Medela anti-crack cream reviews


Negative reviews

  1. It's all about him.

"Purelan" is 100% ultra-pure lanolin.

Available in tubes of 7 and 37 grams.

My volume is 37g. Cost 445 rubles.

Lanolin (from lat. lana - wool and lat. oleum - oil) - wool wax, animal wax obtained by boiling sheep wool.

Main indications for use of Purelan:

  1. red or sensitive nipples;
  2. sore and painful nipples;
  3. cracks on the lips;
  4. eroded nipples with cracks or uninfected, bleeding nipples.

It is quite difficult to squeeze out, it is thick, and you have to put some effort into applying it. It's like rubbing thick honey into your skin.

I applied it to my hand and it felt like a greasy film.

As it turned out, I was not very ready for my first birth.

Why, oh why didn’t anyone tell me that childbirth is not the end of the pain?!

Honestly, no one warned about the nipples, which on the second day turned into just one lump of pain. (Maybe this doesn't happen to everyone?!)

At first I was glad that my baby was the only one in the whole room who was suckling so actively. I fed one, then the other.

And in the morning tears flowed from my eyes, this pain is incomparable to anything.

One of the roommates, more experienced, shared Bepanten.

But before feeding it needs to be washed off, the water dried everything that the ointment moistened and again the pain.

Despite this, confident that nothing was helping the first time, she ordered ointment for her family.

And they brought it to me pretty quickly. Purelan?

“Damn, why can’t you just buy what they asked for, what’s the point of this initiative?!” I was angry.

But there was nowhere to go, I had to use it.

I was pleased that there was no need to wash it off before feeding.

I actively used it for four days in the maternity hospital, but there was no particular result.

Already at home the situation worsened, painful cracks appeared, blood appeared. It was a nightmare.

My child did not want to take the pacifier; the breast also played this role.

That is, having eaten, the daughter continued to periodically “chew”, if you take it out before she falls soundly asleep, everything starts all over again.

I had thoughts of stopping breastfeeding, I couldn’t stand it.

The only thing that stopped me was that, firstly, there was no bottle and formula (first day at home), and secondly, I was afraid that she wouldn’t take it, just like the pacifier.

Somehow I made it until the morning. The pediatrician came and asked what we were feeding her?

I talked about the “bitten feeder” and my thoughts on this matter. Miracle "Purelan" did not save. I was advised to apply green paint and not wash my breasts before feeding.

“We’ve made it, green stuff + dirt,” I thought.

Well, the Stone Age, that's right.

But the doctor assured that the brilliant green would in no way harm the baby.

I tried it, although I had doubts.

It helped. The nipples began to heal, the wounds dried up.

In just a couple of days everything returned to normal.

The baby really didn’t react to the unusual coloring.

As a result, we breastfed for a year and seven months.

But everything could have been different😉.

And so I bought it again.

While packing for the maternity hospital, for some reason I decided that I needed it.

​And then I remembered that there was no special effect, I didn’t cope with my task. And what can you expect from, roughly speaking, fat to have any healing properties? He also performed his protective functions so-so.

As a last resort, I will use it on my lips or feet, it is a bit heavy for my skin.

The second time it was just as ineffective. At least I used it right away (the first time I chalked it up to the fact that I started late).

Everything happened again: pain and blood. the ointment only soured the wounds, not allowing them to heal.

And again only the brilliant green saved me.

And Purelan is now collecting dust, I offer it to household members as a moisturizer for different parts of the body, but somehow no one was pleased, there was zero effect, unfortunately. 😞

Good afternoon When I was pregnant, I prepared very carefully for the birth of the baby. After attending the “Healthy Baby” course and a lecture on breastfeeding, I made a shopping list for the maternity hospital. The list included a cream for cracked nipples, Purelan 100. The breastfeeding teacher highly recommended it, that it was safe and you could even smear it on a baby’s lips. Therefore, I no longer took any nipple cream to the maternity hospital.

