Mole hurts like a pimple

A mole is a pigmented neoplasm that can be on any part of the body.. Often in medical practice, nevus appears on the mucous membranes of the body. The color of the spots can be brown, black, red, purple. Neoplasms are considered benign and very often do not bother a person throughout his life. But sometimes they begin to cause discomfort, and a person is faced with the question: why does a mole hurt and what to do?



The appearance of moles on the body often does not cause panic. But at some point she starts to get sick. The main cause of the appearance of nevi are viruses, so if you experience discomfort or changes in the shape of a mole, you should contact a specialist.

Why does a mole hurt? The answer to this question will be received after the necessary measures have been taken. But very often the cause is their injury.. In men, the appearance of painful sensations on the face may indicate improper handling of the razor. A mole on the back, located in the area where the bra is located, very often becomes inflamed due to constant friction with underwear.

Very often, voluminous neoplasms appear in areas more open to damage. For example, on the face, hands, neck, scalp.

For what other reasons does a mole hurt? This may be repeated injury to the tumor with infection in the wound. Or the patient’s predisposition to cancer. Soreness appears when a person spends a long time in the sun or in baths, or with intensive growth of a mole.

What to do if a mole starts to hurt?

If a mole hurts when pressed or touched, or itches constantly, you should not put off visiting a doctor, otherwise this may lead to its malignancy.

If a large tumor is partially torn off, you must take precautions yourself and then contact a specialist:

  1. First, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and a sterile bandage applied to the damaged area.
  2. Secondly, in order to test the torn part for the presence of cancer cells, it must be placed in any container and filled with saline solution.
  3. Thirdly, go to an appointment with an oncologist or dermatologist.

In this case, most often the treatment is aimed at completely removing the remnants of the nevus, relieving pain and preventing inflammatory processes.

If a mole on your face hurts, when you contact a specialist, you will be examined and further treatment measures will be outlined. But most often, a specialist will advise removing it completely to prevent injury and re-infection. In this case, the patient will be offered several options for performing the operation:


  1. removal with a scalpel;
  2. exposure to a mole using a laser or current.

If, after damage to the mole, an inflammatory process begins, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, local anesthesia, and the application of compresses to prevent the germs from reentering.

For no apparent reason

What to do if a mole hurts for no reason? Most often, redness and growth of a nevus indicate the growth of cancer cells. The impetus for this can be going to saunas or solariums. If you immediately contact a doctor, you need to get tested. And if it is confirmed that the mole has grown into a malignant one, a course of chemotherapy will be prescribed. Treatment will be aimed at stopping the process or inhibiting cell growth.

Drug or surgery does not guarantee complete removal of cells. Very often they are located deep under the skin, and during surgery only the superficial part of the tumor is removed.

Therefore, for treatment it is necessary to prescribe procedures aimed at determining the depth of the cells. This greatly simplifies the treatment process.

Prevention of the appearance or overgrowth of a mole is to regularly visit doctors to monitor the process of cell growth, changes in size or color.

If your body is covered with multiple nevi, you should avoid artificial tanning and reduce your time in the sun. If voluminous moles are located on open areas of the body, it is best to remove them without waiting for injury.

Removing moles by any surgical method is a painless procedure, after which the location of the mole heals within a few days. It is best to remove nevi in ​​clinics under the constant supervision of the attending physician. You should refuse the services of beauty salons: the risk of infection of neoplasms is high.

If any changes in the mole, itching or pain appear, you need to seek the help of qualified specialists. It is better to refuse treatment with folk remedies: this does not always lead to the desired result.

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Moles are new growths that can be harmless, but sometimes dangerous. Should you be worried if a pimple appears on a mole? This question is of concern especially when, due to inflammation, pain and discomfort are felt in the area of ​​the birthmark.

What do you need to know about such a situation, and what is the right thing to do so as not to harm your health?

ICD-10 code

Causes of pimple on a mole

Acne tends to appear on any areas of the skin in which sebaceous canals (skin pores) are present. This means that a pimple can occur anywhere except the soles of your feet and palms of your hands. If a sebaceous gland channel passes through a mole, then an acne can form here too. This happens when the canal is blocked, which can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  1. with hormonal imbalance, with a sharp change in hormonal status (for example, in pregnant women, in adolescents, before the onset of menstruation or during menopause, or while taking hormonal drugs);
  2. when the surface of a mole hardens due to microtrauma or age-related keratinization of cells;
  3. in case of irritation of a mole, its contamination, or an inflammatory process in the sebaceous duct;
  4. after an insect bite, which is accompanied by slight swelling of the surface of the mole;
  5. with excessive sebum secretion.

The pathogenesis of the appearance of a pimple on a mole is simple: the sebaceous canal is blocked (by secretions or external factors - dust or dirt), and a kind of plug is formed in the lumen of the canal. If an infection gets into the canal, inflammation develops, which serves as an impetus for the appearance of a pimple - an inflammatory formation with purulent or serous contents.


Symptoms of a pimple on a mole

The clinical symptoms of acne that grow inside a mole are varied. Most often, acne affects birthmarks located on areas of the skin with a large number of sebaceous ducts - this is the area of ​​​​the back, face or chest.

The first signs of pimple growth are the appearance of a painful infiltrate inside the nevus. Initially, the compaction looks like a cone-shaped nodule (papule) of a red hue. Over time, the inflammatory reaction increases, the nodule increases in size, and an abscess with white contents (pustule) becomes noticeable in its middle.

After some time, the pimple opens, the pus comes out, and a crust forms on the surface. After the crust falls off, a small scar may remain, but often it is completely invisible.

The entire process of the appearance and regression of a pimple can take about one week.

Is a white pimple on a mole considered dangerous?

In the vast majority of cases, the appearance of a white pimple on a mole has nothing to do with cancer. Only occasionally can a malignant degeneration of a nevus be suspected: in this case, the appearance of the mole changes, some discomfort appears, and pimples can appear in this place quite often. A biopsy of a modified formation will unmistakably indicate melanoma.

If such symptoms occur and the mole is suspicious, then the best solution would be to consult a dermatologist. We must not forget that any formation on the skin, be it a birthmark or anything else, requires special attention, and even more so if there are any changes in it.

Observe the mole for several days. If the pimple does not go away and the condition of the spot continues to bother you, do not hesitate, consult a doctor.

Where does it hurt?

Complications and consequences

Is it possible to squeeze a pimple on a mole? Will this lead to complications?

It is generally not recommended to squeeze pimples, regardless of where exactly they are located. It is especially undesirable to squeeze pimples located on a mole. The fact is that when pressure is applied, the inflammatory process can spread along the periphery and into the depths of the tissue. When the process moves into the subcutaneous fat layer, an abscess develops, which often increases to a significant purulent focus. Necrosis may form in the depths.

All of the above complications can negatively affect the mole itself. A strong inflammatory process damages the tissue of the birthmark, which increases in size, swells, and becomes painful. In this case, the risk of malignant degeneration increases several times.

You can suspect something is wrong in the following cases:

  1. if the mole has changed its color;
  2. if a dark or light rim appears around the mole;
  3. if the mole has become asymmetrical;
  4. if pimples appear on the mole constantly and in large quantities.

[2], [3], [4]

Diagnosis of a pimple on a mole

When a patient suffering from a pimple on a mole seeks medical help, the doctor conducts an examination and determines whether there is a pathology. If the doctor sees no reason for concern, this is usually the end of the appointment. If the mole is suspicious, the patient is prescribed a biopsy. This procedure is carried out using several methods: the choice of method depends on the area where the suspicious mole is located.

After the biopsy, results will be obtained that will indicate whether the birthmark is malignant or not. If the diagnosis of melanoma is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe other tests, the purpose of which is to clarify the characteristics of the tumor and more accurately determine the most optimal method of treatment.

Instrumental diagnostics may include examination of smears that the doctor takes from the surface of the mole. Using a microscope, he determines the cellular composition and nature of the cells. It is also possible to use fluorescent microscopy, dermatoscopy and blood tests for tumor markers.

[5], [6], [7]

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with melanoma and basal cell carcinoma of the skin.

[8], [9], [10], [11], [12]

Who to contact?

Treatment of a pimple on a mole

The most important principle to remember when a pimple appears on a mole: under no circumstances should you squeeze it out.

Firstly, such an action can aggravate inflammation and cause it to spread into deep tissues.

Secondly, any violation of the integrity of the birthmark tissue increases the chances of malignant degeneration.

From here we can conclude what to do if a pimple appears on a mole:

  1. do not squeeze or burn it;
  2. wait until the inflammatory nodule resolves on its own;
  3. consult a doctor and dispel all worries.

In what case is it recommended to resort to treatment for a pimple on a mole? All therapeutic measures can be aimed at preventing infection of the inflamed element and accelerating healing.

Medicines that ensure cleanliness and disinfection of the surface of the mole:

  1. boric alcohol is an antiseptic that is used to wash moles twice a day - in the morning and at night;
  2. an alcohol solution of iodine is an antimicrobial drug that is applied pointwise to the top of the pimple. It is not recommended to completely treat the birthmark with iodine;
  3. Ugrin is a herbal tincture consisting of natural ingredients, which is used to treat a pimple on a mole 2-3 times a day.

Homeopathy also offers its own drugs to eliminate inflammatory elements on the skin:

  1. Arnica-Heel - used for any inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. Belladonna-Homaccord - helps with boils, carbuncles and purulent pimples;
  3. Calendula-Salbe-Heel - used for long-healing wounds;
  4. Cutis compositum - stimulates the immune system, including at the local level, helping to get rid of acne of various localizations.

Surgical treatment is used for any moles that pose a danger and are close to degenerating into a cancerous tumor. It is also recommended to remove any moles whose diameter exceeds 0.6 cm.

Removal can be done in any convenient way:

  1. surgically;
  2. laser method;
  3. cryodestruction method (using liquid nitrogen);
  4. by electrocoagulation (cauterization);
  5. using radio waves.

The necessity and choice of removal method is determined by the doctor, taking into account the properties of the mole: its size, location, etc.

Traditional treatment for pimple on a mole

Folk remedies for acne treatment are most often based on the use of plants, which can be used alone or in the form of mixtures. Most often, herbs with anti-inflammatory activity are suitable for this purpose. These are calendula, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine, and other plants.

  1. Elecampane grass (1 tbsp) is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and left to cool. Soak a cotton pad in the infusion and treat the problem area.
  2. Wipe the pimple with freshly squeezed plantain juice.
  3. Prepare an infusion of chamomile blossom (1 tbsp per 250 ml of water). Wipe the pimple in the morning and at night.
  4. Brew a mixture of chamomile, mint leaves and green tea. Wipe the skin with the infusion, morning and evening.
  5. Prepare medicinal lotion: 1 tbsp. l. mint leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for 10 minutes, filtered. Add 1 tbsp to the infusion. l. boric acid, 1 tbsp. l. calendula infusion and the same amount of fresh lemon juice. The resulting lotion is used to wipe the pimple area twice a day.

Herbal treatment can be combined with the use of other household methods:

  1. lubricate the area with the pimple with a small amount of toothpaste;
  2. Apply a thick solution of baking soda to the surface.

It is not recommended to burn a pimple, as this can cause damage to the tissue of the mole, which is unsafe.

[13], [14], [15]

The appearance of various neoplasms on the face causes a lot of inconvenience and suffering to its owner. First of all, there is fear for your health. It is known that moles sometimes tend to degenerate into tumors, and malignant ones. Added to this circumstance is an aesthetic problem, because any new growths on the skin look very unpresentable. To dispel all fears and doubts, you need to begin to act deliberately and consistently. What to do if a pimple appears on a mole? Let's try to figure it out.


The appearance of a pimple under a mole or on the mole itself is always accompanied by a number of characteristic manifestations that cannot be ignored. What are these symptoms? First of all, pain. The mole becomes inflamed, and therefore unpleasant sensations appear. After some time, swelling at the site of the tumor becomes clearly visible. The accumulation of pus provokes further development of the inflammatory process. At the same time, the person’s condition worsens significantly: irritability appears, followed by a feeling of constant fatigue, even apathy.


In order for the problem to be solved, it is necessary to visit a medical facility as soon as possible. It is recommended not to delay your visit to the doctor. Only a competent specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and give a specific prognosis. Some people deliberately delay visiting a doctor and seek medical help too late. They prefer to wait until the situation has completely worsened and only then begin to act. It should be remembered that a pimple on a mole is unlikely to resolve on its own. In order for the problem to be solved, it is necessary, one way or another, to seek the help of a qualified specialist. Diagnosing a pathological process is not a difficult task for a knowledgeable professional. It is enough to observe the neoplasm for some time. So, what should you pay attention to?

Color change

If a mole suddenly begins to change color due to the development of a pimple, then you should immediately visit a dermatologist. A change in color indicates a clear problem within the body. If a rim of a dark or light shade appears around the neoplasm, this also indicates the occurrence of a pathological process. It is best to remove such a mole as soon as possible in order to avoid the development of complications in the future.


When a mole begins to change in size, immediate action must be taken. Asymmetry of the edges indicates that the tumor is changing and can develop into a malignant tumor. To avoid the development of such events, one cannot ignore obvious signs of trouble and try to turn a blind eye to them. A benign neoplasm always has a healthy appearance that does not cause an unpleasant negative reaction.

Spread to surrounding tissues

How can a pimple negatively affect the skin around it? In some cases, the appearance of a pimple on a mole leads to additional complications. Sometimes inflammation begins to invade surrounding tissues, causing physical suffering. The pain that appears occurs because the person has previously made attempts to squeeze out the unfortunate pimple.


It is advisable to begin the treatment of any neoplasm with a high-quality medical diagnosis. Before contacting a specialist, it will be difficult to answer the question of why moles appear and pimples appear on the skin. When the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to begin to act depending on the situation. Is it possible to squeeze out pimples that have formed on a mole? No, this is absolutely not possible. Let's take a closer look at effective methods of getting rid of the disease.


They help keep the area around the tumor clean and prevent the development of additional complications. For this purpose, boric alcohol, iodine solution, and herbal tinctures are used. They all have approximately the same effect: they disinfect the mole and prevent it from developing further. These funds are used to strengthen the immune system and eliminate the source of inflammation.

Folk remedies

Many people consider them not effective enough due to the fact that they are not medications. To neglect them means to reject the experience accumulated by many previous generations. Folk remedies have proven themselves for centuries and therefore you can also rely on them. Oddly enough, in some cases traditional methods of treatment turn out to be even more effective than the most powerful medications.

Plantain juice, chamomile tincture, and baking soda successfully help fight acne on a mole. It is necessary to wipe the area of ​​the neoplasm daily with the above decoctions. In the case of folk remedies, you should not hope for quick results. You must be patient and try to prevent complications from developing. Otherwise, you will have to resort to radical methods of influence.


Surgical removal is usually prescribed by specialists in cases where it is not possible to resolve the issue otherwise. Depending on the degree of tissue damage, doctors choose one or another method of exposure.

  1. Surgical excision involves the most painful option. It is usually relatively inexpensive and involves complete removal of the tumor with a surgical scalpel.
  2. The laser method is one of the most gentle options. In this case, the removal procedure becomes almost painless and does not bring visible inconvenience. The laser method is currently gaining popularity. More and more people are choosing this method of getting rid of painful and bleeding moles, warts and papillomas.
  3. Cryodestruction. In this case, removal occurs using liquid nitrogen. The use of this substance allows you to say goodbye to any neoplasms without causing yourself additional inconvenience and suffering. Cryodestruction is not such a harmless procedure for the skin, however, it is quite effective. By resorting to her help, you will definitely be able to say goodbye to annoying tumors.
  4. Cauterization method. Cauterizing pimples on a mole will lead to a guaranteed result. Typically, the patient can go home immediately after the procedure. The effectiveness of this method is quite high.

Thus, if a pimple appears on a mole, it is not recommended to squeeze it out. You can only make things worse for yourself and make the situation worse. When squeezing, there is a high risk of introducing infection to the affected area. In addition, if you squeeze out a pimple located on a mole, the neoplasm itself is almost always injured. In general, you should take your own health quite seriously, because no one except the owner himself will take care of it.