Libriderm cream for dry skin

All information about hyaluronic acid cream and reviews of it

What is hyaluronic acid and where is it used?

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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The sensational popularity of hyaluronic acid has attracted the interest of many women over 35 years old. According to rumors, a cream with such an acid can rejuvenate the skin, remove all wrinkles, spots and unevenness. In general, according to the reviews of many women who have tried this cream, it is a real salvation. But is any cream really capable of restoring the youth of the face by quickly dealing with problem areas? Today we will look at what hyaluronic acid is, where you can get it, why it is so useful and whether the cream with it deservedly gained fame as an excellent rejuvenation healer.

Hyaluronic acid from the chemical and biological side

Hyaluronic acid is found in the human body by itself, but after the age of 35 it is produced in smaller quantities. Every year it becomes less and less, so wrinkles appear.

What function does it perform, and why does it inhibit aging?

The answer to this question is quite simple. It is found in various fluids of the human body: saliva, interarticular fluid, etc. This acid stimulates cell restoration: it promotes the creation of new ones and the regeneration of old ones. Thus, various types of tissues do not disappear, do not become worse or thinner, their volume remains the same. Natural hyaluronic acid restores not only the integumentary tissues (i.e. skin), but the tissues of all organs, all blood vessels, all bones.

But at the age of 35, women are more concerned not with their internal health, because by that time it has not yet begun to show signs of old age, but with external beauty: the first wrinkles appear. At first, they are visible only when you smile - in addition to the usual dimples, barely noticeable small folds appear on the cheeks. This is where they begin to worry in the first place.

When something is no longer enough in the human body, they try to add it artificially. They have long learned to create hyaluronic acid in the laboratory. For example, from the eyeball of cattle, the comb of a rooster or the umbilical cord of a person. It is used in the form of injections under the skin, special granules, capsules or in creams.

The last method turned out to be the most inexpensive and safest: there is no need to pierce the skin, which means the likelihood of infection is reduced, the cream is much cheaper than the other two options, and it is easy and simple to use.

Types of hyaluronic acid, their differences

Hyaluronic acid is divided into two more types: low molecular weight and high molecular weight. It all depends on the method of its extraction and manufacture. High molecular weight means that it contains molecules that are large in size and weight, while low molecular weight means that it contains small and light molecules.

The latter are good because they easily pass under the skin, forcing not only the top layer of skin (horny) to regenerate. The restoration is more effective, and the cream does not leave any traces on the surface, and the effect is visible almost immediately: the skin of the face is smoothed and evened out.

The acid, which contains heavier molecules, remains on the surface of the skin, forming a light layer of film without clogging the skin. You can also easily apply any cosmetics to it. The cream will attract water for cell regeneration not from the body, but from the air, that is, it will not dry out the body, but will saturate and rejuvenate the cells. True, the effect of heavy cells is less, since they act only on the surface of the skin.

The lack of hyaluronic acid dries out the skin, which is how wrinkles appear. Various creams with it are really effective, so they cost several times more than usual. Manufacturers who want to make money often counterfeit the product. If the presence of this healing drug is written on the box or the tube itself, it does not mean that it is actually there. Take the time to read the full contents on the back of the bottle or box to make sure you are not buying a fake. It is best to purchase such a product in pharmacies: this way you guarantee yourself confidence in your choice.

Cons of face creams

Now it's time to talk about the disadvantages of such face creams. When you start frequently feeding your skin hyaluronic acid, it will stop producing it on its own. Why should tissues complicate their existence if they get help from the outside? Therefore, dermatologists do not recommend aggravating wrinkles with this remedy. Your body will be able to produce substances for cell regeneration for a long time, just in smaller quantities every year.

If you overdo it with the cream, the body will stop producing them altogether. Then you will have to use it every day so as not to look 20 years older than your age.

Which brand of cream is better to choose?

Many companies have been producing preparations with this content for a long time; women in Russia and the CIS countries have a large selection on the market of cosmetics and cosmetic products for facial skin care. Which product is chosen more often, which brand and why?

What factors influence the choice of cream?

First, let’s determine what women want, what they expect, what they look at when purchasing this product:

  1. Firstly, the price. It should be something in between. The lowest price will mean that the product may be of poor quality or simply a fake, and you won’t want to pay too much money for that.
  2. Secondly, the country of origin. I would like to count on the quality of the product without even knowing its contents. Well-known stereotypes about Germany and Japan will help here: two countries that do any work efficiently.
  3. Thirdly, the amount of hyaluronic acid content and the presence of other components. Creams with it can be divided into two types: Where this acid plays the main and most important role. The remaining components are aimed at imparting some color and smell to the mixture, softening the skin, etc. Second option: all the main components are aimed at rejuvenation, hydration and elimination of wrinkles, and hyaluronic acid should simply speed up these processes. Be that as it may, be sure to look at the additional composition of the drug: it may contain substances that cause allergic reactions, mild burns or other negative effects.
  4. Fourthly, the consistency of the cream. If the main part of the liquid, which is on top of the jar, separates from it, this will indicate incorrect proportions, a lack of any substance that binds the mixture together. If the cream contains small grains resembling sugar, this is also an unfavorable sign. Due to some chemical reaction, crystalline compounds began to form, that is, the cream lost its strength. Such defects usually do not appear immediately, but after a certain time. they may mean that your medicinal anti-aging ointment has gone bad.
  5. Fifthly, reviews about the product and whether it can be used with cosmetics. Each company has its own instructions for use, special indications and contraindications. All information can be found on the Internet, familiarize yourself with it in advance and buy a product in which you are confident. Reviews are good and honest advertising. Although what is good for one person may be bad for another, you won’t be sure until you try it for yourself.

Top most popular creams with hyaluronic acid

We would like to present to your attention some of the most popular creams with hyaluronic acid at the moment. These companies are proven and completely reliable.


The first one is called "Evelyn". It meets all the basic requirements of customers: low price, accessibility and ease of use. This cream has a thick consistency, making it very easy to apply to the skin. It is quickly absorbed, leaving a feeling of freshness. With it you can literally feel your skin breathing. Another important plus: you can apply cosmetics on top. It is sold both in stores and in pharmacies; finding it will not be very difficult.

The Poles did a good job on this masterpiece: in addition to hyaluronic acid, they added stem cells, vitamin E, calcium, kelp algae extract and much more. In addition, they have divided their products according to age restrictions. For example, cream after 30, 40, 50 and 60 years. With the addition of ten years, the amount of hyaluron and other beneficial substances in the cream increases. New, special, stronger ones are being added. After all, every year we have to make more efforts to maintain a youthful face.

However, compared to other creams, Evelyn is more moisturizing than anti-aging. The price justifies the effect, nothing more. To compensate for this, the manufacturer offers a line of other products: masks, sprays, lotions that need to be used with cream to achieve greater effect.

The second cream, which is on our list not because of its beautiful packaging, is produced by Merz. It already costs 7 times more than the previous one and, I must say, completely justifies itself. Not only moisturizes the skin, but also stimulates cell regeneration. Dermatologists recommend applying it an hour before going outside or before bed.

Foam mousse is absorbed worse than Evelyn. But it contains low molecular weight acid, which was mentioned above. It restores not only the top layer of the skin, but also the internal tissues. There are also marine glucosamines (they stimulate your body’s natural creation of hyaluronic acid), as well as Japanese seaweed (they contain B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron and iodine - all seafood).

It is distinguished by the fact that it is suitable for any skin type, that is, it guarantees the absence of allergic reactions.


Third on our list of hyaluronic acid anti-aging products is a cream called D’oliva. The name itself speaks for itself: it contains oil, which is what distinguishes it from its competitors. It also contains olive extract. This is not to say that this cream is greasy and does not absorb for a long time. No. It is soft, refreshing and completely non-greasy, absorbs into the skin within five minutes, suitable for day and night use. Basically, a natural product with chemical enhancements to make your face look younger.

D’oliva cream is not divided into age categories: there is no such thing as the amount of acid in the jar increases with age. The manufacturer (Germany) takes care of the tenderness of your skin. The cream will not harm your face, but on the contrary, will improve its healthy appearance. It is cheaper than foam from the Merz company, but according to reviews it is more popular among women.

The only downside to this cream is that it is a little runny due to the presence of oils. But this is not scary: its consistency allows it to stay on a vertical surface and not drip (unless, of course, you applied the entire jar to your face at once).


The Vichy company, known to millions of representatives of the fair sex, also decided to provide its brand to the world market of creams with hyaluronic acid. Naturally, the product of this company significantly exceeds the cost of the products of previous companies. Is it about quality or popularity of the brand? Let's figure it out.

All companies except this one forgot about the area around the eyes and the eyelid area. All instructions say: avoid the eye area! Why? The fact is that the skin there is especially sensitive and delicate. However, it does not have sebaceous glands, it is dry most of the time and it is in this area that the first wrinkles may appear. The Vichy company has released a special cream with the same acid “For the eyelids,” thereby eliminating another problem. It is made so that when it gets into the eyes there is no burning sensation and so that the skin in the sensitive area is not injured.

In addition to eye cream, there are two more types: night and day. Still, they divided them into two different creams and added the necessary components to them. For example, for daytime use, the cream is less greasy, fits well under powder or foundation, and also allows you to avoid clogging your pores throughout the day. But the night one has a fattier base - more nutrients. During sleep, when the skin is resting, acid helps restore it and smooth it out. After just a couple of days of use, the result will be noticeable; the first wrinkles will disappear as if they were never there!


After such a sensation in the health-improving cosmetics market, Russian manufacturers decided not to give in to their competitors and invented the Libriderm cream. It is not divided into night or day, it combines everything at once. Including eyelid care. Using vitamin A, the developers have achieved a more sensitive and gentle relationship between the cream and the skin, without losing the desired effect. Since it is a domestic manufacturer, it costs five times less than Vichy. The same low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is used.

It must be said that now all companies producing such creams are switching to producing creams with light molecules. This became popular, people became interested in what this product was made of and now the demand is for low molecular weight creams. Accordingly, the supply for them began to grow.

The last, sixth on the list, will be the hyaluronic cream “Lora” from “Evalar”. The manufacturer is also familiar to us. Compared to the previous Russian manufacturer, this one can be called weak. The cream has a pleasant smell, has moisturizing properties, and vitamin F is added to it, but it cannot be called a good rejuvenation product. The main role in it is played by wild yam extract. Hyaluron is not the main component, it only complements the other elements. This product is inexpensive and suitable for daily use.

There are many more different products from different companies with hyaluronic acid, such as Kora (also a Russian manufacturer). They can also be of good quality, but they are not so common on the Russian market.

This hyaluronic acid works, yes, but if it's not needed, don't use it. Until the age of 35, your body is able to produce everything you need on its own. Once you start using it, even in small quantities, you will make the body’s work easier, but you will no longer be able to stop, because without additional funds the body will deteriorate and age faster.

Let us remind you that it is better to purchase creams with hyaluronic acid at the pharmacy to be sure that quality and good results await you: this is considered a serious medical drug.

Beauty and youth are the riches that nature rewards a person, demanding in return constant care and care for the skin.

To maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, you have to use complexes of cosmetics - moisturizing, rejuvenating, nourishing and others. A good alternative to expensive foreign brands is domestically produced pharmaceutical cosmetics - Libriderm, under the brand name of which you can find a whole series of drugs for all problems of the skin of the face and body.

European quality from a Russian manufacturer

Librederm is a Russian pharmacy series cosmetics. The brand is relatively young, but very popular among women with an average income living in the CIS countries.

Product lines include:

  1. hyaluronic, herbal and collagen collections;
  2. products for particularly damaged hair, lips, as well as the skin of the face and hands;
  3. 3D hyaluronic filler;
  4. medicated shampoos;
  5. vitamin complexes;
  6. panthenol;
  7. deodorant with aluminum-potassium alum;
  8. tonic foot balm;
  9. other.

We will pay special attention to some creams.

Find out how to choose a foot cream for cracked heels here.

BB All-in-ONE

This multifunctional cosmetic product belongs to the hyaluronic series; it has already earned a lot of positive reviews. The cream noticeably evens out the tone, smoothes out minor defects in the epidermis, and visually makes the face healthier and more well-groomed.


  1. demineralized water;
  2. camelina oil;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. alcohols;
  5. glycerol;
  6. other components.

The texture of BB All-in-ONE resembles an oil cream, is absorbed quickly, does not clog pores, and does not cause a rash. Distributes evenly and can be removed with makeup remover.

All the pros and cons of hand creams with urea are disclosed in the article.

Does not emphasize existing peeling on the face. Lasts all day long. Ideal for warm weather.

The shade is uniform, suitable for all skin types and tones. It does not cope with obvious imperfections such as age-related pigmentation, inflammation and rashes, but it makes the face velvety and noticeably rested. Suitable as a light foundation or makeup base.

Sold in 50 ml tubes, packed in a cardboard box.

Moisturizing hyaluronic cream for neck, face and décolleté

The manufacturer promises improved microcirculation, smoothness, radiance and elasticity, abundant hydration. Recommended for any type of epidermis.

The texture is light and non-greasy. Unobtrusive weak cosmetic aroma. Instantly absorbed when applied in a thin layer, does not leave a greasy sheen. Suitable for daily use.

The composition is similar to the previous drug, in addition it includes:

  1. complex Sensiderm B;
  2. polyacrylate

Stylish packaging, convenient dispenser, but the product is not used economically. Volume – 50 ml.

The hyaluronic series has conflicting reviews. Depending on the individual characteristics of the epidermis, it does not provide sufficient hydration and is difficult to distribute. It is also not recommended to use it in hot weather.

To ensure that the use of any cosmetics is safe, read how to check face cream for allergies.

Vitamin E – antioxidant for the face

According to manufacturers, it provides instant hydration, softness and smoothness. The delicate consistency does not form a film on the face and does not leave an oily sheen. Ideal under makeup.

  1. Vitamin E (tocopherol). Protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, maintains water-lipid balance, moisturizes, and slows down the withering process.
  2. Lecithin. Retains moisture. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The big “plus” of Librederm creams is the duplication of the composition on the surface of the container with the cream and on the packaging.

A simple way to solve a complex problem is a cream for foot fungus. Find out which varnish against nail fungus will really help here.

Collagen based

In addition to active moisturizing, a collagen-based product has a rejuvenating effect, which is necessary for exposed areas of the female body to maintain attractiveness and youth.

Delicate gel-like texture, not oily, does not form films on the face. The color is white, the fragrance is neutral, unobtrusive.

  1. demineralized water;
  2. rich cosmetic cream base Lipoderm 4/1;
  3. glycerol;
  4. collagen;
  5. elastin;
  6. camelina and rice oils;
  7. vitamin E.

You can purchase Libriderm products in almost any Russian pharmacy or order through an online store.

How to choose a cream for rosacea on the face at the pharmacy, read the article.

Hyaluronic for body

Suitable for dry, normal and combination skin types. Effective for allergies to cold.
The formula contains many useful components:

  1. Peach and camelina oils.
  2. Essential oils of grapefruit and jasmine.
  3. Aloe vera gel.
  4. Glycerol.
  5. Lactic acid.

Does not contain parabens and synthetic fragrances. Leaves a subtle aroma of essential oils. It has a uniform texture similar to milk. Distributes and absorbs quite quickly. Does not leave the feeling of a tight mask or oily shine.

Sold in translucent plastic bottles with convenient dispensers in the classic color scheme of the Libriderm hyaluronic series - blue and silver.

Find a cream for acne scars here.

Night 3D Hyaluronic filler

This is a relatively new development of cosmetologists in the field of rejuvenation, not related to injections. According to the manufacturers, the cream filler should easily cope with age-related changes in the skin, as well as wrinkles caused by dehydration of the layers of the epidermis. Product suitable for all skin types.

The texture is very delicate, the product is distributed without problems, does not roll under the fingers and does not clog pores. Not greasy, quickly and completely absorbed. White. A fragrance with bright floral notes.

The volume of the steel-look vacuum bottle with a dispenser is 30 ml.

To achieve the best result, it is recommended to use not just one cream, but entire complexes designed to meet the needs of facial skin during the day and night.

Moisturizing with chamomile juice

It also has a calming and restorative effect. The formula contains:

  1. olive and apricot oils;
  2. highly concentrated chamomile extract;
  3. perfume composition;
  4. collagen.

It has a pleasant chamomile aroma that lasts on the skin for 10-20 minutes after application. White. The texture is non-greasy, absorbs well and does not clump.

Suitable as a base for makeup or as an intermediate between strong products. There are no restrictions on age and skin type.

You can find a review of Lancome face creams at this link.


The cream has a pronounced regenerating effect. The formula contains a whole bouquet of herbal components, their concentration is quite high, which contributes to a powerful tonic effect:

  1. Vitamins of groups A, E.
  2. Extracts of rosemary, edelweiss, raspberry.

With daily use, skin cells “awaken” and begin to actively produce their own protein, which is responsible for youthful skin – collagen. Metabolic processes and blood flow improve. The condition of the skin improves noticeably.

It has all the positive qualities of other Librederm brand products: light texture, absence of films and greasy shine, unobtrusive aroma.

Bottle with a 50 ml dispenser.

A medicated anti-dandruff shampoo will help cure seborrheic dermatitis.

Helpful information

The cost of Libriderm skincare products ranges from 300 rubles to 1100.

Name price, rub.
BB cream All-in-One 658
With collagen for face, neck and décolleté 728
Herbal collection. With cornflower 400
Vitamin E Antioxidant Cream 302
Daytime 3D hyaluronic filler 1046
Aevit nutritious 330

The best recipes for treating toenail fungus with folk remedies are presented here.

If you are purchasing products from this manufacturer for the first time, it will be useful to read numerous reviews about the products before purchasing.

  1. Olga, 34 years old: “I have been using the 3D night filler for 4 months. At first I was unpleasantly surprised by the light texture of the cream; I got used to the more oily texture of night preparations. But the first impression turned out to be wrong. After use, the skin becomes matte, no swelling or signs of fatigue remain. The overall microrelief of the skin on the face has leveled out and the contour has tightened. Expression wrinkles are a little more difficult; you have to frown and smile often, but new ones definitely haven’t appeared. The bottle lasts for 5-6 weeks if used sparingly. Overall I'm happy with the product. Recommended for dry skin."
  2. Elena, 51 years old: “I tried the chamomile cream from Libriderm. It behaved strangely on my combination skin, it didn’t even provide enough hydration for me, I had to use it several times a day. I couldn't cope with the redness either. I was pleased with the large volume of the tube and the smell of real chamomile. In principle, for the money the quality is not bad, but at my age I need more powerful creams.”


Interesting video with a review of Libriderm cosmetics

Libriderm is a more accessible alternative to expensive creams from foreign brands for Russian women. The cream is distinguished by a pleasant light and quickly absorbed consistency, neutral odor, predominantly herbal composition without parabens and synthetic impurities. Suitable for all ages.

Today you can find dozens of brands in cosmetics stores body care cosmetics. My eyes just widen. Representatives of the fair sex are often lost and do not know how best to choose products that are suitable for their skin. Confidence in cosmetic products often disappears after a bad experience: be it an allergic reaction or another unsatisfactory result.

Therefore, many ladies more often buy brands that are sold in pharmacies. You can definitely find it here hypoallergenic and medicinal preparations. Librederm (Librederm) is one of these brands.

Advantages of a series of cosmetic products


It is not without reason that this nonsense is gaining more and more attention from clients in the cosmetics market, because this brand has quite a lot of advantages. Judge for yourself:

- affordable price;

— highest quality components;

— Lybriderm is wonderful Suitable not only for dry skin, and for skin of hands, feet and whole body ;

— several series of cosmetics, including: vitamin products, hyaluronic collection and shampoos.

Vitamin types of these cosmetics will perfectly prolong the youth of their owners, accelerating the regeneration process.

Librederm shampoos solve many hair problems : prevent hair loss, eliminate oily scalp, fight dandruff. It is possible to use shampoo every day, since the products do not contain parabens, which has a beneficial effect on the hair.

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Creams with hyaluronic acid perform several tasks at once, moisturizing, restoring skin and improving appearance. The combination of natural ingredients strengthens the skin's protective function and prevents moisture loss.


For dry skin of the face, décolleté and neck and Lybriderm does everything possible to moisturize them. The cream in this series has a high content of hyaluronic acid and is suitable for all skin types. By stimulating collagen production, the product copes well with aging, giving the skin a healthy appearance. The cream restores the natural level of moisture in the body.

What is noteworthy is that This cosmetics does not contain parabens and synthetic fragrances . After applying the cream, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

In addition to the above-mentioned acid, the cream also contains collagen substances and elastin elements, which contribute to better skin hydration.

The functions of these components are quite simple, but this does not detract from their importance: they create a so-called airtight matrix consistency, which reduces drying of the skin.

According to many people according to their reviews on the Internet Lybriderm is very popular, it is increasingly being used to solve the problems of dry facial skin. Many believe that the main advantages of this cream are not only its effectiveness and rejuvenating effect, but also affordable price .

It is also quickly absorbed into the skin, does not cause allergies , economical, since the bottle can last for a month of regular use and has no odor.
