How to apply olive oil on your face

Olive oil is a substance that is actively used in cosmetology. It is very rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which is why its use for healing the epidermis of the face is very effective. Before using olive squeeze, you need to know how and on what areas of the skin it can be applied.

Use in its pure form

Many women doubt the possibility of using olive facial treatment. Some of them believe that this substance can clog pores and disrupt the sweat-oil balance of facial skin. Cosmetologists believe that this product can be safely used to care for the dermis of the face without the use of other impurities and additives. They claim that this product is able to affect the skin from the inside, penetrating and absorbing deeply into it.

Learn more about the benefits of olive oil in the next video.

It is believed that pure olive oil does not allow the skin to dry out; on the contrary, it nourishes and moisturizes it.

It has also been scientifically proven that this substance can make the complexion more even, beautiful and healthy. It does not clog into the pores, but penetrates deep inside and cleanses them.

Some researchers note that olives are a natural antioxidant. They can slow down the aging process of the skin, and also perfectly help in the fight against expression wrinkles. Representatives of the fair sex claim that daily application of olive oil to the skin of the face can reduce the first signs of aging. It can also make deep wrinkles less noticeable.

Can olive oil be used instead of cream? More on this in the next video.

How to apply

This product can be applied to the skin of the face either in its pure form or mixed with other beneficial natural substances. It can be used for any type of skin, it will perfectly moisturize skin prone to dryness, eliminate oily skin from sebaceous sheen, and also cleanse problematic dermis.

How to apply olive oil on your face is in the next video.

The skin of the face can be wiped with olive oil. To carry out this procedure, you need to apply a small amount of this substance to a cotton swab and blot the skin with it. This way you can remove makeup from your face and also cleanse your skin. These procedures can be performed at any time of the day. The most effective way is to use olive oil to cleanse your face twice a day.

Rubbing your face with olive oil can be a good alternative to applying moisturizers.

Regularly rubbing the skin with this product can lead to the elimination of age spots. Its daily use significantly improves the condition of the entire skin as a whole.

Rubbing the skin with olive oil helps very well in the fight against wrinkles. To improve the effect, mix it with lemon juice in equal proportions. This mixture will accelerate the regeneration processes of the skin and will also help smooth out the skin of the face. If you increase the amount of lemon juice in this mixture, you can get an excellent whitening and moisturizing agent for the face. It perfectly evens out the skin and gives it radiance.

Benefits and harms

Properly selected and 100% natural olive oil will not cause any harm to the skin. But there is also low-quality olive oil, which contains less beneficial impurities, which should not be used to avoid negative consequences. There are several varieties of this remedy. These include natural, purified, pomace and blended olive oils.

The very first variety is the most preferable. It does not contain any components other than naturally obtained olive oil. The second variety goes through several stages of purification, which can lead to the loss of a number of beneficial properties by this substance. Less preferred are blended olive oils; even if the substance is mixed with other natural oils, it may lose a lot of its properties. That is why it is necessary to purchase natural olive oil, which does not contain other ingredients.

If the substance is 100% natural, it will not cause itching or irritation.

The main feature of olive oil is that this substance is completely hypoallergenic. That is why it can be suitable even for the care of sensitive skin. Olive oil will make the skin softer and silkier. That is why many women actively use it to combat age-related changes in facial skin.

Olive oil will benefit any type of skin if you make a special cream from it. To do this, you need to mix five tablespoons of this substance, heated, with the large yolk of one egg. This mixture must be brought to a homogeneous consistency and applied to the face as a mask. After 15 minutes, it must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water. It will perfectly moisturize the skin of the face and help get rid of irritation and redness.


Many women use olive oil very often. This product is especially popular among the fair sex who have dry skin. They write that this natural product very intensively nourishes the skin and at the same time allows you to get rid of dryness and flaking. Women use this product to massage, which provides hydration. They also recommend lubricating areas with very dry and rough skin with this product.

You will learn how to make a mask with olive oil in the following video.

Some women who have oily skin indicate that this product in its pure form is not suitable for them.

They write that it is poorly absorbed and does not eliminate oily shine. Therefore, they use this product in combination with other oils, primarily essential oils. They mix olive and one of the essential oils of citrus, lavender, jojoba, sandalwood and others in a ratio of 8 to 2.

Those with oily skin indicate that they use olive oil no more than once a month. They write that with such infrequent use, this product brings them the desired result in the form of cleansing the skin.

All women are unanimous that using olive oil on the skin of the face is not only possible, but also necessary, since its spectrum of action is very wide.

It is no coincidence that the oil from the fruit of the olive tree was given the name “liquid gold”. This product has unique nutritional properties, remarkable antioxidant and moisturizing characteristics, which is why cosmetic manufacturers often include it in exclusive formulas of masks, creams and serums for facial skin.

How do you get it?

High-grade olive oil is produced using a time-consuming and labor-intensive technology that uses manual labor and has been proven over centuries. Olive trees grow in specially treated soil without the use of chemical fertilizers or chemicals. Harvest dates are determined based on the fruit's maximum ripeness, when the production liquid obtained from the olive becomes most fragrant and oily. Before harvesting, cover the soil near the olive tree to prevent the skin of fallen fruit from being damaged.

The fruits of the olive tree are most often collected by hand, trying not to damage the surface and to prevent the fruit from souring, into small containers in which the harvest is promptly transported for further grinding. The most important condition for maintaining maximum benefits of the oil is processing the fruit on the day of collection. Before grinding, the olives enter the ventilation zone, where aeration occurs and wood residues are separated. Before washing, the olives are sorted according to quality indicators, then driven through stone millstones, obtaining an oil pulp necessary for cold pressing.

Olive oil separation is typically done in one of two ways. The traditional method involves placing the pulp in special mesh containers, which are placed in tiers and subjected to compression. The first cold-pressed product is separated from the water due to the difference in density. The modern method involves separating the oil and water phases using centrifugation.

After settling, the final product is carefully checked to determine its categorization. Oil that does not meet the requirements of the highest category is subjected to refining, during which the final removal of impurity compounds occurs. Olive pomace, subjected to heat treatment with special chemicals, is used to produce a cheaper refined product.


Natural oil contains a whole range of nutrients important for the human body. The product is characterized by a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid. Olive oil also contains flavonoids, vitamin E and provitamin A.

The polyphenolic compounds contained in virgin oil have an antioxidant effect and resist the effects of free radicals on the body. They protect human organs from cancer and cardiovascular diseases, help prevent inflammatory processes on the skin, and support its local immunity.

Oil, as a nutraceutical supplement, has a positive effect on all systems of the human body and individual organs. After using olive oil, for example, tissue regeneration is noticeably activated, and active synthesis of amino acids begins: arginine and lysine, which contribute to the body’s production of the necessary energy.

Beneficial properties for the skin

Unrefined olive oil has enormous potential for nourishing, moisturizing and protective properties that skin of any type needs. The ancient peoples of Mediterranean and European countries, where the year-round hot sun actively dries out the skin and hair, well understood the benefits of olive tree oil juice and used it after gymnastics and bath procedures to give the face and body a smooth, sleek look. Later, based on olive fruits, they began to produce rubs designed to soften, moisturize and smooth the skin of the face and décolleté, massage products, as well as aromatic compositions.

In the modern world, this precious product is readily used by perfumery and cosmetics concerns to produce nourishing masks and moisturizing creams that have beneficial effects on the skin. Products containing a storehouse of natural vitamins and fatty acids rejuvenate, tone and protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of the environment.

You can learn even more about the benefits of using olive oil for the face in the following video.


Surprisingly, olive oil, being an active natural product for maintaining youth and beauty, in some cases can be harmful to health. Before using the oil in its pure form or a cosmetic product with an oil formula, people prone to allergies should check the body's reaction. To do this, apply a small amount to an area with thin, sensitive skin, such as behind the ear. If no allergic reaction occurs, the product can be safely used.

Before using oil preparations on skin that has very enlarged pores, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face and try to narrow the pores with special products. Otherwise, the oil film can further lead to clogging of pores, already contaminated with sebum and dust, and the occurrence of an inflammatory process on the skin.

The oil should be used with caution on very oily, shiny facial skin that is prone to inflammation and rashes. In any case, it is necessary to first test the effect of an oil-containing product.

Application in cosmetology

Olive oil, which has universal properties, in its pure form or as a component of caring cosmetic formulations, performs the following functions:

  1. promotes effective cleaning and maintaining the integrity of the structure of the epidermis;
  2. restores the beautiful appearance of problematic oily skin;
  3. maintains fat balance and helps moisturize very dry skin prone to flaking;
  4. heals and rejuvenates the epidermis when signs of aging occur;
  5. regenerates skin that suffers from production factors, household and seasonal changes in temperature and humidity;
  6. softens the negative effects of solar beach insolation and artificial tanning in a solarium on the skin.
  7. helps to achieve good elasticity of the tissue and acquire skin tone during the process of therapeutic and prophylactic massage.

Recipes for effective masks

Cosmetologists consider proper cleansing and the use of masks to be the simplest and most effective methods of facial skin care at home. To achieve the greatest effect, it is better to use slightly warmed olive oil.

It is advisable to wipe your face daily with a cotton pad with warm oil in the morning an hour before going outside and in the evening before bed. You can remove excess product from skin prone to dryness using a damp towel. Excess oil from oily facial skin can be easily blotted off with a paper napkin. The procedure promotes better opening and cleaning of pores and refreshes the skin. To enhance the effect, care can be completed by applying a moisturizer.

Regular use of oil on the delicate skin around the eyes instead of cream allows you to eliminate a network of fine wrinkles and get rid of deep facial “crow’s feet”. The product is applied in a thin layer without effort and left for about half an hour, then lightly blot off the excess with a napkin.

Having set the goal of obtaining unusually elastic and smooth skin of the face and body, you must constantly use a mixture of pureed avocado and olive oil at a ratio of one to one. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove the remainder with a damp towel.

The health of a normal skin type will be supported by a paste of one tablespoon of rice, oatmeal or wheat flour with a spoon of olive oil. The mask must be carefully applied to the face, neck and upper chest. After holding for about 20 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with warm water, then with water at room temperature.

A paste of equal parts olive oil and any fruit puree, applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and décolleté, will help to improve the health of a face with acne-prone skin. Keep the product for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water.

Sensitive dermis can be delicately nourished with a mask consisting of one chopped fresh cucumber mixed with half a banana and two tablespoons of olive oil. The nourishing substance is applied for 25 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

The desire to get rid of wrinkles leads women to be ready to try the most incredible and exotic methods of smoothing their skin. Meanwhile, there is a natural and absolutely safe remedy - olive oil for the face.

Composition of olive oil

Olive oil for the face against wrinkles, used for cosmetic purposes, is essentially no different from the product that is used in food. This is a greenish oily liquid with a rich vitamin and mineral composition, obtained by squeezing the fruits of the olive tree.

Olive tree fruit oil contains:

  1. triglycerides;
  2. polyphenol;
  3. vitamins;
  4. squalene;
  5. minerals;
  6. carotenoids;
  7. chlorophyll;
  8. pheophytin.

Each of these components has a positive effect on the skin. Vitamin E relieves dryness, helps cell regeneration, stimulates collagen production, thereby slowing down the sagging of fibers. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant; it strengthens cell membranes and accelerates the elimination of toxins. All this helps the skin remain tight and elastic.

Fatty acids regulate lipid metabolism in tissues, which helps retain moisture in the deep layers of the skin, and this property helps the skin not to thin and remain toned for a long time.

Triglycerides strengthen capillaries, which prevents the formation of spider veins under the skin. The positive effect of acids on collagen fibers prevents tissue withering and aging. Carotenoids in the oil are responsible for a healthy complexion, and chlorophyll improves the delivery of oxygen to cells and helps the skin look fresh.

Benefits of olive oil for the face

The oil has a multifaceted effect on the skin of the face.

If we summarize the beneficial properties of the oil, then the main directions of its action will be as follows:

  1. reduces stretch marks;
  2. eliminates dryness;
  3. rejuvenates, smoothes the relief;
  4. heals microcracks;
  5. prevents the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.

A person who is regularly cared for using this product looks healthy, the skin literally glows, and it feels soft and silky to the touch.

Who is it suitable for?

When answering the question about the appropriateness of using olive oil for cosmetic purposes, it is easier to say who it is not suitable for than to list all the cases when this oil is indicated for use. You can start making applications from a very young age.

The oil helps to cope with the characteristics of problematic skin, it eliminates excessive dryness, is useful for aging and fading skin, removes dark circles under the eyes and copes with spider veins.

Due to the presence of squalene, the use of the product for cosmetic purposes is indicated for those who suffer from eczema, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. The most pronounced effect is found in cases of dryness and flaking.

How to use olive oil

Olive oil for the face against wrinkles is very often used as a peeling, moisturizing and cleansing agent.

Peeling using the product is done as follows. The face is kept above the steam for 5-10 minutes, this is necessary to expand the pores.

The oil is mixed with ground rice or bran 1:1. The mixture is applied to the face and neck, covered with a cotton napkin.

Leave the application for 15 minutes and wash off with warm boiled water using a sponge. This procedure provides deep cleaning of pores and moisturizing of tissues. For those with oily skin, it is useful to add lemon juice to the water for washing after peeling.

Face wrinkle masks

The first wrinkles appear at the age of 26-30, and other skin problems often arise even earlier.

There are several types of masks that are used according to the characteristics of the skin:

  1. Eliminates oily shine. In a small container mix 1 tbsp. l. oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. A homogeneous mixture is applied to problem areas for 10-15 minutes. The procedure using these components dries out the skin.
  2. Eliminate dryness. Mix 2 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tbsp. l. full-fat sour cream (cream), egg (or quail) yolk. Apply to the skin, leave for 15 minutes, and gently rinse with water.
  3. Smoothing wrinkles. The white of one chicken or quail egg is beaten and mixed with 2 tbsp. l. oils Use in the usual way. The mixture tightens the skin well, but dries it slightly.
  4. Whitening and nutrition. Grind 5 bean grains, add 2 tbsp. l. oils, mix and apply to face. After 15-20 minutes, the mass is washed off.
  5. Relieving irritation. Olive tree fruit oil (2 tbsp) is mixed with a decoction of chamomile, thyme and mint (1 tbsp) until emulsified. Apply the prepared emulsion to the skin, cover with a paper napkin, leave for 15-20 minutes, and remove in the traditional way.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than the rest of the face, so the use of ingredients such as egg white or white clay in this area is undesirable. Components that strongly tighten the skin can damage its surface layer and lead to microcracks and irritation.

The following combinations are recommended:

  1. crushed fresh herbs (mint, chamomile, dill) + oil;
  2. butter + egg yolk;
  3. oil with added vitamin E;
  4. aloe juice + olive oil;
  5. olive oil + honey

When adding liquid components (honey, aloe juice, yolk), the proportions are approximately 1:1. The mask is applied with gentle movements without stretching the skin. Remove it 10-15 minutes after application. As a final procedure, apply a moisturizer.

Masks for eyelid skin

Olive oil for the face against wrinkles is successfully used not only in the area around the eyes, but also on the eyelids themselves. Applying mask components to this part of the body can be difficult. Liquid components easily drain from the spherical surface and risk getting into the eyes, so components that can irritate the eye mucosa are not added to eye masks.

Adding thickening components to its composition (oatmeal or rice flour, ground bran) will help to avoid the mask from dripping. The same masks that are recommended for application around the eyes are suitable for the eyelids. The mass should not be allowed to dry completely on delicate areas of the face (due to the risk of skin tightening).

Anti-wrinkle compresses

Olive oil compresses involve applying a mask in the form of a wet application with the addition of liquid ingredients, often heated. The value of the compress is that it penetrates the skin of the face faster and better, moisturizes well, and smoothes out wrinkles. Drying and tightening of tissues after its use is excluded.

The compress is done as follows:

  1. prepare the mask components;
  2. mix them until smooth;
  3. warm up slightly;
  4. dipped cotton fabric cut to fit the face into the mixture;
  5. apply a compress to the face;
  6. cover with a terry towel on top;
  7. stand for 25-30 minutes;
  8. wash off with light massage movements.

The compress can be made based on the following combinations:

  1. olive oil + burdock;
  2. olive oil + decoction of medicinal herbs;
  3. olive oil + baker's yeast;
  4. olive oil + honey and lemon juice;
  5. olive oil + quail egg.

Compositions for the skin around the lips

Olive oil for the face against wrinkles is great for the skin around the lips. The first wrinkles appear in this area early, so caring for it with nourishing masks is mandatory. The skin around the mouth is not as thin as around the eyes, therefore, the list of products suitable for such applications is quite wide.

Nourishing and smoothing masks based on a combination of olive extract with berries and fruits are often used here. Being applied in close proximity to the olfactory organs, such an application has an additional aromatherapy effect.

The following are good additions to masks intended for this area:

The latter fruit is especially good for problems with dryness and flaking of lips, and the strawberry component has a slight whitening property. You can add a teaspoon of white clay to any of the listed mixtures. This will increase the cleansing properties of the procedure.


A scrub based on olive oil extract with the addition of exfoliating components has good regenerating properties. Abrasive components cleanse the face of dead skin particles and pore impurities, and the oil helps renew cells and restore its elasticity.

The following mixtures can be used as a scrub:

  1. granulated sugar (4 tbsp.) + olive oil (2 tbsp.);
  2. coffee grounds (3 tbsp) + butter (2 tbsp);
  3. sea ​​salt (3 tbsp) + oil (2 tbsp).

It is important to follow the basic rules for using scrubs. They should not be applied to irritated or damaged skin.

Thin and sensitive skin should also not be treated with abrasive substances. Scrubs are not applied to steamed skin. It only needs to be slightly moistened. Properly used product allows you to deeply clean fabrics at home.


Not everyone knows, but using oil you can make not only the usual masks and scrubs, but also lotions. They perfectly cleanse and refresh the skin and their properties are almost as good as store-bought ones.

  1. Cucumber Olive Lotion. Prepared from cucumber juice (4 tbsp), olive oil (3 tbsp), baking soda (1/2 tsp). The components must be shaken until they form an emulsion. The prepared product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. The lotion must be applied morning and evening.
  2. Rose olive lotion. Use rose water (3 tbsp) and olive oil (3 tbsp). The mixture is shaken until smooth, stored in the refrigerator for 10-14 days, and used as needed.
  3. Lotion with aloe juice. To prepare the cosmetic product, use olive oil (4 tbsp), almond oil (1 tsp), glycerin (1 tsp), aloe juice (3 tbsp).

You can add a little (3-5 drops) of your favorite essential oil to any lotion for aromatization.

Homemade face cream based on olive oil

At home, it is quite possible to make homemade face cream based on olive oil. Making the cream yourself has a number of advantages: you can control the quality of all its components yourself and avoid the use of harmful chemicals, which are full of industrially produced creams. In addition, you can choose your own flavorings.

Procedure for preparing a cosmetic product:

  1. Emulsion wax (available online) is mixed in a glass container with olive oil. Ratio 1:1.
  2. Heat the components in a microwave oven for 1 minute at a temperature of 60 degrees.
  3. Water (200 ml) is heated to 50 degrees. Add 20-25 drops of essential aromatic oil, chosen to your taste.
  4. All components are connected together. If the mixture turns white, it means everything was done correctly.
  5. Store the cream in a cool, dark place. Use as a regular cream, as needed.

Olive oil facial massage

A massage using olive oil will help smooth out fine wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and restore a healthy appearance to the skin. To enhance the effect, ordinary tablespoons are often used as a tool. They are heated or cooled, wanting to achieve a contrast effect. Alternating heat and cold helps to tone the tissues.

According to these lines, it is recommended to massage facial wrinkles with olive oil

The prepared instruments are dipped into oil and the skin is smoothed with massage movements. You should move according to the massage lines. You can do tapping movements. The massage lasts 10-15 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the face is cleaned of oil using warm water and a cotton pad. Instead of spoons, you can use your fingertips for the procedure, first dipping them into warm or cold oil.

Makeup removal with olive oil

The oil has an excellent ability to dissolve and remove any impurities from the skin, so it is often used to remove makeup. Makeup removal is carried out in the evening, before bedtime. The sponge is dipped in olive oil and the remaining makeup is removed from the face with gentle movements.

To remove excess fat and prevent the formation of a greasy film on the face, which prevents cell respiration, after removing makeup, it is advisable to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Use instead of cream

Olive oil has almost all the same properties that are inherent in modern creams intended for the care of the skin of the face and hands. You can expect it to moisturize, soften, lightly tighten and smooth the skin.

The oil will bring the most pronounced effect to those with dry and normal skin. If you are prone to fat content, the oil should be used in combination with acidifying components (kefir, lemon juice). If you have acne, oil can make the situation worse.

Recommendations for the use of olive oil from cosmetologists

General recommendations from cosmetologists for the use of olive oil for cosmetic purposes are as follows:

  1. Avoid using natural oil if you have acne or oily skin;
  2. do not use oil too often;
  3. It is better to use the product for evening care;
  4. 5-10 minutes after application, remove excess oil with a cotton pad;
  5. It is advisable to use emulsions based on olive oil and water components.

Following these tips will help keep your skin looking healthy, youthful and fresh.

Possible harm

Olive oil is considered a valuable, healthy product; rave reviews about it can be read on many cosmetology websites. However, this product is not as harmless as it might seem.

Oil forms a thin film on the surface of the skin that prevents cell respiration, as a result of which skin cells (especially those prone to oiliness) become clogged with grease and dirt. Therefore, too frequent and excessive use of the product can lead to an effect that is directly opposite to the desired one.


The use of natural anti-wrinkle remedies is popular among women. Many people strive to use olive oil and products based on it for facial care. But you should be aware that cosmetics containing this product in large quantities may have undesirable effects.

It is recommended to refrain from using the product for cosmetic purposes if:

  1. increased oily skin;
  2. facial hyperhidrosis;
  3. acne;
  4. allergic reactions and irritations.

If any negative skin reactions to this product are detected, it is recommended to stop using it. The appearance of blackheads, pimples, inflamed and irritated areas on the face is a reason to stop using oil.

Reviews on the use of olive oil for the face

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about the use of this product for cosmetic purposes. Olive oil has a good reputation and its uses have a rich history.

After applying the oil, the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles become much less noticeable, the complexion becomes fresh, the contours are tightened, and all these characteristics together make it possible to say that olive oil really helps.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about olive oil for the face

Benefits and uses of olive oil for the face: