How to even out facial skin at home

Women want to look beautiful, but when achieving their goal, they forget about the main thing - the health of their facial skin. Thanks to the choice of products and procedures, evening out your tone is no longer an impossible task. And you don't have to visit a beauty salon. Our article is about how to even out your facial skin at home.

Foundation cannot mask imperfections caused by poor nutrition, aggressive environmental influences and incorrect care. In addition, today a thick layer of makeup is considered bad form; naturalness is the key to beauty and attractiveness. For this reason, girls are using foundation, powder and bright makeup less and less.

You can look beautiful without decorative cosmetics or with minimal use of it if you have smooth skin without conspicuous imperfections.

Causes of unevenness on the face

The main reason for uneven terrain is enlarged pores. The defect is caused by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands or may be inherited from parents. People with oily skin types face a similar situation.

Excessive sweating can worsen the texture of the face when the pores expand and dirt or makeup gets into them. Blackheads appear - the main enemy, leaving unpleasant marks. With regular sports and fitness activities, pores suffer more, so athletes try to even out the skin at home and restore it to a healthy appearance.

The cause of relief disturbance is also the inflammatory process (acne), which can occur unexpectedly. Upon recovery, the smoothness of the skin is almost always restored. In severe cases, inflammation leaves scars.

For this reason, cosmetologists prohibit “squeezing” pimples - after such aggressive interventions, marks remain that are difficult to smooth out later. Dirt getting into the wound can make the situation even worse.

Reasons for changes in facial tone

Complexion changes for a number of reasons: disruption of the usual daily routine, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, abuse of bad habits or use of low-quality cosmetics.

In these cases, the body feels uncomfortable, suffers from a lack of rest and necessary substances, which is reflected in the tone of the face. It is necessary to quickly understand the cause of the violations and begin to correct them.

Salon methods for smoothing facial relief

Beauty salons and cosmetologists offer a range of services that even out your complexion. You can turn to them if the problem is deep scars or scars that are difficult to remove at home.

The advantage of salon facial treatments is the professional approach. Cosmetologists will assess the condition of the skin, select the necessary care and set of procedures:

  1. Cryomassage. Useful if the facial texture is uneven due to burgundy or purple marks of pimples and acne. The skin is cleansed of cosmetics and treated with liquid nitrogen, which tones cells and improves metabolism. Cryomassage is contraindicated for sensitive facial skin.
  2. Oxygen therapy. The procedure saturates with oxygen, which normalizes tissue restoration, cell division and evens out the relief. Cosmetologists administer injections enriched with vitamins to increase metabolism.
  3. Laser correction. A classic treatment to get rid of uneven tone caused by acne, scars and stretch marks. Stimulates cell division and destroys scar tissue.
  4. Atraumatic peeling. A new way to even out the structure and clear away blackheads and blackheads. Starts metabolism and inhibits aging.

Relief leveling products at home

Salon methods are an expensive procedure that not every woman can afford, but it is possible to even out the texture of facial skin at home. To do this, you need to choose the right cosmetics.


Cosmetologists prohibit using regular soap to wash your face, as it contains alkali, which destroys the cells of delicate and sensitive facial skin. Soap dries out the top layer of the epidermis, which can cause earlier aging, allergies and wrinkles.

For optimal cleansing of facial skin, you will need special gels or foams that do not destroy cells and saturate the epidermis with the necessary elements. In stores, you should pay attention to the packaging and description - the gel should be soft, moisturizing and nourishing.

Every woman should have a product with scrub particles in her arsenal - it is recommended to use it twice a week to cleanse dead cells. You should choose a soft scrub that will not injure the epidermis.


Uneven complexion is associated with the effects of acne, which are difficult to get rid of. Small scars from pimples, acne or other skin damage remain for a long time, and in some cases may not heal at all.

The problem is associated with a slowdown in the regeneration process, which is disrupted by inflammation. With prolonged exposure to inflammatory processes, the skin does not have time to recover or does so, leaving marks.

Cosmetics enriched with essential substances and minerals can help in difficult situations. A popular method of combating the effects of acne is bodyaga, which resembles a dried scrub when dried.

Bodyaga works simply but effectively - sharp particles irritate and trigger regeneration processes. According to the latest estimates, you need to use bodyaga for two weeks to get full results. The tracks will begin to tighten, and the terrain will become smoother.


After washing, it is recommended to use a moisturizer, serum or toner. They will fill the fabrics with additional nutrition, which will last throughout the day or night and will not allow the fabrics to begin to dry out. Dryness and flaking negatively affect the tone and can cause damage to the epidermis.


To completely restore the skin after adverse effects, you need to purchase a peeling mask. It acts in a similar way to a scrub and quickly copes with impurities, traces of acne and the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

During peeling, the tissues receive an additional massage, which helps accelerate blood circulation. The mask starts restoration processes.

A peeling mask is useful for returning the natural tone of the face, but cosmetologists do not recommend using it more than twice a week. Daily use may damage fabrics.

Folk recipes for evening out complexion at home

Mothers and grandmothers tried to even out their skin tone at home long before the advent of professional procedures and did an excellent job. They were helped by traditional medicine recipes that were passed down from generation to generation and were tested by many women.

The main assistant among folk recipes are masks that saturate and restore natural radiance. You don't need expensive ingredients to prepare them - just products that can be found in the kitchen or in the refrigerator are enough. The main thing is to store the mask in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Homemade face masks

The advantage of traditional medicine is its naturalness. You don’t have to worry about their composition and feel free to use them on an ongoing basis. The best recipes include:

  1. Yeast. You need to dilute twenty grams of yeast in water, then add a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. Nettle. Chop fresh nettles, add a tablespoon of honey and a little olive oil. Keep on the skin for no more than ten minutes. This mask should not be used on sensitive skin due to the risk of irritation.
  3. Potato. Grind the boiled potatoes together with the peel, dilute with two tablespoons of sour cream and a spoonful of milk. Apply with massage movements and leave for ten minutes. If desired, you can add olive oil.
  4. Bread. Favorite mask of traditional medicine connoisseurs. Evens out the relief, copes with wrinkles and thoroughly cleanses of impurities. The mask should not be applied to the area around the eyes due to the risk of irritation. To prepare, just soak white bread crumbs in milk, add olive oil and spread the mixture over problem areas of the face. The mask should not be kept on for more than ten minutes.


The complexion of the face directly depends on the condition of the body, so a woman should carefully monitor her health. A healthy lifestyle will prevent the appearance of blackheads and acne, which leave unpleasant lesions.

For a healthy appearance, you need to carefully monitor your diet, drink plenty of clean water and sleep eight hours a day. Doctors recommend walking in the fresh air, which has a positive effect on your complexion, and doing physical exercise. Sport normalizes the body's blood circulation, removes toxins and keeps the whole body in good shape.

Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol is part of taking care of your skin. By following simple rules of a healthy lifestyle, the likelihood of problems with the epidermis will be minimized.

You can even out the relief of your face with the help of proper nutrition, since problems of the epidermis can be caused by a number of disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. When the body fails to eliminate toxins, harmful substances accumulate and manifest themselves, causing acne.

Features of proper nutrition

Correcting your diet will help your body cope with the elimination of toxins. It is not recommended to abuse foods high in sugar, sausage and smoked meats, fast food and fatty foods. Ideally, you should prepare meals at home using a minimum amount of oil and salt, which prevents the removal of harmful substances.

The diet should include sea fish, but you can limit yourself to consuming fish oil. It is inexpensive in pharmacies. Fish oil is enriched with vitamins that have a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis.

The body also needs zinc, which the body gets from pumpkin seeds, wheat, legumes and lean meat.

Nutrients are contained in flax seeds. You can buy flaxseed oil and consume a teaspoon daily or add the seeds to your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Vegetables, carrots, broccoli and spinach have a positive effect on the relief.

For a natural glow on your face, you need to regularly eat nuts - almonds, peanuts or cashews. Healthy fats promote rapid restoration of damaged skin, tighten scars and moisturize tissue.

Thanks to these methods, you can even out the texture of your facial skin at home and at minimal cost. Carefully selected cosmetics, folk recipes and a healthy lifestyle will help you forget about problems with the health of the epidermis.

Who among us does not dream of beautiful, smooth skin? Basically, young ladies have such a face by nature, but closer to 30 years of age, problems appear: the skin can no longer boast an even color, pigment spots, scars, wrinkles.

But these problems can be solved if you use the right tools. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Causes of problems

Reasons for changing complexion.

To fix problems, you need to find out the cause:

  1. Genetics is a very important factor. Some people may have better skin at 40 than younger girls. And nothing can be done about it;
  2. Ecology;
  3. Diet;
  4. Life conditions.

The sun ages the skin faster, dark-skinned ladies are lucky, they have natural protection from the sun's rays. And fair-skinned women should always use SPF protection.

Changes in complexion can occur for various reasons:

  1. pigment spots may appear with age;
  2. lack of vitamins;
  3. untanned skin, tan hides imperfections;
  4. possible presence of various diseases.

The face becomes dull if a person is constantly stressed and does not get enough sleep.

At a young age, the face has a soft pink tint, this is due to rapid cell renewal, new cells replacing dead ones. Over the years, this process slows down. A thick layer of epidermis moves the vessels further from the upper layer of the skin, as a result they do not receive proper nutrition. Therefore, the skin begins to look worse.

Enlarged pores also affect unevenness and darkening of the skin. This problem is especially typical for oily skin types. Fat content causes acne, or even worse, purulent pimples.

If your face has a bumpy texture, then it’s better to just wait it out. If you squeeze pimples, difficult-to-remove stains remain in their place.

You shouldn’t put up with all this, you should fight for beautiful skin using all known methods, from grandma’s recipes to procedures from a cosmetologist.

How to even out facial skin at home

At home, scrubs and masks will help.

First you need to choose the right cosmetics. They should suit your skin type and age. If you wash your face with soap, forget about it, it has a bad effect on the skin, dries it out, which leads to premature aging, provokes the appearance of wrinkles, and an allergic reaction is possible.

For washing it is better to use special gels and foams. You can take a closer look at options with scrubbing particles; these particles will cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum.

If you have post-acne, you know how difficult it is to get rid of them, due to the fact that the skin remains damaged even after healing, which slows down the regeneration process.

When choosing care, first of all, you should pay attention to products that will make the skin recover, for example, bodyaga is suitable.

In dry form, it is similar to a scrub, the difference is in the microparticles, in the classic version they are round in shape, and in the bodya they are pointed.

It works according to the following principles: bodyagu is applied to the face, rubbed in a circular motion, this irritates the face, as a result of which regeneration starts. Use this wonderful remedy for 2 weeks and you will notice that acne wounds will begin to heal.

In addition to bodyagi, there are other products that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Almost every lady used such a beauty product as clay.

Its color is selected according to the skin type and problems that need to be eliminated. Can be used as an independent remedy, diluted with water to a paste. You can also make a more complex recipe, for example, for skin whitening, take white clay, mix it with soda, take a little soda, literally on the tip of a knife, mix it with water. Apply and leave on the face for 15 minutes, when the mask begins to dry, moisten it with water.

We get excellent results from clay for a small amount of money; one package costs around 50 rubles.

Peach seed oil is an excellent way to nourish the skin. Use at night instead of moisturizer. Approximate price 200 rubles.

It is also recommended to purchase a peeling mask. It does a great job of removing the stratum corneum and existing impurities. He also does a light massage, which triggers restoration processes in all layers of the epidermis.

This mask really has a positive effect on the skin, but it should be used no more than 2 times every 7 days. With frequent use, it can damage the deep layers of the epidermis.

Take steam baths. To do this, boil various herbs in a saucepan, for example, chamomile, celandine, sage. Immediately after boiling, remove the pan from the heat and sit over it for 10 minutes, covered with a thick cloth. Your pores will open and you can start cleaning them with the UNO spoon. After the procedure, treat your face with a sterile product.

Professional leveling methods

Lots of salon treatments.

Facial cleansing can be laser, ultrasonic, mechanical. Combined cleaning is considered the best option. During the cleansing process, pimples, wen, blackheads, and impurities are removed from the skin.

The procedure is quite painful; it happens that after it, wounds remain on the face, which soon heal.

Laser correction eliminates scars that remain after various mechanical damage to the skin. It gets rid of it due to the fact that it “burns” the cells on the scars.

In general, the procedure is painless; a slight tingling sensation may be present. After the laser, the skin begins to actively produce collagen, as a result of which the regeneration process occurs much faster.

There are 2 types of peeling: mechanical and chemical. The first type uses abrasive particles to rid the skin of dead cells. The second type works using organic acids. Peeling is recommended to be done in the cold season, when the sun is less active.

Oxygen therapy fills the outer layer of the skin with gas through injections. Purified oxygen is supplied under pressure, thanks to which damaged tissues are quickly restored. This method is good for getting rid of old scars.

Acne and pimples quickly disappear with this method, thanks to the antiseptic effect of the injection.

Cryomassage will relieve acne caused by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. The upper layer of the epidermis is affected by cold.

A small layer of liquid nitrogen is applied to the face using tweezers and a cotton swab. When the liquid evaporates and the beautician applies liquid nitrogen again, usually 2-3 times.

The procedure is carried out at the lowest possible temperatures, this stimulates metabolic processes, pores narrow, and inflammation disappears.

After the procedure, the face may become red or swollen, but everything will return to normal within 1 hour. Before going outside, be sure to apply a cream with a high SPF content.

Biorevitalization, eliminates minor wrinkles. Skin folds are smoothed out because this injection activates the production of fiber and collagen.

This injection contains fruit acids, a huge variety of vitamins, and a composition containing enzymes.

Traditional methods for smoothing facial skin

A cucumber mask will help your skin!

Homemade beauty remedies are no less effective. Some products of natural origin will give an effect no worse than salon treatments. The main thing is to combine them correctly and spend a little time preparing. It’s not in vain that entire generations of our mothers and grandmothers worked on these recipes:

  1. kefir mask. Soak a cotton pad in kefir, wipe your face with it, when it dries, wipe it again. And repeat this 10 times;
  2. cucumber mask. You can simply cut into thin slices, or you can cook porridge. To do this, take the peel and pulp of this healthy vegetable, add 1 spoon of starch. Mix thoroughly. Apply to face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  3. mask of honey and lemon. Heat the honey a little, do not overdo it, you can get burned, drop a couple of drops of lemon juice into the heated honey. Apply a thin layer, cover with a napkin, rinse after 15 minutes. This mask can also be used as a scrub, adding 1 teaspoon of sea salt will perfectly cleanse your skin;
  4. masks made from egg white and yolk. These are 2 different masks, use separately. Protein will narrow enlarged pores and eliminate unpleasant oily shine. The yolk will moisturize dry skin. These products are also easy to apply, smear all over your face and rinse off after drying completely;
  5. products from the refrigerator will lighten the skin and remove unwanted pigmentation. Take half a glass of kefir and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Lightly heat the kefir in the microwave. Apply the substance to your face and walk like this for about 20 minutes;
  6. for dry skin there is an alternative option to the previous one, just replace kefir with sour cream;
  7. For the next recipe you will need parsley and dill. Place them in a blender, grind until mushy, add 1 spoon of sour cream, apply for 25 minutes;
  8. for normal epidermis, we can recommend the following mask recipe. You will need 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, kiwi, banana. Turn kiwi and banana into sour cream, add egg and olive oil, mix thoroughly. Keep on your face for about 15 minutes. The mask perfectly cleanses and tones the skin;
  9. We also use olive oil in another recipe. For those with oily skin, combine the oil with sour berries, these include currants and strawberries. For beautiful ladies with dry skin, sweet-tasting fruits and berries are recommended; strawberries, nectarines, and apricots are ideal. Mash, mix everything, apply for 10 minutes.

To ensure that the results do not leave you, it is recommended to carry out beauty treatments several times a week. A glass of wine, scented candles and light music will help make the process more pleasant and relaxing.

Cosmetical tools

Decorative cosmetics can hide imperfections.

In the meantime, on your way to perfect skin, use cosmetics to disguise imperfections:

  1. start with a makeup base, a fairly new product in the beauty world. Choose an individual product for your epidermis type.

For example, there are foundations designed to fill enlarged pores, mattifying for oily skin, and moisturizing for dry skin.

Apply a thin layer to a clean face; if the product is colored, it is recommended to select a shade lighter than the foundation;

  1. foundation. It will make your face the same color and hide minor imperfections.

It is important to choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. It looks very ridiculous when the shade is chosen incorrectly;

  1. corrector or concealer. Spot masking of more serious problems that foundation cannot cope with.

It perfectly masks bruises and bags under the eyes, pimples, age spots. It comes in different textures and colors;

  1. blush. With the previous means, we hid all the natural shadows, created a smooth canvas, now we need to draw everything again. Using blush you can create volume;
  2. powder. Fixing makeup, for oily skin, this stage is simply necessary, since cosmetics “come off” quickly.

With such simple methods you will immediately hide all existing flaws.

By properly caring for your skin, you will preserve your beauty for many years.

From this video you will learn how to do deep facial cleansing at home.

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An even complexion makes your appearance more attractive. But over time, the color and relief may change for the worse. Acne, damage and other problems can cause the skin to become uneven and dark spots appear. Let's figure out how to even out your facial skin using home or salon methods.

Skin care features

Everyone's skin is different, so you can't apply the same care to everyone without exception. Taking into account the characteristics of skin care for different types, you can achieve excellent results.

The lucky ones are those with normal skin; it naturally has an even tone and texture and requires minimal care. But this type is rare. Most girls have to deal with various dermatological problems.

Oily skin

Oily skin is common among teenagers. She is often covered with pimples and comedones. The basis of care in this case is good cleansing.

Advice! You should not use alcohol lotions, they dry out well, but the effect is short-lived. Under the influence of alcohol, the sebaceous glands work even more efficiently.

If acne develops, it is not recommended to deal with the problem on your own. It is better to contact a cosmetologist to get professional care. This will reduce the risk of formation of unevenness on the skin of the face.

Dry skin

Delicate, thin and dry skin looks very beautiful in youth. Owners of this skin type do not have problems with acne. However, wrinkles begin to appear on dry epidermis very early.

The basis of care is constant hydration. You can use cosmetic oils for nutrition. The use of harsh scrubs and peels should be avoided.

Combination skin

Combination skin is the most common. Some areas of the face may be oily, while others are normal or dry. Caring for such skin is quite difficult. Oily areas need to be cleaned and dried, and dry areas should be moisturized as much as possible.

Facial care after 30

Facial care after 30 must be comprehensive. It is advisable to visit a cosmetologist at least once every 2-3 months; at this age you can and should resort to cosmetic procedures. The specialist will select a care program individually.

Daily care involves cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. It is worth adding a lifting serum to regular creams.

Facial care after 50

After 50, hormonal changes are inevitable, which affect the condition of the skin of the face. High-quality care is almost impossible without the help of a cosmetologist. Various fillers, mesotherapy, deep peelings and other salon methods are used.

For daily care, products must contain a maximum of active substances; you must use special serums and masks.

Means for disguising skin texture using cosmetics

If the skin texture is uneven, then the first thing that comes to mind is camouflage with makeup. When choosing cosmetics, you must take into account your skin type. On dry epidermis you need to apply a moisturizing base, only then use cream correctors. For oily skin, you should choose products with the lightest possible texture.

Makeup base

Makeup base is a product that many girls ignore. And completely in vain. The foundation will not only provide a base for applying cosmetics, but will also improve the overall appearance of the skin.

  1. Liquid transparent foundations are good for skin with minor imperfections.
  2. Gel-like ones “work” well for oily, porous skin.
  3. If you have rosacea and age spots, you should choose creamy bases.
  4. If there are pronounced spots and scars, you need the most dense base possible.


The corrector for the face should be chosen depending on the existing problems. Liquid concealers are ideal for the area around the eyes and lips. They disguise dark circles and fine lines.

Thick, pencil-shaped correctors are ideal for spot concealing imperfections. A universal solution is a cream corrector; it helps hide various problems.


Foundations are applied over the makeup base. It is very important to choose the right product. First of all, you need to consider your skin type. For oily skin, light fluid creams are more suitable; for dry skin, you should choose products with moisturizing ingredients.

The choice of shade must be done using the trial method. It is best to apply the product to the cheekbone. The more the cream blends with your skin tone, the better. It is necessary to take into account the durability of the product and the presence of effects. You can choose a cream with a mattifying or reflective effect.

Smoothing facial skin at home

Smoothing facial skin at home is done using masks and creams. The effectiveness of the procedures depends on the degree of damage and the “age” of the defect. Fresh scars and pits are much easier to remove.

Traces after chickenpox

Pimples on the skin after chickenpox remain, as a rule, if the disease was suffered in adulthood. There are no marks on babies, since children's skin has better regeneration abilities.

To remove marks at home you can use:

  1. Products with panthenol (gels, ointments, creams). Helps restore deep layers of skin.
  2. Gel Dermatix. A silicone-based product can eliminate fresh scars and pits from chickenpox.
  3. Cacao butter. Improves blood circulation and increases skin elasticity. When used systematically, it helps to level the terrain.

Scars after wounds

You can eliminate scars left after wounds at home with special creams. The most famous remedy is Contractubex. The product works well on fresh scars.

It should be applied to scars 2-3 times a day for 3-4 months. You need to rub from the center of the scar to the edges with soft massaging movements.

Acne marks

It is possible to remove acne marks at home if they are shallow.

  1. Almond oil massage. The massage should be very light and not stretch the skin.
  2. A mask based on cosmetic clay with the addition of orange or grapefruit essential oils.
  3. Coffee peeling. To prepare it, you need to mix the grounds left over from making coffee with washing gel and rub into the skin in a circular motion. Then the residues are washed off with water.

Evening out the skin under the eyes

The skin around the eyes deserves special attention. To eliminate fine wrinkles and remove dark marks, you can use ready-made masks, creams and patches. The products should include vitamins, green tea, caffeine, and collagen.

Advice! Don’t forget the simplest home method – cucumber masks or tea leaves compresses.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for smoothing the skin can be very effective if the defects are minor and the procedures are performed regularly.


Homemade masks for oily skin:

  1. Cucumber mask. Mix the finely grated cucumber with starch until a creamy mass is obtained. Let it sit for half an hour.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal into freshly brewed coffee (without sugar). Let it cool, add a little lemon juice. Apply for 20 minutes.

For dry skin:

  1. Mix a spoonful of olive oil and honey, heat the mixture a little and apply it warm to the skin. Wash off after half an hour.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of finely grated carrots with jojoba oil. Apply for 20 minutes.


Homemade lotions are stored in the refrigerator. Rub the skin with them 2-3 times a day.

  1. Cucumber. Mix the juice from two medium cucumbers with 60 ml of mineral water and 10 drops of grape seed oil.
  2. Bleaching. Mix 20 ml of milk with the same amount of mineral water, add a crushed aspirin tablet and 20 drops of jojoba oil.
  3. Tightens pores. Mix 30 ml of brewed green tea with 10 ml of grapefruit juice and 5 drops of orange ether.


You can even out the relief and tone of your face with the help of a badyagi. This product is not recommended for dry skin or if there are wounds on the face. The composition is not applied to the skin around the eyes.

  1. The simplest mask consists of badyagi powder and water. The ingredients are mixed to a cream consistency and applied to the face. Apply for a quarter of an hour.
  2. If you often have rashes on your face, then bodyagu should be diluted with hydrogen peroxide.

Essential oils

To remove shallow acne marks, use essential oils of geranium, lavender, and sage. Esters of bergamot, juniper, mint, lemon balm, and myrtle will help narrow pores.

Add 1-2 drops of esters to regular creams or masks. But you need to be careful, as oils can cause allergies.

Cosmetic clay

White, black and yellow clay are especially suitable for evening out the relief and tone of the skin. To whiten dark spots, you should choose blue clay.

  1. To dilute the clay, you can use ordinary or mineral water. Cucumber juice will also work.
  2. For dry skin, you can use milk or cream.
  3. You should add a little lemon juice to a mask for oily epidermis.

Salon methods

In the salon, a competent cosmetologist will select care products and recommend procedures that will help solve even severe problems.


A laser beam is used to smooth the skin and remove the upper layers of the epidermis. The depth of exposure can reach 150 km, which allows you to remove scars and fine wrinkles.

Different types of laser are used to perform grinding:

  1. Carbon dioxide. The beam passes over the surface of the face, evaporating the upper layers of cells.
  2. Erbium. The procedure is softer, the skin recovers faster after it, but the effect is not as pronounced as when using a carbon dioxide laser.
  3. Low intensity. This technique is used to eliminate minor defects. The procedure is gentle and does not require a long recovery period.

After the sessions, you need to protect your skin from exposure to sunlight, so it is better to plan the procedures from October to April.

Advice! Use sunscreen before going outside.

During laser resurfacing, scars and medium-depth scars are completely removed. Deeper ones become less noticeable. The laser combats enlarged pores and excess pigmentation.


Peeling is a procedure that helps even out the texture and tone of the skin. Peels can be mechanical, chemical or hardware. When carrying out salon procedures, a deep effect is carried out, so such peelings are more effective.

According to the depth of impact they distinguish:

  1. Easy. Gentle products are used, ideal for evening out tone.
  2. Median. Allows you to even out not only the tone, but also the relief.
  3. Deep. It is used in the presence of serious dermatological and aesthetic problems.

The salons offer hardware procedures - ultrasonic and gas-liquid peeling, microdambrasion. The cosmetologist selects the procedure option individually, depending on the condition of your skin.

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is a natural product obtained during the processing of sugar cane. The product actively exfoliates and activates natural renewal processes. Peels with glycolic acid are indicated for oily and aging skin. With their help you can remove acne marks and age spots.

The option of peeling with glycolic acid is selected by a cosmetologist. Gentle peeling is carried out using a product containing 10% acid. The composition additionally contains softening components - extracts of aloe, lemon balm, echinacea, etc. Sometimes glycolic acid is mixed with other types of acids, for example, salicylic.

The procedures are carried out in small courses of 6-10 procedures with a break of 1-2 weeks. The first procedures are carried out using products containing a small amount of acid. Starting from the 3-4th procedure, products containing up to 35% of the main component can be used, and at the final stage the concentration is increased to 50-70%.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is a procedure during which the epithelium is exposed to a stream of oxygen. Oxygen is not supplied in pure form, but in the form of whey, which includes amino acids and trace elements. This procedure helps speed up regeneration.

The course consists of 5 procedures, which are carried out with a break of 1-2 weeks. Then the skin is wiped with cosmetic ice and a nourishing cream is applied.

Good to know! The procedure has virtually no contraindications and is quite effective. During the session you do not experience any discomfort, and the result becomes noticeable after the first procedure.


Cryomassage is a complex procedure that combines the effects of cold and massage movements. The simplest cryomassage can be performed at home with an ice cube. The salon offers liquid nitrogen massage. The procedure is useful for pigmentation, enlarged pores, wrinkles, acne marks.

First, the face is thoroughly cleansed, then the specialist performs a massage using an applicator or a special device. Finally, a soothing nourishing cream is applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes.

During the massage there are no uncomfortable sensations, perhaps a slight burning sensation and coolness. If obvious discomfort occurs, you should immediately inform the specialist.