What is the name of the disease when the skin peels off?

Peeling skin is a normal physiological process. When the skin is severely dry, for any reason, it begins to peel off and small or larger scales appear.

Peeling of the skin may increase during the cold season, which is associated with low atmospheric humidity and heating of the premises; under the influence of frequent washing with harsh soap; in older people, due to decreased function of the sebaceous glands, the skin dries faster.

Dry and flaky skin may be accompanied by the following skin problems and diseases:

· various damage to the skin;

· skin irritations;

Inflammation due to sunburn;

· the effects of poison ivy toxins;

  1. If peeling skin is accompanied by severe itching.
  2. If peeling skin is complicated by inflammation or infection.
  3. If you notice the appearance of fish scale-like skin (even if it is not itchy at first) on your lower legs.
  4. If your home treatment has not been successful after three weeks.

Home remedies for flaky skin.

Many factors contribute to peeling skin, but treatment requires one thing: moisturizing. To reduce skin flaking, you can try the following methods:

· use soft, high-fat soaps or shower gel for washing;

· after the bath, you need to dry your skin thoroughly, blotting it with a towel rather than rubbing it, so as not to cause irritation;

· After washing, apply moisturizing cream with olive oil to the entire body;

· Wear smooth, organic cotton clothing to avoid irritation.

Symptoms of the disease - Peeling skin

Peeling skin

Peeling is an excess of dead epidermal cells that arise as a result of disruption of the processes of keratinization and rejection.

What diseases cause peeling skin:

— Dry cracked erythema (erythema craquele)
— Ichthyosis dominant (scales in the shape of a quadrangle) (hereditary disease, manifested by peeling and dry skin)
— Ichthyosis X-linked (scales in the shape of a quadrangle)
— Lupus erythematosus (scales in the shape of pushpins) (systemic disease, i.e. not only skin manifestations, but also damage to internal organs)
— Pityriasis rosea (collar-shaped scales)
– Psoriasis (silver flaking)
— Scarlet fever (fine peeling on the body) (infectious disease)
- Seborrheic dermatitis
— Syphilis (secondary)
— Fungal infections (dermatophytes)
— Pityriasis versicolor (variegated; fungal disease)
— Xerosis (dry skin)
— Scarlet fever (hands and feet) (infectious disease)

Which doctors should you contact if peeling skin occurs:

— Dermatologist
— Allergist (for allergic diseases)
— Surgeon (for purulent processes, e.g. carbuncle, furuncle, etc., especially with multiple or large elements)
— Infectious disease specialist (for infectious diseases)
— Neuropathologist (for herpes zoster, since the nervous system is involved)
— Oncologist (for neoplasms)

Are you worried about peeling skin? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor – clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study external signs and help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

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Do you have peeling skin? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor. in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

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Other symptoms of diseases starting with the letter Ш:

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Symptom: Peeling skin

Dry skin is usually caused by environmental factors, but can lead to common skin conditions that manifest as flaking skin.

Ichthyosis is the formation of scales on the skin and is transmitted hereditarily. Damage to the skin of the trunk and on the extensor surfaces of the extremities occurs (in the form of gray-black, whitish layers of scales).

Xeroderma is a mild variant of ichthyosis (slight roughness of the skin in the extensor surfaces of the skin of the extremities). X-linked ichthyosis is a disease caused by an inherited deficiency of steroid sulfatase. Main symptoms include peeling skin (on the neck, trunk and lower extremities).

Lupus erythematosus affects mainly women; pink spots with clear boundaries are observed, which are gradually covered in the center with small, dry grayish-white scales.

Psoriasis appears as red spots and pink plaques on the head, elbows and knees, and in the lower back.

When you get scarlet fever, on the 2nd day a bright pink, pinpoint rash appears on the skin all over your body. Peeling of the skin appears in the second week of illness.

Pathologies of the digestive tract, nervous and autonomic systems, disruption of the endocrine system, infections are the causes of the development of seborrheic dermatitis, this is a disease of the skin rich in sebaceous glands, which causes redness and flaking of the skin. If the scalp is affected, scales (dandruff) form.

With secondary syphilis, mild peeling of surfaces is noted. Fungal skin infections are accompanied by peeling skin, itching and burning, and blisters. Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin that can appear on any part of the body (a ring-shaped, circular rash accompanied by peeling).

Peeling of the skin due to what diseases

Dry fissuring erythema, ichthyosis, lupus erythematosus, pityriasis rosea, scarlet fever, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infections (dermatophytes), pityriasis versicolor, syphilis (secondary), xerosis.

Which doctors should I contact if I have peeling skin?

— Allergist
— Dermatologist
— Infectious disease specialist
— Neuropathologist
— Oncologist
- Surgeon

Peeling and dry skin

Symptoms similar to dry skin:

• Winter dry skin • Xeroderma • Dry skin

Dry skin. Medically known as dry skin or xeroderma, it is usually caused by environmental factors, although dry skin can also lead to some of the most common skin conditions. An inherited skin condition known as ichthyosis, although very rare, can also cause flaking and dry skin. Even systemic conditions (conditions that affect the entire body) can lead to dry skin. One example is hypothyroidism, which reduces the activity of the glands that produce skin secretions. Some medications, including skin retinoids and some antihistamines and diuretics, can cause dry skin as a side effect.

Dry skin can be associated with symptoms including flaking, itching, dullness, redness, pain, and cracked skin.

Dry skin is treated with moisturizing creams and lotions. If inflammatory skin conditions are associated with dry skin, treatment is directed at the underlying condition.

Diseases that cause dry skin

• Atopic dermatitis
• Dandruff (seborrhea)
• Dehydration
• Diabetes
• Eczema
• Hypothyroidism (especially with hypothyroidism, the skin on the elbows peels)
• pilaris, keratosis pilaris
• Psoriasis
• Sunburn (sun poisoning)

Possible causes of dry skin

• Aging
• Bathing in hot water
• Contact dermatitis
• Frequent washing
• Harsh skin scrubber
• Harsh Soap and Personal Care
• Large chlorinated pools and hot tubs
• Ichthyosis vulgaris
• Low humidity
• Malnutrition
• Medicines Side effects
• Neurodermatitis (lichen Simplex Chronicus)
• Vitamin A deficiency
• Weather and seasonal factors (skin is usually dry in winter conditions)

Peeling skin - an excess of dead epidermal cells that arise as a result of disruption of the processes of keratinization and rejection.

Peeling of the skin is observed in the following diseases:

  1. Ringworm from pityriasis versicolor to lamellar
  2. Dry fissured erythema (erythema craquele)
  3. Ichthyosis dominant (scales in the shape of a quadrangle) (hereditary disease, manifested by peeling and dry skin)
  4. Ichthyosis X-linked (quadrangle-shaped scales)
  5. Lupus erythematosus (scales in the shape of pushpins) (systemic disease, i.e. not only skin manifestations, but also damage to internal organs)
  6. Pityriasis rosea (collar-shaped scales)
  7. Psoriasis (silver flaking)
  8. Scarlet fever (fine peeling on the body) (infectious disease)
  9. Seborrheic dermatitis
  10. Syphilis (secondary)
  11. Fungal infections (dermatophytic)
  12. Pityriasis versicolor (= multi-colored; fungal disease)
  13. Xerosis (dry skin)
  14. Scarlet fever (hands and feet) (infectious disease)

Which doctor should you contact if you have dry and flaky skin?

  1. dermatologist
  2. allergist (for allergic diseases)
  3. surgeon (for purulent processes, e.g. carbuncle, furuncle, etc., especially with multiple or large elements)
  4. infectious disease specialist (for infectious diseases)
  5. neurologist (for herpes zoster, since the nervous system is involved)
  6. oncologist (for neoplasms)
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Peeling skin occurs at any age in women. In men, this symptom rarely appears, only if it accompanies a serious illness. How to determine when peeling is not dangerous and when it indicates skin diseases? We will tell you about the most important criteria and help you solve the problem. So, what are the causes and how to get rid of peeling skin?

What is peeling skin

Peeling is the appearance of scales of dead epidermis on the skin surface. This process occurs in every person, but is usually unnoticeable. Under the influence of a variety of factors, large quantities of the stratum corneum are rejected.

When they talk about peeling, they usually mean xerosis - this is dry skin that does not have any pathological reasons. It is believed that dry skin is just a skin type, so nothing needs to be treated in this case. In fact, treatment is required, only it is expressed in high-quality hydration. If you ignore xerosis, comedones may appear, early skin aging and other problems may occur.

Sometimes peeling is associated with dysfunction of internal organs and sensitization of the body. In this case, not only hydration is required, but also other measures related to the treatment of the underlying cause of the symptom.

Elena Malysheva will talk about what peeling facial skin is in the video below:


Peeling can be divided into pathological and physiological.

  1. In the second case, the process of rejection of dead cells is at a normal level.
  2. With pathological peeling, this process intensifies.

Classification is carried out according to the size of the scales:

  1. lamellar (psoriasis);
  2. pityriasis (rubrophytia, lichen);
  3. large-lamellar (lupus, erythroderma).

How to identify yourself

Peeling can be abundant or small, it all depends on the root cause of the disease. The duration of the symptom is directly related to the pathology. It may not go away for several years, only occasionally fading away.

  1. Yellow peeling color is characteristic of seborrhea,
  2. white the shade indicates psoriasis,
  3. A dark scales indicate ichthyosis.

The skin at the site of the symptom may become saturated with exudate and form a crust.

You should consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  1. development of pustules in the area of ​​peeling,
  2. severe itching
  3. infection,
  4. peeling has spread to the legs,
  5. Bubbles and spots appeared.

What does peeling of the scalp, on the face, palms, fingers and toes indicate, what skin diseases may the symptom indicate?

Diseases and disorders

A number of skin diseases and problems are accompanied by peeling:

  1. seborrhea,
  2. allergy,
  3. irritation,
  4. psoriasis,
  5. skin injuries,
  6. sunburn,
  7. hypothyroidism,
  8. demodicosis,
  9. inflammation, inflammation
  10. helminthiasis,
  11. hormonal disbalance,
  12. eczema,
  13. toxins,
  14. neurosis,
  15. lichen,
  16. ichthyosis,
  17. scarlet fever,
  18. xerosis,
  19. lupus erythematosus,
  20. gastrointestinal diseases,
  21. fungus,
  22. syphilis,
  23. diabetes.

This symptom does not always indicate any disease.

  1. For example, the skin begins to peel more when there is a lack of moisture or in winter.
  2. In older people, the mechanism of occurrence of the symptom is a purely physiological change, since the sebaceous glands simply cease to function normally.
  3. Peeling also occurs from frequent washing with soap and prolonged exposure to a room with low humidity and high air temperature.

We will tell you below how to treat severe peeling of the skin of the face and other parts of the body due to irritation, itching, dryness, and redness.

Useful tips on how to get rid of flaking skin are contained in the video below:

How to deal with the problem

Traditional solutions

If you are only concerned about peeling, then you can try to deal with it yourself. If no improvement is noted within 2-3 weeks, you should visit a dermatologist.

Treating the symptom requires moisturizing, as this will help prevent the appearance of new skin flakes. When treating, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. Wear clothes with natural ingredients.
  2. Take a course of vitamins A and E, group B.
  3. For washing, choose soap with a moisturizing effect. This product usually contains a large amount of fat.
  4. After water procedures, it is advisable to moisturize the skin.
  5. Lubricate the skin surface with any ointment containing dexpanthenol. The medication will not only solve the problem of peeling, but will also reduce inflammation and irritation.
  6. Hydrocortisone ointment. Use it for no more than 14 days.

The doctor selects other healing compounds based on what caused the symptom.

Are there special ointments for peeling and itching of the skin that you can make yourself? Let's find out further.

Folk remedies

If there is no inflammation, severe itching or other unusual symptoms during peeling, indicating, for example, eczema, then you can resort to traditional medicine methods. There are a lot of recipes for moisturizing:

  1. Boil oatmeal in milk, mix the required amount of porridge with butter and honey, and then apply to the face. It is advisable to find olive oil for the recipe, as it will not create a film on the skin. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
  2. After washing your face, take honey, add a little water to it and massage the resulting product onto your skin using circular movements.
  3. Rubbing with watermelon, apple, and cucumber juice prevents peeling.
  4. Flax seeds (2 tablespoons) are boiled in 2 glasses of water until a paste is obtained. It is removed and the broth is filtered. This is what needs to be applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Then the product is washed off with water.
  5. Mash the banana, mix with cream (2 tsp). Keep it on the skin for up to 15 minutes, and then wipe the skin with linden decoction.

To achieve the effect, you need to repeat the masks. In total, the course includes about 20 procedures; no more than three procedures can be done per week.

The video below shows the girl, using her own example, how to protect your skin from peeling in winter: