Oil to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Hi girls! Yesterday, I think I read somewhere on this forum that it is very good to smear yourself with some kind of oil to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. I didn’t write it down right away - either peach or almond! Now I’m sitting here, I can’t remember. Can you give me some advice? And another question, I like to add different essential oils to oils, but I know that not all essential oils can be used during pregnancy. Who understands this, what esters are used against stretch marks and are not contraindicated during pregnancy? Thanks in advance, girls!

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The information came from me a few days ago, peachy. Only this is what the gynecologist advised my mother, God knows when, during my mother’s first pregnancy, now, perhaps, more modern means have appeared. As for ethers, you should consult a doctor.

I heard about jojoba with the addition of rosemary essential oil

a nightmare, thank you very much, definitely from you. You told me about your mother. The main thing is that the oil remains of good quality. But these modern delights do not inspire much confidence. One chemistry. But, Nasserno, it’s not pleasant to smear yourself with oil in the summer. Now my skin is dry, the oil pleasantly softens it, but in the summer I’m already all oily.

Why don’t modern means inspire confidence in you? Just read their composition: only oils and natural extracts. That's why they are so expensive.

5, yeah, and preservatives so that the natural extracts don’t rot)

Rosemary is very toxic during pregnancy. use only fatty (peach, jojoba, almond, apricot, etc.) oils, every day, and in recent months, more than once a day, rub into damp skin and do not forget to use coffee instead of a scrub. I was not too lazy to do this kind of therapy every day for 9 months - not a single stretch mark :)).

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By the way, Tanya 27 is right, I just asked my mother specifically, she said that the doctor repeatedly repeated that the effect will be if you don’t wait until the last months and apply it several times a day, as many times as you can, apply it as often. The same oil can also be used to massage the perineum to prevent ruptures.

no oil will remove stretch marks, because these are the consequences of stretching the skin; the stretched areas fill with fat over time, hence this ugly sight. But no oil will dissolve this; moreover, the oil will not get further than the skin cells, that is, it will not get under the skin. and besides, oil clogs the pores on the skin, so it’s better to leave the idea of ​​using oil altogether.

I apply olive oil. There are no stretch marks yet, we'll see what happens after the birth.

Tanya 27, is it toxic when used externally? even if you add a couple or three drops to the fatty oil?

To prevent this, you need to do sports, Pilates, yoga or belly dancing - the best remedy for stretch marks and cellulite! verified by myself:) good luck to everyone.

To prevent stretch marks, you need to drink vitamins with MINERALS. This is a 100% remedy. I checked it myself. I have 2 children, no postpartum stretch marks. There are only a few left that appeared at the age of 16, when I gained a little weight.

All these oils and creams for stretch marks are complete garbage. Those who are “constitutionally” supposed to have stretch marks will have them after childbirth and vice versa. And creams, at best, are needed to moisturize the skin of the abdomen and so that it does not simply itch. :)

I heard you can use castor oil for stretch marks

I won’t say anything about essential oils, but I myself smeared myself with olive oil with the addition of liquid vitamin E, as a result - not a single stretch mark (pah-pah-pah) and I only smeared it during the first and half of the second trimester

Wheat germ oil helps well against stretch marks, because it is rich in vitamin E, and even when stretch marks appear, St. John's wort oil is good, since it has a healing effect. Personally, I already have stretch marks because I started using oils late, but I don’t have them on my stomach yet, so I mix wheat germ oil and St. John’s wort oil 50x50 and carefully massage my chest, hips and stomach. And in the morning after a shower I apply Collistar anti-stretch mark cream.

During my second pregnancy I applied phytolastil from Lierak. The cream is not cheap. But! as it turned out, absolutely all steroid creams and gels have a very bad effect on the placenta. As a result, I had problems with the placenta from the 35th week and, as a result, 16 days of IVs + premature birth. Now I’m pregnant for the third time, the doctor advised me to apply boiled extra virgin olive oil. and after childbirth, any cream.

In fact, extra virgin olive oil is very good for preventing stretch marks, but I think that it is not necessary to boil it because this will kill vitamin E, which is responsible for replenishing elastin in the skin. I smeared myself with olive oil throughout my pregnancy + drank vitamin E orally and Magne B6 (this is considered to help with hypertonicity of the uterine muscles, but it also has a positive effect on relaxing the abdominal muscles and skin). By the end of pregnancy, the belly was 105 cm in volume and 39 in height, the boy was born 4 kg, not a single stretch mark on the chest, stomach, or butt.

I smear myself every day, sometimes alternating with different oils twice (peach, grape, jojoba, wheat, almond, orange, etc., sometimes I mix it up, plus I bought avent cream against stretch marks for 9 months until they appeared. maybe because the stomach is not big and the breasts are strong has not increased)))

To prevent this, you need to do sports, Pilates, yoga or belly dancing - the best remedy for stretch marks and cellulite! verified by myself:) good luck to everyone.

To prevent this, you need to do sports, Pilates, yoga or belly dancing - the best remedy for stretch marks and cellulite! verified by myself:) good luck to everyone.

Girls, you said that peach oil helps. Which one should you use—cosmetic or essential?

Girls, I won’t argue with you, I’ll just tell you my story.
Before my first birth, I had perfect abs; I started applying creams almost immediately when I found out that I was pregnant. As a result, in the seventh month, when the baby inside began to grow rapidly, nothing helped me: I smeared it 3 times, used scrubs, etc. They showed up and that's it.
After giving birth, I recovered within six months, and the stretch marks practically disappeared within 2-3 years.
Now pregnant with my 2nd. The belly appeared early, it grows smoothly, and not jerkily like the first time, but stretch marks still appeared. I still apply creams, but now I don’t go to the pool.
Therefore, draw your own conclusions. My cousin did not have such problems. She didn’t use anything and after her first and second births she doesn’t have a single stretch mark, but her mother didn’t have any either :)

So the scrub should be used when there are already stretch marks, and not stretched skin, so it is even more likely that they will appear, and the pool, on the one hand, is good that the skin becomes more elastic, and on the other hand, there is also a cleaning system, sometimes some pools also They add bleach, and because of this, the skin dries out a lot, and that’s why you get stretch marks. For example, I preferred to just lie in the bathroom more often, and then smear it with Clearvin, and in 2 pregnancies I didn’t have a single stretch mark on my stomach, although I somehow didn’t think about my thighs, I didn’t smear it, but there’s a little on them. But at least I saved my stomach, and I’ll try to put my hips in order using the same Clearvin. A friend is removing stretch marks for them; of course, they are not completely gone yet, but there are still much fewer of them than there were. We will try and believe that they will pass.

That's right - stretch marks remain forever, so I didn't wait for the moment when they appeared and as soon as my tummy began to grow more actively, I stocked up on Bio-Oil oil and rubbed it in every day. The skin remained elastic and beautiful :)

Pomegranate emulsion fights stretch marks very well. In a short time, all my stretch marks disappeared. My skin became smooth and elastic. Read more here hendel.naele.ru

To prevent stretch marks, you need to drink a tablespoon of GOOD flaxseed oil every morning on an empty stomach, washed down with kefir or milk. After 15 min. breakfast. In the last two months. pregnancy, double the amount of oil.
Flaxseed oil works in combination with proper nutrition, sports, plenty of clean water and skincare procedures.
Why drink oil? The skin needs to be moisturized from the inside. Without internal hydration, even bathe in a bath of oil or cream, everything will be a waste of money and time.

Girls, hello everyone! I want to share my experience, after pregnancy, during pregnancy I was very afraid that stretch marks would appear, because... I’m thin and gained 10 kg, and the skin on my stomach was very stretchy to the point of pain, I first used bepanthol as soon as I found out about pregnancy, from 3 months Lierac, either gel or ampoules, I didn’t miss using it every day, and I also did yoga, I didn’t have any stretch marks appeared) although, as I said, the skin was very stretchy, this is my experience, I hope it will help someone! Health and easy birth to everyone!

Hi all! I didn’t read the comments, I just promised to leave a review during pregnancy, in case it might be useful for pregnant women. I was catastrophically afraid of stretch marks, I tried to prevent them with all my might, I didn’t even think about laziness, my thoughts were only about beautiful skin after childbirth. Pre-pregnancy weight 47 kg with height 166, gained 12-13 kg during pregnancy. I’ll say right away that there is a predisposition to stretch marks, my mother has several and my father’s sisters also have stretch marks. I took a shower 2 times a day, morning and evening, without drying with a towel; I applied Borges olive oil to my wet body, to problem areas (stomach, hips, chest). Naturally, the oil is not absorbed and remains on the skin, so every time I wore clean underwear, which I didn’t mind, 4 white long T-shirts were bought for these cases, like nighties, if I was at home. If I had to leave the house, in the morning I would apply either Mustela cream to prevent stretch marks or Avent. From the first months I was worried about my breasts, as they immediately increased by 2 sizes. I don’t know whether it was the oil or the cream that saved me. But the oil was a small bottle per week, my husband was always surprised, he said that it was a little expensive, but I didn’t cheat on Borges, I was crazy about the smell, it’s real (IMHO)

I don’t know about the constitution, of course, but it seems that two of my friends and I have it just great, since the serum helped us with stretch marks.
We rubbed it three times a day from the first month, and the result was very normal. Stretch marks are nowhere to be seen.

I don’t know about the constitution, of course, but it seems that two of my friends and I have it just great, since the serum helped us with stretch marks. We rubbed it three times a day from the first month, and the result was very normal. Stretch marks are nowhere to be seen.

Well, you see, you started early, and that helped. But are there really no stretch marks at all?)))) And what kind of serum is this?

If there are, they are very small and therefore invisible. Visually – smooth skin. And the serum is from the line of products for pregnant women “9 months”. They took a lot from their friends during pregnancy. And now I use something. Many people are afraid of all sorts of nasty things in creams, but the serum, as far as I know, is made with natural ingredients. The three of us did not feel any side effects at all. Delivery on time, children healthy. We also took Omegamama. Also “9 months”, the gynecologist suggested to a friend, it (both serum and capsules) helps us develop the baby’s nervous system and is useful for the visual organs. Improves mood. Those capsules are also good for the skin. By the way, maybe it also helped with stretch marks? I can’t say for sure, of course.

To prevent this, you need to do sports, Pilates, yoga or belly dancing - the best remedy for stretch marks and cellulite! verified by myself:) good luck to everyone.

Almost half of pregnant women are familiar with this skin flaw firsthand. However, if you choose a high-quality skin care product, you can not only avoid such a nuisance, but also get rid of existing ornate scars of various lengths and trajectories. One such remedy is oil. But which oil to choose, and which one should you not just refuse, but even avoid if you are pregnant?

Let's talk about oils for stretch marks during pregnancy.

What oils should an expectant mother choose to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

The fight against stretch marks with the help of oils has been carried out since time immemorial, but our grandmothers and mothers most often used sunflower, corn, flaxseed or olive oils. Nowadays, in cosmetics departments or in pharmacies you can see a large selection of oils for skin care, but do not rush to take the first one you come across, the shape of the bottle, the smell or the bright label appeals to you. Oils can have different effects on the skin, but not all of them can be used by an expectant mother.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes quite large changes in a relatively short period of time - due to the influence of hormones and rapid tissue growth. An increase in the size of the abdomen and mammary glands leads to the appearance of stretch marks and, unfortunately, not every remedy can be used by an expectant mother to combat this skin defect. You need to choose the most suitable, gentle, safe and most importantly - effective.

Oils are an excellent choice for moisturizing the skin; with their help, you can not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared. The main advantage of this choice is the 100% naturalness of the product.

Natural oils

One of the options for combating stretch marks are natural oils:

  1. Olive oil - the most popular all over the world. This product will benefit the body both as a nutritional supplement and as a skin care product. Oleic acid contained in high concentrations in the oil makes it an ideal remedy for combating stretch marks during pregnancy. Penetrating deep into the layers of the skin, the oil nourishes and enriches cells with essential vitamins and minerals.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - contains a large amount of linolenic and lenoleic fatty acids, carotenes, vitamins, bioactive substances, amino acids and vegetable fats, which allows it to successfully maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin and effectively combat stretch marks.
  3. Almond oil - safe skin care product during pregnancy. Vitamins A, E, F and group B, microelements stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, restore the water-lipid balance of skin cells, and biologically active substances strengthen it and minimize the appearance of stretch marks.
  4. Coconut oil - effectively copes with recently appeared stretch marks and is completely safe for use by expectant mothers. Vitamin E contained in the oil protects the skin structure from atrophy and degenerative changes in cells. Thanks to this oil, the skin texture becomes smoother, and the skin itself becomes soft and elastic.
  5. Apricot oil - a tonic and regenerating product suitable for use by young children and pregnant women with any skin type. The oil provides natural hydration to the skin and maintains its optimal level of elasticity. Oil is obtained from apricot kernels, which contain vitamins A, C, F, which makes this oil one of the basic components in the cosmetic industry for the production of various creams and balms.

Cosmetic oils

Due to the high concentration of beneficial substances obtained from plant materials, cosmetic oils are also quite effective in the fight against stretch marks and are recommended for daily body skin care:

  1. Weleda oil — nourishes the skin well, maintains its tone and prepares the outer cover for even greater stress associated with physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The basis of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germ with the addition of arnica and almond flower extract. Penetrating through the pores, the active substances begin to act almost instantly, improving metabolic processes in skin cells. The oil perfectly helps to remove cosmetic blemishes of the skin, and therefore is recommended for use as a prevention of stretch marks at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. Universal oil "Johnsons Baby" It tones, restores and moisturizes the skin, stimulates microcirculation of cells and renews their structure. This product can be combined with other natural vegetable oils and fats (for example, olive or apricot kernel oil). To do this, mix the components in equal proportions and rub daily into problem areas of the body without fear of allergic reactions.

Essential oils

Essential oils are even more effective in the fight against stretch marks than organic fats. However, you need to be very careful with esters, because using them in their pure form can cause a chemical burn, and during pregnancy, not all of them can be used, and there are reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

Essential oils can be added a few drops (2-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of base product) to your favorite body care products (creams, masks, natural oils) and thereby increase the healing effect of the base you use, and at the same time get rid of too sharp, rich etherol smell. You can use regular yogurt, kefir or honey as a basis for the essential oil (if you are not allergic to it), or you can add it to blue clay or seaweed, using it as a mask.

  1. orange essential oil — contains many vitamins A, B, C and stimulates cell regeneration;
  2. pink — moisturizing the skin, increases its elasticity and reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  3. anise — normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin;
  4. sandalwood — tones and eliminates sagging skin;
  5. ylang-ylang essential oil - stimulates the formation and division of new skin cells;

Many women have at least once encountered an unpleasant phenomenon called stretch marks. They can appear suddenly or as a result of pregnancy or sudden weight loss. Getting rid of them is not easy; moreover, they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the body and can look intimidating. However, there are cosmetic and medical preparations that, when used systematically, can eliminate this defect and prevent its reappearance.


The mechanism of stretch marks appearance

Stretch marks (the trivial name is stretch marks) are an atrophic change in the skin caused by prolonged mechanical impact on it. As a rule, these are scars in the form of wide or thin stripes. They can appear in girls and women of any age; no one is immune from their occurrence both in youth and in old age.

What causes stretch marks to appear?

Stretch marks can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. sudden weight loss;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. rapid human growth accompanied by slow tissue growth;
  4. playing sports and regular physical activity;
  5. wearing clothes that don't fit properly.

What types of stretch marks are there?

Striae come in several types: some are white, others are blue-violet. It depends on what caused them and how long ago they appeared. Your doctor can determine the exact time at which stretch marks occur.

Where do stretch marks most often appear?

Most often, stretch marks appear on the body in the following places:

How to get rid of stretch marks?

There are several ways to get rid of stretch marks:

  1. use of cosmetics or medications;
  2. laser resurfacing of problem areas;
  3. the use of compresses or mud baths;
  4. massage with special essential oils;
  5. cold and hot shower.

What measures are taken to prevent stretch marks?

Dermatologists strongly recommend using a set of measures to increase skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks for people at risk (nursing and pregnant women, teenagers and athletes).

  1. A daily contrast shower increases skin elasticity and normalizes blood circulation.
  2. Exfoliation with a hard fiber washcloth and subsequent application of nourishing or moisturizing products will keep the skin smooth, improve blood circulation and increase tissue elasticity.

How to choose a remedy for stretch marks?

When choosing an effective remedy for stretch marks, you need to focus on 5 parameters.


If we are talking about cream, then it should be moderately thick and moderately liquid. In the first case, it will be difficult to rub it over the skin, in the second, the nutrients will not affect problem areas due to the low concentration and spreading of the product. Oil is always in an ethereal-liquid consistency, and it must be dosed wisely in order for its functionality to be fully revealed.


This point especially applies to pregnant women and nursing mothers who want to get rid of stretch marks. Strong odors with strong chemical ingredients can make a potential mother feel worse, worsen toxicosis, or negatively affect the central nervous system of any person. The aroma should be light, not cloying or harsh. Also, it should not eat into the skin and subsequently into clothing. In general, the product should not “remind” itself in any way.


There are creams that are designed specifically to eliminate stretch marks caused by childbearing. There are also remedies on the market for stretch marks of any type, be it stretch marks that appear during sports or during puberty. Some dermatologists say this is just a marketing ploy. Indeed, this point of view cannot be refuted - all remedies for stretch marks are aimed at eliminating them. But it’s better to find out the purpose of the cream in order to be sure of its effectiveness on a subconscious level.


By the way, the aroma almost directly reflects the composition. It is important that the ingredients are natural products, and preservatives are used in extreme cases. If the composition contains many chemical components, allergic reactions may occur, worsening dermatological problems and exacerbation of individual intolerance to the substances present.

Manufacturing company

This point especially applies to creams. It is important that the company producing it is known at least within one country. This guarantees its efficiency and reliability. Girls from Russia and the CIS countries were able to identify 2 manufacturing companies that were on the “black list” - Avon and RoC. This choice is based on the personal experience of each woman and the subsequent reaction of the body.

Why shouldn't Avon and RoC be taken?

The chemical composition of anti-stretch mark products from these manufacturers almost always causes allergic reactions on the skin. A pungent odor spoils the well-being of women. Stretch marks do not go away, no matter how much the product is used. Thus, stretch mark creams from these two companies are just a marketing ploy that you should be wary of.

10 best remedies for stretch marks in 2019

Women can afford to get rid of unpleasant stretch marks with the help of medical and cosmetic products. Oils and creams are ideal allies to achieve this goal.

5 best oils for stretch marks


Coconut oil is a natural remedy for preventing and eliminating stretch marks. It is most often used during pregnancy or puberty - moments when the skin is maximally exposed to mechanical stress. The advantage of this product is that it is natural and contains no chemical compounds.

Coconut oil contains natural antioxidants and vitamin E. They moisturize the skin and protect cell membranes from oxidation and destruction. Other important components are hyaluronic and lauric acid. They disinfect the skin and make it more elastic. Coconut oil also contains palmitic, capric and oleic acids.

Coconut oil is not a medical product and can be used very often, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimized. It nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and starts regeneration processes.

Coconut oil is used to eliminate stretch marks as follows:

  1. in the shower, apply the scrub to the body, massage the skin for 5 minutes;
  2. apply enough coconut oil to cleansed skin;
  3. after 10 minutes, rinse it off, pat the skin lightly with a towel, an invisible nourishing film will remain on it.
  1. pleasant aroma;
  2. effective removal of stretch marks;
  3. suitable for use during pregnancy;
  4. multifunctional nutritional complex;
  5. low price of coconut oil;
  6. minimal allergic reactions.
  1. It is necessary to rinse thoroughly so that no greasy film remains.

Average price: 250 rubles.


Argan oil comes from Morocco - it was in this country that women first began to use it for skin care. They saturated the skin with moisture, nourished the hair, making it shiny, and improved the growth of eyebrows. That's why Moroccan women are so beautiful and attractive.

The tradition of using argan oil for personal care has survived to this day: many pregnant women and athletes use it to improve skin elasticity and get rid of stretch marks. Argan oil contains a whole complex of substances that have a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin and hair.

Argan oil is not used alone; it is used in combination with other additional ingredients. There are a huge number of recipes for getting rid of stretch marks of different types.

  1. For stretch marks on the stomach.
    It is possible to prepare two types of nutritional mixtures:
    - mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 5 drops of neroli ether;
    - mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 3 drops of tangerine and lemon oil.
    Rub the mixture into problem areas several times a day with light massage movements.
  2. For stretch marks on the chest.
    You can prepare two types of mixtures:
    - mix 10 milliliters of argan oil and 30 milliliters of rosehip ether with 3 drops of tea tree and geranium oil, adding 2 drops of dried flowers;
    - Mix 10 milliliters of cocoa and argan butter with 60 milliliters of hazelnut ether, diluting with 20 milliliters of rosehip oil and a few drops of tangerine oil.
    The mixture should be used 2 times a day, rubbing in a circular motion into problem areas. This procedure is contraindicated for women during lactation.
  3. From old stretch marks.
    Two types of mixtures are prepared:
    - 4 tablespoons of argan oil mixed with 15 drops of coriander ether and 20 drops of grapefruit oil;
    - 6 tablespoons of argan oil mixed with 25 drops of aloe vera.
    The mixtures are applied with massage movements to the skin twice a day and left on it until completely absorbed.
  1. effective against stretch marks of various types;
  2. time-tested remedy;
  3. nutritional complex included;
  4. quick effect;
  5. affordable price.
  1. contraindicated for nursing mothers;
  2. must be used together with other essential oils.

Average price: 200 rubles.


Shea butter is a time-tested component that has excellent regenerating, restorative, nourishing and moisturizing properties. Shea butter has a delicate creamy aroma, it melts on the palms from the emanating heat.

Shea butter is used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as to increase the elasticity of the skin throughout the body. Shea butter saturates the skin with moisture, softens it, eliminates dryness, and tightens it. Stretch marks become less noticeable after using shea butter.

Use shea butter to eliminate stretch marks as follows:

  1. Rub into problem areas with massage movements before going to bed.
  1. pleasant aroma;
  2. delicate consistency;
  3. guaranteed result;
  4. Suitable for all skin types.
  1. Oil is greasy, it is necessary to protect clothes and bedding from getting it.

Average price: 200 rubles.


The component that is added to chocolate and coffee has strong nutritional, regenerating and moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter contains vitamin E, stearic, palmitoleic and oleic acids. This complex of beneficial substances guarantees quick removal of stretch marks and restoration of skin elasticity.

Cocoa butter is used to get rid of stretch marks as follows:

  1. Rub into problem areas with light circular movements; unabsorbed oil is removed by blotting with napkins.
  1. the strongest nutritional properties;
  2. the enchanting aroma of chocolate and coffee;
  3. universal application;
  4. economical consumption;
  5. quick relief from stretch marks.
  1. not a low price at all;
  2. texture is too oily.

Average price: 400 rubles.


Macadamia oil is a unique remedy for getting rid of stretch marks and preventing them. Its peculiarity is that the absence of allergic reactions is guaranteed. In addition, it is quickly absorbed, saturating the skin with moisture.

Macadamia oil contains vitamins B and PP, as well as linolenic, linoleic, oleic and palmitoleic acids. They have a powerful restorative effect on the skin. The product makes it elastic and resistant to mechanical stress.

Use macadamia nut oil to get rid of stretch marks as follows: