Why do the palms of your hands dry out? Causes in men

Remembering Coco Chanel’s fair remark “You won’t have a second chance to make a first impression,” people often forget that before that she said: “Hands are a woman’s calling card, her neck is her passport, and her breasts are her international passport.” Hands are the most important indicator of health and age.

Women's problem

The skin on them is significantly different in structure from the skin on the face. On the surface of the hands, the subcutaneous tissue is thin, mobile and contains a small number of sebaceous glands. They are completely absent on the palms. The problem of oily skin typical for the face will never be relevant for the hands. Dry skin on the hands and increased sweating of the palms are the main causes of concern.


If there is a problem, then you need to look for a solution. To find the right one, you need to understand the reason.

Our skin constantly breathes, of course, not to the same extent as the lungs. The cover protects the body and helps maintain a constant body temperature.

The skin of the hands is the first to absorb all negative environmental factors. This is the main reason why your hands get dry. Temperature changes when moving from indoors to outdoors, windy weather, bright sun, frost. The first blow is taken by the skin on the hands and face. Hands come into contact with water more often than any other part of the body. They occur with cosmetics and detergents 20 times more often than on the face. Vitamin deficiencies and poor nutrition can be diagnosed by the appearance of your hands. Dermatitis and allergic reactions most often affect this part of our body.

Environmental factors

Wind, frosty air, heating and dry indoor air have a negative impact on the hands and face. The skin on your hands dries, your face turns red and begins to peel. In winter, in order to soften irritated and dry skin, it is necessary to replace the day cream with a more nourishing and oily one. Without forgetting the precautions.


Apply the cream thirty minutes before going outside. This is the time during which it will have time to be absorbed and begin to fulfill its protective role. Otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Cosmetologists suggest replacing hand cream with cosmetic oil. It creates a film that performs moisturizing functions and helps protect against wrinkles. Must be used at least twice a day. Cleansers are replaced with softer and more delicate ones.

Summer heat and intense ultraviolet radiation require a different approach to the problem. In summer, hands get no less dry, but problems with pigmentation and blemishes also arise. To care for your hands, use light moisturizing fluids, supplementing care products with creams with SPF protection. It is always advisable to have thermal water on hand. Split systems and air conditioners dry the air in the room just as intensively as heating systems.

Household chemicals

Our hands come into contact with water every day, as well as with various means for washing dishes, washing and cleaning various types of surfaces. Over time, an allergic reaction may begin to various chemical components. Signs include dry and cracked hands, red pimples, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters. Basic precautions can help protect against such problems. Let's look at them:


  1. Every time after washing your hands, dishes or laundry, try to dry them thoroughly.
  2. For all types of work related to household chemicals, as well as when washing and peeling vegetables, protective gloves are used. When latex or vinyl ones are not suitable, it is recommended to pre-lubricate the skin with silicone hand cream.
  3. In case of inflammation of the cuticle, it is treated with iodine.
  4. Hygienic lipstick will help you get rid of the consequences when your fingers dry out and crack. The ends are lubricated with it. It will help the cracks heal faster.
  5. It is advisable to get rid of low-quality household products at the slightest sign of irritation and inflammation of the skin on your hands. Some people think that laundry soap is a good substitute. This opinion is wrong. The alkali contained in it corrodes subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Nutrition and lifestyle

When careful care is carried out and all precautions are observed, but your hands become dry, the reason may be a lack of vitamins. Dry, rough skin is a sign of nicotinic acid deficiency in the body. Vitamin PP is present in cereals, beans and lean fish. Flaky skin covered with pustules indicates a lack of retinol and carotene. A lack of vitamin A is indicated by the presence of dark spots on the hands. This element is present in pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, egg yolk, and also in all types of liver. Skin that has lost its elasticity and looks sluggish needs vitamin E.


A large amount of it is found in green vegetables and unrefined vegetable oil. It is also called the “vitamin of youth”. It is recommended to take one teaspoon of any vegetable oil every day.


Why do my hands get dry? This phenomenon can cause various diseases. Diseases affecting the skin of the hands: ichthyosis, eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis. The scientific name for dry skin is xerosis or xeroderma. If you suspect that the disease is the reason why your hands are dry, your doctor will advise you on what to do. Thorough analyzes and necessary examinations are carried out. They will prescribe the necessary course of therapy and medication.

