Pimples on forehead near hair

It is clear that they appeared due to incorrectly selected cosmetics and heat. Because it is simply impossible to come up with any other reasons. How can you get rid of them?


I misunderstood what the problem was, so I wrote about the face))) As for the scalp, you can try tar shampoo or tar soap, in my opinion, a good natural remedy. Of course it doesn’t smell very good, but you can tolerate it for a while )))


Acne can appear from eating too much sweets. Namely chocolate. Avoid sugar, chocolates, canned food and carbonated drinks.

Use nourishing creams for dry and combination skin, avoid moisturizing ones. Use cleansing tonics for your face, try to touch your face with your hands less often to avoid bacteria entering the epidermis.

Get tested for hormones.

Acne on the frontal part can also be a consequence of improper functioning of the stomach, pancreas and gall bladder. Here you will need a good gastroenterologist.

I have never had acne, even during adolescence. Now 34 years old. About six months ago they began to appear exactly along the hairline above the forehead and on the side of the temples. They are subcutaneous, sweaty, they don’t squeeze out a damn thing, but they appear with enviable consistency. What is this?? Slagging? Any other reasons? I would be very grateful if someone knows and can tell me

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I came across an opinion on the Internet that acne along the hairline can be associated with the use of nourishing balms or masks for hair. Maybe they are too oily and clog your pores?

Hormones. During both my pregnancies my entire face was covered.

))))Only now I noticed a typo. Not sweaty, but THICK! I checked the female hormones and the thyroid gland - everything is ok. Are there any other hormones in the body or is that all?

I read somewhere that such pimples indicate liver problems. It also wrote about indications of problems with other organs, but I remember exactly about the liver - I myself had problems with it at that time and the same acne appeared, in the same place as yours. By the way, I am also 34 years old.

If not with the liver, then I think maybe it has something to do with the blood. Something like this.

Related topics

Donate blood for androgens.

I also had this problem. When I became pregnant with my second, acne appeared all over me, when I gave birth it stopped popping up on my body. Then it remained on my face, I tried all the products, both expensive and cheap, then they recommended hormonal ones, at first everything was fine, but I lost weight Plus, the pimples have popped up again. I decided to surf the Internet and found very good natural products, I ordered it and it was not expensive, about three hundred rubles, in short, it helped in the end. I’ll leave you a link to the site in case you’re interested, go take a look.

In addition to the above, there may also be a subcutaneous mite, which is tediously treated with special ointments; you need to have a scraping from your face done by a dermatologist, they will look under a microscope and you will be calmer that this infection is not present.

In three days you can get rid of terrible acne with Tsindol
Before applying, squeeze out the pimple, wipe with alcohol and apply cindol to the pimple.
three days and your skin is perfect!
price of tindol 50r


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The condition of the skin depends on many factors, including the health of the internal organs. In traditional Chinese medicine, doctors often evaluate the face for diagnostic purposes—this allows them, in many cases, to identify health problems before serious symptoms appear and prevent possible complications. As for the forehead, the appearance of pimples, red spots, wrinkles or other imperfections can also be due to various factors. The most common cause of acne on the forehead is poor diet.

The main cause of acne on the forehead is poor diet.

Traditional Chinese Medicine associates the forehead with the digestive system, more specifically:

  1. the upper part of the forehead (near the hairline) – the bladder;
  2. the lower part of the forehead (above the eyebrows) is the intestine.

Most often, problems that appear in the forehead area are caused by the accumulation of toxins in the digestive system. This may be due to deteriorating kidney function (for example, if you don't drink enough water) or eating unhealthy foods rich in sugar and unhealthy fats, for which your digestive system has to pay.

The forehead, according to traditional Chinese medicine, reflects the state of the digestive system.

As for emotional factors that can cause the appearance of acne on the forehead, they include stress, which in chronic form:

  1. leads to poor digestion;
  2. causes the development of irritable bowel syndrome;
  3. can lead to ulcerative colitis, etc.

What other reasons can provoke the appearance of acne on the forehead?

If acne often appears on your forehead, you should first eliminate the most obvious factors contributing to the problem:

  1. exposure to cosmetics;
  2. poor hygiene;
  3. hat is too tight, etc.

Less obvious, but no less common causes of acne on the forehead are:

In conditions of lack of fluid, it is difficult for the body to remove toxic substances that enter it from the outside and are formed as a result of cellular metabolism. Accumulating in the gastrointestinal tract, toxins can lead to acne in the forehead area.


The balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestines plays an important role in the health of the body and the beauty of the skin. Diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome - all these problems are characterized by an imbalance in the healthy balance of bacteria, which is the result of stress, unhealthy diet, antibiotics, etc. To get rid of acne on the forehead that appears for this reason, your doctor may prescribe probiotics.

  1. Abuse of fatty foods

Fans of fried, high-fat foods often face the problem of acne on the forehead. The solution in this case is simple - limit the consumption of such products.

Disturbances in the digestive system (due to abuse of sweets, alcohol, fatty foods, dysbacteriosis, lack of sleep) often lead to the appearance of acne on the forehead.

  1. Sugar

High blood sugar levels are a common cause of acne on the forehead, as well as problems with the digestive system. In particular, fructose, which is often found in processed foods, reduces insulin sensitivity and promotes fat storage in the body. Try to limit the amount of sugar in your diet as much as possible to improve your skin condition.


  1. Digestive system problems

Sometimes problems in the forehead area occur due to disruption of the digestive process. A doctor can most accurately determine such disorders.

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol can cause heartburn and disrupt the production of stomach acid. In addition, alcoholic beverages in excessive quantities lead to disruptions in intestinal function and overload the liver. Such changes can also lead to forehead acne.

Lack of sleep can cause acne on the forehead because lack of sleep increases stress levels and disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, healthy sleep is an important component of beautiful skin.

If you are worried about acne on your forehead, try to analyze your lifestyle and eating habits - often their correction has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. However, we should not forget that disturbances in the digestive system, hormone imbalance and other diseases can cause acne. Therefore, it is best to contact a specialist in case of skin problems.