How to Recognize Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and exciting events in a woman’s life. But how do you know if you're pregnant? For most women, the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. But some women already at the moment of conception feel that they are pregnant. It happens that your husband is the first to notice your “interesting situation” - this seems completely fantastic. But still...

In order to finally verify their pregnancy, our mothers consulted a doctor only after they had not had menstruation for two months. But we can stop doubting this much sooner thanks to recent advances in medicine. Currently, there are several methods that allow early recognition of pregnancy.

A urine test for the presence of the hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the most common method for determining pregnancy. The HCG hormone begins to be produced as early as the sixth day after conception, and its amount in a woman’s body constantly increases until about the sixtieth day of fetal development, when it reaches its peak. This hormone causes chemicals in the urine to change color, which can be used to perform a color pregnancy test. The ring test can also be used to determine pregnancy at home using a urine test.

However, there are other methods that can help recognize pregnancy without any laboratory tests. For example, three to four days after a missed period, you can measure the temperature in the rectum. This must be done in the morning, as soon as you wake up and without getting out of bed. If your temperature rises above 37 degrees, and you are completely healthy, there is every reason to consider yourself pregnant.

You may also notice other symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy, such as morning sickness, increased fatigue, and breast tenderness. But these signs may be associated with other reasons, so it is better to use more accurate methods for determining pregnancy.

In any case, if you suspect that you may be pregnant, it is better to consult a doctor for more accurate and reliable pregnancy tests. Early detection of pregnancy can help keep mother and baby healthy and allow you to start preparing for the birth of your baby early.