How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows at home

In most cases, wrinkles between the eyebrows appear first, so they can also be observed at a young age. This can occur due to active facial expressions, as well as due to systematic frowning of the eyebrows. There can be one or several wrinkles between the eyebrows.

Why do eyebrow wrinkles appear?

The main reason for the development of such wrinkles is increased muscle mobility in the area between the eyebrows. Such wrinkles can be located vertically and horizontally. They are also divided into:

They appear only during movement of the facial muscles.

Visible even at rest.

Signs of the problem in question may appear at the age of 25. By the age of 40–45, collagen ceases to be released in the required quantity, so without daily care, the folds between the eyebrows become deeper. In this age category, wrinkles move from a dynamic state to a static one.

In addition to increased activity of the facial muscles and natural changes associated with age, there are other factors that precede the appearance of folds in the area between the eyebrows:

  1. lack of certain vitamins in the body;
  2. regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation on human skin;
  3. abuse of solarium;
  4. unbalanced diet;
  5. violations of the water regime;
  6. bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  7. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  8. chronic lack of sleep;
  9. frequent stressful situations, tension;
  10. excessive consumption of salty, sweet foods, strong coffee.

How to get rid of the problem?

There are several methods to combat age-related and facial folds between the eyebrows, which are presented below.

Removing eyebrow wrinkles at home

In the early stages, the defect in question can be eliminated using special gymnastics with elements of massage. To carry them out, you need to allocate 10 minutes in the morning and evening. The main requirement for obtaining an effective result is regularity of execution. If you do the exercises correctly, after a while you will experience a feeling of smoothing the area between the eyebrows and unusual lightness.

Plaster as a tool to combat defects

You can fight wrinkles between the eyebrows with the help of a special patch that you can apply yourself at home. It is not recommended to use regular adhesive tape, as it worsens the condition of the dermis and also disrupts the supply of oxygen to it.

The patch helps strengthen the facial skin and facial muscles, and also helps tighten and smooth the skin. This item can help smooth out both vertical and horizontal folds in the eyebrow space. The patch is made of thick paper material with perforations, and there is a sticky substance on one side. This product does not cause significant discomfort when using it.

Homemade recipes: masks, ointments, oils

Below are recipes for masks that help eliminate the pathology in question:


  1. 200 g ripe strawberries;
  2. ½ tbsp. l. oil (olive), liquid honey and chamomile infusion.
  1. First you need to turn the berries into puree.
  2. Then mix well with the rest of the products.
  3. Lubricate the area between the eyebrows with the resulting mixture and leave for ¼ hour.

After time has passed, remove the residue with cotton wool soaked in non-hot water.


To make it you will need 2 egg whites and a mixer.

  1. The whites must be beaten until a thick foam forms.
  2. Steam the forehead area.
  3. Apply the mixture to the desired area of ​​the face and leave for 40 minutes.

During the procedure, you should not frown. After the time has passed, you should rinse your face with non-hot water, removing any remaining mask, and then apply a moisturizer to your face.


  1. Gelatin should be dissolved according to the instructions.
  2. Apply the cooled mixture to the affected area of ​​the face using a brush.
  3. After the gelatin hardens, the residue should be washed off with non-hot water.


  1. The clay must be mixed with water according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Apply the resulting mass into the space between the eyebrows using a brush.
  3. Keep on the skin for 1/3 hour, then rinse your face with water.

With chamomile infusion.

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers;
  2. 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  3. strawberries – 2 – 3 pcs.;
  4. ½ tsp. oil (olive);
  5. 1 tsp. honey
  1. To begin with, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the chamomile and let it cool.
  2. After this, the solution must be passed through a filter.
  3. Next, grind the ripe berries and mix with the infusion.
  4. Then add the remaining products and mix.
  5. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the face for 1/3 hour.
  6. After time, rinse your face with non-hot water.


  1. The oil must be heated using a water bath, but not boiled.
  2. Next, coat the area with wrinkles with oil using a brush.
  3. Keep the mask on for 60 minutes.
  4. After an hour, the oil should be removed with a damp cloth.

With chicken yolk.

  1. yolk;
  2. ½ tsp each vitamins E and A;
  3. 1 tsp. parsley;
  4. 10 drops of lemon juice.
  1. All components must be mixed.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the area with folds.
  3. Leave for 1/3 hour, then rinse your face.


  1. To begin with, it is recommended to wash and peel the fruits, taken in equal proportions.
  2. After this, they must be turned into puree and mixed.
  3. Next, the fruit mixture should be thoroughly mixed with milk.
  4. The mask can then be applied to the area between the eyebrows.
  5. Leave for 1/3 hour, then rinse your face.

Cosmetology care

Today in cosmetology there are many technologies that help rejuvenate and tighten facial skin. These include: various hardware procedures, chemical and mechanical peeling, as well as a variety of products that involve subcutaneous administration. The last method is the most effective.

Injections for facial wrinkles between the eyebrows

Cosmetologists are able to introduce various compounds under the skin of the face that fill and smooth out wrinkles. The most common substances are: Botox, autofat, hyaluronic acid, fillers, vitamins.

Gymnastics and face building

In the facial part, just like in the whole body, there are muscles that can be trained. By combining facial exercises with conventional skin care methods, it is possible to overcome wrinkles located in the space between the eyebrows.

Before performing an exercise to train the facial muscles, you should carry out some procedures:

  1. To begin with, it is recommended to remove makeup from the skin using daily care cosmetics.
  2. Next, wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in tonic or lotion.
  3. After this, you can lightly lubricate your face with moisturizer (for dry skin types).

After completing all of the above steps, you can begin to exercise your facial muscles; for this you will need a mirror with a diameter of at least 30 cm. Next, you should adhere to these execution techniques:

  1. First you need to move your eyebrows, but you must not allow a crease to form between them. To do this, press them lightly with your fingers. This exercise needs to be performed 5 – 6 times.
  2. Next, you need to move on to forming a triangle on your face using your fingers. To do this, the ring finger should be placed at the very beginning of the right eyebrow, the index finger at the beginning of the left, and the middle finger in the area above the bridge of the nose. The middle finger of the other limb should be placed at the point from which hair growth begins. You need to press intensely but smoothly on each point, while at the same time straightening the skin in the space between your eyebrows upward.
  3. The next exercise begins with the elbows on the table, the face should be looking straight, and the fingers should be placed across the frontal part of the face. Then you need to slightly pull the skin upward, smoothing out the wrinkles between the eyebrows. After this, close your eyes and move your fingers in the opposite direction (down). At the same time, you should not frown or reach for your hands with your head. It is recommended to perform this exercise for 5 – 6 seconds.
  4. To perform this exercise, you need to place your middle fingers along the central part of each eyebrow. Then you need to pull them up with a sharp movement, without frowning. After this, it is recommended to count to 5 and perform the same actions in the opposite direction.

After completing facial gymnastics, the skin should be wiped again with milk or micellar water.

Features of the fight against deep eyebrow wrinkles

It is worth considering that with pronounced folds between the eyebrows, traditional methods of eliminating this defect are useless. In this case, you should resort to cosmetic injections, since such a procedure can relieve a person of wrinkles of varying sizes and depths. In addition to the introduction of smoothing and tightening substances using an injection, there are procedures such as laser biorevitalization and electroporation.

The most effective way to combat deep folds in the space between the eyebrows is plastic surgery. However, you should think carefully before agreeing to such a procedure, since the end result may not suit the patient.

Solving the problem at different ages

In different age categories, folds in the eyebrow area have different depths and severity, which is associated with the elasticity of the skin at a young age, as well as with the rapid restoration of the epidermis. After 40 years, natural collagen production slows down.

Prevention of the appearance and fight against expression wrinkles at a young age

For representatives of the fair sex under the age of 30, the best measure to prevent the occurrence of eyebrow wrinkles is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and perform various procedures as a preventive measure.

In order to minimize the likelihood of wrinkles forming in the area between the eyebrows, it is recommended to adhere to the following preventive rules:

  1. You should always watch your facial expressions and avoid frowning;
  2. regularly use cosmetics to nourish and moisturize the skin of the face appropriate for the age category;
  3. replenish the level of vitamins in the body;
  4. maintain water regime, eat a balanced diet;
  5. When exposed to sunlight on your face, always wear sunglasses and apply protective cream to your face;
  6. It is recommended to regularly perform sports exercises or yoga;
  7. wipe your face with a cosmetic ice cube every day;
  8. massage the facial part of the body;
  9. When washing your face, you should not use soap, as it dries the skin too much, thereby causing the appearance of wrinkles;
  10. it is necessary to give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);

Tips for eliminating wrinkles for girls over 30 years old

Girls over the age of 30 can fight wrinkles between the eyebrows using hardware and injection cosmetic procedures. However, you can try to cope with the problem in question yourself at home. For example, carry out a procedure for making and applying various masks to the skin of the face, which are intended for a given age.


  1. To begin with, it is recommended to finely grate the washed cucumber.
  2. Then pour oil into the resulting mass and add the yolk.
  3. Next, all products must be thoroughly mixed.
  4. The finished mask should be applied evenly to the face and left for half an hour.
  5. After time, the cucumber-yolk mixture should be washed off the skin with non-hot water, and then lubricate the face with moisturizing cream.

A cucumber mask is great for nourishing, moisturizing the skin, and also for eliminating shallow wrinkles.


  1. 1 tbsp. l. wax;
  2. 1 tsp. honey in liquid form;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. onion juice.
  1. First, melt the wax to a plastic consistency.
  2. Then mix it thoroughly with the remaining ingredients.
  3. Lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture and leave for ¼ hour.
  4. After time, you need to remove the remnants of the mask with warm water.

How to get rid of eyebrow wrinkles after 50 years?

In women over the age of 50, natural collagen production stops. The activity of the sebaceous glands also decreases due to reduced estrogen levels. As a result, the skin becomes drier and thinner. At this age, deep folds appear between the eyebrows.

In this case home remedies for eliminating the problem in question are ineffective. Therefore, women over 50 years of age are recommended to combat eyebrow wrinkles with the help of cosmetic injections, hardware procedures, and laser facial skin rejuvenation. You can also seek help from a plastic surgeon.

Every woman dreams of staying young and beautiful for as long as possible. And this desire is quite understandable. After all, over time, the skin loses its natural substances, which leads to its withering and aging. Unwanted wrinkles begin to form, complexion deteriorates, the skin loses its former elasticity - and this is not all the manifestations. But all these factors can also affect a person’s psychological state. Prolonged depression begins, nervous breakdowns become more frequent, self-confidence decreases, which leads to a decrease in self-esteem. Naturally, all these problems are reflected both on the family front and at work.

Therefore, it is very important to start taking care of your skin from the age of twenty and maintain it in good shape throughout your entire life. Over the years, many scientists and doctors have been developing various techniques and special products that are designed to help in the fight against aging. And today there is a large assortment of drugs that have successfully passed all clinical studies and are used by qualified cosmetologists for anti-aging procedures. However, traditional medicine does not stand still, offering its own successful recipes.

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows? Is it possible to fight them with the help of traditional medicine? Let's find answers to these questions.

Causes of wrinkles

Each body is individual, and, accordingly, the time for the formation of wrinkles may be different for everyone. But as practice shows, wrinkles begin to appear at about 25 years of age. The reasons for this may be the following:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Natural aging.
  3. Frequent muscle contractions.
  4. Resorption of the fat layer.
  5. Excessive use of ultraviolet light.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Injuries.
  8. Decreased collagen and elastin in subcutaneous tissues.
  9. Lack of sleep.
  10. Excessive alcohol consumption.
  11. Hard water.
  12. Poor skin care.
  13. Dehydration, causing the skin to become loose.
  14. Avitaminosis.
  15. Constant consumption of low-calorie foods.

Eyebrow wrinkles

In addition to all of the above, wrinkles between the eyebrows can form for one more reason. This is an all-too-frequent display of various emotions on the face, for example:

Facial muscles instantly react to the expressed emotion, and the result is reproduced on the face. For example, when a person frowns, the eyebrows move. And the more often this happens, the faster vertical wrinkles appear between the eyebrows. Some people have these wrinkles already in their twenties. Closer to 40, wrinkles begin to deepen, and this is due to the fact that the skin begins to lose its elasticity due to a decrease in the necessary substances in the subcutaneous layer.

Types of eyebrow wrinkles

Formed wrinkles between the eyebrows are divided into two types:

  1. Supratransferential. Appear as vertical lines. Formed when a person is often angry or irritated.
  2. Horizontal. They appear in the form of horizontal lines around the perimeter of the forehead. Formed due to frequent raising of the eyebrows. For example, when a person is amazed.

Advice. How to remove wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows? First of all, if you don’t want expression lines to deepen, then try to control the emotions on your face. Especially try to frown less. And in sunny weather, wear sunglasses.

Ways to eliminate brow wrinkles

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows? At the moment, there are many different options to combat them. Let's look at the most basic methods.

Botex. It is one of the fastest ways to smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows. The procedure is carried out by injection. A natural protein is injected into the desired suprafrontal muscle, which has a paralyzing effect. As a result, wrinkles disappear and the effect lasts for six months. Then the procedure is repeated.

Cream. Some manufacturers offer an alternative to Botox - using special creams with a narrow focus. Creams relax facial muscles, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out.

Traditional methods. Gymnastics, facial massage, masks, cooking at home.

Special gymnastics and facial massage

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows with massage? Quite simple massaging movements can smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows, but the effect will not be visible immediately. Therefore, when applying this technique, you should stock up on diligence and patience. Here are some types of exercises:

  1. Place a few fingers on the bridge of your nose and, with light movements, smooth the crease from the center to the sides.
  2. Using your fingertips, stroke the nasolabial fold from bottom to top.
  3. Using circular movements, begin massaging your cheeks towards your temples.
  4. Use your palms to move along your jaw from your chin towards your ears.

Each movement must be done 20 times.

If you catch yourself thinking that you are frowning, then raise your eyebrows up and hold them in this position for several minutes.

How to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows using gymnastics? There is a whole course of exercises that can smooth out wrinkles.

The first thing to do is to thoroughly wash your face and hands.

Place your fingers along the eyebrow line and fix them in this position. Now try raising and lowering your eyebrows, while keeping your hands in the same position. These movements should be done until a slight burning sensation appears. Next, fix the position with raised eyebrows for 30 seconds.

After this, massage the brow area of ​​your forehead in a circular motion. This exercise effectively smooths out vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.

Pre-lubricate your forehead with cream. Next, lightly massage the area between your eyebrows to relieve tension. Then place your fingers between your eyebrows in a vertical position and begin to spread them on both sides of your temples, count to 10 and release. Then place your finger between the eyebrows again and use the rest of your fingers to feel the forehead area being treated for 10 seconds. Next, tap your fingertips along the entire perimeter of your forehead until you feel warmth. This exercise is great for relieving muscle spasms.

Place your palms in a vertical position on your face so that your fingers grip the superciliary part of your forehead. Lightly pressing your palms on your face, begin to spread your arms in different directions. At the same time, try to frown, but your palms will offer resistance, eliminating the possibility of a fold forming between the eyebrows. This exercise should last for 20 seconds. It must be repeated 3 times.

To achieve a good effect, you need to repeat the exercises 2 times a day. And then within a month the first result will appear, which will certainly please you.

Application of the patch

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows using a patch? At the moment, you can buy a special patch in pharmacies that helps smooth out eyebrow and forehead wrinkles and also prevents their appearance. If you haven’t found a specialized one, then you can get by with a simple one.

The method of application is very simple:

  1. Wash your face.
  2. Apply moisturizer.
  3. Cut the patch into pieces according to the size of the wrinkles.
  4. Apply a solution of vitamin C to the wrinkles and cover with a band-aid.

It is better to do the procedure at night and leave the patch on your face until the morning.


How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows using paraffin? This product perfectly fights such wrinkles.

Melt 25 gr. paraffin over low heat. Fold the gauze or gauze bandage into several layers, wet it with this mixture and quickly place it on the forehead without touching the hair. Keep the bandage for 15-20 minutes. Then carefully remove and lubricate the skin with cream. The procedure can be performed twice a week.

Folk recipes

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows? Traditional methods will come in very handy here. For those who do not trust cosmetologists, it is ideal to use various oils, fruits, vitamins and homemade masks against wrinkles.

How to remove vertical wrinkles between eyebrows? You can prepare a mask based on flaxseed oil, which is rich in vitamins A, B, E and amino acids. It has long been used to make anti-aging masks. The composition of one of them is as follows:

  1. Avocado - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Grapefruit juice - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Flaxseed oil - 1 tablespoon.

Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water.

Flaxseed oil perfectly stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer, which promotes the formation of new cells. The product can be purchased in pharmacies in bottles or capsules.

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that destroys free radicals.

Mix a vitamin C tablet with warm boiled water to form a thick mass. Apply the resulting paste to the wrinkles between the eyebrows using massaging movements and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water.

This mixture can be added to your moisturizer to enhance the effect.

Almost all citrus fruits are enriched with vitamins and are useful for both general strengthening of the body and rejuvenation of the skin.

Vitaminized mask against wrinkles in the forehead area.

  1. Extracted parsley juice - 1 spoon.
  2. Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  3. A mixture of vitamins A, E - 1 spoon.
  4. Essential oil of grapefruit, or orange – 5 drops.
  5. Lemon juice - 10 drops.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to the forehead with a brush.

Such masks can be alternated with anti-wrinkle recipes based on olive oil.

Avocado is famous for its high protein content, vitamins A, E and good concentration of oil. If you don’t have time to prepare a mask, you can simply grate the avocado and apply it to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Mix all components in equal proportions and apply to wrinkles between the eyebrows. Use this mask twice a week.

Wax based mask.

  1. Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Wax - 4 gr.

Heat olive oil on the stove and add wax. When the wax has melted, remove from heat and continue stirring until it becomes creamy. This cream is suitable for everyday use. Wax perfectly regenerates subcutaneous cells, as a result of which wrinkles in the forehead area are smoothed out.

Useful tips

Do you have a deep wrinkle between your eyebrows? How to remove? First of all, take note of some tips:

  1. Try to frown as little as possible.
  2. Use sunscreen in bright sun. To avoid squinting, you should wear sunglasses.
  3. Try not to squint at the monitor.
  4. Moisturize your skin with cream in the morning. Apply nourishing cream at night.
  5. Periodically wipe your forehead with aloe juice or ice from a herbal decoction.
  6. Try to eat right and drink plenty of water.

Even young girls can develop wrinkles between the eyebrows. This is due to genetics and active facial expressions, as well as insufficient care. There are many options for solving this problem, both in beauty salons and at home.

Reasons for appearance

The fold between the eyebrows can be vertical or horizontal. Longitudinal furrows arise due to frequent manifestations of dissatisfaction and anger. Whereas transverse ones appear with frequent surprise. The latter is less common.

At an early stage, they can only be noticeable with active facial expressions. If the fold is noticeable in a static position, it will be more difficult to get rid of it.

After 25 years, in girls, collagen production decreases, and the turgor without proper care becomes dehydrated, which leads to the appearance of the first “crow’s feet”.

Other causes may include frequent smoking, exposure to the scorching sun without protective cream, stress, poor lifestyle, poor nutrition and lack of vitamins.

General dryness also suggests early wrinkles; such skin requires more careful care.
The constant use of low-quality cosmetics for personal care and for applying makeup also has certain consequences.

Cosmetology procedures

The problem can be solved in a couple of sessions with a cosmetologist. But it is necessary to approach this issue responsibly. Find a specialist in your field, rather than looking for a cheaper price. Otherwise, everything can turn into disastrous consequences.

How to remove eyebrow wrinkles with fillers

Filers fill the resulting void. There are several fillers:

Restylane. It contains hyaluronic acid, which attracts water molecules, thereby filling and smoothing the cells.

Juvederm. Also contains hyaluronic acid. Suitable for lip augmentation.

Radiesse. Dermal filler containing gel and calcium. Used for deep furrows. Helps produce collagen.

Perline. Contains hyaluronic acid, which is denser in consistency. It can fill deeper cavities.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in all human tissues. With age, its concentration decreases, and the face begins to sag. In salons, the procedure for injection of hyaluronic acid is at the peak of popularity.

Currently, it is the safest solution for filling furrows. The disadvantage of this procedure is the need to repeat it once or twice a year.

The injected drug evenly smoothes the grooves, retaining moisture in the cells. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.


Botox does not fill wrinkles like hyaluronic acid, but relaxes them. Injecting Botox more than once a year is contraindicated. Also, in the hands of a professional, injections will be virtually painless and safe for health. After 9 months, the drug is eliminated from the body on its own. And the client is left without Botox, so the procedure must be repeated.

Botox is prohibited from being administered to pregnant women with individual intolerance to the drug, damage to the skin and diseases of the dermis at the injection site.
The consequences may appear the next day in the form of swelling, drooping eyebrows, and immobility of some muscles.


The event involves exposing cells to flashes of light of a certain length and frequency. Photorejuvenation can remove pigmentation, acne, and normalizes sebum production. Flashes of light warm up the cells and promote the production of collagen in the deep layers of the dermis.


Vitamin injections - the procedure is quite painful, but effective. After the course, acne and inflammation disappear, the skin becomes smooth and velvety. After 5 procedures, you can brush off ten years of age.

Collagen is produced, the skin’s natural defenses are strengthened, and inflammation is prevented.
Vitamin injections can be applied both over the entire face and in certain areas.

Removing eyebrow folds at home

Home treatments are both prevention and an excellent way to combat eyebrow folds. Don't underestimate taking care of your face yourself. For example, masks are an excellent way to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fill cells with the necessary elements.

Yeast mask

This mask can be actively used after 25 years, when the skin slowly begins to lose its natural youth and needs support. Also, in addition to preventing aging, this mask protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
It is better to take brewer's yeast or briquetted yeast. Dry yeast won't do any good.

Steam your face and do not keep the mask on for more than 20 minutes. If you experience severe discomfort, wash off the mask.

Recipe: dilute the yeast with warm milk until it becomes thick sour cream, which will be convenient to apply to the skin. Leave the mask on for at least 15 minutes.
When completing the procedure, be sure to carefully apply a nourishing cream and perform a light self-massage.

Olive oil mask

Olive oil is actively used in cosmetology, because it is a storehouse of vitamins. It is important to take cold-pressed oil in a dark glass bottle, this way all the beneficial properties are preserved.

Mix 15 ml of olive oil with a couple of drops of vitamin E (this can be purchased at any pharmacy). Apply in an even layer, leave for 10-15 minutes.

Lemon mask

You will need olive oil and fresh lemon. Mix lemon juice and oil in a 1:1 ratio. Use the mask for at least 10 minutes.


Oil masks tone and nourish the skin. They are added to creams, shampoos, and tonics. It is worth noting that natural essential oil cannot cost 50 rubles. The oil is extracted in a rather labor-intensive way, and its price ranges from 300 to 2000 rubles per 10 ml.

Small bottles at the same price standing on the shelves cannot be natural. If you want to achieve results, it is better to find trusted suppliers. Each oil has its own price.

Essential oils are also prohibited from being used in their pure form. They need to be diluted with the base ones.

Mask recipe for deep wrinkles

10 ml each of wheat germ oil, avocado, jojoba. Add 2-3 drops of rose and sandalwood oils to them. For best effect, heat the mixture in a water bath.
The course of using this mask is two weeks. Use twice a day, morning and evening. Apply to face and leave for 30 minutes, blot off excess with a towel.

Homemade cream with oils

You will need a tablespoon of cocoa butter, a teaspoon each of olive oil and beeswax and a tablespoon of mint water.

Melt the wax in a water bath and pour in the remaining ingredients. The cream is stored for a week in a sterilized container in the refrigerator. Use at night.


The anti-wrinkle patch works very simply. It is glued to the problem area, in our case the area between the eyebrows. And it stays there for a while.

You won’t be able to use your facial expressions with such a patch and, as a result, the muscles will relax, remaining in their natural position. Regular use of such a patch will help you develop a habit, and your facial expressions will no longer harm your beauty.

This method is quite simple and has no consequences. The result can be seen after 3 procedures, and fine wrinkles will smooth out after the first.


Paraffin has magical properties and is often used to prepare hands for manicure. The skin becomes soft and velvety. The same thing happens with facial skin. You can learn how to perform paraffin therapy at home here.

You can purchase paraffin at a pharmacy or specialty store. Heat it in a water bath, it is important to understand what temperature will be acceptable. Otherwise you may get burned.

Paraffin mask

You will need 20 grams of paraffin, two teaspoons of sunflower oil and a pinch of dry ground ginger. Heat the paraffin in the oven or in a water bath and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply in one layer until completely dry. Typically the process takes 25-30 minutes.