Wrinkle fillers 40 years reviews

Those who are against Botox, have tried a bunch of recipes and to no avail, who want to look younger than their age not only in their face, but also in their body

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Someone gave me a recipe - olive oil and salt - rub into your face. Some kind of actress.. I can’t decide.. It seems to me that the skin will completely peel off)). Personally, I’m still without plastic surgery, 39. Lots of water, constantly moisturize the skin of the face and décolleté, creams, massage daily - so far it’s decent! But in 5-8 years I think I’ll have to inject something.

I’m 40, I just try to keep my skin from drying out and apply oily cream.

Girls, why are you against Botox? I’m 43, I injected myself for the first time a month ago, just 28 units, so happy! There is no feeling of a frostbitten face, and the wrinkles have disappeared (I had small ones). I was also against it and was afraid, but now I recommend it to everyone. And all sorts of anti-wrinkle and anti-sulfur creams, which don’t really work, to be honest, now I simply don’t need them. That is, I paid about 300 dollars for a procedure that would last 4 months, and I would have spent the same money on creams, sulfur and all sorts of peelings.

I’m 43, I don’t have wrinkles, I look younger, I’ve never used creams or anything, I don’t put anything on my face. I don’t smoke because smoking kills vitamin C, which makes you age, wrinkles, if you don’t have enough vitamin C, it’s responsible for collagen, and collagen is for youth.

age takes its toll, but if you ate unhealthy before you were forty, gained weight, lost weight, then that’s it

Yes, author, wrinkles are actually the lesser evil, you don’t really worry about it, and it’s easy to get rid of them. My mother-in-law is 66, she doesn’t have a single wrinkle because her skin is thick like an elephant’s! She is very proud of this, just like guest number 5, she thinks that she looks like a girl. But in fact, she had shaved hair, downturned corners of her mouth and eyes, a couple of fairly noticeable spots, pores, an ice-cold neck, and thin, dull hair. Calculate the 7 signs of skin aging; wrinkles are nonsense.

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Yes, author, wrinkles are actually the lesser evil, you don’t really worry about it, and it’s easy to get rid of them. My mother-in-law is 66, she doesn’t have a single wrinkle because her skin is thick like an elephant’s! She is very proud of this, just like guest number 5, she thinks that she looks like a girl. But in fact, she had shaved hair, downturned corners of her mouth and eyes, a couple of fairly noticeable spots, pores, an ice-cold neck, and thin, dull hair. Calculate the 7 signs of skin aging; wrinkles are nonsense.[/
I agree 100%. And no one has canceled the aging process. And a woman will always look as old as she is, even if she takes a lot of care. It will just be a well-groomed, attractive woman. And as one cosmetologist said, “wrinkles can be very well-groomed.”

cow dung helps

Train yourself to drink a lot of water - you will see results in a month, tested

I read and laugh))) Absolutely everyone writes that they look younger than their age. One can only wonder where there are so many women on the streets who look 40-50-60 and “no age” - when it is clear that retirement is on the horizon, and how many years it is unclear, but clearly not 20)))

I’m 43, I don’t have wrinkles, I look younger, I’ve never used creams or anything, I don’t put anything on my face. I don’t smoke because smoking kills vitamin C, which makes you age, wrinkles, if you don’t have enough vitamin C, it’s responsible for collagen, and collagen is for youth.

Yes Yes. they forgot to lie about beer without a passport

I read and laugh))) Absolutely everyone writes that they look younger than their age. One can only wonder where there are so many women on the streets who look 40-50-60 and “no age” - when it is clear that retirement is on the horizon, and how many years it is unclear, but clearly not 20)))

I’m 43, I don’t have wrinkles, I look younger, I’ve never used creams or used anything, I don’t put anything on my face.

How jarring is this expression “aunts under forty” and the word “aunt” in general. This sounds so offensive. Well, girls, let's treat women and age in general with respect. You yourself will someday be 40 or 50. And you are unlikely to like this attitude towards yourself. Or you are unlikely to be pleased if someone contemptuously calls your mother “aunt.” In general, I was boiling, I spoke out.

According to the recommendation of the World Organization of United SPA Centers, 6-8 courses of any invasive techniques are allowed. We must remember! Botox is a powerful toxin that is eliminated through the liver and kidneys. From an osteopathic point of view, introducing toxins close to the brain is not permissible. Cosmetologists will not tell you that Botox deforms the structure of collagen fibers and greatly dries the tissue, which causes the skin to age faster. One of the answers is why when to stop these injections you get horror, and you understand that before these procedures you could have fought with natural methods. Who is interested in my skap Tatyana Khmelevtseva [email protected] I’ll tell you how cosmetologists “get you hooked” on “beauty” injections

How jarring is this expression “aunts under forty” and the word “aunt” in general. This sounds so offensive. Well, girls, let's treat women and age in general with respect. You yourself will someday be 40 or 50. And you are unlikely to like this attitude towards yourself. Or you are unlikely to be pleased if someone contemptuously calls your mother “aunt.” In general, I was boiling, I spoke out.

Tatyana, come on, promote your products here, who will go to Skype with you, what are you really doing?)

I read and laugh))) Absolutely everyone writes that they look younger than their age. One can only wonder where there are so many women on the streets who look 40-50-60 and “no age” - when it is clear that retirement is on the horizon, and how many years it is unclear, but clearly not 20)))

In general, I have at least 3 excellent and young-looking acquaintances, much younger than their years. As well as several disgusting looking ones already at 30.

Until I was 44, I also resisted all kinds of injections that my cosmetologist offered me. It was scary. But at some point I realized that it was time to do something. Otherwise I will look, as they say here, “auntie”. I started with mesotherapy, then threads, and lastly decided on Dysport. And now, looking in the mirror, I rejoice at my reflection. I haven’t looked many years younger, but I don’t look neglected.

Tatyana, come on, promote your products here, who will go to Skype with you, what are you really doing?)

Girls, choose high-quality cosmetics and use them regularly. If the skincare cosmetics are really good, then many problems will be solved. For example, I am very happy with my cosmetics

cow dung helps

I'm 43.
There are no wrinkles, but there is PIGMENT. ZZZZZaaa.
Here's what to do with it.
I've probably tried everything already (((

I'm 43. There are no wrinkles, but there is PIGMENT. ZZZZZaaa. Here's what to do with it. I've probably tried everything already (((

I'm 43. There are no wrinkles, but there is PIGMENT. ZZZZZaaa. Here's what to do with it. I’ve probably tried everything already (((Remove with laser. Only this is expensive, damn it.

I'm 43.
There are no wrinkles, but there is PIGMENT. ZZZZZaaa.
Here's what to do with it.
I've probably tried everything already (((

Who is interested in the topic of dyspigmentation? how to deal with it? I will send the file by email.

I read and laugh))) Absolutely everyone writes that they look younger than their age. One can only wonder where there are so many women on the streets who look 40-50-60 and “no age” - when it is clear that retirement is on the horizon, and how many years it is unclear, but clearly not 20)))

I'm 43.
There are no wrinkles, but there is PIGMENT. ZZZZZaaa.
Here's what to do with it.
I've probably tried everything already (((
The usual lump yeast helped me, I extinguished it with hydrogen peroxide and applied this paste to the spots. The main thing is not to be lazy, you need to do this for a month or two, every day. For me it was just a crazy idea and I got rid of it.

Who is interested in the topic of dyspigmentation? how to deal with it? I will send the file by email.

Who is interested in the topic of dyspigmentation? how to deal with it? I’ll send the file by email. Well, who might need this canoe? Pigment spots are not “clumped pigment cells,” but an overproduction of melanin.

I had a spot on my forehead, I didn’t do anything, cut off my bangs, and used a cream with protection 30 in summer and 15 in winter, it went away within a year, although I did massages and treatments, but nothing special for the pigment

melanin pigmentation due to exposure to the sun or solarium, i.e. Tan. On fair skin, manifestations of strong pigmentation are more noticeable, expressed in the form of moles, freckles, hormonal and age spots. If you only know this type of pigmentation, then read the literature,

Pigmentation disorders are divided into two groups: melanin (associated with changes in the concentration of melanin in the skin) and non-melanin. In relation to melanin disorders of skin pigmentation in modern medicine it is customary to use the term melanosis(s).

Why do people come to the forum? To communicate or because of the resulting disappointments and anger?

Or will he still share his experience, impressions and advice?

Or will he still share his experience, impressions and advice?

Greetings everyone) I would like to recommend IC-LAB individual cosmetics. This is a Swiss brand. The cosmetics are truly professional. At first I doubted, didn’t really distrust, I’m like that by nature (and years of using luxury cosmetics) and when after 2 weeks using a mask, tonic and scrub I saw an improvement in my appearance, then distrust was replaced by confidence. I don’t know how to sing odes of praise, and I don’t have time for it, but I will note: the Laboratory is responsible for what it sells with our results. And their Gift Certificates are such a true advertising campaign that it’s just respect and respect! I’m glad that I discovered them for myself and so did my friends.‏

The best way to get rid of pigmentation is a good peeling and regenerating cream

Each person is unique; in nature, there are no two absolutely identical people. Or snowflakes, or flowers, or kittens. Every creature on Earth is absolutely unique. Even a tiny spot, a tiny petal - but it will be different... What can we say about Woman, the mystery of nature?
Each of you requires an individual approach - in the choice of clothes, hairstyle, diet.
But when choosing cosmetics, everyone for some reason forgets that they are unique and inimitable and buys the same cream as a friend’s or because advertising advises so.
Or maybe you are simply not given enough or individual choice?
The concept of individual cosmetics refers to the completely unique, genetically determined characteristics of each individual person.
I.C.Lab Individual cosmetic is so far the only company that produces cosmetic products according to individual recipes, based on a complex of data from a video scanning system for facial skin. The recipe is compiled based on the characteristics of a particular person’s skin with the further selection of cosmetic ingredients that most accurately match the client’s skin condition. This is individual cosmetics.

Many women believe that purchasing a cosmetic product with complex active ingredients, hormones and biostimulants guarantees them a 100% anti-aging effect. And at the same time, they completely forget that the more complex the active complex, the more closely you need to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the skin to which such a “complex” cream will be applied. You also can’t discount a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking and alcohol, getting adequate sleep and rest, and proper nutrition.
The main goal of cosmetic facial skin care is to maintain the normal functioning of cells and prevent or prevent premature aging.
Of course, you need to remember that women at every age need their own facial care, corresponding to the given period and the individual needs of the skin.
After 30 years, the production of collagen and elastin in the skin begins to actively slow down, and the first wrinkles begin to appear. For girls who permanently live in urban areas, such skin properties may begin to fade after 25 years. But we are not talking about serious age-related changes yet. This does not mean at all that from 25 to 35 years you do not need to take care of your face or that it is enough to use cheap “empty” creams. Facial care after 30 should be especially thorough, because the skin requires more hydration and nutrition than, for example, skin in youth. Cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting - this is what skin care should be after 30 years to prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles. We should not forget that it is during this period that the basis for the condition of the skin after 35 is laid!
Day and night face cream after 30 years should not only moisturize and nourish the skin well, but also increase the production of collagen and elastin and have antioxidant properties, i.e. have restoration or regeneration properties.

40 is the new 30! Do you agree?! Today at the women’s club we’ll talk about how modern women fight wrinkles without the use of plastic surgery and Botox. Wrinkle filler for eye and lip contours is a solution for those who are used to improving every year and decade, but are not yet ready to resort to radical measures. That's what the advertisement says. Let's figure out how good aggregates are?

Choosing products for home use

Not everyone can afford radical methods, and many women fear that the result will be completely unpredictable. It is easier for them to take care of their face at home, especially since wrinkle fillers and fillers are presented in a wide variety.

Collagen or hyaluronic filler allows you to fill wrinkles quickly and improve the appearance of the skin immediately after application.

However, you should immediately warn: do not expect an effect similar to injections. Unlike injections, fillers will not maintain the results for a whole year: they must be used regularly. At the same time, skincare cosmetics cannot be excluded.

But we’ll talk about this in a little more detail below.

Collagen gel: features

Collagen wrinkle filler works according to the following principle. The substance fills skin folds and smoothes them. A thin film is created on the cover, preventing moisture evaporation. In a number of such products, manufacturers use silicone to enhance effectiveness. Despite the fact that this synthetic substance smoothes well, its long-term use is harmful. When the skin is under the silicone film, it begins to sweat a lot and swell. An ideal environment for the development of microorganisms is formed under the film.

Collagen provides the skin with elasticity and creates a so-called framework to maintain its shape. Otherwise, the skin, which does not have enough of this protein, sags a little, and wrinkles become deeper.

High-quality creams with collagen and wrinkle fillers are usually based on molecules of plant or marine collagen.

In addition to this component, the composition may contain sparkling particles that scatter light and thereby give the skin a smoother appearance. As a rule, such a cream includes mica powder.

Wrinkle fillers also contain other ingredients that are valuable for the skin. So, it is worth highlighting vitamins A and E. For example, retinol is responsible for prolonging youth.

It is important to understand that wrinkle filler gel provides only a visual effect. After makeup removal, the skin will look the same as before. Fillers do not have a cumulative effect.

Fillers from Yves Rocher

Anti-Age Global is marketed as a wrinkle filler and eye contour cream containing plant extracts (except for 10% of the composition). However, let's not forget that the cream contains silicone. Although there are no parabens or mineral oils.

Due to plant extracts, collagen fibers become stronger and restoration at the cellular level is stimulated. Judging by the reviews, wrinkles become less noticeable, bags and dark circles on the lower eyelids also disappear.

At the same time, everything is individual - there is no universal cream that would help everyone.

Vichy lift active advanced

Let's now turn our attention to hyaluronic wrinkle filler. If you believe the manufacturer’s promises, then after a month of regular use of Vichy liftactive advanced, the number and depth of wrinkles will noticeably decrease. This is because it contains hyaluronic acid and retinol. Vitamin A is responsible for regeneration processes and helps restore collagen fibers.

Hyaluronic acid is an important substance for youthful skin. Its main task is to retain moisture. If the cream includes this component, then moisture from the surface of the skin is delivered to deeper layers. In order for hyaluronic acid to penetrate inside and start working, it is important to choose a product with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (it can be low- and high-molecular).


This filler is hyaluronic. In addition to this component, the composition contains extracts of grape seed, birch bark, and rose hips.

Natura Siberica: a product based on black caviar extract

The polycollagen wrinkle filler comes in a bottle with a tapered tip, which is convenient for topical application. The composition, in addition to black caviar extract, contains plant components such as honey herb, medicinal sage, etc., honey, fruit oils, oleic acid, glycerin, alcohol, etc.

Polycollagen filler has a creamy texture. There is no sticky feeling when applied and the pores do not get clogged. However, it is necessary to apply a little product so that it does not clump.

How to use fillers correctly?

Wrinkle fillers - so-called fillers - are not skincare cosmetics. In fact, they are on an intermediate level between anti-aging and decorative cosmetics. Therefore, the komy-za30.ru club recommends not to forget about enhanced nutrition and moisturizing of the skin.

That's why you should first cleanse your skin properly and apply a good moisturizer. And fillers can be used as decorative agents. Because they will not be able to eliminate the factors that lead to early aging of the skin: insufficient moisture, poor care, etc.

Fillers can be sold in containers of various shapes and have different purposes.

  1. For example, fillers in tubes with narrow nozzles are for local application, usually on the skin around the eyes.
  2. Products in jars are suitable for application to the entire face.

It is worth noting that this is a conditional division and is directly related to the form of release. Because really good placeholders will be relatively versatile:

  1. and for crow's feet,
  2. and for wrinkles around the mouth,
  3. and for eyebrow wrinkles.

The products are good to use in combination with concealers and foundations. And to make it more convenient to distribute over the skin, some even recommend mixing them.

Well, aggregates are good, although this does not mean that they can become a panacea and exclude the use of other means. But their secondary role is also important! For example, after using a quality product, you will be able to apply makeup with ease because your skin will be smoother!

Shine with youth and beauty and don’t forget about regular proper care!

The article was verified by an expert - beauty blogger @lil4olga.

After a recent post about mass and luxury, I decided to remember what of the cheapest products made me happy. And I remembered.


from the manufacturer: INSTANT SMOOTHING
Evelyn's laboratory, specializing in the field of anti-aging cosmetics for many years, has created the revolutionary LIFT FILL 3D technology, which provides instant effective filling of even the deepest wrinkles. Thanks to the innovative combination of an intense activator - collagen and elastin and concentrated components that act on wrinkles, it was possible to create a one-of-a-kind skin care course, the effects of which are comparable to the results of professional anti-aging procedures. The effect is enhanced by point application, which, like a microinjection, fills wrinkles from the inside. The skin undergoes thorough regeneration, making it noticeably smoother, more radiant and full of energy every day. This process of filling wrinkles is the most natural, safe and pleasant way to disguise them.
Hyaluronic Acid is an active ingredient widely used by dermatologists to eliminate wrinkles and sculpt facial contours. New generation hyaluronic acid microspheres, the volume of which increases tenfold upon contact with water contained in the skin, fill even very deep wrinkles;
The Lift Fill 3D complex is the latest activator of the processes of restoration and compaction of collagen fibers in the skin structure, ensuring skin elasticity.
Silk proteins - maintain an optimal level of moisture in the epidermis, making the skin soft, silky smooth and elastic.
The Matrixyl® complex, a multifunctional component, provides effective lifting, reduces the depth of wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, penetrates into all cavities and fills wrinkles.
Collagen + Pro-Elastin - stimulate the synthesis of natural elastin and collagen fibers, increase elasticity. Smoothes existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.
A complex of vitamins A, E, F - nourishes the deep layers of the epidermis, provides protection from the harmful effects of the environment, returns natural radiance, energy and youth to the skin.
• fills and smoothes even the deepest wrinkles
• prevents the emergence of new
• gives elasticity and models
• stimulates the synthesis of intercellular substance
• improves skin density and moisture – up to 100%
• eliminates noticeable signs of aging

This cream is one of those products that I never even thought about writing a review about. Because it’s accessible to everyone, and somehow... Not because it’s a cheap mass market, but simply because I didn’t intend to! I don't know, I just didn't intend to. And now I’m writing. I am 31 years old. And a couple of years ago I was visited by wrinkles. At first they didn’t interest me, facial expressions are alive, where can you go, but wrinkles are like cockroaches, if you don’t poison them, they MULTIPLY.
So my crease on my forehead became a source of constant anxiety. When everyone started telling me “don’t wrinkle your forehead,” I thought about it. I don't frown at him. Himself
So the time has come for decisive action, I decided and went to look for my weapon. I didn’t know anything about the beneficial properties and harmful properties of creams, I didn’t read the ingredients, so my eyes fell on the Instant Wrinkle Filler. It didn't bother me that it was for mature skin. Well, I’m a mature woman, which means my skin is mature. Are there any wrinkles? So we'll fill it out. The effect is visible instantly - wrinkles are smoothed out. I persistently smeared it on my long-suffering forehead, carried this cream with me in my cosmetic bag, as soon as a wrinkle appeared, I “killed” it... Several years have passed since then. Nobody tells me “don’t wrinkle your forehead” anymore. There are wrinkles there, but they’re just lines, not deep creases, as it could be. Now I know that it is better not to get carried away with such age-related remedies; at most, you can allow a couple of courses a year for 2 weeks.

And then I saw a wrinkle under my eyes... guess what I bought?? But more on that later, now there is a struggle

and finally, the proof:


This photo is 2 years old. here she is. on the forehead.


and this is a week ago.