local problem, represents a whole complex of actions and techniques that have a specific effect that help:

  1. restore energy to the body and mobility to sore joints, minimize the manifestations of osteochondrosis thanks to the healing effects of honey;
  2. increase or decrease muscle tone;
  3. eliminate pain;
  4. normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve mood, eliminate stressful conditions;
  5. improve posture;
  6. improve the appearance of the skin due to the effect on it of microelements and vitamins contained in honey;
  7. remove dead skin cells, due to which the renewed cells are better saturated with oxygen, the skin becomes softer;
  8. improve the functioning of internal organs due to intensive blood supply and the effect of honey on nerve endings;
  9. strengthen blood vessels and eliminate swelling;
  10. relieve fatigue;
  11. improve blood circulation in the lung tissue and bronchi.


The range of effects of honey massage is quite wide, and it is often used as a medical and cosmetic procedure. However, there are also contraindications for its use.


Most often these are allergies, skin diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hypertension, serious mental or heart diseases, hemophilia, skin tumors, tuberculosis.

Of course, you should not thoughtlessly perform all the procedures you like and neglect contraindications, if any. You may need to consult a doctor.

Honey massage for spinal hernia

Spinal hernia is a very common disease. And often in a neglected state, the only way to solve the problem is by surgery. But if you start on time, the disease can be treated with medications and proven folk methods (do not forget that even the most proven recipes can only be used after the approval of a doctor in combination with traditional medicine).

In the treatment of intervertebral hernia, honey massage is recognized as an effective restorative procedure and auxiliary reflexology. The therapeutic effect of this massage is achieved due to the ability of honey to have an anti-inflammatory effect and powerfully stimulate nerve endings, penetrate deep into the skin, and increase blood flow in the area of ​​the affected intervertebral disc and the surrounding soft tissues.

Improving microcirculation by warming up the body with massage movements leads to a decrease in muscle tension and pressure on soft tissues, they are saturated with oxygen, which prevents the process of hernia formation. And by eliminating venous stagnation, swelling disappears, compression of the nerve roots decreases and pain decreases. In general, the patient recovers faster and the risk of the disease becoming chronic is reduced.

Important: massage for a spinal hernia should be performed by a qualified specialist. Before contacting a massage therapist, you should definitely consult a doctor. Massage for some forms of hernia may be contraindicated. In case of spinal hernia, massage is prescribed after the end of the acute period for therapeutic purposes and in order to speed up the rehabilitation process.

Technique for performing honey back massage

For back diseases and for their prevention, massage is used along the entire length of the spine. And although massage as an effective way to influence a person’s well-being has been known for thousands of years, not everyone knows how to perform it correctly and exactly what techniques should be used when massaging the back with honey.


Despite some differences between this procedure and other types of massage, there are general rules that must be followed in order to achieve the best result and not harm the body.

  1. A honey back massage should not be done too hard or too fast. The resulting sensation of pain (especially in the first sessions) can be dangerous and harmful to health.
  2. Moderately intense soft and careful massage movements are performed along the lymphatic tract (from the periphery to the center).
  3. During the massage, the lymph nodes and spine should not be exposed.

In order to properly perform a back massage with honey, you will need some knowledge and skills, a few spoons of honey and a little physical effort.

Before the session begins, the entire back surface is massaged and warmed up. After that, honey is applied to the prepared skin, into which, for a better effect, you can drop a little aromatic oil (no more than 5 drops per small spoon of honey). Then the honey is slowly rubbed into the skin with light pressure and an up and down motion.

Important: essential oils come in very strong concentrations and can leave a burn on the skin.

Depending on the type of honey and its consistency, it thickens after some time. After this, you can proceed to the main procedure, which consists of alternately applying your hands to the skin and smoothly lifting it from its surface. Movements can be slowed down or accelerated, focusing on sensations.

The procedure is performed until almost all the honey is absorbed into the skin (no more than 10-15 minutes). The remaining honey should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream should be applied.

Tips and tricks

There will be no harm to the body if a honey back massage is performed correctly. Of course, it must be done by a competent specialist. And consultation with a doctor about the advisability of the procedure in each specific case is simply necessary.

It is important to remember that complete healing can be achieved as a result of an integrated approach with treatment in a sanatorium, with special exercises, yoga, physiotherapy, and the use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

But by performing a back massage with honey, we still help sore joints and muscles. And after just a few sessions of honey back massage, noticeable relief can occur.