How to wear witch makeup for Halloween

On the eve of All Saints' Day, or Halloween, it's time to think about choosing a suitable costume.

If you prefer bright and colorful images filled with mysticism and mystery, a witch outfit will suit you. This classic character has long become a regular at fashionable masquerade parties, carnivals and youth gatherings.

And the image of a fairy-tale witch, enchanting and funny, was especially loved by children and teenagers.

Step 1. Choose the appropriate type of image!

Before you start going through your wardrobe in search of a “witch” outfit, you need to think about the type of your character, the details of his appearance and costume.

Which image of a witch you should choose depends on your imagination and preferences. The most popular options are:

  1. Elegant dark sorceress;
  2. Old Witch;
  3. Dear witch;
  4. Fairytale witch.

Each type of this image has its own characteristics.

We will explain below exactly how they differ and how to create the basis for them.

Elegant dark sorceress

This look is perfect for those who prefer sophisticated outfits. A seductive witch can wear a beautiful tight-fitting dress (preferably evening) or a short skirt and corset. A deep neckline in a suit is especially welcome.

High-heeled shoes or boots will serve as a unique addition.

The prototypes for your image can be characters from famous films: “Maleficent”, “Dark Shadows”, “Viy”, “Snow White and the Huntsman” (in the first photo), “American Horror Story: Coven” or “Snow White and the Huntsman”, “Grim” shadows", "Salem".

You can see them in the photo below.

Effective, isn't it? This look will be the brightest and most eye-catching at any costume party.

Old Witch

If you already transform, then thoroughly.

If these words are about you, then choose the image of a scary old witch.

Such a character will resemble the well-known Baba Yaga, with her unkempt shaggy hair, hooked nose and dark, lean skin.

In addition to the classic appearance of the Russian Yaga, you can opt for its foreign version: an old witch with bright green skin, a hooked nose and warts on the skin.

The outfit of such a witch does not at all resemble clothes from an expensive boutique - on the contrary, for a costume you will need the oldest and most unusable dress (or robe), which can be specially cut or frayed for greater effect.

Cute witch

Not all sorceresses are evil. Among them there are also kind, cheerful characters.

Let us remember, for example, Sabrina from the series of the same name or the heroine Cassie Nightingale from the series “The Good Witch”. Such witches resemble people more than evil spirits, but a certain mystical charm and element of mystery are not alien to their image.

The advantage of such a witch's costume is that it does not require a lot of makeup, although you can spice up the appearance with the help of elaborate body art on the face or false eyelashes with rhinestones.

Fairytale witch

This image came straight from the pages of well-known fairy tales.

A typical witch in a long mesh skirt, with a broom and an old scarf on her head, tied with a bow in the style of Solokha from the famous “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.”

However, you can modernize this image by making it look like characters from the fantasy world - fairies and elves.

The costume of such an enchanting witch will suit both children and adults. It may consist of a long dress, a beautiful tiara and a cloak.

And to make the witch look even more like a fairy, you can attach wings to her back (they can be made from wire and colored mesh or light fabric).

Step 2. Apply spectacular witch makeup

To create a bright image of a good sorceress or an evil witch, you need to find the most colorful cosmetics in your arsenal (perhaps even the most unusual colors for you). Makeup should cover not only the face, but also open areas of the body - neck, décolleté, arms.

Let's consider the traditional version of the “witch” make-up:

  1. First, we will prepare the skin of the face.
    Apply cream as a base.
  2. Witches are usually quite pale.
    Therefore, we will apply white powder or a light foundation to the face, distributing it evenly over the skin.
  3. For the eyes, you can use combinations of black, blue and silver, lining the contours of the eyes with elaborate ornate lines.
    Step-by-step application of such eye makeup in the smoky eyes style is shown in the figure.

Another eye makeup option is long black arrows and bright pink shadows.
You can see how to apply cosmetics correctly in the following video.

If you are a fan of face art, you can draw abstract patterns, luxurious ornaments, images of plants or wings on your face (here you can give free rein to your imagination).

Eyelashes and eyebrows need to be painted as brightly as possible, because the image of a witch cannot be imagined without an expressive look. If you like paleness, you don’t have to apply blush. Eyes and temples can be decorated with stylized designs of cobwebs and even decorative spiders. We offer options for makeup ideas with cobwebs in the photo below.

Now the final touch is to paint the lips. To do this, you will need dark lipstick in rich colors - red, burgundy, black or brown.

If you want to apply makeup rather than makeup, the following video will be useful to you. It shows how you can visually change the shape of your face and its features, creating the image of an evil witch.

Children's witch makeup is created in a similar way: after applying the base, the face is painted in the desired color using blush, powder or foundation.

Since children's skin is delicate, you should check its reaction to cosmetics (to do this, apply the cosmetic product to the skin of the child's hands).

You can also use special children's hypoallergenic cosmetics.

One of the makeup options for the image of a witch for a girl with elements of body art is shown in the pictures:

For an older girl, you can do simple, elegant makeup with a light hazy effect, shading the cheeks and highlighting the eyes.

One of the most spectacular images for a party is considered to be a cat one. We'll tell you how to choose a costume and create an original cat makeup for Halloween.
And if your partner chose the brutal image of Dracula, we’ll show you how to make a costume and apply makeup yourself.

Step 3. Witch hairstyle

There can be several hair styling options to create the image of a dark sorceress. Most of them will require you to let your hair down and make it full.

A slight carelessness of the hairstyle is even welcome.

However, if you choose the image of an elegant witch, you need to style your hair neatly and stylishly. They can be straightened, giving the strands perfect evenness, or curled, adding volume to the hairstyle.

You can also do a bouffant in the style of Elvira (a kind of “hello” from the eighties).

It is ideal for medium length hair and those with bangs. (pictured left)

The hairstyle of a fashionable witch can be complemented with colored or gray (pictured on the right) strands. To do this, you can use special artificial curls or paint cans for temporary hair coloring.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your hairstyle! Try to create a real “witch” styling with an asymmetry effect, using the strongest hold varnish.

Another hairstyle option is the popular Crow's Nest. To do this style, you need to twist the strands in the form of a nest and secure them with 10 bobby pins.

Step 4. Do a Halloween manicure

When creating the image of a witch, you need to pay attention to details, in particular, manicure. There may be several options:

  1. Solid coloring of nails (black, red, burgundy, brown, purple).
  2. Elements of simple ornaments.
  3. Special stickers for nails.
  4. Professional manicure with a pattern.
  5. Overhead tips.

For a manicure It’s better to choose bright varnishes and pattern colors for nails, because the shockingness of your image will depend on this detail.

STEP 5. Where to get a witch costume for Halloween?

A witch's outfit consists of several traditional elements that are integral attributes of any witch.

So, the wardrobe of a dark sorceress includes the following:

  1. Hat. Its classic version is a tall cone in black, green or purple with a wide brim. It can be made from thick cardboard and fabric, and decorated with various buckles, straps, stars, nets, cobwebs, toy spiders or bats.

Skirt. A dark skirt is a classic outfit option for a witch. An elegant look will look great with a sophisticated long skirt, a more relaxed look with a short one, and a fabulous look with a baggy mesh skirt that resembles rags.

Cape or cloak. This element of the costume can be added at will. It can be made from light glossy fabric or mesh, and decorated in the same way as a hat.

Fishnet tights. They are ideal for elegant sorceresses and cute witches.

Belt with buckle. Large plaques on the belts will make the witch’s outfit especially expressive, and will also create the effect of antiquity. Corset. If you decide to wear a skirt, be sure to match it with a corset - it will perfectly highlight your figure and make it slim.

Shoes. Typically, witches wear long high-heeled boots or black boots. One of the shoe options is black shoes with turned-up toes (they can be made from old shoes by attaching a tip of the required length to their socks and pasting it over using the papier-mâché technique).

Children's costumes can be made from similar elements. They will have one distinctive feature - the color scheme. Colorful outfits are perfect for girls, which can be decorated with flowers and bows.

Step 6 – Finally, let's select accessories

As we complete our preparations for the Halloween party, let’s pay attention to the accessories for the witch look.

  1. unusual handbags a la Shapoklyak;
  2. brooms;
  3. magic wands with stars at the ends;
  4. toy spiders;
  5. lizards, snakes or bats;
  6. ribbons, silk bows;
  7. antique pendants, large earrings;
  8. talismans, tarot cards and other attributes of a true witch.

Follow the tips above and your witch outfit will stand out at any costume party!

In conclusion, a few more photos of witch Halloween costumes for girls and women that may inspire you. Choose a suitable image of a witch, and be sure: your guests will be enchanted and bewitched by your costume!

When going to a party, girls, as a rule, think through their outfit and makeup in advance. And if this party is organized on Halloween night, then there will be much more worry about the costume and makeup. After all, for this holiday it is customary to choose the most unusual images.

A traditional but favorite image among girls is the witch. Firstly, this character exactly corresponds to the meaning of the holiday. Secondly, the image of a witch can be very different.

After all, the witch is an ambiguous character. For example, both Baba Yaga and Gogol’s Pannochka are witches, but how different they look. And how many interesting images of witches have appeared thanks to cinema. A witch can look like an old, scary old woman or be a fatal beauty that any handsome prince can easily lose his head over.

Therefore, having decided to dress up as a witch, you need, first of all, to come up with your own image. And then choose a suit and accessories for it. And, of course, you need to do a spectacular witch makeup for Halloween; the makeup should be in harmony with the overall image.

Classic witch

In Russian folklore, a witch is an old, shaggy old woman with a hooked nose, “decorated” with a wart. Of course, not every girl will decide to mutilate herself like this, even for the sake of a holiday, however, there are brave people who are not afraid of experiments.

Let's look at how to create a classic witch look for Halloween. It’s not difficult to choose a Baba Yaga costume; her clothes are no different in neatness. An old skirt or dress that needs to be further torn and dirty will do. You need to tie a scarf on your head, letting out a few strands from under it, which can be colored with white hair chalk to make it look gray.

When creating makeup for this look, you need to try to artificially age yourself. If you are doing simple makeup at home, then the makeup can be done using ordinary shadows. For this:

  1. apply a tone to the face that is a couple of shades lighter than natural, powder the skin;
  1. Next, we begin to work with brown-gray shadows and a thin brush. You can take a cosmetic pencil, but the pencil smudges a lot and runs. However, this can make the makeup even more scary;
  1. We draw wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and put shadows in the inner corners of the eyes, depicting “bags on the lower eyelid. Then we wrinkle our forehead and move our eyebrows, and apply shadows into the resulting folds;
  1. Using the same brush and brown shadows, we “lower” the outer corners of the eyes, drawing an arrow not up, as usual, but down. Do the same with the lips; their corners should look downturned;
  1. to make your eyes look tired, you can highlight them with red eyeshadow;
  1. Now we take a larger brush and cover the wings of the nose from the nostrils with the same shadows, trying to give the nose a “hook-shaped” look. Then we draw triangles on the chin and shade them so that the chin looks pointed;
  1. All that remains is to apply white shadows to the eyebrows and eyelashes and foundation to the lips.

If you want to do a more complex makeup, then you should build a false nose and chin. You can use ready-made silicone pads or theatrical wax, from which parts of the required shape are sculpted. If it is not possible to use these products, you can build a nose pad from papier-mâché with your own hands.

An obligatory detail of the image is warts. They can be made from a mixture of PVA glue and flour. You can add cocoa powder to the mixture to make the warts brown, or color them later.

But since Halloween is a Western holiday, it is more appropriate to choose the image of an “imported” witch. This will require a long black dress, a pointed hat and green makeup. Moreover, not only the shadows on the eyes should be green, but also the skin.

To create makeup, you can use face painting or theatrical makeup in a light green shade, which is applied to the face and neck. If there is a nose pad, it should be secured before applying makeup.

Dark green shadows should be used as blush. Eyes and eyebrows should be emphasized with black or dark gray shadows. Lips can be painted green or made contrasting - bright red.

Sexy witch

As already mentioned, a witch does not have to be old and scary. She can look very attractive and sexy. However, at first glance it should be clear that this is a witch and no one else. How to do Halloween witch makeup for this look? We'll tell you how to proceed, looking at the process step by step:

  1. The fatal beauty witch's skin should be perfect, but very pale. Therefore, be sure to apply the base, then a light tone. We use concealers to hide dark circles under the eyes and other blemishes on the skin. Dust your face with loose powder;
  1. Apply dark blush to the temples, upper part of the forehead and cheekbones;
  1. highlight the eyes using bright shadows and liquid eyeliner. You can take shadows with sparkles or glue rhinestones;
  1. you can make an original eyeliner. To do this, draw an arrow along the upper eyelid, moving it upward and continuing far beyond the eye. We also draw the lower eyelid, but draw the arrow down. Between the top and bottom arrows we draw two more lines, parallel to the top one. Then we connect adjacent lines with concave lines, we get something like a web;
  1. Be sure to use false eyelashes, gluing them to the upper eyelid. You can stick a couple of bunches on the outer corner of the lower eyelid;
  1. You can paint your lips bright red or choose a dark color - beetroot, plum. You can stick or draw a fly over the lip. If you try, you can depict the fly in the form of a spider.

Fairytale witch

Cinema fans can try to recreate the image of Maleficent, which was embodied by Agelina Jolie in the film of the same name. A photo of the actress in the image can be used as a sample, but you can also make your own adjustments to the image. Characteristic details of the image:

  1. black and purple long robe with a high collar;
  2. original headdress with curved horns;
  3. pale face with prominent cheekbones;
  4. bright eyes and lips.

How to do makeup for this look? Here are instructions to help you create your makeup:

  1. even out skin tone using light foundation and powder;
  1. highlight the eyes using shadows the color of dark and milk chocolate, put a bright tone, for example, orange, under the eyebrow. And in the inner corners of the eye - shimmering white shadows;
  1. we use eyeliner and draw arrows, trying to create a “cat look”;
  1. glue on artificial eyelashes and tint them;
  1. if possible, you can use colored lenses of emerald green or bright turquoise;
  1. Now let's do the cheekbones. If possible, you should use theatrical wax, from which you need to mold “sausages” and glue them to the skin. If there is no wax, you can roll flagella from an ordinary napkin and glue them with PVA glue. Next, you need to tint the glued elements to match the skin tone. And then use purple shadows to emphasize their lower border. All that remains is to powder your face again;
  1. You need to try to make your lips plumper. To do this, cover the lips with foundation, then draw a new lip contour with a pencil, slightly departing from the natural border. Apply matte lipstick, then use a black pencil to draw a vertical stroke on the lower lip. We blot our lips with a napkin, powder a little and apply bright red gloss.

Other options

You can use other images of witches. For example, young girls can dress up Hogwarts student. In this look, you don’t need to pay special attention to makeup; it can be natural.

Interesting option - dryad or forest witch. Having chosen this image, you will need to do makeup in green tones. Complete the outfit with a wreath of leaves and twigs.

The Snow Queen - is also a witch. This look is especially good for blondes. To create makeup, you should use a lot of white (the Snow Queen cannot be rosy), as well as gray, light blue and dark blue. You should definitely use rhinestones, they will shimmer like ice crystals.

You can do makeup in black and white goth witches. The image will be complemented by the image of cobwebs and crosses on the whitened face.

So, when creating the image of a witch, you should approach the matter creatively. You can take the heroine of a movie or fairy tale as a basis, but you don’t have to blindly copy them, you can always add something of your own.

The image of a witch is loved by many girls. It fits well into the holiday concept and allows you to realize bold ideas. You can choose the image of an ancient old woman with a hooked nose, or you can become a fatal, mysterious beauty that can turn anyone’s head. Before applying makeup and choosing suitable accessories, you should decide what kind of witch you want to become, and then move on to realizing your idea.

Below you will find ideas for inspiration and creating a witch makeup for Halloween, as well as useful tips, photos and videos.

What you will need for DIY witch makeup for Halloween at home

If you want to create a spectacular witch makeup for Halloween and at the same time support the theme of Russian folklore, then take a closer look at image of Baba Yaga. Do not forget that she is a lady of respectable age, so the main principle in this makeup is "aging" of the skin. Theatrical makeup will cope with this task, but if it is not possible to purchase it, you can do everything using ordinary cosmetics.

To create the image of Baba Yaga for Halloween you will need:

  1. foundation;
  2. powder;
  3. shades of brown, gray, red, white.

Making a Baba Yaga costume for Halloween is not difficult: her appearance is not particularly neat. Take a long old skirt or dress that can be torn or stained. Put a scarf on your head, from under which the strands will stick out. You can color them with white chalk to create a gray effect.

Step-by-step execution of Baba Yaga's Halloween makeup

Don’t be afraid to embody this image because “aging” your skin seems like a complicated process. This is easy to do, following the scheme described below:

  1. Apply a tone that is several shades lighter than your natural skin color. Then powder your skin;
  2. take a thin brush and use brown-gray shadows to draw wrinkles near the nasolabial folds. Using the same colors, draw “bags” under the eyes;
  3. Wrinkle your forehead and move your eyebrows: draw the resulting folds with shadows;
  4. Draw a downward arrow with brown shadows - this will “lower” the eyes. Draw the outline of the lips in the same way - their corners should be lowered;
  5. line your eyes with red shadows - this will create the effect of “tired” eyes;
  6. Take a wider brush and apply brown shadows to the wings of the nose from the nostrils to create the effect of a hooked nose. Apply shadows in the shape of a triangle to the chin, blend to make the chin visually sharper;
  7. Apply white eyeshadow to your eyebrows and eyelashes, and foundation to your lips.

If you want to make complex makeup, you can build a false nose from theatrical wax or papier-mâché. Also, for the image of Baba Yaga for Halloween, you can make warts from PVA glue and flour with the addition of cocoa so that they look more natural.

Video: step-by-step makeup to create the look of Baba Yaga for Halloween.

The image is fatalwitches for Halloween - step-by-step instructions

A witch does not have to be old and scary; she can also be a fatal beauty, captivating at first sight. Below are step-by-step instructions for implementing the fatal witch makeup for Halloween:

  1. The skin of such a witch should be perfect and very pale. Apply foundation to your face, then a light shade. Use concealers to mask all skin imperfections and secure the result with loose powder.
  2. Apply dark blush to your temples, upper forehead and cheekbones.
  3. For eye makeup, use bright shadows and liquid eyeliner. You can use glitter and rhinestones.
  4. Using liquid eyeliner, you can draw a spider web near the outer corner of the eye.
  5. To embody this look, be sure to use false eyelashes that need to be glued to the upper eyelid.
  6. Apply lipstick in bright red or plum or burgundy shades to your lips. You can draw a fly above the lip to add more attractiveness to the image.

Video: makeup and hair steps to create a fatal witch look for Halloween.

In addition to makeup, you can complement the image of the fatal witch with a pointed black hat, a dress with a corset or a long robe. Use your imagination and you can charm all your guests.

Maleficent Halloween Makeup

Nowadays, Halloween makeup is becoming increasingly popular not only with witches from fairy tales, but also from films. For example, many are trying to create the image of Maleficent. The distinctive features of this heroine are:

  1. long black and purple robe with a high collar;
  2. headdress with curved horns;
  3. very pale face with pronounced cheekbones;
  4. bright eye and lip makeup.

Video: step-by-step makeup of the witch Maleficent for Halloween.

Photo gallery of ideas and images of a witch for Halloween

Below you can explore photos of various witch makeup options for Halloween:

You can see more complex witch makeup below. But with due diligence, it is not so difficult to accomplish!

Video: bright and “terribly beautiful” witch makeup for Halloween from Elena Krygina.

The image of a witch for Halloween can be both beautiful and seductive, and fun. In this case, simple witch makeup is not enough; wigs, silicone extensions, and bright colors will be used:

There are many ideas for creating the image of a witch - you just have to choose: do you want to be an ancient old woman or an attractive woman? Think carefully about the concept so that your costume and makeup complement each other, creating the perfect image.

Video: step-by-step implementation of witch makeup for Halloween.