Milk thistle oil for facial skin


Milk thistle oil is used not only for medical purposes, but also in cosmetology. This product contains the valuable component silymarin (12 varieties) and a complex of unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, it is a source of many vitamins beneficial for facial skin:

  1. F – tightens pores, regulates the functioning of the skin glands, relieves inflammation and promotes cell restoration.
  2. A – slows down fading, maintains the required level of moisture, activates collagen synthesis, and makes tissues more elastic.
  3. B – improves complexion, making it more even and healthy.
  4. E – has an anti-aging effect, eliminates wrinkles.
  5. D – provides skin protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  6. K – Effective against rosacea, relieves inflammation.

Milk thistle extract also contains elements that are extremely important for the skin:

  1. Selenium – makes the dermis more elastic.
  2. Manganese – gives the skin radiance and has an anti-edematous effect.
  3. Zinc – gives a mattifying effect, treats inflammation.

Milk thistle in cosmetology

This medicinal plant has many beneficial properties. When used correctly, it has the following effect:

  1. Nourishes the skin.
  2. Relieves inflammation.
  3. Stimulates regeneration processes.
  4. Moisturizes.
  5. Rejuvenates.

Cosmetologists recommend using milk thistle oil for the following purposes:

  1. To eliminate allergies.
  2. To relieve burns and frostbite.
  3. For the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo.
  4. To get rid of acne.
  5. To protect the skin from external factors (wind, temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation).

Since this natural remedy is very gentle, it can be safely used on all skin types.

The condition of the skin reflects the general condition of the entire body. Therefore, experts recommend an integrated approach. According to many cosmetologists, it is advisable not only to apply milk thistle oil to the skin, but also to take it orally.

There are no special restrictions on the use of milk thistle. It can be used every day for skin care. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to apply it to the face in its pure form. Combinations of milk thistle oil with other oils (olive, almond, grape, peach, apricot) are considered very useful. The standard ratio for oil mixtures is 1:1, but you can combine the ingredients in other proportions.

In addition, thistle oil can be added to facial cosmetics. To do this, three drops of oil per serving of cream or mask is enough.

Simple homemade recipes with milk thistle

The easiest way to use oil in cosmetology is light massaging. The procedure is carried out in the evening. The skin is cleansed of cosmetics, a small amount of oil is taken, and evenly distributed over the face, neck and décolleté. Then do a light massage and leave the product overnight. Perform such procedures regularly in long courses. This will help get rid of fine wrinkles and improve complexion, the skin will become fresher and more elastic.

  1. For dermatoses

Thistle oil has a good effect in the treatment of dermatoses. It soothes the skin, relieves irritation, and helps solve the problem of flaking. To get an effective cure for dermatosis, milk thistle oil (4 tablespoons) must be mixed with tea tree oil (5 drops). Wipe the skin with the prepared composition 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is several weeks.

To prepare an effective acne mask, you need to take the following components:

  1. Salicylic acid (1 g).
  2. Milk thistle oil (2 tablespoons).
  3. Black clay (spoon).

All components are combined and mixed thoroughly. The healing mask for problem skin is ready. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed with hydrogen peroxide, then the product is applied and waited for about 20 minutes. This mask is not intended for daily use. It is used no more than 2 times a week.

Another option for using oil is anti-aging applications. The composition for the procedure is easy to prepare. To thistle oil (16 ml) you need to add two drops of lavender and cedar oils. Soak cotton pads in the oil mixture and apply to the face.

To prepare a remedy for dry skin, mix a spoon of thistle oil with crushed grapes (green). You should get a homogeneous composition with a thick consistency. Add a little olive oil to it and mix well again. The mask is spread over the skin and waited for about a quarter of an hour.

An excellent nourishing mask can be made using milk thistle oil and flaxseed oil. They are mixed in equal proportions - one teaspoon at a time. Then add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, orange, ylang-ylang. The finished mixture is distributed over the face and kept for no more than a quarter of an hour.

  1. Protection

If necessary, protect the skin from weather factors (bright sun, wind, cold), use milk thistle oil in its pure form. Before going out, apply a small amount of product to your face and distribute evenly.

Also, in its pure form, milk thistle oil is useful for caring for lips so that they do not dry out, are soft and elastic.

  1. For problem skin

Cosmetologists advise those with problem skin to periodically perform this procedure. Thistle oil is combined with black cumin in a 2:1 ratio. soak a napkin and apply to your face for about 20 minutes. After this they wash themselves.

You can also make an excellent scrub from milk thistle. To do this, 15 g of crushed seeds of this plant are combined with oil (10 g). Massage the face with the resulting mixture, and after 15 minutes cleanse the skin with a napkin.

The main advantage of milk thistle is its absolute safety. This product can be used regularly without fear of side effects and addiction. Use healing oil in home recipes, add to cosmetics, and very soon you will notice positive changes. The face will be fresher, look young and attractive.

Milk Thistle (or Thistle) has been famous for its healing qualities for many thousands of years. This powerful medicinal herb was used in their practices by ancient Egyptian healers. Thistle oil, obtained from the seeds of the plant, is especially valuable.

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The secret of eternal youth


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What could be more valuable than beauty and health? When creating this unique plant, nature put all its accumulated experience and wise knowledge into it. Milk thistle is nature's most powerful detoxifier, anti-allergen and antioxidant. One of its valuable components is silymarin (there are up to 12 types of it in the oily substrate).

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Silymarins (or silibinins) are biologically active substances, flavonoids. Their main function is the regeneration of cell membranes, strengthening the cell membrane, protecting the epidermis from the effects of free radicals.

Do you have health problems? Milk thistle oil for the face has powerful wound-healing, anti-sclerotic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It will cope perfectly with skin ailments such as:

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  1. dermatitis;
  2. psoriasis;
  3. vitiligo;
  4. eczema;
  5. allergies;
  6. neurodermatitis.

The healing extract prevents the absorption of poisonous and toxic substances into the blood and inhibits the development of inflammatory processes. A huge amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, minerals, organic acids make this product simply indispensable for healthy skin.

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For all occasions


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Milk thistle oil for facial skin is one of the universal remedies that copes well with any problems with different types of dermis. The presence of chlorophyll in its composition makes the plant one of the most powerful in rejuvenating the epidermis.

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  1. The oily epidermis will get rid of excess fat secretions, regulate the function of the sebaceous glands, and narrow the pores. Inflammatory processes, acne, pimples will become unpleasant memories.
  2. Problem skin will acquire all the properties it lacks, restore lipid metabolism, and restore lost elasticity, tone and freshness. Expression wrinkles will be smoothed out, the facial contour will be noticeably tightened.
  3. Dry skin will receive adequate nutrition, increase the activity of the sebaceous glands, and forget about dehydration. The epidermis will regain its strength, blood flow and lymphatic drainage will increase.
  4. The normal dermis will become stronger and will receive additional prevention of age-related changes.

Also, using milk thistle oil on the face will protect it from the effects of destructive ultraviolet radiation, scorching cold, piercing winds, and drying frost. Absolutely harmless oil effectively vitaminizes any skin, additionally moisturizes and rejuvenates it.

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Effective Application


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What is the best way to use the life-giving extract for maximum effect? The benefits of milk thistle oil for the face increase with constant, regular use. This is one of the few substrates that can be used without any harm or allergic manifestations.

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Evening massage. After you cleanse your face, apply a thin layer of thistle oil and treat yourself to a massage. Your skin will receive excellent prevention of acne and blackheads. The oil will speed up the healing of wounds and remove excess dryness of the skin.

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Velvet lips. Every evening, lubricate your lips with milk thistle extract. Soon you won't recognize them. The edges of the lips will become clearer, they will acquire sensual plumpness and expressiveness, and become softer and more tender.

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Anti-wrinkle applications. Every day for 10 minutes, apply cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of thistle oil (16 ml) and cedar and lavender essential oils (2 drops each) to your face. You will give your skin effective nutrition and hydration.

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Recipe for youth. The following mask rejuvenates the skin very well. Mix milk thistle substrate (12 ml) with tea tree essential oil (2 drops). Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the face. After half an hour, your skin will simply transform: it will become softer, fresher and younger.

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Protection. Before going outside in scorching heat or piercing cold, apply a thin layer of thistle oil to your face. This will protect the epidermis from the negative effects of weather conditions.

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Enrichment. You can significantly improve the composition of any care product (tonic, lotion, cream, gel, etc.). Add 3-4 drops of milk thistle to a portion of facial care product. It will give a cream or tonic simply magical possibilities and will improve their effectiveness many times over.

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Treatment. For problem skin, the following compress will be very effective: a mixture of thistle extract (12 ml) and black cumin essential oil (2 drops). Place gauze soaked in this healing extract on your face and keep it there for a quarter of an hour. Do these procedures 2-3 times a day. Treat the most problematic areas (acne, comedones, areas of inflammation and peeling) several times daily.

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Peeling. An excellent peeling can be obtained from crushed thistle seeds (15 g) and its oil (10 ml). After several minutes of active exposure to the skin of the face, leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Then carefully remove the residue with a cotton pad.

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Leading cosmetologists advise not only to carry out external care procedures to rejuvenate the skin, but also to combine them with internal intake of milk thistle oil. Take it 3 times a day before meals in an amount of 7 ml.

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Milk thistle oil

Many people know about the health benefits of milk thistle. Most often it is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the liver and digestive system. Milk thistle is most often used in medicine in the form of meal, tablets or oil. But not everyone knows that milk thistle oil can be used in cosmetology.

Useful properties of milk thistle in cosmetology

The widespread use of milk thistle oil in cosmetology is due to its rich composition. After application to the skin, the oil is perfectly absorbed, does not leave behind shine and does not clog pores.

This product contains the following elements that are beneficial for the skin:

1. Retinol. Thanks to it, the skin becomes smooth and reliably protected from the effects of sunlight. Its premature aging is prevented, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated.

2. Tocopherol. A powerful antioxidant that removes an abundance of free radicals from the skin.

3. B vitamins. They return the skin to a healthy appearance, the shade becomes even, and the severity of pigmentation decreases.

4. Vitamin D. Protects cells from the negative effects of external irritants.

5. Vitamin K. Helps reduce the severity of symptoms of rosacea, eliminates inflammatory processes.

The composition also contains selenium, which gives the skin elasticity, manganese, which gives a healthy complexion, zinc - eliminates the inflammatory process, calcium - improves metabolic processes. Important components are flavonoids, including silymarin. This component is an excellent protection of cells from the destructive effects of free radicals, activates metabolic processes, and stimulates collagen growth.

Click on the photo - all materials on the topic Milk thistle

All materials on the topic Milk thistle are at the link in the photo above

How to use oil in cosmetology

The use of milk thistle oil in cosmetology is due to a large number of positive properties.

If used correctly, the following effects can be achieved:

• eliminate inflammatory processes;
• heal wounds;
• nourish the skin;

• activate recovery processes;
• moisturize;
• achieve a rejuvenating effect.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, milk thistle oil can be used:

• to eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction;
• to alleviate a person’s condition in the presence of burns or frostbite;
• in the complex treatment of dermatitis of various origins, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo;

• for the treatment of acne;
• to protect the skin from external negative factors - strong wind, ultraviolet rays, temperature changes.

Due to the fact that this product is natural, its effect is very mild. The oil can be used for all skin types. Experts advise using the oil not only externally, but also internally to achieve greater effect. To care for your facial skin, it can be applied daily. There are no contraindications to the use of milk thistle oil, with the exception of people with individual intolerance to the product.

How to use milk thistle correctly

Milk thistle in medicine and cosmetology will give the desired results if used correctly. With the help of oil, you can cleanse the skin of impurities, add it to lotions and creams, and make masks.

In order for home procedures to be as effective as possible, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

1. Milk thistle oil needs to be warmed up a little, add other ingredients, for example, orange or peach oil.

2. Next, you need to prepare your facial skin. Remove makeup with toner or suitable milk. Next, you need to steam your face with a bath to open the pores.

3. Drop oil onto a sponge or cotton swab, apply the product to the face along massage lines (from the bridge of the nose to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the hairline, from the center of the chin to its edges).

4. Wait half an hour. Lie down, relaxing your facial muscles, and if possible, do not talk or move.

5. Remove what has not yet been absorbed into the skin with a dry cloth.

It is recommended to perform such procedures three times a week for two months. Then take a break for two months and repeat the course.

Ways to use milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil can very rarely provoke the development of an allergic reaction. But before using the product, cosmetologists recommend conducting a sensitivity test.

In what form can it be used:

In the evening, after cleansing, apply a thin layer to the face, rubbing lightly. Do not rinse off.

2. Oil applications can help cope with wrinkles.

Apply heated oil generously to a cotton swab or gauze pad and apply to the problem area. For example, like patches around the eyes. You can add a couple of drops of lavender and rosemary cosmetic oil and vitamin E to milk thistle oil.

Mix milk thistle seed meal with the oil of the same plant. Gently rub into the skin and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water.

We treat dermatosis

Milk thistle in medicine can be successfully used to treat dermatoses of various origins.

Oil based on this plant gives the following results:
• soothes irritated epidermis;
• relieves redness and irritation;
• eliminates peeling.
An effective cure for dermatosis is the following mixture: 4 tablespoons of milk thistle oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Mix these components in any container. Wipe your face several times throughout the day using a cotton swab. The duration of such treatment is at least two weeks.


Treatment of acne and blackheads with milk thistleyou

We treat acne and blackheads

Milk thistle is also used in medicine to combat acne, acne, and even helps smooth out post-acne marks. To prepare an effective mask for acne and pimples, you will need the following components:
• 1 g salicylic acid;
• 2 tbsp. milk thistle oils;
• 1 tsp. black clay.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, you should get a paste-like slurry. Apply the treatment mask to the skin after pre-cleansing with hydrogen peroxide. Keep the mask on for about half an hour. This product is not recommended for daily use. It can be used once every 10 days.

We treat wrinkles

Thanks to milk thistle oil, rejuvenating applications can be carried out. It is not difficult to prepare a mask to combat wrinkles; you will also need a few drops of lavender and cedar oil. Soak cotton swabs thoroughly in the mixture and apply them to your face.
Usually this mask is absorbed very well and does not require rinsing. It can be used several times a week. People who suffer from an allergic reaction to lavender or cedar should use caution.

Intensively moisturize and nourish

Such procedures are a salvation for excessively dry skin prone to flaking and irritation. To moisturize, mix a tablespoon of milk thistle oil with grated green grapes. Add a drop of olive oil. Stir well, you should get a homogeneous paste. Gently apply it to the skin and wait half an hour.

An excellent nourishing mask would be a mixture of flaxseed oil and milk thistle oil. Take both components in equal parts, add a drop of tea tree oil, orange and ylang-ylang. Apply the finished mask to your face and wait 20 minutes. Remove residues with a napkin.

Protecting your skin

To protect the face from negative climatic factors (ultraviolet radiation, wind and frost), milk thistle oil is applied to the skin in its pure form. Be sure to spread evenly in a thin layer.
To prevent your lips from drying out and to restore their softness and elasticity, combine thistle oil with black cumin. Apply to lips for 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

What do the doctor's say

Cosmetologists and dermatologists say that many skin problems are a consequence of improper liver function, slagging of hepatocytes and intestines. Therefore, the fight against rosacea, acne and pigmentation should be comprehensive. For this purpose, it is recommended to use milk thistle oil not only as an external remedy, but also to use it internally.

Thanks to this remedy, the absorption of toxic compounds is prevented, liver cells are cleansed, and the aging of the body slows down. To prevent liver diseases, experts recommend taking one teaspoon of oil after each main meal. Can also be added to salads and porridges. There are no contraindications to the use of milk thistle oil. To complement complex therapy for liver diseases and diseases of the digestive system, it is recommended to consume one teaspoon of milk thistle oil or meal half an hour before the main meal. The duration of the course is one month. Then take a break for one week and repeat the course of treatment again.

Experts say that after cleansing the liver and intestines, the condition of the skin improves significantly, acne and acne disappear, and the severity of pigmentation and rosacea decreases. The skin acquires a healthy appearance, even tone, and smoothness. Despite the obvious safety of this product, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using it orally, since there may be individual intolerances.

It is also better to coordinate the use of various external products with a cosmetologist, since for better absorption of the oil, you will first need to carry out professional facial cleansing or diamond grinding. During such procedures, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is removed, which allows any cosmetic products for further care to be better absorbed into the skin and produce maximum effect.