It was my first birth and I didn’t know what breastfeeding was. The baby constantly wanted to suckle, but the milk came only on the 4th day. It was very painful, bruises and calluses appeared on my nipples. It also turned out that my nipples were flat and the correct grip itself did not save me from the consequences of constant sucking. At the maternity hospital they advised me to use pads and periodic cold for the bruises. Among other things, I actively applied Purelan 100.

This cream is very oily and contains nothing other than lanolin. Zero therapeutic effect! If, in addition to dryness, you are bothered by cracks, calluses, and bruises, then this cream will definitely not help! Even bepanthen copes better with healing.

After discharge, at home I fed for several days through a nozzle and intensively smeared my nipples with Bepanthen. When everything got older, the baby sucked at the breast without attachments and over time, the nipples became rougher and became less sensitive.

And when the pediatrician came to our home to see the baby, she saw this cream on the shelf in my hallway (I used it to smear my lips outside instead of as a hygienic one) and also said that she didn’t understand why everyone recommended it, because it only contains lanolin?

Next time, if I give birth, I will not take Purelan 100 cream. I would consider a cream from the Avene line, because... I really like the quality of this cosmetics.

P.s.: Purelan cream can really be applied to dry lips or heels, which is what I used it for. And to heal cracks and calluses, you need to take a more serious arsenal.

Neutral reviews

A very good cream for cracks and dry skin on nipples and lips. Bepanthen is not as effective.

Advantages: Efficiency.

Flaws: Smell.

I bought Bepanthen for cracked nipples and this cream for comparison. I was waiting for discharge from the maternity hospital to use Medela, since Bepanten did not help at all and the child did not latch on to the breast with it. I healed the cracks in one night, sometimes I apply it as a preventive measure and also use it to combat dry skin on my elbows. The child did not refuse breastfeeding with Medela.

Advantages: hypoallergenic.

Flaws: Expensive.

My friend used Purelan cream to heal cracked nipples from the very beginning of breastfeeding and still uses it. She is very pleased that she found this remedy for herself in time and characterizes it as a highly effective remedy that quickly relieves pain and heals cracked nipples as quickly as possible. Before purchasing Purelan cream, she also tried other products, but she liked this cream the most and she uses it constantly.

I used Bepanten for the same purposes, the result was also very good, but I didn’t know about Purelan then, Purelan costs much more than Bepanten, and Bepanten is more universal, based on dexpanthenol.

Purelan nipple cream does not contain additives or preservatives, is tasteless and odorless, hypoallergenic, the active ingredient is purified 100% natural lanolin. It is also recommended to be applied to chapped areas of the skin and lips; it relieves irritation and treats chapped areas of the skin and mucous membranes; after application it creates a protective film.

Purelan is 100% medical purified natural lanolin. Ultra clean, hypoallergenic. No additives, no fragrances, no dyes. Just lanolin and that's it.

Lanolin is an animal wax obtained from sheep's wool. Therefore, Purelan, like lanolin, softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also stimulates its regeneration. Therefore, Purelan is an excellent product for dry skin that needs everything that lanolin can give it.

Purelan from Medela is intended for nipples. There is extremely conflicting information on the Internet. The manufacturer claims that Purelan is hypoallergenic, but some write that lanolin itself is allergic.

It’s unclear who to believe.

As for the product itself, I personally can smell it, for example. Such a specific lanolin smell. But that doesn't scare me.

The most annoying thing about this product is its viscosity. Purelan is very thick, it is difficult to squeeze it out of the tube, and it is no easier to spread on dry skin. The skin sticks and reaches for the finger that is trying to lubricate it. It's a circus.

But it works really well on nipples that are dry and cracked. They heal faster.

I bought a large package before my first birth. Didn't even use half of it. No matter how hard I tried. She anointed her dry hands, her legs, and everything she anointed. With my second child there were no more problems with nipples.

A convenient option for the maternity hospital or a “camping” option. very oily, tight, thick and sticky cream-gel. It’s worth getting used to it (to its application). If you have sore and sensitive nipples, it will be difficult to use in the first month. However, it serves its function. Alternating with bepanthen and dexapanthenol and plastic protective cups against friction helped out. There is no need to wash it off, so you breastfeed your baby without fear. Of course, in my particular case, it did not prevent anything and did not cure any cracked nipples (even when applied correctly). However, it heals and moisturizes well. The bra gets dirty, keep in mind.



Medela nipple cream is intended for those who are breastfeeding and who have cracks, I was not impressed with this cream, the effect takes a very long time and the price is very high, you can find cheaper and more effective ones

I may be a troublemaker, but I'll have to write a negative review.

I started smearing my nipples with Purelan while still in the maternity hospital, for prevention. As a result, neither he, nor Bepanten, nor other remedies helped me avoid brutal cracks.

Well, I thought, since it didn’t help for prevention, it will help with treatment. And here it is not. In the end, the only thing that helped was abstaining from sucking one breast for 5 days.

Fortunately, lanolin can be used for other purposes. It helps me with chapped lips and hands. Softens and removes irritation. I smeared it on my heels after a shower with pumice, as they were very cracked after childbirth. Toned them down a bit. Many people use purelan in homemade creams. So he won't be left idle.

What can you tell us about the cream itself:

Its consistency is very thick and viscous, but from the warmth of your hands it begins to melt quickly

It lasts for a long time, as a small amount is enough to spread on the affected area of ​​the body

Has virtually no smell

The good news is that it is hypoallergenic and does not need to be washed off before feeding.

Contains nothing but pure lanolin

It sticks very much to underwear and to bra inserts, which is very painful when there are cracks

The price is steep. I was ready to pay a lot to stop the hellish pain, but for a cream that didn’t help, 400 rubles is expensive.

This is such a controversial review, but since Purelan is positioned as a healer of cracked nipples, I can’t give it more than three stars.

I hope my review will be useful!

Just like Bepanten, I took Medela PureLan nipple cream with me to the maternity hospital. PureLan cream is produced in Switzerland, so it is far from cheap. For a tube of 37 g I paid about 400 rubles.

It is also sold in tubes of 7 g, which costs around 200 rubles. At the time I bought it, I didn’t know that I wouldn’t use the cream for its intended purpose and chose what was more economical.

Initially, I was pleased with the composition of the cream.

It consists of natural pure medical lanolin

​​​​​​​​​100% natural lanolin.

Lanolin is a wool wax obtained by boiling sheep's wool.

I was afraid to use this cream without washing it off before feeding the baby. It is quite difficult to wash it off, because... The cream has a very thick and greasy consistency. Because of this, the cream is difficult to squeeze out of the tube.

But I still washed it off.

I had no protective effect from this cream. While still in the maternity hospital, my daughter chewed her breasts and cracks appeared. I stopped using PureLan and switched to

Bepanten, the therapeutic effect of which was not long in coming.

If PureLan is not washed off before feeding, it may help. But I haven't tried this.

Because I already read a review about how someone used PureLan as a lip product, I tried it too. And I was satisfied. Now that's exactly how I use it. Very well protects the delicate skin of the lips in winter.

I do not recommend the cream as a remedy for cracked nipples.

Positive reviews

This thing literally saved my life! But a large tube is definitely not useful. Take the small one.

Advantages: only one advantage.

Flaws: No.

The cream is just a godsend. Thanks to this cream, my nipples have never cracked, and my baby is four months old. It's good to smear on your lips and doesn't dry out at all.

Heals cracks perfectly, and is simply an irreplaceable thing during breastfeeding. Does not require rinsing when feeding, completely natural cream.


Harmless, long lasting, moisturizes any skin


leaves marks on clothes

At first I bought this cream for its intended purpose, it worked well, but then all members of my family began to use this cream. It is ideal for lubricating any roughness of the skin, which speeds up the healing of wounds on the skin. This cream helps the child well with diaper rash; I apply it at night, and in the morning there is no redness.
The cream is harmless, doctors allow it not to be washed off before feeding the baby. It itself is very greasy, doesn’t wash off well with water, and I think the biggest drawback is that it leaves marks on clothes. Sometimes you just forget to wipe it off.
This tube lasts a very long time. Our first one ran out a year after the first use, although we used it very often. The second one is almost two years old, but will soon end.
The cream does not smell of anything. And the most important thing is to always keep it warm. In the cold it hardens and you simply cannot squeeze it out of the tube.


Effective on wounds


Hello) I would recommend to you such an effective product as Medela PureLan 100 cream. I have kept this box for a long time) I was cleaning out my home medicine cabinet and noticed that its expiration date had expired before the product had run out, which means I conclude that the consumption is economical and it is profitable to buy it. Although the cost is not cheap, yesterday I saw it at the pharmacy for 590 rubles! But the purchase will justify the costs, the quality pleases.
Yes, it is designed to care for the nipples of nursing mothers, in this sense it brings excellent results, everything heals quickly, softens well and healing occurs well and without harm or side effects.
The consistency of this cream is very thick and greasy, the composition is large, and the box in which it is sold is convenient for storage. Inside it there is the necessary annotation on how and what to smear. I often get wounds and scratches on my hands, I don’t even notice how, but this cream has always helped, immediately after applying it I feel significant relief, the itching and pain at the cut site stops.
So, the moisturizing effect is excellent, very little is needed for one application, although the bottle is small in size, it is beneficial to use. The aroma is specific, not similar to any products that I have used before, but it is not unpleasant, it is normal.
I have not observed any allergic reactions in myself. Therefore I advise)



And I always treated my breasts with Lanovit, a cream for cracked nipples, and did not use other creams. But if it weren’t available at the pharmacy, I would have bought Purelan. I saw a lot of good reviews about these creams. Lanovit is made on the basis of lanolin, odorless and tasteless. Therefore, the baby is not irritated.



The most unforgettable feeling when you really feel like a mother is the moment when your baby suckles. In any circumstances and scenarios, I always enjoyed this moment, how they greedily grab, choke, and look gratefully from under their chests. True, the cracks spoiled the idyll a little. Of course, I endured for the sake of the baby, but I was afraid that I would get an infection through the wound and have to give up. Therefore, it was decided to treat with something that would not interfere with feeding at the same time. They recommended Medela. What I like most is that you can apply the baby right away and it works quickly. You don’t even need to rinse it off, it’s a safe product, well-purified lanolin.



I bought it on the advice of a friend when I was in the maternity hospital. Naturally, when I establish breastfeeding, every woman faces the problem of cracked nipples, this problem has not escaped me, no matter what I tried. The baby couldn’t latch onto the breast correctly for a long time, so I finally bought purelan, lubricated it before and after feeding, and lo and behold! It's all gone! It helped me a lot when my lips were chapped, everything returned to normal within a day.
I also used it a couple of times when my baby had irritation on his bottom, and it also went away. He is our savior for all occasions

9 months of waiting for a small miracle. Thousands of calculated articles, books about what a baby needs, and a firm belief that you need to give him the best. And then that long-awaited day comes when you see this tiny creature for the first time, and you are overwhelmed with simply indescribable emotions, they cannot be described in words, only those who have experienced such happiness will understand.

But along with joy, the first difficulties also appear. Mother and child begin to learn proper breastfeeding together and face the first problem - cracked nipples. Before pregnancy, I read a lot about how to prepare your nipples for this test, they say, for example, now you need to wipe your nipples with a towel after a shower, you need to walk around bare-chested more, all this is nonsense - nothing helps and nothing can prepare you for constant sucking.

I have two daughters, and for the first time I only had time to “step on the rake”; no one promptly suggested what was needed in my situation. I was advised to smear Bepanten on my nipples, but the result led to the baby switching to artificial feeding. Read about my big mistake and the dangers of silicone breast pads

Unfortunately, I learned about the existence of such a miracle cream as Purelan 100 from Medela too late. And I simply saved their nipples; the wounds healed quickly.

Having given birth to my second daughter, I decided to still win this battle for breastfeeding. I started smearing my nipples after the first application to the breast. I smeared it constantly, like crazy. The secret to success was to keep the nipples CONSTANTLY coated with cream. While the baby was smacking one breast, I smeared the cream on the other, and without being embarrassed by those around me, I lay with my breasts open so that nothing touched the nipples and so that the cream did not rub off.

The first two days I thought that again nothing would help. As with the first daughter, the second began to chew her nipples until they bled over the existing scars. And as soon as I felt that she had “slipped” and was smacking the nipple itself, I took the breast, the child began to go hysterical, I calmed her down and we continued to learn how to properly grasp the areola over and over again. My lips were constantly drying out wildly, and the cream saved me even in this problem. And again and again I smeared my nipples, but the pain was wild. The doctor advised me to buy silicone breast pads, the girls in the ward advised me to give formula milk so that the breasts could rest and have time to heal (they did this themselves and looked at me like I was a fool, like why suffer so much, and we were disturbing them and the baby with our constant teaching and shouting). But I never wanted to stuff the baby with formula.

And this time the battle is won! After discharge, already at home, I continued to use Purelan, less and less every day. And after 2 weeks I actually put it on the shelf. Now the baby is already 2 months old, we have long gotten used to each other and the feeding process is now a pleasure. I didn't get the cream anymore.

I’m lying, I got it, but for another purpose - to save chapped lips. By the way, the instructions say that the purpose of the cream can also be for lips.

But this is more of an ambulance than a daily use, since for me the cream is very sticky and in order to remove it from the lips later you need to wipe it well, it itself is not absorbed, and the feeling with smeared lips is not the most pleasant.

So you should only take Purelan 100 to the maternity hospital; experiments with other creams can end very badly. I hope that my review will save your breastfeeding.

Purelan 100 is the best nipple treatment available today.

Today I decided to tell you about my recent discovery. I think everyone has encountered the problem of chapped, bitten and simply “bruised” lips. I present to you my salvation.


Medela Nipple Cream PureLan. Yes, I think this seemed a little strange to many, but: this miracle gel has saved me for the thousandth time.

From the manufacturer: PureLan™ 100 nipple cream is an ideal product for the prevention and treatment of cracked nipples. The cream consists of 100% ultra-pure medical grade lanolin. This is an absolutely natural, hypoallergenic product that does not contain additives, preservatives, taste or smell. Therefore, it does not need to be washed off before feeding the baby. When applied, PureLan™ 100 effectively moisturizes the skin and protects the nipples from drying out. Available in tubes of 7 g. and 37 gr.

Special benefits of Purelan™ 100 cream

Ultrapure medical grade lanolin.
No additives or preservatives.
Without taste and smell.
No need to rinse off before feeding.
Protects nipples from drying out

Opinion: it is very thick, when it sits in the cold, it is quite difficult to squeeze it out of the tube. If you apply a thick layer, your lips stick to each other and become sticky (hair sticks perfectly). But his positive qualities overshadow the negative ones. Heals lips bitten to the point of bleeding in 1 night. In winter, hygiene never saved me; I always came back with chapped lips, no matter how many times I applied lipstick. I smear this gel before going out and it stays on my lips for 5 hours.

The period of breastfeeding is not only an important moment for the child. This is also an extremely important period of time for the mother. After all, you have to take care of your mammary glands with great diligence. Breastfeeding often brings a lot of inconvenience and negative consequences. Let's say cracks form on the nipples. To prevent them, you have to use a variety of creams. For example, Medela Purelan copes very well with the problem. What kind of cream is this? How good is he? Are girls satisfied with the use?


Description of the drug

So, what is Medela Purelan? This is nothing more than an antiseptic nipple cream. It helps prevent the appearance of cracks, sometimes even calluses. In a word, a very useful thing for women. Especially for those who are planning to breastfeed! After all, it is breastfeeding a baby that often leads to cracks and other damage to the nipples. So Medela (cream) can easily cope with these problems.

"Purelan" will help eliminate the negative consequences of feeding a newborn. Plus, the product disinfects nipples. This means you don’t have to wipe it off after applying it. Many girls indicate that Medela is indispensable after childbirth! Especially at first, while you are establishing breastfeeding, you get used to this procedure.


The composition of the product deserves special attention. Why? It is completely natural. That is, it does not contain any harmful substances or components. The manufacturer indicates that the composition is 100% natural. "Medela Purelan" is a medical lanolin (special wax). It has neither taste nor smell. It is a natural plant substance that is not harmful when taken orally. There are no more additional components. Only lanolin. This means that Medela is indeed a natural remedy. But how safe is it? How to use it? Is there a real effect after use?



You need to be able to take (or apply) any drug. Therefore, the instructions for the cream require special attention. It is extremely simple. And this makes the girls happy. They point out that you don’t have to rack your brains for a long time about how to use the cream correctly. Everything is very easy.

For the Medela Purelan product, the instructions indicate that you should first wash and dry your breasts, then place a drop of cream on the nipple. Nothing else. Under body temperature, the product will melt and be distributed evenly throughout the nipple. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

This is where you can finish the application. Do I need to wash off Medela Purelan nipple cream after some time? No. It is for this reason that many women during the feeding period look closely at this product. After all, easier breast care is simply wonderful! You will make your life much easier with this product!



For any drug, its cost is important. This is especially true for daily care products. You don’t really want to overpay for low-quality goods or for products that will be used up quickly. What can Medela Purelan cream offer in this area? The price of the drug is not too low. But, as many girls point out, it is not overpriced. We can say that the cost is within reason.

How much exactly will you have to pay for packaging? It all depends on its size. You can purchase a small tube of the drug (7 grams) for approximately 200-350 rubles or a large one (37 grams). The latter costs about 500 rubles. Not too expensive if you think about it. Especially considering that we are dealing with a natural product.


It turns out that Medela Purelan has an acceptable price. Some girls sometimes express their dissatisfaction with the slightly overpriced product, but it is still cheaper than similar creams. So it’s definitely worth taking a closer look at this product.


How effective is Medela cream? To be honest, it is very difficult to judge here. After all, a lot depends on your individual characteristics. The drug is suitable for some, but not for others. But the overwhelming majority of girls are satisfied with the result. Within 5-6 days you will notice significant progress. For example, pain during breastfeeding will disappear. This means that the cracks that formed have healed. Plus, the nipples will be moisturized due to the drug. This means that it really copes with its task - it promotes the healing of wounds and cracks in the sensitive area of ​​the chest.

By the way, it is precisely because of its fast healing properties that “Medela Purelan” is often used not only for nipples. How else do girls recommend using the cream? As a remedy that you can use to treat any wounds and scratches. After lubrication, the damaged area heals very quickly.


But in modern medicine there are already a lot of different nipple creams. They are all similar in their effectiveness and action. So why should you pay attention to Medela Purelan? Firstly, it is worthy of attention due to the natural contents of the tube. It has already been said that the remedy from Medela consists of 100% medical lanolin. This means that the likelihood of adverse reactions occurring is minimal. Secondly, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the cream does not require being washed off. That is, if the baby eats the product while suckling, nothing bad will happen. Thirdly, customers notice the extremely simple handling of the drug. It's not a big deal, but it's an advantage nonetheless. You can purchase Medela Purelan at any pharmacy without any problems!

You can't ignore the low consumption of the product. Even a small package will last for a long time. For about a month. This makes me very happy. Sometimes you can fork out for a large tube of the drug, and then forget for a long time about what cracked nipples are. Some women also note the absence of odor in the cream as an advantage. No chemicals, aromatic additives, or irritating aromas. All this only confirms the natural composition of the drug. In addition, the absence of odors and additives has a positive effect on the health of your baby - he will not be allergic to Medela.


Not ideal

True, mothers do not always point out the versatility of the cream. Often, women choose a nipple care product so that they can simultaneously use it “under the baby’s diaper.” Medela is not very suitable for this. In principle, this is the only drawback of the drug. Otherwise it suits most women well. It’s impossible to say exactly how Medela will suit you specifically. In any case, you should check it yourself.