How to rejuvenate your face after 40 years

Many women on the threshold of their fortieth birthday are frightened by this figure - a certain intermediate line between youth and fading.

In fact, the aging process starts much earlier than 40 years, it’s just that women begin to notice changes in their body and appearance especially clearly at this age.

Fortunately, modern women can safely say about themselves: “Getting older does not mean growing old!”

The secrets of the beauty and youth of any woman lie not only in good genetics and a healthy lifestyle, but also in caring for facial skin after 40 years.

If before this age girls could afford to follow the minimum recommendations of cosmetologists, then after 40 the process of facial care turns into a mandatory and integral ritual of life.

If before this you have not thought about whether you are properly caring for your skin, then today we will give you valuable advice on how to maintain youth and beauty, how to tighten the oval of your face.


Features of the skin of a forty-year-old woman

A woman’s face is like a mirror; it reflects all the processes occurring in the body. And at the age of 40, the changes are very obvious and often critical - hormonal changes, decreased regeneration, slower metabolism.

All this is not reflected in the best way on the skin of the face.

  1. Quantitative changes - distinct nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes - the so-called crow's feet.
  2. Loss of moisture and elasticity - the skin becomes drier and flabby due to a decrease in collagen synthesis and a decrease in the skin's ability to retain valuable moisture in the cells.
  3. A decrease in the functionality of the sebaceous glands leads to less sebum production and, as a result, to dry skin.
  4. Decreased regeneration rate - cells renew themselves very slowly due to a decrease in the synthesis of the hormone of youth - estrogen.
  5. A decrease in the number of functional blood vessels leads to a slowdown in blood circulation in the layers of the epidermis and, as a result, to the disappearance of a healthy blush.

Understanding all these natural processes occurring in a woman’s body, you can draw up a competent plan for facial care after 40 years.

Necessary stages of care for mature skin

The main principle of proper facial skin care after 40 years is an integrated approach and nothing else. Only daily procedures performed consistently at a certain time of day will help achieve significant results.

Stage 1. Cleansing the skin. This important process must be carried out with the utmost delicacy in order not to damage the already thinned lipid layer. Therefore, we use gentle cleansing products - light foams and mousses, tonics and lotions without alcohol, gentle peelings.

In this case, you need to abandon the usual aggressive soaps and scrubs with large abrasive particles. You can only wash your face with water at a pleasant room temperature.

Stage 2. Moisturize the skin. This process needs to be given attention from all sides. You can indirectly influence the level of moisture in the skin in this way - drink at least 1.5 liters of clean still water a day, use a humidifier at home.

Take care of seasonal care - in winter you need to use cosmetics that protect your face from wind and frost, and in summer you should avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation and use care products and decorative cosmetics with a level of protection of at least SPF-15. Every day you need to use high-quality moisturizers - creams, serums, gels and face masks.

Stage 3. Skin nutrition. Since skin becomes drier with age, good nourishing care is necessary, especially at night.

It is very important to choose a suitable night cream that has the ideal texture so that the skin pores do not become clogged, but at the same time deeply nourishes the epidermis and saturates it with vitamins.

In addition, several times a week you need to make nourishing masks, which can be prepared at home.

Anti-aging cosmetics for women over 40 years old

Properly selected caring cosmetics can work wonders and significantly reduce the signs of skin aging, tighten the contours of the face, and fill the skin with radiance.

Such cosmetics must be chosen according to age - that is, the packaging must have the inscription “40+” on it.

You should not purchase creams that are not suitable for your age category or that are even designed for all skin types - such cosmetics will not bring visible results.

You need to choose three basic products - a night cream, a day cream and an eye product. Of course, it is desirable that all these cosmetics be of the same brand and series, mutually complementing each other.

It will also be useful to study the composition of the cosmetics you buy - a good anti-aging product must contain the following components:

  1. hyaluronic acid - to retain moisture in the skin;
  2. collagen of marine origin - to maintain elasticity;
  3. retinol (one of the forms of vitamin A) - accelerates regeneration;
  4. tocopherol (vitamin E) is a powerful antioxidant;
  5. herbal ingredients with anti-aging effects;
  6. fruit acids - to saturate the skin with vitamins.

In addition to store-bought cosmetics, you should not neglect home skin care.

Traditional recipes for anti-aging facial care

Masks that need to be done 2-3 times a week will be a significant help in rejuvenating facial skin. The composition and functionality of masks must be changed periodically, alternating between nourishing, moisturizing and lifting ones.

The oval face after 40 years is in great need of such rejuvenating procedures.

Nutrition masks

  1. Country cream as a one-component mask is express nutrition for your skin. After this procedure, you don’t even have to apply the cream.
  2. A mask of cream, honey, vegetable oil, egg yolk and aloe juice will help saturate the skin with nutrients.
  3. Fat sour cream combined with apricot pulp, mixed in equal proportions, will make your skin smooth and radiant.

Moisturizing masks

  1. Fresh cucumbers have been used since ancient times to moisturize the skin. You can try mixing cucumber pulp with honey and lemon juice - you will get a wonderful refreshing and whitening effect.
  2. A fresh “salad” of tomato pulp seasoned with olive oil will replenish the lack of moisture in the skin in just 10 minutes.

Lifting masks

  1. Sea buckthorn berries have excellent anti-aging properties - for a mask you should use their pulp, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  2. Oatmeal or flour combined with honey and egg yolk will help make your skin simply velvety and incredibly smooth.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Facial skin after 40 years requires really careful care, but you should pay special attention to the eyelid area. The skin around the gas after 40 years becomes very sensitive, delicate, almost translucent.

It is in this area that we begin to notice the first wrinkles.

It is not without reason that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But it’s not only the mischievous sparkle in your eyes that makes you so attractive, it’s also your beautiful, well-groomed skin.

Often, improper eyelid skin care can cause rapid fading, drooping eyelids, and the formation of deep wrinkles. Let's look at the basic principles of caring for the skin around the eyes.

  1. The delicate skin of the eyelids needs special cosmetics - today there is milk for removing eye makeup, various serums and gels for the eyelids, two-phase creams specifically for the lower and upper eyelids, life-giving compresses in the form of patches for the area under the eyes.
  2. Be sure to remove eye makeup before going to bed using special products.
  3. Use high-quality facial cosmetics. It is permissible to apply a little corrective agent and mattifying powder to the skin of the eyelids, and only then eye shadow and a pencil.
  4. Protect the delicate skin of your eyelids from frost and sun, wear good sunglasses with a high degree of darkness, not only in summer, but also in winter. The sun, reflected from the white snow, can dazzle no less than in summer, forcing you to squint and squint - and this, as we know, only provokes the appearance of new wrinkles.

Folk recipes for the beauty of eyelid skin

Many women neglect home care, and completely in vain. Folk recipes can sometimes have an even more pronounced effect than store-bought creams.

The main thing is the correct use of valuable products. Which of them are useful specifically for the delicate skin around the eyes?

  1. Cucumber compresses. The funny image of a woman from jokes in a dressing gown, with curlers on her head and always slices of cucumbers on her face, in fact, is not without meaning. Indeed, cucumber compresses are very beneficial for the skin, especially around the eyes. Be sure to find 10 minutes a day to relax and lie down with round pieces of cucumber in front of your eyes - the chic tonic and refreshing effect will amaze you.
  2. Aloe juice is incredibly beneficial for the skin of the eyelids - it forms a thin protective film and saturates the skin with antioxidants. Apply aloe juice to the skin around the eyes and let it absorb with light tapping movements.
  3. Compresses with black or green tea will help relieve swelling from the eyelids. To do this, you need to moisten cotton pads in fresh tea leaves at room temperature and apply them to your eyelids for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Olive oil is an excellent nourishing and protective agent for the skin of the eyelids - it can be applied at any time of the day and in any quantity.

So, now you know what anti-aging facial skin care should be like at home. All these procedures will have tremendous results if you make an effort and try to perform them regularly.

When a woman turns 40, she begins to take measures to maintain the beauty and elasticity of her skin. Of course, for some, the first wrinkles may appear at the age of 25, while for others, the face looks young even after 40. Of course, genetics and heredity play a significant role in this, although with proper skin care, you can slow down the aging process for several years.

Why does the face require special attention after 40 years?

Aging cannot be completely stopped. By the age of 40, the weaker sex begins a dramatic restructuring of the body. At this age there is decreased production of collagen and elastin, which leads to the appearance of deep folds on the face. In addition, a woman’s estrogen production slows down, so many problems appear that affect the external and internal state.

When cell regeneration slows down, complexion deteriorates. Because of this, the skin becomes more sensitive and age spots appear. Every year, lipid levels decrease, which leads to dry epidermis. Ladies after 45 years experience menopause, which also has a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

All this forces every woman to fight the aging dermis every day and maintain it in normal condition. Every day you need to perform basic care with cosmetic creams for the age category 40+. In addition, it is recommended to use cosmetic intensive treatment procedures. Moreover, they must be carried out necessarily. At this age, it is necessary to constantly visit a cosmetologist.

If there is no time for a visit to the clinic, then similar actions after 40 years can be carried out at home. In general, it is advisable to visit a cosmetologist at least several times a year, and the rest of the time you should take care of aging skin yourself. Moreover, the doctor will help you adjust your home facial care and tell you which procedures are best suited. This way, taking care of your skin will be more effective and correct.

Cosmetologist's advice

To maintain the flawless natural attractiveness of your skin, you should not experiment with cosmetics. It is necessary to listen only to experienced specialists, because incorrectly selected creams at this age can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the dermis.

Doctors recommend that women over 40 years old:

  1. Cleanse your skin every day after waking up and before going to bed. You cannot go to bed until you have removed all makeup from your face.
  2. You should only use protective decorative cosmetics that can reduce the negative impact of the environment.
  3. Regularly provide your skin with proper nutrition. You should use age-appropriate creams.
  4. Apply cleansing masks to your face every week.
  5. Perform peeling once a week with the help of a cosmetologist.

Do not neglect the help of professionals; at least once a month after 40 years, carry out a cosmetic procedure in a clinic.

Popular beauty treatments

Hyaluronic acid injections

Such preparations allow you to correct the oval of the face, eliminate wrinkles, nasolabial folds, as well as change the shape of your lips or pump them up. This technique is considered a good option for women after 40 years of age, because such acid is not foreign to the body. In rare cases, patients experience complications or allergic reactions from the injections.

The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, it all depends on the volume of the treated area. Moreover, the result is noticeable immediately after its implementation, and no traces remain on the face. Therefore, after injections with this drug, you can go straight to your usual activities. However, after some time the acid dissolves, and the procedure will have to be repeated. You can do this an unlimited number of times.

If a woman develops asymmetry from acid injections, then an additional procedure is performed to correct it. It is contraindicated to resort to rejuvenation using this method in case of any inflammation at the treatment site, bleeding disorders, acute diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The procedure cannot yet be performed if it was performed less than a month ago. laser resurfacing or peeling.


With this method of facial rejuvenation, the following is introduced into a certain area of ​​the skin in microdoses:

  1. medicinal extracts;
  2. nutrients;
  3. vitamin cocktails;
  4. homeopathic extracts and so on.

During microtrauma in the subcutaneous layer metabolic processes improve, and blood circulation increases, so cells begin to renew faster.

But it is worth remembering that frequent performance of such cosmetic procedures can lead to premature depletion of its resources. With mesotherapy, cell work is activated, but this cannot continue permanently. If the skin is excessively rejuvenated, after some time it will stop responding to stimulation, which will lead to accelerated biological aging.

Chemical peels

Glycolic peeling is in great demand. After it is carried out, wrinkles are smoothed out, the relief and color of the skin are evened out. Moreover, such a procedure is the safest, painless and not requiring long rehabilitation.

Medium peeling allows you to get the best rejuvenation effect. With its help you can remove small scars that remain after acne and wrinkles. However, this major operation will have to be prepared several weeks before it is performed. To do this, special creams are used to soften the dead layer of skin.


This method is considered the most effective option for correcting age-related changes after 40 years. Its essence is as follows: a pulsed light stream affects problem areas. This procedure helps improve the color and condition of the dermis, eliminates fine wrinkles, increases its level of hydration, removes vascular formations and lightens age spots. In addition, they are being restored synthesis and regeneration processes elastin and collagen fibers. To get a more lasting effect, you need to undergo at least 3 procedures.


This method involves deep hydration of the skin and prevents the formation of new wrinkles. After this procedure, the face looks well-groomed. Although over time, the dermis gets used to this effect and needs biorevitalization more and more often.

Laser face resurfacing after 40 years

Laser treatment of the skin is an excellent rejuvenating procedure. It gets rid of acne scars, wrinkles, improves complexion and even strengthens skin tissue. Laser resurfacing narrows pores, reduces erythema and activates synthesis of collagen fibers. A similar method of rejuvenation is carried out for large pores, age-related changes, pigmentation, vascular formations and uneven skin color.

This procedure should not be performed if you have diabetes, acute inflammation, precancerous conditions and skin diseases. Laser rejuvenation is also prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Before the resurfacing session, you should refrain from chemical peeling for 2 weeks. It is also better to avoid tanning and solariums.

Such facial rejuvenation after 40 years is attractive because it does not require long recovery. During the session, the skin Protect with cooling spray, so no burns, irritation or redness occur. The rejuvenating effect lasts up to several years.

Surgical procedures

It is necessary to be careful about methods of rejuvenation through surgery, because after 40 years the skin can react unpredictably to surgery. Similar methods include:

  1. Circular facelift;
  2. Implantation of threads;
  3. Blepharoplasty;
  4. Endoscopic lifting.

By the way, the latter procedure is a new method of rejuvenation, which is carried out under anesthesia. In this case, the soft tissues of the face are corrected and raised using an endoscope. With this operation it is possible to weaken tone of overstrained muscles, removing deep wrinkles, and tightening a specific area of ​​skin. In addition, endoscopic lifting is excellent for bags under the eyes and folds in the corners of the eyes.

Rejuvenating massage

A woman at the age of 40 can improve her skin condition not only with the help of cosmetic procedures, but also with massage. Moreover, cosmetologists recommend starting to perform it after 26 years. Moreover, not everyone has the opportunity to visit beauty salons. Every lady can do a massage. The main thing is to perform it with measured and soft movements, without stretching or pressing hard on the face.

First for the session 5 minutes is enough. In the future, the time can be increased to 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to do facial massage a few hours before bedtime. After 2-3 procedures, the result is visible: skin color improves and wrinkles disappear.

The first step is to choose a base for the massage. For oily skin, it is better to use a mask of lemon juice and olive oil, and for dry skin, a chilled cream.

The skin is thoroughly cleansed before exercise, after which the massage proceeds. It should be carried out with massaging movements from the chin to the earlobes, from the nose and forehead to the temples, from the eyebrows to the hair and from the lips to the ears. In this case, you do not need to touch the area around the eyes. Don't forget about your neck; to keep it youthful, make light movements from the collarbone to the chin. You will get the best results if you use it for exercises. ice cube, not hands. After this, your face will become healthy and fresh.

Remember that using masks, creams, massages, procedures along with anti-aging drinks will help you have tight and youthful skin at 40 years old.

It is recommended to seek the help of cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 40 years. At this age, metabolic processes in skin tissues slow down, its elasticity decreases, and the first age spots and wrinkles appear. Peeling courses, hardware and injection procedures help to delay obvious signs of aging for a long time.

Facial rejuvenation after 40 years

Skin care should be competent and regular. Natural freshness is maintained by daily hydration and nutrition at home, periodic cleansing and cosmetic masks. With age, daily care becomes insufficient: restoration processes, as well as the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers in the deep layers of the dermis, slow down, which is immediately reflected on the face:

  1. turgor decreases;
  2. peeling and spider veins appear;
  3. wrinkles appear around the eyes and mouth;
  4. the complexion becomes dull, the cheeks droop, the oval floats.

Rejuvenating facial procedures after 40 years are aimed at eliminating changes that have already occurred and stimulating natural tissue renewal. For this purpose, surface, hardware and injection techniques are used. Their essence lies in deep cleansing of the integument from dead cells, saturation with useful substances: amino acids, vitamins, minerals. The effect is on all layers of the skin, fiber and adjacent muscle fibers.

Acid peeling

Removing the top layer helps rejuvenate your facial skin. At home, you can do superficial peeling with fruit, salicylic or weakly concentrated lactic acid. When applied, such products dissolve epidermal cells and free the skin from sebum, the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, complexion improves and minor defects disappear.

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Medium and deep acid peeling is a controlled burn of the dermis layer with chemicals. This is a professional traumatic procedure, as a result of which the epidermis is completely renewed. To achieve a visible effect, it takes several days, during which the face retains traces of the burn: it remains red and peels. Then the remnants of the epidermis are exfoliated, the skin becomes even and smooth, its color is evened out. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every six months.


This procedure refers to injection methods of facial rejuvenation after 40 years. It consists of introducing cocktails of hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins and other active compounds into the deep layers of the skin. Achieved effect:

  1. elimination of deep wrinkles, folds and other pronounced defects;
  2. elimination of peeling;
  3. improvement of turgor.

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Another way to saturate the dermis with hyaluron, a compound that accelerates microcirculation, local metabolic processes and the production of its own collagen. The substance enters the skin cells using a special cold laser or ultra-thin needles. Hyaluronic gel penetrates to a depth of 1.5–2 mm. The procedure is practically painless.


The so-called ligature lifting or reinforcement is the implantation of special threads, permanent or absorbable, with silver ions, lactic acid concentrates, and collagen into the skin. Goal: tightening facial contours, removing a double chin, smoothing bags under the eyes.

Laser tightening

Hardware rejuvenation procedures using lasers are considered the most effective for stimulating skin renewal processes and eliminating signs of aging. Among them are:

  1. fractional ablation: targeted treatment of problem areas;
  2. laser facial resurfacing: the effect of the beam on the superficial and deep structures of the dermis, resulting in smoothing out unevenness and stimulating regeneration;
  3. photorejuvenation: lightening of age spots, acceleration of collagen synthesis through pulsed light flow.

The effect is noticeable after just one irradiation session. Laser procedures are the safest, since during their implementation there is no risk of infection or the development of an allergic reaction. Soreness and redness of the skin persist for 2–3 days after the session. A repeat course is required after 1.5–2 years.


Injection rejuvenation technique. Used as an alternative to biorevitalization or mesotherapy in case of intolerance to hyaluronic acid. The drug uses your own blood serum. For one procedure, from 30 to 100 ml is taken from the patient. After separation into fractions, the liquid is injected into the layers of the dermis to a depth of 3 mm. As a result, there is a natural acceleration of collagen synthesis and intracellular metabolism. The skin is evened out, becomes fresh and moisturized.

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The full course consists of 1 to 5 procedures. After the sessions, slight swelling of the face may be noted; after 1–2 days, the condition of the skin improves. The rejuvenation effect lasts up to six months.

Ozone therapy

Another injection rejuvenation technique based on the use of an oxygen cocktail. Three-volume oxygen - ozone, stimulates lymph flow, capillary function, improves cellular respiration, accelerates regeneration. The result is noticeable after the first session:

  1. the face is smoothed out, looks fresh and healthy;
  2. skin turgor increases;
  3. circles and bags under the eyes disappear.

The ozone therapy procedure can be alternated with plasma lifting or biorevitalization.

Rejuvenating massage

Universal exercises for smoothing the skin that can be performed at home:

  1. Puff out your cheeks and roll the air from left to right and back for 5 minutes. Movement helps strengthen your facial muscles.
  2. Slowly draw your lips inward until they are no longer visible and the skin around you is stretched. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, relax and repeat the exercise. In this way, wrinkles around the mouth can be smoothed out.

You need to train your facial muscles every day. A real cosmetic massage is recommended to be performed by a specialist, otherwise there is a risk of the opposite effect.