Anti-aging drugs for women

Absolutely every person dreams of living as long as possible and remaining young. Previously, the cure for old age could only be found in books. Today such a drug is a reality. Does it really help prolong life? You can find the answer to this question in our article.

Creation of the drug. General information about the medicine

Few people know, but this year it became known that scientists have created a cure for old age. The development of the drug belongs to specialists from Altai University. Scientists claim that such a medicine helps restore cells that are responsible for supporting the general background of the body. When using a new drug, the aging process slows down significantly.

It was not by chance that Altai scientists created a cure for old age. Today, every second inhabitant of the planet is trying to maintain their health and youth by any means. Journalists from the Russian Federation found out that in February of this year, a drug that slows down the aging process has already passed the second stage of testing. Perhaps very soon we will be able to see a cure for old age on the shelves of all pharmacies. It is worth noting that the new drug has a huge advantage. According to Altai scientists, the medicine does not affect the human hormonal and immune system. It is for this reason that the drug is absolutely harmless. It is also worth noting that the medicine for old age provokes the creation of new cells in the human body.

Elena Malysheva and drugs for old age

It’s no secret that the TV show “Live Healthy!”, hosted by Elena Malysheva, is quite popular among those who carefully monitor their health. This year, this television program examined drugs for old age. You can find more detailed information about them in our article.


Medicines for old age from Malysheva allow you to restore the body's cells. The first drug is an inhibitor. This medicine will not only help you stay young as long as possible, but also improve the condition of your heart and blood vessels. Such drugs include Captopril, Ramipril and others. It is also worth noting that they reduce the risk of heart failure.

Medicines for old age from Malysheva, as the TV presenter says, allow you to cope with a large number of diseases. Such a drug is Aspirin. Thanks to this medicine, the risk of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks is reduced. As a rule, aspirin is prescribed to people over 40 years of age.

The medications that Elena Malysheva recommended in her television program help maintain good condition of the body and eliminate the risk of serious diseases. Before using any medications, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor.

How was the effect of the Altai medicine tested?

As we said earlier, Altai scientists have developed a unique cure for old age. At the moment it has gone through two stages of testing. In November of this year, experts plan to begin testing on volunteers.


At the first stage of testing, the medicine for old age was tested on animals, namely mice. They were divided into two groups. The first was given the drug, and the second lived a normal life. After a year and a half, it was found that the group that did not receive drug treatment began to show signs of aging, namely going bald, going blind and losing weight. The second category of mice, which consumed the Altai medicine for old age, were more active and healthy. It is also worth noting that after successful research, the creators of the medicine began to test it on themselves.

When will the drug go on sale?

The news about the creation of a cure for aging spread throughout the world. Many even agree to become volunteers and try it out this year. Perhaps absolutely everyone who has heard the news about the creation of an anti-aging drug is interested in when exactly it will go on public sale.

As we said earlier, the third stage of testing of a drug that slows down aging will begin in November of this year. It will involve research on people who choose to volunteer. Altai scientists do not name the exact date when the medicine will become publicly available. However, they expect this to happen in two years.

"Metformin" - a cure for old age

Today, absolutely every person wants to live as long as possible and look younger at the same time. Scientists from all over the world are trying to develop a cure for old age. Metformin, which is known to us as a drug for the treatment of diabetes, helps them with this. Scientists in the United States of America have concluded that aging is a disease that needs to be treated. Last year they found out that Metformin slows down the process of destruction of the body. Based on it, scientists plan to create a cure for old age.


Metformin was tested on worms. Despite their age, their skin remained smooth and their life cycle increased significantly.

Altai medicine for liver cirrhosis

The anti-aging drug, which was created by Altai scientists, has other positive qualities. As we said earlier, at the first stage of testing it was tested on rodents. Altai scientists have proven that their drug helps not only slow down the aging process, but also cure cirrhosis of the liver. In rodents that were injected with the drug, the cells of the vital organ were completely restored. The ability to cure the liver will be the main criterion for a drug to obtain a license from the Ministry of Health.

A drug that slows down the aging process is already in the pharmacy: myth or reality?

Few people know, but the cure for old age is already in pharmacies. Scientists have proven that the drug, which is intended for the treatment of osteoporosis, significantly slows down the destruction process. In pharmacy windows, you can easily find it under the name "Zoledronate". Experts believe that it increases the life cycle of stem cells. Thanks to it, performance also increases, which, as is known, significantly decreases with age. Today, scientists plan to conduct a series of studies and experimentally prove that the drug for osteoporosis helps prolong life.


Despite the fact that the medicine for old age is already in pharmacies, we strongly advise against using it for other purposes. This can harm your body.

Folk remedy for old age

As we said earlier, the Altai medicine for old age will go on sale at least two years later. If you want to maintain your youth today, you can use a folk remedy, the recipe for which you can find in our article.

To create the elixir of youth, you need to mix 300 grams of honey, 200 grams of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 100 grams of olive oil. We recommend using this mixture daily, one teaspoon inside. This elixir must be stored in the refrigerator. Thanks to this folk remedy, your complexion will noticeably improve, many wrinkles will disappear and your immunity will improve. This treatment will benefit absolutely everyone. If you have an allergic reaction to at least one component of the medicinal mixture, we strongly recommend that you refrain from using this product.


Anti-aging eye drops

Two years ago, American scientists tested Russian eye drops. They found out that Visomitin is a cure for old age. It is these drops that not only moisturize the eyeball, but also restore its cells. It is for this reason that American scientists plan to create a product based on it that will be able to regenerate absolutely the entire body.

At the moment, experts have conducted tests on rodents. In the future, scientists plan to recruit 100 volunteers for extensive testing of the drug. They are confident that soon absolutely anyone will be able to significantly extend their life.

Affordable anti-aging product

Unfortunately, a cure for old age is under development. However, scientists have found an affordable remedy that will allow older people to improve their health and prolong their lives. Few people know, but fish oil, which everyone has known since childhood, is an excellent product that slows down the process of destruction in the body. Surprisingly, in countries where there is a sea or ocean, such a source of vitamins and microelements is taken throughout life.

Scientists have proven that such a population, compared to the Russian Federation, has a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, they are much less likely to encounter sclerosis and problems of the central nervous system. Few people know, but in the United States of America, fish oil is registered as a medicinal product. This is no coincidence, because people of absolutely any age use it every day. Fish oil has invaluable benefits for our body. It helps reduce inflammation in the joints and is also an effective pain reliever. It is fish oil that contains a fairly large percentage of acids important for the body - Omega-3.

Surprisingly, a remedy that is familiar to everyone since childhood can also help cope with a bad mood. This is no coincidence, because fish oil contains the “happiness hormone” - serotonin. Doctors strongly recommend that older people include fish oil in their diet. It will help not only cope with a large number of problems, but also prevent the development of many serious diseases.


It is worth noting that there is no established daily requirement for taking such a drug. It is assigned on an individual basis. You can easily find out this information from your doctor. Fish oil is an anti-aging treatment that is not only readily available, but also relatively inexpensive. We highly recommend including it in your diet.

Altai anti-aging medicine will help cope with infertility

Altai scientists conducted a huge number of tests. They found that the anti-aging medicine helps cope not only with destruction, but also with liver diseases. Does this drug have any additional indications?

Surprisingly, Altai scientists came to the conclusion that their future drug could help in the treatment of infertility. As we said earlier, the main function of the drug is cell restoration. Conducting experiments on rodents, experts implanted fertilized eggs into some individuals. Surprisingly, 99% of the injected cells not only survived, but also grew into adult rodents. In the future, the creators of the drug also plan to test it as a remedy for infertility.

An amazing fact about the Altai drug. Price of medicine

As we said earlier, Altai scientists tested the drug not only on mice, but also on themselves. One of the specialists had an incurable disease associated with adhesions. After some time, after regular use of the drug, he completely got rid of it. It is for this reason that the creators of the drug suggest that it has many more positive qualities than they thought. In the future, scientists plan to conduct a series of experiments that will help find out what effect, besides rejuvenation, their drug has.


The price of the future drug is still unknown. The creators promise to do everything possible to keep it as low as possible. However, they emphasize that the cost will be directly related to the number of batches produced.

Let's sum it up

Today, a cure for old age by Altai scientists is at the development stage. Perhaps in a couple of years we will be able to easily purchase such a drug at the pharmacy. As we said earlier, there is a high probability that it will help cope not only with destruction, but also with other serious diseases. And while the drug is in development, we strongly recommend that you maintain the condition of your body with other available means. Before using any medications, be sure to consult your doctor. Be healthy!

Date of publication: 05/17/2018

The elixir of immortality was sought by shamans, priests and alchemists for many thousands of years. Of course, it would be good to drink living water or eat rejuvenating apples, or, as a last resort, take some pills and stay young forever.


Unfortunately for everyone, the elixir of youth has not yet been invented, but medications that allow us to fight aging already exist, and the day is not far off when doctors will prescribe them to us.

How to stay healthy

Many people cannot even imagine, but now about 200 types of geroprotectors are known that can potentially prolong human life.


You won’t read in the instructions for these medications that they can be prescribed to slow down aging. How to explain this? Medicines are registered for the treatment of specific diseases, and old age, unfortunately, is not yet officially considered a disease.


Plus, due to the considerable life expectancy of a person, trials to extend it can be very long. Therefore, these properties of drugs, as a rule, have been tested only on laboratory animals and information about them cannot yet be used as a recommendation for self-medication.

Aging, from a medical point of view, is not a disease. There is also no generally accepted biomarker by which one could understand whether this process is slowing down or not.


Therefore, the goal of research is to find drugs that can slow down the development of age-related diseases: cardiovascular, neurological, oncological, and so on.


Derived from French lilac, or goat's rue (galega officinalis, or goat's rue), drug metformin, in addition to treating type 2 diabetes, is used to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver and is currently being tested as a preventative for various types of cancer.


According to some scientists, metformin causes approximately the same changes in the body as calorie restriction: it increases insulin sensitivity, lowers cholesterol, and improves physical condition.

American scientists analyzed the health status and life expectancy of 70 thousand patients with diabetes who took metformin. Their risk of developing cancer was 35–40% lower than those who did not take this drug, and they lived 15% longer.

Aging of the cardiovascular system begins with vascular atherosclerosis. High blood pressure can then develop, which puts undue strain on the heart and causes it to wear out faster.


Metformin has been proven to delay the aging of the heart and blood vessels, slow down the development of age-related diseases such as chronic heart failure, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease, and vascular calcification.

Metformin has already been recognized by the American Drug Administration (analogous to our Pharmaceutical Committee) as a geroprotector. And in the USA it is already prescribed as a medicine that delays aging.


Sildenafil gained worldwide fame due to its side effects. The drug is produced by Pfizer under the brand name Viagra and was developed as a cure for coronary heart disease, but the results of clinical trials conducted in 1992 disappointed the drug's developers.


However, its side effect, which was reported by many study participants, namely a pronounced effect on blood flow in the pelvic organs, prompted the idea of ​​​​using this medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Later, other properties of sildenafil were discovered - to reduce pressure in the pulmonary artery, dilate blood vessels and restore their elasticity.

These properties make it possible to prevent a number of age-related changes that cause diseases that lead in the list of causes of death - heart attack, stroke, senile dementia, vascular atherosclerosis.


Rapamycin, discovered by a Brazilian researcher as a metabolic product of the bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus from a soil sample from Easter Island, is primarily used as an immunosuppressant to prevent organ and tissue rejection.


It is used as an antifungal antibiotic and after organ transplantation to prevent organ rejection. In an experiment, it increased the lifespan of yeast, nematodes, fruit flies and old mice by 26%.

Moreover, this effect in mice was confirmed in eight different independent studies. Rapamycin blocks a certain protein and thereby causes the same changes in the body as with a significant reduction in caloric intake. It is this diet that really helps prolong life.

However, the drug has side effects, including: increased insulin resistance, which can cause diabetes. The drug metformin may be a solution to this problem and has already shown effectiveness in some patients with diabetes.

If the researchers' findings are confirmed by the results of larger trials, the combination of metformin and rapamycin will be used to treat aging and age-related diseases.

Skulachev's drops

Academician Skulachev, who studies the aging process, proposed a remedy called “Skulachev's drops", is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the body.


Today, “Vizimitin” eye drops are actively offered for sale, but the release of the drug against old age has been postponed for now, since all the necessary tests and studies have not been carried out. In 2016, information appeared that the medicine for old age was already in pharmacies, but so far there is no data on its production and sale.


Melatonin was discovered in 1958. This is a hormone that is produced in our body at night, in the dark, and is a regulator of sleep and biorhythms. In the 70s of the last century, scientists found that melatonin, administered as a drug to rats and mice, prolongs their life.


Melatonin is already prescribed in the United States as an anti-aging agent. In Russia, it, like metformin, is already used in the treatment of cancer. And the use of melatonin as a geroprotector that delays aging is a matter of the near future.

Simple and effective remedies

In addition to taking special medications, gerontologists strongly advise paying attention to simple and effective remedies.

  1. Magnesium
    Reduces the incidence of age-related diseases (cardiovascular, metabolic and others), slows down aging at the cellular level.


  2. Glucosamine sulfate
    Increases the maximum lifespan of mice by 7%.
  3. Vitamin K
    Reduces mortality from all causes by 46%, and has a general healing effect on the body.


  4. Vitamin D
    Reduces the mortality of experimental mice by 7%.
  5. Vitamin B5
    Extends the life of mice by 18%.


  6. Nicotinamide riboside (also known as NMN)
    Increases the lifespan of mice by 15%.

Products to slow down the aging of the body

Here is a list of the most useful foods for maintaining health and slowing down cell aging.

  1. Nuts
    All types of nuts are a source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, supplying the body with a lot of essential substances.
  2. Berries
    Natural antioxidants that help eliminate toxins and free radicals.


  3. Green vegetables
    Reduces the level of lipoproteins in the blood and helps improve the health of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Fatty fish
    Source of essential fatty acids.
  5. Lean meat
    Supplier of protein - building material for cells.

The fight against aging must be waged daily. Not a single magic pill against old age will help if you don’t monitor your health and try to keep all your organs and systems in working order.

Before purchasing any anti-aging products, be sure to consult your doctor.

Anti-aging hormone replacement therapy

Over the years, no one remembers who was the first to come up with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The German Langerhans, who discovered islets in the pancreas, and our compatriot Sobolev, who established their role in the production of insulin, and the Canadians Banting and Best, who obtained insulin from the bovine pancreas in 1922, also distinguished themselves.


It is probably worth including here also the one who was the first to comprehend the simple truth: it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but the disease. His name is unknown, but his tactics helped his descendants: since there is not enough hormone, let’s add it, and everything will immediately fall into place. That's what they did.

Equivalent replacement

The first “experimental subjects” on whom hormone replacement therapy was tested were patients with diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, the results of insulin therapy were far from perfect. Of course: the hormone was extracted from the first available animals, the methods of its purification left much to be desired, and the administration regimens required improvement. Only in the 1960-1980s did things start to improve, and on the wave of this success, all the now known hormone replacement therapy rose - treatment aimed at replacing missing hormones in the body.

Dwarfism was treated with somatotropin - growth hormone, hypothyroidism - with thyroid hormones, Addison's disease - with cortisol and aldosterone. Menopause, of course, also falls into the category of conditions that can be corrected by HRT.

Not all women take menopause for granted and find positive aspects in it (like saving on pads and contraceptives). Most people are seriously concerned about the drop in the level of sex hormones (estrogens and progestins), because it is accompanied by mood swings, hot flashes, thinning of the skin, dry mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, osteoporosis, loss of interest in sexual activity, and neurocirculatory dystonia. In a word, a whole set of unpleasant symptoms.

Hormone replacement therapy was just right for these ladies. By the end of the twentieth century, more than 20 million women in the West were taking hormone medications daily, and for many years they did not want to give them up. So far, inquisitive scientists have not been overcome by doubts: is it really useful to interfere with the body’s hormonal levels and give it a dose of the active substance day after day?

Sayechka for fright!

Large-scale studies at that time showed that HRT cures one thing and cripples another. Women who used sex hormones for more than five years really looked great and felt pretty good, too. It turned out that the use of estrogens increases the likelihood of developing breast and endometrial cancer: estrogens stimulate cell division, including cancer cells. Again, hormone replacement therapy after menopause triples the risk of thrombosis and embolism, including pulmonary embolism.

However, the attempt to link HRT with coronary heart disease, obesity, hypertension and liver disease failed miserably.

It turned out that all cases of weight gain due to HRT are associated with a late start of treatment, when obesity has already begun, and precisely from a lack of sex hormones. And American doctors, together with the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology, have proven that hormone replacement therapy, on the contrary, improves survival in women with coronary heart disease. The 10-year survival rate for patients who took hormones was 97% versus 60% for those who never took them. If we talk about the risk of cancer, it has been reduced by using combined estrogen-progestogen drugs.

Today, “heavy” low-purity hormonal drugs have been replaced by the latest low-dose products of biochemical technologies and genetic engineering. However, many doctors still remain in the camp of opponents of HRT. And that's why.

The main thing that is alarming about the rosy prospect of mass propaganda of HRT is the dosage. All hormones are present in the blood in negligible quantities; their balance is extremely individual and can change from day to day. You can, of course, study the daily rhythm of the production of a particular hormone in the body, but how to calculate the required individual dose of hormone replacement therapy?

Let's reveal a little secret. Until now, all hormones are prescribed in average doses. That is, by and large, with each medication taken, patients deal a powerful blow to their tissue receptors, which have to adapt, roughly speaking, not react so actively to the stimulus. It’s not hard to guess how it will all end: their sensitivity to hormonal drugs gradually decreases, and then disappears completely.

Another disadvantage: the hormone introduced from outside suppresses the work of the gland that normally synthesizes it. The principle of negative feedback. While a foreign hormone circulates in the blood, practically no own hormone is produced - the gland rests, without receiving an order from above (from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland). If substitution treatment lasts for a long time, she loses her skills altogether, and her abilities do not return when HRT is discontinued.

What to do? The answer lies in competent tactics for treating hormone deficiency:

  1. There is no need to rush to switch to hormonal therapy. Let us remember the basics of endocrinology: they first try to cure thyroid insufficiency with iodine preparations, and to stimulate the work of the ovaries with various physical procedures. And only if all these methods are ineffective should one resort to hormones as a last resort.
  2. If you can do without HRT, then it is better to do without it. For example, during menopause, hormones are prescribed for osteoporosis and severe menopausal disorders if they cause anxiety to the patient. Contraindications to hormone replacement therapy: malignant tumors, liver or kidney failure, acute thromboembolic diseases
  3. Choose the right medicine. Modern drugs for HRT are divided into herbal hormone-like agents, bioidentical hormones and synthetic analogues of natural hormones. The first ones are good from a psychological point of view, because a clear prejudice has formed against hormones, and a rare patient is eager to take them. Synthetic hormones have a quick and powerful effect, but their structure is slightly different from the natural hormones of our body, therefore the production of our own hormones is more actively suppressed. The golden mean is bioidentical hormones.
  4. Choose the optimal route of drug administration. For gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to swallow HRT tablets. Instead, you can give injections, glue hormonal patches and throw special quickly dissolving tablets under the tongue.
  5. Stop in time. You don't have to take hormones your whole life. Practice shows that 2-3 years are enough to relieve menopausal disorders; after discontinuation of the drug, hot flashes and other “delights” of menopause are unlikely to return. Lifelong prescription of hormones is justified only in cases where a woman has had one or both ovaries removed.

HRT against age

Recently, a new direction has appeared in medicine - anti-aging. Having seen enough of the vigorous Western women of Balzac’s age, ours decided not to lag behind and also took up the task of rejuvenating the body.

Oddly enough, the notorious hormone replacement therapy plays an important role in the fight against aging. However, it has a very distant resemblance to classical HRT.

Here the doctor’s task is to help the patient restore hormonal balance, and with it strength, good appearance and, of course, well-being. Therefore, hormone doses are minimal. They do not treat, but stabilize hormonal levels, bringing their numbers to the upper limit of the corresponding age norm. Doses are not taken out of thin air, but are calculated individually, based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient.

The optimal time to prescribe anti-aging therapy is 5 years before the onset of menopause. It is used at the request of the patients, and it can last as long as desired.

However, the first signs of aging are fought not only with hormones. An important role is played by lifestyle, proper nutrition with individually selected vitamin therapy, physical exercise and, of course, giving up bad habits.

By the way, if you are thinking about how to preserve youth from a young age, do not neglect general recommendations for improving your health, and you may not need any hormone therapy.