To give your hands a beautiful and well-groomed look, cosmetologists are developing many products. Our great-grandmothers were also worried about the problem of how to hide their age, striking with grace and elegance of their hands. History has left many folk recipes that are relevant to this day.


  1. Oily. Dilute ¼ cup of any vegetable oil in warm water, lower your hands and hold for twenty minutes. After the procedure, dry your hands in the air for 5 minutes, blot off the remaining oil with paper napkins.
  2. Potato. The water in which the potatoes were boiled is cooled to a temperature that is pleasant to the skin. Immerse hands for fifteen minutes.



  1. Parsley and raspberries. Take 1 cup of raspberries, 1 bunch of parsley and ½ cup of water. Boil for 20 minutes. The mass is kneaded in a bowl, cooled and filtered. Gauze cloth is moistened in the prepared liquid and applied to dry and clean hands. Leave for 15-20 minutes.



A little conclusion

Now you know why your hands dry out, we have named the reasons. We also described the features of caring for them. We hope that our advice will help you.

A person’s appearance is a reflection of the state of his body. Dry skin on the palms indicates the presence of certain problems, which requires a special approach to treatment and prevention. Women especially suffer from this defect, since the appearance of their hands is extremely important to them.


The reasons why the palms of the hands become dry are the impact of external aggressive factors on them or the presence of certain health problems.

Use of household chemicals and other external factors

The skin on the palms may crack and peel for the following reasons:

  1. Using aggressive detergents from the household chemicals category without protective gloves. This is due to their irritating effect on the skin.
  2. Frequent use of antibacterial gels and hand creams. They destroy the protective layer of the epidermis, which leads to increased dryness.
  3. Contact of palms with construction mixtures, solutions, dust generated during repairs. From such an impact it can crack. Quite often a severe allergic reaction develops with the appearance of rashes and inflamed areas.
  4. The use of low-quality care cosmetics - creams, lotions, gels.
  5. Exposure of the skin to high or low temperatures, wind, sun.

Internal reasons

Peeling on the surface of the palms is often observed in people with dry skin after contact with water or other external irritants.

The appearance of this problem in children and adults can also be caused by certain pathological conditions of the body:

  1. Skin infection due to fungal infection.
  2. Poor nutrition, which leads to a deficiency of vital vitamins and minerals.
  3. Development of dermatological diseases. Dry skin can be caused by psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and scabies.
  4. The presence of serious systemic diseases - diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction.
  5. Hormonal changes in the human body. Often problems with the epidermis occur during pregnancy or menopause.

Skin peeling may occur after antibiotic treatment.

Features of care

If the surface of your hands becomes dry, you need to provide them with proper care. This will help prevent the formation of deep cracks and the development of the inflammatory process.

Caring for flaky skin involves following these rules:

  1. To cleanse the skin, use hypoallergenic soap or gel. After water procedures, dry your hands with a soft towel, paying due attention to the area between the fingers.
  2. When cleaning, you should use high-quality rubber gloves to prevent contact of the epidermis with detergents.
  3. If you identify an allergen that causes peeling, you must avoid contact with it, which will help prevent the development of the problem.
  4. To maintain an attractive appearance of your hands, you must adhere to a balanced diet. You should avoid strict diets and include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and vegetable oils in your daily menu.
  5. In the winter-spring period, you can compensate for the lack of nutrients in your diet with the help of special vitamin-mineral complexes, which are sold in any pharmacy.
  6. To normalize the functioning of the entire body and speed up natural recovery processes, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, fatty and overly spicy foods.
  7. It is recommended to use special moisturizing hand creams daily. They should be applied half an hour before going outside and before bed.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of rough, rough and cracked skin and make it soft and attractive with the help of special folk recipes.


Baths to normalize the condition of the skin on the surface of the hands can be carried out using the following products:

  1. Camomile tea. Two tablespoons of medicinal plant flowers should be poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture should sit for 20 minutes. The liquid is filtered and diluted with a small amount of clean water. It is recommended to take a chamomile bath before bed. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After the bath, dry your hands with a soft towel and apply olive oil to their surface. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, moisturizes the skin and relieves irritation.
  2. Saline and soda solutions. This procedure helps get rid of dry skin and strengthens it. In a liter of warm purified water, you need to dissolve 70 g of soda and 15 g of regular or sea salt. Place your hands in the resulting mixture and hold for 20 minutes, after which they are washed under the tap.


You can treat chapped hand skin using special homemade masks:

  1. Honey. Has a pronounced moisturizing and wound-healing effect. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of honey and oatmeal. After about 15 minutes, the mask is applied to the skin of the hands and kept for 30 minutes. After this, hands are washed and additionally lubricated with rich cream.
  2. Cucumber mask. Has a softening and moisturizing effect. Grate fresh cucumber on a fine grater and add 120 ml of milk. Place your hands in the resulting mixture and hold for 13 minutes, then wash them with plain water.
  3. Carrot. To prepare the medicinal mixture, take one root vegetable and grate it on a fine grater. Add two tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon of oatmeal to the resulting puree. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to problem areas and left for 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply olive oil.
  4. Sour cream. Helps moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. To prepare it, mix a glass of sour cream with the juice of one lemon and raw yolk. The resulting mixture is applied to a piece of gauze and applied to the problem skin. Hands are additionally wrapped in cellophane and cloth. Keep this mask for half an hour, after which it is washed off with plain water.

If deep cracks appear on your hands caused by increased sensitivity and dry skin, you can use a special homemade ointment to improve their condition. The medicine consists of several simple ingredients - a teaspoon of vinegar, yolk, a tablespoon of any vegetable oil.

These components are combined with each other, and the ointment is ready. It is applied to the hands, after which cotton gloves are put on. This compress should be kept overnight. In the morning, wash your hands with warm water.

Prevention measures

To preserve the attractive appearance of your skin for many years, you must follow these tips:

  1. It is recommended to wash your hands only in warm water. Too high a temperature leads to peeling, low temperature leads to loss of elasticity.
  2. Dry your hands only with clean towels made from natural soft fabrics.
  3. Every day before going to bed, lubricate the skin with moisturizing creams containing plant extracts, nourishing oils and vitamins.
  4. Every week it is recommended to make moisturizing masks using pharmaceutical or homemade products.
  5. Do not expose your hands to frost or wind. For protection, it is recommended to wear warm gloves.

By adhering to these rules, you can significantly improve the appearance of your skin and prevent excessive dryness and flaking.

The positive effect of cosmetic procedures will increase if you supplement them with proper nutrition and quality rest.

The occurrence of dry hands causes a lot of unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations. First of all, you need to understand what causes this discomfort. It depends on this: will a regular hand cream save you, or should you take the issue more seriously.

Why does the skin on the palms dry out and crack?

The main causes of peeling skin on the hands:


  1. influence of external factors,
  2. unsuitable soap or cream,
  3. change of cosmetic product,
  4. doing “dirty” work,
  5. regular use of detergents,
  6. weather,
  7. diseases that result in problems with dry skin of the hands,
  8. lack of vitamins (A and E),
  9. fungal infections
  10. long-term use of medications,
  11. allergy,
  12. skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema),
  13. hormonal disorders.

Important! If dry hands cause you not just discomfort, but also pain, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Prevention of dryness

How to get rid of dryness and restore beauty to your hands?! The answer to this question directly depends on the cause of the problem.
If the appearance of discomfort was provoked by the influence of external factors, then restoring health to your hands will not be difficult.


First of all, you should pay attention to hand hygiene. When choosing soap, you should give preference to natural products that do not contain so-called surfactants, which will not disturb the upper layer of the skin and deprive it of moisture. You can make wonderful detergents yourself using soap base and glycerin. You can also add propolis or honey.


It must be remembered that the delicate skin of your hands does not tolerate too cold or too hot water. It is advisable to change the towel used for hands daily. After all, having absorbed the remaining moisture, it will serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.
It is advisable to avoid using electric drying devices, as they greatly dry out the skin. It is better to give preference to a paper towel or napkin.

An equally important aspect in hand care is the competent organization of housework. To protect the skin of their hands, most housewives use rubber gloves. To prevent them from harming the skin, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with a protective cream before starting work. Important! You can put on gloves only after the cream has been completely absorbed.

If you have eliminated all negative external factors, but dryness and flaking continue to bother you, then you should consult a specialist.

Folk remedies

There are many wonderful time-tested folk methods for restoring health to the skin on your hands. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that all these methods are aimed at eliminating external defects. And if the problem is hidden inside the body, then you shouldn’t expect a miracle. As a rule, traditional methods bring some relief after the first use. If after two or three procedures you do not feel any improvement, then it is better to consult a doctor.


Let's look at some of the most popular popular remedies that help eliminate dry skin on the hands:

  1. potato: Boil a few potatoes in milk and mash them. Apply the mask to your hands until it cools and wash off immediately. Potatoes not only have healing properties, but also nourish and brighten the skin.
  2. honey: Warm up some honey in a water bath and apply to your hands. Honey provides your hands not only with nutrition, but also with hydration.
  3. bread mask: This mask is made from the pulp of rye bread with the addition of yolk and sour cream. Bread copes wonderfully with the problem of flaking.

2) Oils.
To treat the skin on your hands, it is better to use oil not in its pure form, but as part of wraps or baths, adding glycerin and honey. With this method, the oil will gradually penetrate into the top layer of the skin. The best option in this case would be olive oil. First of all, you need to heat it up and then add other ingredients. We limit the duration of the procedure to a few minutes, and then use a napkin to remove the remains. And to top it off, apply moisturizer to your hands. You can combine several types of oils. Almond, peach seed and pumpkin seed oils, grape seed oil and jojoba oil are well suited for this purpose.

  1. Herbs with strengthening and anti-inflammatory effects are ideal for treating hand skin. Herbs should only be used in dried form. For such purposes, we can recommend thyme, chamomile, string and mint. When preparing the decoction, we observe the following proportions - two tablespoons of herbs to a couple of glasses of boiling water. We keep the hands in the broth for about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, apply cream to dry hands.
  2. A decoction of flax seeds, oak bark, elderberry flowers and St. John's wort will be beneficial for your hands. Leave your hands in this bath for up to ten minutes, and then lubricate them with camphor ointment.
  3. Ordinary whey also has wonderful properties for moisturizing and disinfecting the skin. To carry out the procedure, it is warmed to room temperature and the hands are immersed for five minutes.

4) Peels and scrubs.
Regular brewed coffee is perfect for this purpose. This scrub will gently exfoliate dead skin cells.
You can also prepare a very gentle peeling from thick honey and cream made with almond oil. At the same time, the cream in the composition should be twice as much as honey. This product can be left on the hands overnight, while wearing cotton gloves. And in the morning, rinse with warm water.

Hand cream for cracks and dryness

There are special creams and ointments to soften the skin. These could be drugs from a pharmacy or the nearest household chemicals store. The main thing is to look at the composition. We will select the most effective creams for dryness.


  1. Radevit is a healing ointment used for cracks and complex wounds.
  2. Hand cream of the “Before and After” brand - intended for dry and rough skin of the hands.
  3. Cream “Lekar” is an aloe-based product designed to soften tight skin.
  4. Velvet Hands - cream with allantoin and avocado oil to eliminate flaking and signs of irritation.
  5. D-Panthenol is an ointment used for burns and problems with dry skin.


If the ointments described above do not help, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the cause of dry skin on the palms is an allergy. Then it is necessary to take antihistamines orally or topically (Fenistil ointment).

Diet for skin problems

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to the list of products, the regular use of which will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the health and appearance of the skin on your hands. If the skin on the palms dries and cracks, you can add a special menu to the treatment.

  1. dark chocolate, red wine, apples and tea will provide your skin with flan-like substances (protection against free radicals),
  2. citrus fruits, legumes, nuts and apricots will help improve metabolic processes in the skin,
  3. fish and flaxseed oil will supply the body with omega-3 fatty acids (quickly get rid of cracks, prevent the appearance of wrinkles),
  4. carrots will enrich you with keratin, which will protect the skin on your hands from the effects of UV rays,
    sunflower and olive oil will provide you with vitamin E, which will allow the skin of your hands to look young and fresh longer,
  5. The beneficial substances contained in oatmeal will protect your hands from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Take these simple tips into account and your hands will be beautiful and healthy!