Vitamin for dry skin

A feeling of flaking and tightness on the face and body is a sign of a lack of nutrients. Vitamins and microelements are responsible for the beauty and elasticity of the skin. They must enter the human body with food, but there are very few of them in modern products. To compensate for the deficiency, vitamins are prescribed to moisturize the skin from the inside.

Causes of dry skin

The human body is exposed to the adverse effects of the environment. Against this background, the skin dries, peels, and becomes covered with wrinkles. There are a number of negative factors:

  1. Exposure to wind, sunlight, cold. Work that requires you to be outside in any weather is bad for your skin.
  2. Lack of ascorbic acid, vitamin A, nicotinic acid, tocopherol, vitamin D, biotin.
  3. Vitamin deficiency occurs due to improper nutrition. Dry skin is a common problem for women who are constantly dieting.
  4. Heredity. In this case, the skin will be dry even under favorable conditions and a sufficient amount of vitamins.
  5. Lack of moisture is observed with psoriasis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. Dryness is a symptom of diseases of the stomach and thyroid gland.

It is impossible to determine the cause by eye. You need to be examined by a doctor. The problem may be not only outside, but also inside. In this case, more serious treatment will be required.

How to choose vitamin preparations

When purchasing multivitamins, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Determine the cause of the problem.
  2. Get examined by a dermatologist.
  3. Donate blood for vitamins.
  4. Study the composition of drugs in the pharmacy.
  5. Choose a complex with suitable dosages.
  6. Study contraindications for use.

Multivitamins for the prevention and treatment of dry skin differ in the dosage of substances. For medicinal purposes, drugs with a higher dose but a short course are used.

The best vitamins for body skin

Lack of moisture immediately affects the skin. This is especially noticeable in the summer, when a person is often exposed to sunlight. Optimal preparations for moisturizing contain tocopherol, retinol, plant extracts:

  1. Revalid;
  2. Supradin;
  3. Complements the radiance.

They increase the body's protection from ultraviolet radiation and infections. After the course of treatment, skin rejuvenation is noticeable. The drugs improve skin restoration and damages heal faster.


Contains thiamine and pyridoxine, millet extract, yeast. Replenishes the lack of amino acids and microelements, improves nutrition, and prevents hair loss. To achieve a lasting effect, the drug must be taken for 2-3 months. Available in the form of capsules, the cost of packaging is 900 rubles. Contraindicated for allergies and fungal skin diseases. Rumbling in the stomach is rarely noted as a side effect.


Contains retinol, tocopherol, folic acid. Provides oxygen, moisturizes dry skin, increases its elasticity. Zinc helps normalize immunity. The optimal course of treatment is 1-2 months. Presented as effervescent or film-coated tablets. The cost of packing 30 pieces is 500 rubles. Contraindicated in case of allergies to substances in the composition, kidney disease, or under the age of 12 years. Side effects - nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, headache.

Complements the radiance

The drug contains a full complex of B vitamins, which improve skin nutrition. Zinc and iron increase immune defense. Complivit begins to act after 10 days of use; to consolidate the effect, you drink it for a month. A pack of 30 tablets costs 200 rubles. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Causes an allergic reaction in people with intolerance to the components.

To moisturize facial skin

Exposed areas of the body are most susceptible to the influence of negative external factors. The skin of the face is not only not protected by clothing, it is also the most sensitive and thin.

To restore water balance, you need to take vitamins for dry skin in tablets containing oil vitamins, pyridoxine, and zinc. These requirements are met:

  1. Aevit;
  2. Perfect;
  3. Vitasharm.

Their composition is selected in such a way that it retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin, increases its elasticity, and protects against drying out. Metabolism improves, the face looks healthy and young. Wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes disappear.


Contains retinol and tocopherol. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes, and delivers oxygen. To get the effect you need to take 15-30 days. Available in capsules with a gelatin shell. The cost of 10 capsules is 20-30 rubles. Contraindicated in pregnancy, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys. No side effects are noted.


Contains retinol, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, preventing it from drying out. Cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine in the composition accelerate cell recovery and promote the healing of scratches. The course of admission is 1 month. Available in the form of gelatin capsules, the cost of a package of 30 pieces is 400 rubles. Contraindicated in case of allergies to constituent substances.


Retinol and natural plant extracts improve regeneration and retain moisture in the skin. Nicotinamide and calcium stimulate blood circulation and improve nutrition. The visible effect appears after 10 days. The drug is produced in tablets, the cost of a package of 30 pieces is 300 rubles. The total duration of treatment is 30 days. Pregnant women, people with gallstones, or inflammation of the pancreas should not drink.

For peeling hand skin

Care is of primary importance - creams, masks, protective gloves. But you need to nourish your hands from the inside. For this, drugs containing tocopherol, calciferol, and folic acid are used:

  1. Vitrum Beauty;
  2. Alphabet of cosmetics;
  3. Revinona.

Due to this, the elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes soft, peeling and cracks disappear. The discomfort caused by dry hands stops.

Vitrum Beauty

The main components are tocopherol, vitamin C, folic acid. Amino acids promote the formation of collagen and increase the elasticity of dry hand skin. You can notice the effect after a week of taking it, to consolidate it, drink the drug for 1-2 months. Take 2 tablets after meals. The cost of packaging is 600 rubles. Contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Alphabet of cosmetics

Contains calciferol, B vitamins that protect hands from harmful environmental influences. Biotin retains water, increases elasticity due to the formation of collagen, and removes age spots. A noticeable effect occurs after 2 weeks of use. The optimal course of treatment is 3 months. A pack of 30 tablets costs 300 rubles. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age or pregnant women. May cause allergies in people with intolerance to the components.


Contains group B complex, which improves nutrition of dry skin. Thanks to the content of retinol and tocopherol, tone and elasticity increase. The action begins after 2 weeks of treatment, you need to take it for a month. A pack of 30 capsules costs 400 rubles. It has no contraindications. Gives urine a bright yellow color due to its carotene content.

Oil vitamin solutions

Tocopherol and retinol are fat-soluble substances. To be effective, they are produced in the form of oil solutions. These drugs are used externally. They have virtually no side effects or contraindications.

Such products are suitable for severe peeling and cracking. The oil is quickly absorbed at the cellular level, making dry skin soft.


The main components are retinol and tocopherol. Improves nutrition of dry skin, softens it. Menadione speeds up metabolism and increases the speed of healing. The action begins on the 3-5th day of use. A 100 ml bottle costs 120 rubles. There are no contraindications. Sensitive people may experience redness of the skin.

Retinol acetate

An oil solution of vitamin A rejuvenates dry skin, strengthens it, and increases its protective properties. When used externally, it is quickly absorbed. The effect is noticeable on the seventh day of use. The duration of use depends on the degree of dryness, minimum - 2 weeks. The solution is available in 10 ml bottles and costs 70 rubles. There are no contraindications or side effects for external use.

Alpha Tocopherol Acetate

An oil solution of vitamin E protects dry skin from damage, makes it soft and elastic, and removes expression wrinkles. The effect is noticeable after 3-4 applications. The minimum duration of use is 10 days. A 15 ml bottle of solution costs 100 rubles. There are no contraindications or side effects.


Dryness is a skin condition that can be either permanent or temporary. It can be caused by a lack of moisture in the body or damage to the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. Let's talk about how to find out the cause of dry skin, how to improve its condition and what preventive measures to take.

  1. What can cause dry skin
  2. Symptoms of dry body skin
  3. How to determine if your skin lacks vitamins
  4. What vitamins are good for the skin?
  5. Prevention of dry body skin
  6. Tools Overview

What can cause dry skin

Dry skin can be genetically determined. With insufficient sebum production, the protective hydrolipidic layer of the skin becomes thinner and becomes vulnerable. It is easy to damage. As a result, dry skin does not retain moisture well and may be more sensitive.

Don't confuse dry skin with dehydration. The second condition is temporary and fixable. In this case, the skin feels an acute lack of water and begins to compensate for this deficiency by increased production of fat (which is precisely what dry skin lacks).

The skin becomes dehydrated both due to improper care and due to weather conditions. Not only dry skin, but also oily skin can suffer from dehydration.

Inflammation and comedones are rare guests on dry skin, but a common story for dehydrated, oily skin.

A network of fine wrinkles appears prematurely on dehydrated, dry skin.

And now about the causes of dryness. If this is a symptom of a disease (for example, atopic dermatitis), then consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. We will talk about more common life situations. There may be several explanations.

The use of aggressive cleansers that destroy the hydrolipid layer of the skin.

Lack of moisturizing and nourishing care.

Exfoliating too often. Even banal shaving leads to irritation and dry skin due to damage to the hydrolipid mantle.

Extreme weather conditions (heat, frost, strong wind).

Low humidity in rooms with central heating. A typical problem in our latitudes is when the batteries are running at full capacity.

Symptoms of dry body skin

The main signs of dry skin are easy to recognize:

redness, itching after taking a shower;

tightness, unpleasant sensations from touching the skin.

How to determine if your skin lacks vitamins

Vitamin deficiency can be “diagnosed” by certain external signs of the skin. For example, with a deficiency of vitamins A and E, dryness and cracks appear in the corners of the lips, and the skin on the elbows becomes hard and rough. However, only a dermatologist can determine the true cause of these problems after receiving the results of the relevant tests.

You can now take tests for a lack of vitamins and microelements in any laboratory - but a specialist must decipher their results and give recommendations for additional vitamin intake.

By the way, the risk of vitamin deficiency is increased if you:

follow a strict diet;

have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

have crossed the age mark of 40 years.

Vitamins A, C, E, group B are good for the skin © iStock

Vitamins A, C, E, and group B are especially beneficial for the skin. © iStock

What vitamins are good for the skin?

A deficiency of certain substances in the body can indeed cause skin problems. To avoid them, try to balance your diet so that it includes the microelements and vitamins she needs.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

The benefits of vitamin C are evidenced by the frequency of its inclusion in cosmetic formulas. A powerful antioxidant, it reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet exposure, improves immunity, stimulates collagen synthesis, reduces inflammation and pigmentation. Champions in vitamin C content are sweet peppers, black currants, kiwi and citrus fruits.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin B5 (panthenol)

Panthenol is known as a reliable remedy for healing wounds and burns - but it is no less useful for moisturizing the skin. The best part: Vitamin B5 is not at all rare and is found in many foods, from egg yolks and bread to nuts and fish.

Vitamin H (vitamin B7, biotin)

This substance could easily compete with vitamin E for the title of “beauty vitamin.” Biotin is necessary to ensure the integrity of the hydrolipid mantle. As soon as there is a shortage of it, the protection weakens - the skin becomes dry, thin and dull, and a rash or peeling appears. The solution is to include dishes from liver, mushrooms, cauliflower and broccoli in the menu.

The lack of vitamins in the skin can be compensated by cosmetics © iStock

Prevention of dry body skin

Before we talk about prevention, answer a few questions.

Do you often feel dry skin?

Does your skin react inadequately even to tap water?

No cream helps with dryness and flaking?

Did you answer yes to all questions? It makes sense to see a doctor.

If the problem of dryness is related to your skin type or is a natural reaction to external irritants, the following recommendations will help you:

install special filters for tap water to soften it;

change soap to cream-gel;

use nourishing and moisturizing masks for the face, neck and décolleté more often;

Protect your skin from the wind - half an hour before going outside, apply nourishing cream to exposed areas of the body.

Nature has covered the human body with a unique protection - skin. It has three layers - a thin outer epidermis, the dermis or skin itself and a protective layer of subcutaneous fat. Each layer has its own properties and functions.

The epidermis is created by nature to protect against adverse external conditions.

The dermis, the thickest layer, contains blood vessels and delicate sensory bodies that sense heat, pain, and cold. This layer provides flexibility, elasticity, and smoothness.

The third layer, organically connected to the body, is responsible for maintaining the health of the skin and its fat reserves.

Symptoms of dry body skin. How to determine if your skin lacks vitamins

The slightest disturbance in comfort, both external and internal, manifests itself in increased dryness of the skin.

You should be wary if there is a feeling of tightness on the face, forearms, or legs. The skin takes on a pale, unhealthy appearance, sometimes dryness and flaking become noticeable, leaving an untidy impression.

This condition of the skin is typical for the period of early spring, when the entire body lacks vitamins and sunlight, the main source of vitamin D.

With a properly organized pastime, a moderate diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and fish, the lack of vitamins and its main symptom - dry skin of the body - do not bother you.

Increased sensitivity and thinness of the skin naturally develops with age; the use of creams, balms, masks and other ways to moisturize and vitaminize it acquires special importance.

What vitamins to take to treat dry skin

If you notice that your body skin is dry, it’s a good idea to ask your doctor what vitamins to take and what foods are healthy.

Vitamin C

The pleasant-tasting “ascorbic acid”, familiar from childhood, is a source of the most important vitamin, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and is also one of the antioxidant protectors. If the body feels a lack of vitamin C, the skin begins to dry out and peel, and wrinkles actively appear.

Vitamin A

One of the main elements of the vitamin alphabet, Vitamin A (retinol) promotes the integrity and restoration of all layers of the skin epithelium.

This is not the only benefit of retinol, but in terms of skin health, its role in maintaining clear skin regardless of age is enormous. Even unpleasant age pigment spots are susceptible to A influence.

Vitamin PP

Double skin vitamin, PP, its deficiency can cause pellagra, which manifests itself as acute dermatitis, general weakness and a number of other symptoms.

Vitamin E

Nowadays there is a lot of information about the benefits and indispensability of vitamin E, an antioxidant and protector of the body. Protection against skin aging, dryness, cracking, increased wrinkling - all this is E.

Vitamin K

Phylloquinone, also known as coagulation vitamin K, regulates processes that are invisible, but very noticeable in case of its deficiency. K protects against internal and external bleeding; its main concern is blood clotting.

Other options

A short list of the main, well-known and unfamiliar vitamins would be incomplete without the famous D, which is formed under the influence of the gentle rays of the sun.

Without D, the thin top layer of skin becomes like scales, and this is only an external manifestation.

Also interesting is the member of the “alphabet”, H, without which the synthesis of fats, carbohydrates, and collagen formation is impossible, various forms of dermatitis, increased dryness, eczema and even ulcers occur.

The whole group B protects the epidermis and dermis from irritation, itching, seborrhea, and the same dermatitis.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine the most important vitamin - each has its own responsibility, a deficiency of any of them leads to unpleasant manifestations and sometimes dangerous diseases.

You cannot ignore such a symptom as dry body skin; you should find out which vitamins to take immediately.

Healthy foods to relieve dry skin

It has been known since childhood that carrots are rich in vitamin A, currants and lemons contain a huge amount of ascorbic acid, and apples are a natural source of iron.

This information, although simplified, is correct; more detailed recommendations can always be obtained from a therapist or nutritionist.

Unrefined, non-animal oils (sunflower, olive, corn), nuts, especially Voloshsky, chicken and quail eggs, milk, and cereal sprouts are vital for the skin.

Carrots, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, cabbage, green peas, asparagus, tomatoes - natural vitamin A, which is called the “beauty vitamin”.

The human body does not always absorb B vitamins; they are water-soluble, excreted with water, and their quantity must be constantly replenished. The most suitable for this are: meat, liver, kidneys, yeast, eggs, grains led by oatmeal, yogurt.

It is important to know! You should not defrost meat before cooking in order to preserve the maximum amount of B vitamins in the finished dish.

The most important helpers in the fight against dry skin are vitamins A, E, C.

Raw, boiled, stewed vegetables and fruits should be eaten daily, regardless of the time of year and, of course, do not miss the excellent opportunity to stock up on nutrients in the summer, when forests and garden beds are full of berries and herbs. The skin is moisturized, healthier and looks great.

Features of feeding dry skin with vitamins

Creams, lotions, medicinal ointments

You can apply creams, lotions, ointments and other cosmetics directly to the skin.

Dry skin of the body completely absorbs all the vitamins contained in ointments and creams; in addition, it is good to take pilled complexes. The effect is due to the content of certain nutritional and vitamin fillers and depends on the condition of the upper epidermis.

Name, type Direction of activity of the product How to use Approximate cost of packaging
ointment, cream
Dermatitis, cracks, extreme dryness, dehydration, wilting Externally, 2 – 4 times a day (according to indications and doctor’s recommendation) Tubes from 25 g, cost about 300 rubles.
Irritation, small wounds, cracks, inflammatory processes, loss of water balance Externally, 2 times a day Tubes of 35 g,
Cost from 300 rub.
Herbal Skin Doctor
healing cream - balm
Irritation, increased dryness, roughening of certain areas (elbows, knees). Returns elasticity. Externally, 2 – 3 times a day Packages from 180 rub.
Skin Relief
healing cream
Irritation, peeling, inflammation up to dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis Externally, two to three times a day Jar 100 g, cost from 1,600 rubles.
ointment, 2%
Seborrhea, psoriasis, lichen.
Soothes irritation, moisturizes, softens keratinized scales of the epidermis.
Jars 25 - 30 g, cost from 25 rubles.

Note! Only sulfur-salicylic ointment moisturizes and soothes the epidermis; it should be distinguished from simply salicylic and zinc-salicylic, which promote drying.

Global cosmetics manufacturers offer a lot of products for a specific purpose, indicating the time of use.

For example, moisturizing and nourishing lines from Yves Rocher, Garnier, L'Oreal, the tried and tested "Velvet Hands" cream, the familiar creams from the "Children's" series.

Be careful with lotions - they mostly contain alcohol and can cause dryness of the epidermis. Before use, it is useful to read what is included in the product.

Nourishing moisturizing mask compositions to treat dry skin

Cosmetologists recommend masks as one of the effective ways to maintain skin in good condition. They are cleansing and moisturizing, nourishing and combined, bioactive and neutral.

In beauty salons and stores, ready-made skin masks with a certain active composition are offered, which is convenient for busy women who suffer from a constant lack of time.

The cost of such funds ranges from 200 – 500 rubles. up to several thousand, much depends on the composition and manufacturer.

It is quite possible to nourish and moisturize the skin of the entire body using home methods. Ingredients are selected in the pharmacy and at home, using recipes from special literature or the advice of our grandmothers.

It is important that the composition is suitable for the skin, is sufficiently nourishing, moisturizing, contains unrefined non-animal oils and a minimum of chemicals.

Compliance with simple conditions guarantees a positive effect:

  1. use the composition for the mask only when it is freshly prepared;
  2. the skin must be clean;
  3. oily masks for dry skin do not require the application of creams at the end of the procedure;
  4. You should not use the same composition several times in a row; you need to alternate and diversify the ingredients.

Nourishing masks can be used daily, but it is better to take breaks for one to two days. The composition acts on the skin for no more than 15 – 20 minutes.

Some recipes for masks for dry skin:

A decoction of chamomile with olive oil soothes thinned, irritated skin. Brew dried chamomile flowers with boiling water, drain the broth after half an hour, and pour olive oil over the squeezed flowers.

Distribute the mixture on your face, hands, lie quietly for 15 minutes. And wash off the mask with warm water.

You can tone dull, withered skin with a mixture of grated fresh cucumber and sour cream. The mask is quite greasy, you should wash it off carefully with gentle movements.

A nourishing mask for very dry skin consists of ground oatmeal (oatmeal), honey and raw yolk. A tablespoon of liquid honey should be mixed with the yolk and stir in the oatmeal until it reaches a thick, non-running consistency.

Dry skin should be treated comprehensively, not only by taking vitamins, nourishing it from the inside, but also by carrying out regular cosmetic procedures - masks and wraps

Apply the composition to problem areas and after 15 - 20 minutes. rinse with warm water. It is useful to take the mask every other day.

Note! Excessively dry body skin requires carefully weighing what vitamins should be contained in the mask and periodically taking such a mask.

Be careful when using citrus fruits in mask formulations. These products can cause allergies on thin, sensitive skin of the face and neck. It is better to use proven, familiar means - non-animal oils, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese.

Vitamin complexes

Dry skin on the body dictates which vitamins to take. The lack of vitamins that has formed in the skin for a number of reasons should be compensated by all available means, in particular, by taking vitamin complexes.

Symptoms of dry body skin readings what vitamins to take
Thinning of the epidermis, skin aging Moisturizing, nutrition S, A, F, N, E, K
Peeling Moisturizing nutrition, activating metabolism A, group B, K
Cracks, multiple wounds Relieving irritation, stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin Group B – 1, 2, 3 (PP), 5, 6, 12, + “alphabet”
Seborrhea, eczema Drug treatment + vitamins "Alphabet"

It is necessary to take complete complexes, since the lack of even one vitamin affects the health and appearance of the epidermis.

Among those recommended by cosmetologists, the most popular and practically effective are:

Title, type, content Recommendations for use* Approximate cost of packaging
Aevit, capsules
A, E
1 – 2 caps. 2 – 3 times a day From 30 rub.
Aekol, oil solution
A, E, K
External treatment of problem areas 110 – 130 rub.
Vitasharm, tablets
A, B1, B2, B5, B6 and PP
1 table per day for a month Price is negotiable
Revivona, capsules
A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, E and H
1 caps. 2 – 3 times a day From 300 rub.
Lady's Formula, tablets
A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, P and H, iron, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, essential amino acids, burdock leaf extract.
1 table 3 times a day for a month From 600 rub.
Revalid, capsules
B1, B2, B6, H, essential amino acids, minerals - iron, copper and zinc, as well as yeast, extracts of wheat sprouts and millet grain shells.
1 – 2 caps. per day From 400 to 1,600 rubles.
Perfectil, capsules
A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H, D and E, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, silicon, selenium, chromium, cysteine, para-aminobenzoic acid, extracts burdock and echinacea.
1 caps. per day for a month 470 – 500 rub.

* The intake of any vitamin complexes should be coordinated with a cosmetologist or therapist; only he has the right to recommend which vitamins should be taken for excessive dryness of the skin of the body.

Prevention of dry body skin

Knowing, even in general terms, the causes of the occurrence and development of increased dryness of the skin, you can build your life avoiding them.

Let us outline several basic rules for maintaining the normal state of the main defense of the human body.

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun without using special protective creams.
  2. Do not allow certain parts of the body (hands, face) to feel severe frost or cold wind.
  3. For hygienic purposes, use only soft cosmetics. Try to avoid cosmetic cleansers, lotions, oils containing sulfates, alcohol.

  1. Drink enough water during the day, include foods with fatty acids in your diet - red fish, voloshka nut kernels.
  2. Rinse off sea salt after swimming in a sea or chlorinated pool.
  3. Rinse your hands thoroughly after cleaning or washing dishes with detergents.
  4. Do not indulge in smoking or strong alcoholic drinks.
  5. Remember that age dries out the skin, so choose a suitable cream as a constant companion.

If nature has endowed you with thin, sensitive skin, treat it with caution, do not torment it with scrubs and brushes, protect it from cold and heat, moisturize, pamper and cherish it.

Dry body skin dictates its own rules; it is important to know what vitamins to take for its comfort.

Be careful! When purchasing cosmetics, both decorative and for hygienic purposes, it is useful to read the list of ingredients. You need to be careful with alcohol-containing lotions and cleaning solutions.

Pay special attention to mint, menthol, and citrus essential oils. Skin prone to dryness is very sensitive to such fillers.

Dry body skin. What vitamins to take:

Dry body skin? Nourishing mask with coconut oil that saturates the skin with vitamins: